Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, February 29, 1884, Image 3

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. V W1SHIK6T0S WAKED CF. . '. -X \ -- TBS CHEAT GENERAL A8TONI8UED ON • DIB BIRTHDAY. IrMlIiwOm «*« to 1U Jbnlif Ht. Vernon, Feb. S3, 1784.— “Step right in de Imllway, till, an’ I'll apoko to* de Uen’ral. He epeo’a some folks to call bimeby, ’case it am bis bafday.” The griming darkey took Tas JouaNAL reporter’s bat and over* coat and placed tbem carefully on the old fksbloned square table and harried op stairs to inform bis mas ter of the arrival.. The hallway of the Washington homestead was comfortable with rcspeot to roomi ness, but rather obUly. There were no chandeliers suspended from the celling and nothing on The walls but whitewash. The General descended the stairs slowly and with accustomed dig nity. His wig had been nicely powdered and the end of bis quequo was adorned with a blue ribbon. Largo brass buttons fastened his trousers at the knee and bright silk stockings displayed the grace ful outlines of his muscular calf and tapering anlclo. A handsome, square cut coat—opened sufficient ly to display a tremendous shirt ruffle—clung nicely to his shoul ders. llutllea were at bis wrists and a bigli maroon-colored stock adomed adorned his neck and kept hi* chin at an elevation which comported with the high persona! character of the man. * When he had reached the land ing lie extended his- hand to his visitor and addressed him with cold politeness. “Don’t talk to me that way, m friend. It'a really ridiculous. 1 way be all well enoogh to pul •uob things in your newspaper tor the purpose of exciting the public mind, but you might as well say tha; I could converse with a man at the other end of Alexandria as assert that anybody can get a boat astinst the tide without the aid of horses.” “1 admit that it requires horse power—about forty-horse power,” Btid tbo reporter. “I am glad,” aaid the General “tbatyooraenaea have retnrned.’ “But you can talk with a man in Alexandria, for all that,” said the reporter; “and yon needn't stir from your own room to do it. All you need is a telephone attach ment." “Sam,” said the General, “leave the room.” The darkey seemed glad to get out. When he bad gone the Gen- end gazed at tho reporter aternlv. “Voting man,” said he, “when I was a boy I cut down my father's (terry-tree, and ” “I know that story, sir,” inter- rupted the reporter. “That’s funny,” mused the Gon ers). “I don't remember ever to have teld it to anybody. •But #sy, young rain, if ever you come to Mount Vernon again I hope you will bring a little com mon sor.-e along with you.” The reporter llmnkc<l the Gener al ami expressed tile hope that when that time came the latter would have steam-pipes in Ids house. When tho reporter reach ed the dour he struck a match, lit — a cigar and calling a cab was whirl* To what, ’ said lie, "ain I in- 1 c( | over t„ the railroad station— debted for the honor of ibis visit?” proceedings which the General oh- The reporter explained that lie served with undisguised u.-ilouish- liad been detailed by The Morning I m( ,„, Journal to write up n description of his hirili day celebration. “The Morning Journal?" said tbe General, looking at !:is visitor inquisitively. “ What’s that? ' “A Now York newspaper, sir," replied the reporter. “Xever heard of it,” said the General. “It seems to me, though, that when I was over there at the Evacuiion I did bear that Xoali Webster thought of starting a newspaper. However, we won’t discuss tbst now. You’ve had a two week's toilsome journey anil had better come upstairs and rest yourself.” “I left Xow York early this mor ning, sir,” remarked tbe reporter. The.General, who was about to lead the way upstairs, turned around and eyed his visitor critically. “Probably I misunderstood you,” said bo. “Please say tbit again?" Tho reporter did so. “Young man,” said the General in solemn tones, “let me give you s piece of advice. Don’t begin life by lying. My stage-coach is the swiftest in the country, and I’ve four horses that trot together a mile in live minutes. It took me nine days to get home from New York, and’you will pardon me when I aver llial you couldn't have coach ed it in twice the time. However, come upstairs and sit down. You interest me.” “Ah,” sighed the General, as he opened the door of tbe reception- room and waved the reporter to i nest in stall, straight-backed arm ebair, “here we are at lust.” “Very cold here, General, why don’t you havo radiators put Id?” “I beg your pardon, wbat for?" “To heat tbe place by atcam." Something like tho ghost of an Incredulous smile came to the Gen cral’sface. The General seemed upon tho point of saying something, when the door opened without the pre- llmlnaty knock and in walked the colored body-servant. He ap proachcd tbe General respectfully, and banded him a piece of paper sealed with wax. The General ex amined the seal, and asking par* don of his visitor, openod the note and retd ft. “Sam." said he, addressing the darkey, “go outside and see if you cannot find somebody to take a message for mo over to George- town. Tbe Adam’s coaeb baa lokt n wheel, and the family will not be able to come over to the recep tion." “Why don’t you call 9 district messenger, General?” said the re porter. | ! “A what?" asked the General. “A messenger—one of the tele graph boys, you know.” “Tc.egrapli boys.” rcpcaiod tbe Gcneiil; eyeing tbe Importer and then exchanging glances with Sam.“I nevcrlieard ol such beings." “Yah l yah I" laughed Sam. . “Guess de gemmen am ’musin’ his- scf!" “If you wil| permit me. General,” said the reporter, “III go right over to tbe telegraph office, and send a dispatch for you. John Adams will have it in five min utes.” Tbe General emiled, and then leaning bock in bis chair and cross ing his knees, seemed prepared to hear anything. Tbe reporter talk- ed to him about railroads, Atlantic cablee, telegraph poles and first- class barber shops, and had began a vivid deaeriptipn of r Coney Island steamboat when the Genera; checked him. What Protection costs llic People. The imports of dutiable goods during the last fiscal year amount ed in round numbers to $515,000,- 000. The average duty on the same was 12.8 percent., or $210,000,000 which was [laid by the people for the sake of the protection. This is The Hennery. ThODIMTil'sTlDM. Dr. W. C.' Davis, who recently moved from< Iona and located in Thoma#vllle, Jiss established a hen nery on hie residence lot on Warren street. We called a few days ago to witness the modus operand! and found the Dootor ready to show us through and explain tho process of artificial hatching and raising or ehiokens. . His incubator is tbe “Perfect Hatcher,” (manufactunsd- in Elmyra, X. Y.,) tbe patent mot. highly esteemed io this and the old country, its capacity is about 800 eggs, and while perfect in its working la so simple that one could easily learn to operate it. Itoccu pies but little space, contains two rows of shelves,or drawers, running tbe entire length, upon which the eggs are placed, and is warmed by two iron tubee or flues, running one beneath and tbe other above tbe shelves. Two small kerosene Ismps connecting with flues, supply tbe best, and this is automatically eon- trolled after tbe machinery has been set to any desired temperature. The temperature adopted by tbe Doctor ranges from 23 to 101 de gress. The winding up of the ma chinery once in 34 or 48 hoars and kcepiug tbe lamps supplied with oil is about alt the attention necessary. This is briefly the incubator. Ad joining this department is a small enclosure which serves as a play ground for the little chicks while they require tbe protection ol the “Brooder.” The brooder is a long box wanned in a manner similar to that ol the incubator, with glass cover, ventilators and apperlurus for tl e ingress and egress ot tbe chicks. Over a little Iramo just above the lower fine is spread ncloili or blank et with the edges extending <Jer the sides and near Uie ground. Un der this tho little chicks roost as sung and warm ns if under a moth er, and soon learn to seek it at night or when seeking shelter from the rain or cold. When large enough to no longer need the pro tection of the brooder, the chicks arc turned into other and larger IMPROVED COTTON SEED ! 13 1TO H1W THHTQ t Bat hu stood the test of years and Is used by Tbousands of the Host Successful Planters in Georgia and Alabama, and not n man who has Planted them has JExpreseed Dissatisfaction. TO TBB FLAXTT3UR3 OF THS SOTXTH tar rrwnnl.* prim Of oottos writs. I l»h asnrtititr •rkWdra**' • rafona la oar *>■“*" "f'araalaf In order •« »>“ muon ptoalln* r n4uk>w frma ■- on upwltato an4 IS* *.- parbnee "f when, I himnU? SrNsvr tint mj Impr.rrl Sew! of era u» OnirrJ rerun,,, (or the men, ts.t I, will mat* iron So p. 10. par real. were Uuniraomoa eolloo on loom load with Uw mom laher. Tk. oiaplo I, m not .a oar uplwi cotton, tta Drier aot -iMpraO. 1*0 Ik* W ami ootlon auk- l.rN.I’weflat, *kil*okoatron*;rkOo«Motkroo*Hio' of my eottua pur doe tkoo ai? «ker Norvlik-tudlnf iho ormo droaih ol ln| .gunner, I m> -o too hold «a MO a.m of poor brakes had, aad ora.)]? tnnoa oao balo I* tkoaciw, orlilla I lure <nM*o« food lu-laiiduwhttk oat 1-t hole, t-tkeorro. Than atauoMst* I eta auhiuUotcbjrcntiitaaw float rarnolctibors old tko moot rv- u*ble plosion io Grsrpia and Alabama I tan red nod the price thlo yrir, owlag to kvd limn, to THREE DOLLARS par borarl, dallror- od la America* or aa hoard Iko eara Grdan *rui in Itarpdd, Johnma A Ue„ America*, Oa, arm? p’anuMon sear Praaina, Wo'Her count?. Go.. *11 he prompt!? ailed. Soul to- rlrrolara roaulalaf farther particular* an I loallmor.lola, to f * Mmi «■*w. r. JQWEBS. rrarara. W.Mor Com?, Os DO YOU WISH TO Hl'ItD? ITSO.CO.NSULT,, nxtvon * nor ARCHITECTS ATLANTA !—GA.— DraaliSfurluboilli'raSSaaml StJawSli:? inc> la so? port of tbo eouan?. ir wvnnas wous ssnaiULxs DrJamesV/Jones 1883. 1884. A powerful remody whlrb era ho l.k.n lot*. as *c? brought It im Iran the cloud*; I'rot M b*>h-urd l| and bpn! II art)wad Um world ( ••eoiMia m ft oMB'mw ■»«■»,and Dr, 4mm twilled ll m • remedy to enro oil twin. Good for Man and Good for Besot Price oils Dollar. Sold h? K. J. RI.DR1DGE, Dama Ooooral AfPhlp AmrrfCUdsU*. all oaunas proWVtlv filled tWK.II dinctlona oosoaMS?atek katth TRADE MARK j. RCCISTCMD. 1 rolisklo broudi, vis: almost half of the amount ot tliu apartments, where they are regu- vsiue of the goods, and divided I larly fed and supplied with cum- equallv between the fifty millions j furtablc roosting places, of people in the country would be | The Doctor has had his liencry $4.20 per bead. This in sli that Is I in opperation hut a short time, and in sight that each man, woman and first tested his incubator with 48 Again iiffor to till* Oman 11. r.< u! tool, MASTODON GUANO ! LOWE’S GEORGIA FORMULA ACID PHOSPHATE! child paid for the sake ot prolec tion. When we consider the fuel that four or five times this amount per bend was paid in the purchase of merchandise, machinery, etc., of which no account has licon, you can get some idea what protection costs. And who receives tbo hen- ofit of sil this enormous tax ? Tbe manufactures, and they are few as compared to the whole population. Is it any wonder that there are n few very rich men in the United State*? No: not when we consid er that tho whole people are taxed for their benefit. Mr. Morrrimm’s bill “to reduce import duties and war tarifl taxes." will reduce the per cent, from tbe present mtc, 2.8, to about 23. How any sensi ble farmer, merchant, meebunio, or day lab-'ror can oppose this pro. fered favor is beyond our compre hension, unless it lie because be is more interested in manufacturers welfare than that of his familv. For Charity—Gentle Charity’* Soke. While winter cold rules every thing, it is almost like a ray or aummertunsbinu of the incalculable heap of good (never to be known by mortal men on this earth) that is done daily and hourly in the city of New Orleans, La., by the far- famed Charity Hoapital, maintain ed by the .Spaniard, the French, the Americans, the Confederate' 8tataa, and now more active in its mission of good thsnevcr sustain ed by the royal bonds of $1,0(10,000 paid forits franchises by tho Louis ians State Lottery, tho next (the lflfitb) Monthly drawing of which will occur an March 11,18S4, and of which M. A. Dauphin at Xcw Or- leans, La., will give all information. eggs, of which 45 hatched. These are now four weeks old and only one has been lost and onfe was killed by accident. When we were there bis second batobing—several hundred eggs—was just coming off. Dozens of little fellows abuutaday Old, were chirping lively and strong in lliclr warm nest, others were just out, while still others were “pip ing” the shells. These will be ready to move into the brooder in a day or two, when a frcslij“setting" of eggs will be put in liicir place. Tue Doctor informed us that the cost of feeding bis first brood for four weeks bad been about one cent per chick, and things that be can raise them to broiling or frying size in ten or twelve weeks. He pro poses to run the business vigorous, ly and is satified that be can make a success of it and sell chickens at 25 cents per head. It is a new indus try here, and one very greatly needed. We hope the Doctor will abundantly succeed and be able to at least supply the borne de mand. WITJ OH WITHOUT POT; mpori _ _ _ PLAHTEU, MTUATF. OF SOIM, COTTON KKKD MkAL mid ALL PeirnllZlNU MATKItIAI-S. Currm|iutiilrune nolimteil truni ell whn went llrsl-eleee Onenos Special Jimmie Died* when ilerircl. Addme, UBOltQIA CllKUICAL WOKK8, 2VX. A. HTOVAlj, Troaouror. AUUUHTA, OA. For sale by TOOLE, McGARRAII & TONDEE, Americus,Gn. J»B3iwliN J>. C. N. BUUKHALTEIt, COTTON SEED and MEAL. JOHN N. NC UlBOltOUUH, Attorney nt Ziaxx Will practice Io ell court, of Uu, Hiale. -(o)- Durklmlter & Scarborough, Robert G. Ingersoll’a father was a minister of the last generation, and for a long time a paster of tbe Congregational church at Madison, Ohio, and at Astabula, tbe place or the memorable railroed disaster. He was successlul as a revivalist, and finally gave up tbe settled pas torate in order to spend hie time in evangelistic work. He wee cap- able of arousing tbe emotions to a high pitch of ecstatic enthusiasm. This description is by a man who sat under bis ministry, and who ai- so tells how little Bob used to cn- gaga bis tattler in long disputation, bringing up tbe familiar skeptical puzzles of the whale, the frogs, ami the sun standing still. He was al ways elated at “cornering the old governor." FOR SOUTHWEST GEORGIA. Long Loans, Cheap Rates, Quick Time. HO* it-lun.T„MATJ v ! A NEW TREATMENT Far Ciiutampilnn, Aetkraa, Bronefcl- Ileeitacn. kill,? llltcuinwll-ni.NrHralala.ena a'card. .— -nil tied llial It 1- n nr* ill—-tarr^a auKai ,-H>i;cr. endalifaal I* el.lmed fur ll, iHtolOw It a •Inly Mliieli wenwe ir Ike toe i? ihoaiamb aha III. ruOrrlnz Inm elinmlc ami awraltoi ‘ill*.ra le’* iH-e ■«.-• In ilii all Ik t » . ear I. make iL vlr- miu kiHiru anil III iaaptoi the |.abUc with crai- »Ve hare (lenoaal knevMir ol Hat.STAR KKV a I’AI.KN Tliev are Uhnuul Imelllaeal. ami enuaih-elhia-1 krueluai, *ba*SI ML **«• ■uie, make aa? etol.mem whh k Ihi ? «a an* km* nr l-.||-ve in la- iru-, anr pnhttah an? toaUmo- v "*“* Editor OlMenyr,* T rki kdolphia, l*.i„ ino# I, If*?. *' In unlri o moot • natural Inquiry In rvfiiM to ir rnifcwlanl *u4 i-mvittl ■ aadlnr and t» Bite Im rm*rd rourtd-net In oar «latrmoaf«knd ia ha availoomom or oar tv*ti«M«>tiiaiv and rvportv of m, wifirti hn a>«vocard rb*m eemlctnra vail I widely known and of thr bl^boot poraonal HionrMtid, A««bm*. lc.. o.ut o 1 ch ron lu dl*MM*a, will ht« Mmt-flno i, Oaurrab. NeorSglo, a;wl o wide raoft of itn, »o#L_ tdwft. TT- SCROFULA a and all aerefaln. dlraaaea, Soraa, ■*?*»* i.1 nwn.CnrbuMtoa, Holla, and XnipttoM of tho Skin, an Hie dlraet raaolt of aa uatiarn alate of Uw bknhL . , To cure Ibeee dtnoara Ike Hood moat ba pnrUM.aml natorad to a health? and km laraleoniiuoo. Araa'a MuaiarAaiIXAka. for over ton? ?<an bmu rerasaltod h? amt- *>1 medical authorltl.e aa tho aiMt pow erful blond porliar In oaiatratk. the *,atom Iron, all foul liumwa, l.reniurtaa ■(O)- OfQec over Georgia Waruhouse, Northeast Corner of Public Square, AMBRIOUS, It was during the late war. Wo were preparing for a charge on Mulligan's works st Lexington, when Vest, of Missouri,the present T|( PrttUtorT HrWe . United States senator, came up ami ' nsked permission to participate as .,. . . . *' _ .. a volunteer. Ilia request woi. grant- ’' outheto n cl, and being lurnishcd weSpons , ^ ,lown ^^' ann “ l - and a horse. Hedataed boldly^to \ ™ the fray. The attacking party were “EXCELSIOR” COOK STOVES leading FEATURES I! Wi.nlfkioni ntrtit Wind fln’* A>U<>flUl4w llfwrtU-l1«l« |u|rr*-hanifmtilf AutomalLflK.'i Hr Him/ Iw bwWmiw llwrjjWMf Vtl^eiM ii.-k,-rwlli4e* 4tM llurtiiii / i7-u/i.’n*v lVr*t b Xbik Nf h*4 K tmb* IjDin W. Hhort < ’wilt rv iteetei -isssue Csin:!-- luaepACivuai a( ISAAC A. CHT?PA2DZiC0.. 8>mirnrc.tlf Aadteii'lehvl.W eurm-in*co.»n«le«aO» and aireawUuma Um bloml. ■ of mercurial iraalment, ami prams llnlf a mimplete luaaler of all Ktofaluw diaraeaa, A Brawl Cora of Mnfulna Sam -Hione aowlh. .?» I Was trodhtod «Uk nir.-ii-h- matter oj*wwio!r*l* Will, Um raamll that Uia ran. i m? srneral heallli greatly rail ,ery aratefnl lor too I tool my xralrrol •MtHaa Ima dooe ma. Voara raapeetlallr. AIRS Asa muuAX/' I Ir Null!,an HU. Now York, Jane si. lfc. # nleraaled .n- In riled Ip- All pmtm Inlenaleil are la mid New York Ot?, wko wUI toko olaarara mi IhU Indy, bat la hit vwd auv and itmny otbwrv within hi* haowledcv. Tlif y.fll-kiMiwn irri/rr tut Ike Ihmftm ihmM, II. \V$ ll.u i., «<f /.'orbdrr, X.U., vrlHAiliw 7, W ilk NlMl Imvlllg l.iv-o - ~.rarn inniiftli-r rt-ntadlw, I luiw Ri»k »t*v, dwfin* Um* natal llir^v |. M *ntiiv. of SaKVAFA I, w idt h liM • nmpiHf vwrv. •Itlvr ii i HI 1.1. lilmial ill** u l n Muigiillkckl rritacdjr.fur •» Ayer’s Sarsaparilla driven back, ami in u tew minutes Veal rode up to where General Price and stall'were standing, dis mounted, turned over horse and weapons to orderly, and with im pressiveness all his own declared that “The man who says George Vest bis never been in a battle is a liar, and the man who says that George Vest will ever lie found in another, is a i ol.” Cold, ofgraiii. Mr. X. IV. Stevenson I tells us that much of his best wheat ; bus been completely ruined by them, ll is said that no vegetation ! can survive their venomous touch. 1 FREE FOR TRIAL lit* rl*. •< HA.NoVWn* KI'KCIPIC. An unMiila* »n<J "f» In, XwtoiM DvUMfy ■!)<! Wp-nkor** i Vtg*.r. Nr.ton- l*m#trBilon I y\V nwult **f ifwUa**ii lu.n t ex- J . ulrnrwi of Alcflml, Tobw r-., 4f„ forty ItMektoMl pouitiv* ewrr-.i Iff. indtigr ftl Irihl Is), of )0>l |illl> A.1.1 f«e. Dr. U,W. IUCON, Cif. CUrk ^nv au<I ' atlkiiui* riwf«- ( (.’fcliMgi*, ill. MuglUwly fiflwiri of teat It cubUiu illuitnlioM. brier a* < ,. r _ tljwtioM far V-iatin? un \V(t table «nd Flower v —\Pk,n*,rt. ISTklMble fO «l|. Stir Form er Dissipation. Entail* Tiara. ' The young people ore enthuslas- io over the bubble party to como oir at tbe residence of Mr. William Bray Friday night, and tho spirit bos Infected tbe grown people, too. Tbe penon blowing the largest bubble gets the prize. Admission 35 cents (or adults; children 15 cents or two tram the same family 25 cents. ' A minister ont in Montana is strongly censured by Ids cougre- ! D. M7FERRY& C0.*K gallon lor indulging in roller-skat- j - ing. They think it detracts from ■ Agents Wanted for the Now Book his dignity, to sec the custodian of their religious wcllfore lying on bis back trying to kick the roof off lsy tbe atmosphere. ^LUE AND GRAY. Notes Lost. Deeds of Daring A country weekly pa|icr says: “Daring 1883 we reduced our debt $110,000,000, and wo now owe only $1,090,000,000.” This gives ones very clever idea of tbe capital re quired to conduct tbo bulencsa of a coentry weekly. War. lataHaal? IMcmUa* aecaa.l U.wpkln of$fluia$ nnd oftet, torterw hrrwdf brum, im|#rtof>r>n*nt* im »tvbf»w4ll» M*to.,a, tarn, tokra*jaft£St ■snmpter** f lATKOtothwlifk. — Ouuwlte wwarftMbf. €•., rtuxddphte, r». rfatefl April, lid with int*r»-*t *1 • \<f »L-l MUiUoii bfXI lu of csattmi on li.w l»o» k;» *o* n#li> from Rtjrtitti* Rvsbi to K!i-h* R for •«*, dim Oct. 1ft, IM; »>«*»• bniMl b.r tiilr by Um BilupoWD to kllth* Ufjar. AII |M-r»oii« nf*' txiMtion- ml xmlnet mv* lot in ir km T f tk* i»4wr will tomtrr » gr*.<t imiut by W«»ln« tkw matr th* Riruiir* ' Ikblik* KI.IH1IA RCMI. Dr. H. A. G. Bagiev, PHYSICIAN AND 8UHGB')N, RraMrnr. aa-l "ttVa al Tr. D. la*!.?V la. mil*. IM N Amartem- All rata praapUv at- le.d.4 to. . J.ali?l Pure Bobb I'ollon Seed for Sale! ItaitKcrtokraM. at PURE UOMTUhT peeku-W. trar* TOXskEIXM rale alt Ll* •Om, »1H ,aik*. al Rekamprrt A kawr*. aa* I *111KU them. Dm A W. UOLETRXK. Hliualair* ami re|Slal>. Ik. mlloa pt Ike •litffwtlrn mid iuwiiul!«iir«, orgaiw, ryiMWB .'ful -irfiigiltf'iif Hi** vlf«l forrm, ninl n«v^«lllv fimn Ilii* uumtlnni, Ncnrnlffla. Jlltrumn lit- «.*»Mt. flwUirrk. (kniml lte*ltlllly. *ihI nil •ti0vn*rp nrfdiinf font $m tiMifun rifllu'l or «HMTitpUi| d»ii<Iili«4i f*J |hu b!<“>il,aiitl a ®r«k- riii.ft vital 'tv. It in ln»tf*panilf!jr th*}p)ica|fvnt blood m*«li- •iltw, «i$l JM-fN.luil eel ft* OOlMVMIMlbl MlVNUtk, and gft-ai |f'«rr fiver di*f«M*. * ^ MV • Dr. J. C. Ayer ACo., Lowell, Maw. Itola ||> Ml DranM.;^?Ma «|, al* trtU*S J. E. CRAWFORD, Contractor and Builder AMERICAN, GA. Work ratnMM lo m. will k» Sou *kk raw. ra-raditaptora, ggteftgWSe"* ngrraeea.M4?w THE 'CUN' PWf ODLlfflTOI. Tk* Cnlc rtowCilllnUrtaH ZHttSftHt P*IN ^|i