Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 08, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT SPRAY ELBERTAS NOW IS WARNING Bulletin lust Issued Bv Peach Insect Labor atory “Growers must spray Elbertas im mediately to control new curculios now emerging frmo the soil,” says a bulletin from the U. S. peach in sect laboratory at Fort Valley. The bulletin follows: “The new adult curculios have been emerging from the soil for the past several days, and all growers are warned to spray Elbertas im mediately with arsenate of lead and self-boiled lime-sulphur to keep the second brood of larvas of "worms” from damagaing the crop. The ap pearance of these new beetles was expected, and there is no reason for alarm on the part of the growers if the arsenical is applied at once. Georgia Belles need no further ar senical spraying if they received one during the week of May 30-June 4 as recommended, nor will Hileys if they received it the week before Georgia Belles. “On account of the new beetle now emerging growers are cautioned to make the application to the El bertas very thoroughly, making an effort to cover each side of the fruit with the spray. Use the self-boiled lime-sulpur' (32-32-200) to the 4 pounds of arsenate of lead powder or the 80-5-15 dust. “As soon as possible after each va riety is harvested pick up all fruit MJ THE gift-candy su preme —it takes one back to the ro mance days of the old South. Nunnally’s The Candy uj the 6'euth For Sale By F & Lawson 5' Drug Co. Phone 14 TM« CANDY OF THE SOUTH Dexter Jordan’s W arm Springs Orchestra I K ▲ 1 ?v> • z - -.M» s ► v ~ _■ ' '' . ■ Is Engaged For the Season and Plays 1 hree Times, Daily and Nightly, At Warm Springs Hotel and Baths Every Afternoon, at 4 O clock, at the Swimming Pool, the "Bathing 1 lour" Every Evening, at 9 O’clock, in the Pavilion, the "Dance I lour. And at Luncheon and Dinner, From 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. The Special Thursday and Saturday Evening Dances W Will Be Featured Throughout The Season At Warm Springs ON PINE MOUNTAIN UNDER ENTIRELY NEW AND UP-TO-DATE MANAGEMENT . Write For New 1921 Booklet. KUjr Adventures "lETI UU-J OF THt TWINS i'J .HL MB Olive Robert,? Barton BlGdll A STRANGE SOUND HLJ O dTCT <- , ’’ —* g - ■■ __ » (i <= ‘1 wish Mr. Muskrat would shake himself and wipe his feet on t, re door mat.” Mrs. Muskrat went on a singing! and a singing to her little baby musk rat. She sang three verses about Mr. Sprinkle-Blow, the Weatherman, and how kind he was ’n’ everything. How he locked up Jack Frost, and Mr. Storm and Old Man Flood, and Sizzly Dry Weather, and Thunder and Lightning, and all the other Nuisance Fairies, and did everything he could to make it pleasant for everybody. She didn’t sing about Nancy and Nick because she didn’t know that they had gone to help the Wea’ther Fairy. But she was going to know it soon. Every verse she sang got a little bit louder than the one before, be cause of the nice comfortable house that Mr. Muskrat had made for her and the babies beside Ripple Creek, there was! a roaring which almost drowned the tones of her voice. It sounded like Mr. Storm, somewhat, but Mrs. Muskrat . knew that it couldn’t be Mr. Storm when her hus on the ground in the orchard and' pull everything from the trees. De stroy this fruit by burying with I quicklime. Do not leave it lay out' exposed. By picking all fruits from I the trees soon after harvest all pos sibility of brown rat cankers will be eliminated. The gathering up of all fallen fruit after harvest will elim inate sources of brown rot infection to the 1922 crop, and will also de stroy many curculio larvae thereby reducing the number of beetles to \ winter over. “Growers are particularly warned] about throwing culls out exposed. Piles of exposed culls will soon make great sources from which brown rot is disseminated and where the dis eases is carried over winter. Bury deep with quicklime er thoroughly burn all culls during the 1921 sea son. Keep in mind that a pest free crop is also desired in 1922.” Shellm -i Will Have Modern School Plant SHELLMAN, June B.—The con tract for the erection of the new school building in Shellman has been let to J. 0. Smith, of Buena Vista. Mr. Smith states that work will be- band had just been in and said the sun was out bright and warm. She went on singing, and this was the last verse of her song:— “Oh, hush, darlin’, bye, baby, dear, We are happy and safe, never fear, Spring is coming now’ soon, By and by ’twill be June, When the crickets and pollywogs sing to the moon. Jack Frost and his fairies who love so to tease, Have gone to the stars o’er the tops of the trees, Never a storm nor a flood nor a bit of bad weather. Can hurt us, so cozily huddled to gether.” Suddenly she held up one of her feet. “Goodness gracious!” she ex claimed in dismay. “I wish that Mr. Muskrat would shake himself and wipe his feet on the doormat before he comes into the house. He’s got this place dripping wet.” The roaring outside grew louder. ' gin immediately, and he expeetes to deliver the building ready for oc i cupancy by September, in time for I the opening of school. An election was held last summer aryl the bonds authbrized, but for some reason they were not sold and the building begun as early gis ex pected. The amount to be expended will sbe $16,000. Portions of the pres I ent building will be used with four i rooms added. There will be no change in the interior except the stairway to the auditorium. Brick veneering will be used on the outside of the old building. A few of the windows will be done away with in order to come up to the lighting sys tem prescribed for schools, all light being let in from the back rooms. The present heating system, large stoves in the center of the rooms. ‘ will be discontinued and replaced with steam radiators, sanitary drink- I ing fountains will he installed. The ■ interior of the building will be well painted. The scats will be thorough ly overhauled. Large columns and concrete steps will be placed on the front of the building which will make it very attractive. AMERICUS TIMES-RFCORDER. SIOOO In Jewels Stolen At Arabi CORDELE, June B.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Royai, at Arabi, was robbed several nights ago ami diamonds and jewelry valued at more than SI,OOO were stolen. One night Mrs. Royal had occasion to take out her jewelry from the place where she usually kept it secreted. When she and Mr. Royal went out later to visit friends, she unthought cdly left the case on a table in her living room. Returning about bl o’clock, she remembered leaving the jewelry case out and made a search for it. The case was gone, with one diamond crescent, one pearl brooch, harvest moon and leaf, one diamond bracelet; wrist watch, two pendants, a stick pin and a beauty pin. The intrinsic value of the stolen proper ty amounts to more than a thousand dollars, but Mrs. Royal prizes the ar ticles especially for the sentiment at tached, they being gifts from her husband and other relatives and friends. Library To Be Open Each Evening Till 9 A change has been made in the li brary hours by Miss Carrie Speer, librarian, for the convenience of the public and hereafter the reading I PHONE I I 749 I W Wl' r:n y°" have any clothes you want cleaned ifp M and pressed. Eg Wc call for and deliver all work promptly and guarantee K satisfaction on each job. Americus Shoe Repair & Dry Cleaning Co. THERON JENNINGS. Manager. Farm Loans Farm Loans in Any Amount Promptly Nego tiated and Closed. T. O. MARSHALL 36-38 PLANTERS BANK BLDG. AMERICUS, GEORGIA BRUNSWICK Tires and Tubes CORDS AND FABRICS Unlimited Mileage Guaranteed ADJUSTMENT BASIS This tire is made by one of the oldest rubber companies in existence, who budt their reputation on quality products. You owe it to yourself from « > standpoint of economy and service to use Brunswick tires. Special Introductory Offer for June 30x3 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 Miles CO TT 31x4 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 Q(H Americus Adjustment JJ J Miles, Americus Adjustment 30x3 1-2 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 d*l QFA 32x4 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 RC Miles, Americus Adjustment Miles, Americus Adjustment 32x3 1-2 Non-Skid Casing, 8.000 Cl 799 33x4 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 (PQ4 Miles, Americus Adjustment I Miles, Americus Adjustment cpZiT.vD 34x4 Non-Skid Casing, 8,000 Miles, Americus Adjustment * All Other Sizes and All Tubes Same Discount As Above EVERY BRUNSWICK IS A GOOD TIRE Old Ti res Taken in Trade; Let Us Make You a Trade Price Gasoline, Oils, Tires, Accessories BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Georgia Motor Co. J. W. OLIVER, Manager. Open Nights Phone 133 • rooms will be open until 9 o'clock in the evening, opening first at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon. '• This will enable the librarian to. do detail work in the book department , during the morning hour,-, when Am i ericus people are busy about their I household affairs, and permit the pub ■ lie to come to the cool reading rooms i in the afternoon and evenihg. A number of young , men and i young women who are engaged alt I day may thus avail themselves of the i opportunity the change of hours af | fords to reads in the evening. GERMANSTALK ABOUT NEXT WAR (Continued From aPge 1.) it is sustaining tens of thousands of I wounded ex-soldiers by pensions and ! other thousands of unemployed peo i pie by doles. It is a republic—but it has few I convinced republicans. It has been badly beaten—but its • people drcam of revenge upon France. Prices are sky-high- but the use I of luxuries like champagne, perfumes and motor cars has tremendously in i creased. Fares have been—increased—but railway trains, steamboats and street, cars were never so crowded as they are today. People denounce militarism—but all over Germany you see pictures of old Hindenburg. Though ho[K‘ is dead, hate lives— hate of France, the victor! And Ger mans think of revenge, talk of the next war—and blacklist Allied good-. In his next dispatch Bronner will tell what Germany is thinking to ward, and planning toward, “The Next \Var.” Garageman Burned When Car Takes F ire John Freeman, local garage man, was badly burned about the face and arms Tuesday afternoon, when a car belonging to G. M. Bragg caught on live by. a short circuit in the wiring. Little damage was done to car, Otis Compton and others having pul the fire out before the fire department arrived. .The United States’ debt after the Civil War was nearly $3,000,000,000. Clean Up Sale Os Skirts, Dresses, Ladies’ Slippers Begins Thursday Morning I 00 Skirts, assorted, most all kinds; regular price from $ 1.75 up to $ 1 3.50 for sale begin ning Thursday morning at from SI.OO ■“ $7.50 60 Dresses Silk Crepe de Chine, Voile; regular price $3.50 up to $24.50, for sale; price $1.90-$14.50 1 5 Dozen Ladies’ High Grade Slippers; reg ular prices from $5.00 to $8.00; for sale Thursday at $1.75 Mitchel Atiyah Under Opera House ” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1921. Z? Constipation is the tbre runner of 85% of all - human ills. It brings I V • ' on more suffering, w // more sleeplessness, il H limore ill-temper than V I //any other single cause. W / But YOU CAN GET U J RID of constipation. $ j Nor do you have to take V t* any nauseating, griping Wat medicines to do it. Take RICH-LAX RICH-LAX is a new treatment. It cleans system, removes the poisons from the bndy, and puts you in shape to accomplish things. And RICH-LAX does this leaving you weak and half-sick, as al feel after taking ordinary laxative.?. Guaranteed at Our Store. We are so. sure that Rich Lax will please you that we want you to come to our store and get a bottle and try it en tirely at our risk, if it doesn’t suit you. if it isn’t the best laxative matt cine tell us sn and v.c will promptly refund the full purchase price, AMERICUS DRUG CO.