Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 08, 1884, Image 4

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Americus Recorder. W. Is. OLUISIR. xaitar. raiPAI. KB. >. 1984. J Tbe Mtdi»oni*n remarks that it loves • liar, but Koifcr suits ft too well. Too bungling, perhaps. Tbe Democrats in tbe Kentneky legislature have nominated Blaek burn as their candidate tor United 8tales Senator. Fresh cucumbers, tbs first of the season in New York, raised nnder glass .bring fifty cents apiece. Fresh tomatoes fetch |1 a dozen in tbe Our Anderson vllle correspondent talks sensibly about immigration, It is time that Georgia took some steps to secure an industrious olass of immigrants to fill up ibe big country we have. f Fifteen senators employ their sons as clerks at 96 a day. It is thongbt that at least twenty more senators will, under their resolu tion to provide fhemtelves with private secretaries at poblio ex- pense, appoint tbelr sons. Several will appoint their daughters, and one senator, not having a son or daughter, will, it is said, make bis wills his private secretary. The Eatonton Messenger gives expression to tbe following correct opinions: “The future of this State depends largely upon the establish, meat of home industries and manu- fhetures, and a school of technology would tend more to this end than any other one thing. To-day the best paying positions of tbe South an beld by Northerners, whose me chanical schools have fitted them for their work. This is all wrong. Give Southern boys a chance. Es tablish a school ol technology." — m • - mt* We are informed that if a proper effort ie made by tho peoplo of . Americus the Buena Vista railroad oan be secured to this oity. Tbe effort ought to be made, and made at once. Wo believe the people of Americus will make a mistake that they will regret if they allow this opportunity to pass. The people af Marion and Sohley counties are determined to have railroad com munication, and it Is, only a ques tion of time when they will get It. IT Americus stands aloof at thik time it will ornate such a feeling aaong the people of those counties' that it will prevent them from trad ing with os; while by aiding them now they will not only bo bound to is by ties of iron, hut also letln, ranks next to sea island in length and fineness of staple, as well as ip silkiness, but has not tho bright oolor of the latter variety. 35SKfr" w ™ oo has bssnupim as800, while tho Egyptian is not span above 160. Some small quantities of cotton are grown in Algiers, and are similar to Egyptian In quality. There are many varietiot of South Americsn cottou, tbe most common being tho B rail lien end Surinam referred to in the above table. But thoso cotton* are harab and irregu lar in quality, and much coarser then sea island or Egyptian. The cotton of St. Kitts end other West Indian islands Is much finer than the Jirazilian, and i» useful for mix ing with sea island for fine spin ning. The quantity ot cotton that Is grown in the West Indien Is lands, bowevtr, is smtlL India rankanaxt to tbe United States in the quantity of cotton produced, end wee one ot tbe cen tres of cotton manufseture for egss before the culture of the cotton plent in Amsriea bod been dreamed et. Tim best cotton in sontbera Af rica ie in the Port Natal, averaging about 1.S0 inches in length. On the west coast are produced the La- ? [os and Leando varieties, ranging rom nine-tenths of an inch to en ineb In length. The Sarawak cot ton of Borneo ie about en inch end one-fifth in length and Java cotton is e trifle shorter. The cotton that is grown In Chine is of exceeding, ly short staple. 8ome smell quan titles end irregular grades of oot- ton ere grown in tbe Ottoman em pire end in Italy. “Revised Bull,’’ e correepondent of the New York Commercial Bul letin, furnishes the following state ment of the cotton crop estimates of the Washington agricultural bit- TV ABB’S STATU* ITEMS. Sard's Station, Feb. 6.—Dr. Clark Is tmlldiac a nice resideuoe. . We were, sorry to notice in bet weeks Recorder that Maj. Brim- berry was soon to leave us and to- eats in your city. The Mai- is e clever gentlemen end n good citl- xen, end one that we regret to see leave ear community. Mr. 8. L. R. Arthur, of our town, wa« married on last Sunday to Miss Mollie Bridges, of Oglethorpe. Tbe happy couple arrived here on tbe three o'clock train, end repaired to the home of tbe groom’s father, COMMERCIAL MARKETS. . Febocaet 1,1*1. BOAT. Mk, dnr rite. far IK *1 to 10 lama. •• 1B1-2W U » l4l-*te M “ I teSI-t COBS ESI) HBAU petaHnue ::::::: “ »«.& FLOUR ASH BRAS. »' l-jar.bwtpauat, perhtLtMte IN eitia iteujV-'".’.’.'.... “ IS _ He, •• snwsw Bn*. x laialW HARDWARE. Xalh. terio, 10d. rnkrt.MS I1U1TMI, Amentum. per Ih kite* Ctem. Cm*. While S' Carter 00, pnat I CupptMV per lb. where a Jelly crowd ends royal j * time awaited them. C. I. H. SZSiaM THE PORTER CASE. HOW THE HOUSE LOOKED TO A CORRES PONDENT nUDAT WHEN THE CASE WAS UNDER CONSIDERATION. SALTS. alt, rJmj-ool M per sack 166 to 1 75 V trg nils, “ 1 60 lo 176 reau sineo November, 1871, and tbe 1. The showing one for the bu- p gathered, ily a poor o by tbe etroDgeet tics of friendship. .. Za llLd P° rt th “ tlM 8™“°* wU1 - C0M ___ railroad committee again . end decide upon a time and »for ooninltation. COTTON 1’ltODl'CTlO.H. la a general ertlele on the differ ent Unde of cotton In the world, the Boston Commercial Bulletin states tbe highest priced articlo is the sea island cotton grown princi pally on the coasts of Ceorgie ami Florida. It combines great length of staple with silkincss, beautiful glees,epd general excellence. Some pats of Australia and islands is tbs Pacific ocean are now compe ting seriously with Georgia in the prMlactioa'of long stapled cotton, though the entire crop of see is land cotton is comparatively unim portant, amounting to lest than 40,- 000 holes for the whole United States, against nearly 7,000,000 bales of onr common short staple Tbe average length of the vari ous descriptions of cotton known to tbe world ere given by Mr. Even Leigh, of Manchester, England, os follow, : Inches in length. Seoltland 1.60 to 2.80 Australian 1.80 Bgyptlan 1.50 ■liill 1.16 to IAS Surinam and Peru.... 1.30 St. Kilts, West Indies. 1.30 Sothti, West’ll African 90 to 1.20 Borneo and Java 1.10 to 1.80 Surat, East Indies..... 1.06 to 1.10 Other Indian Mew Orleans. American uplands.. American cotton two classes of New Orleans and u|>- lands ere referred to in the above table, is the most useful end beet known of all tbe cottons, owing to tbe tinmens actual crej certain', rcau, which should revise its list of guesses. Tbe figures speak for tbomselvea: November 1,7,1877, bareeu indi csted crop of 1877-8, 4,380,000 osier, U was 4,774,000. December IS, 1878, bureau lodi caled crop of 1878-9, 6,197,000; it was 5,074,000. December 80, 1879, bureau indi rated orop ot 1879-80, 4,777,000; it was 6,761,000. December 18, 1880, bureau indi cated crop of 1880-1, 6,719,000; it was G,009,000. December 16, 1881, bureau indi cated orop of 1881-3, 0,700,000; it was 6,460,000. „< December 16, 1888, bureau indi cated crop of 1883-3, 4,908,000; it was fl.O’.lsi.OOO**- - *-' •** *- F December 10,1888, bnrean indi oated orop of 1883-4, 0,000,000; it wlUb* ; (7). ELATEDELLAVILLB. Ellavillx, Feb. 6.- tara of the Bucua Vis had a meeting today In Buena Vfs- Kverytliing was harmonious and assuring. Thr surveying corps lias reaohad Buena Vista and re- 65 to 1.10 1.10 95 to 1.00 of which the about the aamc from hereto Buena Vista that it will oost/rom here to Andertonvillc. According to .the report of the engineer as per the preliminary sutvev, tbe grading from here to Andereonville will be Eighteen Thousand Dollars, with the belief that a reduction of 10 per cent in locating the road can be made. The ooet from hero to Bueue Vista, according to hla re port, will be about tbe same. If Schley and Marlon cannot build the road at these figures, when will we build one f The surveying party will com- inoncc at this place to-morrow to locate the road bed, etc. Advcr- tisemeuta will be sent to several papers, asking for bids to grade and crosstic tbe road. Everybody here is jubilant over the prospccta, which are indeed flattering. FROM HMITUVILLE. Smituville, Feb. 7.—Note great deal of gnane has been received here this season, as yet,so we here been informed. Mr. James M. Spann, Johnson Bros, polite young salesman, baa recovered from bis sickness. Tbe free show given by the tight rope performer was largely attend ed yesterday afternoon. Tbe show man drew a good boose lest night, alto, chargings small admission fee. Mrs. Joesey, sister-in-law of Rev. J. n. Cawood, and late of Raftn. la, bos rented the Andrew Miller place and will moke her home here. Her two daughters, Mieses Lerene Fits John Porter sat in tbe gallery for more than eight ho-irs, says the correspondent of the Bos ton Advertiser, Saturday afternoon and evening. At the close he re- ccivcd the congratulation of scores of friends that, after all these years, the House of Represent a- lives, by more than 100 major- ity, had done all in its power to make reparation for tbe injustice toward him for years. It was a proud moment for him. His eyes glistened with old time lustre os be looked over tbe balcony and beard tbe verdict given. All day long tbe parliamentary battle bad raged. The spectators could almost see the clash of armies and hear tbe thunder of artillery, as they were depicted by the hot debaters. Ma rengo, Balaklava, Bannockburn end all tbe greet battles of history warn appealed to for Hi nitrations. The handling of troops, tbe heed- long charge, duel of artillery, tbe surges of victory and defeat could almost be felt as the veterans of the war fonght thsir battles ever again, charging again end again to restore or to forther disgrace Porter. On the Republican side the party whip was cracked' to keep this one man down. The Southerners were taunted with being rebels, Grant was belittled. Schofield nccuscd, Porter hissed at, in hope of makiug n little party capital at the expense of this one old man. Bnt the line of North and South, of Union nnd Rebel soldiers, could not be thus drawn. Federal soldiers plead ed Porter’s cause, and Republicans voted for his restoration. Among Porter’s friend were 19 who had fought in the Union army—3 gen erals, 7 colonels, 3 captains, aud G privates. Ofthe New England mom- bers, 13 were for 'Porter and but 9 against There Is no evidence that tho prehistoric races of America had anv knowledge of iron,or that they know how to manufacture bronze. Coppery bowqver, was used extern ivly for ornaments and for imple ments. The specimens of copper tools found in ancient earthworks show (bat the prehistoric aboriginen did not understand 'the art of hot were compelled to uuif Ifolland Tub Uftt, Kura, New KagUftd.... 150 160 to I to i tf to a to 1 75 tof 60 aootu&fio 1 60 to 2 OO 1 66 toSSO SOOtolOO 1 66 to 5 00 J 76 to ROD 6 GO to 6 fri tOOtotOO 6 00 to S 00 1 IS to s 60 JAMES FRICK ER, Donfillt, Vo. C. A. FRICK ER Americas, (K. James Flicker & Bro. rsa;::::::::::::::: - Apple* «' OATS AND HAY. Pool Oat*, ysr built. 00 to CO Peed Oat*, Tsxas rust proof.... «• 45 to CO Hay per 100 IU. 186 FAMILY UUOCKUILH. Coffee. be«t Rio, per IK 16 to 60 Kaiar, (washed,,.... Granulated,. , ..pwfri. ’.per IK Hutttr. Am dalnr,. Ollt-odged, Fair., Oleomargarine,,..., Klee, bestow hols grains... Tea, bAfick,-..?!!)!*/. Dried App!*,' to 12 40 to CO •5 to 75 • U»1 Mt.*4f 86 tO‘.«l 60 to 66 18 to *6 7 to 10 •I to* 6 to 16* 16 toll COUNTRY rUOIM CK. ...perlKf 60to66 .per dot 10 to66 Bwati PoUtow Irish Potato's llfifitwg* “ • 4 to § per 101 40 to 76 BAOG1NG AND TIER. Tallow,.. Tit* eaeb. SO to 56 .perbusbfil co to 75 per bushel 140 to 1*0 porlK 16 to 60 10 to U e* per set 40 •Jbtuicb 1 61 to 1 65 J HIDES AXI) SKINS. • per IK Bides, dry flint,., flatted,.. Green*. < Deerskin**.., Coen aklaa,.., . tfifib, 6 to 10 FOR A BUSINESS EDUCATION A DKPARTMKNT Cll* THK II. A. MeNtil.TY, : ; President. B.C-ADAMS, Principal of liepaitmeut The tuowt practical, tl**»es»*»al» and Complete training school In * “**■ * Orthography, Elocution, IN incai Aritiiioiiiy, ■ and 1’rHclccor __ e only place flnuih where young ladiiw are given a thorough bu«in>»« rdacntloii. IWaotlful DipbiSw nwanlcd to unulnatew. *—* * rmetl'in and rttalntrur eddrt !. AlMlIH. bitrion, (la. hammer their mMi pure copper into A PECK Ol* W0BK8 BAVB BERN kaOWB TO nass flam ons child. Shri- Mt'sXbdUa VaraUrem wad the rtmedv Died. Only 86 seals s bottle, The British Colombia Assembly proposes e lew limiting the amount of land that one men can own to 640 acres. •“« B V produced, ^ ^ w ,„ eaUr u* H ^ h wtetewsting for the year ending Sep-, „ . . ’ , — tember the let, 1883, to G,998,234 j Bexl weeW ' Wc ” Und *• Egyptian cotton, says tbe Bui- tbe family a warm welcome. V. X. When Delilah clirpetl off Uaauon's locks the mighty athlete at once became "ea other men.” If it oosld 1m proved that tho poeeeseion of hnariant hair would eaeUo SMB to tsar open lioua’ , awe, Rieoox A Co. would be driven wild n the effort to (apply enough of Park* ar'a Hair lUlaam to meat the demand. At It la tha Babam preveata yonrhair from felling out, and watorea the original oolor if faded or gray. Baaidea it ie n great addition to the toilet table .im ply aa a droning. febClai Now Store. 1C. W. MfX»RK has GpDMd on Cotton Avcar.r, oppofiltn KKCOKDKK oAcn, a stock of 7im*t (Irsosriw. Flonr, flsgar* Ceffkc, If rat. SOUTH GEORGIA HALE and FEMALE COIXEOE DAWSON, (I A. pen* such year flrvt Mo« dsv In •c|P»**r. and sbwss sack year second Thursday l» Juno. Board and tailkm lorseb-Unk year, laivs •• •• «• •• girl*, 116 00 Ptaao. OmnorOatUr, •• eooa U«e of Initnirai-nt,.... Iteily ■(«>«• In l\ruua-kl|>. *M Cotnmerrial SO* raney Md onumrelri work *r tu-mtli,... «W No adMol teeth or wntth t. more thorough ud pra.tleal thaa rase. W. will awraatM mrnial aad moral iRtpeov.went in cttry mm -lour nupi].. ojnjMi. THE CRUG PLOW CILTIVATOR. Tb* Craig Plow Cmllirainr'ls an iraprorcrafnt on all plows. Can bo used as a estervr. w Ith It a row can be plowed at one time. ►ehley sad M< V. Hants A Co.’s store. S0H00LN0TI0R l.wlll to at thotCourt llnuso.t bo second flatnr- day orroaeh* mouth to examine applicants for Teacher* In the \Vt»ite flehools of tho souuty, aad tho fourth Batnrdsy of each uioiith to egamins r*p. oilcani■ lor tho Colored flchoo!s in tha county. L. r. IIOWBI.L, JanlHwtaptll County School Comralssionor. AND DEALERS JS Musical Instruments! AMERICUS, GA. Wo would rrspoctfully call tho attention of tho pttblie gt Morally to onr stock of WATCIlfcS, CLOCKS, JEWELItY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, PIANOS, ORGANS, ACCORDEON8, VIOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS, TAMBOURINES AND HARMONICAS* and everything also that goes to make up tho complete Hook of a Ffot~CTa*s Jewelry and Uadcal In* *trunic*nt Ilona**. Wo have rerenily rlslud IhoNorthern markets, and havo longht tbe largest, and most varied *tock lu our lino ever bmughl t« Americus. Wa guamateo everything wo sell to ba Jut “ rsnosontod, and do enrol ally Invite every one to call aud sot* vlut we lure, for wa cannot anamar* i all lu these columns >\ c arc aUo dots Agent* (or.tho Davis! Williams Singer Sewing Machines. Wethavt barn repairing machine- of all kind* foe the pa*t wf xteen yean, and we know whereof we speak when we c.*e<«mmeu.| the NKW HIGH AUM DAVIS a* the boat Mewing Machine an tho market to-tUy. Call and *«*e thcm*tM.*tbroyou buy. Wo uImi keep Sewing Machine Veedlea, Oil, Parts and Attachments of AH Macliines OUR STOCK OF SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES In OOI.D, BII.VEU.STR* I, CELLULOID and RUBBKR FUAHE8, b euraptrie.* ■ai w. u. prpp.i«l to nit .11 fj«. •aS turn .nt nothing hut *ni-clw work. Enyraring don. to oriUr. Monograms el Specialty. CALL AND SEE US! *7 UKUKMIIKR oar atore U ai wavs coaslortab!# la cold weathor, aa we koep olo «d doors aad good Ares. SAME OLD STAND UNDER BARLOW HOUSE. America*, On., October 34, 1883, tf Wliat Dyspepsia Does. .k.? 03 £ T} evo “ s P* 103 ]>y day and frightful dreams by night It destroy the pleasure of a good dinner. S D mo'tL.h and makes its victim cross and petulant if breat !i bad, the eyes leaden, and the skin sallow. It makes the appetite capricious and unreasonable, it causes constant grumbling and complaining. What “Brown’s Iron-Bitters” Does. It invigorates the weakened stomach, and enables it to digest, it promotes the enjoyment of a hearty meal. U enriches the blood, improves the liver, and cheers the mind. It purities the breath, dears the eyesight^ and makes the «lrin natural, [t brings a regular and healthy desire for food at proper times, four Druggist sells Brown’s Iron Bitters. 7 - FO] SALE. .tee lor out or two hone.., IMPROVED COTTON SEED IB NO MEW THING I But has stood tho tester years aafi ie used by Thonaands 1 the Most Successful Planters ia Georgia and Alabama, and not a man who has Planted them has Expressed Dissatisfaction. TO PZ.AXTTSS&S OF THS SOUTH i The ,»»■** bvw*teWcriteUM**tehl«h*le« Wliharlfaal a wfana la ear _nleui cf frnale, la .He. Ie Make iritea fluittn. peoitaWe. FMa,oeiez*lnie irilt.n. *||| uw if ~1h—fi ' *■—'r *“**— “1-t mj Ivtr—* *— 1 ***** Ike J -'— 1 —«—, *— -x- I that It wiMmhetnoM BeMB *reeuLiM». thaa cowaea cotlca aa the eeate lan-1 with the time , later. The atari* te*afoe4aaaar ratte., theOrieeate riee^ei, IRC Ike ol we4 cotton mak. ; In. ^0 Iba mt Ual, tehUe a has* ran ,iek Joabl. the amea.l of my cettuu per far than ary other* 1 w ‘-“li t~T-x~g theeww«4rMlhri!wt Maitecr, I waOeMa beVe am lee arm ef none br.ikrak.aj' I aa* woallr*nn(*oua kale to tho acre, tekOel hare on aoaM^a4laa4 mate atkl«ka.I 1-5 taka j to tha acre. Theae atatetecate I ran .uteiantiate by certiScaleo fie <ny nrifhbora and tha uu-at fa- J. riaettra ta Ocoryta au4 Alabama. | hall Iriwri the wtcalkla fear, o«iag to haul tlum, to TURKIC DOLLAR* par tOn, Itllitt. ! r4ta AaHrieuaarau baatJ tha cara utemteat to Itair-CJ, J.kuHn a iv, Aiurrira.,Hi. ..r tap • riaatatloa aear Preataa, Wetotcr eoontr. On, will be rmaark'f itieJ. rietri hr rlrcuUta'rg (ortker i.rticulera nut twtluict.lria to frlSmC 1-: W. r. fOWERB, IWou. Weteter Ceouif. On 1 WE KEEP A PURE AND SELECT LINE OF DRUGS and will not have anything for our Prescriptions but what is the very freshest. We buy the best as our experience has proven that it is the cheap est in the end. . . . ">\i n m ,1 At this season we callspecial attention to our reliable line of Men Seeds! Of these wc can offer such seeds as are selected with great care from the larges seed-growers in tiie United States, embracing a variety of Cabbage Seeds, En* glish Peas, Early Cora, Onion Irish Potatoes, Turnip See(js, Flower Seeds, and in fact every seed for the garden and field. Wc job to Farmers and Country Merchants dozens of Castor Oil, Turpentine, Paregoric, Bate man's Drops, Quinine, Calomel, etc., etc. Call and examine our goods and prioes be- fore buying elsewhere. UesprctiuUy, .1. A. & D. F. DAVENPORT, Lamar Street. Americas, Ga