Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 26, 1922, Home Edition, Page PAGE TWO, Image 6

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PAGE TWO SHOW BIGGEST PURE SEED HERB V/ili Be Displayed At National Daily Expos on In H.milin, Minn. HAAJLLNE. Minn., I ■ —« i.agyet X«’9?P P 1 . tie -ever gathered v, it display '•) .. ; 1 the Nat-Ulla. D:il.'-.. ■ . in? -' • held Jure <>e • ■' A ’" " 1 .‘in prizes v. 1 be c-.ercd, ; eeffin ing. to ofti<ial*. (Stile friim the prize herd- if large Wisconsin f.irn end .ria parte of Aniert-a’s dairy sc, tier. wi . be exhibited at the exp 1 ■■ sponsors declare will lie tl.e large t of its kind. The Ifnited Stale.- Department i Agriculture will co-operate with the , exposition officials in tur.i’g Dairy HaH into i huge educational e•. i->it | of iairy product* .’.I theii n.-, *. Included .a the hall’s feature, v. .• be 5" the go. exhibit, a model dairy kitci:-n di: •<*.• by Airs. Put.: Hem. ing ; :i vim h Lt uses of milk m the home kifclb :' vih be demonstrated Demonstration also will 1 ■ t of file dep. I'tmo nt’s f. port serviie. by Zadio, telegraph and mail, 'hich is bailable to- fa. me .-. ma mi ■’ctu'’- ers, ■ distributors and i-oi:s".a:i r Tic various cattle asm nat’. .. have" s'-m ted »n raising the total of the prizes offer'd. In each . . t>.-. five brecT-divisions ~■.‘>,790 wiL Li LIVE IN CHICKEN HOUSES'. You may not know i . but be I bugs m.\v be living in your chi.kin lioU'-v! The? il'O on the blood of chickens., Tl • y s) lead disease and you are in u mger t'U.' STAX ILx Proti <: yourself. <n.. b-4 with Royal Guaranteed B. d Bug Liquid. H.\ nb-ss to ehickei'.,. 2 Sold and .cii Ly Carswell Drug Co.— i adv ) ALCAZAR : T °* y Last Chance to S: e Gloria Swanson, Fo: 4, David. Pcrell, in ‘HER GILDED CAGE’ A romance of Cay anil | New York society re’-'els. TOMORROW Hoct Gibson in. “The Galloping Kid ’ r MICHELIN | y H v Are Rock 801 -ni Prices On the World’s g Quality Tires and Tubes i ... , Ring- Regular • V. B Size ;■ Shaped Oversize Size Fabric i' B * (*' 9 Tubes C ids Cords Casing.; C Soft Bead Clincher Tvpe I & 28x3 $2.40 I 1 I ’ 30x3 2.45 ' SIO.OO | 30x3i . 2.75 $15.50 $12.75 12.75 B 81X4 . . 3.15 15.50 p 5 Straight Side Type 30x» .. 270 1 5. )0 y 32x3j 2.90 23.25 18.00 ~ h * 31x4 3.15 20.45 f I ' 32x4 .. .3 70 29.15 22.50 | I 33x4 . 3.85 30.05 23.53 i 34x4 .... 4.00 30.85 21.; 5 I 32x14 1.75 37.70 26.45 ’ £ | 3 3x4 J 4.90 38.55 I 34x14 '5.10 .3.50 I ■ 35x45 ... 5.25 40.70 | '. 36x41 5.40 41.55 ■n F | 33x0 5.70 46.95 I ■ 34..5 . ... 5.85 48.15 | 35x5 .... 6.'0. 49.30 ' t I * 37x5 «.3O 51.85 • o E • 36x6 ... 9.40 86.00 | - ■ g MOON AUTO SUPPLY CO., fi S (7 229 Lamar Sheet Ji I t H W. Moon, Pi opr. P..0r.„ 130 - ' ■ SEE 833 . . ... .< This Week Will Be KRAFT’S CHEESE WEEK In Americus Krafts Cheese Company is holding a Demonstration at The s Fairgrounds Every one in and around Americus invited to parUike of our wonderful p.uduis. offered <o ti e regular classes. In addition t> this special prizes offer : ed by individuals and organizations raises the total to much larger figure.-'. Bovs' and Gicalf clubs haw ' . •a offered prizes amounting t< I !-2,2(*0 by the Naiion;.! Dciry A*so- ■ ’ on, -100 pc. given to exhibr tot* in each -.ass. la addition each o, the breed associations is giving . prizes in rec'x.nition of the- work ! dene by the clubs. 1 REPUBLICAN STATES ARE IGNORED IN BONUS VETO WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. • ■< .»i --' , pressmen :■!"• a one another . , what, if anything, the veto of <h-‘ '■nidi bo: :-, bill mean.- politicaily in the face of election.-. The i< |o. tai card ballot on 1 tin- bonus shewed .-•■•nt intent in favor of ihe bonus in the nort hand centr'd West :.:i don the I’a< ific coast. I.:•'!.:!/ D.readers in the east rhe outh an dtiic m <unlai. ; states returned a vote against the bonus. All the t.iics thu ' favored the •o.:.; in this poll gave Republican majorities two years ago. PENNINGTON , \1 i- ■ 1 ■ :!a >.■ rael, of Sumter rj-.-nt. the pz ■( week with Mr.-. A Sommers. M’. and Mr-. .1. I. T'eanington, Mi • ' and Dallas Penning"*'';: were Sunday gu« sts .of Mr. and M. . J. B. L . tcrlin, Jr,, t \ndei sonvill Mrs. (>. A. Summers and Miss Lula L ■. ]i< nt Wediu. day noon with Mrs. P. N. Pennington find family. Rev. P. K. Cowart, of New Era. was a visiior here< Wednesday afler no:>ll. Mr. and Mi.. (). A. Sunn" rs wi re called •Am<i it t Wednesday on i-wount cl :ie illness of ti ’r son, C i., at the 1 >mo of i- s grandpar- 1 d .urs. \\ .Al. Summer; '•!>'. and .Jr . Gus Hollow ... ~n- , nounee the birth of a son Tuesday, ■ Sep'. 19. I’.- n 1 'ge- and little daughter, <X<X«X*<«, . <<<XCC4XC3X<X4 V Ar S * V A ! JUST RECEIVED ? W » V * •? , . * ‘ V, e have just ■ ceivea a fine ffl * ' k.tion of ART POTTERY' * * n; .I‘coloi'S and designs. * * « *. * S 'vr i * M we also have in a ship £ iV men! ol large mahoganv W v tra y s - ’ a V * 8 * 8 ■ 4 ! ‘ THOS 1... 81'.1.1., • > A v Jeweler and Optician £ 0 M * > * V * Christine, of Amern us, were visitors 1 here Sunday. Mr-. .1. D. Pennington returned ■ home Saturday after spending a week at the bedside of her mother, M: <. Clark, at her home in Americus. Mrs. Cleve Pennington and daugh, ■ : Pel. aai, .-pent Sunday night' and 1 Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. i Summers. ■ , : Mrs. A. B. Holloway spent Wed- ■ d.-'y with M: . Gus Holloway. I M.'. and Mr.-. W. AL Summers, of . ! Americ us, spent the week-end w ith ’ Mr. and Airs. (). A. Summers. J FL R. Lane, of .Myrtle Springs, p-.-iit Monday here with his parents, M<. ami Mrs. T. J. Lane. Mr. ami Airs. .1. I. Pennington and son, Dallas, visited Air. and Mrs. ' t>. A. Summers Friday evening. Mrs. .1. P. Bolton spent Saturday ■ in Americus with Mrs. W. AL Sum mers. .HUNTINGTON LI XIINGTON, Sept. 2(l.—.Miss 1 7 e. nia F.ii*ridge c elebrated her i Izth birthday with a delightful aft- I ■rnooii party Saturday afternoon chich assembled about 15 of her little fr.ends to enjoy the occasion. I he l-’tlc- guests were amused with different games until a late hour, when refreshments were served. Several from here attended the Sumb r ( ounty 'Singing convention in Americus Sunday. Al: Geraldine Ryals left Satur- ' day L.r Sardis where she will teach I ehc-ol school this year. Mr>. .J. Fl. Kinard and Mildred 't ai to their home Sunday aft er a delightful-visit to Mr. and Mrs. ■L A. Brcy at the ir home in Cordele. A!l ' and Childers Sheppard guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Greene, at their home near w:lo. 'iile Sunday. Miss Vera Hayes left Sunday for Jacksonville, being called there by -le Illness of her sister, Mrs. C. R. Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. HR], j r . ( of Cobh, w< .re visiiord at !the home co th,-ir parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. • ‘erry, Sunday morning W. A. Parker, of New Era, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. I f Harris, Friday afternoon. Miss Lottie Ethridge, o f Ameri cus, spent the week-end with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Eth ridge. -Tvs Beulah Harris spent Sunday pleasantly with Miss Lucile Kinard. _ Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bradley and ; Mr*. Bernard Bradley and little son, v m'c-, of New Era, were the guest . of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bradley Fri -1 day afternoon. Miss Neva Ferry leaves Wcdn'es- Now is the time to pay attention and see that your bakings are pure, wholesome and nutritious. Good Hour is all Hour with the nutritive value of wheat. Mix it with good baking pow der and you have a nutritious, wholesome, palatable baking. No ready mixed substitute will take its place. For wholesome, nourishing food you should use straight flour and a pure baking powder— There never was, is not, and never will be anything that will take the place of good straight baking powder and plain flour. If you are using self-rising flour or any other kind of a ’ substitute for good baking powder or plain Hour you had better stop, and consider whether you are practicing real economy, or saving money. You are taking a chance of losing the full nutritious health-build ing value of a good, plain flour. For best results use— Calumet Baking Powder and a good plain flour. THE AMERICUS TIMES RECORDER. ’ day for Sylvester where she has ac cepted a position as teacher in he school there. Mrs. J. A. Bray and little son, ' John, of Cordele, came' Sunday to pend sonic' time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Kinard. Miss Beulah Harris was the guest c f Mrs. Claude Johnson S afternoon. Willie Chi k and Henry L-e Shep pard returned to their homes here last week after a \i-it of some length to New York and othei poin.s of interest. ELLAVILLE. ELLAVILLE, Sept. 26. Last Sunday night at about 2:.'!(» o’clock the citizens of our town were awak • ened by the alarm of tire and it was soon ascertained that the barn of C. L. Battle was in flumes. The local lire department was called out but it was ton late as the tire* had gain ed tc,o much headway to be checked. The perfect st'llness of the s night prevented any danger of the tire spreading to ohter buildings. The barn contained two bales of unginned cotton, two mvles a cow ; and calf, and three hogs, all of which was a complete loss, as no insurance was carried. The- fire was discovered by a son of Mr. Battle’s who hap pened to wake up and saw the re.- :Je lion of the fiames thorugh th.' window. RICHLAND. RICHLAND. Sept. 26. —A wed ' ding of cordial interest to a wide cir- I cle of friends was that of Miss Ruth Channell, of Richland, and Mr. E. D. Clark, of Macon, which took place Saturday morning at Plains, Rev. Mr. Philips of that city- officiating, in the prepence of only the immediate family of the bride. Immediately' following the cere- They are GOOD! 11# mony the young couple left for Americus and from there to Savan nah for a bridal trip of a couple weeks, later going to Mpcon where they will make their home. Mrs. Clark is the eldest daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Chappell, i prominent people of Richland. She courts her friends by the score both at Richland where she was born and • reared and at the numerous cities .hroughout the state where she has < visited, and their love and good i wishes follow thepi in their new life. ! Mr. Clark, who originally came |l from Michigan, has resided in Ma-'| con for several years, where he islj one of the esteemed young men of !| the city. He holds a responsible poi! sition wish the (ampbell company I of that city. CONCORD Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hagerson spent i Saturday nigh.' in Schley county as ■ the guests of Mr. and Mrs. hi. R. Ij Hart. Mrs. W. W. Dozier spent a short I’ while Tuesday morning with Mr*. J B. Holley. ,j Mrs. A. L. Brown is convalescent, i 1 Mis. R. F. Bell and baby Pauline, visited Mrs. A. C. Bell Tuesday. ( lift Elder and a negro who were riding- a motorcycle had a narrow es- ; cape Sunday morning when a bolt i came loose and the machine turned ■ turtle with them. Neither suffered ' serious injury. Littl Doris Kidd has whooping cough. Hollie Womack, of Americus, spent. Sunday with homefolks. J. B. Holley was a business visitor to Plains Friday. 1 Mr. and Airs. B. P. Buchanan spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wynn's. Airs. F. L. Wynn and baby Doro thy. spent last week in Schley county the guests of Prince Kiihl. J. H. Dupree is quite ill with a carbuncle on his foot. 'lhe people of this community are ; fft ■ I NISF V My t J > ■O'-pC /\ Hl I ■ W - —— —...- - -gnjTinn.llM ■■ ■! ' .—I -ri j J .... == = . SPECIAL For Thursday’s Selling We Will Offer a Lot of the Season’s Swellest Dresses At a Little Over Half Price Dresses Valued at $15.00 to $17.50 $10.95 Dresses Valued at $19.25 to $25.00 14.95 Dresses Valued at $25.00 to $29.75 . 19.95 Dresses Valued at $35.00 to $40.00 ' ... \ 24.95 Now understand these are every one absolutely new, this season’s merchandise, and are of— Canton Crepes Wool Cantons Crepe de Chines Poiret Twills 1 ricotines And Other Fabrics » No Exchanges < V % Alterations Extra jMk | AIT C? Spot Cash 11 b ICJy S’ greatly enthused over the coming fair in Americus. Mrs. C. J. Daniel and little daugh ters Jane and Ann spent Saturday right and Sunday in Americus as guests of Airs. Comer. Air. and Airs. W. T. Johnson, of Americu-. -pent Saturday night with Air. and Airs. J. E. Johnson. Mr. ami Air*. A. C. Bell and chil- RYLANDER : Si DAY HEART THROBBING SOUL STIRRING / MIND STIMULATING Florence Vidor in , . “DUSK TO DAWN” BHHH I i t l-ran'.iiiil naiuie !,;:<! . worked his regeneration HF and he loved her. !-' t she not n. "v . B® ; ian . beeaust- <>i tlra "- 1 amazing <>tin, iil< It u.i W dusk to dawn. 11<- called it "dream- nonsense." J' She knew it for a fearful h jl rea 1 i ty. - - ■■ ■: ' What would vou call the phenomena of two girls with but one life? Also Pathe News ________ _. Earle Williams in Restless Souls And a Comedy U A Stormy Night” TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1922 I dren, Griffin and Elizabeth, visited relatives in Shiloh settlement Sunday. Mrs. A. O. Epps and Air:. I. tv . Wallace were Sunday visitor- of \j, . W. H. Dupree. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reid shoppers in Americus Saturday.