Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 06, 1919, Home Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR NO LIQUIDATION OFU.S. HOLDINGS, SAYS DELBRUECK BERLIN, August 6. (By Asso ciated Press.) —Germany has not liquidated American private or busi ness property, Clemens \on Del brueck, acting Minister of Justice, told the Associated Press correspond nnt today. He declared that Ger many did, on March 4, 1918, issue a ruling whereby the liquidation was permitted because America already had done the same. While America carried out this liquidation measure, the minister said that Germany never did so, but on the contrary, merely regulated and administered American property. “When this administration is remov ed the Americans will have their free property again,” said Her. ' on Del- , brueck “In no single ease has Germany touched or violated American trade marks,” continued the minister. In the rase of patents we distributed licenses tor their use by Germans in five eases but we never declared American patents null or void. “American patents and trade marks might be limited in Germany by an act of January 3, 1918, if it lay in the public interest and a Ger man could have, under certain cir cumstances a license to use an Am erican patent. This order was is sued because America, long before had passed a similar law and operat ed tjn general. Germany was par ticularly hesitating in all these ques tions notwithstanding America pass ed a pretentious ’:.w of this kind, < becau-e G ?rmany hoped to be able i soon to resume friendly business re lations with the United States.” The Ministry of Justice quoted A. I Mitchell Palmer, former Alien Prop- ' eryt Custodian of America, as having ! declared in his report to the United 1 States senate in February last that Germany had done the same as Am erica in liquidating alien property but had always been a little ahead of America in doing so. “It is false to say Ihat Germany preceeded America and correct to say that Germany only used retalia tion,” said the minister. , GROCER UP AGAINST IT “I have been up against it for past 3 years suffering from pain in my > stomach and side until I was con sidering giving up my grocery busi ness. Doctors and medicin e did not help me. I heard of Mayr’s Won derful Remedy through a friend in Buffalo. The first dose gave me more benefit- than all the medicine I had taken before and am now’ feeling as well as ever in my life.” It is a simple"; harmless preparation that re moves th e catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the in flammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ment , including appendicitis. One dose wdll convince or money refund ed. For sale a tHow-ell’s Pharm acy and druggists everywhere, adv. ITALIAN FOOD RIOTS STUDIED BY BRITISH LONDON, August 6. (By Asso ciated Press.) —Th e food riots in Italy and agitations elsewher e on the Continent are focusing attention on the continued increase in the prices of food and clothing in this coun try. Public feling, judged by pro testing letters to the press and the talk one hears in restaurants and private homes, is mounting to the point of extreme indignation. News papers are devoting much space to this subject and warning the government that unless it takes ac tion to curb profiteering, trouble may b<> expected this winter. Th e gov ernment’s recent announcement that its present modified food control would be continued at least through the winter does not appear to have appeased the public, and the demand is widely made for a return to the strict wartime regulations. There is great discontent among small househoulders. One writes to a London paper complaining of high fruit and declaring ‘those who buy and sell seem to have gone mad jn their get-rich-quick craze and their impertinence in what they charge th e public is something gross.” The same writer, discussing the “extortion on clothing,” quotes the announcement made in the House of Commons the other day that the high price of woolen garments is not due to short supplies or government charges, and that the stocks of wool in this country ar e th e greatest ever known. “If that is so,” the writer com ments, “why are all woolen goods famine prices, and why does a man’s suit of clothes cost anything from eight to eighteen guineas (S4O to S9O) ? Why is the profiteering al lowed ? The Ministry of Munitions officials who made the announcement regard ing woo] said that the bulk of the responsibility for the high prices of woolen goods lay between th e man who makes the cloth and the dealer. H e said the government was consider ing action to prevent profiteering. AMERICUS SOCIAL EVENTS Department Conducted by Mrs. H. B. Allen. Office Phone 99; Residence, 466. MRS. ANDREWS WILL ENTER TAIN THURSDAY CLUB. Mrs. D. R. Andrews will be the Thursday Bridge club’s hostess to morrow morning at 10:30 o’clock at her home on Taylor street. » * » CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB TO MEET ON FRIDAY. The Chrysanthemum club will meet on Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock with Mrs. Joe Poole a t her home on Church street. Members are urged to be present. • * • M’SS EASTERLIN WILL ENTER TAIN HOUSE PARTY. Miss Thelma Easterlin will enter tain at a house party the guests ar riving tomorrow. A number of parties and dances are planned for them beginnig with a dance on Fri day evening. In the party will be Miss Sadie Evans and Miss Westcott, of Chattanooga; Miss Mary King and Miss Kitty Birdsey, of Macon, Miss Agnes Hood, of Commerce. I♦ * * DINNER FOR MISS RUTH COUNCIL I Mr. George Weyman was .host at 1 a pretty dinner party Monday even i ing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weyman, on East : Fourteenth street, in compliment to Miss Ruth Council, of Americus, the guest of Miss Wilmotine Perdue. The daintily appointed table was graced with baskets filled with bright summer blossoms. Covers were laid forte Journal. ♦ * • W. C ,C. S. WILL ENTERTAIN ON SATURDAY NIGHT | The W. C. C. S. social at which ; the soldiers w;ll b e entertained on (Saturday evening at 8:30 o'clock is being eagerly anticipated and a large crowd is expected to attend. A com mittee of ladies will serve alternately from each of the churches and on Saturday night’s reception com mittee will be Mrs. James Davenport, Mrs. J. E. Mathis, Mrs. C. O. Niles and Mrs. H. B. Allen from the Epis copal church. These ladies will ap- , point a committee of young ladies to assist them in serving refresh- ; ments and entertaining the guests of the evening. All soldiers at Souther j Field and the returned soldiers are invited as well as the young ladies of Americus. This will be the first : of a series of socials to be'given on Saturday night in each week. . - How Nuxated Iron Helped Put Me In Such Superb Condition As To Enable Me To Whip Jess Willard And Win The World’s Championship JACK DEMPSEY “TIGER OF THE RING” pSr® * Tells a Secret of His Training— Recommends Nuxated Iron To Every ... Man and Woman Who Wants To _____ Build Greater "'' x Strsngth, Energy and Power X . Today rcc.izi 1 ;is t:ic phys- fe? ; ' ; ical sv.pcri*>r to a:>.y li\ ;;iy — the St:pern' ot the .\;;v —J ack 1 >cnip<cy. 1 icav•• iy’d Uhani- feau.WK . I ion ; f the world, e.x]dains be- ggjlft 1 low the part Xuxated Iron RmL' played in helping to prepare him for the supreme test of his career. In his decisive, smashing JfaMHMHMHBL victory over the mighty \\ illard who fIMH'•| mWBMMo had never before been knocked from JNBHL his h-i •. I h-mpscy displayed a dynamic X •>,? (iverv.T.i 1n..;: g strength and power never before known in the history of the ring. That lie took Xuxated X* Iron as a part of his training is con- w ’ l vincing evidence of the importance Dempsey attached to keeping his AjjjfeK/' blood rich in strength-giving iron, and the high regard in which he 1: dds Xuxated Iron as a master to reports Wrag Strength and blood builder. s <-f unreservedly in the -n hands >f expert trainers In a statement made at his training quarters in T ■!. In, the scene of the big 1 battle, Tack Dempsey said: “After com- 1 mencing the use of Nuxated Iron during » my training f r the big fight with Jess B Willard, I soon noticed that 1 could fl stand harder strains with less fatigue jfl than before, and I realized that I had JR found a tonic and blood builder which played an important part in ■&' getting me into fme condition. For- ft merly I hi I r 1 solely ujion If strength-building f > Is and outdoor / exercise to kr. p my blood rich in red fti' c -puscles, but with the World’s Championship at stake, I felt that I should leave nothing undone that might help me to w in. I was advis* d of the great value of Nuxated Iron for building up the blood, strengthening the nerves and ai ling in keep ing the body lit, and I am firmly convinced that its use has helped to wonderfully in crease my stamina and endurance. Nuxated Iron put added power behind my punch and helped me to accomplish what I did at Toledo. From the results in my own case where the possession of super endurance is necessary, I feel that I am in a position to strongly recommend Nuxa’ed Iron to every man and woman who wants to build greater strength, energy and power.” In connection with the foregoing state ment made by Jack Dempsey, Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, said: “The methods of training adopted by Willard and Dempsey may have had a great deal to do with the outcome of this light. I MISS BBOONE WILL WED i THOMAS W. WEST. ! The following from the Macon News will b e read with interest by j the friends of the bride who has fre- : quently visited Americus as the guest of her aunt, Miss Maria Harrold: Invitations were received Monday | by friends in the city of Mr. and Mrs. j Tolar Harrold Boone to the wedding I of their daughter, Anna Lewis to Mr. ( Thomas Whitehead West, which will be solemnized on Thursday evening, ; j August 21st at ten o’clock at St. ; ; Paul’s Episcopal church. Much interest is centered in the | nuptials as the couple are , I tatives of two prominent and popular i families. The bride has chosen as her at- ' | tendants, Miss Jenni e Boone, her sis- ; I ter and Mrs. Virginia Turpin, who will return shortly from a visit to relatives in Virginia to participate ■ in the wedding. The maids will wear frocks of white georgette crepe, and will carry bouquets of pink roses. The bride ' will wear as the appropriate cos- I tume for a mid-summer wedding, a J I gown of white georgette crepe made i I ankle length and veil to the hem. The groom will be attended by Mr. i W. A. Mann, as best man, and Mr. ; Walter Boone. Mr. T. H. Boone, father of the bride, will give her in I marriage. After the ceremony, a reception i will be held at the Boone home on College street, for th e two families, out-of-town guests and intimate friends of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Boone will assist the Parties Wishing to Obtain Money on Their Lands Lying in Lee County, Ga. Under the Federal Farm Loan Act can do so by applying to me. It will pay you to communicate with me. J. J. FORRESTER, Secretary and Treasurer LEESBURG, GA LEESBURG NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION. cunpe’e-t physicians rr.y t e suggestion that Nuxated Iron should play a part in getting Dcmr«cy into con !i:ion is to be com- BBT mended for his foresight. No man without plenty of rich, red blood filled Cj with health-giving and strength building z j iron could withstand the terrific on- fl J slaughts of a giant like Willard. It should B J occur to every thinking person that if a 1 I man as physically tit as Dempsey should ’ | c matter it advisable to take Nuxated Iron, how much more important it is for the aver age mgn or w >man to Sec that there is no lack of iron in the blood. There is today a surprising number of persons who sutler from iron deficiency. Many a capable man or woman falls just short of winning because they don’t back up their mentality with the physical strength and energy which comes from having plenty of iron in the blood. Lack of iron in the blood not only makes a man a physical and mental weakling, nerv ous, irritable, easily fatigued, but it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and strength of will which are so necessary to success and power in every w r alk of life. It may also transform a beautiful, sweet tempered woman into one who is cross, nervous and irritable. To help make strong, keen, red-blooded Americans there is nothing in my experience which I have found so valuable as organic iron—Nuxated Iron.” Dr. John J. Van Horne, formerly Medical Inspector and Clinical Physician on the Board of Health of the City of New York, says: “Strength and vitality of body and AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. bride and groom in receiving and < Misses Elsie Lee and Leonora Neel 5 will serve punch. S Misses Annie Camille Lamar, An | na West, Catherine King. Mary Lou J Boone, Jean West and Helen Harold will assist in serving the elaborate supper at midnight The couple will leave during the evening for their honeymoon and will return to Macon to make their fu ture home. * * » Miss Mary Alic e Lingo is visiting in Tybee, where she went several ; days ago with Mrs. Royal, and will ! remain there during some time. * • • Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hooks and | children left today by motor for Daytona Beach, Fla., where they will spend 2 weeks. ♦ ♦ ♦ Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Kendall, of Cor dele, were in Americus for several ■ hours this morning. * • • Mrs. W. S Royal and Miss Eunice | Royal are spending several days on Tybe e Island. Magazine Gun Teeth. The elephant has what a dentist calls “magazine gun teeth” because of the curious fact that when the big j pachyderm wears off a front tooth it Is | replaced by the one just behind it, the i whole row moving up a tooth. It is s said this takes place continually, so Jumbo always is guaranteed a set of I teeth, no matter how many he wears out. Read Bragg’s Market adv. on page 6. Will save you money. 5-2 t YOUR COTHING NEEDS CARE FUL ‘ATTENTION. SEE US. AMERICUS STEAM LAUNDRY. PHONE 18. 23-ts “Nuxated Iron put added power behind my punch and helped me to accomp lish what I did at Toledo.” JACK DEMPSEY fe- t- William Harrison (“Jack”) Dempsey— . Although like an untamed tiger in the ring, the intensely human side of the new World’s Champion is clearly shown by a remark he is quoted as making just before the big fight, in which he said: “I have tele graphed my Mother that I will L win the championship and I am ® not going to disappoint her.. I'm going to win that title Hl if for no other reason than because I’ve premised her HI I would.” H® Dempsey describes here the part Nuxated Iron played in helping him to HR keep his promise to win Sgfc the title. mind are derived from the blood and the blood in turn derives it from the food we eat and the oxygen contained in th* air we breathe. But unless the blood is rich in iron to increase its oxygen H power, it cannot develop living B&'-fr tissue muscle and brain or keep BfcM active the vital f -rces. Strong, ■jfll healthy men and women with plenty of iron in their blood are fl’W'! the ones who go through life Wh V, with* a smile, self-rcli.'.nt and Bl fearless and their dynamic power BC v*. and energy make them Kl.- virtually masters of their \ own des‘in ; es. It is sur- Mft.prising how many people ’X ing from iron deficiei y and do not know it. To supply this lack of iron and help build stronger, healthier men and women, better able physically t> meet the problems of everyday life, I be lieve that physicians should, at every op portunity, prescribe organic iron—Nuxatei Iron—Cor in rriy experience it is ore of the best tonic and red blood builders known to medical science.’ ’ Ma irvr*CTU*»es' Mori: Nutated Iron which has been used by Jack Dempsey a»i which is prescribed an 1 r«-om« mended by physicians is not a secret remedy butone which is well known to dniffists everywhere Unlike tha older ino cyanic ir >n products, it is easily assimilated, and does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach I*he manufacturers guarantee successful and entirely satisfactory results to erery purchaser or they wiU refund yoax moaaf. it is dispensed by all good droccUK _. _ A Message About Advertising FROM THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. If you are not advertising, then advertise be cause it saves money for you and it reduces the price to the consumer. Advertising prevents profiteering. It insures honest profits and makes them permanent. The message of the U. S. Department of Labor to merchants and manufacturers and to all progressive American business men is to ad vertise. Tell the public about your goods. The con sumer has plenty of money. He is willing to spend it and we want him to spend it on Amer ican-made products. The easiest, quickest and most economical way in which this can be ac complished is by advertising. Start your campaign right now. IT * DEPARTMENT OF 1 ARnp W. B. WILSON, Secretary. ROGER W. BABSON, Director General, Information and Education Service. DO YOU Want a Home? The Chamber of Commerce is endeavoring to perfect arrangements for the erection of twenty modem homes to cost $4,000, $5,000 and $6,000 each, and which can be sold on terms of 10 per cent cash, balance in monthly payments practi cally equivalent to rent, deferred payments to bear low rate of interest. It is requested that every person who might be interested in obtaining one of these homes fill out the coupon below and send it to the Cham ber of Commerce AT ONCE. Prompt action is necessary, so fill the coupon now and send it in. V CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, Americus, Ga. I am interested in the proposition to purchase a modern new home in Americus to cost $ . (State whether $4,000, $5,000 or $6,000) payable 10% cash and balance in small monthly payments about equal to rent. I would require rooms. (This information will be kept in strict confidence.) NAME Home Address Number in Family WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 191 9 .