Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 22, 1884, Image 7

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Fife A uericus Recorder. Xgjgjiff4*& QOXiPiiiuw. '"'■.ft ~ tocUi wiwmiix Oa u4 ifw Swl'jr, train, wl- yin n fellows: Oar tawaar d«n antw«d«M»,.....4MJ P m MbM f « “ "'""‘JSJS Xm; feWtodawWt«U» «raf* 8"***)’’. <4* p m. A COTTOM TII1EK CAUGHT. I Rnadajr. • • Dark »f Saturday morning of laat wsek, Dan, the shipper for Toole. Mcflorrah A Ton- doe, earn* to tbo office and reported a bale of long ataple cotton missing. A lot of 40 hale* had been branded and mail* ready for shipping tbe day before, bat when enacted Saturday morning, only thirty-nine balea were fannd. Dor- fag the day Dan coma to the office again '“O *** %-aeaaaw aw aaao vwtbo n^klH TICKETS TO HAROI GRAS ! | and gare tbe information that bin wife : bad told liim of a now Ale or lot of cot- ; ton at a certain plane. Tbe police were | informed, aod a quiet lookout waa kept. PARK XOk ItOl’NU TltlP: $14.20. on sale reamronoomniu.*a«ci LOTT H'ABICKK, Aftnt. Closing of Malta. Oolog treat and aouth oloae at. 14 m. Oolngeekt and unrth clone at 3y. in. High! mail north oloae at 6,'Wp.m. For Buena Viata 1* “»• Lumpkin .v 1 *"- W. A. Black. 1’. M. Pel Plaula amt Klowsrs. Mr. W. W. Quarry will reooive tn-nmr- row a cnuaigninent of Uoeea, Shrub*. Urecnhouae and Budding, which bo will offer foreale to our citUena. They arc flrat-olaaa plant* in every particular, and j “ ““M *»«» »" Co'"» thoee who wlah to pnrchaae will do well It waa determined to do nothing about it until Monday, but aa Mr. Toodee eat down after aupper Saturday night he cone to the coneluaaion if aomothitig waa not done then tbe cotton would never be found. He came np town, found Mar- ahal IJopo, and together they started for Charley Hawkins' gin screw, ns they had beard ho bad received'u bale to repaok. On tbe way they met Mr. Hawkins, who went with them to show them the cotton. Aa soon as Mr. Tondee touched It he an- uonnred it was the came cotton that was atnlen. Mr. Hawkins said the cottou ana | sent him to pack by Mr. Chas. Crocker. to sso him. Look Oat for Tramps On Friday of laat week a gang of trampa arrived in this city. So far, they have committed no depredations beyond rob bing Bob Wheeler's smoke house, but it would not bo n bad idea for tbe citizens to sleep with one eye open ae long as they remain the guests of the city. A Painful Accident. Mr. It. II. Perry, of Marion county, while handling hta gun on Wednesday of laat week, accidently discharged it, and the eotire load entered tbe front part 'of bin nboutder and passed nearly Ibrnngh. Twenty-two shot were entreated from his shoulder. The wound Is quite serious. To Ike llardl liras. Quits a paity hat been made up for the Merdi Gres. Although they will all go together, they will be divided into sec- lions. A. A. ltylander. Kd. Analey, Hen ry Arrington aod Frank Stapleton go to gether, but we are unable lo procure tbe names of tbe rrat of tbe party. To Hue for Damages. Mr. J. W. Brady, Esq., left for Knfau- I*. Ala., Monday night, oa we nnderitand it. to enter salt for damages against the parties who arrested Mr. It. A. Gcoilaon a week or ao ago. Mr. Brady says the arrest was a slanderous one, as Mr. Goodson formerly lived within twelve miles of Eufanla, i.ud did bis trading in that city, Married. At tha residence of Mr. Geo. A. Hern don, on the Ulib inst, at 4 o'clock p. m. by Her. B. W. Hinton, Mil.-tong Braou, of Houston county, snil Miss CoitA Hkiin- uok. Tbe happy couple were the recip ients of some beautifnl presents nod many gooilinegood wishes. They leH on the it o'clock train the next day for their future home. Death or an trill Lady. Mrs. Kebecca J. Mi/e. relect of the late William Mizennd mother 1 d J. W. Mize, Shoriffof Ihia county, diel on last Satur day mumlug from pnenni»niu, sga about seventy-two yearn. Mrs. Mize had long lived umouog us, moat of her life having been spent hare, end we, in common with a large cirole of mourning relatives, tender onr sympathien in thin bereavement, The Kaehaage, If yon would make money, yon mast risk tome. Try your judgement (not neck) at the Exchange, I. S'. Hark Ag't. He had one customer that invested, some time back. 445 in at 48.50 per 100 lbs. Bold at 49.80: netted 435; invested in wheat 400 at D8c per bnshel. His would now bring bitu 470 profit, making |105]proflt on a 495 investment in about two nr three weeks. •last Halls. For nearly a month past tha Central Uallroad baa been taking np tbe old iron rails and replacing them with now steel ones. This is an improvement that la mors Important than it seams. Passen gers going to Maoon have frequently no ticed that beyond Fort Valley all tha tramping and noisy running of cats waa missed. With steel rails travel la made light and assy and safe from danger. SentkJWaofc«Mrcaa Alligators. A large alligator was killed flit Mack eies creak some day* ago, that measured very large dimensions. Persona who re side near tha creak stats that often through tha night the bellowlnga of the alligators are distinctly heard, and that soma times they leave the creek and are found and killed some distance from it, a* they an making their way over the country from on# water coarse to another. Thait habits an very migratory. Onr melon planters and coca caber gar den are an hard at work. Last Batnrday could be aeon several excited groups of pan, fad ftagnprat* of tha. "1 be a the street j I Capt Bell'hr making preparations to beat bis record of laat year; and tower head and shoulder* above everybody on tbe melon question. J. A. Bnchaanan don't say very much, bat be heaps np a mighty hard looking at tha hill on tha north aide of the railroad, when his coming fortune is already SCfflf*®** 7 ‘ not beard wl bnsintss. Avenue. When Mr. Crocker was seen Hundny morning, he stated that a bay who work ed for him had bought Itofa negro named Henry Wilson or Williams. When the boy was questioned, lie aaid Mr. Crocker bonght the rollon. The Marshal found out where Wilson waa, and went out aud arrested him. Coming beck with him, he had got as far os Mr. Pngh's, on Church street, the negro walking as Lin go rode, when be suddenly turned around and ran book ns fast as ha oonld. The Marshal pursued him, firing as he ran, but the darkey outran him. He bad gotten a* far as tbe ermetery, when Messrs. K. L. Stanfield;.!. W. Twilty, and Torn Cobb, who had heard the firing, slarted after him. After running him a mile or two he waa rnn into aewainp and Stanfield, Twitty, Mayo and aunan named Peyne, who hod joined in. eangbt him, and bronglit him back. He refuses to say who bought the cotton of him, whether be got it, nr anything about it. He waa jailed. A warrant waa sworn ont for Mr. Crock er, and he is under a bond of 4290. A j trial wna lo linve been had Taeaduy, but an examination waa waived. Toole, Me- Garrah .t Tondee recovered abou. -three hundrtal and aeventy-flao pounds of tbe cotton, which leaves about twenty- fivs ponnda missing. COUNCIL MKKTINU. Monuav, February 18th, 1884, Present—Mayor Felder, Aid. Cobb, Ball, Bnrl, Hawkins and Morgan. Absent—Aid. Williams. Beading of urinates postponed to hear petition of P. L. Mixe and others, asking for a lump and other improvements on sidewalk on east side’of Lee street. Be- rerred to street committee. Minutes read and confirmed. Iteport of committee on Mathis bill read and received. Fire Committee reported wood work of engine rooms finished. Chief Smith presented prices of n boae reel from different places, and recom mended that Conncit hay tbe one offered by the SaTannali Fire Department tor 497 at depot in Savannah, lieeommen- dation adopted. Fire Committee inu.lo no report on uni forms for Hook and Ladder Company, but stated that said company wanted the city to purchase aaid uuiforma for the company without any aid from them. St reel,committee asktd for further time to report on Finn street. Uranted. Alderman Burt called the nttenlion of the Council to ■ ditch on south side of Finn street, rnnning along Prof. Schnei der's property, and raid bo tbuught said ditch should ho looked after, lielcrred to Street Committee. Chief Smith rend letters the Babcock Extinguisher Manufactory iu referenee to altering four of thine extin guishers, which lire city awns, giving tbani all the latest improvements at a cost of 415 eneli, and recommended said extinguishers he ao repuired and attach ed to Hook and Ladder truck. Deferred to fire committee with power to aeL Street committee reported* favora bly on petition of Aaron Durham on aaking one dollar per month increase on scavenger cart Adopted. Keeper of Flint river bridge report received from 1st to 15ih inclusive 442.50. Beport received. Aid. Williams rendered hit resignation as Mayor pro tern. Ueeeived. Aid. Hawkina called attention of coun cil to section of ordinance in regard to tax assessors and special taxes. Special tax matter referred to Finance Committee with Mayor Felder added. The following resolution, offered by Aid. Burt, waa read and adopted: Bmtlmi, That all- persons in the city who may be called upon by any com- TUB CAPITOL COMMIUIOH. What aha Member haw ■aye A bant ltd "When did yon get back V asked A Bk- coaoxR man aa he ahook hands with Gen. Phil Cook. ‘•Thursday night,'* waa tbe reply, aa the General tattled himself back on hia cant in hia farorite attitude. "So yon bare sell led the capllol hnai- rent, have yon T "Yea, for tho time being we have dia- poaad of it, but we warn in no harry, an we tbonght the people preferred for na to take onr time mid do wbat we did io the right way then to harry and do it all wrong.’’ ••And are yon really going to build the eapitol for 4I.00U.0U0, inside tbe appro priation ?" "Yer. air. we are,” replied Honest Phil. "We are going to bnild the people of Georgia r eapitol that tbsy will he prond of fornot much more than 4800,000,which will leave n nice margin to famish it and put on the finishing trachea. If the peo ple want to put more on it alter that, that will be their own business, not ira." "Aud a list kind of material will yon nao ?" “We have uot decided upon that yet We have specimens of granite and marble from all over the country, in pieces of eight and two inches, wbleh wahavalhad, and are having, l’rof. Whileanaiixe. We will nelect tbe kind that is tha cheapest and most durable, of coarse, making al lowances to come within the appropri ation." ••Yon don't want lo put youraelf on record na favoring any particular kind?” "No," replied the old war bone, with a twinkle in hta eye, *'I have aeen too much service to put myself on record favoring anything before the. contrast is awarded.” "Will it be bail: ont of Georgia ma terial r "All things beirg equal, Georgia ma terial will have the preferecee, as that waa expressly stated in tbe bilb and of canine we arc gnuled entirely by thebill. Chlcktus and Kgis. There la a suggestion in the article be low, which we clip from the Albany Neva, that is valuable and timely. We publish it for the especial benefit of onr Indy readers in tho country: I don't want you to pat my name in the paper,” said a well-to-do Worth coun ty farmer who came into the News and Advertiser office yesterday to renew bis subicriptiou. "irat you can say that ■ Worth county farmer's wife sold eighty- savin du/.> n eggs anil 'ninety-three head of chickens lust year. She kept an exact account of all si *i aol 1 daring the year, and the other night we made a oaleaia- tion to see what tiro uvernge prices of chickens end eggs, respectively, were for the year. We sold ihcm all in Albany, and our calculation showed that the aver age was about tho same—27} cents a head to{ the chickens, and 27J cents a dozen for tho eggs. My wife claims all the ’chicken anil egg money' ns her own and has acenmnlaied a right sung little sam. I rather encourage ber in it for it makes her feel independent and besides being Hie raeane of nconmn- laiingaliitle reserve food at home, the chicken and egg business has, in our caae, been a considerable factor in do mestic economy. My wife thinks she will be able. Ibis year, to almost double tbe ealea o( laat yaar.and I believe she will, for ahe baa mado a pretty good start by selling nearly thirty dpzeu eggs since tbo first of January.” Dairy Kami anil Denary. For fally two years tbe Rbcokukr bis advocated the establishing of a dairy farm in Ibis city. We are of the opinion dLat a canvass in this city wonld show that the milk irom twenty or thirty cows could he sold at a fair price, if delivered every morning and evening. As it is. however, tho people prefer t J keep cows, in pref- cruneo to he obliged to take milk when they can get it. From the extract below, which wo cull from the Albany News, it will be seen that n gentleman in that city bns determined to try the dairy business. We shall watch bis report with inleresL For tha benefit of thu credulous oues, we present his plana: Air. E. H. Barer* has leased tbo llines place, just outside tbe city limits, and established thereon a dairy farm and lottery. He has some twelve or fifteen good milch oowaand about fifty hens now industriously engaged in Urcir respective Unea of business. Besides furnishing the Barnes House with alt the milk that is wanted by the guests of that popular hostelry, he has from five to teo gallons for market everyday. He keeps his cows up all thA time, and they are attended to and milked by Mr. John Abbott and bin wife, who live on the plaee. With tbe splendid pasturage that he will have for bla cattle aa soon aa the season advances * little farther, Mr. Barnes srill soon be able to mako bis dairy farm not only self- sustaining bnt profitable. Mr. Abbott delivers milk in any quantity to eustom- Tle Bald-headed Baa la Chuck. [Liverpool Pourtor.) Old Mr.CoUamoreie very deaf. The other Sunday, in the midst of the ser vices, Mr. Hoff, who aits immediately behind Mr. Collamo**, saw a spider crawling over the letter’s held Lead. Hia first impulse wee to nudge him end tell him about it, bat be remembered that Mr. Coilaifiore wet deaf, so he lifted np hia band and brushed the spider off. Hoff didn't aim quito high enough, und, in bin nervousness, be hit old C'ollamore quite a sore re blow. Tha old gentleman turned around in • rage toaeewhohad dared to taka sneli a liberty with him, and Hoff began to ex plain with gestures. But (Vdlamore. in a loud voice, demanded wbat it meant. It was very painful to Hoff. The oyos of tbo fougnegatirai were upon him. and he grew red in tho face. "There was a spider on yonr head.” “A whito place on my head, bey 7 8'poae there is, wlmt'a that to you? Youll know what it is to bo bald-headed your self some day." "It waa a spider,* shrieked Hoff, while tire perspiration began to roll off bis face. "Certainly it's wider,” said Collamore, "and got more in it than yours, lint let it alonn —do you mind? Yon may let my head nlono in cburcb." “Air. Cplbnaorc,” shrieked Hoff, “there waa a spider on your head, anil I brushed him off—this way,” aud Hoff tnade another gesture at Collamore'a hood. Tho old man thought ho was going to tight him then and there, and hurling a hymn book nt Hoff, he seized tho kneeling stool on tho Door of the pew and was about to bong Mr. Hoff, when the sexton inter fered. An explanation wna written on the By-leaf of the hymn book, where upon Mr. Collnmoro apologized in n boisterous voice, and resumod bin nont. They think of asking Mr. Collnmoro to worshjp elsewhere. Wilke* Booth’s Ride. * [Washington Critic.) *’Whnt did Booth ride?" asked tho reporter. “Old Sorrel Charley, the best sad dler ever seen in this country. I doubt if tho world ever produced hia equal. Of course he came from Kentuoky. All great saddlers do.” "Did Booth buy him?” “No, he hired him.” "And wbat became of him.** “Wo never heard." “Waa the hire paid?” “In the senna that Booth had been a good customer only.” “What were Charley’s points?" "All that a saddler ever boasted. He wouldn't pull a pound, but n good rider could single-fool hiru down from Capi tol hill to onr stable with a full glean of water in each hand and nevor spill n drop, and at better than n fonr-munto gait, too. Booth know him well, abd could ride him like a picture. I rlonbt if he suffered even with bin broken limb ns much as has been said.” “How for was the ride?" ‘Down to Dr. Mndd'a that night, full twenty miles away. Khoridan’a gallop from Winchester, I’ll bet, was a fool to I that rido. When I hoard in the morn ing what horse tho assassin rode, I said: ‘They who pursne will follow, and only follow.’" hi hk mu -<o)- J. Mban & Go. -<«)- DCItlXO THE NEXT 30 Days WE WILL HELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Boys’ Toils’ and Beats’ Tbe Tie Has Cole! WE ARE READY 1888. Wr ,o sr assn It with ftKNkWED lilimhi Isa la ptoses lh« psbllc la awry nance Osriu*4awanko*fklia p imhlkM nalhrWiavMaU|ilmbv snsaghl SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in rwrrt dbpartmxxti Thousands of Dollais vmM4 svvry jrsir kyWodlttoos tsadag. Tha have oalv to Mf udtklif sad fta wtUnaMS- Wr many iaotaacm how sod whsr* ym ooaM havodoo* Win to year parrAa—, mmtyam ofMr Mtoalahcd that at Ihs cad of thaymr tha ■fhla la oat almaf*, for It la lh* litlWHi (l-Ud ftr iMa thUi* or that itlnz that Bwoftw Ilia Ctiht-It deviation will l ro-laco an urxyavua OVER BALANCB and whMM tho wrwni ■ Ode la always lo ho mrtotil. Thar. Pm mm . owd atirnu If row srrll srogowuto — * I Wo Iwc* lh* talaraat of every coMtaar tasoW. a04 bay no thsVwo voa v#U you iba w r l.-.rW the beams of fontbsm son. We bare wonld do tha commission nduee of this council to farntah snppliss j , pf th , cil e „ ry mntning . of any description to tbe city govern- ^ meat, bo reqneeted lo reader to the Clerk i A Uoiellmfin- P* ,,,, tbe “ m * “*• In the of the money re- etntly (Mad oh tha place formerly owned MS paid. ‘eatAJfMoiUk. bill* p reran ted* and ordered Petition of Daria A Wella to erect awn ing in front of their beef market on east aide of La* street waa granted. Matter in regard to Boese Park waa re ferred to Street Committee. Motion to poet pons election of Mayor j dollar or fifty cent eilv.r piece haring pro tam to next regular meeting waa m ada I keen deposited in it, which statement arul carried. waa strikingly verified when the money Council adjonmd. ! was produced. by lfov. John llarpsu, in Schley oounly, Mrs. Kespess, before tbs money was pro duced, showed a remarkable memory, as she listed that nineteen yearn before, fifteen twenty dollar gold coins, several dimes and three cent pieces had been de posited in the box, without ssingle silver t'oronnnts aa KooU. Tha Fiji Times, in speaking recently of tbe vnlne of the eocoannt ns food ration*, states that n vessel left Han Francisco with 400 passenger! for Syil noy, and, in conacqnence of running short of stores, put in at Namsn, where a large quantity of coooonuts were ob tained. The weather became ao aevoro that the remainder of the iransage con sumed eighty days, so that man, women and children ware reduced entirely to a coooanut diet, ami were obliged to bo contented nt last with one per diem for each adult. “Notwithstanding this diet,” says the report, “not a life waa lost, and not a single case of sickness occurred, aU tho passengers landing in n healthy and well-nourished condition.” iVonanmpUve Birds. (Exeliange.) In n preliminary pn[mr read before u recent meeting of the London Patho logical society, Air. Sntton and Dr. Honcnge Oihbcs described an investi gation now being ramie by them into tuberculosis of birds. They find that tho disenso is very prevalent among birds, and that it sometimes becomes epidemic. The effects do not exactly correspond to those produced in inau by consumption, but thu )mrasito present in lrotli eases seems to Im tho same. Tho dis >aso virus appears to Im introduced with tiro torsi, and the birds most liablu to bo affected are common fowl, peacock, grouse, and othor grain eaters. Mars’ Doan*. iKxriiangw) A rcmarkuhle feature of the two satellites of Alars, which were discov ered alrout six yearn ago by Prof. Asaph Rail, is tho proximity of the inner one to the planet, its distane- from tho centre of tiro latter Inalv lx im: about C.000 miles; ami from tire surface less tlriui 4,1)00. “If,” said Prof. New comb, “there are any astronomers on Mars with telescopes and eyes like onr*, they can readily find out wlrctlicr this satellite is inhabited, tiro distance I icing less than ono-kixtieth that of the moon from us." How Very Bold. [Exchange. I Miss Maria Pickaflaw (talking Miiad her fan to her sister)—The blea of Dolly Debut’s wearing that heliotropo dress! Mias Jane Pickaflaw--Why. it strikes very becoming. Mis* Maria tsnappiahty)—Becoming! Of course! Did anybody inly it wasn't? Bnt don’t yon know it takos a faultless complex ion to wear that color, and for llollv Debut to appear in that dress Is as much as to say she consider* her com plexion perfect. Jfis* June How very bold of her, to be sure! wr—- Tfcey *)♦« Mlfose. | Exchange. 1 I When • Boston girl gets miffed nt her husband alio says: "Baw tyrant, I shall leave tbe* and fly to my father.” Whan a western girl becomes simOarlj affected she sifiply “!»: “Old tnau, I’m going to get up end get, and if you don’t like it you just climb np on your eyebrows and see if yon ctiu stop me.” Boots, Shoes, CARPETS ! Sto„ 3Bto., Regardless of Dost ONE WISHING ANYTHING IN OUlt LINK WILL Save from 25 to 50 per cent. IN BUYING FROM US. Call Early ! AND AVOID TIIK RUBH. THIB IB TIIB 1IEHT OPPORTUNITY KVEIt OFFERED TO BUY NKtV AND FREBII UOOUd At Your Own Price I Best Goods llmltrd to Sttnapl to mm* srtleli To* sr* rararstlr tavtitd t* rail and “ iractf.” MUM, FORSYTH STREET, AMERICU8, fit DEALER IN J. Mini 1 h. MIOKSJIIEl FANCY AND STAPLE # DRY GOODS 1 NOTIONS! 7AXTO? GOODS •S « . i - • t-X LADIES- HATS. LADIES’ CLOAKS, , ROLL PLATE JEWELRY, ' PERFUMERY. JC TOILET SOAPS, CLOTHING-! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UCalBAND SHOES, RUBBER OVER SHOES, -Wlim:- BKVYINO MACnn MACHINE NXEDLES; « And W. F. Nyc's Celebrated SewtftgMfo chine Oib •imjiM. i/ki>:i, Sec Wire Sign, Forsyth Street, AMERICUS TF- S, GA.