Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, January 18, 1884, Image 1

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Americus Recorder. TOL. V. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18,1884. NO. 34. SUteK&ptlttX aUttaK Tu-Wnui On« Y*ab, . 14.00. (Vbekly On* Ykab, • • 9.00. Sunday Iuiu* Ons Ybar, • 1-50. Americus Recorder. I delighted pawhos. SCHOOL ITKMK—A LKAP YKAU PARTY —A SAD ILLNESS. The Quitman Free Press, r apt cy ami wide-awade little jonrtaal edited by A. P. Perbata, compli menu Dawson for Ito educational advanUgea. He is right. The South Ga. College numbers 110 pu plls, and the "McNulty House" publishes 85 boarders this week. ProC Lowrey opened on the 14th 40 pupils in attendance, with expectations of a large li Taking into consideration cold, sleet, rain, drought of last ' ear, no town of its sise in the state can boast of a larger number oi pupils in school. The subject of a Leap Year par ty Is being discussed by the young people ol Dawson. If decided up on, It will be a success, for Dawson ladies no such word as fall, and they are unsurpassed for energy and perseverance. It will be some thing novel, and complimentary to the young men, who are noted for their courtesy and gallantry. The oung ladies tako this method of OSDrroM Flirt Hatl-sml BuS. ojpLrwsagagspBfc ^CrRMcCRORY,^ A.ttornov at Law, ELLAVILLE, Ga. TERMS—All claim, from fr, or vain-,*; tram ««U M0, tester cuts arrr 0oo, •«» incut. NocSar,rouolnaeaBntlcwasnsmAc. Jl|ctl Ilf DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SURGEON AMD PHYSICIAN ism Sla imHa.lM.1 acnicn. wits as ai|«t. U raaa ol so m la ISs pmJc of Ara-rli-n- ««4 Hctatir. oanatDr.KlhMsaa^DfUlH.rt.. Kro- S —» »»>""«» <^rtlT^V^tuuJ£ ,, ^'aSS!i*' showing their appreciation of the same, and are determined to have, Dr. D.P. H0EL0WAY, DENTIST, AHERICU8, GA Wert equal to tha Seal. Oa* taiaaa. 1a« a. aS.loaraei, Tn Mm as4 ka nmclserd.. OJhi .tar Danapon * Sun'. drti* Won. apiWIf MiaCBLLASEO V8. w. b. 6iavEB., Pon-th Stmt, Do rtalra arer On. StaplatooV Stan. DRAPER! TAILOR AilElUOUB, GEORGIA. Having received Ihe Inlest fashions 4 from London snd Purls, I nnt prepared m make clothing to ordur In tho latest •Die and best workmanship. TIIE fMX FROM flER ASHES. • TSs Snaat tlnUtod, mtial sImmM weatlas aad .nfnnt BOOTS AND SUOBS made. The Son metric* doao In the muai.a-taallal ami*allumau.Naurms Itefria »*uv#rr »Mitl««m»n In Aiwrlcus. Cwl *•» »" • it my mv vltop In front of Col. 2f. A. Sinllli i ol Oar, yn JecHmii Hin-rt. AoMrien*. ANDREW DUDLEY, . Nell Plolkett, TALUOTTON. , - GEORGIA 4 win do riaatetlaa. Brickwork u,t Ilaaaawotk CalmmlMa aiwclalij. Brfalr a* dose. Oedwa pesmslly attaadsd to. —tf EASON HOUSE, 8. E. EA80H, Prtprktor, No. 46 Plato Street, Near Deuot, MACON, QA. cVw-tV ,r l—slll Matt Hart, On Cot Mo Atroaa., I. alt reoSj fce tha holida/a havtas a hspidaoma atoek oT Fruits and Candies! rta*Clganea<l ftm* <ieo<k llett Mil* ouljr aaad noda aad aalla them at 'owewprleeo R hea ,N want anything in hla lisa It will pay you to M»rpp<f hi t’. A wirinn, h«m Ittfc. IW el. Edward J. Mt’tar. C. Horaeo McCall. Monumental Marble Works, MILLER * HcCALL, Proprietors, Boothvost Comer of tbs Public Square, AMERICUS, GA Monuments, Tombs, £to.,Eto. af tho bait Italaui aad Amertau Marti*. Iron Maillot far Cauatory Kaolos- arn, o Spaa laity. ullr , UHTIKUL idCV '-IS.' . , "^"wSJltfelsupasada. ’Adjoaiahie.* FOB PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES Statu, Chsapaat, Boat. "ClsauUnsaa id ant to Oodliadda" ectlMj GOOD C1SV1SSERS ffMTED ^ACTUKINO CO.. Ch.nolle, Mlehl*.». JPORi RENT. twnuy Sea art wiil 4 . WrUHaedkut aaoaoR qalra at.thla odlco. if podsiblc, ono evening ofnnal, loyed and harmledds pleasure. It will lie a sociable. Ou* whole community is sad over the dangerous snd almost hopeless illness of U. L. Weston, former ju nior editor of the Journal. To morrow be was to have been united In marriage to one of Dawson’s brightest, most useful and lovely ladies,hut at pro-ent, unconscious, he lies st the very gates of death, heedless of the approach of the dark rolling waves,bccdlrss of tears and prayers. But He doelh all things well. In Ilis hands we leave him. The Commercial Department ol the College tins matriculated two young ladles. We are delighted to know this, snd wish them all sue. , cess. The boys will have to put on thinking caps. Onr merchants arc cheerful, gone to work with renewed ardor, bene fitted by the lessons taught them by stern experience. Sunday evening is a favorito time for buggy riding in our little city, snd Cullcgo Avenue can boast of some elegant "turn outs” drawn by beautiful horses. Gallant boys and ladies fair mske tho “out Bt" complete. No artesian water yet, and good many wells minus water, notwith standing the heavy rains. There isacslm after every storm, and hence, this week breezy, bright days of sunshine, blue skies, and a temperature that .reminds us of s young May day. In onr afternoon rides, we see the “two nines" on Collcgp Hill, “hatting and balling" with all the ardor and ambition or perfect physical development, and an interne zeal to “score as many* innings” ss possible, it isn pleasing sight, and the observer can easily determine the character, by the action displayed, you can Rad determination, vim, and ener gy Inaome, which promiaea well for foture success In life. In oth ers “inene, mene, tekel upharrin" is as plainly written ss upon the fa- mous city of Babylon of old. So many boys there are, in our beau tiful Southern land, who are blots upon its fair surface, satisfied to plod slong the old beaten tracks, destitute of ambition, with no as pirations after what is noble, vir tuous, and great, creatures of ap petite, pondering to the baser ap petites, snd caring nothing for the cultivation of tho mind. Their souls an dead within them. What a pity, and there Is but one reme dy—education. Yet eo very few realize and appreciate tho fact. It Is so much easier to spend two dol lars for n pleasant drive, than to pay n months tuition; so muoh more gratfying to watch the smoke of two dozen fragrant Havana’s, curling upwnrl, than to buy a few needfol hooka for the little, eager, earnest aspirant after'knowledge; no much more satisfying to the in ner man to drink half a dozen bot tle of beer, than to purchase ap propriate elntblng before starting to school. Ah, parents, a fearful responsibility is reetinc upon yon; the souls of your children, many of them, cry to yon from the shad' owy land, snd call to you for an acoount. How can you answer for your criminal indifference, care lessness snd neglect. Think of It. Cmtivate the mind* of your chil dren, open the windows of their souls that beautiful and chaste thoughts can find an indwelling. Fill the Colleges and schools all over the country with Inmates, and ignorance and vice-will hide their Heads in shame, and those most dear to you will reflect honor upon you, them»elvcs, and upon their country. The moonlight nights are beau tiful os n dream. kntkrpr Thing ellayille. BEAUTIFUL DRON WOOD. AN BABNIST APPEAL—TH* YABMBBS BANK—PZBSONAL NOT** AND SCHOOL AND CROP ITEMS—AS BCOABDB TUB NEW RAILROAD. January 16tb.—Prof. Wilker son’s school opened this morning with n full attendance. Gllavillc is particularly fortunate in securing the services of such no efficient in structor. There is a diversity of opinion as to wbotber the oat orop was killed or not, but one thing is cer tain snd that is that it was serious ly damaged. Oats sown in Janu ary yield more anyhow. (No sour grapes in ih>). Capt. C. L. i’eaooek.of this place, has taken Col. Cisud Dixon in co partnership with him in the mer cantile business. “Dump" will be plessed to see nil tboold customers snd lots of now cash ones. Success to the new firm. , The engineering corps are now withing six miles of this place and will reach here Friday night. The Directors are now bolding n meet ing in tbs court house. If the en terprise does succeed, several citi zens’ (of n place not a thousand miles ofi) reputation ns prophets will be ruined, and that it will suc ceed Is now an assured fact. Jonah’s reputation suffered mueh in regard to some predictions ue made con cernlng Nineveh. Let the doubt ful prate and prattle as they may, our railroad will be built “all the same,” and that soon. 1 Hon. W. D. Murray, the Treas ure of the Buena Vista and Ogle- tborpe railroad, moved to town this morning. We arc glad to have Mr. Murray with us. Judge C. L. Battle bos moved in the villc. Welcome. Iteol estate is on a boom in and around here now. Town lota are held at fancy prices, all owing to our railroad. * HANDY ANDERSON VILLE. that’s wiiat it will ns, when the NEW HOTEL IS BUILT. Andkrsonvillk, Jan. 15th.—It wonld require a man with the im agination of n war correspondent to write an interesting letter from so uninteresting n place as Ander son ville. A good many tourists are now stopping over on their way South for the purpose of visiting the National Cemetery. An excursion from Wiilutmsbarg, O., inexpected in Februsiy. Among the mors re cent visitors from a distance are A. Luttcnbacker,New Haven,Mich., Thomas F.Mardis snd J. M. Brown, St. Charles, Iowa. Mr. Psuless, the gentleman who made partial arrangements for the purebaso of the old stockade ground, writes that (he bns not given up the idea of building a hotel, but that in April or May be will again visit this place and com plete the final arrangements pre paratory to putting np the build ings. Bbonwood, January Ktb—Wn regret that our businesn last week was snob ss to prevent the filling of Bronwood’n apace in your col umns. We met with many that In quired after its non-appearance, nod with one that styled as “n re corder within n Recorder." the renders of the record of events for this section we wonld say that nothing that pertains to advance ment in each and every calling shall lie dormant if its merits are hid before ns in time to chronicle ito worth to ne se a people. We invite yoar aid in extending views tendingtotbe advancement of every interest that is ours. Wonld ntk for any erent or “scrap ol news that would entertain the rending public. We meat now and then with some of onr farming friends who are disposed to argue that because be has no bank acoount or cannot count bis gains in this way, that he is in no wise progressing. Yet if bis attention is called to the post few years be will admit that our farms have been improved; that we have better bonses, better stock and a decided improvement in im plements. It is in this way yon grow snd improve. Slowly it mav be, but surely you improve your real estate each and every year it your management is judicious, and your earnings are realised, notwith standing you have no “board of directors” to declare a dividend for yon. Your lands improved your stock increased each year, and wo dare say If you could get at the percentage your annual Increase upon the capital invested would exceed the rate allowed to day rt the banks. Why not lurtbur your interest by reorganizing your “grange” and meet and exchange views and discuss improvements f Dr. Lundy, of Cbiokosawstohee, was in town a few days ago and we enjoyed the few hours spent with him in talking over tho post. Come again. Misses McKcllerand Hand, from the Dr’s village, are the gueete of Mrs. Jos. Guise, and have made pleasant their visit with us. Mr. Geo. A. Hill is a citizen of Bronwood, and wc congratulate ourselves upon this acquisition -o our society. Dr. Kidd was in this town this week aad reports his section herd at work for another crop. We are always glad to sec the Dr’s pleasant face. Judge Sasser paid us a visit and gave us uo bod report from his section. All sowing oats and pre paring lands. We are to have a new depot at Brouwood and tha authorities have decided to build on tho “aide traek and leave the “main line” clear ol the dancer of getting on while the cars are in motion. At the meeting of the council on Monday night last S. K. Smith was elected Clerk and Treasure snd T. F. Youngblood declared Marshal, R. J. Ellison, mayor pro tern. F. H. Watson, Esq., of Smith- ville, was with us ono day this week. Ever punotualtoduty, Fred was looking after the interest of some client. "Macon’s drummer,” Jim Mc Gregor, enjoyed a day with his host of friends here. Capt. Tom Piekctt was up look ing after the lifting lover of chick ens, Mike Wilson, and succeeded in having him bound over to the higher oourto. We were pleased to see John Talbot on onr streets after his long illness. The boys were glad to see you, John. K- JOLLY J0IINPRKEV1LLE. Ayer's SampariU* is tbs most potent blood purifier, snd a fountain of health and strength. Be wise la time. All ban-- hi infections an promptly removed by this unequalled alterative. (Tm lale Mr hat lsme.1 Johnpbeevillb, January 8.—We are having the coldest weath er we bod sinoe the winter of ’80 Most everybody have killed their big hwge and are delighted with the weather. Moet- everybody killed plenty to do them this year. Many will have meat to tell with plenty of oorn and bogs left. With n few exceptions I bells vs the formers srs nil supplied with plenty of band*. Most of than renting, or working for |Art of tho crop. Bverbody wants to plant onto, but the weather is so cold we can’t plow. Will bavo to wait on the weather. This is splendid weather ou wheat. Since the late rains I baa.* no complaint of scarcity of water. Mr. S. P. Kimbrough requests ms to ssy after he gets through gining be will enly run his mill two days in n week, Friday end Saturday. Please beer this in mind. Mr. John Denson has bean quits sick for two weeks, and still very low with typhoid fever. Mr. Ralph Johnson, who left us last January for Texas, returned n few dnyssgo,snd will take obarge of Mrs. Hester’s business. She will move to Lumpkin in a few days. Mrs. tester snd her two little daughters from Greens county ar rived in the ville to^lay, where they expect to make their home. Mr. H. has been here for several weeks getting up bonds end mak ing arrangements for the year. Dr. Copeland ie the happiest man on ssrth. It’s s boy. Miss Crockett Seville returned borne Sunday. Miss 8ailie Johnson, of Eufsuls, is visiting in the ville. Mrs. W. B. Seville is improving slowly. Prof. Grub’s school at Weston opens next Monday, and ho would be glad if parties would start tbsir children with the school. Matoe. MOSAICS FROM MOULTRIE. Me ULTBtn, January 14th.—After the terrible blizzard we are enjoy ing some One epring-liko weather. Mr. Bill Adams, whom I reported ss killed, is not dead, but may re cover. Bob Bearden, onr wealthiest merchant, is the most Industrious man among us. Don’t forget the big railroad meeting. Will tbs Thomasville Times snd Quitman Free Press please announce itin thcircolumusf It is to come off on the 4 th Satur day in January. (Vs hope to make it a big day in Moultrie. Woods-burning, that suicidal custom which lias to long been kept up in our country,is beglning early. There is no practice so injurious to the land owners interest, yet the freeholders themselves keep it up. Preaching Sunday, st the court house. We hope to have s church built ere long. The boys got hold of a prospcc live bridegroom ’totber day and made him set ’em up, liberally. M. M. F. BUENA* YUTA. JEALOUSY THE CAUSE OT A BRUTAL HOMICIDE. Saco* Trtasnpk. January 13.—Five miles west of this place, on the Columbus Market road, on Friday nigbt, about 10 o'cloek occurred n homicide of more then usual interest Allen GresbnmA tenant of J. J. Dunham, was on horseback in company with Flowers, ooming in town, when he, Gresham, was shot ty Charles Burkbslter,whobnd scented himself In the corner of the fence, with an old army musket, in which be bad jut twenty buokshot As he leveled lie gun Qreehnm slipped offend he shot him in the thig' WHLE8 FROM RMITHV1LUL BIO OATS AND LOTS or TrlEM—BCXUR. ino notes—man scuooL SiimmLi*. January IT—Great wagon loads of onto roll Into tows every day. The shipment from thin depet thin week alone will nmowt to ISOfi or 1600 busbeln. TMn large surplus speaks volumes for Lee as an ont-prodnotng section. Our Junior attorney (we base two lawyers) has bought m poey and a road cart, and in-gone uan^y nil the Urns attending tho vsriazs courts of this and adjoining coo ties. Mr. T. W. Johnson liss novel into his mw house. This cat- tags, the workmanship of Xl O. L. Brown, is of design and elegant of finMb could be found anywhere of the large cities. The lord < will also kovs soon Into hla bouse, n large two story which be is now completing. The town ooaooll met Tuesday nigbt end pat the whleky licenseet $9,000. So the village must tkisaB another twelve months. The High School opened very flatteringly last Monday,end pupils still entering. V. X. STEWART*BOUNTY ITEMS, LrapSIn Iwdipralisr. Mr. Troy Holder lost one of Us ho'rsss this waek from the efltotaot [gh under the horse, from which he died in ten minutes. The sheriff end posse nr- rested Bnrkhsltar yesterday near Americus, and be in now in our Jail. They arc nil negroes. Jesl- ou»y was the cease. His trial wilt come off to-morrow. The rooent cold snap killed tU the cute in this section that want • above ground. Dock Cosby, mall oentrater on the Am rlous linn, uas translated bis oontrnotnnd Is preparing te em igrate to Texts. Judge H. G. Fcagln dug into the ground with a crow-bar on Wednea* day and found the ground frame hard to the depth of five inches. He is empbationlly of the opinion - that the oats are all killed. Rev. J. 8. Jordan, pastor of the • Methodist Cburoli, and frtmiiy reached here lost night from Bulim ia. They found the parsonage lighted up, sapper prepared end met with n warm reoeption from the members who ware waiting to to welcome them to Lampkin. Several weeks ago it was current ly reported that Mr. Joseph Wil lett, a former citizen of this ooaaty, was dead. From Mr. Gsorgo House, who reoently returned from n visit to Arkansas, we learn that Mr. Willett is not dead, but lain perfect health and although 70 ye tro ofage readily puses for a man of fifty. On Saturday morning last at 1 o’clock Mr. George Honse, of the Schmcevillo district, discovered bis corn crib to be on fire. He ran to the let and got his mules out Of • the stablo and with the n- slstancc of ids brother and the bands on the place prevented the flames from reaching the stable and hla fatberb * e crib, which were in the seme lot. Mr. House lost bit crib, wbioh con tained 500 bushel* of oorn, 800 bundles of fodder end n lot of onto. As the crib was too for from tho bouse to have been Bred by sperfcn from the firs thsra, bed then been one, the only oonclusion arrived at is that the crib was find by an ia- oendlary. Mr. House is a quiet and industrious former and done not know of an enemy mean enough to burn his erib and is at n loan to account for the dastardly not Bn bad plenty of oorn to hut Urn through the season bat is dost forced to bay. Any one living within convenient distanoe with oorn to sell can find n purchaser in Mr. Honse. Oen’t Spill the Milk, Thsra is no use crying ora* spilled milk." soys tbs old mw. If you are not only bold, but have uo Ufs in tbs roots of your hair, thsra is do us* crying ossr that, tUhtr. Tabs both time snd yoar- ■elf by tbs fowloek whits there is a fore lock left. Apply Farkcr'r Hair Bahaa to you hair before mature got worm. It wm arrest the foiling o4T of you* hslr and restore IU original color, flora and mfo- , It ia a perfect dressing withal, i. richly perfumed, cods and bmh the scalp.