Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, January 04, 1884, Image 1

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it, VAkIJI 8(11 W m yrnii ii wim >U\.ilfk ^ ii ./Mifirf VOL. V. AMBRICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1884. NO. 32. Amebicus Recorder. PCBUffUCD bT OFFICE OF COTTON AT EflCE. S-j/bscxlptloa. Sia-tca: Titt-Weekly One Y«a*. • 14.00. Weekly One Yeab, - • 2.00. Sunday Issue One Ybak, • 1.00. PKOFKNSIO.UL & MlftHBU CARDS jyy BJ{S ' Zu B. CARTER, A T T O It X E y A.T LAW, Ameiucc*. Schtrk Couxtx. -.its Ok. offlro, «W Pint IM ml B»»k. m>apt ulMII.ll .Iren ts.llli..inn.:riilrwlnL <3ollrot'.on« . .iirowlty >nd prompt •<'«»uon fSWUltMd. drojtif C. R. McCRORY, A.ttornov at Law, ELLAYILLB. Ok. TKRHS-AII claim, from IX or mxlrr, «S; Irom |30toMO, Ira per root.: mr t™. onra err cat. So ckarsra tratroa coUroUoo. or. mod., April* If nocToits. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SOBOEOS AMD PHYSICIAN. otm klo ptoM.riM.1 wnrtoro. with u raprH. mm .1110 rrora. I. I.a pooi.l. or Amrrictu awl .trimly. OOm- at llr. KUilip. a Dra* Mora. |b-a- Wraro it corner of Jackaon amt Chunk M. Call# mil main atu-atli.n. hutOI Dr. D."P. HOLLOWAY,' DENTIS AMEIUCVS, GA POWDER Absolutely Pure. MmpeliM witb the Muititud* of low t«atp MKirt weight, alum or tthamthut* powdri*. tmUntyin Urn atm*. HOY Ah B % KING IWDItlltM.UI Wall H«hn*. X*w Y**rk. oei2l> L TRADE MAR* W. P. BTOT, DENTIST, AMEBICUS, OA. Pi Ktiqlt Ik. potrow#.. •> ftmomM. prlo , of •II ouhur mod pajluit polronf. Tliora wkMoor n., oin plrtao remember that I need Ike .Uurf •lid ahall expect pejrimnt In the nail M lr Retpeelfhllp, W. 1*. MISCELL ANEO US. J. L CRAWFORD, ContraojiQr and.Buik uv Wortratruitrdtn me >111 In* daw with • oud dleMUeh. Sail,faction roaranuw-'. Per Nell Plebettt, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TALBOTTON, - - GEORGIA promptly btttMM to. octttf EASON house" 8. B. EISOJI, Proprietor, No. 40 Plnm Street, Near Depot, MACON, QA. , Do.rdp.rDjr.El^m;^.« jonrltf SOUTH GEORGIA HALE and FEMALE GOULEGE DAWSON, OA. uo» A NEW TREATMENT For t'Aoinmptlon, Aetkma. O roue hi two, Dfapepal*, C«l«rrh, Datblllljr. RhenmatlaM. BraralRla t «Ml all oi.ntUi. mid Brrvoiu DUorUcra. A CARD, Wo, the unilcnlKtiod, hiring m«lv«Ml «nat ami pp-»mnpnt t«ttnf!t from tha u*e of “COMPOUND OXYCIKW." vwtmrrd und ndmlnlitcred by Du. 8VAKKKY* l’ALKX.oj J'hUmJelpbK and be In/ MUUrlod that It l« u now discover/ lo medHil mio.icc. and ill that la clnlmod (br It, conrider It • duty which wo owo to thtf many thouMnda who nro fiuilerinz from chronic Aii(lao*callc<l “licura- i to** ilUonacii to do all tli »t wo can to make it* Tlr* foe* known arid to ioaplr* tho pubile with confl. tied. Intelligent, and mna>ih'ntloii.4|ihyfirlan«. who will not, wo m o auro.makn uny atutrutont which they do not know or bvllovn to be tm», nor publlah any tcntliiio* dial* or report* of maca wbloh aru net guanine. ; WM, U. KKUeKY, t OTAS r !^ MrPM from i Kditdr opil VnMIahrr ••Arihur’a Home r.dttor “Lutheran Ubacrver,*' I'htladcl- phla. rbi’adotphm* IV, Jono Ii!««. • In orln 'amavt a'natnral Inquiry in rejcffd to dor tirofhadtma! and twroonal a'andinv. atnl to lri*e IncfVMfAoooOdHMt In Mir atattnirntaaiulln and wMalr kMOh.Mrt b? the Mf* * _ jtUo bn expound Oxypron,'* ^ntoin oblatory ol M*4 tobdnnr«etiou #4 thUmnark Jjc .M “wide {rajlrof FOR. A UUSISES8 EDUCATION , ATTKM> Dawsoil Commercial College, ** X DKPAIITMKNT OF TUB mum Male ail Female College, . 'r%. If. A. IfeSCl.TY. 1 I I Preaidral. a C. ADAMS, Principal of DrpwUnMl. Tko ml pracllr.1, Ikoroepk Md Cempl.1. to orrry branch of bualocaa. Comtnrrcial Law, Comwordal nrlthmotfr. Commercial Coer—pond, met, llutincM ramnanthip, l*olitlcai Kconomy. Orthoarapby, Elocution, i'tlndplca and Piac lecof BROSWOOD. AMBRICUS HIGH SCHOOL. Board and tuition toradmlaatic ycar t bor% 12500 Plano, Orpan or Guitar, " ...... 40 00 ‘JS Cuumerclalcoarac,....................... 80 00 Fancy and oraamonUl work per month, So acbool north or aouth to Ttha mhool will ho rooptntd on Monday, Janu ary 7ib, 1M4, and will oontlouo *ix a-bolaath moot ha. Out acbool rno*a f the “Kylaadrr Acade* my, H to altuatrd in tho *ou>hraatem part of AmoHtaay a healthy and plravint portion of tho City, to a (ante comfortable buildlnx, and U boluf arranfod for conronfonct of inatrnciioo. Dclnf unlimited now a» to nsmber of paptla, we aotlrtt t more liberal paimaao and guarantee rapid im provement to army pnpll whe altr“ J *•- regulatly. The atudenta of thu • quit cl to atudy. E4«rud 1. Miller. C. Home. McCall. Monumental Marble Works, mialaKB * arc ALL, Proprietor*. SouthwMt Comer of the Pnblio, AMEIUCUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. •t tho boat I talma and American Marble ®T« Primary Deptrtmeat* per moatb Intmn.ilista Departmuot, Academic Department, Book Keeping, 5.00. Daily JiHjona In penmanahip without extra charge. Tuition duo at the end of each mouth. dtcSStr A. J. CLARK, PrtacipaL RATES OF TUITION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. WHITK flcnooui. Primary ami Intermediate, per month, f I.S0 Oram mar Hchuol, '• ** 200 Illyh Mebooi, •* •• ...... 0.00 COMIRKD 8CIIOOLH. DAVIS <£i WELLS Meat Market whew all kind, of Vmh Beef, Mutton. Fork an Haa-gee ran U bought of the be*t quality acd a the lowe«t prireu for raah. uorltf Wo have just thrown aside the first copy of “Georgia’s Big Daily for the “new year,” after reading over its “Political Reckonings, “Washington Gossip,” and brief editorial upon the “old year and its diaaatera,” to write you the event* of the day from a atand point—if not so situated to hear from the “8ute» around” or give you thenewa from the “Old World —that will interest you in the workings of a determined people build up a center for as fair a see tion of country as Georgia can boaat. la tho pact wo have called your attention to an element that is the life and success of ail corpor ations and municipalities—unity of sentiment and unity of action, Let there Jhe no lack of this piinci- ple in our midst and your efforts will be crowned with success. Re member that any aid extended the cause of education la an investment that you owe to yourself as a peo ple and to those who are to follow ua. The past belongs to God, the present is ours to improve, and the luture is the field of the untutored young to whom we owe every ea ergy, every thought and care, behooves na to look after the cafe ful {election of c|ty fathers, for an other year. We want good men with the interest of our little city well enstilled as a principal to man age its finances and executive de psrtmcnts with judioious economy. We have but to work jand the im provements we now boost of as an effort of a few years will far sur pass the expectations of eomo who in all things see nothing until it becomes a “stumbling block” in their narrow path of life. As nn ovidenco of the feeling in our midst, witness the rental of rent estate and the sale of personal property a few days ago at the ad ministrator's salo of the K. C. Martin estate. Note the moving in of new business men and not an un occupied house in the place, store or dwelling. See sueh men as Geo. Chapman identifying bit interests with ua and forming a nucleus around which will center the aame energy and management that has won for himself and boys the repu tation of being the best farmers- among ua Mr. Schwab is to take charge of bla blacksmith ahop, while Mr. Holt will-be found in the wood shop. This is an enterprise much needed at Bronwood and brings ua in connection with a peo ple much needed in any communi ty. Success to you, gentlemen, iu your new enterprise. :/ " Mr. G. P. Simpson occupies the R. C. Martin store house. Dr. Sta pleton moves into the honue mode vacant by Mr. Simpson, and will Yefit it and furnis|i it yrlth a stock of drugs, with Mr. John Clarke as prescription clerk. Mr. S. W.JDcn- ton is soon to build a business bouse on Johnson street. Mr. Wig- gin’s dwelling on the same street U nearing completion. Mrs. Ruben Gelso, in company with her daughters, Mrs. Ray, of Atlanta, Mrs. Dozior, Mrs. J. D. Gcisc and Mias Rusbio Gcisc, ot Bronwood, in charge of the courte ous and handsome Mr. Ray of At lanta leaves this week for Florida, where they will spend the winter at “Geise’a Grove” on the St. John’s. The Misses Batts, of Smithvi|le, spent the holidays with us. Mias A. B. Smith, of Americas, spent one day with her many friends at Bronwood and with her was Master Willla Hawkins, who staid and enjoyed the week through. CHRISTMAS IK TilE 28th DUTBICT. Mb. Editob:—I thought I might be pardoned for trsepassing upon your space sufficiently to briefly state a few of the items of nows btppening in oar psrt ot the county, which you are at liberty to publish if you think they are of sufficient importance. One little negro on the place of Dr. D. Bagley was made drunk by eomo jolly colored men to have little Cbristmae fun, the effect of said drunk being to send said little negro to Join the “ange! band.” Another jolly colored brother, chock full of Christmas, shat another, got married, and allot still another, all in the short apace of two days. How’s that for jolly ? The occasion, however, of most interest and importance was a game of base ball between twenty of the “Sand Hill Club” which was play ed on Thursday, the 27th of Decem ber, near the residences of James Roach and James Murry. D. A Small was captain of tha first ten and E. B. Wallace was captain ot the other, the winning afde being entitled to crown the “Queen Love and Beauty.’! The following are the scores: STUCK FARMING FOR SOUTHWEST GEORGIA. C«UJfmrgroV* uft £T. lUrfTOTf D. Murray.... Cooper Doster John Collier.. 51 tl Sa: IfiSa BUI ColllM... .JrMeOurnbajn [Durham Loula [Cullle Horne ■ Totals....... 63 22 Captain Wallace beat two round* and bad one inning to play. The game was interesting and well play ed, and caoh side did it’s best. The playing commenced abont eleven ’clock and at tfrp . o’olook the game was suspended.for.dinner, which was bountiful. Then tha playing was resumed; continuing nntil nearly sUnse£ ,'yLmlii the shouts and huzzas .qf- the victor* the crowd dispersed to thaic homes to eat a hearty auppcv and then re paired tb the residence off?.' 8. 8. Horne where Prof. BurkV colored band tarnished music for tripping the.“light ihataatia toe.”, Aboat 10 obleok, CapU Wallaco having madcap bis mind, (and that was not an easy thing to do among to much beauty) the coronfltion took place.. Leading Mia* 2qli*^a Scott to a seat in the center of the room he boldly advanced With crown in hand and said: •' " 1 ' "In presenting this to yon, re member, Miss Xulieka, that the brightest gem that glitter* in the coronet is thy punty of heart and goodness of soul.” Leading Miss Scott to the head of the room, ail took position in cotillion. Prof. Bnrko struck np something lively and everything went merry as a marriage bell. Mita Znlieka wore the crown very be comingly, and when there wae so much beauty, it waa a compliment of which she may well feel proud. About 2 a. if. tho crowd dispersed seek the embrace of Morpheus, forgot to aay that year humble correspondent, being high private in tho rear rank of Captain Wal lace’s squad, feeling himself enti tled to some privileges in the cere mony, turned to Mrs. Bet, and placing bis old hst (which bad no crown) on her head, said as solemn ly as ho could: “Vanity of vani ties, all is vanity saith the preach er,” at which Mrs. B., feeling her self greatly complimented, leaned her head proudly bock and replied in her sweetest toacs, “I should 1 smile.” IX. Bkt. Editobs Ruobdkb:—At the ear nest solicitation of yonr Solicitor, the writer will attempt to write up the above subject. At the risk of first, its going to the waste basket, second, being called a fool by some few of your reader*. Every think ing man In Southwest Georgia will admit that there ought to be a obange In fkrmlng here, and every thinking man will admit that there ought to be more stock raised here. Now the queetion is, how aia we going to make the change? More stock with ua meana more feed for •lock and more pasture*, and more feed and paatnre* for stock means less acres in ootton. But how are we to turn onr old crony cotton, atoose at all? Permit the writer to make a few suggestions. In Southwest Georgia there are a great many large farms and tha moat ol these farm* have branches and ereeka running through them, in the swamps of tho branohea and orccks there is,a natural range for cattle and hogs. Let us draw a picture. Say w* take a tan mule farm with five or tig hundred Seres ot opei) land. Say there I* a thou, ■and acres of bed belonging to the piaoe. Now draw a picture of the averag*' condition''oif snob alarm and tho financial condition of the farmer, «ud you will very likely find that each of them are bad. Now w* must ad mi*'that this state of tilings ii 6wlng to trying to pro- duoo big crops pt cotton with loot- ly managed labor. Say tb* above farmer has ten tolerably fair male*, and corn and fodder enough to teed the ten mules. Let hidk pick nut CONCORD'S CHRISTMAS. IMPROVEMENT NOTE* AND NEWS ITEMS four of hie best malek And planta tion tools, enough to rip fohr plows. Then let him' drum up a big *alo and aall his six mulos-and surplus oom and fodder and plantation tnolt;lBd 2r|th the money he gets from his sale lei him pay bis ,deb,t* Aqd fence his plantation for stock Cuming* Thcnlet him oof a large fleld'ln oats; set a Urge Odd'In bbrmnda and other gratae*; plant Urge patch ol 'potatoes and a few patch** of cotton to . make ootton seed for faU milk eowU, and then be is pirtly ready for atook Urm- ing. Moss Glint. Denember 27th, 1888. 1 Tl DISUH FROM MOULTRIE. Moultrie, Ga., Gee, 31st, T3. Moultrie is growing, Monltrie U on a boem and booming, and right here Ut me invite yon to stick pin. Monltrie is going to be a market for the prodnoie of Colquitt county, and don’t yon forget it, railroad or no railroad. Beats are oheap in Moultrie, and wa are iroueu Mr. George Price, of Macon, : , . , stopped over one day this week for Don’t ftp'll the Milk, a hunt and didn’t fail to bring the .-p. . .... same smile and cheerful face hi. is “/cl J3^5 SO want to wear. j only bald, bat bar. no life In lb« root, of your hair, tbar. I* no use crying over that, cither. Tike both time end your- self by the forelock while there la a fore- lock left. Apply Parker's Heir Balaam lo ynar hair before matter, get worn. It will arrest the falling off of your hair and restore ita original color, gtoaa and aofl- ncas. It is a perfect dressing withal, clean, richly perfumed, cools and beala the scalp. jsn2-lm Mr. Ed. Simpson bns returned from Florida and can be found be hind the counter at bis brother’s, U. I’. Simpson. Mr. John Killcn left his mill during the holidays to visit bis old home and we trust John enjoyed the trip and respite. going to sell our farmer Irlcnds supplies at hard-pan prices, and give them liberal price* for their produce and thereby establish a home market. To my many old friend* in Til ton, who will read tbuse few line*, I tender the compliments of the season. May they enjoy the Racoon. eb, and rest-well of night*. Did you ever try baehelor life Mr. Editor? Avaunt, ye hypocrites, who sigh for tho haloyon day* of I single cusacdncsa. Ye know not what ye wish for I Mr. A. D. Patterson was robbed ot a aide of bacon Wednesday night This the second robbery that baa been committed in onr little town. Something must be done, boy*. Fish wagons are numerous. The mullet catch baa been unusually good, they aay. Turpentine is getting close to Monltrie. The pro-rata of the publio school fund will amount to nearly five cents in Colquitt, so lays Judge Gay, the efficient superintendent Prohibition stands a slim chance in our county at preaent M. M- F. If yon an suffering tram a aanse of at- Iremt wtaHntu, try nna bottle of Ayer'. KamparilU. It will eoat you baton. C iristmas baa eomo and gone and now there is a calm after the storm. We bid adlen to the old year with all of its losses and cros ses, joys and sorrow* and with bright hope* and firesb courage we step on the threshold of the new. May it be productive ol better re* suite than the last Onr tarmers are busily engaged In sowing their •mall grain at present, it being so dry before Ghriatmaa that they couldn’t prepair thia^ Important work. The indication* are at pre sent that there will not beks large an area aawa in small grain aa there baa been for the hut two yean. Everybody la expecting the ton of gnano at the eoneumation of yonr drawing, and have been making strenuous but a* yet fojile efforts to secure a plentiful supply or hand* to distribute it. There are plenty of hand* in tb* country, bnt they are partial to Job work. They cash brook the idea of 818 day* oontlnoal labor; they can't learn to labor and to wait. The gentleman who, was *o sure of getting '.he ton of guano at yonr last drawing that {^carri ed bia wagon down,. Informs me that be baa decided to remain , at bom* contentedly next| ilme and let fate do htr wont or beet Signs of improvement* am still visible. Messrs. James Cook and SoottHagerson have nearly bomplet ed their residences, they are mtana the finishing stroke yet, when-that is given they will add considerably to the beauty and attraction* of old Concord, whleh la fast shaping Itaelf into a village on one side. The Oonoord school I belieVe la wlthoift a'teacher.' Who'll teach it? Don’t all k(Mk ii oUce. Perhapa one of’tbd Trustees Wodld talieHt, if solicited. (Dili M uaodlaX) ,il* ' Tho young'folks have : bcen hav ing a jolly time bUfltlng, wagon ffiM/Cto.' WUlufs *bfg” ball at Mr. CaTvir MayVlast Wed- 5mmsi rolling. ^ Wh" honor ol Miss' 8telia Lowe, of Box Springs, who Is tbe goest of Mr*. May. Mias Nannie Pope oftbe same plane (ii also on a visit to Miss Aids Msshburn. Ol oodrae we boys are gi| kneeling to the . Pope and stooping Lowe to oonqner. W. ETCHIKGS FROM ENTERPRISE dollar, and will do you taaaloulabU good. It wUI do away with that Ured fetliag. and Riva you new life and energy. Bntirhusb Ga., Jon. 1 1884. Adam* Station cotlspeed with 1883. 8he Mowed, blasted and busted, all In one year. The Plver Bros, nave departed to the land of flower*, and llr! E. A. Booker returns to his farm four miles from here. 1 Dr. T. J. I. Patillo has leased CapL R. E. Park’s plantation for the term of fire year*. He and bis sister*, Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Peed*, will reside at the Station is the honae formerly ooonpledbyMr. E. A. Booker. Mr. Peede takes charge of the depot and poatofflee. Mr. M. J. Powell superintends at the quarter. We heartily weloome them into onr community. The Dr. is a brother-in-law to the Merer*. Forresters, of ti^s oouoty. Capt. Park baa painted np his mtln dwelling and out house* around the Station, which odd* muob to the looks of the piaoe. The work wa* executed by Mr. J. H. Beatty, late from the State ot New York. Adame Station is a very healthy place and I cannot see why ita in habitants do not number five time* what it does at present. Land ia Fine rain last night. Xow for plowiog in oats. Capt. F. M. Heath and Mrs. Blanch Yeoman were married to- day. Allot Leecouoty. S. J. H. Jf IN