Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 15, 1884, Image 5

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H. « STOUT, Lm*I Editor. TICKETS TO MAHOI (Wilt FAKE (OK ROUND TRIP: $14.20. 0.1 SALE M»*TnKooodtillkabcii 10 I80LU81YE. LOTT WARREN, Afoot. COTTON REPORT. Uood Middling. 9} Midditag. it: 9* Lew Middling 9{ Good Ordinary 9 Ordinary 8$ Market firm. Receipts to date 93,991 Same date last year 98,083 Showing aloes of...i*.... 4,791 Sell Pnblic Produce, Cotton and Stock UXOSAWO*!!. Capital Stock, #100,000. I.I.BART,A«Mt, Kargin on Cotton. #1 per bale. Sell or buy from 10 to 100 bales. Kargin on Orsio. So per bushel. Sell or boy from 1.000 to 100,000 bushels, Kargin bn C. B. Sides, to per lb. or buy from 10,000 to lOO.UOO lbs. He* York cotton market, February 18- Spots 10.75. Cotton Futures closed—Feb. 1000-70, March, 10.90-01, April, 10.90-91, Kay, 11.01-05. Chicago Market. 12th—Wheat, Kay. 1081; Corn, May, 59#; Turk, Maroh, 18.10, C. B-Sides, M-rch, 9.50; C. It. Sides, Hay. 9.70;Lard, March, 0.80; Oats, May, 37. Fork, 0.87. A New Discovery, The day of the week that the 1st day of Hay comes on is always the same as ths following Christmas. There is no devis- tion from this rule, as has been found by reference to old calenders. 6.000 yards of Silks in Remnants at your own price. J. WaxBI.uavi: A Co. A* 17accountable Depression. Hr. Will Bncbanan states that the pres ent depression inbusiness it widespread, and that be was told by merchants in New York city that they felt it bnt conld not give a reason for the deproasion. Fall of a Building. In the heavy wind aod lain atom of Wednesday night, a four room wooden building, nearly completed, and next to the colored Baptist church an Forrest street, was thrown to the gronud a perfect wreck. "A roiling atone gathers no moss,'* hut wise and judicious buyinggoathers wealth. Call aud ase our bargains. J. WaxelbaiK JtCo. A Bald Upon Guano. Ur. B. D. Watts, who bad some eight ar ten tons of guano shipped to Stewart's Crossing in this county, wasoalledtothst place on last Thursday to look after the gnano, as some unknown parties had en- terred the ear-boxes, and emptied it on •the ground. Two or three ears were un loaded by them. Baring juet finished taking stock we will okra. ont any and all goods at and below cost. J. Waxkmiacm t Co. A Boas Bite, . A noted fisherman of this eity cough; a strongs fish last week that onr homo scientists hare not bo ablo t»classify. may i ha jerked > rather sli ding, The] i pull on bis it up and found ha bad oangbt what is known in slang parlance aa a “dad wiper.” A Large Advertiser*# Experience. Tbs Blackwsll Dor ham Tobaeeo Com pany, of Durham; N. C, of which Mr. Jalian & Carr ia President, spent #300,- 000 lest year tn advertising. Being asked what he regarded aa the heat method of adTertising, Mr. CeiT replied: “Thors is no doubt in, my mind that newspapers are the . beat. I have tasted the matter again and again, and it hss probed tn my entire satisfaction that nothing pays like nawapaper advertising." A revolution in the prieea of Dress Goods at Hew York Store. Good# form- erly sold at SSete arc now 10 and 18#. J. Waxkldavii A Co. An Eloquent Minister. Bov. K. O. Guerrant, Presbyterian evangelist, ‘hat been bolding eerviees every afternoon and evening at the Pree- byterian building. on Jscksoo atraeL Ever since his first sermon in the' Ukptist church last Sunday he has had large audiences, who follow him throughout hia entire discourse with the closest at tention. He ia one of God’s few ehouen men who eon win eonle to Christ by the power of language and expremioo. It it were possible, Americas would Ukt to rstsin him. See residence torrent. Art you going to Albany f Jake Israels draft bear is vmy popular. •The thrifty husband now devotes hia genius to tho garden. Ths steamer “Sumter” was out Monday night testing some host. With an artesian well and good rains, Sumter ought to bo “up” on water. It is about time we were getting soma of that extra water from the North. Simon Black baa the bast six dollar hand-sewed congress shoe in town. The two churches, Methodist and Bap tist, an sadly in osed of a coat of paint The handsomest line of eoltooadee in town, from 18# cents up, just received at U. B. Foster's. Tbs city marshal Is ant with a notice of an impounded sow. Keep yonr bogs up. Wide Awake company will soon petition council to bay them a new hoao reel and let the colored oompany taka the one they have. With several do/on rains liko that of Wodnaaday night distributed through the coming season than will be no blue faces next winter. A Full line of Flavoring Extracts, Bek ing Powders, etc., at W. A. Smith's Hmltb- ville. wtf We learn from Manager tilorer that Minnie Bank will draw people from Montezuma above, and Albany and Bran- wood below. • Scats tor the Minnie Hauk opera cun- cert will bo on sale at the usual places this morning, and if you want to secure g.od ones, go early. WeduesJny night this section had the best rain that haa fsllea since Jane of last year. Between one anil a half and two iuohaa of water fell. Landreth seeds art the best We sell them. Call early. J. A. A D. F. Davkmniht. Mach taste is displayed in the manage ment of tho flower gardens in the eity. In some of them the choicest dowen of the spring are no# blooming. Dr. Hinkle says that tbs negro man whose leg was recently amputated by him and Dr. Fort wilt bo out again in ten days. Good anrgiosl work. The fig was so dense last Saturday morning in lha city, that it woe impossi ble to locate jtbo court house by one ■tending at It. It. Stewart's corner. Persons who esme to this place on last Saturday from the direction cf Ellavlllt, counted fifty wagons loaded with gnuno on thoir return home from this city. Now that the red sunsets have been ex■ plained, will aome solentlst please use up and explain the canso of tho hiavy morning foga we have been having for the | nst week? W. B. Bncbanan, now in New Yoik In a letter received from him in this city, states that a depression in bnslnrss, such as exists here existed all along his route from this city to Norfolk, Vs. Simon Block's is the , ■hmd•qnartela , ' for the real Harper Black shoe. The name ia atamped on the bottom of each peir. Nutioe particularly. Don't mis take the place, next door to henk Americas. The Americas Light Infantry, who are coming down to spend Washington's birthday with the Albany Guards, will ba accompanied by s large number of the citixena of Americas. Albany will receive them with open sms—Albany News. Arc (boss the arms yon are “shining up? We present, this morning, the second peper of “Onr Thought Exchange,” in which is discussed the tin of omimion, and from .which the eheneter of these papere can be hotter judged. It is the author's intention to discuss, in the tame manner, aoma social autjaet each week. The Hale of “Bobb” Cotton Seed is an' preccdented. Tbs cotton from this so.-d sells from ono and s half to two cents mors than any othsrootton. A few bush els mors for solo by Toole, McGcrrsh A Tondee. w8m Under the heading. “An Extreme,” we publish elsewhere In this morning's News and Advertiser an article from the Ameri cm Becobdir, which Is one of the fairest and most timely articles we have yet seen contributed lo the discussion of the Geor gia Bsilrosd Commission. It is well worth s careful persnai.—Albany News. Wo were delighted to meet to-day onr “brother of Iho quill," Ur. Pihbnry, of Amerions. Ho is like a bird on Iho wing, aces, bears and knows everything, and sends forth weekly, ono of the most in teracting and rsadablt journals in the whole state, Uio Americus Recorder. May he lire long, increase in flesh and be come the pr,lessor of mnch riches.— College cor. Dawaon Journal. of Coll and ass something new ia Lace Pins just out. Jakes Frickes A Bno. were bound over to the next term of tho Superior Coart in tho earn of #300, each, for burglary before Justice Mize on hut Tuesday, reached farther developments tfcenmdsy. In s search warrant too mast was found In the house of Martin's mother, eenersled In the fire-place, cover ed with wood, sod ths oorn was hid in tranks in ths rooms, the mutt of which clearly demonstrates the guilt of tho parties. Call sod ase eoaethiog new in Lece Pina jnst out. Jakes Pricker A Bno. * Manager Glover went up to Mac >n ono night this woes to try and get Miaa Lola Hunt to give Amcricuoei visit. He waa nnable to make a date, but U may be possible that alia will coma here before the season is over. The sale of “Bobb” Cotton Herd in an preoedented. The cotton from this seed sells from one and n half to two cents more than any other cotton. A few bush- els more for tale by Toole, UcGarrah A Toodee. * w'Jm The Auiericne women are going to bavo marble htsid-stiinex lo mark the graves of the Conledemto dead at Osk Grove Cemetery. Truest of tho trneand purest of the pure are onr Georgia women.—Mn- con Talegrxpb. It baa been long time since anything Ilka a re.union between tho eitira of Anier- lens and Albany. Let us hope that the exercises set for the 3tst and 82d will be only of the moat plaaaant and agrctabla ebaraoter.—Albany News. Fiabinq above the Dell in Mnckalte will hereafter be a dead letter, as three sub stantial fish-traps have bcun plseed in position the post two days, not serosa ths ran ol ths creek, however, but in suoh places as will catch the finny tribe going and coming. Colonels are aa prolific in Georgia aa black berries are in June. We see that s correspondent from Harrietts speaks of Mr. Hurst, tbs father of Mias Lola Hurst, ths magnetic wonder, as “Col.' Hunt Bats few weeks ago it was plain “Mr." Harsh There are two pin moo Muckalae creek, about half way between the two bridges. The “landing” is commonly known as tbs “twin pints.'' One of these pinos by actual measurement is eighteen fret and two inches in circumference, and the other ia naarly us large. Minnie Hank’s concert p-ogramme con tain this year qnile a number of most in teresting novelties. She singe selections from Lakme, by Delibes. Colombo by Mseksnxle, Gioeonds by Ponebitlli and sums new soap expressly composed for her ky Lassen aod the great rising com poser, Carl Gram nans. A more Interest ing piogramme ran hardly ba found along the line ot mosioal entertainment of the Onion Setae. Go to W. A. Health's, Smitbvillr, for ohnice Onion HtUe, Garden Peas, Fresh Cabbage Heed, and in fact anything in the way of garden vegetables. A choice stock just received from fin growers in Penn sylvania. wtf Water Thrown 304 Feet. The members of the Georgia Fire com pany, of AugatU, are jubilant over a now Bolton fire ongino received by them on Thnreday lash Wo. copy the following from tho Chronicle, which will doubtless hoof interest to onr firemen: •The water wax drawn from the canal and a capital teat was bad in the presence of a very largo crowd. The machine be haved beautifully in all its parts and its action was something anperb. The en- glnc is bnilt under a new pattern for the regnlitiou of steam valves, and the move ment of her parte are short and quick. The following is tba record of her teat: Through a single line of fifty feet 3# inoh hose and 1# inoh nozzle, the steamer played 2X9 teet 8 inches, performing this font in 12 minutes from lighting the fitu. The seeond effort was 297 feet 8 inches, and the final teat 304 feet 4# inches. Through twSUnssof 80 feat hose, 1# inoh nozzle, she throw two streams 212 feet each. It is believed to be the greatest feat of the kind ever performed in ths Houth." As our Mr. Gross leaves for New York in a few days, wa are compelled to make room for spring goods, and will tharefore aell bargaina in all linea duriog lha next week. J. Waxelsach A Co. PBRaONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miaa Dorsey Ronsldson is visiting in Fort Valley. Will B. Itnehausn returned from hia visit North r.n last Thursday. T. G. Chapman and wife; ofBronwood, visited this city a few days ago. Miaa Lucy Lumpkin ia visiting relatives eu.t friends in Americas.—Marion Hen- tin tl. We rcceiv, d a call yesterday, from Mr. Hoory tVnlfaohn, business manager for Min nie Hank. W. H. Mercer, fonnvly tax collector or Webster conuty, waa in the eity last Tues day. it being bis first visit in four years. *Mr. Willie Black, private secretary to Senator Joseph E. Brown, spent a por tion of last week with friends and rela tives tn the city. Reboot Books All the loading Kcbool Books, and a full Una of Blank Books and Stationery, to be found at the old reliable Drag, Hook, and Htattonery houso of W. A.Smitli, Hinith- vllle, Ga. wtf A. I.. I. The following was unanimously adopt ed at ths regular meeting of the city council of Albany on Monday night lost: Alderman Woolfolk culled the atten tion of Council to tho faot that tbs Americas Light Intautry, accom panied by a good many oi tho eltizena of our sialtr city, contem plate making an excursion to Albany cn the 91st lost., and moved that Alderman Jonas ba appointed a oommittee of one to weloome them upon their arrival, and to extend to them tho freedom of the city. Brlek for Sals Cheap. I have a remnant of brick which I will sail for tha next 30 days at #0.00 per thousand. I. H. Wiooixs, w3t Americas, Ga. A IUIIImmIm Blits Last Kunday McBryde Wilson, while walking inn field with a conple of friends, ■Upped on two small rattlesnakes. Tbs first one bs killed with bis boot, and then be pnt hia heal on the second, thinking be conld capture it dive. Ha then stoop ed down to eaten it behind iLe neck, when tha raakt, squirming sronnd, bit him on the finger. Hi- companions mi ni' diately lied a cord aronnd the finger and began filling him with whiskey es soon as they conld procure it. At last accounts ho Was getting along very well. CLIPF CLAY'S ARTESIAN. irtsalan W Hag-ftH Yesterday morning aa Cliff Clay drove his fine steppers down Cotton Avanoe ts Prince Bid's stables ba held op a long necked bottle with clear liquid In IL Coming hack up the street in a few moments be waa soon aurroondad by an audience eager lo know what bad ooonr- sd, for they saw by his faoe that some thing anasnal was the matter. “I've got it, genllaman," bo said, bold- ing ont tbs bottle. •■Home of the finest arterian water yon ever drank.' Tha crowd, nothing loth, nneorksd the bottle, and proceeded ts smell and latte. One and all looked astonishment as soon as they had had some. “It'a genuine, •That's ths aril ole," and similar exclama tions were made. “Don't take mnch of U,” sail Mr. Clay too Recorder man, at ha tipped the bottle. “I want all the boy* to have a small.” "Teh as something about it," acid tba reporter. “Where did it come from ?" t •■That's from the artesian well on my place,” said Mr. Clay, proudly, “sod it is undoubtedly the finest artesian water in the Sonth.” “Where did yon strike it?" “Night before last" “Tell me.tbe beginning. Give ms tho particulars,” said the reporter. “Well, its about this," said Mr. Clay. - . Htbases Engsola Walker, daughter of j Where the Fire is Out, L. Q. & and Eageala Askew, was bora lo Masts Be Mere a Mytf try-draw frora Webster oMnty, Georgia, J nly Kith. JL D. 1767. Coma to Texas J senary, 1873; pro- ! Across Iks World. o? Akqps,-' Oil! Mr' nihp Dorrmt, death-bod aeeiiea similar to hors, can tnily understand tha words "In frill triumph,’ aa used above. Ho cowplate a vietory did •be gain over that .King of Trnore; ao completely did her Heiior remove for her the sting of dratb, and so joyous was her pe-aagt, over the dark river, that we can hardly tliiKk of nnr deugLttr ea dead and though wo have sera her loved form committed to the earth, and heard those sad words,“dost to da,l"pronouuo*4 over her grave, yet wa feel it ia nearer troth to say that she is not with ns, for God has taken herhome. Her aickneea woe brief, and until a few hours before her death aha atemad confident of her recovery. When she discovered that aha must soon die, aba waa very oalm, and called, liir relatives tn her bed-side and asked them to meet her ia heaven. It I* hard to give np sneh a preeloua child, but we do not mourn as those who have no hope, for we know ebo is with Jreus. Her life, though abort on earth, has been a happy one, and we would gladly havabad herto stay with na longer. But God mnvea in a myste- "Two years ago last Angosl I coromenc- j none way, His woudere to perform. Ha fossad religion and julnod the chnreb in “hi* mratovd every Kent la aaisn- whkh ibe July,1880; Waa married to John A. Walker »*Ur nucSise.k ,ur.itom iitdiramntikai November 1*b, 1883; died in Htndmoo | county, T«XMi Dtcamber SOtb, 1883, in . to tjm tbr nxmy hm fastened on i in the foil triumph of the Christian's' tart, III-prueraece til uiriuiltd foe relarisoiBttta failh. Only tboee who have witness's! ' ofth. principle of u. ed boring an artesian well on tho liu gnenien plantation, as yon all know. •orked at it as my crops would permit, and hired many of the practical artesian mao, as they called theniaehrm, lo try and make a aueccaa "f it They all failed. Still feeling eonfldent that pure water conld bo obtained, and baling to looae all of tbe time and money that had been expended on it, I determined with the aid of Mr. W. B. Johnston to make a des perate effort to win or loose. By bard work, and af isr a desperate straggle we succeeded in going down eighty feel farther than we had ever gone before, about seven hundred foal, and tnen we pnlled all of onr piping ont and took onr drill off; pnt it book and washed tha wall ont dean. Then the water roe# eery near to tha top of tha ground. 1 thin pnt on a pnmp, and now have an inexhaustible supply of the beat artesian water In the state. 'What makes yon think the water so fine?" •The opinion of Mr. J. H. Johnson, of Macoo, who owns part ot llic Hickory Plantation, where tho first artesian woll was bond, and who is familiar with tho Albany wells. Ho aays Iba water ia for superior to tha Albany water,os an analy. sis show. As soon as possible I will bavs the water amillzod, anil prove my eater- tion to be correct.” "What are yon going lo do with this water on a plantation ?” “Lit tho laborers on it. Why, man, we have a small oity on the Hugnonin place, and that's what this wall waa bored for, to give ns (an unexbanstiblo supply of water. While the water does not run over Ilka other artesian walla it, ia an donbtadly iaezhsuitikle, for a man might pnmp than all day and never lower it a iota. Come down and see it some day,” ne said, as he walked away. He was soon busy giving his friends a taste ont ol tba bottle, and ail agreed that tba water pos sewed wonderful mineral proprieties. Mr. Clay deserves praise for tho perse verance with wbieh ha has clang to ths work, for he baa shown others that there ia water of tbe right kind' in this county, ne need tbe earns machinery that was need on tba delnnot well of this place, and found it safloirat. We hope when tbe water la analixed it will be found to contain what ha claims for it. At Now York Htora you can find Tow. da formerly sold at 25cts for 10 and 12#. J. Waxki.ii.u-m A Co. County Court. On last Monday Judge l’ilshnry was bnsily engaged in disposing of civil bus iness. On Tuesday the folio ling crlmf- nal cases ware disposed: The Htate vs. Gao. Cannon, misili muan- or in using obscene and vulgar language in presence of a female. A verdict of guilty was fonnd, and the lantenee pose I ed of twelve months on tbe chain-gang or ' to pay a fine of #100.00 and oosts. Tbe State vs. !&. B. Parker, misdemean or. Not guilty. The State vs. Hansom Turner, miede* meaner. Fonnd guilty. Hentcncod to three mouths on the chain-gang or #17.00 fine and costs. The court after five days attention to criminal business, disposed of all cases before it, dearly demonstrating ils utility and its great saving to the connty, and Jndge Fort, reoognizing that fact, trans ferred a largo number of eases before his court to the eonnty court. Tbe txperi ment of a connty court baa now been folly tried and its great value has now been demonstrated in the reliefoftbe tax-payers or tbe eonnty. A Handsome stock of Ladies Kid lint- ton Boots, that yon can bay at J. Waxxlbaiw A Co." knows best. Hba was conscious to tba last moment, aud trusling in the promises ot God, a sweet smile oovcrlng her face, aha passed through lha dark valley into the realms of eternal glory. Firewall, deer one, we shall meat again. L. Q. C. Askew. Albans, Texas, Feb. Ulb, 1883. A Change af Wrather necessitates • Change or Clsthlng. Hash being the ease yon are invited to oall at Nos. 806 and 907 Forsyth Street, Americas, Go., where you will find • luge Stock of Orate Beady Mads CLOTHING! Consisting of FINE DRESS HIUTS, HUHINEH8 SUITS, WORKING SUITS, together with a large line of light end heavy weight Overcoats, Ulsters, As., which we are offering at prioes to anit tho times. These goods ware bought di rect from tba manufacturers, and are guar anteed to be New Freeh Goode ot the Beet Material and Workmanship, Latest Styles and flrat-olaaa in every particular. JOHN U. HHAW, Tha Cluthier. llatler rad Hbiiter. At New York Htnrs you will find Tsble Damask worth #1.86 per yard selling at 68cts. J. Waxkuiavm Co. Oall at J. Waxnlbuuui A Go's and aee tbe New Spring Gallons just resolved. J. Waxki.dal-m A Co. Closing ont eole at the New York Store. Goode at yonr own price. J. Waxkluaum A Co. Cloaks from onr own faetoiy regar •• less of oc-t. Call and aeonre bargains. J. Waxeluaum A Co. In this the laateru use awrrlr antlcJMtrd tki r rattle* si Ik- lost plyodaat or to-day. What life Itarlr la, mtody teas then-nobody know, tow. Bet wa tun, Icmnioa aooiolkbwat tbo rta- km why the mjfttrrioiia tide riasa sad fella. Pra- Itd.-d Ihaxnat orxaaa ontology are oat iris- ptrthly desroytd, medial -riora aaa alsoyr m- li-», and eflaa asm . Yet no repot,bl. pbyridta now adtorm lo the kartnrsea and atayld rrnrat i of depleUta, ttth aa bleeding, *t> wbiek la waa alto, ptaf IScere ditto* by radoetn*ttopatiesfo abUlly toreabtit Now-radiyt*Wa do iut tear down Ika Ret to holy ika tarriaoo -wo alnafitoa its , In this loltlHgeai'tad twaefecat worih'lt I* eomedu that PARKER'S TOSflt) Ityis all olkrr atediemea .Is an Invtcaran'. it seta Imme diately and powerfully upon the circulation sad the erfsaa of dlxeaSOn, lima glnny NaUro them, atoam alia call. for.. u follawa that alt ailaeota of Uio atumucli, kidney a and Itrer, arc at once re- llavid or cared. No olker preparation ambodlre Uio name gaoltUeser preface# similar retake. It 'a dcllcl.uu to eae, aod ike brat known anlhta- lexleifit. Print Me tnd lfTSCbX A Oft New Advertisements, business'. EOTERPRISE. ENTERPRISE. A Rare Chance and an Opportunity Mtabibhfd. for mm « ItoJk, r>»r Hfete- HbtaMtft.. connencuL markets. Kkhiiiahv.I.*», 1884. MEAT. peril*. 10 to 10} cV*. " !0l«St* II - iM-tto w ** •««»!■• COHN AND MKAU Cnrm white, per buihcl. «Q !• M Coin, oiisad. •* . Tft White metis ** Ff-OUR AND 1111 AN. IlGir, toat pMrat. f#rW.M'to IN • Hire M 416 *• 6 75 In fl 00 - I 10 It* 1 5 * IIARDWAKK. Nail*. U#D, 194. I*t k*f. • T5 Iter Irwo, AmerKBOto prvIUA to A httprdte, " T Mow Hterl ** • DltCGR. Cuff Oil, «•’. I 75 la S 99 CoomWh 3M » • Halnirp " • Khoiu halt#, Ik A HALTS. p*rurk 1 95 to I 9ft WhDky, ro«i?H>n Iten., (lift. roMiinon T*« Hum, New KofMtedi.t Jamairi. Wlnr, Hwari Ma'aira.** <'ata»t«..... Brandy, ml, common. Iteftt I'MCll, Api»l#». i i.iqruitH. l+r «•!. 1 M to 150 1 M to 950 1 70 to IM 9 Oft to 5 ft* I 5o to v on I 24lotto t to lo A 00 * 00 tu 8 00 9 00 to 100 1 75 to 2 10 POR SAIiB! Grist Mill and Cotton Gin! f Denied near Ike Ceatral Railroad depot la the gran inf tnd ihrivitf turn of BK0NW00D. Good 'New TwoStory building “ “ Sot Mill ltocks, ’ Two New 60 Saw Gins, One “ Varqunlir Press, 1 20 Horse Boiler and Engine. ii n'.i . Uy hMlth tloM.not allow ma to tinjt Iwtwut ii t hia now furl tiro in iny buiinois aod my farm. Gannot fir# It tb« uwntion neotfttery,as4 tare decided to Mil at A Bargain on Easy Terms! TO SOME PAItTV WHO WILL RDM IT FOR ALL IT 18 WORTH. I AK SOT TBE RIOBT KAX IK THE RIGHT PLACE. Tn nap uue who would bka n good twanutet pnylnx hsalnaan, I wnnld «ny now and at. hr jounelf tba properly, Ite Iwiha and l into mil. I MEAN BUSINESS! JT. O. WEIaXiB, RKOSWOOIl. OA. I OAT* AND IIAY y,«.l for hueb. no In on need Unit, Tana, full proof,... •• dtlnto Hay per loo II,a I SI FAMILY OltOl'CHlEX. CoKc. l.-et Rio. per :1a. Il'oU ..pers.l. 4*r lt>. OHo 7ft Call and we something new in IteCft Pina jQftt out. Jamej Fricxwi A Boo. Scltls Up. All those indebted C«> Mr». Klam will rail settle, in the hand* of an otttecr. ^ WMtersiraC. •' H»n»n,. <'vH««iiiin, ** Ituiter. ftaa dairy H . out adfi.i, *• Fair, nirouiBrgiiritir, “ Htcr, MM, whola grain*. Ta., kadL^nt:::::!!!::.:::: - Ortvw, ** 8»ABS&..'.r.v.::r''.'.v. - Ur«t v COC.NTHV FUOI»l*Clt. Si to .4 W »** T\ 15 to 95 7 to 1ft Htoft OJtnTft ftft*>7ft ui those indebted to Jir*-. uaiu wui I before tbe lOftb dljr of Pebroary end 11lockaVa. .V.’. ..V. tie, or their acoonut* will be plared i^STNitof*!.'. . .^rt Onr Bargain Counter in at ill >o demand. There yon will find the cb* ape«t lot of ^oods yon ever »»w. J. WAXr.MUUM & Go. We will make a run oo Dlaek Drftftt Gsoda for the next week, will tall genu* ine bargain a. J. Wa\kuul*M A Co. — Nato#* llr*»«#i, TalLiw... Kovtirr,.. 9ft to 25 teMfthal 7ft to 1.0ft I»f iNiatal llftto lift |ftf Ik '5l*9ft - 4 »•# 4 .. 10ft ftfttoel HAOfilND AND TIES. 1ft to U «• liDtelta •lllliKH ANII 8KINH. Hates drt lint Ik 19 Hatfiag. Tteaarr L OUT! A negro girl aged lft yean, named Criteria# ttewlaad, and a aggro buy aaanri Tom Bavlaad, agrd 15 (ran, and bona4 la me for Arc aad Mf»n yraia rforwiuljr, tare ran array tn*a my em- tent. Atyewahartarit cr rioaktegHumwMta riftltei! with tta •strvm# pmatay nT tW law. lehtSwlm C A. LESTER. FOR RENT. A Residence with good outhouses anil eight seres ol land attached, ready for cultivation, is for rent. The place Id Just outside the cor poration of the city. Apply at tills office. febl5tf GW. GLOVER DEALER IX * Groceries, Provisions, General Merchandise Ke«'p« on Lard a fall vtoek «»f k#c<I V‘*od», .whkh he *clla at fair |mita lie |> not gfv#n to tlowicf, but awift^lo do a M)aarc bnatnma and 1 (Ire *cr|i MtlanutWjti to h r a cnafomer* that tkdy rikUrn again. *' ; ,r»i i l» Xeri Door to Opera House, AUERICU8, : : : tikORQU. AT COST FOR CASH. Halted,. . oath. ft to 10 TON. to bo delivered Marrk IN. I will fhm I until that time mil all good# lo my m«jc* AtGostforSpotCash!- It ttdor U etoefc. I aeu ktot rrayood will do what I my. all i»rwt« inoebted tom#, wkndo not wftrit to br nrr*t»teiiU.v donned, will ni* fhnmdrnMi *r feb4w4 Pore Cobb Cotton Seed for Sale ! TON FRED We rale ,1 (IAS ptr 1 tobra, «Uh raeto, a. Ochtwprat A toqh. oed I will SU ltd. Pfc A. H. OOLRTRIE f. Hat