Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 01, 1884, Image 4

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QiHtl Hp>,tf Wvtatcr losatj. ' AX EXTREME. It Is an old saying that "one ex- KM* S«l l «H H troth of the adage 1* strikingly WARX1XU IX ADVIM'F. For years the po 1 the railroad corporation* were rex Meted oaly by their chartefs.wMH were generally of a eery liberal character; Made ao became the peo pie were-oaxiout to procure meat* of rapid tranaporution. Itwasno' surprising that the extraordinary power* *o liberally 'conferred apob theta by the people abonld in many laatance* bo abated by the railroad corporation*, who, like all Individ aal* or aggregation* of individual*, nought to make their Investment aa profitable a* possible. Nor wa it atrange that in many caacs in ting rate*. TM* naturally modi the people enemlei oftherillroads. and In tbelr attempt to correct tbi- •bntea under which they suffered they very natnrally went to the ex tremo of regarding all railroad cor porations as robber* and the natnr al enemies of the peoplo. They for* got all the benefit* they bad rc eelved from the railroad* and re membered only their Injuries. Tin consequence was that they natural ly went to the other extreme, and Instead of conferring liberal powers upon the railroads, they thro* around them, through the Railroad Commission, unnatural and embar noting restriction a. In their desire to escape from tho supposed thrall dom of the railroads they organ bed an irresponsible commission, to whom they delegated powers sever before conferred upon any official body power* that belonged to the legislative, Judiolal and ex eeetivv) departments combined. Imbuod with tho spirit which call ed it into existence, this Commix alon naturally looked only to tb< aealriotion of the railroads, noi ’ thinking that when they imposed unnatural restrictions they imped ed oommsroo and thereby worked an Injury to tho interest ot the peo ple. Tbs oonsequenoo has been ti alarm capitalists as to the safety o' investment In Georgia railroads to suek an extent that many project ed railroads were abandoned and the people were thereby deprived of the inoreneed means oftranspor Cation and resulting competition in < rates. The people of Amerioc* and ol Southwest Georgia, who largely Instrumental In scouring the formation of the Railroad Oommis- aion have been made to feel more than onoe that It did not aflord the relief they bad expected, and that in many inetansos it resulted to their dotrlment. Take the caso of a little over a year ago, when the Commission announced a rcductioL of rates on ootton at a certain date, thereby indiioing shippers to bold back their cotton, and then only a few days before tho reduced rate was to go into effect the order wa* rescinded. The accumulation of cotton at this point earned a block ade, but Instead of bolding Ihi- Commisalon to acooubt ft* it the railroad' was b.amed and the power ol tho Commission was invoked to oompe 1th* railroad to haul off in a few days what had been laiing ior weeks. When pie have asked fbr lower they have been met with awer that tho!Oommtssk>n should be restricted in era, and that they owe certain duties at publio c*i eve those restrictions should be lied in a general law, and not *' ^piildren of America could sec the danger that is lurking around them each day and on every side, the most courageous would lose besrt, a "Mi V><- petite and sleep. Air, oven in tl kinwlv ex most open loatilties, is loaded wli ■ ■ noiseu. Water is liable to contain animal matter that will develop and grow after being taken into tho system. Food is nlraoBt cer tain to be adulterated while acui- dents arc almost imminent. It is S irhaps a morcilul provision that >v of these things ure win and fewer realized, but their danger is all the greater for this very reason. Most people who read these lines are almost certainly on the thresh old of what may bo a serious, posh Uly a fatal danger. The forces that go to make life may be snapped in stantly or greatest •ilent mi line can are often Jr obscrvti to neglect roc* BUSINKSS m»* BL'BHED OUT Valdosta,'<5a., Jan. 29.—Fire wa* discovered, at 18:15 o’clock this noon, on Main street, in the eentra of the business portion or Oft oily, in Martin & Bro’s and 0- K. Jones* store rooms, burning them, and also A. S. Pendleton A Co.’* and T. 0. Huntie places or business, file loss is 960.000. .Bata very small portion of the contents of the burned buildings was saved. The water gave ont when the fire was at its height. At one time it was thought that tho wboie town would be destroyed. Bortanstel;;, however, it was suggested to pack | salt on the wall of the structure 1 adjoining the last one burning,! COMBE TIE OLD PRICES WITH THE iff AT when to the joy of nil the fame* were Bupreuaed. . ,-y i m i Sadi 11 ] 1 r l i Stop that eon.h.Lj the as* of Ajrer's Chernr ■ Pvctortil —Ih* beat apvcific ever known' (or all dl—in* of tbs thmnt and lumta. (I will sootho (be roarjli (rUiog in your tfcrnal. slv. tb* vocal orgins fleii- ' bility and viridity, and enable yon to bssslfessad »paak dearly. - Hon. tV. J. Northen,of Hancock, baa averaged forty-loor dollars or. each of his cowa (or the past year, from whieh it would seem that dai ry farming can be made profitable in Georgia. '■ It" (WHINER'S INDIAN VERMIFTC.B SILL DESTROY and expel worms. It i, reliable. It is cheap. Only 25 cents a botilx. - ,.J."gtJI'L L 'i!g slightest appearance. These truths were strikingly II- lutimied in the experience of a •icntlcman'well known to moat of be Amerioso public. Mr. W. J. Ferguson, who in the play, “A Friendly Tip,” nndar the manage- ment of Mr. W. W. Kelly, has been making auob a pronounced success, l* perhaps the beat light comedian <io the stage. He U a gentlemen or slight build possessing a grace I f manner and modulation of voice pecially attractive because of it» rarity. He has worked hard and lonscicntiously in the past and Iris luccess is the result ol merit and Hbor. But for a number of years, and indeed up to a cornparltivcly abort time, Ur. Ferguson was most mysteriously afflicted, so mneb so, that be refused numerous tempting offers to travel through the coun try as fitr as California and played only in New York city and vicint* ty. Speaking to a representative ot this paper neon the subject, he said: ,fT •‘I was constious that something •llently but surely working against my life. At times I would feci shooting (rains in mjr' extremities, and then again my muscles and Joints would fairly throb with ag ony. 1 was leverisb, uneasy and lost my umlritlon nnu interest in life. These troubles grew until what were at first minor pains and annoyances beenmo actual burdens of agony. It seemed a* though I OouUI feel the disease growing and orcuping to every portion of my __ body. If I Imd been carcliittn the > gwa«rtWwS,iMawiiwa/Mini *g i "g|? ) beginning, 1 might, perhaps, have •*”*** ovmcmim what afterwarda kecomo jj'jjj;" 1 ' So serious, but like everybody else, | Wanin' I wn*, I neglected the ] Schampert t Roneys, THE ONLY U Spot Cash Store 1 IHXT AMBRICUS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ItiUldo of low tr.-t, abort rtliini or phoAitbRit* povrdwr*. Sold only »»* i. hoyai* iukiko powdei: r*>, u4 1 HI EMI. !f#tar York. ocisiyt afflicted os I was, I tiogl first indications. At last I was obnfiued to my lied for a good por tion of the tiino and of oourse un der the Immediate care of phyai. claim. They evidently did all they uouid for me and in fhet did every- thing except relieve me," ;* “That, certainly, is no uncommon thing,” said the reporter,“but it is evhlentihatyou bavo been relieved, and I have some curiosity to know how,” “Well, during tb* titno of my sickness I received very many calls K m friends, and, among others, m one who was fully able, to sympathise with me aabe* bad been through a similar experience to the one I was then enduring. He de scribed bis com minutely, and not only insisted upon my trying the sarno remedy that cured him, but actually weut out and purchased i tome of it and administered It with Ms own bonds. I did not uotlce j say special effect for several days,! hot I soon saw that it was benefit-1 log me, and within a fortnight I j was able to leave the house. I felt that exercise would be a good tiling 1 fbr me auil so took a walk each day | and found my strength increasing ; constantly, so muoh So that I Walk-1 ed entirely across the Brooklyn; bridge on tiie first day' It was, opened, being really the first foot; passenger Hint crossed that struc-; lure, all of wblah 1 was enabled to. J do by means of Warner’s Safe lUicuiuniic Cura, which restored me to |«rfcct health and keens me in excellent end prone, condition; today.” . “And wa* the 'friendly tip' yonr friend gave vou when y*U were sick in the form of Waracrt Shfe Rheumatic cure what inspired the *" name of the play.'you arm MB* Wintry Blasts mifT/tr OUSTS BRING COUCHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NBURALCIA Pony Dam’s Pain Killer CURES COUOH8 COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALCIA Provide again*! tl.r evil efiVct. of Win-. liy Dkuta by procuring ttotKY ' Davi»'/ Paix I Emrcooo ORUCOtST KEEPS IT. j 1ife Wc promised in issue of die Recorder of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as we arranged and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more goods for less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time. Contemplate a lew quotations and note the difference in SPOT^CASH prices and thirty days credit: Flour. Flour. In this article wc stand head find shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, §1.90. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1.70. “ 1.90. Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.C0. “ 1.80. Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.50. •• 1.65. Wc guarantee all these Flours ns represented, and if not satisfactory you cau return them and wc will cheerfully refund the money. In future we wiii keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. • Sugars. Sugars. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for .§1.1)0. “ “ 10;{ pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1.00. “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (Bcllcwood) Clarified, for . 1.00. “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00. In this line we are fully up nnd advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s consumption. 4 Coffee. Coffee. Iu this article alone (by buying from us) wc can save you money enough in one year to buy- all die “Santa Ctaus’"you want for die little ones. We deal 6J pounds Choice Pio Coffee for $1. Thurber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, anil Mocha, for 23c per pound. SSblta SSflta Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per starring in “So, r though 4 •friendly public < left to the Judgment *r caprice Iff them li without restrictions. Kxtrcmes ol 1 ml J " — f no more d give the cordially advise uffcrl.ig io use J We are slaughtering at the very low price of $1.00 per cwt. to make room for a car load of SEED POTATOES. Whiskies. Whiskies. In this line wc are full to overflowing, nnd to unload wc liavc reduced the price on tall grades from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think ol it! Cox, HU1-& Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Com Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50, Tobacco and Cigars. We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy, llintou” 57c per pound, and all other grades proportionately. Wc regret that we have not space sufficient to give full and complete qttol you will hear from us occasionally. Remember that by buying yonf goods frou _ you do not pay from 85 to 60 per cent, for bod debts, as usual in credit store. - ons on all of our goods, from ns aad p*ylag|BP»T OA ®SH M in «l . , ., r. Jour, ntdj to enrx oil ,n. nr Nnu and Good for Beast. Price one Pollttrf | . J. KLMUnuX, DronrUI, Omenl aVl |timated from rare- there are less all kind* rarely fall to work injury,, than four millions of people in wkltaValVis^lhiauiiaitl#-**** »ho Mffeting at th:* to Ju*ffc?OTa«7TnJ«y to^onT JJj®|^«y«arfro«*om^lorra w* t the peojilc liavc rigid* which all corporations are bound to respeet, but wc also be lieve that corporations have rights which cannot be disregarded with- of rbettuatio difficulty. Why they will do ao when it can largely be avoided, teems a very great mya- tvry. - _ “uAjar. Rorevparll'a vroAfierfaffy hu- pnva. Um eMupIrvnn and hrisg* to old . A Word as Regards the Penny t To all those who scout at the hire of introducing the Penny-In Americu* me. say that wc stand ready to redeem in goods or the cash any amount from 6c upward*. Bring them along and get tbniv foil valse at IE MLV SCUT CASH STORE II MEEICliS. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’8 BANK. A T eiy truly, ; -i : JOl Americus, Ga., January 11, 1884. SCHUMPERT & RONEY. tnwtsti