Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 27, 1922, Home Edition, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO UIFKQVED UNIFORM INfeATIONAI. Sunday School ’ Lesson 7 ; (By REV P. B. FITZWATER,. D. D. Teacher of Ergt'rb I' l.'e in i..e ?•!■■■■'y E- Bible Inytltcte of Chlcsco ) I Omricb- Western N*\v«7' t»pt r’ LESSON FOB OCTOBER 1 BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST «c . WESSON TEXT Erie L.C-" GOLDEN TEXT—He n.,iH i t-viu ir. the sight of the Lord. anti i 5i..41 <:r:n-c no: wine nor stt-onx drlm,.—L «•• REFERENCE Ji ATEBIAJm—I •«. ! F Mai. 4:4 t>. PRIMARY TOITC-An Angel Brills Good Nees. j JUNIOR TOPIC—The Birth of John the BarUst. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TO! I> ft —Preparation for the Coming of Cl’. ist. >. YOUNG PEOPI.L AND ADIT 1 TOfIC —Thc.-Place and Work ot Ju;.a i E t^st \V«- are today entering upon n ■ \ n —in' course of study in the G- pel v. Luke, whose general sub.; - ! s “Jesus the World's Savior." 'l'■lav's lesson concerns the birth of .! hi tl.-- Boptist, the forerunner of i'ic-1. I. The Parents of John the Baptist ; (vv. 5-7). 1. When They Lived (v. 5). “la the’ flays of Herod the King.'* They lived in a day when ungodliness v ~s rife. The priesthood was very cor: apt and the ruling <ia.-<es were Z:n-li arias and his wife lived In a Gu.e when it was not so ca.-> io In- godly. 2. Their Character (v. 6). They were righteous before God. T righteous before God Is a high tribute. ; Many appear to be righteous before men who are not rightcou.' before God. Their lives were so mated that they I walked in the commandments < f i Lcjrfl blameless. How beautiful u -s • when husband anti wife are milled In the Lord and walk together in f< how ship with God, < ft-They—Were cihildless (v. 7). Though this godly < ample ■•.■;■ > il | mated and they ;u ■.••! tl Jo? of the Lord in their souls, there w. -a . real lack in that home. 11. Tne Birth of John Prcmic'td (vv 8-17). J. By Whom (v. 11 ; cf. v. 10). Th- > anjgel Gabriel appeared and made known the good news to Za< liarias. , Tl|is exalted being, the special mos- : sehger of God, sent to make this ■ disclosure. 2. When (vv. 8-14). While oTu irit ! Ing as priest this g-od news came to ■ hftn. Zacharias must have been flefi- I nltelv praying about this very matter (v, 13) As he burned incense, Which typified prayer, the multitude without •were praying. 3. Characteristics of the Child (vv. !ll>17). (1) Shall he great in the sight of the Lord (v. 15). Though the ■ people did not greatly esteem he ( was highly esteemed by the Lord. This isdnfnitoiv better than if he had been i greatly esteemed in the eyes of iilcti • or in his own eyes. This is the esteem ■ for which we all should long am 1 pray (2.) Shall drink neither wine n< r j strong drink (v. 1.7). Tito child shall b&eome a Nazarite, separating him self front the sensuous tilings and ded . testing himself to the service of the Lqr<l. (3) Be filled with the Holy Ghost (v. 15). The energy of the di vine Spirit would enable him to load thb people to repentance (v. 16). (4) Shall go in the spirit, and power of' Elijah (v. 17). In this power lie was to prepare the people for the coining of the Savior and the salva tion which He was to bring. Hl. Zacharias Asking for a Sign <vy. 18-23). Althongli the aged priest was ear nestly praying for rhe salvation of Israel the gracious promise of the angel. whi'T. was tlie beginning of that Ffllvation, Staggered his faith. He was urjable to believe that that for which he fondly hoped and proved would be renlized. The angel gave Zacharias .a f sign. He was smitten with dumbness which was to continue, until the ful fillment of rhe promise. Beealfse he refused to praise God in faltj) for this grtaclous promise God caused his loltgne to be silent until tile promise was fulfilled and his lips could open in thanksgiving and praise. ’ Though )>e was thus rebuked, at the same time Lis faith was strengthened by the xnjinifeslation of th- supernatural. Giid wants us to trust Him, to believe his promises, uo matter how contrary to' reason they may s-em. IV. The Promise Fulfilled (w. 57- I Jwiien tlie time came for the birth ■ of John, Elizabeth brought forth n son nth) the neighbors ?•-.:<>i«c<l with her On the eighth day they oireutncized , the child and gave hint a name accord fife to the Instruction of the angel (Y 131, The name John was contrary to the family custom; By means of writing Zacharias made known the name which be would have by divine i instruction, At this time God opened the mouth of Zacharias and be offered up praise. Youth and Age. tin my youth I thought of writing a satire on mankind; but now in my c|e I think 1 should write an apology for them.—Walpole. Lenity and ’Mercy. When lenity and mercy play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester Is the . soonest winner.—Sliakespea.rc. Heaven Often Smites. Heaven often smites in mercy, tven wjien the blow is severest. —Joanna ; < BitUUe. . J . Mgl I The picture than ran one solid year on Broadway.— “Over The Hill,’ Rylander Theater Friday and Saturdav. Only the Dengue ! (The author refuses for her name Ito be divulged. Her apt dvserip -1 tion ; f Hows:) j ! Y ur lot;?, arc mighty achty i .'. y re fel m ght/l . Your km haky . ' ! I V?ur h :.'. :s fifl o.' ir midi p;:i Yr u fl.i'.’. you'i': .g r:.- to .5 ', To "Z'ia.o.'it': s in the » Your friends come in to scoff and laugh, I And say you are joking; And wi.’u thi v won’t hd : ‘v > one-; 1 lair Tt rea'"y '• provoki”?. , For of alt aches t’ .' w■ r t of >.■< h ' | I nd This you he’d i ■ rue, j Fall to the lot of he who takes I The ''re-.!:; dor i Bat do not iv d : con raged; Just bear it w,i‘h a tnv I You might as well unpack v*our grip . j And stav a I’ttle wl il? i For really ’tis no* serious, jSo take a brighter view, I For the thing that's get ting hold of i yob j Is “onlv the dengue. ’ ! And after all r tw’!l be w fun I To answer to y.A’r frond, , To that eter.-ir-l question I’hnt l ?cnv! ■ t ' r ;vp i’ ? end, j With ? sim.-Je bolh sxeet and know- ■ I A ■ in8 Y -C O A positive you om. i When he passes "nv and queries, . ! “Have you hr.i the dengue yet?” I ■ t--. —, I-v .. fi ; .-■ - ■ ’ ; ; ■ t I FOR r GE STION < ' •’ I M°l w?t?r i Sure Relief r.N ■'£ lUAMte hr- iIA aUfc?. i r Cver/ j ; ’ Short Feature Subjects 1 i .At The Opera House This Week-End The ■ Best Ever Look, here’s 18,000 feet of film j jr. ,t chocked full of varied fearu as i th it tire aiwolujely sure to ]>>. a. e j the most fi.i tidibus pi tii.-c fan in I this c ity, or any other city Tur that j matter. Tlie most thrilling serials ever i made, costing millions, ar- shown every Thursday si’d ITl.iay, “The AtiYenlll':'-.•'. of I.’’ “Go Get ’Em Hutch.'’ Th- grcal'.-.t array of cornel ians in tlie world are shown here this week: Charlie Chaplin, Har old Lloyd, Snub Pollard, Marie Mosquini, Baby Peggy, Ae.-op’s Fables. The camera men will show you scenes in Berlin, Potsdam, Ireland, 1 New York, Alaska, Atlantic City, Italy, France, and they will even take you North of 53 Degree- and show you along the Klappan Trail | m the Land of the Caribou; they will .how you a remarkable slo.v motion study of trout swimming | and eating from a man’s hand - ; ’ you will be shown nature's beauty i i spots done in exquisite pho. jgia ! phy, each picture like a rare : painting a The newest achievements of the motion picture camera: His head swells, his eyes pop, his neck 1 grows long, all right before your 1 ; eyes, a laugh sensation. Mothers and Fathers, give your children an allowance of 15c per , week and insist yn th.gir seeing these three shows . at the Opera , House each week—Thursday, j Friday and Saturday. They pos- ! sess v'Teat educational features. And while giving your children • advantages, don't think that having I drunk deeply at Mie fountain of ; nowledge, you are stocked up for life; you r.iay need some of this knowledge in order t> keep up with your offspring. You had better cop e along with them. Children at Matinees 5c Adults and Children, Nights, 10' Shews begin at 3 and continuous until 6. Night shews Leg.hi at 7 ani' continuous until 10. HIS. CONSCIENCE TROUBLED HIM “I know I have done wrong, please forgive me for not doing my duty an! writing you before. I- am thankful to God fc.r the good remedy He give you, and would not take SSOO for'the good the first .dose gave ire, I hare been bothered for many years with gas in my stomach and indigestion, but since taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy two y- arc ngo, have had no such trouble.” It is" a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach; liver and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money For sale by Howell.- Pharmacy and druggists everywhere adv GLEE CLUB ORGANIZED A t AGGIE Aggie students *'glee-”fuilyf. re sponded when asked to meet in the auditctuuni last evening at G o 'chm-k for a glee club work. Oiiiccrs were lectecl as follows: V, ;.i Lraswell, president, and Elim ' . n, secretary-treasurer. | A small menibei 1 p fee was de- ’w. O. Davis and I J. E. < ■ c ' kers tor I .it* (..luu. OTIS SMITH TO ENTER NEM UCKY SCHOOL. v.'.o has been coiii.eet ; d with tlie city water works de- # • ailin' at lor the 1- cignteen ■ -..a . rev-mtiy re- gntd h.s pusi- . i .. ; leave on ■he 30th to ■ i :.tcr the Bowing Green Business ■ University, Bowling Green, Ky., , uire will t - he a course, i .Ir. Smith made many friends while ■ n Americus who regret he is going away, but who wish him all the sue- ■ .<■ s ]o: ible in his future work. ‘■OVER THE HILL” Greater than “The Old Nest’ Shown in 26 Detroit theaters in a single week. Fyl; nder Fiiday & Saturday. BABIf BOY Makes a Bright .Spot in Every Home. A Comfort in Years to Come Park Rapid", Minnesota. —*'I have i taken yo: rt. di- - Lydia E. Pink- A ’MB - l f' l ' l r Gig-"’- 4- ‘E ! >tni Ij-t'-re and after 1| In y marpiSge. I now Fyi 5 {have a . weet little ■ | ( Ibaby ! -y und will I, I ■ ' ,Ji; <nd y'l’.i hir picture In'. ;ll i f you wi Ji to publish v* it. My also tak * y-ur medicine i and find i‘ a great ■ jhelp, and i recom- : uer.d it tv tiiosewho ■ ml er b re tt rbabi tan born.” i M . Wm. Johnson, Boz 155, Park ! 1' ;>id., ;Tm’. - ■ marry in i arrive t iddl i ago - ■'i'.hout chiidf’en is a great disappoint- 4?nt to many wr;: :<-i. T’i-ik of th- joy . and comfort other worrjen have in their children as they grov. old-r. Lydia E. P'-ik’nam’s V' getablc Com- ; pound has helped t>> bring gr-at happi- | n.'.-s to many families by restoring wo men so Often th; childless home i is due to a run down condition of the ■ wif :. Which may lie hi-1: ■ 1 by Lydia ; E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It : brought health an I happiness into the ; home of Mrs. Johnson.’ Why not to ; yours? “w&lhanW’ Lcnidasa Says Si-e Has “Nev er Fcind AnyiiHß" Better Than C?..cui for a Run-Down Condition.” Mergui*. City, La.—‘‘lt would be hard : or me to fell how much benefit 1 have lerived from the use of Cardui,” said drs. I. G. Bo wman, ol 1319 Front Street, his city. ‘ i was so rvn-down in health t could uiri’ , go. J was thin. i had no ip”; aif . Could not rest or sleep welt, t was so weak, and so very nervous, | ?s no pleasure to myself. ■ : 1 rfi.-n d some pain, but the worst I my ft cable was from being so weak nd easy to get tired and out of heart. “This nervous condition was worse tian pain. “Someone told me of Cardui, and I I keided to use it./ •• \fter using a few bottles. I regained tny strer-th.' I wasn’t so nervous, and began to eat and - sleep, and grew stronger and was soon well. '! have never found anything better • ter a run-down condition.” i H you suffer as this Louisiana lady did, i you.’fm i oulu find Cardui helpful tor j , our troubles. 1 Get a bottle of Cardui, today. NC-144 I * I (>i e Your Family a Victrola for Christmas ■ By joining our Xmas Club, you settle this jg question; and the payments have been I made so small you will never miss the money. I' interested, fill out the coupon today, and let us explain this plan to you. OSHii!g —_—__—_—,—. I Cut Out This Coupon. >■£.• Y •" ■l V I Gentlemen: 1 interested CHRISTMAS ■EIM , i ffiEHBUHHH ■ VICTROLA CLUB. Kindly send me detail information- lwlj|.ll without any obligations upon mv part to join. w' 1 'nV* Y,% i na JIK FIMMB I ADDRESS . . i (Print Name and Address Plainly) "w : § 1 * ■ : HOWELL’S PHARMACY I <» _ ' •* RAILROAD SCHEDULES (Central Time.) Arrival and Departure cf Pauenjer Train*, Amerieus, Ga. The following schedule figures published as information and not gua?2 CENTRAL OF .GEORGIA RY Arrive Leave 11.55 pm Columbus-Cb/o 3:45 am 1(1 ;35 pm All n v-'doiite'y 5:14 am \ ■ 7.25 pm J,la'-n-AGanta 6:37 mu' 7:15 pm Columhii. *7:30 am 1 :55 pm A ibany-Montg’y 2:1 i■■ u 2:llpm Macon-Atlanta 1:5.5 pm J :25 pm C.-Limbus ' 3::3<» pm • j tPjOO’am Cohn e 12:30 pm 6 ’37 am Albany 7 ;25pn? firl'dam Macon-Atlanta T<»:.;.5 j.rr 3:4.5 am Albany-Jaxvjll« 11:55 pm 2:5S am Albany-Jaxville 12:37 am 12:37 \:n Chgc, St. E. Atla 2:58 am 1 :35 ■<. m Cinti and Atlanta 1:35 ana b (* Da'iy; (!) Sunday. fRYLANDER : | I ® ; e ■pJ Cast In r.'udcs: R -i E fj Tully Mit'.rshail, ig i|j Edward Horton, | FoUts! You Have Askod Fo «- Good E a! ly selected' cow- Clean Entertainment—This Is It! g rel. pany of fin ? . ra i| types. i I ■si i ' [3 • Fj : -a-'w, ’I. i i THE (COMEDY HIT OF THE SEASON | 'I ~. !• Eff'cr-iicy Edgar Had Nothing on John Henry fi-i John was a whiz of a salesmanager but he got in s i;,; dutch with liis boss when he secured an option, irj object matrimony, on the heart: and hand of the old pi grouch’s pretty private secretary. | I Then he went out on, his own—started a hotel for kiddie, —day nursery and things began to happen. [ja Sure, he got. tlie girl—and his old job back,-too, but he jearned much and often before this happened. F* |3 : ■ , Also IGnograms and I opics of The Day Bj J loday—Florence Vidor in “Dusk To Dawn,” the amazing -4 story of a girl with two lives. Also Patlie News Pictures. i in @ I \ a!!EI filoySl^E'Xij uKSIcdIcL'SISISIc® d p?IF 7L ifi as .-- " " ■I ! : " . . -ay. f *jn& story oF’ I ■ . erk love . " poems by fx \ WlCarleton H IfF filling theatjes (i w H'‘ all over the country .j" 'Jhe wondev picture lt;> ; cF the century that will live forever- ONE SOLID YEAR ON BROADWAY TlME—Friday, 3-5-7-9. SATURDAY—I-3-5-7-9 PRICES—Adults 40c, Children 20c. Gallery 25c-10c Ryiander Theater I KEEP YOUNG People with bad backs and weak’ kidneys are apt to feel old at sixty, i Mary <>l4 folks -ay Doan’s Kidney t .... help theia keep young. Her- ' • an Amei icu > <at e: Vv. P. Baldwin, car repairer, SO2 •’M yl.ll •;■?... :...-;ys: “Heavy lif:iug and itai cl ivork weakcni-d ,my kidneys and bro' -i.t <>n attacks of lame back. At 1 - when J had an attack, I suffti-- ‘ : f rom : uch mi. ery in the small of my l a. . u tm-k to keep at my work, rhe kidney secretions passed t '■>’ often and they were scanty and ■highly colors':!. I could hardly turn nr, head t ns way or another on ac count, of the severe pains in the back <>f it. J used Doan’s Kidnev Bills bought at the t .'-.rsweil Drug Co. and they rid me of the backache and headaches. They ai.:o put my kidneys in good shape.” 60c at ail de: ‘ers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. adv »». > > » »»»»» »J, t '.A ’ *? I WONDERFUL i BARGAINS i i : * at t , : j ' I t Nassar & Attyah ? * G\ir policy is lo sell at less than you can get it elsewhere J taking only a very small profit, but turning our stock • * almost weekly. We have in New York the shrewdest 2 i • I V * buyer m the country. All he does is to pick up bargains * and ship them to us. J * * 4* * 1 FREE FRFF ! x M AIJUJU I IlJuJu i A- 4b p * With every Ladies’ Dress or Coat, or • * Coat Suit purchased from us we will * give FREE one pair of the Famous * Martha Four-Foot Giove Silk Hose, which we sell regularly at $1.98. * 0 * w * »- * See our Ladies’ Coats, Coat Suits, Dresses, * Furs, Misses and Children’s Sweaters, * Ladies' Sport Slippers, Ladies’ Silk I lose, * before buying elsewhere. > *» ■* ... ,—„ , _ , M— ... T- , ’ LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR : S DRESSES : We have the most beautiful line of Ladies' Ready-to * Wear Dresses ever brought to Americus. Made on Fifth * Avenue, New York, and every, dress has Nassar & '» Altyah’s name and guarantee attached. * V Prices From ss-98 to $23.50 « ** S LADIES’ COATS S * .... * Our line of Ladies’ Coats is the prettiest in the work!. '* W And the best money can buy. All made on Fifth Avenue. In up-to-date style and fabric. They are wonderful creations. * Prices $12.50 to $49 00 » w Wl'< t . J,-,',- ■». , »HI. ,1(1 —,U Ph Ist »w,u-i ■, ■ ’H<—O':i'H HI, - ■ •—.-—• LADIES’ COAT SUITS J’ These are right off Fifth Avenue, New- Yorks and arc simply wonderful. They are worth twice what we sell » v them for. Be sure to look them over. ” Prices $23.50 to $27.50 * w •* .I' IUI —’ r 'I •* : EADIES’ FURS : Just arrived, a wonderful assortment of up-to-date Fifth v Avenue styles in Ladies’ Furs. Every one guaranteed. ” Prices $5.00 to $49.00 »ruy—"Mil —''lll..'' IUI .-W'MM I ■UM —l.l|—nn——Illi—ll«—w—I'll——llll^—»H—»tl!lI'.III" HI' MH I ■»’>» ■ ~ | MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S j 2 KNIT SWEATERS 2 Will every Sweater we have a' beautiful I oque to match « <*, The Sweaters and I oques are mpde of the very best * $ material and the style is right up to the minute. * 2 Sweater- $1.50 to $5.98 * * Toques $1.25 * S * ; LADIES’SPORT SLIPPERS i 2 All kinds including Brocade Satin. We will show you « > most any kind you want in the the latest style and the best * J quality. These are the famous “American Lady brand * * and arc guaranteed by us. * * Prices From $3.50 to $5.98 « * . * vH|lwa»|>P«»»u — uni—.l;||__ Mr.—— .ipi llr_Hl' |l>||l«*-MU— —HH—H"—— I- LADIES’ HOSE 2 You know our reputation when it comes to selling Ladies > Hose. We believe we sell more hose than anybody in £ J South Georgia. There is every kind and each of the best quality and material. A knife can’t cut through ( ’>r < * famous Martha Four-f oot Silk Hose. In all colors and v shades. * * Prices 98c to sl-98 * ■*? ltw _. —.lM»—.(•>.— W :Pi I. ' Will'—,llll—«n—-,|;>— -.uh——hi—»HU —nu ||i|w—»l»w--* -* 5 We want every lady in Americus to coni' * * and look our stock over Many lovely 2 * things that we do not mention here. Just * compare our prices with others. Remcm ber you don't have to buy, all we ask is that you call. Everything we sell carries our * * personal guarantee. * | Nassar & f Attyah I Forsyth Street Near Opera House Perry & Brown s Old Stand i Americus, Ga. g _ * ‘X . A WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27. 1922.