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©HEA 5>£RvKL-
Captain John Hewitt is Com
missioner of Police at Jesselton,
British 'North Borneo. Monica
Viney, Hewitt’s widowed sister,
is engaged to marry I’Xter Pen
nington, detective. is
detailed by the government to
apprehend Chai-Hung, leader of
The Yellow Seven, a gang of Chi
nese bandits. Major Armitage
eomes to Jesselton and announc
es that he is sent on a very im
portant mission. He explains that
his business will keep him in
Borneo for several days.
Armitage frowned.
■' ’‘You’ll have to alter that, e-H
Witt I should give him a week in
which to improve and if by that
time there’s no sign of improve
ment—fire him right away.”
Monica, catching the light in
her brother’s eye and scenting
danger, chimed in quickly.
“Do you golf. Major Armitage?”
“My dear Mrs. Viney, the man
who carries out his duties thor
oughly has no time for games.
Which brings me back to my orig
nal subject. I want to get away
as soon after lunch as possible,
Hewitt. I shall need some bearers,
a week’s rations and a platoon or
so of native infantry. I shall re
quire also an interpreter with a
thorough knowledge of Chinese,
Malay and English.”
“I see,” said Hewitt. “Might I
take the liberty of inquiring the
nature of the expedition you pro
pose making into my country—and
whv this tremendous haste?”
The major hesitated and looked
at Monica, who had already ris
en from her chair.
“I’ll see if I can hurry that boy,”
she said.
Major Armitage producel a ci
gar from an upper pocket of his
tunic, bit off the end, and ignited
it carefully.
Presently the pronosterons circle
of glass fixed itself upon Howitt.
“f‘Mrs*. Viney mentioned th e name
of Pennington just now,” he =nap
ped. “I suppose this fellow’s still on
ypur strength wasting government
money and making an infernal
hash of this Yellow Seven busi
The Commissioner flushed.
“I'rn afraid T must disagree with
vim,” be “Chinese Pennington
is> one of the most rff'Diont n->r
it’s ever been mv lurk to meet.”
Arm’tago had a knack of hear
■»*»" only those people who agreed
with his views. 1
“I heard of this affair when I
U \ choicest \
s \HtATS Lz/
ww»fk\R- , p-7 r
<2> VXpr'ces i j
T'IIEKE are several rigid rules laid
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ineat market. We buy nothing but
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Our prices are fair and our deliv
ery is rapid. These facts should ap
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Choice Meat and Poultry
Phones 102 and 110—Forsyth St.
What Is Better to Eat
Than First Class Meat?
You get that at Bragg’s We buy
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better every day we keep it. Do
you ever get spoiled meats at
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is a reason. For best goods and
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iLvostßAvec fry
I passed through Singapore. It didn’t
take me five minutes to see that
| the thing had been hopelessly
bungled. The way that man was
making our status in the East look
ridiculous simply ate into my nerv
es. I could see for myself that it
wanted a soldier at the head of af
fairs. I offered my services and
the offer was accepted.”
Captain John Hewitt gasped.
“They’ve sent you out here to
rout out Chai-Hung?”
“Those are my instructions.”
The Commissioner’s hand had
slipped suddenly across his mouth
and his shoulders heaved convul
“Sorry!” he apologized presently
“Bit of ‘bacca went the wrong '
way.” With an heroic effort he ;
choked down the mirth that con
sumed him. “So you’re setting out !
this afternoon with, let’s see, a 1
week’s rations, a platoon of native !
soldiers and some bearers. Oh, I ,
was forgetting the interpreter. I
You’ll scout the country, of course,!
until you knock across the bandit !
and—l say, isn’t a week’s rations ‘
cutting it a trifle fine?”
“When you know me better,” re
turned the other with dignity, |
“you’ll understand that when I’m
in a job— Igo straight at it.”
“That’s extremely comforting!
“That's extremely comforting! I
only wondered if you quite realized
that the area of Borneo is rough
ly 290,000 square miles!”
Major Armitage waved his cigar
in the air.
“Naturally I’m reiving on you to
give me every possible assistance.
I have a letter in my dispatch
case to that effect from Trevelyan,
T shall want a pushing off place,
so to sneak.”
“Such as?” «
“The exact spot where your pet |
bandit was last located. A list of
his places of refuge would be of
service and a rough memorandum
as to his appearance, personal hab
its, etc.,
“You can have* a photograph ,if
you like, together with a copy of
the circular I sent round to al!
white settlers. There’s a slight
amendment, by the way: Chai-
Hung has lost his left hand during
the last few d»ys> This gentle
man was once the most ■ respected
Chinaman on the island. He enjoy
ed liberties only extended to white
white people-—and he would still
be er.jdyir.gjthem if it hadn’t been
for young, Chai-Hung
is a big, fat Oriental speaking per
fect English with a fairly guttural
accent.; He is unscrupulous, merci
less and has a distinct aversion to
Britishers. His |kin is a yellow
Chinese playing-card with seven
black dots upon it and he dishes
these out as a warning of death or
an indication that the assassination
of a victim was carried out by the
Yellow Seven, With scarcely a
single exception every Chinaman
on the archipelago is in league with
Chai-Kung. It means that any un
dertaking against the bandit must
William S. Hart
“Shark Monroe’’
Century Comedy
‘The Oregon Trail’
Knowledge can only tell you what
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Representing the
b c carried out with the utmost se
The other pressed the tips of his
fingers together in front of him.
“I wonder if he’s heard that I’m
still in the land of living,” mused
Pennington. “Did I ever tell yon
that Varney buried me with all
pomp and ceremony—and placed
a suitable inscription over my
“Peter,” Hewitt said earnestly,
“do youd damndest, but for Heav
en's sake take precautions. Chai-
Kung's terrible enough under ord
inary circumstances, but Chai-
Hung deprived of one hand will be
like a wounded wasp.”
“I know,” returned the man with
the Chinese eyes. He smiled
across at Monica. “But he’s still the
same delightful yellow-skinnefi
scoundrel whose habits I’ve made a
life-study. I came here to get him
and. although I’ve failed to do so
scores of times. I’ve kept him on
the run. There’d been the deuce to
pay in Borneo if he’d been left
quietlv to his own resources.”
“And yet,” said Monica, still un
convinced, “you haven’t a notion
where he is now.”
“No, but my men are beating
the island pretty thoroughly and, 1
from what I gathered this morn- j
ing, they’re gettingwarm.”
Pennington’s face wrinkled.
“Pm going to let you into a i
state secret. Did you happen to >
hear a Dusun gong beating be
tween nine and ten?”
“Yes,” said the commissiorJer;
“I had half a mind to send an or
derly down and have it stopped.
I only permit gong-beating in the
vicinity of my house on feast
days and times of national rejoic-
“That would have been a pity,”
returned the other, “because I
should have lost the interesting por
tion of a most breezy dispatch
from the zone of war.”
Hewitt grabbed his hat from a
peg. “The worthy Major has found
his way tp our slope. All things
considered, it would be as well per
haps if. I went to meet him.”
“You don't want me, by any
chance?” inquired Pennington.
Not unless you particularly want
, to come.”
I “I don’t.” He waited until the
Commissioner had gained the soft
earth outside, then dived for the
passage-way. “I’ m off,’ he added'
to Monica.
“Not in the least. As a matter
of fact, I once took a'hundred’dol
lars from our monoeb-d friend at
poker—and he doesn’t altogether
cotton to me!”
A second later and he had disap
neared altogether. Mrs. Vinev came
forward to greet Major James Lacy
Delighted,” the owner of the
Kingan’s Lard 6*l 7 4 National Biscuit Co., Cakes
10-lb. Bucket .... • and Crackers, 15c 11 1/ p
pkt,. H/2L
Swift's Jewell C" 1 OQ , „
8-lb. Bucket ... Lemons, Fancy, 29c
Sunny Valley, Qfir» Fancy Celery, 1C-
24 lbs. Bunch IDC
Omega Flour, 6*l 79 Irish Potatoes, Aztr
24 lbs j olbs
Brown’s Self-Rising Qfj.C Rumford Baking Pow- 31c
24 lbs der, I-lb. can
Pond Lily Meal, 90- Calumet Baking Pow- 9€L»
Pk • >dC der, 1-lb. Can c
Octagon Soap, £„ Duke’s Mayonnaise
Large Bar Jar, 1 be, and ?.
Maxwell House, A1 „ Wesson Oil,
I-lb. Can 4iC Quart Can
• 9
Country Eggs, 4 A Skinner’s Macaroni Q c
Dozen “VC Ikg
California Fresh Horlick’s Malted Milk
Peaches, doz vUC Large Jar
Campbell’s Pork Cream of Cane,
and Beans, can .... ' % Gallon ***
Dime Milk. 14 Tanlac, sl.lO (M-
Can WC Bottle ..
Piggly Wiggly Bread CS c
Large Loaf . .
»] i FfjM HL 7
“Won’t you sit down?” inquired
The major accepted her invita
tion an ddeposited himself in the
: most comfortable chair within
“Where can I stow my kit?” de
manded Armitage having satis
fied himself that nothing was miss
“You’d like to keep it all under
your eye, I suppose. I ll get my boy
to see it into your room.”
“I hope you’ll be with us some
time,” added Monica, anxious to
satisfy her curiosity.
The major started.
“I—er—l’m. rather afraid not,
Mrs. Viney. I’ve been sent here on
a rather important mission, and I
don’t count on remaining in Bor
neo for more than a few days.”
Armitage turned to the Commis
“What time d’you lunch?”
“One” said Hewitt promptly.
“Jack’s a bit of an optimist,” ex
plained the girl. “To tell you the
real truth, we’re helplessly at the
mercy of our Chinese boy. Mr.
Pennington got him for us, princip
ally because he’s somehow managed
to earn the hatred of the Yellow
Seven—and of course he feels saf
er under the roof of the Commis
sioner of Police. Ke’s good at his
work, but he hasn’t the remotest
idea what punctuality means.”
MACON ,Sept. 7.—Apparently in
the best of condition, Young'Strib
ling and his father, Manager Pa
Stribling, departed for Miami last
night, where he will take part in
his first fight in some weeks. Strib
ling will work out in the Y. M. C.
A. in Jacksonville at 10 o’clock this
morning, after which he will re
lume his journey to Miami.
li hit ii' riir
and avoid the rush. We
have complete list of what
you will have to have.
Hightower’s Book
The Striblings will be out of the
city until next Wednesday, when
they will be in Macon for only
about a day, then going to Rome
for Stribling’s bout with Jimmie
Stribling is going up against a
hard hitter in his first battle since
he broke his arm, Sailor Martin,
having knocked out Joe Burnam in
one round in a fight with the big
Ma on heavyweight. The young
ster is in fine shape, however, Pa
Stribling appeared to be unconcern
ed over the outcome of the bout.
FOUND—“The Farmers Friend
-—our Commercial Back Band
wifi please you. Well padded. Re
inforced, locked on hooks will not
pull off. A trial will convince you.
Prices right. Harrold Brothers.
“My stomach has been so filled
with gas for the last three years
that I felt I could pretty nearly sup
ply our town.‘l also had frequent
pains in right side in region of the
appendix. Doctors didn’t help much.
One day my neighbor told me about
what Mayr’s Wondesful Remedy had
done for him and I got a bottle of
our druggist. I pan say that it wil!
all and more than you claim for
it.” It is a simple, harmless prepara
,ion that removes the catarrhal mu
•us from the intestinal tract and al
ays the inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and in
testinal ailments, including appen
dicitis. One dose will convince or
noney refunded. For sale by How
'll s Pharmacy and druggists every
Like the Home People Bake
Jtade in Umoricus
. ,
F Special Purebred
Poultry Show
Will Be Staged Under Direction of Sumter County Poultry
Association, With Mrs. Ed Morgan in Charge
A Magnificent Agricultural and
Live Stock Displays
Every School and Community in the County Will Be Rep
resented by a Special Exhibit
I Great Legion Gathering
vVill Bring American Legionnaires From Fourteen Coun
ties to Americus With Spectacular Parade and Other
- ——— _
Rhine Arts Display in
Woman's Building
With Special Committee of Ladies in Charge
Buyers Will Be Here From Great Consuming Centers to
Buy Sumter’s Products During All Next Year
Americus, Sept. 25-29
Americus movie fans have the
opportunity of again seeing one of
their favorites after a long absence,
for William S. Hart will appear at
the Rylander on Saturday in one of
his most popular Paramount pic
tures, “Shark Monroe.”
“Shark Monroe” will be shown on
a program with Art in the
latest chapter of “The Oregon
Trail,” and a Century comedy,
“Sweetie.” Baby Peggy, who has
endeared herself to everyone, plays
the leading role in “Peggy,” which
is said to be one of the most de
lightful comedies shown here in a
Spend your vacation
at Myrtle Springs. Good
cottages, cook houses,
stove and electric lights
furnished at reasonable
prices. Pool kept in Lest
of condition. NO MOS
| mug time.
Today’s attraction at the Ry
lander is “The Ch. at.” with Pola
Negri assisted by Jack Holt and
Charles de Roche. Those who saw
“The Cheat” yesterday proclaim it
'to be by far the best pictre in
which Miss Negri has appeared, and
it was especially appealing because
of its happy ending.
Rubber stamps made in our shop.
Southern Printers. 7-lt
s' Cures Malaria, Chills
O or Bilious Fever, adv
V/ V/ ant j F evet - ( Dengue
i. —— ■ 1 -
Silverware is always beautiful
and its lifetime service makes it
I the most appropriate bridal gift.
J We have a large line of silver,
I both in Sterling and plated ware.
> > Come in and see our stock; you
3 ’ will appreciate seeing our won
, I derful display.
1 Thos. L. Bell
Jeweler and Optician