Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 21, 1923, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO REVIVAL SERVICES *.T CHRISTIAN CHURCH W. A. Joyner to Open With Rev. Geo. H. Ramsey Com ing Later to Assist Revival will start at First Chris tian church, Taylor street, Sunday. W. A. Joyner, will conduct the services Sunday morning and ev n ing, and Monday and Tuesday evening. The subjects are: Sunday 11 a. m. “The Lowly Na zarene” Sunday 8 p. m. "Am 1 my Brother’s Keeper.” Monday, 8 j>. in. "The Wages of Sin is Death. Tuesday 8 p. m. “The unanswered lTayer of Jesus. Former State Evangelist Geo. A. Ramsey, will take charge Wednes day evening. Evangelist Ramsey is no stranger here as he held a meet ing in Americus in 1921 at the courthouse. This is a return en gagement for him. Mr. Ramsey is a very effective and foreeful speaker it is said. He speaks with power and boldness on all subjects says Mr. Joyner, lie instructs and brings conviction to xthe hearers, it is declared. The First Christian church has conducted a series of cottage prayer meetings this and last week. The attendance ran up to, as high as fifty. Great interest was mani fested. This revival is for all of Amer icus and vicinity. The singing will be led by home forces, old gospel songs will be used. A cordial invitation is extended to every one to join in making this a great revival. Central Baptist Church Milo 11. Massey, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school, R. 1.. Maynard, uperintendent. i 1 a. m. Morning worship, ser mon by pastor, subject "Meaning Business.” Senior and Junior B. Y. P. U. 8 )). m. Evening Worship, ser mon by pastor, subject ‘What’s the Difference?” 8 p. m. Wednesday, prayer meet ing. A delightful hour with a large company of feliow-wurship pers. 8 p. m. Meting of officers and teachers of the Sunday school. All members of Central Baptist church are urged to pay heartiest respect to all these church engage ments, and we promise the most cordial welcome to all vistors. First Church of Christ Scientist 128 Forrest Street Sunday School at nine in the morning. Sunday morning service at ) l o’clock. Subject, Life. Golden text, The fear of the Lord shall not be visited with evil. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at eight o’clock. Reading Rooms are open daily, except legal holidays and Sundays, from ten until twelve. The pub lic is invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Rooms. First Christian Church Taylor Street. Sunday school 10 a. m.. J. A. Baugh, superintendent. Let us keep up our increase. Everybody come. Praise service, 11 a. m. Communion, 11:15 a. m. Preaching service lldJO a. m. Subject: “The Lowly Nazarene.” Christian Endeavor, 7 p. nr. Ruth Howell, leader. Preaching service, 8 p. m. Sub ject: “Am I My Brother’s Keep er? W. A. Joyner. Our revival starts Sunday with home forces. ■ Evangelist Geo. 11. Ramsey wil Ibe with us Wednes day. Worship with us. Calvary Church. Rev. Janies B. Lawrence, Rector Eighth Sunday after Trmlty. Holy Communion, 7:30 a. m. The church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer, and sermon, 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend all the services. Thpj First Methodist Church Preaching in the courthouse John M .Outler, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30. Wible Marshall superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at the ftl o clock hour, and the evening hour 8 p. m. Epworth League and unior junor Missionary 1 Society, 7 p. m. Sunday evening. Luther A. Harrell, Pastor. The services of last Sunday were splendidly attended, and it is hoped that the following services tomorrow will be even better at- ] tended: 9:45 a. m. Sunday school will be under the leadership of T. M. Fur low, superintendent. A cordial in vitation is extended to you, to wor ship with the school. 11 a. m. Preaching by thy pas tor. A special message will be j delivered at the morning hour and every member of the church should attend This service. 7 p.-m. Devotional services of the Epworth Leagues. EveSy young person in the church is urged to be present. 8 p. m. Evening worship, with preaching by the pastor. The sub ject for the evening will be in line with One of the last week. 8 p. m. The mid-week prayer service will be held on Wednesday. Make a special effort to attend. First Baptist Chruch Carl W. Minor, 11. D., Minister. Yoif would soon move away fit mi Americus if there were no church es. Then why not show your ap- Another Big Silk Rem nant Sale Monday at Ansley’s. 21-1 1 MALARIA CONTROL . ENGINEER ATM 1 L. M. Clarkson, cf State Health Board, Will Make Head quarters There MACON, July 21.—L. M. Clark son, enginner of malaria control, of the state board of health, arrived in Macon Wednesday afternoon to make this city his headquarters. Mr. Clarkson said that his terri tory was from Macon southward, and that ho intended to render service to Macon in every way pos preciation of them by attendance? 9::30 A. M. Bible school, T. Fur low Gatewood, Supt. Ytfur pres ence is an inspiration. So come. II A. M. and 8 P. M. worship. The pastor will preach at both hours. The morning subject, "Magnifying Christ.” The evening subject will he announced Sunday morning. 7 P. M. Senior, Intermediate and Junior Unions. 8 P. M. Wednesday, Mid-week ; praise, prayer and Bible study. You have a most cordial in vita- ! tion to worship and study with us. j PINKSTON Showing The New Simpers With A Touch O' Fall *ESSS£S= « These New Modes 4 Shown A Month .W In Advance! Lai lyl Yen, hut you naturally exnect Pinkston’s to he early with the new. and shoes are no exception. 1 hese are Fall shoes, which we had the foresight to select—and the courage to dis play in Julv Soon the fall clothes will begin to appear and ff^X. —no | as your most important acres- ! ' sory, you will want them to be / correct. / J COME IN EARLY BE FITTED Golden Brown Kid Lustrous Black Satin Vertical tin and centre Cut out center strap of strap of Fawn Kid black suede. Spanish heels. All Black Suede B, ? anda J Cut out on side and 8-8 block heeil, trim of in strap. Cuban heel ■ of brown lud -1 -—As a whispering breeze upon a summer sea —so is Chiffon Hosiery to a woman. All slippers matched. I* » • iunworn wy<■ ijMutty xA+tT* -ar..AwWriafcrxit;*aioai6<;f JEWETT SIX PASCE BUILT Open Car Ability, $1495 TEWETT Six Sedan is rightfully called “the closed car with ) open car ability”— thanks to its 50 H. P. Paige-built motor. From 2 to 60 miles an hour on high. Marvelous acceleration amazing hill climbing. No other Sedan can match its ease. Comfort on all roads in any weather. Ample room for five. Qualities that attract those accustomed to driving the highest priced 6-cylinder cars. Built by the makers of the big Paige Six. Drive this nimble sedan, yourself. $1495 at Detroit. Chappell Machinery Co. Phone 234 Cotton Ave. and Wheeler St. Americus, Georgia <**_ mmbhiii • ■■■■■mij sible. Mr. Clarkson recently came,,to , Georgia from Virginia, where he i was engaged in malaria control i work The health department | will endeavor to have him make < survey of Macon during the next i week or ten davs. He expressed approval of the mosquito campaign being conducted by th' Macon health department. Dr. C. L. Ridley, health officer, de clared that the number om mos quitoes had been reduced during the past three weeks, and that fewer complains from citizens were being heard. Mr. Clarkson urged local p< ople to see that there are no containers of stagnant water left around their premises, such as tin cans, tubs and barrels, as one tub or barrel can breed enough mosquitoes to infest a neighbor hood. We are offering for sale the Ed Sheffield residence located on Church street. Quick ; sale. Phone 66. Daven port Realty Co. 21 -11 w iHE AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER | Will You Read Advertisement Below? j ANSLEY’S IT VT D A f ANSLEY'S HOUSEHOLD F 4 J f JiX/TL* STIMULATING SALES EVENT 1 * ' ‘' READ every item of this advertise- -pQ SWELL THE GREATLY ment—Allow NOTHING to escape VOl IJMF OF UNDERPRICED that “economy” eye of yours—The j ULY BUSINESS - prices quoted here mean — _____ __ . A “GREAT BIG” SAVING On Needful Things for the Linen Closet buck as Sheets—Pillow Cases—Sheetings Pillow Casings and Tubings—Bed .Spreads Towels—Towel Hucks—Crashes Damasks— Napkins— Linens — Bath Rugs—Stenciled Sets, Etc. . 1 •* SHEETS TOWELS * BEDSPREADS One Odd Lot Splendid Sheets One Lot Seconds—Meaning slight Some are more or less soiled and so $2.00 Values at, Ea. $1.39 defects but mended. It is against our we’re going to name prices to clear policy to buy seconds of ANY kind out all—soiled and the rest —then PEPPERF.LL SHEETS —hut these were such heavy, splen- , ~ - , , , , , well start over 1 nn a. 1 cn «, , r- _ did sizes and values we bought em. Hi? y r “ Ea ’ sl ’ 29 $6.00 Val. Marseilles lull size $3.73 O, n!’ ™ , Va Ue ’ at Ea ’ sl - 45 18x36 ex. heavy at 23c $3.50 Val. Crochets, full size $2.45 x>, ....00 due at La. $1.6.) 21x45 ex. heavy at 39c $4.00 Value Crochets full size $2.59 I ANCHOR SHEETS $3.50 Finest Knnkles, 63x90 $1.98 $3.50 Valu; Stripes (soiled) 63x90, $2.00 Value, at Ea. $1.69 63v90 <ci 40 81x90, $2.25 Value, at Ea. $1.89 HUCK TOWELS 90x90, $2.50 Value at Ea. $2.19 25c values> 18x36 at p r 42c Dwight Anchor Sheets are the best 75c values 18x36 at Pr 94c oripir CLIcrTIMC' C made—Sold here only The last named are hemstitched and JiILL 1 Iliuj extra fine huck I 0-4 Pilgrim Bleached at Yd. 69c -4 Mohawk Bleached at Yd. 59c PILLOW CASES 10 4 Auburn Bleached at Yd. 59c FINE BATH RUGS 9 4 Mohawk Unbleached, Yd. 55c One Odd Lot Splendid Makes, 1 0-4 Pepperell Unbleached Yd. 59c worth SI.OO and $1.20 pair— Oriental and brocade effects in all | o _4 Pepperell Bleached Yd 69c To Close Out Quick at, Pr. 75c co ors ’ A m( ? st deslr , abl I e collect,on of rich, extra heavy bath rifim rugs. —- ——— 22x36 Size, $2.00 Values $1.50 i PEPPERELL CASES 26x45, Size $4.50 Values $3.50 PILLOW TUBINGS ._ 26x45 Size, $5.00 Values $3.98 j ._ . 42x36 Size at Pr 75c 1 42-in Pepperell Tubing Yd. .. Zsc 45x36 Size at Pr 80c 42-in. Higher Grade Tubing Yd. E9c DWIGHT ANCHOR TOWELINGS r Acrq LINEN TUBINGS, ETC. LAdLO 18-in. Red and Blue Check 42x36 Size, *Pr 90c C ™ h ' Yd 21- P” n ' 8 V s '’ 39 45x36 Size, a, Pr. ...... .. 98c 18-in. Fine While Huck. 39c 4>m Pure Round Thread L,n value Yd 25c en Yd $1.49 18_in. Bordered Crash Yd. 15c 1 0-4 Belfast Sheeting Yd $1.29 18-in. $1.25 Val. Linen Huck 79c j The above are very extra values. % HEMSTITCHED LINEN IH ' in - *»-00 Val. Linen Huck 75c PIFPF 8-m. I ure Linen Crash, \d. 35c x 22-in. Very Fine Pure Linen rn _ T-. Huck Yd «1 oe STENCILED 18x2 / Derryvale Covers $1.25 ’ * ART PIFPF P 20x30 Jerryvale Covers .. $1.98 | AK rit 3 18x45 Madeira Scarfs . $1.98 These are round covers of the new 36x36 Madeira Covers $2.98 NAPKINS By the Doz. non-crack pebble finished fabric oils J ’ —and very artistically stenciled. lhe Madeira Pieces are $2.50 and 18x18 Mercerized $2.00 Val- $4.00 Values 54x54 at ... . . $2.49 $3.50 Values ues $1.65 $3.00 Values 45x45 at $1.98 ! 1 17. u c t mi- /a ii $2.50 Values 45x45 at $1.69 I 3x13 H. S. lea Napkins (AH qq $2.00 Values 45x45 at . $1.45 TABLE DAMASK 18x18 Pure Linen Napkins .. $3.98 j 22x22 Pure Linen Napkins .... $6.50 ’ " 60-in. Belfast Mercerized—All 22x22 Pure Linen Napkins ... $7.50 75c Numbers Priced Special 59c 24x24 Pure Linen Plain Sat SIO.OO BrCtlHfl SHdtICS 72-in. Extra Belfast 85c /_x72 Derryvale Cloths $8.50 KlVcfll B / C 72-in. $1.25 Val Belfast Yd. SI.OO All Pure Linen Except First Item. MNirSLU IYOUS -J m ’ Y/ al i B D elfast ; Yd ’ J 1 ' 19 We were Erst to sell these 70-In: $3.00 Vai. Pu" ZZ $2 69 CURTAIN MATERIALS famous window fixings 70-in. $4.00 Val. Pure Linen $3.45 of every kind will be very greatly We haVe st y les no / 0-in. I lain Satin Linen $3.75 reduced. Get cm now. ! Others ll3lV0« ANOTHER BIG SILK REMNANT SALE MONDAY (All Remnants Damask on Center Table) These Prices For Next Week Only—Monday Till Saturday Do not expect to find the goods or the pric es afterward—We expect the above prices to move the merchandise out in many cas3 s, but in any event the Above Prices Will Be Stopt After Saturday Next R,inS Y ° Ur k MCI 17V*0 Cash or ( "IT A t I O CheHc Book Sl:l,l.-S THU I HOST -[THANK YOU] wiwmiiitiKSiMaHmwfi'iiHininiHniinHraMaßHnMHHHßHßHHHHßß - —itfi-|inrrrfirriiiiiT«»i DID YOU READ THE ABOVE ADVERTISEMENT? SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 21 1923