Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, January 18, 1884, Image 2

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rs= Am Emeus Recorder. I W. l/mMUKR, Miter. =£:.. C? Official Oltu *f tYrbtler Uulf. FRIDAY,-JA*. iMWli JOSEPH K. BRUITS. We have received a large volume ADTAXL'E W HEAt ESTATE. \ / RARE RELIOIOVB ABSURDITY. Wo have contended ever aioce j jnJiannpolis Journal. untitled -Tne Life and of we have bes. here tb.tthe resource. | « U to’ I Juec|jli R. Uroaro,” written by Her. of Southwest Georgia abould be* | gf th> Salvation army, published in bert Fielder. The book la valuable come better known, and when I New York and dated September 0- not no much lor the biographical farmer* sbouid raise theirown anp- rf,,..,, i“« ^Tbe dalliea are redoving the else of the Sunday pepera. Congressman CrUp haa had a * neiT poat office named in hie honor in Yrwln'county. Congressmen are now aowing garden need preparatory to a bar. veal of vote re next fall. Pendleton may do ua up ou a fox chase, but whan It cornea to pot* ‘earn* we will stand our ground with toy of them. W be oonslatently proteetl ve.the Alteon Telegraph abould advoeata a drummer's tax for that city. Such a tax la strictly for protection with- It has been so cold io North Georgia that engioaa have froxsn on the track while taking water. They can oo longer lay claim to ihe**3unny 8outh.” A luminous kty.hola is tba latest invention for the beneflt of belated 'hoebende. Now if they will Invent one that can be found by a man wbd haa taken tod raueh tea,noon* vivlal man will he made truly hap* py- - 1 — * John W. Garrett, of Baltimore cent n cheek for 94,000 asa Christ* mat gift to the poor of that elty. and the Marietta Journal aaya there’a a noble aout dwelling in thit Garrett, worthy of a bright manaioa above. Tbo Constitution, in figuring on what the flamea have destroyed in Georgia last year, puts the lose of the Kimball at 91,000,000, and tha great Savannah fire at 9000,000. It is strange how figures will gst turn c\J around. > North Georgia papers want to make Sergeant dales feel bsd and ipoko fun at him in a mild and gon tie manner. They could mako tbo veteran flag.toter foal a great deal worse if they would loavc him se verely alone. Congreasman Oriap introduced. -Thursday,» blit appropriating $75,• ■ 000 for the improvement of Flint rim above Albany; 930.000 for tbo improvement of Oconee river, and ’ 990.000 for the Improvement of the - Ocmuigee river. fo the first issue of the Griffin Sun in February will be commeec* cd a aerial atory from tho pen of Mrs. Nora L Hussey, enti.lsd “The State vs. Bradford." Mra. Uusaey ta well known in the Ilteia* i tare of thla elate. The Democrats of the Msssacbu* setts Legialaturo are so thoroughly * organized lhatuhe Republican ma jority is anything but happy, and will have to be wide awake and punctual to accomplish anything 4>f a partisan nature. sketch of Senator Brown as for the plica and get out of debt the price history of the limes in which he has of resl estate would advance, and lived and taken so active a part, time has proved our predictions Thu atory of Scnotor Brown’s life true. Within the psst twelve is that of a man of determined will, months the price of farm, lands in bent upon advancing his own per- Southwest Georgia^ have advanced sons! interests. Io his public life be 13 per cent., in North Georgia 3 haa proven himself to be thorough- per cent., In Middle Georgia 7 per ly practical, having little aentim nt • cent., In Southeast Georgia 5 per to waste upon the humanities, and J cent., In Rast Georgia 7 per cent, aa a consequence we find him treat- j From this it will bn seen that lag public questions as matters of Sooth west Georgia stand* at the Along witli the news that threo C roiuimmt grain brokers ol Chicago sve been wrecked on the breakers of speculation, comes the report that the liquor dealers of tlint city arc somewhat disposed to exert tEeir influence on the American bog question. Some great hunters have had a days gunning in Kentucky, lately, and succeeded in killing CO and 91 bird* to a side, two men iu eacli party. They should come to Amcricufc and take a few lessons of oar hunters, who think nothing of killing from 104 to ISO birds a day. The Democratic Uouso of Re presentative* of Ohio haa dnee for the “oolored brother" what no Re- pnblloan Legislature of that State •nr did. A democratic cauou* nominated and* Democratic House elected Samuel Lewis, colored, ol' Cincinnati, engrossing clerk. Gov. deadly recommended him. — ■»- — - -■ - The Pika County New* baa in nufurntad the Idea of having lady editor* oh the staff ol new* Journals fa Georgia. So seem* to work eery trail, but for the life of ua we •caaVaee how Mis* Chisolm stands it There are so many disagrees- Ue duties about being an editor that It is trying for men. and must b.- doubly so for ladies. | business. Whatever may bethought of Gov. Browq a* a politician, toe history of hi* life and tho limes in which be has livad mutt prove in- teraatlng and will ha a valuable ad dition to any library. It is for sale at ail book stores. The Raonlrer.Sun has seen a sample ofmailsge taken from the •ilo of Mr. I* Rooney: "It wasae green and a* sweet apparently as it was the day it was put down.” Speaking further on the subject, our contemporary says: ‘•It was compound of green corn ■talks cut up and packed down in a simple pit dug in llm ground and wallad up with plank and covered with earth, ao as to exclude the air. Mr. Koony saya that it makes an excellent winter food, and that horses, cuttle and bogs arc fond of It and fatten on it very rapidly. Hc has demonstrated that it Is prac- tioal and inexpensive to preserve green food from year to year in this climate, notwithstanding it is oialmed by some that the climate Is loo warm.” The Cuthbert Appeal has tbo fob lowing about an enterprise of which It is proud: “Thu stockholders of the Randolph Comity Mauutactur- inir company held their annual meeting on .Monday last, when a fill! and highly gratifying exhibit was made as to operations for the year. Tin- company lias a paid up stock of 917,500, besides a sinking fund of 90,UUO. Thu company has hut recently doubled its capacity, and can now turn out nearly flO,- head of the column, Rast Georgia, with the cities of Uavannah and Augusta to help, coming next. There le no question but that tbe land* of Southwest Georgia are the richest iu the state, which, to gether with the moat favorable cli mate for the growing of ail kinds of crop*, mutt make it the garden spot of the 8outh. OKI HIE oFtIIE COMMISSION. '‘Chatham," the Atlanta corres pondent ot tbe Savannah News, lias this l» say of the origin of the Rail* road Commission: Thu Railroad Commission was not born of the people- of Georgia. far-awaymarkst It is,A rare relig ions a'jsurdity, and yet, in some of its advertisements—particularly those tint advertise soldiers’ uniforms for sale, for men and womon—it looks as if tlioro are some thrifty people in the army who are not going to let the frenzy pass by without making some money out of it. The War Cry u of opinion that thr terrible earthquakes and volcanic showers that have recently brought death and desolation to tbe earth are sent “because nature sympathizes with her God and is at war with man. God’s lightnings flash and play, and the forces of nature explode to awakr-n conscience, though not to destroy the race. Better that men slumld see tbe fires ot God now, and be carried back from the lake of fire hereafter, than that they should feel them in bell." Nearly the entire paper— twenty col umns—is giVen up to correspondence, and “Lancashire Lass, 1 * “Manchester Joe," “Happy Bill Cooper in his red Guernsey and Oipey fiat," “Shouting Annie." and other stmts, give testimony as to the progress of th* war. Here ore s few extracts: “We closed a week of hard fighting, with twelve souls. On Sunday five gave the devil the sack, and mode up their minds to serve Jeans." "A glorious time. Cloved with two souls." “A dear man ‘came lock to Jesus at knee drill." “We i: >d a God-glorifying time, led by Cap- tain Coojicr and Happy Nellie. Score lour souls saved." Captain Coojs-r writes of a blcss.-d * hallelujah pivtuc." 1 A convert gives thanks that, “instead of On the I Hits ot July, 1877, in the i tm head lieing too l>ig for his hat in the Constitutional Convention in this j corning-, it now fits him nicely." “The city, Judge I). B. Usirell present- c devil Ims buds licking at this station ed the “Memorial of the Board of during the pari week. The knee drill Trade of Amcricus on Railroad ) “.f. s w,oJ- Lord, make us what our m .«■ »» .„,i I title lUVK %r© nre—-real anvil "drivers. Tariffs and Oppress on, and the j Wo wi „ look witu umo fo terrat for t! ,, jatc Dr. Cooper, of that city, was report that Captain Blower, of tbe Hal- its earnest and eloquent advocate on tbo floor of the convention. Out of this movement, and the later ac tion of tbe distinguished member of tho General Assembly Iron: Sum ter county, grew the Railroad Com- mission. I beard every word ofthe debate in the convention and the General Assembly, and know that tbe wboio matter was ot local ori gin, and that the commission baa ration anny, who opened the campaign in Indianapolis yesterday, will send from this fighting ground. DESECRATION OF THE TIME- HONORED. Philadelphia Record. The commercial vandal is abroad in all lands. Natural attractions, tiuiu- honored associations, the Masterpiece* of art—ail are bent to thecoimnonplace *crvi«i of Mammon und made to serve not met the purpose r,.r which it as adjimrta to merr'money-getting. The was originally designed. It is n« I 0 * ta l ™ et ”/ H««‘*»w*ne..highest Suitor Hi. Co,.mi,.loner,, no, .0. | - ± result of a defective law. 1 - - uni ignoble service in turning tho ' ,, * * . “ „■ i wheels of a great sawmill. Along The Washington (D. C.) Gazette. Niagara’s stupendous gorge the itcripii- a Republican paper, makes the fob I tetic advertiser bus blazoned on almost lo„,n» eomplolA .boo. Mrt.1 appointments in Uuorgia : I the malediction of England's greatest A few days ago, it is said, Mr.! P 0 * 1 hardly avails to save htamolderiiig Speer went to the postmaater-gen. i '. rom '’- v •eibaeokinR end und to the 1 resident in person i ,. nl „f „ shakesponro hr calipering the . und urged the appointment or one , ,ii,m>n*inn<c Ins skull 0l»0 pounds of yarns weekly, which | \V. T B. Wl'son a* postmaster at { n is the fnshion to tear away ancient is equivalent to a cash receipt of; Atlanta, mid succeeded in Ids mis-1 landmarks und devastate familiar land- nearly 81.500. | sion. Asa result \V. T. B. Wilson j scapes, although nothing may lie gained i wits pledged to appoint A. i’nrk Hon. Henry B. I’ayne, who is to j Woodward, a full-fledged re,I hot bo the new senator from Ohio, la about seventy years old, waa a Douglas Democrat in the Charles, ton convention of 1800; is a pro- tcclienitt now; he ta an able taw. yerand immensely wealthy through Ilia wife, wbo inherited much oi tho land on which the elty of Cleveland now stand*. Ue ia above medium aiac and aparc; be ie grev, baa well developed features and blue eyes and a pleasant address. The Albany News mentions a con- sideralilo exodus of negro from that city into the country, and aaya that tliev leave* need of cooks, washers, etc. Nevertheless, we think that the movement was one in the right direction, if the negroes have gone into the country to work on the farms, instead of dragging out a half-hutling and precarious exist- enee in the city. bourbou, bulldozing Democrat and the brother-in-law of Howell, the managing editor of the bourbon sheet, the Constitution, and who wsa summarily removed for auffi cient reason Irora the office of chief deputy United Slates marshal by Col. O. I’. Fitxsimons. Mr. Speer knew that a Democrat was to be appointed assistant postmaster when ho asked for Wilson’a np- by the performance save a temporary slaking thirst for change. Your gen uine vandal is never so happy as when engaged in improving out of existenre some glorious old structure of historic fame. He would make a brewery of Westminster Abbey, a machine-shop of the Pinskotbok, and a cotton-mill of the Trianon. Seeing only the utilita rian side of things, lie wonders that liiv projects should meet witli opposition where an unmistakable advantage in dollars and ceftta would result to those who kick against him. It is seldom that resistance is cffectnal, for tho de* pointraent. Republicanism cannot sin- for changed combined witli com bo expected to prosper in a state * J —* ~ where tbo Democrats have control of the Federal appointments. Mr. John Forrester, of Leesburg has act bis brother farmers a good example. He has nearly 4,000 ihs of homc.rnieed pork in his smokc- rnercial advantage constitute a double incentive to reform in the old. BOUGHT HIS OWN piotcrr Car. Now York Kiwi I heard a atory the oilier day which is too gissl to kis-p. At a recent ex hibition a picture by an almost un known puintor was exposed nmong tin- vest. It was not a very good picture. bouse. Our reporter w.s permitted j I w ■«»>«"come w m*. ,ne place, oi last Saturday to take a refreshing I announcement, “Sold.” At almost the I ,1 “’ ni «kt attendants in the restaurants, view. A friend ot ours said he ! time the tag was put on it, the painter ®. Vr>tcr saloons and gin mills that have could cat chitlins ns loin- -is from i •'ailed on the secretary of tbe academy J?*" 11 a “ m *kt- Scattered , , t. - .f'., I and after a hesitating preliminary aske.1 throngli all these classes and among ali here to Macon *nd take another , b|ln if t |,e selling rommissum of 10 m-r l W 'T *'"* , hott " are seen the plateful nt every etatior. i riond ! Ilot ,- w i„.-,si to fi ou it. ! n,e ”‘anics that have lx-eu doing extra John could supply him with chitlins; “By no means." answered the leerc* ' and sausages too. Two preachers tary ’ THE SHETLAND PONT. * DtXIXL'TtTK STCED WHICH I* THE OW- bPlIIXU OF CIBCDHSTAXCE*. Henry Kvenhed In “Focsstry* The “Kheitie" is *q animal which for many generations has been bred and trained under special and peculiar cir cumstances, and hence hia physique aud general character, bis hereditary in stinct. and intelligence, hi* small size and hi. purity and fixitr of type. A pony belonging to a breed which lias had to piehita zigzag way down • steep declivity during many generation, mu.: lie sure-footed. By the same rule a poiiv, whose groom* and playmate* include * dozen juvenile*—the children of til* neighborhood, who roll about underneath him or upon his hack—must be gentle, and the same pony, living on theKathold of sir sometime*, rather than on herbage, moat be hardy. The pony of tba Hhstland tales is in tact tbe offspring of circumstance*. Heisths pet of the family, gentle as tho Arab's steed under similar training. He will follow bis friend, indoors like*dog; and lick the platters or the children'* faces. He nss no more hide in him than a cat, and no more bite than • puppy. Ue i* a noble example of the complete suppression of those vicious prnpensitiss tost some of bis kind ex hibit when they are ill-treated, and oi the intelligence and good temper that may 1k> developed iu horses by kind* There i« no precedent for his running sway, nor for hi* becoming frightened or tired, even when lie lias carried some stout laird from Lerwick to hi* hon«o, many Hootch mile, serose the hills. He move, dowu the rugged hillside, with admirable rircumspm-tion, loaded pan nier fashion with two heavy "cawdes" ol peat, picking lib war step l>y .top, some times .blow ays. In crossing boggy spots, where the water is retained and a green carpet of squat iu gras, might deceire some .tceds, : und tiring them headlong to grief in the j spongy trap, ho carefully smell* the 1 surface, and is tliu. enabled to cm-um- | vent the danger. I In tlm winter the Shetland pony wears u coat made oi felled Imir, and specially suited for the occasion. Hi> thick winter garment is well adapted .or protecting him against tin- fogs and dumps of the climate. It is exceed ingly warm and comfortable, tits clow to the wearer's dnp|ier form, and is not had looking when new. But w hen the coat grows old toward spring, at the season when thr new one should ap- |s-ar, it become* the shabbiest garment of the kind that yon often see. Its very amplitude aud the abundaueeof the material render it more oonspienons when it peels and hangs for swiiile ragged and worn out, ami then falls hit by bit till tlie whole of it disapiiears. sr. f.rpTess new~~york. L'or. Han Francisco Chronicle. Along Third avenue, on the surface, tho open horse ears, tho biggest evot built (liomciv tilings with two hcm-hei hack to back up tho middle und the passengers hack to hack facing the side walks), pass to nml fro crowded with men nml women, and overhead all night long the strain trains on tho elevated tracks thunder liy witli tln-ir loads. A lialf-doreii other car linns also run all night elsewhere in the city, and if you ride in one vehicle after nuothcr on one after another of these lines you will find that instead of lieing among |N-ople wlic never sleep you are simply in tho midst of so many pooplo of so many occupa tion* that overy boar sees a now set to bed and a now set out of bed and in the streets. The newspaper offices are busy till 3 o'clock, tho gas and electric light ing companies keep men at work all night, the bakers are to be aceu busy in tho cellars just lieforo daylight; 'the criminal classes ami devotees of pleas ure turn into bed when tbo main body of working peoplo aro at break fast; the brewers’ hands, the market men, the nowaboya and newsdealers and the letter carriers or* harrying to their labors beforo sunrise the milkmen havo Iw-en at tbe railroad do|mt nn hour earlier yet, getting their supplies; later than any or these come the grocers to open their shops and get their goods out on tho sidewalks ahead of the earliest of the housewives, and (when the other stores are opening) tho day hands come to take tho places ci Swept into the Stream. °** — Ua tl.« deck of. Me HheMn.) «cw,‘b w ., rtMj «* cjrdXsrk.t-n inutaaiua bj f hi. m tk. waters th. boot «-*> 0 ,, r '•wed Is s rweengiT Iron the Kerth: “W|, ua j - j. twelve years aid I killed my Bist bnr an . tew td*oUUon lay father we. then cuniay out „| I foriwl ilwl grew illrecdy ercr the wau-r. of t tai a a-nda That we. t mighty good pianistiai,, .mi there ««• right wssit uf l-mr. them, lee, Ua; Hist use thtwund acre. U | land went mtolhe HU. •laalptu rear. *go." It ia puttier so -train span the figure la my hstgrast rdnm<*f yeaihfalhap.. wemsuly bum. y sod manly etmiyth ere • Ihe a*m.grsy -very year laio the gnsi, larhld) lermak »f die. ■swiend drain. Ya*Urtsmld lot Weo. dThsih lawrlesdUgram a* wallwsloM. IWIssm sundy 0-0 er too wueld la drfntd ihdr -wn mtciraia—Inc moat prawlwt. of hmtth. Him one, nil I. teue. taerwac it .tail.. h*i wise*. emasH sr loomec* the HmpMiliha- mfahl a. - HI he nsmeles ea « prapaelilea la Cade See. 'one. A. tha hate W-au-ro rtvace, shleh ee of- t-fl Send the ellleasleag their ehorae, erlm hi * all -at allot am. wq he rserdia In, pur- hlond aid a eeath gruap of db- -rv imwt ad todvim romody wr dim •ie. <a PkgKSa'I TO Jell’. It goo to tho •sareoeof poia o*d woekueea. lamp am ta Ma vttaa, • ha hasp, ktdaay^ ataeuih and heart br- inilmrwopti ataoh,saddlraaat la sa—wowl. Tu Tania Ip oar. how-nr, aa, hat up« a drain too euang drink. Harass d.apep AYER’S PILLS. A Urge |*of«>rtkm of tta ilbumy, wkkk e»U9 human Buffering re»uli from deraAgG- nuMit of the Btonuiclip boveUp and liter. eWr.u’ft Cathaktu Plum act dlraeilj apoa Uin*o organ*, and are eepceialljr dmigaed to cur** tin* illeMEoe c»u*c«l by tbolr deraaga* meut, iuctudiug CoMtlpalUm* luxtlsta tion. D)i|N*|Mlap llratlarlie, Djwetny, ami n h.w*l of t'thrr allmeult, for ell of aliL’U they am a safe, aum, prouiyt, aud >l**N«i«nt rrn»ri.ljr. Tin* ciifuilrr we »»f Uu*m PiLLM by eminent* Iu mgalar prao- i'm, unmintakably tin* mtimatl<« in aukilt they aro Uekl by |1m aurdkai|»rufee> r 4ou. Hlti*- Pii.m am fttmjeuBiW **f vegetable -<i!apet:ti>e*p * d»iily, .m«l are .abiksluteljr free from Coital or dny *»;!icr injarloue iiigredicnr. ■ am inTHituinn w me, nim %re nt) •'••fifitaut companion. I bate been t N-tfip i>u(ferer from llraUache, ainl four .'in* urti the only thing 1 ooaltl look to ir relief, Una doee will quickly move uijr • *wrle taml free my bead from pain. They the uetett alfccllva ami the phynUr imtv over l«mn«l.' It It a pJcHMirc ia nte to «aek In tlmlr nralee, and I alaaye do to * iit'ii occNHiou offere. W. Ie. Haok, of W. Ira Page k Itro.” Krai'LI!n Mt., l(lcluii<mp|,Va., *luiie ft, 1MC. •♦f ban* u*»«l .WkjUa Tillm In number- **»* Iwtanceit as recotumcudm! \>y >vu, and •sve never known them in fall to M«v"tnfdi«b .lie tMital rcsull. Weenustsutly keep ibnu •ii hand at our bom*, au.l nrlte them aa a ileatiuil, safe, aud roliatOo famltv inedtciu«.i *<>K IM.HfKI-SlA they arc invaluable. Hie HKV. FK.fNrfS ||, IfAMUiWK, writing •uni AHti*tti. says: •• Kor nomo years •asl I have beott eubjcei to comtt|*ii«*u, Inin Which, iu anile nf tho fiw *•» mrdl- Incs of vnrhuia klmla, I auffereil Im’rcasiiig iM*^nv«‘iileuce, until some months T wgeii iMkiiig Avkit'a Pills. They bava uUroly cm-rected the rt*llvn' Intbu. and mve vaetly tmpinvctl my goiuwal liealth.'' AVKit'e •‘.i riiAUTir* correct Irrcgti- irlth-a or. tho bovrrU, aUumluto tlm h|»|m*- Ue mill illgeailoii, aud by their prompt nml iiomugii .ictlon giro tone nml vigor to tho fc vlioic pliyaleal ownminy. PiiKiMnr.ii nv >r. J. C. Ayor A Co., Lowell, Ma39. Sold by all I>riiggl»t«. „ . . “Wi* liav© to aoconut for every Olti liabils Will cling A man wero " vin i? on that smokehouse : picture which is suM, ami turn in tlie o. . »• .a" ! during the cold snap.—Camilla commission. Besides, what does it near Staunton, \ >., the other day, Clarion * i matter to you? Aon got u goodpric,- |tut up two bucks on the block, and ; 1 for the picture and certainly should not could hardly lie pcrsnudctl that it The largest living animal is tlie j f w*s unlawful tosoUthom. At least rorqual wbals, 102 feet in length: vou ^ i*i H mglit it mvseif." * that is what the associated press I ‘ h ® ^ r “ s ' \ .. . » | - Whales ami elephants live to the { '*!or an mlvrrtiscmcot. (ttapatcncs tell us, out tlie talc is greatest age, 130 years; May flics ! I don’t know whether tho investment probably a mate to a similar one from Alabama, published some months ago. Private Frank Smith, of 14,000 Andertonville flag fame, it lector- ing in tho Northern states about tbe great work he did iu docorat. ing tit* Andenonvill* grave*. He i* meeting with good sauces*. Frank is a good boy, but be want* • national reputation awful bad. The nuabar of bill* which haa been introduced in tbe Heuae of Representative* ao Mr this session is 8,910. Congressmen will have the shortest, only a fen hours. The most intelligent of the lower animals, ahead even ofthe Australi an bush men and others, arc the ants. ■ The Japanese persimmon is being successfully cultivated in all parts ot California. The tree ia highiy ornamental, a prolific bearer, as hardy aa the pear and fruit early. The fruit la delicious, and often weighs a pound. Its seasonis from October to March when other trait* are scarce. — ^ The Griffin paper* gave Sergeant Bates and hi* son a very cool re. j ception when b* arrived in Griffin, has paid him. It would bo interesting to lcarlt if it hits. THE TITLE ABBUHIITf. San Fnim*ro News Letter. Wo have no objection to a mndnrato i amount of titles in this great and glori ous republic, but this week we wero in troduced to a deputy superintendent ex-grand eminent rice olutncollor and supreme dictator ot tho honorable Pal- estinie Knights of Haladin. We treated him to beer, and he borrowed, confiden tially, 23 cents on tbs strength of bis being a psst grand stag-antler doe-stuf fing, oak-hunting druid. We tumble to this harmieM device, and herebv pro claim ourselves henceforth substitute slaughterer for the occidental order of bloody beef. IIVA'A’ FENCES I.Y GEOGRaPUT. no time to get into mischief If they I but the reason the reception was so j . . undertake to make themselves sc-1 *ool waa because egg* were thirty j geography. Her mother pointed quainted with the contentaorthiaj ““tsadoien. great number of bills. i ■ *.— —■ , At an election for municipal effi- Thc citizen* of Atlanta oontrib. I etr * "> Georgetown Saturday. Dr. ttted about |4,000 in money, fuel, j Bledsoe was elected Mayor ami M. out to her upon the map the states, rivers, towns etc. Edith proved a re markably spt scholar, and seemed to understand it ail. “Ya.," -die said, “that’s a riber, and that's a town, and" -running her fingers along the lines of provision* and clothing to her poor 1Albritton, J. T. Gibson, W A. latitude and longitude— 1 "them's tbe and destitute. This was magnani- j Jordan and G. A. Whitaker coun, *jw fences, mamma, yunning av’y- moil* indeed. oilman. | where.’ work ut night, the railroad and steam- boat bands coming and going to and Irom w ork at irregular bourn, the police turning in <me by ono and turning out in squads, the city’s laborers that clean tlm streets at uiglit, and tbo thousand ntnl ono others who, singly or in hand fuls. reverse nature's laws and sleep and work in hours contrary to those of the groat body of mankind. THE BIG.SEES OE LONDON, W, A. C.-offut I nut going to Amsterdam to-morrow to get a glimpse ot tbo international show. London ta too large. I hare found out that I can’t see it if I stay hero forever. It coven 132 square mites, and I oouldn’t get through tlie streets in ten years behind Maud H. Its gin palaoes and boor shops would, if putln a line, reach seventy-five miles. There aro 400,000 gas lamps iu ita streets. Twentr-seran miles of new streets are added every year. Every day 160,000 strangers come into the city, and 193 babies ar* born. I begin to feel crowded, and shall get oak COHNER-STONES Boston Courier. With reference to the ooming ages, our present custom carries with it an almost appalling suggestion of possible misunderstandings as to these timea, for what a horrible injustice it would bo if we should happen, two or three thousand years hence, to be dug up and judged by oar corner-stones. DYEING FLOWERS. Mr. Neabit, the famous analyst, has discovered s process of dyeing flowers by absorption through the stem*. A ——. bouquet recently earned by the princess to s™Yt*i ot Wtdes, composed of large lilies, was i tinted in this manner in oalicale bins '"***- end pink tones. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. CTilMmt Willi Ron- Kyis, So— YOUNG, 10, AND vfiODLE- AGEO. ilk* mini, limy jr tin uk*. t trM by all DrafftH*; SI, <tk bMU— tor SA. 1884. THE 1884. “C0NSTITDTION.” r,rlh» iwstyrar it will kt twiter •'*; -rty tlwi.ito It aw twl.r invas-sd i Itiolsn In n mv tniiUios, prann u-i.ii-l. smJ s—lsSs ul.Uk u * L *._ ■ thri tlnma«4tf ,Ti K L. , H\ r SSnSsy Coastltati-s, S «rlllli.lMWrslia fnlltrllun — r.nnd In u “• Mch ** tu w • *to, e. *9 Jo, j ssnn ihnMw jrrer wilk 1J.000 mbwriWn who Ki- ■nailer uf the miv.lest in tercet | 0 tho f«rm>r. At Lt«» tb«B 3 Cent* a Wnek) ihf f rent baJ^ct of neve ami gmslp nrtll W ami One Ynir. \ |t m 8t* UoatiMr » • «■ In Clnbe Ii With J" Mate °f i*". "•* 1 Si In dnbfl ot Two ay. —h | 00 kith nn astrniaMr to lbs iwur nu t(Ur nsirs japer to th. —ui up ot Club. THE YEAROF I8M fill bo on, ot tho mont horartinHa our hl.tory. owm,or ' ..Very iinnottant ttonoo an to ho liicd hi thr National and Stain rto-Uono. Tho CoaUilallcn ta l , *Ss“r « worklrodUioa will carry Ihtrallnt M*?*}* HW is hw sltopt to th* public, and »IU stead MumnMtthainphNi nr OaoMctntle praMpiit * SabHribo now nod h—ln witb thanowrOnr. Addrras; TUB CONSTITUTION. Atlanta k O*. JAMAICA GINGER CORDIAL IS A SPLENDID TONIC 11 Cart* Bysprpsta, todlgesUou. Cramp Colie, Fain in the Stomach and BowaU Colds, Chills aad Fever, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, and all Malarial Diseases by stimulating th* stomach and bowels into healthy aeUvity. TryooaboUla. Bold by Dr. John E. Ball, Americas, On. apriUOly HISTDRYS^B