Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 06, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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* MONDAY. JUNE 6,192 T. HIGH SPOTS IN ■ GEORGIA NEWS Nearly 1 400 ears of peaches have ben shipped from the Middle Geor gia belt thus far this season, accord ing to the reports of railroads. Os this number, 1,081 cars have come from the Southwestern division of the Central of Georgia railroad alone. Jack L. Kelloy, convicted of the murder of Leroy S. Trexler at Grif fin and recently denied a new trial by the Supreme court, was re-sent inced Saturady to be hanged on Fri day, July 15. loi tne fourth time, Joe James, negro who has been in the Bibb coun ty jail since late in 1019, was sentenc ed Saturday to hang for murder. The was set bv Judge J L ■bent of Wrightsville, for July '1 imit Weffersonville. James was charged with severing a woman’s head from her body. Judge Eschol Graham at Mcßae has granted a new trial for Dan Davis, a prosperous Truetlen county farmer, convicted of murder with recommen dation on February 1, in connection with the death of W. H. Hall, a white cropper. George H. Carswell, of Irwinton, announces that he will withdraw from the race for speaker of the house of representatives. His with drawal will mean, in all probability, that there will be but two active candidates for this position when the assembly meets, these being Howard Ennis, representative from Baldwin county, and Cecil Neill, representa tive from Muscogee county. Atlanta’s campaign for the 1922 convention of the International As sociation of Kiwanis clubs is receiv ing the active support of influential civic leaders in St. Louis, Cincinnati, Buffalo, New Orleans, Jacksonville and Altoona, Pa., according to let ters received by Fred Houser, secre tary of the Atlanta convention bu reau. Au agreement has been reached by the Bibb county representatives in the legislature to introduce an amendment to the city’s charter al the coming session of the general as sembly providing for the council manager form of government if the plan is later ratified by the voters of the city at a special election for that purpose. Mercer University is to incorporate a Pre-Engineering School in the cur riculum, work in the engineering course to begin with the opening of college in the fall. The new engi neerineering department is the eighth school to be included in the univers ity, which now embraces the schools of Christianity, Law, Commerce, Journalism, Arts and Science, Educa tion, Pre-Medical and Pre-Engineer ing. Building contracts in Columbus for the first five months of this year totaled $40,000 more than for the same period last year, according to figures made public by the city super intendent of public works. The fig ures for this year are $285,000 and for the same period of 1920, $245,- 000. Announcement is made that W. A. Alexander, head coach of Tech’s • olden Tornado last year, Jtobert Kid” Clay, baseball coach, and Coach Wood, have signed three year contracts with Georgia Tech, thereby dispelling rumors to the effect that they were considering offers from other institutions. Albert Rosel, about 30 years of ago, auditor of the Southern Cotton Oil company of Augusta, lost his life Sunday when his Ford sedan, coming toward Augusta and on the approach to Center street bridge over the Sa vannah river, came to a halt, then sprang forward, landing on its wheels in a pond, formed from ex cavations by a brick manufactory Roesel was drowned. I CLOCKS Baby Bens Big Bens THOS. L. BELL’ Jeweler orTnaevans Established 18 Years We Strive To Please Fillings SI.OO and Up AH Other Work at Low Cost • FARM LOANS l.oweit Interest. Quick Reiults DAN CHAPPELL Attorney-al-Law. PLANTERS BANK BUILDING G. E. Buchanan, Jr., Steam Vulcanizing And t RETREADING t All Sizes on We Will Answer Your Call SVi ANY TIME—ANYWHERFation Phone 4; Night 836 ■ . Turpin Bldg. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS The Waiter Was a Witness! H M BY ALLMAN, 1 YOU LIKE MOTHER ’ I’LL HAVE THE REGULAR ■ X VOUVE GOT To HAND IT ' |X|! WHAT’3 THIS f ~ ' 11 U5tD .0 MAKE! IT WILL HELP YOUR r~ I LUNCH, BUT BRING ME A S)R ’ TO A WOMAN’S THRIFT ! ■' SERVICE CHARGE 1 i THE GLASS AwD J*} L ; DOCTOR! -feK klk ME MORE GOOD! j X ““I *4 tSI 7 'l " — . Fl J&. '^■ljßl' £ ?'ti MB Wxrtßf. rtiWST BrX; j. ng _ rjw übm i i Bl±M Vi FIB Wlifel , : ’ftl ISS ' iBVBU FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS. It Seemed to Work on Slim! BY BLOSSER. YES'ME CAN M 4W, GAY* DYA - > [x, X ' CCr u \XXX / I4OM, ALEI6-SLIM jYA CAN'T S AWAY AN' GOT I S ™ ,Nk 1M A OLD / YOU MARCH RIGHT £ \ YES, T'M j - SAYS YOU CANT 1 EITHER’ ’ a Book PoP 1 -■ \ GREENHORN J HOME AND FILL ] ) COMIN' | ) TEN CENTS THAT }XT ? r —X '// j TUiS WOOD BOX j . MOM! ') HX S. \ -X V I CANT S TELLS YA HOW. r // XX Vou UNoW )■ b-y- / ( HUH? } -r~ Z -■ E OFTMI?c»MiNG i WHAT'S GOOD j J X' X. F?' ; Zi ?*-~S V Xx i' /, T ' I /TvX VOICE X —-I FOR YOU’ ' / V-V/U -XX . x' X~h -t ■' V' ~/-"VX -'ZZi 'wX<X O zzi • w ** LI |l II .-Xinninfllßlßß CRAZY QUILT By Ahern” XXt-c X SWEPT THE ROOM . HO.R GATE "*X-T ; ZV ' 'L'iUU.;. ”CHES X/0X // / ) /■XXX--’ WITH A GLANCE." UpOll HIM" IWAUTATOB / HoW ABOUT BE.|UgX - XX' C\ \ S ®- - i ' ■-- - <1 ! -1 ■’/! ■ 1- , \ ■-■viorkmy - —— /' ’ z X. X. 'JX'XWJ X tex.-. /•”’ XXWlip! sa-cri " v xXXXtX r/Xu ; ; /-\ ? A - < DOWN THE STREET \ \\ W\\ X XiMiXXx ® xoft v' 5 " ! Xu /.'■'/ ' W?L'- Cy. ..Y;;- s JZZi Xo |U' , ;-XXX~ X' ■■ —— -X —i --■„X r —;—z-'-x . J LESLIE. LESLIE, June 6.—Mrs. Horace Y. Reynolds, who has visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Green, for two weeks, returned to her home at Rey nolds Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Wilson returned to Les lie last week from Fitzgerald where she had visited her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Powell, for several days. Elizabeth Houston, from near Am ericus, is spending the week-end with Miss Edith Griffin. Madison Summerford, who has been attending school in Chattanoogo has returned h.,me. Ed Bowen visited relatives at Ab beville last week. Mrs. Sallie Wade spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Clopton at Lamar. Howard Cox, who was carried to the Plains hospital more than a week ago for an operation for appendicitis is reported doing well. Mrs. V. \E. Fillingim left Satur- Liberty Case ••WHERE NEATNE S S REIG NS ’ ' Regular Dinner Every Day. From I 1 :30 a. rn. to 1 :30 p. m. Prepared By the Best Chef THE TASTE WILL TELL ( Open Day and Night Your Patronage Wil! Be Highly Appreciated 2 Liberty Case 104 Jackson St. * \SHED and doped on his biß ,be Tha® uce on ’All Makes of Cars. ther tent. |M A Thai k Jfe ASHED AND POLISHED—SI.2S. • P s- PeachhE ™B^^a SEßVlCE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS ea< " ThatW- to be one of the most efficient mechan- ; b>‘ i'< their 3 South Georgia. tern Powers, G STATION. That AND REpAJR CQ -J AV IS, Proprietor. 118 and 120 SO. JACKSON ST. I I i ... . | day for Clayton, where she will visit ' relatives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Shep G. Pryor, Sr. ' lof Fitzgerald, are visiting Mr. am ; Mrs. F. A. Wilson. Sr. Misses Elma Maxwell, of Calvary and Judie Turner, of Royston, wen the guests of Miss Ruth Ranew lasi week. Richard Winchester, who was carried to the Plains hospital last week for treatment is renorted some better. John S. Pryor, of Dahlonega, i~ here spending the week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Speer. Mrs. Arnie Donie and daughter, Catherine, of Oxford. Miss., is here spending some time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Wilson, Jr. Misses Clyde and Lucile Killings worth, of Ft. Gaines, came Saturday afternoon to visit Miss Mary Wilsor. for a few days. Miss Sarah Summerford, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. John THE AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. 1 it , Stephenson of Forsyth for two weeks I returned home Sunday. ~ | The girls who have returned home d 'in the past week from coliege a’ j I Misses Mary Wilson, of Wesleyan. k -, i Lailah Clifton, Annie Hoffman and e I Lota Speeer, of Bessie Tift and Loy ,t | ice Williams, of Andrew. is e ! ALLISON UNDERTAKING CO. (Established 1908.) el 1 Funeral Director* and Embalmer* y, OLEN BUCHANAN. Director Day Phone 283 j i "SOI ■‘O 18" •’“‘’'Ll 1 i -■ i SWIM CAPS Dainty Designs. Beautiful Colois. The Newest In Mermaid Millinery 35c to SI.OO MURRAYS I PHARMACY The Rexall Store Oppo*ite Pottoffice. Phone 87 "'sW 1 s ' i '"RHE gift-candy su preme — it takes one back to the ro mance days ol the old South. Nunnally’s T/ic CunJy <J C.e &ulh I For Sale By Lawson Drug Co. Phone 14 i THE CANGY OF THE SOUTH I ' ■' ..... ... .. .... . V. WANTED DIXIE GARAGE To do your car repairing. Work guaranteed. See me— I’m the Man. W. S. COMPTON EAST CRAWFORD STREET i 915 Telephone 654 Turner Electric Co. Reduced Prices on Hous*, Wiring and Fixtures We are ready. Are you? Call ' us for an estimate- Phone 124. GET IT AT CARSWELL DRUG CO. Phone 98 QUALITY, ACCURACY AND QUICK DELIVERY I Have your Prescrip tions left with me and they will receive mv personal atten tion. Frank Lawson LAWSON DRUG CO. | Ry lander Theater Bldg.! 1 4 Phone —1 4< t 1 MONEY 6$ MONEY LOANED 0,1 far 7 t land ‘ at L 6 per intar : e»t and borrowera have privilege ot paying part or all of principal at any interest period, stopping in terest on amounts paid. We always have best rales and easiest terms and give quickest service. Save money by seeing or writing u«. G. R. ELLIS or G. C. WEBB. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. i ■ - -r- I .. . , Farm Loans Farm Loans in Any Amount Promptly Nego tiated and Closed. T. O. MARSHALL X 36-38 PLANTERS BANK BLDG. AMERICUS, GEORGIA yJ. 1] L 4 Expert J Repair i? # Man- j 1 ■» JUM-4* ' On Packards and Oldsmobiles General Repair Work On All Makes Os Cars J. W. Jones At Schneider Motor Co. 122 Jackson St, Phone 140—Residence Phone 689 | . - ..J , . . •> PAGE SEVEN