Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 01, 1884, Image 1

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mim xj. o-xixsawna. OFFICE ON COTTON AVB1HJE. nOPESSIOSUftBCSHUSS CARDS IjA H'l'KJtS. (jWJffPR^O Attornov., at Law, ELLA VILLE, (»*. THRU*—All rltlm* from U' or >adrr.«3: Idly suggested that wo in placing at our bead in;? “lironwoed Bon-Bons," and then to write of ‘'Granger's and Guano,” and canid not see wby,,be • of one whose death drew away with aorrows and tear efrery smile; for One sh early to be olaimed from a SURGEON AND MUSICIAN. fond c i ro | 0 of friends and a bouse* fcort-fflitittb ee«-WUi)oen/fort. ‘AMPUCCS, GEORGIA, -iMlg?-'.. ...LL ... ■■■■ BN ATE BRPSWOOI).' Ionwood,'January SO One of most cantfs), rehd<y»oftbe Be- dkr, and one who has ever a prafse ( as a jau r pal, tlortai in behalf of ,to st in this ll ready to acknowledge that its work «t the late “Louisville Exposition" will find its greatest reward in the hearts of a people whp.must see that a co- operation tftlsUhviews will lead to the only ho}* wc have * for pro- i lawmm* t^?*****-**- «mKSST. S-»5y **i>H5*fl* C0 | umn , by iucorp8 of correspond DOCTO. Dr. O. R R t .1 corner of JmSohi i suJT'Vsreil"".'.” How disappointed we were to And D?D. P.HOH.OWAT, o' **ssart;im StrA\;H MIHCKLLANEOUS. t ~W> T». QTJVmtr- AMEI'JCUS, GEORGIA. Hurlog received the Inlet fnull Ion. from London and bda Lamagepured, .e to mAar«f^«nAWqfa^-HHu Uttj»t* our Dawson correspondent's column headed “Dandy Dawson” Mfl UTTbllow the fit and merited o pencil the sad whose life, wlu>se love, whose hope, made Dawioh mourn the toes 6f obeifits truest clikr- aetfere; T’aMon'ns if we err in $v- iog expressions here to views en lerUined-by-those who are to Judge r readui for the Ellison, is, will open this week a full line of millioncry. Wc trust their »•« wmlrtef <V** i» Ue m-tot ny'-iadilnl en<i •nIrf* fCft»,JUKI *11 uu •‘•IwMv jWlli - v nsreix apj.oi5.ett. TALBOTTO^eJ. f)KKUEfM8C WW do PUltfrine, Rrickmr* u I lloaMWork OolwoiiMO .pcclally.. Rrpai-la. don.. Onlw. rwsto.sMwerita)! ill) ;i I'/ oetttf EASON HOUSE, B. J.EA80I, Proprietor, V Vi. 46Phtm Street, Near Depot, •' MACON, GA. Smt« p.» Oof, il.OO. SIokU Moat or fodaiof, as conto. MmCfcanaail rue Good*. Hitt atUa <* good good* bbS Btlla ism at 'own B*fa* Wkaa ,oo «aat anjlblaf la kla Uar It wlh (ay joo Is rf^taSwa Qa, ISIS, issa wl.M U- Edward J. Mi'ltr. 0. Borneo UcCsil. Ronofflental Marble Works, BILLER ft HeCALL, Proprietors, Boalhwsst Corner of the Public Squirt, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Eto.,Eto. of IS. Sort Italian aad American Varbla. Iron Railing (or Comotorp Kneloa- uroa, n Spatially. a«Hy mt/r °WS » ShaaorSdSJ^iSjtukRi' FOB PHY6ICIAXS ARE FAMILIES Kaataal, ChMinal, Boat. "Cleanliness Is nsxt to Godlinen." ortlMT the grave. Dawson mourns - w * rwa.I»da«jn«u son, but her loss is his gain. , pay, wttk • JCrwo ' --ooH and at ild up a^-need so long fj^wiftlHf will receive that patron age that will make their business b success. ' < ' Wc noticed, in. (hq Rkcouder wherfc 1 an A morions merchant iiad in his possession a coin ilated 1800. Wo can show up a copper With a “bole in it” bearing on one side •‘Gcorgeu* III D. G. Rex." On the other “Brittania 1707.” If 'tie doubled, will placo it with the Ameiicus Library for exhibition. Ool. L.O. Hpyl, of Dawson, wms with us this week. The Col. has s host of friends in our section, wha are ever ready to extend to him a welcome. Mr. C. L. Stapleton, of Webster, was in our city this week with cot ton, and stored the same at the “Central Warehouse.” Mr. VV. T. Moore, from the old Albritton settlement of this county, was in to tee ns onedey this week. We were pleased to see Mr. P. H. Spann, of the Webster grange,'on our streets this weak. Mr. Morris,of Ward Station, was married to Mias Duokle Cowart, of this county, on Tuesday night last, at the residence of the bride's father BA50T DAWSOJf. A SAP DEATH—COLLEGE MOTES—LEAP TEAS PABTT—THE JOURNAL. Dawson, Jan. S3.—Very aeldom are the circumstances attending a death so sad as in the case of U. L. Weston, whose dangerous illness wo mentioned in our last. Com paratively young in years, on the eve of marriage, everything arrang ed for hla departure to Florida,' where he expected to resume the editorial ebair, universally esteem- for it adds no little to her trade invitee immigration, gives it re tat ion abroad, increases the hi ber of visitor* and give* tone and life at home. Yet it ia an astonish ing fact that there are some, few though they are, who, because il literate themselves, would prefer the rest of mankind to he the These consider a college an injur?, but none are so blind as are tboae wlio will not see. The young ladies have decided that the Leap Year party shall be. A gay time it expected, a splendid Oyster supper, a cake, containing a gold ring, to be cut, and a ballot taken as to whirls the beet looking gentlemen present The one re ceiving the lsrgest number of votes Is to be the recipient of a hand' somo present. Married ladloo will chaperone the- happy young peo ple, end everything will bo con ducted in the moot “au/a»<" man Tier. ;/ J J *" “* ";• * A novel sight on College Dill a few ovenlnge since, wae a “jumping match” between the Old' President and a Tyboe island boy; stakes put up;* a* ntoketp'tfckxpwEHuh ’woa Theri ft llle In tW ottPIendijfel. The Collage boy* as& gUU .§»• pect to have a Dominoln the Chap el in the near future. .fljgaO’Jflj ocMstona of rare ftt to the poplin are Supervised '^ Wld^esldeift and wife, snd continue no later than ten o'clookr’-t;^ > *■' Dawadn is. elgtod 'jPrer Ae" ap pearance and .improvement in the Journal. It libs,with tbs new year, rejuvenated itself;,comes,out Hko a gay young belle, fresh, eporkliog, full of news rrom various sections, and items of interest from town. Wc congratulate tho editor, on the tnstc and orlglriallty displayed, and bcs|tcsk for liim increased pat- rona{;c.' Next to a good school, nothing so builds up and adds- to the growth snd proeperity oi a place, as a live newspaper. No artesian water yet, and wclla still dry. Old Mother Earth most have dcci led that we are ungrateful creatures, and therefore undeserv ing of hor blessings. Cotd weather, frozen ground snd frosts, equal to a young snow, are no longer novelties. Dawson, Jon. 30—Dawson waa visited, accidently, by Leavlttls Minstrel Tronpe last week. Tbe lostc woe delightful, (burning One, but taking it altogether, tbe enter tainment lacked that reflnement necessary to please s high toned and cultured audtenoe. Our lUtle cltv is now tbe ren- tlczvous forqultes number of charm ing young ladies from neighboring town*, visiting iriends and rela tives. The Dawsonltes are so kind and agreeable to strangers, and the young men especially, so gallant and courteous, that this is not a surprising state of a (Taira. We are delighted to have them come. Bronwood,our“baby sister city," certainly docs not intend to wear “pinafores” n.nch longer, if vim and energy will cause rapid growth. Her merchants are wide-awake, her churches prosperous, ber school interests carefully looked after, and hor people hospitable. She must have taken excelsior for her motto. College Hill is now the lovliest part of town, excepting tbe square. From early morn ’till dewy eve” groups of boys and girls mav be seen pa-tsiug to and fro, from the McNulty Home, Mnsio Hall, reel farted toll; what calcliil eulture; whatQrm reeArainlng aad guiding hand; what deMr.of thought and poral stamina,' V needed In *o great.« work I- How mnoh good; how much eVil, may be instilled In to tho young minds 1, What seed planted to bring forth golden har vests, lit for tbe Master, or weeds, vile and poisonous, blighting snd destroying ail they touch! ' The irt- tfuepoe of the teacher is almost as great as that of the parents; litea bow heavy must be the btirden resting npon the consciention* in structor. How straight In morals tbonid tto be;~how free from every, ijarniciuus habit; iiow cultivated in mind and manners, fearing God,do ing hi* duty, though the wholo woijd be against hljn. Parent*, uphold tuoli teachers; they are the bulwarks for the safety of the n*- tion. “The heatoftbe day” is often very great, sustain them. ,, tfq pan vouch fqr.the the following a* it-waa stated to oft lafolnsting of Dawson'a young men, who !■' assiduously cultivating * Year party, reoeived the following * ettavfiroi ar mt‘v* w—rtamr JUKl.NU JOUSPREETILLE. wet aod : ^apd4y.., lt raiMh but I have seen morn water fall at one tirao tban‘1 have tbld< dhole season. r39 ‘ Ouano hauling is now in .qfflef, and droves qf team* pass haisigeno up. estsd tft s) hrtIB is*i 1 bear It reperMdUiaTsddie ofottf youuy Udi have a bill passed at our next legis lature that no shall allowed to get married until be ia worth three thousand dollars. (1 and Mr. Je* Sellers. Aa old grudge sat^eot to fltO'Wfepli. that you may. .km ben by.”' TBdftWd oHUt-yaUie ... worthy the peneiliof ft pointer, cod’ would take' the premium In Bar- npid’« Museum. * */ Bain in abundance, bot-theweUs dry, and the artesian 4efmeis to furnish.the needed supply. Collego Avenue affords a beauti ful drive a level stretoh half a.tpllp in length, upon wbloh riding -par ties delight to ahdw the metal of their parties favorite*. ‘liAKDI AKDEBMOHVILLB. ( TOO I-aOTOCTOB 0V TUB PEACE—A NOVEL VEGETABLE BED—THE INFANT EAILEOAD. ed, with the prospect ( f a happy life before him, he was stricken with j ;' a ‘ t Yon"rwms, and town. The Base day Ul the* < ^tle n tith h0 g?m d y eato | UM C '“ b ; . P lclnrM 1 U0 co *- j of^"thereW b^ds, .nd'leUuce,' rati- "»*—r «•» -»• i !7.oi“"'pS.S..Ta SUS,! “STStSI?: at last succumbed, and this even-! . 1 . * .. ^ . . I >“ lllt!iu promise a rich return Andeesonville, January 30-Mr. James Parhcm, our city marshal, died ou Thursday last, after an ill ness of some months. Mr.' Parhem was a faithful officer, a good oltt- zen, and respected by all who knew him. The board of Aldermen elected Mr. S. Huffman to eueceed Mr. Parhem. Mr. Huffman >e quite a young man for so responsible an office, but no doubt he will make up, by energy and etriet attention to business, what he lacks in years and caperience. An effort was made to reduce the pay of marshal, out after some discussion tbe city fathers decided that as tbe past year had been fairly prosperous, they coaid afford to be liberal, so $150 per year will be continued as tbe pay of our merebal. Some honor goes with above amount, for which no charge is made. Tbe weather ha* become pleas ant, and anticipation* of fresh vegetables In the near fntnre art now in order. The rabbits ar* very troublesome; eating up tbe peas as fast as they reach the surface. They are injuring fruit and other tree* also, barking them as high up as they can reach. 1 saw radishes for sale to-day in odc of our store*. These were grown by Mr. Henry Riebter, (a brother of tbe Alderman) in boa beds ol a very novel constructors, the heat being supplied by an un derground flue passing under each bed. Thera are 1300 square feet the bill should pati I ol them would go^t>w< the young man to make the awnyy- I imar of another hill redoemg tke amduht down to ohe dollar and' seventy-live cental 1 tidily ona will pass . .. .h* jjaawslqml llr. John McCall, of Weston, waa thrown from his wagon bne daytstt week.'.' f«i mules run'*' pasted |0 COM hia WIMtf! era. .No bonta-wSrooraltsorbutlte was badly bruised. - I bcard 'from 1 him Saturda?; he wad*iakptovHfg could sit up'a little. - Hie Vihyaidair s*y* htJ'wilfwever be dblt ■*» -do WKodferfwith'lM) inhjeetota any diore bAavy week, baeh’mffttma on'a farm. ; John wia 1 * hard work' Ingsyooog msn.eidtl'bkaiilir aj«i pklhyisf«h'Nmby irtahdd' 1 “ Our'u'iigbhbiVood M WitkiM w blaOkeaMf.'* IfVghtd-'sbiitb Willi come to ; W«Uin ho'will find'agOOd slrofi'wlthtbol* where tie dan |gM dot* work than iho-can WV’durlng theeseasonilt-WOneoftheUest stdnde tn tho tWtonty.-- ^"' 1 Mr. J. M. Savillo, of Palaids.'kae' In "the VlHe -to-day,' and say* hie liMkr girlb art delighted-with the organ he drew at year Distribution. He say* he liket to Mad tbe Re- 1 cLEbEK a* ; well as the : little girl* like io' play the organ. ‘ Y? Oh, where, 1 oh where is Dr. Copeland f Can't you leave eon long enongh to come over and see us,Thomas? 8lmmonssays 11 I* nice to be a lather. 'Tis-a girl, and Tom ia happy. Messrs. Johnson and Jackson spent Sunday in the ville. They request me to say to say to the yonng ladle* that they are still on the carpet, and when they go out making their leap year calls, they would like to be remembered. Girls, look to your interest. Matrimonial market looking up. Hurrying up to get off before the new bill is pasted. Mr. John Dcason, I am glad to say, I* np and about. Mayos. maiUKATlON 1BKAK Preston, Jan. 34.—Some commu nications over my signature pub lished in tho Home and Farm, of Louisville, Ky., have brought about quite an intereating correspondence between myself and numerous par ties throughout the Union, and 1 •end you some extracts from three of them to show to our people how our section it looked npon abroad and they can judge for themselves what the result would be if tbe ad vantages of our seetion were prop erly advertised. A farmer writes me from Gordon- ville, Texas : “I have one hundred and serenty scree of land, 135 in bottoms in cultivation. I value my land at $35 per aere. I would liko to exebanga it for land in Southern Georgia We have plenty of rail roads, and tho country is progress ing." Another writes from Sharon Sta- tion.Dutchess county.N. Y.: “State is ia awdlleyla Ike dtouataiaarta bright of lOOO.fset above sea level,, and the grasses do not ihrtvoiteae in winter, but*witlrnalne every month' ailitt,waj4 rieatfiiflft'ftfyAar state tWy would W jUrenuIiL? * 1 * 1 Any one desiring the ad&eed'ti nnv of Ike above iparuiw can obtqiu them by applying, to Writer of thia article, „| bnt ft'vtt»*A*dr tow Qht • ! NOuiMUurf T ’ Bnv qparra) in MpriKfe n#A belligerent parties wmfaWfm was tha'tMaelphl'esnaMf thOdts- pute. "flay-choked Beliefs ffhhr# and the hitter scratched the foiaihto face. 'VrieikW ihterfertd abd eC|S-.' a rated them. Pf r ,.# r f#>ft»Ml f g r ca ; tpf offaa cerrcsiKjnilent aecretarv. Iwareitakd^Ry M. M. Fdebtt^lf. ,M»'Blanton End'B; D. PatterEEas* jUpor ’Ttbtton -of OoMffoUrieai Judge lUregorja was reqaesifeditos name a oommittEe EftflvE frb5'*Mk Msooiv' Atr LInetad ’ the OTtdnari vttiaaadr Augusta raiirosftaid’Omam mitten was ks follows: -4l.l>Bhlf*N tor tray ibrooght the' towir, -and • probably the oonn^, with Vi building site aW which to'ereht a depot, inUMkftafcy are partbftheinaiioetaents olfrred.f AO 1 - diganlsid effort will be nu«to‘ to bring' a road through okr - tyrahd'eflto through tire >ec site. '•-•* !•*•! ” iBii.-viHft i Bid* trill bhoitly be received' far-' the' bblldlbgofthe new court house. > The building U to bo two etprtaUi iu KrighKwltfa amplejuir and MW« accommodations. The present 1 structure will jtrobaSTy be sold at publicoutoiy. v Rev. Mr. Callaway preached hla* Brat sermon In Moultrie today{ Six fine wild turkey* were eeea , in the outskirts of town, Thursday. Some of the 'lawe in relation to prohibition would be ridiculous, were they not so unjust and ua-. reasonable. SNILIM FRO* HM1THV1LLE. Smith ville, Jan. 31—Rev. a. 0. McDonnell, ol your elty, pea- aiding alder for this district, filled tbe pulpit hero Sunday morning. Rev. Joe. Turner preached at night. The ladies of the town, with one , accord, are endeavoriog to raise a fond to repair tbe school building. They have organised, and decided to prepare a banquet (lees the wins) or something of tbe kind, Feb. tt, proximo. As the enterprise is very . praiseworthy, ills hoped that it will reoaiva tho baarty sympathy and llbaral support oi all our peo ple. Of course Americas and oar other t-istor town* are invited. Tuesday evening ws ware favored with reading and recitation* by Misa Clayton Wood, of tbe Bulk Sckool of Bloentlon, Cleveland, O Wednesday evening, assisted by ber sister, Miss Wood gave aeoth- or entertainment with an entirely different programme. Thereadlnge and impersonation* wer > loudly ap plauded both evenings. To be in iaebion and keep pace ilh tbe social strides ot the cities and town* throughout the length and breadth of tbe land, Smlthville must bare a leap year party. So what good grass laud is worth jicr, if the yonng ladies fall not of their no tots oTcu- I acre, say for a farm of 200 acres, I purpose, and you know they wiU ing hit remains were consigned to | £ •^thefctormtp.ndml npon them. * n ot more lban 2 , in Umber? I not, the party will come off There- mourns her g , > 0a S » tnrJ, > r l*»t I saw the cn- ntangna via a II ME'm an UFA ctu aiaoco.. ChartettB, MUhlRBB. The South Georgia College in- ilarity with each suceedlng week. Up to date, 130 names have been matricu lated, and fifty inmates make music e&i&ZrriB SSSKX 0 !^SS inthe McNull y House. slSyiLL Jut*” - — 1 Is proud of this institution. FOR RENT. would imagine that weak lungs ex-, „ of ^ EUaytU( Md Ullcna istctl only n distant chmcs. 130 ma R R * wofk w|U| , hefr Jn . pupils daily gather hero to drink slraMcnU upoo on# of our , tr ceta, deep droughts from the “fountain that tlows fast by the river of God.” Little children, youth* and mai dens, boys, who have grown to man’s estate, and girls upon the threshold of womanhood. What and if on* may judge Irom appear ances I think that obstetrical oper ation referred to in my last letter will certainly be consumatcd with in C00 yards of station. grass land, not bottom land, | day night of next week, but loamy soil upland, good for Many persons here arc planting wheat, oats, and corn. Can a j their garden*. Besides other work Northern man get farms to work | done in bis garden, Mr. W. 8. Died- on shares—teams, seed, and farm ' implements furnished him ? At what share* ?” Another wrilting from Habilab, K en county, Cal., says: “My placo rich, our active hotel man, is put ting out a Urge square in a^.traat- berry patch. "Mine host’’, Is ever mindful of tbe pleasure* of bis' guests. V. X.