Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 08, 1884, Image 8

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< . to WALT WHITMAN. fWaiter K. Ttomaa.] Ilmant i|u **-- ‘ - jtuamb vi hw i roponiv, ■mft^irwritoa mrjrtead, . . and munnuiu of tby natlnland, Ira boonrtlrM jwmlrfcw, rlvrra, Ukrn and wan O Band: with though! and apaeek brfltUof dnd n*»lk»»dr« tha world'* datnocm- An Fowrr. that wait f ftwdna^ttaaafr And hnatb* In wwy cadnm of thv net; And nrrr irtt|Mib«* that <loth work thr Will Ikat idMM tka world fonnr to tlw and, That Imran In man than jrnt Itarli rulflll, . In thin* ally and aball thy vana prolong- \tt TWO BAD BOYS. A Grand Revolution!” Bomr af tha Thlaca They Dla Ta a Man of AltltadP and Atrohnl. t (Nrw York Han.) Shortly after 1 p. m. along man cemit ’or thplirijge, am], on arriving at tlin •t^oon tho Now York end, uttaroi] n , and allot ildwn to tha sidewalk, whence ho coutwl cheerily into the "*?U a ailly thing to do* he aald. after a mmuont’a deep rofloction. “A email cat wonld know ootter'n that," Then he returned hit torn hnt.inittlm .lighted end of bin cigar in his'moutii,’ 1 It in hit troaaura took it out and nut i . ket, and achieved a position that J a posl roil ii|ion the upright, l'resontlv liis faoo expieased a pang. He thrust hit hand into hit pocket, pulled out the “ in his month, cigar, put it amiled, anil comn rices mi mm J *. . ■ AT— Schumpert k Roney’s trxariTtL ram, ns,ooo_*j Tlckataonly 99. Sham lw proportion. asa Louisiana Mate Lottery loinpanj. “ We do hereby rertifg that w tuvertite (hi arrangement» for all the Monthly ana Semi-Annual Drawings if The batman* State Lottery Commanj. and in perton man• age and eontrot tie Drawing* themtelte*, and that the tame are eondneted with hon esty,fairnett, and in good (tilth toward all pome*, " ' *" " -4U Tie Has Cornel ,1- * WE ARE READY . amt im autkoriu th* CWpoap to vw thi* certificate, vith Jat-mmiln of our oignaturei attach tchcd, in it* adtertittmenu: THE OKTLY began to pick Ida way in a perverse and ) labyrinthio oonrae toward tho oity 1 city hull, chins dr- l'wo small boys, with their prettied, their shoulders humped, and their hands, in their pocket i, ' ir pocketi, trudgeil along the eastern edge of tha park. One d looked at the man of them stooped and who had just escaped a perilous ■ of bobtail oars, “Spot Cash Store” m AMERXOUS. composed of cMitud parti eight-horse sweepers, and milk traeka! "Scotty," ha cried, in the dear ring-' " Thei°Srteil toward the Imj and, arising him by tha arms on aide, conducted him with gentleness and kindness to tha sidewalk. The man. who evidently saw right-horse sweepers and bolitatl oars careering flert»]£ i every aide, muttered ’them to start him toward tha (Math Arenas ears. The licgra started him. They began with a alow walk, bnt increased tho spited until the unfortunate man was tearing along tha eastern walk of tho park at a rate that bore the impress of ’ disaster in every frantic lungs. Ice and aiiow as wall aa alcohol and spead perplexed Aa ha approached tha curb bis feet. Aa tie appi formed by tha asphalt piazza which runs acroes the park, the boys gave him ant sprawling over the » shore, and ha want aprawl edge and shot south. intimately he stopped. After con sidering things for awhile ho straggled into a Kitting po ;ting poatare and looked at bis hat, which was about tan feat In ad vance of him. At this point one of the boy* slid a largo and dripping icicle •down the book of tha man’s neck. The man evidently fe t tho passage of tho ioo down hia spine and its subsequent lodgment. Ho looked ns though life was not worth living. Then the other boy plaited up tho bat, ran with it to tha fountain, and sat it on one of tho four corners. With a snort of ragn tho bedraggled and ice hampered man plunged after hia hat. He fell four times, and when he arrived at tha fountain found that his bat bad bemi removed tA another comer. He par We promwed in issue of the Recokdeb of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as \\c arranged and marked down ogr goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more good* for less money than any -house that sell goods on tliirty days time. Contemplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT,CASH prices and thirty dnvs credit: Flour. Flour. it uatil he had slipped and atrng- tam a tl glad around the tonal after tha afwaya-altuiva hat, and then a brawny policeman cams along, seized him by tbs collar, and yanked him backward with: “Phatkindof aasxhbition is this berm anyway r Y’onghtar be ashamed nv yersel. On a Sunday. too.* “ Take me to tklaridge, pleash," moaned the man. He was dragged there. Aa ha pot his arm around tha bridge policeman's neck ha muttered slowly: “ Head—me—home—la—the—earah. Heodmebacktolirookon. Lometuutfn- york* Festal Karltlllra Years Ace. • BesprrHng the early itostal farilitic. in Texas, a writer of The (lalvcdoti News soya: "The intelligence of the death 6t PresidcuI JaoWn was brought toOalreatonby She master of an Italian brig, whose emit had stepped at the month of the MiutU*i|ipi and received u New Orleans iw|ier containing nn ac count of tlw death o( ‘Old Hickory.' Neither the captain nor any of the crew being able to read English, the (taper wok untouched until three days after the arrival of the brig at this port, when . Ilia no it was accidentally discovered, and tho tfilthgx wore given ii to tho (toopto of Texas fourteen days after tho presi dent'! death." Barthgaaka and Telephene, [Chicago Herald.] During the late great .Tara earthquake it was discovered that It was utterly im- posaihl© to nao tho telephone at Singa pore in cotMoquoiico of the ofleet of the plieuomenon on the wiroa. The instru ments produced souuda like those of a distant waterfall. lower Beer Pradurtlon. In this Article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 60 pounds, $1.00. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat, for 50 pounds 1.70. •• 1.90, Funny, for 50 pounds, 1.60. “ 1.80. Choice Furnily 50 pounds 1.50. •• 1.65. Wo guarantee all the* Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory yon can return thorn nud wc will cheerfully refund the money. In future we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00. “ “ 10$ pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1.00. “ “ 11 pounds Now Orleans (Bellcwood) Clarified, for 1.00. “ “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00. In this lino wc are fttlly up and advise everybody ta seize the golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year's comsumption. Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from us) wc can save yon money enough in one year to buy •11 tho “Strata Claus” you want lor the little ones. We deal 61 pounds Choice Pio Coffee for $1. Thutber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. OammlMlCBirt. Iljr nn ovorvbefratn* pot>nl*r rate it» (VauchUe wm made a part of the jurat'll! Mate Couatltatioii udopteil Ueratnbor 2d, A. D., 1879. The only i*nllrry ttn tHed on and rndorttd by IA« jnoplo nf any Mat*. II never train or ptufpooti. tin Oread Slagle ffaatber Orewlaffa teka alee* monthly. A IHUNUIU OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. HKCMND OUAND l»llAWING, t’l.AhH B, AT NfeAV OlILKANH, TUKMOAV, February Mth, 1RK4 -100th Monthly lira wing.* C l PITA la PRIZE. *73,000. 100,000 Tickets st Fire Dollar* Eacli. Fraction*, In Filth*, In Proportion. LI*Torritl/.KH: I CAPITAL Pit INK $7&,000 |1 do do ffl.000 Fall and Wrater Campaign 1883. Wr -n .r upon II with BKXbWKD d-tcrtnln.. r goods v nd fiaste ■in markets, ft price* low «nuu|h (• . 12.000 arreeaiMAfio* rsnra. * Appinsiinatloti 1*p|»m «f #7>» ^,750 • “ *• MO 4.500 9 « •• 250 ;-3o 1.947 Pilaw, amoonilii* to ApplkatUe for ndre Is* ■lot- wfcuoM ho i NEW ORV.BANH NATION A V* BANK. New Orlaeaa, f.e- POST A I. NOTES and vrtieery laitara by Mall or Ktpf as (a'l MU* ul §S slid opwar«l hy foaprvwB at our axpenar^to . a# ifai/i*iiiN| Z.w Orl.*.., U, >f*. A, DAUPinit, OUT S.v.wth D.C. MRS. M. E. RAINES lnvltaa tha .ilfenUno of thr piitnhi to her stock ♦.nod* |or Ihr 4?hHaime« *oa*>u consisting of VA8E8.CLTS AND HAL'CEBH. 1*1. AIN AND 811A VINO MUU8.8HOK1NO STANDS, 8CKA1' BOOKS, W KITING DK8K8, WORK BRACT.ffiTH, EAR-RINGS. I.ANCE PINS. NECK WEAR. IIATS, BONNETS. AND GENERAL Salt. Salt. Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fine Shit, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per sack We are slaughtering at the very low price of $1.00 per cwt. to make room for a car load ol SEK1) POTATOES. Whiskies. Whiskies. In this Hue wc ap* fldl to overflowing, ond to unload wc have reduced the price on all grades IVom 25c to $1.00 )>er gallon. Think ol it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Corn Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50, Tobacco Wc can undersell anybody—wc offer “Lucy Hinton” at 57c per pound, and all other grades proportionately. sir/. » aow mails by immaiur ratali Uahmanls, with ovor S1SU.U00.UH0 ea» rt»l inmtqfl. Thn vaIqs of thU pru- Jnctiua esch year in over SflOO.OOO.UOO. We regret that we have not apace inHlcient to give full and complete quotations on all of our goods, but you will hear from us occasionally. Remember that by buying your goods from us and paying 81’OT CA8H you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual in credit store. \ If* ] IfoK-hlSf-.] arfoiaiistdcnwy have IM from Dub lin. In 1788 twelve |ieer* atul fourteen members of parliament had }M<roianent rowdsaeas is Cpprr Sackville street: nuw there hi not s single uobleuian rmi- drut in the city. A Word as Regards the Penny ! To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny-in America*, wc say that wc stand ready to redeem in goods or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. 'Bring them along and get their full value at - Prof. Swing; Thera is a good au ) bad skeptirisia—the good beinj* that *hfelt hopes the good is use. and act, *■« though it were true; the bod luing tint which hastens to a conclusion in h inuonv with a lawles, i-haraekr. Tl OILY SPOT CASH ST« III «IU« Frederic Usrrkmn: The fault of th. rimrehas is that Him- are not religion, t • ongfi; in thafr ragrrne,* to 1* spirit. -hey sre t-easfaig to he iiuinau. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very truly, SCHUMPERT & RONEY. Amcricua, Ga., January 11, 18S4. mini! Mte u (ituBsIm! th it wm* will fail to IM •« tains to foil. Amorim*, na., lk». 7. iwt. If Meat Market PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB COTTON AVENUE, | ki*vp on baatl the my beat cuta of BEEF, FORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, uml alM>)a foil IIm of Green Groceries and Provisions, r acaat'ii. 1 — — - Jft etc. It la thdr aim to kocp a flr#t rlaaa eatabllahniciit, at J giva tbair cantomera good goeda at the loveat pHeca. arniglMat prico mI4 for Cattle, Bogt, and a Indsof coantry pmdaec, Amrrlcuo, Dec. 15,149t.lf SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Ut KV£RT OBPARTMBNT I Thousands of Dollars MV nateS vvvtT JwrVv IbJihIHmu Vo” t»,«hrttM,wilatokiMm wtllwiw. *»■» un, malncM bow and wkerv m ooaM hav-0-nv kMtvr I. jaw mSumw Mr ufla. i.lvnlabad UI.IM the and of lli. jtmt lb- BALAHCE B OH THE WBOKG SIDE! Tblalaaat Sniafa. ter It la Ba Hute-Ma-Mneb. pM4 far lUla Uiiaa or ikM tkte. that taaaaa it, aa Ibv aHahteal ilvnatlo. Will ttro'lac* an wvXMataS OVBR BALAMCB uiwbtn mm lls ante as* k alwara I* k. rrzrattrd. Thar. I. m**4 .rthla If /an wall trad, with a*. «> i.a«» ibv Interval oTmarjr caataavr In nalkl. nnS buy nv Ibst wn van acll fan Ihr Lowest Prices. RBaiBMBEE I f|U)Uiky oT a low leading lines and aaiaplm optroA oat ovi-r our abelrca M make g »bo«, but n large, crcrrwui aaMrtaiant of 4%«nr grads of goad* from the coaraeat to the finett, and enough nf eaeh to supply the wants of this wbufo community In tha* direction. Our rack Is tao Ttrled and apace too Ualtrd ta attempt to mum artlalaa ar pdeaa. Taa are aanwatly luvitad U call and "too horn it U wmmrmmlf." JOl S.SBAW; FORSYTH STREET, ANERICT8, GA. DEALER IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS ! NOTIONS FA2TC7 GOODS LADIES' HATS, LADIES'CLOAKS. [JEWELRY, ROLL PLATE JE PERFUMERY, TOILET SOAPS, CLOTHING! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. I BOOTS AND Sliora. RUBBER OVERSHOES, ! HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, ..WHITE" SEWING MACHINE MACHINE NEEDLES, ! A-d W. F. Nye'. Celebrated Sewing M*- ■* I chine OiL NOAH’S ABE, Tbr nrw man nl tb. a^n ot b*a>i'. Art -b. | ^ Wire Sign Fors} th Street. ! i»> • ;l^ar«, I I.mthl tl-Ffrt r’fvapd cheap C .... i-«taMUtit..i'Lt a >l*ar' •bm araikwmi 1 thrt bb-Bt ,i>|L«M• e%rr fold in Amerirn*. South r lo r. t Uumln*. Kaary Oror^k*. Talaoeo, i J ra. Ft.-nr, Colic. Sara, and cv< ry.bluu aU* j •i theta ulrr and cheap Cooueeted ultV tka ! •eptSOtf AMERICUS, GA. \%nhtsttm