Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, January 11, 1884, Image 1

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VOL. V. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1884. NO. 33. Americus Recorder. • <>; pOBUOHKn »T OFFICE OST COTTOflf aVeWUE. ThnWeekly One Year. - $4.00. Weekly One Year, - - 8.00. (Sunday Ianus One Yeas, - 1.60. PROFpOM & BUSINESS CARDS Lauikus. Xi. EL CARTER, ATX^K^Ky. AT Lj AMRRlCl’H, OpMTKfc'^CoUNTV. : omw, oM Find NaHnntil Kink. Prompt atttatlen rivra MajUgriMwMiwM JuilKtloM > ipcrultr »»d P»«rt Oticntlmi a r. mcorory, A.ttornov at Law, ELLAVILLE, Ua. TERMS—All claim. from «K W tmdMVlS; ircm f-10 to 600, leu per tnt; ovw too, roico pprmmL NocharfniuelcremUocUou.or*a ‘ April itr DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. BAINES, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN bia prot*Mlon.l rmkt*. >HUi o Mprrt- **nce ol 24 ve»r*e to tb» pontile of Aatrricus «n«i vidmij. vm* nt l>r. KMiMge"* PrjK *•.*«. .IL-*- . . TTZ t * i». u . ...I oitiwu. tdmec ftt corner of Jactoou an«l Cburvh rtw 1 ' <„U» will t«c<iv« pruapt 'anSHil Dr. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST, AMERICUS, OA. Work ev»l to tbe Seri. * Cub «;«•»• I«. »» hr lonr.u Try him and br convinced. #»« n«U.«nporf*Soo'.tlrti*riore. .prtotf W. P. 33 S3 3NT AMEBIC VS, OA. pi solicit Uw MtrooM.r »t mw»«« (Jee ill nuh or wodpaylnt potrolM. Tho« who w, trill pi car. rioiomUf that I Broil the motwy «!TJ ahtuPcspooi [oiyim n'tlu th^nc«tJ0.1»'«. ftSprot/lillr, “ " "■ MISCELL ANEO VS. J. E. CRAWFORD, Contractor and Builder AMERICUS, GA. Work .ntruoletl to me ojll >*» done, with mot. nroa hint dl*i«tch. Natl.fheUwi cua ramrod. for relhr.BC, apply to C. M. Wbcetlry, Am.rlcua NorPif W. B.OUVEB,, Yorrrlh Slrrot. Po rtalm i (lee, Kiaplnou .Ktoiv. DRAPER: TAILOR DOTS FROM DA R.SOX. POWDER Absolutely Pure. T U i-owdrr my or nrif*. A mirwl of |*r1tjr Ptrrnptli a rot w1wIe<oimocm. Mora economical than the ordinary kind*, tad cannot i* arid in conipe’inn with the multitudeof lour tent, abort weight, alum or phoaphat** iMWder*. Mi only in tin mw. ROYAL It%KING I*U\VDKK C**, 1(4 Wall H* (wet. New York. orlSIjfI. SOUTH GEORGIA HALE and FEMALE COLLEGE DAWSON, OA. fcra #arh ysnr flrit \|m «Uv la Rr|ilrmVr. nod ilti'fp ea»-h Ercotid Thursday in Junr. i*o«rd -uid luituin lor wholaatic ymr, hoy*, 13 00 •• »• •• •• cirl... ISA 00 Plano, Orran or Guitar, ** 40 00 Pa* of liMtViiinrnt, 10 00 Daily leantois m I'mnnwhiii,' A 00 Co.nmi rrhil t-i>ur»<‘, 1000 Fancy nnd ornatnfMal work per month,... 100 No n:h'ko| ocrih nr souih la more tlmruuih and nrllr«l 'linn oura. Wo will fimmidi-n mrnlal nd mem: impr*wmmt m every one of onr pupil a. Oar motto i>: 0*ed non Xmctl. rend fur rntatorrur. wtiyltl II. A. McNULTY. FOR A JU78IKE8S EDUCATION A PKFAIITMKNT OF THK until Georgia Hale anH Female college, M. A. McNUl.TY, : i . s Prcitdrnt. B. C ADAMH, rrinelpal of Drpartinanl. The most prnctleal. thoreitgIt and Complete btirlncas traiii’i'U school In the doiiih. AUo,.|he CHKAl'KrfT ltATKS. Unok-kceping n« npjillwi t6 every l*rsmh of Imalnemi. Comineruial )mw, < jonm*cfclnl ArllhmetlP, Cuu.mnrlai C’nrrcEpoud. rncc, llud'icM I'cnuia.iabin, rolillcal Keonmny, Orthofmphy, Klocuilon, riiiiclpleaand Frsc Ict-or Dudnrea. fWT-rW only plnce Hontli where vminw ladlra ic u Tin a Ihoriru^li !mdn« m ednuillmi. lleuniiAil Dtplomits awarded to wradiintcs. For further ji; formation and catalowue mMwmi or I 9:t II 0. ADAM#. Dn**on, (ia. Wlffi Ullill »0L. AMERICUS, OEORUIA. UbtIdr received Hie latest fubiona (rum Lundun t» mahectollL „ »tylc and beat workmanship. Elkm prepared 1 | faith, latest THE HlfflSlX FROM HER ASHES. brol r^>alri^( iloa. lu tb. aro.t .ai.i.alW auJ •rtWlo «yl», amt art on roaaniiaW. tjno fc lUhr. r. c rroiccoU.j».ot.* , ^k.^ < .Cjll at iut nrv shop In front of tJol. Jf. A Sialth’a of Ha-, yn Jeckaw* MmUMkok Oa. ANDREW DUDLEY. ■ ISTeil Piols-ett, TALBOTTON, • GEORGIA Will ilo Pkiatcrioe. ntl.kwork .nd Iloowwork I’al'omlnc.-i .pwlaiiy. Itipalrln* ilonr. Onlrn promptly .tt.mlcil to. octStf I EASON HOUSE, S. E. EASOX, Proprietor, No. 4G Plnm Street, Near Henot, MACON, GA. €.*:«:• M “‘ or Joneltf • • Edward J. MIMer. C. Horaco McCall. Mn'iilar. .lanu* __ . _ » .lx a'liatnatie month.. t»ar srhtad r>»« •»the “Inlander Acadc* my,** I* •Itnnteil |n tlic taathnutem pait or America., a healthy and plraa-tut portion Of the Hty, la a larpo eauifbrtaMe bntldinr. and io bring arranged Hot convenience «f mairunioa. Brlnf unlimited now a» to n .uiUr of pupil-, w« aollcit a woooltkrral |WWHHW and gaarantre raphl Im- pruYfiu nt to every pupil who atrvn.i. oar aehoid •lenia of tbD acltiMti will lie re- rcsulailv. The quiicd to rtudy. TXTIOTONi Primary Drpirtnicni, p»-r tnooik...... Intern ■dlnit* Dep rtm.nt Academic iVpartmeat Hook Koepimr i 00.<y Icieoua in IVmnain>hip vitlniut extra cbnnre. Tuitiou due ai the mil oi etch month, do-atf A. J. t'LAUK, FrlnelraL RATES OF TUITION •fl.60 IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. WIIITK SCHOOLS. Primary aixl Inluraicdiair, per month,.... Grammar School, ** •* .... High School, ** ** .... COLOBKl> 5CIIOOIA l*rir.iar>*, r« r month, |1.«0 i.r#o Monumental Marble Works, MILLER & McCALL, Proprietors. KoalhWMt Corner oi the Pnblie Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc.,Etc. KOaMIMin aaO Aarokaa klirbla FOB PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES Nralrot, CbMprot, Brot. “Cleanlinesa ia next to Goillineaa." ectl*4y ‘iron. bent. A teld coatainlBf twenty Ova or thirty aer half mile eaat of the corporate llmlia. Ilea?I a at! bit ©9! to. ANEW TREATMENT For Conanmptlon, Aathina. Brouchl- tua, Dyap»|t»la, Catarrh. Ilca«lach» c Debility Jthemnailam.^curalffla.nuit all chrunlc and Ncrvoua DUordcrs. A CARD. We, ike undrrriiT'e % herinir received jmatand termanenl lencfll from Mm u.«» of •*CuMPOD.V|> rrepured and admlnlatered by Dna. STAKKF.Y* PALkX, o; Phil»taH| ae.l l,c Inc rationed that it D a new dwe »vory in medl-ttl •mence. and all that it claimed for It, consider It a duty which »« ow.i In the many tbim.amla who are tuflertng trim chmnlc and eo-rallcd **h tnra> rle M dUeaac. r<» do all Ui it we can to make iU rlr* tue. known and to iutplru the public with contt* Wo have pervoaal knowledg of Dm. STAR. KKY A PALLY. They are edu< atH, InicHlgrnt, and aonaelmtlou«|,lf^’Mcla»«. who will net, waste >,make any .Uit.mrat which they «lo not know or believe to' I* tru**, nor publish any tn.tln.o- la or report. <>f eaM*. which an* nut fcuutne. WM..R KKI.J.KY, ilemWr of Oocfruta from Fhlladetphii. T. H. AKTIiril, K-lit-.r and Pi:MI*h*r “Arthur'. Home Masannr," Phllodelphi •. V. fro C<»NllAI», Kdltor “Lathers n Obaer Phi'addpa^aJFa., Jane 1,1HL 1*1.113.1-1- ln ordei fo meet a natural inquiry m regain >o oar urofieafional and j^mmal atanding. aud t.. gt»* loerenaed conildrnre Id our etatcmeo*4ai d In the itoBlncuMi of our tcati'oonUl* *»d report* of it he above card fhmi centlrtnen well eases, wo print he above card from gentlemen wall and widely known and of the highest personal character. «>ur “Treatise on Compound Oxygen, 1 " emtain< lag a hlctorv of and mode of action of this reamtlf able cur*lira agent and a largo record of earpni ing enrra in Conan ptloa, Catarrab. Xeurilgb . Bronchitis. Aa«kma. tc.. a id a wide range of chronic diaeaars, wdl W aent free. Address Dr a. ITARKBT * PAF.BX. 1109 and 1111 Olrard Mteeat, Xor.Htf Pbloitelphla.. Pa. TKRRIBLY COLD AND FROZEN—EDUCA TIONAL 1TEMK. Clouds, rain, wind, sleet and bit ter cold. A Norwegian winter seams to be upon us. Gone are the bright, balmy days oi the last few months. Not a biid lo be seen and dumb bmtes stand shivering In sbejtercd places. Tbe Indies sit In their cosy homes, by glowiog Ores, and men muffled to their noses, appear only when business compels. Merchants trade with “closed doors,"«'nd every occupation'stag- nales under the pressure of old Dorcas’ ppwer. Yesterday the weather prophets predicted snow, but this morning in pises of the white, fleecy mantle, every bush and bough, even the ground, was covered with s glitter ing garb of ice. Tall trees bent beneath their weight, and tbe ce dars before my windows, with bowed beads, swayed to and fro, like grief stricken mourners, with every blast. The sight was beau tiful, though no sunlight made them shimmer and glisten like di amonds. Years roll on. Time, with his soythe is never idle. The wheels of progress pause not in their rev olution, the. young grow old, and minds mutt be culUrated, hence the tones of the College Bell can be beard in tbe morning air. Through the cold this week, and over tbe ice, I am told,eighty brave young students have wended their way to “College Hill.” Broad- shouldered lioys, tbe “brawn and muscle of the country,” earnest seekers at this Temple of Learning, olear-oyed girls and thoughtful, anxious to drink deep draughts from the Castilian fountain. Why cannot parents, all over the land, realize the fact that a little learn, ing is a dangerous thing, out that “knowledge is power!" An edu cation is more desirable than ail the gold and cotton, plantations and houses that a person can have. Fire, nor storm, nor drought, nor shipwreck can take it sway. It is an “open sesame” to all tbo high places of the earth. It refines, en nobles, drives from our hearts all that is ignoble,'base and parsimo nions. It makes life beautiful. It peoples heaven, and it depopulates hell. Parents, give your children an education, and^you will sco the chain-gangs ‘ and prisons without inmates. Of course, by education wo mean the cultivation not only oi mental, hut moral and physical natures also. But I digress. Our gay little city is “non est” this weckjin 4 lhc way of news. No marriages, no deaths, no bankrupts. Christmas and New Year were merry. Pupils returning daily to the college. Thirty•one_boardcrs, Prof. Adnms]tel!s mo, at tbe “.Mc Nulty House,” lilty expected. The Professor has visited the orange groves of Florida since wo saw him last, and is delighted with all lie saw. Ho Is now icudy to pay dose attentionto ail commercial students, lie has seven to commence this week. Miss Mamie Clioires, another member of the Faculty, has also returned from a delight ful trip to her old home, Thomas- ville. She is a very popular teacher and deservedly so. Miss Dixie Cheatham and Crock ett Saville, bright eyed maidens, favorites of all, remain wjtli us still, and are welcome. f iSeveral of our young men have been badly wounded by Cupids darts during the holidays. Per haps Leap Year will ofler some panacea. Tbo oil mill runs night and day, giving employment to quite a number of bauds. Col. J. G. Parka is still improv ing, bis friends will be glad to learn. May this be a happy New Year to all our people. Courage, indus try, and will power, can make tbe wilderness bloom os a rose. There is nothing, with God’s help, that a brave, determined upright man can not do, aod though for a abort time, tbe wicked (bay flourish as a “green bay tree,” the day will come l when the reckoning shall bt, and tne “mensnre shall be milted.” haYdows hmoCltbie. Moultrie. Ga., Jan. ?, ’81. Tbe cold wave is upon us. Blixsards and blizEardi; lee to tbe bottom. Wo enjoyed the few showers that felC'Christmas times.' 1 Streams are running agait). A terrible bomietde ocurred out on the Mitchell aounty line Christ mas Day; A Mr. Jenkins shot slid killed BiU Adams, Marion siidi Arch Shaw, of Ber rien connty, engaged In a cutting affray on the same day; Marion re ceiving wounds which may lame him for life. The business outlook is splendid. Onr good old connty is coming to the front, Moultrie will soon be a business place. We are going to have a big railrroad meeting on tbe 4th Saturday in January. All who are'interested' in tbo matter are most cordially iaviteti to attend. Ain’t I glad t Parson Webb,'my good old Tifton friend, drew prize. So did Mr. Parker of lllv- eraide. Abme I accidents will hap pen to the liest of folks. Some of tbe boys got on a spree Saturday night, A . man named Snipes got knooked down twice. Cold day for Snipe hunting. At an administrator’s sale in Moultrie on thelst 680 aoras of hnd, comprising the homestead oi the la'e Elder ‘Crawford Tueker, brought $800. A small farm of lOOaeres sold for $100, and a 60 acre traot, near Ooklookneo river, brought $38.86. Town lots In Moul trie are going at from $100 to $800 per acre. * Messrs. Cooper & Patterson in tend bringing a steam mill to our village. If they do, there will be a building boom here. Pleasant Grove Primitive churoli was constituted tnd dedicated, on Saturday lout. Elders. Ansel Par rish. Mitchell Alderman and J. D. Barbour, officiating. A large con gregation assembled on Saturday, despite the bad weather, to bear Elder Parrish preach. Barbour was called to the pastorate. M. M. F. UUR.NED TO DEATH. TWENTY-SEVEN VICTIMS TO A CONVENT St. Louu, Jan*?.—The following dispatch Irom Jlellovllle .W,bNie Associated Press gives fprtl tieulars of thd burning of I vent there last night: The conveiit was known as the institute of the Immaoulate Concept (on, add ,%H conduoted by tbe sisters of N Dame. The Are was the most tmotive to lit! and property thst Bellevillo has over experienced. A visit , to the scene tills mornlfig showed the Are department still on duty, endeavoring to quenob the flames so si to preserve in reoog- nlssble ships tbe bodies oi the vio-i lirns. When tbe ■ rains were suffl ciently cooled, a volunteer oorpa went to work to bring out tbe bodies. It wss a horrible eight At timea tbe aearehes would And two or three charred maasea huddled close together ss if the viotims bad sought protection Irom one anolb- from the advancing flames. Two bodies were found in the rear part of the bnlldlng burned into an un recognizable masa, but a majority were found beneath where the dor mitory was situated. They scorned to hsvu eou^h shelter io this room too late to rebognlze that it waa im possible to escape from it. The flames beneath eatingwway the aup. ports lev down'tbe floor Into the seething vortex of Ore and amoke. TWENTY-SEVEN BURNED TO DUTN, The loss, of life ia much greater than estimated last night. Instead of two, as at flrat supposed, tbe totrl known deaths 'are twenty- seven, twenty-two pupils and live sisters. Among the latter la the slater superior. On tho fourth floor tbo. pupil boarders, with three sisters slept. On the third flour, the remaining sisters slept. On tbe seoond or tbe floor above tbe base ment, wbat are termed tbe‘orphans aleep on mala. These on tbo seoond floor were saved. THE CAUSE or THE FIRE. The fire was caused by a furnace In tho basement, and when discov ered tbe floor immediately above was ablsse, and volumns of smoke were rapidly pou|ring through- the ' ‘ * hall of the STE1TART COIJNTV ITEMS. • Lumpkin Indrpcndut. An adjourned term of Stewart Superior Couit will oe held on the 4lh Monday in this month. Judec II. G. Fcsgin killed two pigs,eleven months old, that weigh ed respectively 376 and 37<> pounds. The Judge tries never to raises smaller hog than himself—we mean of lighter weight than bis own. In July 1883 Mr. F. B. Gregory lost a handsome College Badge and heard nothing Irom it until a few days ago, when Mr. J. S. Crossman discovered it in possession of a ne gro in Columbus and recovered it. The badge is oi solid gold and Is highly prized by tho owner who gained it in a prise debate while at Mercer University. At a regular meeting of the Lumpkin Town Council on Thurs day last, a resolution was intro duced by Alderman Scott fixing the rate of license for whisky deal ers at $1,000 per annum. The first act ofthe new alderman was in tbe right direction and if tbe wishes of the majority of the people are con sulted tbe Council will adopt tbe resolution at its next meeting. A creditors bill has been Ailed against Capt. B. F. Davis, of Green Hill, and by order of the Court It store Is in the possession of the Re- ceiver, Ur. Rollin Jefferson, of Co lumbus. Capt Davis did a large business at Green Hill and bis friends would rejoice to see bis amicably adjusted. We do not know the smonnt of bis indebted ness, bbt suppose it is large. stairways, corridors and building. By time the Sleepers were thoroughly aroused, all avenues ef escape were Ailed with blinding smoke. A panfo: ensued and the seens that followed was hearti ending beyond (Ascription. Tho extreme cold retarded the woik of tbo firemen, and even if they coaid have reached tbe scene without delay, they would have been of little service in rescuing the victims. Editors’ Stockings. MUM* vllls U*lM Ml Bro Sid. Lewis, ofthe T. A M.,didn’t hung up his stocking last Christ- mas Kvc. If he had done so,there would have been in it a mildest and a twelve inch cel. If Bro. Sparks, or tbe Ifemizer, hung up bis slocking we are sure lie got “egg nogg, pound cake and sieb.” As for our excellent friend Waterman, of the Monroe Adver tiser, bo didn’t hang up his stock ing at nil, he hung up a Jug and got it full of the puro juice of the persimmon. Seiali! “Uncle Remus” (J. C. Harris) got in his stocking a lot of tin horns presented by his numerous constituency, the children, with which he intends to blow Atlanta’s future, in a horn. “My Maryland,” of the Augusts Chronicle, got in bis stocking a n minaturo >>ale of option goods, presented by the Augusta and Carolina factories for his able ad vocacy of a “protective tariU.’' The veteran editor ofthe Sumter Republican got a long stocking full of Dr. Talmsge's sermons, deliver ed twenty-five years ago, which he will publish weekly in 1484, as tbe latest expoundings ofthe Brooklyn pulpit orator. Our friend Adams, ofthe Eaton- ton Messenger, got a photograph ol tho Hon. James H. Blsnnt in his stocking. These are all we havs heard from, officially. January 7 —The survey of tbe Bnena Yiatu railroad wss menoed near Oglethorpe on the inst.,by Engineer McDonald, ofthe Central Railroad Company, and ii is thought-will to -completed lott ing thisdUOUthk f-lThe engineer baa expressed himself since the surrey began, that tbe grading can be done from $700 to $900 per mile, there fore, it Is thought the road can be graded and tied tor $1,500 per mile —adlatanoe of-twsnty-six to twen-- ty-efgbt.miles for tbe entire line. Some stock is yot wanted to do the. entire work by the next .-.oHon tea- son, when Macon w II largely be ' tbe benefioiary. Judge J. M Low*! has been elected President, sod the --jSS-des. dined the position or Treasurer, owing to ill health, and Hon. W.' D. Mu-ray, tbe present represents-', tire from Scliloy, will bo elected to u Oil the vacancy. A real estato agency will soon be organized In Ellaville, fur the sale of business and building lots. Already a prominent androlia. > Jlo gentleman has said he is now , in a company that will brings cash capital of $40,000 to' invest in the warehouse and commission busi ness, in tbe event tho railroad U’ buijt to Ellaville, This alone is • quite stimulating .to onr people., Success to ail. . _ A capic dispatch received in this' city from Malta yesterday gives* , description of Bamum’a latest cap.^ turc, a sacred while elephant Tbe steamer Tunasserine. on whloh this' precious dargo is being transport-' •d to Liverpool/ touched at Malta, and so Barn urn's agents, with their, ueaal reaching after notoriety, at, unco cabled, a description of their ebargo. Tho animal Is described s a male, 16 years old, kind and outlo, and with tusks two feet ia i englb. He is seven and a half feet in height, and the equal* of any KMiessed by tbe kings at 8iam or lurmsb. This one comes front., the herd of Kiug Tbeebaw. Its at- - tendanta are two Buddhist priests, one native and one'European by birth,and three of Barnum w agents. The priests have documents which under royal seal attest, the sacred character of the beset and certify ita sale, tbe latter bearing also the signature of King Theebaw’e master •>f elephants. Tho animal wiUreaek Liverpool this mouth, and after* short real will be shipped to this. city. Notice EyeryMy. DRY GOODS! CLOTHING! NOTIONS, BTC., "‘“‘‘••‘SMS LESS THAN HALF The only “Call" we heard of, or saw, on New Year’s Day were tbe calls of tbe collecting clerks. There were no refreshments tendered.— Milledgcvilie Union. Dsn’t Spill the Dllk, •There u no u>> crying over epilled milk," eaye Ibe old eew. If you ere not only baM bat bare no life ia the roots of your hair, there ie no use crylag over tbet, either. Take both time and your self by tbe forelock while there ia a fore lock left. Apply Farkir e Heir Balsam to your hair before mailers get worse. It will meal tbe falling off of your hair and restore Its original color, aloes nod soft- ness. It Is a perfect dressing withal, clean, richly perfumed, cools end heals the scalp. , jan3-lm BBSAXjX. MATtO-XN S X Mean Business! Call rorljr britaro tke wort dntrable roodjarr 4i_ So tf tls Bei FIhe, RiOotta Avohb, Brofroifallr. S. X. COHEN, iaatml AMUBlCCB.aA. FREE FOR TRIAL HAXOVXTS SPECIFIC. As saWltTOMl irraiv car* for Ncrroo, Urbillty and Wrokroro Ense( Vitality and Vfcof. Ikrotwttm»«r roll malt «f lmUgetHkm,n. eros e, n work, ikaMS .r Aloael, 1Mec<% hr., (roar forty Uawmd promt* ewe*.) ao4 CnJhom Ftor#, lit. * Am it* r