Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 23, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO MRS. ANDERSON A WELL AND HAPPY WOMAN_AGAIN Miserable For Years, Her Health Is Soon Restored By Taking Tanlac— Rheumatism is Relieved. “After many long years of suffering I am a well and happy woman once more, thanks to this wonderful medi cine,” said Mrs. Annie Anderson, of Parkland, Wash., recently. “For years,” she continued, I suf fered from rheumatism in my arms and legs so bad that I could hardly use them. Often my arms were so sore and drawn from pain that I couldn’t raise my hands to my head, neither could I walk very much for tne misery in my legs. Everything I ate would disagree with me and at times 1 would have such terrible cramps that 1 feared they would Kill me. I suffered from much gas on m. stomach and there was a constant pai i in the small of my lack 1 would have such terrible headaches at times that I would have to stay in bed three or 'our days at a time. My nerves went all to pieces, so 1 could hardly sleep at night and I finally got . • w n i > where 1 coal 1 k: idly go at all for medicines didn’t seem to de me a bit of good. “I was so discouraged when I start ed on Tanlac that I felt it was my last chance. 1 began to improve shortly after starting on it and continuing to get better till now my troubles are all gone. I never have indigestion or sour stomach and can eat anything I want. My appetite is fine and I enjoy all my meals. I am not nervous at all, those awful headaches are gone and I sleep like a child at night. The rheumatism is about cleared out of my system and I can get around about as well as I ever could. I have gain ed forty-seven pounds in weight and am now doing all my housework with out its worrying me at all.” All druggists sell Tanlac. adv .’W/A £ - ?)/.Tloa ! i *f f fjE&V’Bf# Sold by Howell’s Phamacy, Wind sor Pharmacy, ~’lanters Seed and *rug Co., afiu other good dealers. FOR SALE. VINE STOVE WOOD; big load • 4.5 P; h»l f load $2.25; spot cash I ave orders at Sheffield’s store. — (S3t) ’. OLD-UIME COLD CURE— ’ DRINK HOT TEA! ? (let a small package of Hamburg Boast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a ■aulespoonfiil of the tea, put a cup of □oiling water upon it, pour through a neve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most, effective way to break , 1 cold and cure grip, as it opens the ; pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Mso loosens the bowels, thus breaking up a cold. Try it the next time you suffer from i cold or the grip. It is inexpensive ind entirely vegetable, therefore safe n,d harmless. M RHEUMATISM FROM STIFF MG JOINTS Rub Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Liniment Stop “dosing” Rheumatism. It’s pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Lini ment” right on the “tender spot.” and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain. “St. Jacob's Liniment" is a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoint and doesn’t burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from ach ing joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. OLimber up! Get a3O cent bottle of old-time, honest "St, Jacobs Liniment' from any drug store, and in a mouieiu you’ll be free from pains, aches ano ■tiffnens. Don’t gutter {4 Rub rheuma tism a wav- egress" ’ / JfcTlnker t byCarlysle H. Holcomb a _J ----L' MR. WEASEL MEETS JACK THE WOOD RAT. ’T'INKER Bob knew that Mr. Wood * Rat would be scared stiff to think ; he was to appear before Mr. Weasel 1 the Great. But the creatures of ; the great forest had learned that whatever the King said that is what he meant. And if he told one of the creatures that the other would ’ do thorn no harm then one could feel sajz It is true that the forest dwellers that knew the King best were never afraid when he was near. They even had more faith in him than some children have in their parents. For there are some little folks that are even afraid of the: dark when their father and mother say that the dark will not hurt; them. Jack the Wood Rat was motionless awaiting the call of the King to come forth. His hair stood straight. up on his back and made him look i very big. That was his nature when frightened to make his hair stand up. “All right, Jack the Wood Rat will now come out?” said Tinker Bob. And Jack did come, out as though he was entering upon a stage before an audience of one thousand people. Each step was carefully taken, and when he came in sight of his bitter est enemy, Mr. Weasel, his heart felt like it would jump out of his body. i Mr. Weasel the Great did not ex pect to see such a large fellow. But he was never frightened by size. Be cause Jack the Wood Rat was a big creature made Mr. Weasel feel the more anxious to kill him and suck his blood. There was no chance, .however, for them to fight because the King was there. “Now,” said he to Mr. Wea sel, “You can see Mr. Wobd Rat is more powerful than you for the muscles or. his legs are developed, iHe carries stones and sticks and piles them up in great piles while you either sleep or go out on a kill ing trip. He carries corn and pota- : i toes to store away for his winter I food while you merely pounce upon 1 , You StOf» OougiiSng When You Stop The Tackle Hayes’ Healing Honey Stops The Tickle Heals The Throat Cures The Cough Price 35c. • A Free Box of , Grove’s O-Pen-Trate Salve 1 (Opens the Pores and Penetrates! I . » ( i For Head Colds, Chest Colds and ■ Croup, is enclosed with every hot- ■ tie of Hayes’ Healing Honey. ■ i You get the Cough Syrup and the Salve i I for one price, 35c. j , Made, Recommended and Guaranteed to . the Public by PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY I Manufacturers of Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets and Grove 's Tasteless Chill Tunic. MEAT INJURMUS IB THE KIDNEV Take a tablespoonful of Salts if B&. hurts or Bladder bothers—Meat forms uric acid. We are a nation of meat eaters anc our blood is filled with uric acid, says r well-known authority, who warns us u. be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to fre< the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. ' When your kidnevs ache and feet lik< I lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri- 1 table, obliging you to seek relief durin; the night; when you have severe head ■ aches, nc. voua and dizzy spells, skepl; - ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in ban ' weather, get from your pharmacist about ' I four ounces of Jad Salts; take a I tablespoonful in a glass of water before : breakfast each morning and in a few ; days your kidneys will act fine. This I famous salts is made from the acid of ' grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, ! to neutralize the acids in urine so it is 1 no longer a source of irritation, thus ; ending urinary and bladder disorders. , -»Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent , lithia-water drink, and nobody can maka a mistake by taking a little occasion? I'y I to keep the kidneys clean and active. helpless creatures and suck every drop of blood out of them. He is strong and can face his enemy while you are only strong in your neck and catch your victims by sneaking upon them. He is noble, while you are treacfierous. He helps others while you help only your self and will not pen live with any of your brothers or sisters. “I did not think Mr. Wood Rat was such a great fellow,” said Mr. Weasel. “Well here he is now if you think it best to try to kill him go right ahead.’’ This statement of the King caused Mr. Wood Rat much anxiety but it caused Mr. Weasel the Great rn Wi i IlfciiOWw M 11/z a •.'.•.St wrfc '-ael PWi “I Did Not Think Mr. Wood Rat Wes Such a Great FeP.ow,” Said Mr| Weasel. to feel for the first time a little timid about making an attack. What the King had said did its work and Mr. Weasel went peacefully away. Tomorrow —“Thief, Thief” is The I Cry. Stops The Tickle Heals the Throat and Cures the Cough. 1 HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. Price 35c. ; A free Box of GROVE’S O-PEN-TRATE ■ SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle. HEARTBURh] ■ or heaviness after meais are most annoying manifestations ! of acid-dyspepsia. Ki-moiDS pleasant to take, neutralize ; acidity and help restore normal digestion. MADE RY SCOTT & BOWNE i MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION : - I!i Gold Fish for Xmas I We have just received a beautiful lot of < Fish, all sizes. They make nice remem brances for Xmas and are always appre rated L ET SANTA BRING THE KIDDIES A BOWL OF FISH ! Very Inexpensive n ; c<* o' from 10c to 50c Each Price of Globes from 25c to 7 5c Each < I PLANTERS SEED & DRUG CO Prompt Delivery. Phone 502 JMT Prof. H. D. Druckenmiller L- s -’IB t eacher of the Higher Art of yaseMl Piano, Violin, Cornet and Voice Practical Piano Tuner Studio: Cotiu-v Building, Upstairs ~ . - • Stop! Look! Listen! Get that old Bicycle repaired. Make it look like new. New and Second Hand Bicycles For Sale At FREEMAN’S 206 Jackson Street. - ■" 4/KrU 7 rji k AMERICUS TIMES-RECUKDER. LETTERS TO OLD SAMA CLAUS Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring me a doll and doll carriage, tea set and a chair, table and trunk. I will not ask for many more things be cause you have so many little girls and boys to go to see. Your little friend, AGNES WILLIAMS. Smithville, Ga. p s.—Bring me some fruits. Dear Santa Claus: —Please bring me a pair of mittens, hose, shoes, bi cycle and a woolen cap, trunk with key to it. Now, Santa, lam not ask ing for much as you see, because I know you have got to go to some other poor little girls and boys. Your little friend, HENRY' CAT.” IN. p. S.—Bring me some fruit. Smithville, Gn. Dear Santa Claus: —I am a little boy nine years old. Have been a good little boy, so please bring me an airplane, a set of bicycle tires No. 20x1 1-4, a box of stationery, six Roman candles, two packages of fire crackers, two boxes of baby giant crackers’ three sky rockets, two boxes of sand poppers, two boxes of spark lers, fruit, and nuts. You; -t' <’ friend. JODIE LOA E Leesburg, Ca. Dear Santa Claus: —I an. a little girl 7 /ears old. I am in the second grade.’ Have been a go rd gir . so please brifig me a stove and a little aluminum cooking set, a little bu reau and a little white bed and lots of fireworks, fruit and nuts. Your Hams, Bacon and Lard “The Be*t in the World.’’ J. H Poole & Sons. Phones 118-183 PLENTY OF SUGAR. little friend, MAMIE LOVE. Leesburg, Ga. Dear Old Santa: —I am a little boy 6 years old last July. I have got my gun and top you brought me last Christmas. Daddy said last Christ mas you could bring me a tricycle this Christmas, but I am not going to ask you to bring it for 1 havij a. dear little cousin living with us that has not got any mother or fath er. He was 9 years old in Septem ber. His name is Ralph Brooks, so I want you to bring me a hill climber engine and him a fire truck and all sorts of goodies. Don’t forget where we live, 706 Elm avenue. Your lit tle friend, PHILIP ELMORE JOHNSON. Dear Old Santa: —I am a little girl nearly 5 years old. Santa Claus, To Fortify the System Against Grip Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets which destroy germs, act as a Tonic and Laxative, and thus prevent Colds, Grip and Influenza. Tl-ere is only one “BROMO QUININE.” E. signature on the box /dA READER: Would you, like to know how to live in this present life free from sickness of any kind. If so, call on Coot Stanfield at Speer’s printing office. $25.00 Cash paid to anyone who uses Plura sav according to direc tions for Pneumonia, Cold and Rising Breast, and fails to get relief. Plu rasav Company, Colum bus, Ga. At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems with photographs Make The Appointment Now It’s None Too Early. The McKinstry Studio Phone 621 I I Platinum Bar Pins S Fountain Pens Bracelet Watches White Ivory Toilet Sets * TH OS. L. BELL, X 8 Jeweler and Optician g I I i ft * > * Bragg’s Market IS JUST LOADED WITH HOG KILLINGS We expect to keep plenty on hand for you during the holidays. Why not buy from dealers who are in business the year round to furnish you with what you want. Our prices are consistent with cost of the goods, and we expect, lower, than some you buy at vuur door. oall us up. Come to see us. Let us serve you. We are on the job, with goods and prices. Plenty fat hens, equal to a turkey. PHONE 18 1. Bragg’s Market I I have got my doll, doll chair, teddy bear and cart you brought last Christmas. I want you to bring me a doll with curly hair, a doll cradle, doll rocking chair and a red fish and all sorts of goodies. Your little friend. NADEAN JOHNSON. Dear Old Santa Claus:—l am a lit tle boy 9 years old. I got to school, am ready for my second book. I want you to bring me a fire truck a cap pistol and all sorts of goodies and don’t forget wh'ere I live. I live with Cousin Mamie on 706 Elm avenue, as Papa and Mamma are both dead. Papa died about 2 years ago and Mamma died when I was 7 months old. I am, Your little friend, RALPH BROOKS. (More Santa Letters, Page 5.) n iiiii-Mn min Special Notice Please notice your stubs. If your subscription is out or nearly out, on your paper please let me renew them several days before they run out so you won’t miss any copies at all. Local agent and collector for Americus Times-Recorder, Macon Telegraph, Atlanta Constitu tion, Atlanta Journal, daily and weekly. I will be glad to get your subscription for any of these four papers. Please send me a check for your renewals and for your subscriptions. All business entrusted to me will be ap preciated, and will get prompt attention. Agent Leslie. DeSoto and Cobb, Ga. Address J. W. BARWICK Leslie, Ga. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1919 Catarrh Cannot Be Cim«l with LOCAL APPLICATIONS cannot reach the seat nt as they Catarrh is a i oca i disease ‘he dua» M fluenced by constitutional* condh?* tiy in order to cure it vtn! Ti. Uons . internal remedy. Hah's cl't St P ke an cine is taken internally and rh the blood on the mucous surf.n*"* thr » system. Hall’s Catarrh of prescribed by one of the b'est 'nh’ 16 In this country for years eSt t? h * sl<:un » posed Os some of the best tn „t* '? <-on »- combined with some of the s' know A purifiers. The perfect „L best the ingredients in Hall’s Cau??h cine is what produces \n C b results in catarrhal condition. w ”“<i-rful testimonials, free uons Send far F. J. CHENEY & CO. Prons . All Druggists, 75c ' Ps “ Toledo o. Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. GIVE THE FAMILY A PHONOGRAPH There’s None Better Than the ■ i . STARR PLAYS ALL RECORDS HIGHTOWER’S nnßMnwnßEaM ‘A Good Drug Store’ CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS! A Cup of Delicious Hot Chocolate, with whipped cream and a Sandwish, a FEW MOMENTS rest and a look about our store, will help— SOLVE MANY CHRISTMAS WORRIES! WE OFFER JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS- WHITE IVORY Single pieces or sets; nothing more acceptable: Combs, Brushes. Mirrors, Hair Receivers, Powder Boxes and other use ful pieces. TOILET SETS— Mary Gar den or Djer Kiss, recognized as appropriate because of their excellence. MANICURE SETS —ln Christmas Boxes, beautiful white ivory handles, best o steel. CIGARS. CIGARETFES- And the brand HE uses. PIPES AND CIGARETTE HOLDERS —Are among the things that a man prizes mos and keeps longest. BILL ROLLS —Best of leather; beautifully STATIONERY ln many tints, of finest grades, '• tractively boxed. WILEY’S CANDY— Is the gift extraordinary: ap ? T . □riate for any one; fresh ship ments every day or two. Nathan Murray Druggist. Phone 7 1 ‘A Good Drug Store Large .took of Wilton •ter Art Square. «'’ d )ir iM what your wife may room, dining or 12-ts Andrew. Furniture Ce