Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 22, 1884, Image 8

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A I>oetar's Teat at tha Heperlortty at kKlI POeete BUT 1b Chicago Herald.] A collection of cld anj celebrated violin* ia an exhibit in the Bartholdi statue ihow. To a eaanal obaerrerthey look ordinary aa# nnintereating. There an nine of than, and. they are in a , , . , , . _ T t» diaaa eaaa that bean no label caleniated Having purchased the interest of J. B. s ^ 7B t a . e ™ - Felder in the firm of R. T. BYRD & CO., I *•*;»*}'*£•. “ An 1 d »*•" will continue the business at the old stand on «>" *“*«•• commented on i * rhoie i» no greater nonsense in the Cotton Avenue, as / «"“»!« r »“«« " » n «*n‘ violins. The r >*iy wen vito go into raptnrea orer an ! old s|wcitneu can't tell yon why or how it diifi-r* fnnrtho workmanship of tlio p. csent .'ay in the same line.” "Ah! but think of the associations," nr ,-od an enthusiast, Ur. S. It. Tuthill, of Brooklyn. 'Xook at this Amati—a genuine p eimen.wiili an authenticated history, it is more than 2 W years old. Cardtual Ottibeni played it along about 1700. t rnm the ]>oin)>o( Untholiccerc* monial music waatransported to the court of Ktig.aud, where Handel himself accompanied its solos w.tlr a hurpH.i’hord. George III. drew a bow across it at tlio end of its tint century. 'Ihns it went from the hands of a pope to those of a loyal protligato. After ward, it became the property of Ole iiuii, who used it n great deal in his concert*, and loft it to his widow.” All tliitl was po.di-puolicd. livenUi. j Tuthill's own exhibit, another Amati, eommautled no rospect, though polite- . ness protected it from ridicule, llirne I eouutrymen came along. Two only | g ive a glaum at the vioiins, bat tee Kloiiiied at them. His remarks dis closed him as a fiddler: hilt he, too, was do of approi-ia'ion. He gdcsse l lied put his own fiddle into a glass l*j\ when he got home, nnd charge f>U cents to look at it The ilovlor was nettled. ' "He is n Philistine, like the rest of you," he said, "but 1*11 let him be a judge whether or not there is any extra merit in my Amati. He shall play it, nn 1 decide the question without inSu- j cnee." I It was a morning hour, and the [ Academy of Des gn. in which the exhi- ! liition is held, had only a score or so of inmates. Tlio doctor removed his violin (ruin the case. It is in almost constant Those parties who are indebted to the firm of It. T. ByHD »»«• needed only a few scrapes anil & Co. are notified to call and setile up «aa the books of the old pi^f mvSrhe firm must be closed immediately. Americus, Ga., Jan. 1*2, 1884. r- ! ; COMPARE THE OLD PRICES WITH THE SEW * -AT First-Class Guanos ami Acid Pteitos, Cooper’s Celebrated Farm and Traelien Engines 1 GLOBE COTTON PLANTER! THo Boat Ewer Xnvontod. I AM ALSO PREPAItKD TO UIVB Vol' xm JSTT HAfilCE Schumpert & Roney’s, THE ONLY a Spot Cash Store” IJST A.3VIESS1.IOXJJS. . » ON YOUK PROPERTY IN THE I1K8T COM PA VIES. Will) PAY T1IF.1U LOOSER PROMPTLY AND KQI'ITAlil.Y ! CAM. AND HKK MB I Mr. Felder will continue in the LOAN business. R. T. BYRD. IMPORTANT 2TOTTCF. said to tiio countryman. “Oh, I only fiddle a little at borne," was the dilllilent reply. A little urging, however, an 1 lie took np tin, valuable tidtile nnd its compara tively worthless liow. Yo i cm readily How the* mother gives other own life and strength to support the 19 jj} 1 Wi,ut ' ,e •' Inn ''- T ■' ln8 > ' WOMAN AND THE BABT. What a puzzle the little child is in the domestic economy |N i her blessed little How the child icks, andlaughs, and crows I " is heavier and heavier every day. i' r course; and with that peculinr, rythin'e swing that set* cue’s foot to H Oi ldug nlmott ancimtmllntily • to the A grows, and is heavier and heavier every day. figures o', nu imaginary reel, no tna'.ter And yet she lilts him, and tosses him, and plays with him, nnd take " 1,u( lm, . v ,M ' ,l "* critical opinion of tin mrc of him by day nnd by night. ; execution. There was no denying it. Is it any wonder the mother breaks down? Her back aches. He u,’ 11 ' thc'som^tH^ivon rtomach fails her. Her liver is bad. Her blood is thin, nnd she says sh 0 i t hv violins 8 8 co'.s poorly. Yes, yes, poorly—very poorly. Give mother a bottle t '"\\Vll, what do you think of that?" Brown s Iron Bitters. Slie needs the iron m her blood, which that wi the doctor asked. ; I i»ut there. She must have strength, or she will be it confirmed old invnlit - Broum't Iron Billers helps worn and weary women into new lifi Jiccrfulncss, and vigor. Tell all the mothers yon know. a b i l Unit * the liiMlo \ ovor ilrjf.vod t*. luiw ucivsk,'’ wih thu reply; * ‘what's tlio |»i ku <»f it?” *• Five tliouvuul dollars.” Tlio jirocioiw instrument was for a moment in peril, tor the ful'ILr scorned About to drop it iu surprise. ON REAL ESTATE. Having severed my coimcctiou with the ‘firm of R. T. Byrd & Co., my whole attention will'now be given to the negotiation of Loans on Improved Farming Lands. My territory for the present is limited to ihe Counties of Site, Scij, band Webster, By prompt attention, expeditious returns and reasonable rates, I hope to merit your patronage. Respectfully, J. B. FELDER. {fcp=*Otficc at Planters’ Warehouse. Americus, Ga., Jan. 18, 1884. Book Store. AGUTCS AYCOCK, kkzts ok iund a rvn UKi or Pens, Ink, Paper, Pencils, Slates, Memorandums Aad other Stationery Supplies for acboal children. VlUt PAPERS, FANCY GOODS AND BLTTER1CK PATTERNS FOR TUB LADIES. LEADING DAILY PAPER8 AND POPULAR MAGAZINES 1 Sheet Music and Popular Songs at Reduced Prices! A Xew Ilrparturc in Hcri-afarr. IL’inchuwti Ewjuirrr Interview., “It will not be very long before tho tint writer, of this country will soil tlsiir |M-n. to advertisers, dust now more attention is paid to the ncwspajwr amt oilier ads, to space aad stylo of ly|ie usihl; but I see indications tiial In-lore long the matter itseli will receive first attention. Tho idea is being worked by some lions** now, who pub lish a fow lines of interesting matter, with u taking heading, ahead of their ads.; hut their ventures are only th. pioneer*. Yon mark my words, tho adrcrtisingivlniuns of yoiirnrwspnpers will presently I e lilted with stones mud jmenis from tho first pens in this and other countries, which will hold the leader's attention to the eud, and still Im advertisements.” “Do you think, then, that Alfred Tennyson would write an advertisement or a clothing lvruse?" ”1 do. Ho sold sonio versos on 'Spring' to an eastern juvenile publica tion la>i month, not because he cared for the journal at all, but merely be cause they desired the verses as an ad vertisement and were willing to pay him a stilt price for them. Why, one of onr Cincinnati soap manufacturers has the tint artists in this country at work turning out picture advertisements for him, and artists as a class aro quite as proud a* literary men. When the time conies the now dcpsrturo will put money into the pockots as well of the advertisen si the writers. We promised in issue of the Recorder of Jununry 2d, to give you some prices so soon as tve arranged and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more goods for less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time. Contemplate a few quotations and note tlio difference in SPOT CASH prices and tltirty days credit: Flour. Flour. in this nrticle we stand betitl nnd shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets of the West nnd Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, $1.90. Old price, $2.1*>. 2d Put., for 50 pounds, . 1.70. " 1-90. Fancy, (or 50 |K>unds 1.60. “ 1-80. Choice Family 50 pounds,... .... 1.50. •• 1-65. W r e guarantee nil these Flours us represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them and we will cheerfully refund the money. In futuro we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Sugars. Sugars. $1.00. 1.00 1.00. 1.00. Will sell you 10 (lounds Granulated Sugar for ... “ “ lOjf pounds New Orleans Clarified li>r “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (Bellewood) Clarified, for « “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, for In this line we are fully up nnd advise everybody t:> seize the golden opportunity nnd pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s consumption. Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (bv buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santn Claus” you want tor the little ones. We deal 6$ pounds Choice Pio Coffee for $1. Thurber’s No. 41, (Rousted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. Salt. Salt. ! Liverpool, full weight, for $1.29 per sack Fine Shit, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per sack tier riaanelprlo* (Chicago Tribune.) Ur. Ycreker had occasion to leave home for a couple of weeks latolv, so ha signed a dozen blank checks and left town with Mrs. Vereker that the home- heaping might not come to an on timely end during hie absence, end that the old lady might hare wherewithal to console herself during her grass-widow hood. When Vereker returned the other day na found e notification from the bank that hi* account was over drawn. Considerably exercised be celled Mr*. V.’s attention to the tact. 'Here, my dear, von moat hare been spending money like ueter while I was away. I find my account is overdrawn." “O. that’s impossible," replied the lady: "I hare aevarel of yoar checks on hand Went* <lsat Mutt Him. "I ah'd jea’ like ter see the teacher wollopmeonee," remarked Jimmy Tuff- boy at thfctahle the other evening. “Ho ild I," ■said Tuffboy pere. "Wad yon, f shall not ear* it tha teacher threshes yon within an inch of your life, you deserve it." “Well. I ahall try to deserve it," mattered Jhnmj 'under hi* breath. "If I can dseerre it withont gettin’ it, that will fee' suit me.” We are slaughtering at the verv low price of $1.00 per cwt. to make room for n enr load of SEED POTATOES. »■ Whiskies. In this line we are fiill to overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price or all grades from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think of jt! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Com Whisky for $2.20 per gallon,*usually sold at $2.50, Tobacco and Cigars. We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” at 57c per pound, and all other grades proportionately. you i you i We regret that we have not apace anfleient to give fttll and complet wiU hear from na occasionally. Remember that t»y baying yoar goo do not pay from 26 to 60 per cent, for bad debta, aa usual in credit ive frill and complete quotations on all of onr good*, bat ooda from na and paying 8POT CASH store. A Word as Regards the Penny 1 To all those who icont at the idea of Introducing the Penny in Americus, we say that we stand ready to redeem In goods or the cash any amount from 6c upwards. Bring them along and get their fell value at TIE OILY SPOT CASH STORE III AIM. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.'S BANK. Very truly. ' « ' SCHUMPERT & RONEY. -; Americus, Ga., Jnuuary 11, 1884. Tnns+tn* Pnu&X*