Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 15, 1884, Image 8

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c. A. 7BICXER Americas, Ok Altttl« wltk liU •iriku'l Peak. (Cor. Buffalo Ooorlor . ] Ths officer in charge o( the signet station. S. rot Horiturton of Grand KST iSjSi.tS SWEsKiKwsi: of an officer Rtationod on Fike'a peek are about as trying an at any point. The lightning playing on rocks mill torrents as rein and sleet in rammer, and storms of sleet and snow in spring anil fall, •often striking tho station, tearing tho instrument la pieces, and leering the I I persons in charge stunned and half dead with tho shock, the confinement by H ■now and ios in winter without food or tiro for day* togethor, the oxccn lingly high altitude, and tho low degree of temperature the year round, all con-1 tribute to rendeHt Anything but n do- eirnblo sitnutiou. Ho also told us tho particulars of tho rats destroying the UtHo daughter of hi* predecessor, Sorgt. It seem* that the sergeant's wifo canio up on tlie peak to visit him, bringing with her tho baby and sorao fresh meat. They had built a somewhat hot fire in the room, and, as the snn came ont and it new warmer, they opened the doors I and windows. The rate, attracted by | PIS WITH THE DM the smell of the meat, came into tho bouse, a few at first. Them tho ser- gcant killed and tlirew out. Thor kept on coming, fester and faster, and now- moro and more furious, until the mountain seemed alive with ' f f • i \ >111111 | The sergnant.and his wife sprang in- tide of a large helix and turned on the fall force of the battery. The rats thai struck the coll were killed by the cur rent and rolled back. Those that lumped orer the sergeant end his wife killed with clubs. This continued for • couple of hours, and than, as thoro seemed no prospoot of it terminating in that way, ho rushed out and closed the doors and windows, and. after being terribly snratehod and bitten, lie atio- l in killing those remaining in the AT r Schumpert & Roney’s, THK OKTLY “Spot Cash Store 5 JAMES FIUCKEB, Don rille, re. James Fricker & Bro. bed, u gotten all abont hor. I3NT AMERICU8. ■211111 The baby hsil beeh lying on tho/ j r We promised in issue of the Recokdeb of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as |1 ta the excitement they hsiifor- we nrranK ed and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more .11 abont hor. when thing* gQodg (o ;° lcg8 mone> - thnn any house that seU goods on thirty days time. Contemplate a lew quotations and note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty days credit: Flour. Flour. went again quiet, and they turned to look far her, they found nothiug left Imt her bones. There were several specipiens of this vermin sitting aronnd on tho rooks, but they have been shot at no much by the tourists that they arc exceedingly shy now, and harder to liit than n we*wil or prairie dog. They are brown-'instead of gray, about three ' times as Urge as an, ordinary barn rat, and have aji their points exoept the tile A Hereditary Mills Ulrl Artist. '(Milan Whiting's Hwtmi Letter.) Mr. Howell* list a little 10-year-old daughter—a winsome little maiden— with • strong artistic trailing. To peo- pte mnrioaa in hersdify this may furnish a marked instance. The little girl’s mother is a sister of tho distingiiishod seqlptor, I-arkin \V. Mead, and ie her self. I am told, an artist of no slight ( ability. Mr. Howells has tho iirtistiu temperament ill n Him and rare degree, boiug himself, us an author should be, greater and higher than Ids creations even, and that tho littlo daughter should so early develop a notable taste and a mure notable |>ower of execution at so early an age Is not, perhaps singular. "A Littlo Girl Among the Old Mas ters''is tho title of tho little sketch-book kept by the little maiden when in Kurupe tail year, and is, as Mr. Howells exquisitely phrases it, “the retfeotion iu a child's soul of tho sweetness and I lean ty of early Italian art." Tho little maiden herntuo enamored of seraphs * madonnas; they told their own iea to her, which she has ex pressed . in her drawings, to each of which Mr. Howells prefixes a half- linmonnis, half-tender preface of a fow line*. She was nerastomed to visit the, galleries and then, returning home, curl herself up in on arm-chair and on her little block draw the skctchoi. .1 have seldom In my life been moro interested than in tracing this little tnahlm's thoiglit in her pietnred im pressions, and I am sure we shall all watch her art development as she grow* oldor with a peculiar interest. If the promise is Indicative of thu fulfillment we shall liuvo in Mr. Howells’ littlo daughter an artiat that America maybe honored iu claiming. Nfearper than a Koaor. | Wall HtrrstXowal A hmg-waistisi man. with the nose of a fox iiud an eye fall of *|ieeiilaUoii, walked up to n second-hand clothier in | IlnlTalo tho other day and said; “See that overcoat hanging out down j theret" “Of cour»>.” “Well. I've taken a fancy to it. It'a j rather cheekr to ask‘you to go down there, but I'll make it an object; I won’t give but AH for tho coat, but 111 I giro you At to buy it far fat. Von I are also a Jew, amt know how to beat j him down.. Hero are S'J. The dealer took the money and started off, amt in live minutes was back with tho coat. “Good,” ehncklcd the other. “I reckoned you'd lay him out. How nmeb did yon make for your share?* “Vbell, ash dot it inybraneh sthorc, and 1 only ask AO fnr do goat, I was i boat A3 ahead." rtantatua Philosophy. [ Arktaosw Traveler. 1 Good humor is de safes' quality ui a * man. As long as do deg wags liis tail -AND DKALBBK IX- Musical Instruments! AMERICUS, GA. We Sou Id rtapeelfsh) nil Ike Meoiioo sf Ike psUie grasrtBj is oor atorkof ' p ‘ • I 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER AND PLATED WARE, PIANO*. ORGANS; ACCORDKONH. VIOLINS. GLTTAR& BANJOS. TAMBOURINES AX1» IIAICMOMCAH. ’** »»<sT>l;los she> Iks; «ws to nuke ap >ke naaMrt- Mock «C a Pint-Claw Jewelry sad XlOcel la. . >trn»*icnt IIoom,. Hr ha,e recruilr vlalled Ike Northern mark.U, aod kave kostkttka lamaLaaS lowl >ar!-l alack In oor Use -».r hrouskl lo Ataariroa. Wa marmolaa avarjtklos we aaU to keloal aa rasrasmted, toil So ramlully lint* every ona IS call and aav wkat wa kavo, fur wo caaoot dsaaaf- I ate all lo ihaae column,. It.- arc aha Sola Scent. Irrr.tka Davis 1 Williams Singer Sewing Machines. - # W* h»w bwa iAjnmi'5 maehmM «f ill fw |t»*f »IiUab w* knatr whereof j ^"««-ndlho NKW IIKill ARM DAVW nathwW Hewing Muhina on th» , market to-day. Call ibvm> |yrc'you buy. \V« tiNo fce#p Sewing Machine Me*, Oil, Faria and Attachments of All Maehiies OL'B STOCK OF SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES la Oilhll.BII.Vkk. OThKI. CRI.Ll'IsrID and KI'BBKB PUASIKS, la compl-tc,* ■w ma prepjrml iu Atit «il rjw, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical Instruments-all kind, In thiH Article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big and ion. no-Mi,* tmi tmt-ew.. work. Kumtii* dam-1. order, markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We TUonogm-mH g, Specialty. will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) j , — For 50 pounds $1.90. Old price, j nan sain err no. ( 2d Pat., for 50 pounds 1.70. •* 1J0. IJ.. . | - - - * “ 1.80, — ~ Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.60. ** Choice Family f>0 (lounds ...., 1.50. - .. We gunrantee nil these Flours ns represented, and if not satisiketory you can retHrn them nmi we will cheerftilly refund the money. In future we will keep on lmutl\he best grades ol'GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. j y J UKHKJIIIKUo«r»tnrri.alw.vicooslonald-i*i;aU matter, a, w. kra;. »lamd daor, aod ,ood>1 SAME OLD STAND UNDER HARLOW HOUSE. Amrricna, Us., October SI, 1883. If Will sell you 10 pounds Gniniilatcd Sugar lor $1.00. » »• * 10| pounds Now Orleans Clarified for 1.00. »> “ 11 jiounds Nctv Orleans (Bcllewoott) Clarified, lor 1.00. ** “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00. In this line we arc fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s comsumption. Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santo Claus” you want'lor the little ones. We deal 6J pounds Choice Pio Coffee for$l. Tlmrber’s No. 41, (Roasted) n combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. Salt. Salt. Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per suck. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 ]>er sack We arc slaughtering at the verv low price of $1.00 per cwt. to make room for u car load ot SKK1) POTATOES. Whiskies. Whiskies. b I? 0 ft. fl m s In this line we arc full to overflown from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think Corn Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50, ring, and to unload we have reduced the price on all grades ol it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Tobacco and Cigars. We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” at 57c per pound, and all other grades proportionately. Wo regret that vre luwo not space snlllctcnt to give full aiul complete quotations on all of our goods, but you will bear from us occasionally. Remember that by buying your goods from us and paying SPOT CASH you do not |>av from S5 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual iu credit store. J. »but mischief be Aom.■ blit ah, Lawd, xrhut mischief Eeiooe. ' Dar'snoho|ielndbxrori'Mk’nol!0)M> ■ In de ne.x’ fnr de man whut doan lnl. hi,, - - A Word as Regards the Penny ! z • 2 ft ^ a £ 0 A !1) . P3 Ph ■ p , To s ii those who scout at tire jdea of introducing the Penny in Americus, wo say that we stand ready de wolf. 10 r " ,,l * ok " 1w Jen ‘ to redeem In goods or the cash any amount from Sc upwards. . Bring them along and get their fall value at . Topolmo tentiou ter Ims’nesk ain't i BOod fur d# system. De rooster what rs all night, crows de weaken' in do nbi'. ◄ 'TIE MLY SPOT CASH STORE M AIMS.' Her “First Nmeke." (New York Journal.) Tbo yoang wife of quite • prominent society man was sent homo in a carringo from ,s fosiiAouable modiste's very ill. imt the family phystoum disvovored it was the effect of Uio “first smoke.” New York prominent rociety is to be congratulated on the t 1 v»t importance given to so small a discovery. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very truly, SCHUMPERT & RONEY. Americus, (ia., January 11, lbH4. WE KEEP A PURE AND SELECT LINE OF > DRUGS and will not have any thing fur our ‘ Prescriptions but what is the very freshest. We buy the best as our experience has proven that it is the cheap est in the end. At this season we call special attention to our reliable line of Garden Seeds! Of these we can offer such seeds as are selected with great care front the larges seed-growers in the United States, embracing a variety of Cubbagc Seeds, En glish Peas, Early Corn, Onion Sets, Irish Potatoes, Turnip Seeds, Flower Seeds, and in (act every seed for the garden and field. t ‘ a • • t'JP #*»..• i/t'r We job to Farmers and Country Merchant! dozens af Castor (Ml, Turpentine, Paragoric, Bate man’s Drops, Quinine, Calomel, etc., etc. Coll and examine our goods and prices be fore buying clscwhcrfa Respectfully, J. A. &D.F. DAVENPORT, -. ... Lamar Street. Americus, G« I UNDRETHS’*s4 c sl “GARDENERS’ LANDRETH* SONS, Baud Growers, Lock 8ox.Phlla.Pa.