Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, October 15, 1921, State Edition, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Society WEDDING OF MISS WALKER OF WIDE INTEREST HERE. The wedding on Wednesday in Monroe of Miss Louise Walker and Mr. Robert Ligo-,. McWhorter. of Athens, was of v- de social interest here, where the vride has been on many happy occasions the guest of her "'ster. Mis. Frank Harrold, re <eivitq mat ked sen tai attentions dttr •’ ini. her visits. The ceremony was performed in the Baptist church of Monroe at 8 o’clock tn the evening, with Rev. W. S. Walker, an uncle of the bride, of fieiitting, in the presence of a large mscinblage of relatives and friends. Miss Walker was given tn mtn riage by her father .Mr. Billington Sanders Walker, and wore full bridal robes, with orange blossoms. After a wedding journey Mr. Me Whorter and his bride will reside in Athens, where he is successfully en gaged in the mercantile budnes: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrold at tended the wedding from Americus, and were in the receiving line at the brilliant reception which followed a: the Jwwe of the bride’s parent- GOLDEN JUBILEE OF WOMAN’S AUXILIARY. Tfthtofrow the fiftieth anniversary of thfr founding of the Woman's lux iliarjt to'the Board of Mis-iom, will he. inserted in al! Episcopal churches ■thrninii'bout the country. The branch of tse Woman’s Auxiliary in Calvary chuSph will observe the day by i" tending their Corporate < il»*nunion at 7-tBO. Tffis Golden Jubilee i> replete with spletulid statistical figures of the gictfili of this organization for the Wonftn of the Episcopal church throfighout the Union. Tib- Woman’s Auxiliary was found ed hi 1871, and the lime spent at' the Jirst meeting was two and one half-jiours. In 1919, the date of the last. 14 days were consumed in t£p disposition of the busine s of the In 1874 there were no imsuttm study classes, while at (he preejjt tune 1,500 are in activ< work-; totalsvalue of emnribui ions in 1874 CLASSroAWERTISEMENTS «<,.■■ ■.— —— .- [| _ ■ u-u WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS ('.Alii. AND SEE our pretty line of Fall ana Winter Hats. \moricu Mil®ery Parlor, (106 Jackson Ave. r ' Z ' 1171 YOUNG MARRIED MAN of -tmhng rpgiliti es wishes position. Salary secdftdary consideration. .Addrest •A. Ifc C , Times-Recorder. 11-51 ifer ■.■» —— - NOTICE—From this time on through oat the byster season wo will have FRESH OYSTERS, SWEE’I MILK, and OYSTERETTES. Bragg’s Mar ket.JJ’ihone 181.—12-41. ■SCR&TCIT t welve names off your: Cristinas list. Ph-tograpl., im,k< gifts*that your friends can not buy theiftelves. Make youi appointment liowr The McKinstry Studio—l4-5t WANTED TO RENT—A four or five rojim lynise at once. Box 238. | WAITED Colored woman for mjtse and housework, 1o live on place, Free rent and good wages. Apply in person to H W. Moon Ga. Motfr Co.—-14-ts. WASTTLI)-—IOO (’ords of Wood. Will pa® $2.50 for Pine and $3.5(1 fur Oak-wood, delivered at 708 Spring St. |A. ( ALEXANDER.—IB-flt . —. HIE. BOND of Friendship your Photograph for Christmas. As a Bpeetftl inducement lor early sittings, I anggiving one Portrait Ait Calen der with extra print with all orders during the rest of thi. month and Nov®,diet-; The McKinstry Studio. S ‘ -14-51. WAISTED ■ To rent two mule-.-- until January 1. \V J. Josey.—l4-3t. j l-trf — WARTED—iOId Coins and stamps. paid U. S. Trade Dollars 1884, kcepr old coins dated before 1895. Send* 15 cents at once for new coin and jft.anip value book. It may mean youfftfortune. John Jones. 10 Jen ningg St., Atlanta. Ga. 15-It W A§TE I> < lorica! position by yefing woman with several years ’ expefjenee in office work. Address Bookkeeper, Times-Recorder.- 14-2 t -• WANT TO DO YOUR fine watch, and jewelry repairing. Ex jjert service and reasonable charges. R. S; Broadhurst. Jeweler. 110 La mar directly in front of post- KJ r WAITED —Good three or four i horse crop on shares. Apply to Tinws-Rqcoi dec. 15-4 t j Ft) It‘PROM P I fraii'fcr Servici and Heavy Hauling and country trips. 1 Phone 303, (.lark's Transfer.—tf FOUND—Bunch of Keys. Call for atTTimes-Reiorder and pay for this advertisement.—i3-3t. i FOR RENT ’ kJ 1 - ' I - Three large unfurn- • ■ u l’Mairs. Phone 381. , . Philo IL Smith. 15-2 t i L ™**ENT-Th;; ~ AGENTS WANTED > . agent to handle city trade in Xmer-I H icus and other vacant < ities. This y. is opportunity you! ? willl he retailing the genuim .11; & Wathtns Product.- ineludm-- Watkii Cocofinut Oil Shampoo, Garda 1:,,'. Powder, Fruit Drink and over 137 , other products. Write today for free sanipjk and particulars, The J R Watkins Co., Dept. 69, Memphis. 1 Tenn. -8-11. f was .$72,249.70 with nine time much donated in I 919; Xvomwi re-- ent at the firs: meetin- were I ■’>• while 1,500 attended thr am elite in 1919: th.- i ted Thank ot f in 1874 amount- I to nothing, w.t.-- the contribution to this branch alone amounted to $4d8.000 in 1919: to tai cash contribution- since I>7 1 hare been 814.1100,000. win h< -total number of dioce.-an officer- 7 1!»11' was 1200. Thus, it i with pride that the 'Golden Auxiliary will be Orated in the Amerues church Sundae morn | frig, these figures stimulating still : greater enthusiasm among the branch Auxiliary in Calvary ehnieh. JUNIOR MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO GIVE PROGRAM. The Junior Missionary Auxiliary of i the First Methodist church will give ' an interesting program Sunday morn ■ ing a* the regttlai meeting hour ol ' s ■;,() o'clock The subject will be on Japan, and la number of sou?- ami readings will . be heard concerning that country. The protium in full follows: Subject "Kobe. Japan.” Song—“ The Kingdom is < oming ” Sentence prayers for the children of Kobe. Minutes and -roll call. Bible lesson— " A Missionary Per secuted”—Acts, 19, 23-28 by Walton Stewart Memory verse “If Ye Endure (’hastening. God Dealeth With You As With Sons.” Song---“ Help Somebody Today.' Leaders lesson-—" Children of Kobe at. Home and at School.” Reading ‘"The Friday Sunday School, by Elizabeth Smith. Reading—“ The Bamboo.” be Lena Mt Math. Story—“Kugimiya Sam.” bv the Leader. ('losing praym- By l.ouesa Eng lish. .A cordial invitation is extended to every junior boy and girl to be pres ent to participate in the excellent program. MISS BAILEY HONORED AT BEAUTIFUL LUNCHEON. Mrs. John Oliver mdertaiucil a.I luncheon Friday at the Tea Room FOR SALE FOR SALE- Purebred White Rocks and White Wyandottes, Cockerels, or will exchange for purebred hens of same breed. Apply Agricultural Col lege. 2 4-if WANTED—Your HAT to CLEAN and BLOCK. Service guaranteed. Columbus Hat Works. Columbus, Ga., .Member Chamber of Commerce, Ki wants club FOR SALE—One Bicycle, second hand in good condition. Phone 771. 15-2 t FOR SALE- LADIES’, GENTS AND BOYS’ CLOTHING ON EASY TERMS. WEAR WHILE YOU PAY. W. J. JOSEY. 15-2 t FOR SALE—Large Jersey milch cow; fresh in milk. See J. E Stewart, Leslie. Route, *near River Bridge. 15-It FOR SALE—One Buick, one Reo, and one Ford, all in good run ning condition. These are real bar gains. Turpin & Sheffield. 14-2 t FOR SALE--Five-room house, on large lot; rent $lO month. Price S9OO. Good investment, or home. ]’. B. WILLIFORD.- 13-31. FOR SALE —1,150 acres, on railroad with station and good road; six room residence, running water; 100 acres nice pebbly land. Only sl4 acre; one-third cash; a bargain. P. B. WILLIFORD.—I3-3t. FOR SALE—One Buick, one Reo and one Ford, all in good running condition. These are real bargains. Turpin & Sheffield. I I 2t A NEW LINE of Pretty Pattern Hats have arrived and are now on display at the Americus Millinery Parlors, 606 Jackson Avenue Il 7t FOR SALE -Winter Lawn Grass Seed. Americus Seed and Supply Co. 11-It FOR SALE We have neat Americus a tine piano slightly used and part ly paid for, which we will, sell to party willing to complete the re maining monthly payments. Semi name and address for full informa tion. ('aide Piano Company, 82-84 North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.—l i-3t FOR SALE One Buick, one Reo, and one Ford. All in good running condition. These arc real Bargains. Turpin Sheffield. 11 2t. FOR SAI E J« 1 <■, Mflk, absolute* pure, and-cream; 12 I-2c per quart j delivered. All’s. A. J. Williams, 501, Forrest street Phone 420. 11 -21 LOST AND FOUND LOST—Bulldog, 9 months old, white, liver-colored spots. Ears and tail trimmed. B. C. Vaughn. 15-2 t MONEY TO LOAN i FARM LOANS Low Interest Rate and Good Terms. \V. W. DYKES. SAI RESMAN WANTED WANTED—Salesman for line of guaranteed tires. SIOO.OO per week guaranteed salary with extra commissions. Muston Tire Co., 108 •S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. 8-It 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline Vaporizer. i Write for particulars. Stransky Va l-> rizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. 15-U '.GENTS—SeII Milburn punctcre proof tubes. Demonstrate by dti ing nails in tire. Sell every- owner. ,33 7-3 profit. Milburn ibmctuie Proof Tube Co.. 336 W. 47th Chicago • 15-U in compliment to Mis> Annie Bailey.' . poiHtl?'- bride-elect of the month. | A la'ge table was placer: ;tl a recess ' ~f the decorated dining 'room 1 the prettily perorated dining room : •.ml was adc: ned w ith a large silver - 'filagree basset filled with crimson! i,.-e- with fern -prays, the handle; ■ t which was fieri with rose tulle.! ba ket restr d on a handsome I I. enter of Cluny lace, around which i lace mats were used for the service. | Surrounding the centerpiece was aj wealth of pink coral blossoms com bined with ferns, the tapering leaves of the fern reaching to each indi vidual plate. The place cards were dainty hand ; painted brides surrounded with cupids, while the favors consisted of pink baskets with roses and filled with salted nuts. The pretty appoint ments were completed with crystal bonbon dishes holding pink and white mints. Covers were laid for eleven, and :: foui course hot. luncheon was serv er. Miss Bailey was presented with al I handsome niece o f.-ilver by the host- J ess, and with a bride book which con tained in delicately tinted pictures the romance of engagement days and the honeymoon time. Seated were Mis< Bailev, Mrs. W. I 1-7 Taylor, Mrs. Charles' M. Hale, I M : - Louise Marshall, Mrs. Charles* Furl e. Mi - Geraldine Pavne, Mrs. M H. Wheeler, Mrs. Steve Pace, 1 M-s. Charles Hudson. Mrs. John Al-, len Fort and Mrs. Oliver. Miss Bailey was beautifully gown-1 ed in a --mart tricotine in dark blue.! with panne velvet in harmonizing: tom . Touches of gray embroidery! added to the atractiveness of her cos- 1 tiime. SUNDAY MUSICAL PROGRAM AT FIRST METHODIST. A pleasing program has been ar-1 ranged for presentation at both morn-1 in l , and evening services in the First Mcthodi°t church to which the public i > mors; cordially invited to attend. Singing: in the morning will be Mrs. j W E Taylor Miss Ruth Council, J jR. K™ B *® SATURDAY MONDAY REALA RT PICTURE SELECT PICTURE Beautiful EDITH HALLAR MAY M’AVOY in in ! Children Os Destiny Iler Latest Picture Don’t Miss It and Two Reel Everything For Sale’ Sunshine Com “ dy and Single Midget Side Mutt and Jeff I Show D YL ANDED THEATER TODAY i MONDAY . Robins-on-Cole Production First National Attraction MAE MARSH POLA NEGRI i n >„ ‘The Little ’Fraid ‘One Arabian Night’ Lady And 2-Reel Comedy Also ‘Wedding Bells’ Bathe News _ Rylander Theater TWO PERFORMANCES—ONE: DAY ONLY TUESDAY-OCTOBER 18 Free Street Parade at 11 O’clock MATINEE—3:OO P. M. NIGHT—B:3O P. M. OOu algheldlOOQ ™ [OjBI Scats On Sale at Rylander Theater, NIGHT PRICES—AII boxes and lower floor . $2.00 Balcony, $1.50 Colored Gallery SI.OO MATINEE PRICES—AII boxes and lower floor SI.OO Balcony 75c Colored Gallery... 50c THE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER. Mrs. Morgan Stvens. Mrs. \V. H. Em- I met. K. ('. Beavers, \\ ilbur Giddings. 1 and J. M. Bryan. The evening Semite will be sung by a large < horns choir, and an espe i i ially bright, selectiv! In< be -n made i tor this service. Ihe program f ilo". -. Morning. Prelude Opening Voluntary I Lcybach. Anthem How Wondrous and Great. Offertory-—Aria from La Sere nade—Beethoven. Duet Kock of Ages—(Violin Ob ligato), Mis. Taylor, Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Pace. Postlude Festival March. —Ash- ford. Evening. Pielude- Am. Christbaum —Oes- ten. Chorus Forth to the Fields —- Watson. Offertory—Song to the Evening Star— Wagner. Duet - Ihe Lord is My Shepherd— I Koshat). Miss Glayds Smith and Miss (•vnelia Wallis. Post In de—Selected. * * WEDDING OF MISS SNOW OF INTEREST HERE i The announcement of the marriage lof Miss Willie Snow and Mark 1' I Ethridge, both of Macon, is of c<.r --' dial interest in Americus, where the bride is well known here among friend- and foriper classmates oi I Wesleyan, from, vyhieh institution | she wa- graduated tw o years ago v i f h brilliant honors During her college career Mrs. Eth -1 ridge as Miss Snow enjoved th- wid i cst popularity among faculty and ' student body. She was p is-t ssed of I a magnetic persona l iiy, combiner) i with a mind which radiated, brillian icy in each depai'tment in which she ■excelled, She.was editor of the Vet ero|)t, the college antial, which posi tion she filled with honor t> herself i 'iml the college which it represented, i She was also president of the sen j ior class of 1920, and won further distinction for herself in the manner I of the splendid conduct throughout . the senior year. Laving studied under a state s< 101-1 arsnip offered by the United Daugh-f tors of the Confederacy, she made a marvelous record both for herself and the ' rganiz.ation which she represent ed, for which the state chapter has', expri ssed its appreciation of her I splendid achievement. She was especi ally bright at journalism, as her work i at Wesleyan College demonstarted, and since leaving her alma mater, she achieved still further distinction on the Macon Telegraph. Miss Emma Love Fisher. Miss Ma bel Ellis and Miss Anne Ellis, Ameri cus students at Wesleyan during Miss Snow’s senior year, were asso ciated with her in her senior year at college. PRILADELPHIA FIRM CUTS MOTORING COSTS “Prices below the level of 1914 would seem incredible,” said Mr. Tur pin, proprietor of the Battery Service Co. “Yet in some manner the manu facturers of the Philadelphia Dia mond Grid Batteries have accomp lished it.” The battery Mr. Turpin was dis cussing can he used on nine out of ten cars. “There is no similar bat tery of equal efficiency nor any oth er that has been so openly guaran teed to give one year’s continuous services as these special type, Ford., Buick and Dodge batteries. And be cause Philadelphia Diamond Grid Batteries have the habit <<f outliving the cars themselves is one reason my shop is popular. Os course, a lot ot the men who buy these special type batteries don’t understand that they contain patented quarter saw id hard wood separators. If they did know that, and knew what i'l meant, they would know why the makers could afford to give such a sweeping guarantee.” “But” the reporter asked Mr 1 urpin, “just what is this Pihladclpia firm doing that they can so cut costs and give motorists greater value?" “Well,” said Mr. Turpin of the nailery Service Co., “I'm not PROGRAM Os VARIED INTEREST I here is a Program at the Opera House Today and Torfight That Will Surely Please, If You Have Been Fed Up On Sex and Divorce Questions. Because It Is Devoid Os All Such. If .you like to laugh, Ben Turpin in Ihe Hero," will make you split your sides. Tom Mix will thrill you with his western dope. Miss Billie Rhodes will entertain you with high class comedy, and the Kineto Review will show you the beauty spots in th.e United States and Canada. Here is a reel of film that if you are artis tically inclined you will enjoy to the fullest. This review is to the moving picture field what "The National Geographic Magazine” is to the mag azine woild. The Opera House moving pictures are educational. Give the children 5c and let them see something of the world. Our crowds are getting bigger all the time. adv FUR SALE At CHURCH WELL’S ‘I/ ■■ ■' . *'* Monday Morning COME, BUY YOUR FURS AT A SAVING OF 50 PER CENT Monday Will Be a Big Day in Our Ready -To-Wear Department. $3,000 Worth of Furs Go On Sale Monday. < 1 » ■ We have just received $3,000 worth of high grade Furs on consignment and they will be put on sale Monday at a big saving to you. Come down Monday and make your selec tion, for these Furs positively will not be on sale any longer than Monday. In the lot you will find Chokers, Scarfs, Capes and Neckwear. See Window Display" DRESS SALE Monday Morning One lot of Dresses $14.75 Sizes 14 to 38. In Serge, Tricotine and Jersey. All new Dresses and latest styles. In this lot there are Dresses that sold up to $27.50. . t s, »* „* ■ Come down early and make your selection, for this is an unusual bargain. All sales final. No alterations. CHURCHWELL’S try to tell you how it’s done, but 1 happen to know that new methods ot concentration, bulk production, wise buying-—ap.d a fair pricing of the finished product, have given me chance to make money at the sann lime I give my patrons a new oppor tunity to save :L” My Time rafluA- Clock As your servant in the Big- I / gest business in the WorId— IIOUSEKEEPING—I, Kilo Watt, am At Your Service at any Hour of the Day or Night. By llie very act ol summoning Me lo Your Assist ance, You punch the time ( lock lor Me, and I begin Work immediately. When I have given the Service Desired You again Punch the 1 ime Clock for Me, and I Cease Work Immediately and the charge for my services stops at the same time. Whether I Serve You Once or a Thousand Times during the Month, Your l inger Punches the lime ( lock the Minute 1 go to Work and the Minute I cease Work, and the Total lime I have Worked dm ing the Month, is Registered on the Dials of the I ime ( ’lock, which is Your Household Meter. You as General Manager of your Branch ol the Big gest Business in the World, can check up on the actual number of Hours of Service 1 have given each month by the Simple Process of Subtracting the Total Hours of Service 1 have given up to the time the Meter, or I ime Clock, is read by the Meter-Man this month from the Total Hours of Service I have given when the Meter, or Time Clock, is read next month. 1 hose I lours of Service are the Units upon which mv pay is based, just as you pay any Worker by (he Hour. Ihe Units are known as "Kilowatt I lours.” Next month I will tell you about MY Wages, for, of course, Expense is one of the Most Important Things in the Conduct of Your Branch of the Biggest Business in the World. Then you can figure How I ittle I charge for being always Al Your Service, KILO WATT. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1921. Mrs. J. E. Ihys, of Moutezunia, state president of the federal d clubs, will attend the perforinaiiqe this evening at the- Ryiander' ’of “Katcha-Koo," and with he)- will be a party cf friends who will also on joy the delightful musical comedy.