Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 26, 1919, Home Edition, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1919. By Thornton Fisher Mr. I. Knowitt Hand Ii nq kitchen mechanics is his middle name'_ "" i SINCE f Z A ! ) ( w-'Myouww.r Knows L'<houj HOW _a— |E3 J —' «Fl' u UuZ \ J* : T -‘’l#.-' /WM\ API-- •<«* w• ■ "TB' ‘ *Rb*» ,♦ X ’ ~ ' - „ . M . )T?». | ■ . SANDRA THE JEALOUS ! a new serial story by < JANE PHELPS. j Author of ‘‘The Promoter’s Wife," and Other Stories. I (Copyright by George Mathew Adams.) ? CHAPTER LXGXIII. WALTER Kemp danced divinely. As I looked at him I had to ac knowledge, too, that he was a splen did specimen of manhood. Then, as if he had read my thoughts, his eyes caught mine and held them. There was an enigmatical smile on his lips an inscrutable look in his eyes, that intrigued while they vaguely trou bled me. I recalled what Mrs. Sloane had said about his reputation with wo men that he was considered a Don Juan. But I was safely mar ried. Surely I was in no danger from his fascinations. Then sud denly he startled me by a question: “Forgive me if I am impertinent, I but how did you—how -could you ■ marry a man so much older when you are so full of life, and when life for you has scarcely begun? You are beautiful, clever, yet you are not allowed even so innocent an amuse- i ment as dancing. Graham was not I so particular with the first Mrs. Graham.” For a moment I hated Walter Kemp. How dared he speak of Leola to me! Then came the thought that . others had done so, even Everett’s ! friends . “Perhaps he has seen his mistake, I and does not intend to repeat it,” I replied with a nervous laugh, com- i I 123 Forsyth Street. 123 Forsyth Street. BRAGG’S MARKET Again this week we can give you good Western and Native Beef. Georgia Pig (Pork), Frankfurt Sausage, Mixed and Pork Sausage, Gold Band Sausage or Boneless Ham, Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Sliced Ham, Pig's Heads ( lOc lb.), Veal Roast, Beef Liver and Brains, Fruits and Vegetables, Butter and Eggs. So many other gtood things for you. Fell your friends what you think of that Beef Loaf. Wasn t it fine? Shall we send you another? They are economy. All first-class meats, well seasoned. No one can beat us on it. We will be glad to tell your cook how to make them. You really don’t know how we are fixer! for keeping our Meats so nice for you. We have a fine glass refrigerating showcase on our counter, with lot of Meat displayed. No dust. No flies. No hands to finger over it. Doesn t this appeal to you? We are working for your comfort and health. Come to see us. Inspect our market. Order from us. Quality better than the best. Price as low as the lowest. Bragg’s Market TELEPHONE 181. 123 Forsyth Street. MAKES HENS LAY DR. HESS’ Poultry Panacea Keeps your Poultry healthy and makes them lay. This is a general Tonic as well as Laying Powders. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PLANTERS SEED & DRUG CO. Seed Phone 502 Drug Phone 148 ing nearer the truth than I dreamed. “You see I am much younger than— she was— ’’ I added, feeling the need of an excuse for Everett. “And much more beautiful, al though you are the same general coloring. tyut yours is the more vivid.” Just then the clock chimed 11. I started, and he said: “Shall I go? It is later than I : thought.” “I don’t know where the evening has gone,” I replied. “Yes, please go. I should hav c retired long ago.’’ “Does he make you go to bed v. hen he is out?” he asked, so arch ’v that I had to laugh instead of be ing indignant, as I should. “Oh, no—but I was very tired to night.” He said nothing more, but left at once. I had scarcely gained my room when Everett came in. I picked up the book I had been reading when Kemp’s call came to me, or that it sorbed in it. In reality I was tremb ling, fearful of what my husband would say because I had disobeyed him, although I had not retired. Not a thought that I need hide Walter „Jamp’s call cam e to me, or that it might anger Everett. ‘“Look at me, Sandra.” Everett’s voice was low and tense. It held an even more masterful note than usual. Without volition on my part, I did as h e commanded. I raised • my eyes and looked at him. • What I read in them frightened i me. I 13wered mine, and fingered i the leaves of the book nervously, j my eyes on the paragraph that had i so fascinated me earlier in the even [ ing: “when the other is gone [ th’e power of loving is gone also .. ” t i lov e again was gone also. “Tell me, did you have an engage ment for tonight with Kemp?” | “Why no —of course not!” How I wished I had gone to bed, had not seen Walter Kemp. “H e has been here?” “Yes. He came soon after you left. He asked for you, too.” My attempt at conciliation was ig nored. “What did you do?” “We chatted —then I—we—danc ed.” “Danced!” “Yes, you don’t mind in my ow< home, do you? We put on a record and danced in the music room,” the words fell oVer each other so anxious was I to finish before he interrupted. “We only danced a few moments.” “Naturally. That’s his way. Now listen, Sandra. I absolutely forbid you to receive him again at any time. And I forbid you to receive anj man in the evening, unless I am with you. You are too young to dis i criminate, so I shall have to do it I for you.” “You treat me like a child!” I out with my usual complaint. “I be lieve what I read in that story is true. That when the other is gone the power of loving is gone too. And I that you can’t love m e or be nice to > me because you still love her.” Then • bursting into tears I h'eld my finger on the paragraph. i “Read it yourself and see if it is I not true!” He took the book from me, while I rushed into my dressing room, fearful he would be terribly angry with me. Tomorrow—The Belated Visit oT The Attic. Coal Preserved by Water. The advantage <>f storing coal under water, where deterioration is much less Ilian in the air, Ims been amply proved. It is recognized that the gases concealed in the pores of the coal— oxygen in particular are responsible for both heating and deterioration, and their ;eap ■ should la- prevented as far ns possible. • State of Ohio, City or Toieilo. L-.eas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Ptib’io. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hail’s Family Pills 'or constipation. WANTE—A position? Then place a well-worded ad in the Times-Recorder. It will proluce results. 9 2 5 I g ! s GENCO I 8 RAZORS I S O With or Without c 2 g Safety Attachment 2 9 2 $1.50 to $5.00 I i g THOS. L. BELL i g Jeweler and Optician. | AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Classified Ads WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—To buy small iron safe; one pair platform scales. Willis A. Hawkins, phone 615 or 52. 22-24-26 WANTED —Every man to watch the Rylander advertisements which are now appearing daily. There will b« some mighty interesting “tips” on winter clothes generally that you men folks can’t afford to miss. Just take a minute and read these ads. Get the habit. 24-3 t WANTED LUMBER—Au all times, Gum, Poplar, Ash, Oak, Maple, Jun iper and Pine lumber. Never sell your lumber without consulting us; there’s a reason. We pay 90 per cent cash upon receipt of shipping pa pers. East Carolina Lumber Co., New Bern, N. C. 21-d&wtf WANTED —To contract to do all your hauling. Phone 303. CLARK’S TRANSFER. K’-tf WANTED—You to know that we maintain a prompt day service in handling baggage. Teleuhcne 303. CLARK’S TRANSFER. )5-tf WANTED—MarbIe and Granite Cutters. Permanent job in a closed, well heated shad. Price per day ?8 and up. We will refund railroad fare. Do not wait to write, but come at once. Owen Bros. Marble & Granite Co., Greenwod, S. C. 24-6 t USE TIFT WHITE SILICA BRICK for biulding or remodeling your home. B. C. Hogue, exclusive agent for Sumter county. Phone 25, P.. O. Box 116. 25-5 t WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. Expert service and reasonable charges. R. S Broadhurst, Jeweler. 110 Lamar St.. directly in front of postoffice. t -HV' ’I h ’W* WfUl- 1W! W. ’ ' '’•Air.Ji DO YOU SEE THIS AD? OF COURSE YOU DO. IT is printed to show you how easy it is to find an ad if it is surrounded with .plenty -of white space. NEXT TIME YOU WANT an attractive “want ad” try three blank lines above and below like this. Also tell us to give you white space on each side. BLANK LINES 10 CENTS a line. Use white space. It will pay you. ! LOST AND FOUND LOST—Key ring with two keys. Finder please return to this office, and receive reward. 25-ts LOST—Open face gold watch on 21st. Number 10852 in back. Re ward offered. Finder notify Sam Prince, 816 Trippe street. 22-ts 2 GOEPPE A & 6 M’BRAYER 6 206 West ! amar Street 6 Y (Next Americus Drug Co.) 0 2 Five Chairs X Expert Barbers A a Baths o 6 Hot, Cold and Showers y A Prompt and Courteous Q O Attention y 0 Cutting Children’s v o Hair a Specialty. 0 FOR SALE FOR) SALE —5-rom house and three acres land, on one of the main highways^—s2,ooo. 25-3 t P. B. WILLIFORD. FOR SALE —Bungalow; modern conveniences. Miss Bell Park, phone 335. 24-12 t FOR SALE—BUSINESS COURSE IN AMERICUS BUSINESS COL LEGE; WILL SELL ON EASY TERMS. WHOLE COURSE WORTH sllO. SEE J. W. BARWICK. LES LIE, GA., OR PHONE 66, LESLIE. 16-30t-d;4twky 6-room house, clostf in, modern conveniences.—s2,soo. 25-3 t P. B. WILLIFORD. FOR SALE- —50 cords of wood 4-ft. length, single cord or lot $5 per cord delivered. Get your order in early, cold weather is approaching. Wfite “X” General Delivery, City. 21-ts. FOR SALE —Large ferns; also Lady Thompson Strawberry Plants. Phone 418. 21-6 t FOR SALE—At a bargain, 6- room house; close in; modern con veniences. Phone 651. 24-4 t 6-room house, large lot, near Sea board station, nice home and at a I bargain price. 25-3 t P. B. WILLIFORD. WANTED —Position as mechanic’s helper in garage, or Will consider clerical work or time checking. H. R. H., Phone 669. 24-3 t USE TIFT WHITE SILICA BRICK for building or remodeling your home. B. C. Hogue, exclusive agent for Sumter tepunty. Phone 25, P. O. Box 116, • A EMORY RYLANDER Cotton Ave. ?2’ O . nP 364 Your Children’* PORTRAITS The fleeting charm of childhood, caught by the lense and held in the photograph. Phone 621 Make the Appointment Today The McKinstry Studio Os Course Paul Wasn’t Mad. Paul and Billy live In the country. There are two girls in the family also. Their aunts in town are fond of send ing them things. One package con tained nothing for Paul or Billy. Paul wrote to his grandmother: “What’s the matter with my-aunts? They sent a package out here and there wastfff a thing for Billy or me In it, and Billy’s pretty mad about it.” FRATERNAL ORDERS M. B. COUNCIL LODGE, F. & A. M. Meets every first and third Friday nights. All visiting brothers are invited to attend. J. E. Sheppard, Worshipful Master. Nat LeMaster, Secretary. AMERICUS CAMP, 202, WOOD MEN OF THE WORLD. Meets every Wed nesday night in the W. O. W. Hall. All visiting Sovereigns are invited to meet with us. C. J. Clarke, C. C. - Nat LeMaster, Clerk- COMMANDERY MEETING, DeMolay Commandery, No. 5, Knights Templar, meets every third Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. All visiting Sir Knights have a cordial invitation to meet with us. W. F. Smith, Eminent Commander. Frank J. Payne, Recorder. F. and A. M. AMERICUS LODGE F. and A. M , meets every second and fourth Friday night at 8 o’clock. /\gz z A S. L. McDaniel, Worshipful Master S. I. Hammond. Secretary. F AKM LOANS. F/*RM AND CITY LOANS— fi l-l 7c .Merest Terms easy. Quick service. W W Dykes. 4-20-ts RAILROAD SCHEDULES SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. Passenger Train Schedule. Time Table Effective 10:1 A. M., March 31, 1919. Eastbound. DEPART— For Cordele, Helena and Savan nah, 1:31 P. M. Eastern time. For Cordele and Helena, 6:15 P. M., Eastern time. For Cordele, Helena and Savan nah, 2:20 A. M., Eastern time. Westbound DEPART— For Richland, Columbus and Al bany, 1 0 A. M., Central time. For Columbus and Montgomery, 3:10 P. M., Central time. | CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrival and Departure of Passen ger Trains, Americus, Ga. TRAINS ARRIVE— From Columbus (Sem- inole) * I 2:10 a m From Jacksonville (Sem- inole) * 3:40 am From Atlanta-Macon * s:lßam From Albany * 6:37 am From Columbus 1110:00 am From Columbus 11 1 :45 a m From Atlanta Macon * 2:l7pm From Montgomery- Albany * 2:l7pm From Columbus I 7:15 pm From Macon * 7:35 p m From Montgomery- Albany 10:38 p m TRAINS DEPART— For Jacksonville (Sem- inole) * I 2:10 a m For Chicago (Sem- iole) * 3:40 a m For Macon-Atlanta 6:37 a m For Montgomery- Albany * s:lßam For Columbus ! 7:10 am For Macon-Atlanta 2:l7pm For Montgomery- Albany * 2:17 pm For Columbus I! 3:00 pm For Columbus 1 2:3opm For Albany * 7:35 pm For Macon-Atlanta . *10:38 pm —*Daily. {Except Sunday. USunday only. • PAGE NINE PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. E. E. PARSONS Dentist Office Commercial City Bank Bldg. I P. O. Box 442. Res. 112 W. Church. ! ; OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 12 a. m.—l to 6 p. m. : Night 7 :30 to 9 except Thursday. ? M—» r ® ® ** C. P. DAVIS Dental Surgeon ORTHODONTIA. PYORRHOEA Res. Phone 316 ntlce Phone 818 Allison Building. DR. F. L. CXTO and DR. WILBUR C. SMITH Physicians and Surgeons 1 Office Hours: IC-12A.. M 2- 4 P.M. Phones: Office 5Ji. Res. 55? MISCELLANEOUS R.H.BURNS Local Distributor and Agent Atlanta Georgian and Sundy American Phones: Office 72; Residence 758 5 1-2 Per Cent. Money to lend on first class farm lands. 6 Per cent. Money on City Proper ty. Good connections and quick service. Gordon Howell, 011 J r —1 -■ 1 ■- In Tbe Centre of the Wholesale | and Retail Districts 400 ROOMS. RATES MODERATE, f L. J. DINKI ER, C. L. DINKLEK. | Proprietor, Manager. | Tin and Slate Roofing. t General Job Work Auto Radiator Repairs 122 So. Lee St Phone 703 Meat and Grocer Refrigerators. Display Refrigerator Counters. Fireproof Safes and Vault Doors. Toledo Computing Scales, B. R. Swint, Sales Agent, 120 N. Jacksoe Street, Albany, Ga. Phone 732. E SOI Prices For Oct., Not. and Dea PINTS 8 l-2c; QUARTS l«c I AUTOMOBILE Americus T axicab Co. v Phone 825. Res Phone 646 X L. L. COMPTON. J TAXI CAB PHONE 49 R. C. Vaughn. i Ino longer get my calls at BS6. | Always call 49. j WE WILL BUY YOUR LIBERTY BONDS, ANY ISSUE OR DENOMINATION Allison Realty Co. R. E. ALLISON OFFICE, KOUvi y. ALLISON BUILDING PHONE 849 Downstairs Office Allison Furniture Co. Phone 253