Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 15, 1884, Image 1

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Americus Recorder. rv»4*R<D nr OFFICE ON COTTON ATENVE. Su/bocrlptioi' Haitnn: Tm-Wjbuy On Yean, - (4.00. WunrOinYea*, • „ 9.00. SvHUat lasun On Yoon, - 1.50. PROMOM & BUSimS CARDS LAWXEBS. r *W^***' ATlOUMpr.'AT LA IF, tnwcn Bvutf.h Courrr. : OBea, aM Hrat National Rank. to »H bn* lnMi>ntn Mi prompt •uentiott C. R. McCRORY, , t AjMbrawrsr alb». L t ELLAV1LLE, Oa. TKRyP—All claim* from «K or unirr ( fl{ .Wfaafflsasuas: ilronfth ami vrhoU«omenr«s. Iforo econ—— - DOCTORS. ■^13. bt Bisinfev SVBGEON AND FHVUCIAN. Ofl.n bl« rram.loa.l aarvliea. with u asperl. iwmtmum Jaekaon and Church eUraU. —t will tacaita prviapt ——■— BlUUtlnn. laullhl Dr, D. P.HOLLOWAT, DENTIST, Al’EUlCOd, OA. Wark e*oal to tba kaal. Ca»h rate. a« l» v kalawath Tit Mm aa- hr contfocrd. #Jca eter Davenport A Sow'a 4rj* aims. apriOtf MISCELLANEOUS. II If MhWrrot. DRAPERS TAILOR AMEKICUK, GEORGIA. Having ,r#o»lT«I.Jb« latest faalilona from London and Puny, I am pri lo make clothing to order in tbu style and heat workmanship. .red / THE FROM HER ASHES. llnlabrtl, most jilaaunt wcarlnj and iterant BOOTS AND SHOES inadu. The bant lapatrlnf (lent In tba atnat auViaaiUI an.l an Utln atrli, and an on imaeitaWe i-rmm tlafc n tnrrarr aratlaaua *- *— 1 — — — * San, fa <lacl Nell ANDREW DUDLEY. FloKett, POWDER atvMftli i — lima the ordiaaiy kind*. m4 emol h* mM i wild tl ‘ * ■lorn or nborpbal^ powdrir. Mtcmtytn HOY A I. HA KINO rOW Ok It Wall Ktrwct, New York. oettljrl. DAtrro.N, Feb. 13—Dawson was electrified UkU; pi parties are w* very popular, and “hs'-e the wishes of a large circle of admiring friends lor tbclr future happiness. The hotel, under the manege- Mfifit Ann W, fit, Al)es, «Us the commendation it receivee from the travelling public. Visitors can but be pleased wjth the neatly kept rooms, tbe well ordered table, and appreciate the 9(Torts made for their comfort. M ( J ( ). | r ) Tbe South Georgia College seems to grow in popularity with our people, as well as those at a die* ISO pupils are reported ReYajEata Wilds! EXPERIENCE. Tfca Bir, X. P. Wlldi, well-known city lads* Wilds, of U» Maaaachuaatta Supreme Court, wrltss TS K. Ml* .VI., Xim Tart. Vag IS, IMS. IS #aa OWN • »*., a*»" It#IS, Hiljf a-*t I Mmhu. 4. I#*. AVER A Co.. OmtlRMR a Imt wittier I tu irpaliht with a noi uit*«»tuf<»ruble itch I iif humor affttttaf more tHtprclally my limbs, which Itched to inloUrahly nt night, iumI Imrnitl *o If ly, that I could *oirccly bear any elothtag »l *»r iwof .teal run down. Knowing — Ayjcr'm H.tRaAFAKiLi.A, by obttervaUoo of many other eaaea, ami from peraonat — in former ywan*. I began taking It for tha ihore*iuimed diaordor*. My aiipctlle im proved alrnoat from the flnt iwm. After e abort time the fever ami Itching were to ill* um of thn MAtiaAl'ARli.faA, which I recommend with nil nmttdenee na tho beat blood iilfdlelw* ever devised. 1 took Jt In enutU dimes three tlmca a day, and need,, pit all, lr«* than two bottles. I place thowr fade at your aervlcc, hoping tholr publication may do good. Yours rtwprctfnlly. 35. P. Wild*.” The above Instance i.v hut one of the many constantly coming to our uotlre, which prove the perfect adaptability or AYKR'Ji HAMA* I'AitiMaA to the cure of nil tliscasee arising from Impure or Impoverished blood, aad a vitality. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla TAUtOTTOK, •-'* •* GEORGIA Na 40 Plum Street, Near Depot, MACON, QA. jauhl j i Edward J. MOlar C. Hotaee McCall. Moanmeotal Marble Works, AlLKB * Mel'ALL, Praprlctora, /Kalbwtat Corner of Square, Monuments, Tom 'wkES* - ' Wgg.1 twvala, aad thereby eaablea tha ayiteta to mktialonRMMi I the attacks of all Scrc/a- law Miami. EraptUmt of lit .Vila, fk» mnliin. Catarrh, Ciatral HthUUg, sad aU dlaordan retailing tftaa |wor or wreaptad blood aad a lov atato oC the ayalcia. I'D Dp. J.C.Ayor&Co.j Lowell, Mats. fid* trail DrdggUWjMat (I, aU bottlaa AYER’S . , CATHARTIC PILLS, ledicine jhtfifiaaa reuatla./’ I will 1MB Ikb daw elM oal at rrlall m, Ea- toaBla^k»f Had*!lanr. Hanna, aad K.adlap of Below Cost for Cash. I Mean Exactly' What I Say. WkdA »THI C } mnlULaAl 5s." Jno. M. Coker. MITCHELL’S EYE.8ALVE! AiCattala, Safe aad Kakeiln Raaudy Ibr Sore, Weak & Inflamed Eyes, PraiHillIP LSNNallfihttSliaaa ——-a Haa tori tkaXlcEt of aha old I Carta Tear-Drops, Uraanlationa, stje Tumors, Btfi Eyes, mad Hatted Kjrt Lukes, and' rEoormo^^tync ^uar and Ataa.ouaallT atBaaalaaa wkam aaatf •» aldar aaaladlaa, aaab aa VI*in, Vo* K^lVji-.virrarrw.v.'i^a , “ VB "“ r Sold hjr all Drwggtata at Ms ata TOIL BENT. qalra at iklaaSIca aana aarllr Par fortlwr partkaUr. »n. mnuu ftw^u rar-EE ■atu • U■nf l ISS' C. I. KNOWLTOM, Aaa Mar, Waljlt SltMupotada. AdjaalaMr. FQB.rgTOcumAND.rAifiuBa "Ctaaalinaaa ia next to OodUnaaa. 1 aatlM, WTOAS’S ARK Tha aaw alan at tka aig* •( Xaali'a Ark <a Ika talahUihMBtla.W whtr. arallman raa Sad tka kaat Ugaara am add In Aajorteaa. Sgnih •Haaakma agaara, areadla Cart Hoaaa. Bbltwlak ». J. WVNN, Ao'r Go to Davis & Wells to Get Heats Cbeap Wa kaao Ik* kaal aa kaad mtt dir. BKur.roitK.sA alwa,; rABUS, Eta. Etc. A. /. Hudaaa v 4 drag .tow. Jaaltal morclml Deportment, under the ef ficient management of the princi pal, l’rol. U. C. Adams, is quite flourishing, and the oat look more promising tbsn ever before. A splendid school and an admir- ably kept hotel and aa artesian well will build up any town, hence Dawson is on f “boom. Ground is being plowed, corn planted, fruit trees set out, gardens put in order, and preparations made generally tor the bard times the present year. Tha Leap Year party on the S9th ipst. it to-be jat tbe residence of Judge Darrison Rogers’, and the young ladies, assisted by the mar- ried lady managors, are sparing no pains to mske it ad enjoyable occa sion to the young meu, for whose benefit it it given. College Htivut presents the Ap pearance of n "young Broadway” eveiy afternoon when tbe girla are taking their evening promenade. Nearly every dwelling is the home of from four lb forty pupils, and College mil ia vocal with the mu- sio of merry voice*. Quite a nutoiier ot dost charm ing young ladies have recently brightened Dawson with their pres ence, among whom may be men tioned Hits Hay find. Mitchell, of Amerieus. These yonng ladies must be exceedingly popular at borne, m well as here, since even during their short visit a "message waa wired” asking permission to "qsIVIfind intimating aome serious calamity unless a speedy return was contemplated. We are sorry for that young man, TJkd fidltbi} of thel Journfilbaa amount of material wo have abundance all atouod M f I know of no better point than this for a mannlactory of hard wood* for the growing domand— no better point for a manufactory of agricultural implements, wood- en ware, cooperage and cabinet supplies. With birch end ash, bay and ipaple, oak and hickory, cedar and cypress accessible in quanti ties, why is it that we do not con vert it into money by opening up a market and become a busy center and build and grow, with all tbe advantages we around na to Inenre success? Dawson's “big man,” little Tobe Stevens, was in town one day this week, and we dare say was alter business and nothing more. Mr. L.8." Tower, of Amerions, was down to see ns on Sunday last. Came again Levy, yon have a boat of friends in this section. Mias Callie Pryor, of Sumter county, in company with Miss Amanda Smith, of Amerions, are visiting friends at Bronwood. We met Messrs, i. W. Timmer* man and Everett Lunsford afew days ago on onr streets, awaiting tbs ears, en ronte to tbe Agricul tural convention at Savannah. The Webster Grange is well represent* in the person of two. of its most sterling yonng men. It looks natural to sea BUI Bis hop, of Dawson, on obr streets. Ws baif way think Bill is sorry be leit FfiON 8HITHT1LLE. 8hitbviub, Feb. 14—Tbe vUl- Isge children wiU have a Valentina party this evening at Mrs. J. R. Graves'. Kev.J. H. Corley, of Fort Gaines, was in town yesterday. Miss Bills Miller left Monday for North Carolina, where aba wiU probably spend tbe spring aad snm. Messrs. Levorette and Wiggins were in to see us this wcok. Come again, gentlemen, we are always glad to see our friends. J0T8 FROM JOliiU’RRKVlLLR. j f^ljaad is /‘fakUg;tai’l8svMsU|j> pMt ts bear a glowing account of tbe “Forest City” on bis, return. Ho is a {oily, clever fellow, ready with bis pen, sod gives ns an ex. cellcnt weekly. BROS WOOD BOX-BOSS. Bronwood, Feb. 13.—Our con temporary who wields the pen for the Bronwood department of the Dawson Journal gave to the pub lic a few weckinnsfia conversation with one of fjrrHTs farmers, and we were •ttnelr i 'by‘ tbe questions asked and wanted to talk to tbe conespondcnt and listen to bis ev er ready answejre when Bronwood’a advancement, or tbe interests of our section is tbe topic of conver sation. In regard to tbe article mention- I ed we would sav that if it bolds »am! that tlura aa, “no porn horn good that there was “no corn here to mill untU we bad our mill erec ted,” “no cotton strred until our warehouse was buUt,” andno one looked to ns “for dressed lumber until we put up machinery for fin J011NPBBEVILI.B, Feb. 11— Need* ing rain. Some of our red lands are too bard to plow. Many of ns *ro still suffering for water. Our weath er prophet says we will bavo but little or no rain this month. I bear of many oompiaints of corn ateallng in tbe country. Pine weather for planting corn, but lew are ready. I commenoed.this morn ing, and wiU finish this wsek if it don't rain. I think now some nf my wheat will recovsr. About tan acres of it, in a low, wet place, waa about all kiUed. Good many are complaining ot a poor stand of spring oats. Some say they wen killed. Others tbe seed were damaged. I think tho ground has been too dry for them to get out, and,they will all come up as soon as ws have rain. . Now is tbe time to bed potatoes and goobers. If you want good pinders, plant them early. If you wish to buy any, give me a call Some of tbe early gardeners will soon have English peas and greens. For early melons now is tbe time to plant, that is in onr part ot the world. I will not forget yon when they thump right, Mr. Editor. Mrs. Mayor left tor your city last week, and tbe old man is lone ly. May come over soon. Uncle’s Henry Jones and Arthur Dupree, two of onr oldest oitisens, were in tbe city vllle to-day. Jones 81; Dupree, 71. Miss Ida Hester leaves for Daw son this week to attend college. Olie Pace and family, of Terrell county, spent Sunday anda part 01 Monday in tbs viUs. Rev. Wm. Cryes and lady re turned home Saturday from Daw- son, where they have been visiting several days. Mr. 8. P. Kimbrough, who has been in feeble health for some time, I am glai to report is improving, Next Sunday our new pastor will Mr. W. 8. Dcidrlcb and wife have gone to Florida, and will visit tbe prineipal points of interest in that state before returning. Miss Sallle Godwin, of Amerions, visited the Misses Nnnn, hers, last weok. Monday, tbe 11th Inst., CoL W. M. MoAfee and wife celebrated their golden wedding. Tbe children (with tbe exception of two sons) and nearly all the grand obildren wars present, besides whom were two nr Una friends of tbs family, To say that the table wai freighted with the (1st and fruits of the land and that the occasion was enjoyed by every one* present, wonld bo patting IF modestly indeed; and be bat expressing what all might fossa, who an ' acquainted with this estimable couple. The name of McAfee is so intimately associ ated with 8mithviUe that the one is almost a synonym tor the other, and for that reason .1 bavo ventur. ed to add that nearly thirty years ago Wm. M. McAfee came to this place, jnst ahead of tbe railroad and seise ted the site fore hotel At tbat]time only’ons other house bad been built here,’and that was oeeupied by Mr. Griffin Smith,'the gentleman for whom tbe town is namod, and who owned tho land upon which it (the town) stands. Having dear a smallod space In the woods Col. Mo. ereeted an unpretentious struoture and was ready to aceommodato the first train load of hungry folks that esme along. From then until two years ago be personally kept and superintended his hotel, whose pro portions he enlarged tram Urns to time as they ware needed, and wa do not exaggerate when we say that the table of no hotel in the state enjoyed a better reputation. Ws might speak muoh further of this gentleman ss illustrative of tbe history of Smithville, but will not now. 8nffioe it to say that he is a man of striking individuality, aad that bis wife is possessed of all those amiablo virtues whloh char soterixe the true Woman. Wishing them yet putny sonny years of Ufa ws bring this article to oonelusion. V. X. sen. He leaves a yonng wife i two little children .whs together with his parents and other relatives sad friends mourn bis untimely On Saturday evening last an alarm ot fife was raised which quickly pnt tbe bneksi brigade k motion. The fire, was ascertained in the house occupM by Mr. if STEWART COUNTY ITS tailing up lumber,” docs it not fol- j preach his first sermon in Wetlon, low that we arc to first have our work* Ibr turning ont sash, blinds and doors, and have machinery in operation lor putting up barrels, buckets and tubs before wc can do any business in that line ? Must not our oak, bickory and cypress be shaped for market before we can expect to ship it sr utilize the vast Let’s give him a full house. I have for sale two fine double barrel breech-loading shot guns which I will sell cheap for cash. Call early and secure a bargain, both in fine order. Matos. Gold nuggets are being found in the mountains near Marshall, Ark. Xaaftla Mtgradrtt. The measles are spreading In the county. There are about 65 pupils attend ing the Lumpkin High School. We learn from some el onr best farmers that laborers are in better working trim than they wars la sew ers! years aad that the outlook for a successful crop year is promising. On Wednesday last Miss Maggie Thornton, daughter of Mr. John H. Thornton, of this place, was united in marriage to. Sir. J. C. Norman of this county, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. 8. Jordan, Paster of tbS Methodist Church. On Wednesday morning lost Elbert P. seoond son of Dr. James A. Thornton, Sr., died st the home of the tetter In Thomtsnlle, after a lingering illness with consumption. He was born in Lumpkin in 1857 and was consequently 37 years old at the time of bis death. Early in Ulb he adopted the profession of dentistry and was quite a skillful operator, and would have attained prominence in bis profession bad be not been affleted with that in- aldlous disease, consumption,whloh wrecked his constitution early after reaobing tbe years of manhood. Elbert was ever of quiet and gentle manners, modest in bis demeanor and was a good and peaceful citi- to be in the hones occupied by Mr. Seaborn Philips 00 the public square and wm qulekly extinguished. It seems that a dress worn by 10m Philips osngbt on fire and after ex tinguishing It, m sba thought, it wm hung up with other clothing in one of the rooms. It proved to be •till on fire and sst’flM tathe dresses hanging np with it-whloh caused the alarm. Had! tlm house barbed it wonld havu been impos sible to have saved tho Cuba Hone, the Odd Fellows Hall; PidMyterter Church and tho property of MaJ. Singer and Mii. Slnger’a residence. Lumpkin fa H^fif^raji.'fafplngs which fortnaatfily .happened in tbs dsy time. * P rl hfg„ a» *- Pbeston. Psb. 19—Dr. WIHifotd lost bis engine, sawmill and gin. bouM by fin oa the night of the 6th {oat. snpposedto bo the work, of an incendiary. The doctor passed the mill at • o’clock and at 9.-80 ocioek the fire wm dUoo*NWd;’«od the ginbooM falling in. L-#m 68,000; no inanranoe. - • - Mr. Ballinger Pditte;-qblto an, aged man and one ol the oldest in habitants of this county, disd yes terday morning st bis residence in this county. The reoent sowing of oate an mostly up find are again looking well. There is not a mess of groena ia Webster county, owing to tha m- von iroezos ws have had Ibis win- ter, whloh hM stimulated the’ poo- pie to early gardening, andfit will not be a great while beforo wo will be enjoying tbe luxury of spring greens and pot liquor. A Legal Question. navklaarllta Earn. At Abbeville, Wiloox county, on the first Tuesday in this month, the ■ale of shout two tnndred iota of wild tend, advertised tb be sold for taxes, Wm estopped on tbe grounds of illegality. ’Aa attorney )resent elsimad that (' that the sate of the lands shonld bavo-bssa; advertised 90 days, soocwHag to smUm.IIT of tbs code. It was understood by tbs attorney that tbs tends were nsvisr retansd, aad that tie Tax Collector had issued executions against these unraturned loads, and this being tbs esse, tbs attorney suggested that the tends should have been advertised 90 days Instead -of 80, m wm tha case. Ho nforrsd to section 137 of tbs code for this authority. There is a wide difference of opinion among tbe sttorosyo of HawklnsvUIe la regard to tbe qurotton, it mkjorlty of them OMtsodlng that K Is ass- essary to advertise sack sates only thirty days. . * Tbs matter te a^erplexfotj jer- ptexlty" to « bssnl If thirty days is not to be enlightened on tho question. •ufflewattiaM to advertise suoh ssIm, then there hM been, and is likely to be, many illegal sates in this state, and some* body may bs hurt, m ws notice that several of onr exchanges are burdened wfth thirty-day advertise ments of sales of wild tends tor loefa tbs mighty stkutsst^H I'M other man.* If it eoeldhs sseva* that tbs col*radon of issariaut hair would enable men to tear open Hone* jaws, Hiacoi A Co. would ba il in tba affort to supply MoaifmP Ink Hats Balaam lo moot tM fiamaaS. L color if failed or gray, llwidca] great addition to thaHmiiM Pi? » drewiing. tag Does your mind never dwell npop the awful certainty of death?,, asksd tho QldgyipfiBof PtottaQr. “Well, not very numerously,” res ponded he; “it te the awfol oopfir- tainty of how to got a living that troubles me.” If a wall b« polsiood, WO« b« to those who drink Unreal. It ia wore* to poison th* fountain of Ilf* for ooa'i self, sod for posterity. Often by L-aralamaaaa, or mis fortune, or inheritance, this ,haa been doas. Ayer 1 * Sarsaparilla frees the blood, th* vital atraam, and restores appetite, strength, and health.