Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 07, 1884, Image 1

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f ’ jjjbrtf Wflin8.. r , nM •#* *•*»•“■» jwrirr-—a., ja— .zOlBRIft** *MT- j •JWdMOOaH «*»i»nyfl J tol. y. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1884. a 4 .■ j«> .» . -■ fw-.i ■ rr' * ■ '(“fWT rl*1P I /! NO. 41. naffawaAi.-.-ii' log a loaded gun. Mr. F. A. Bush want on Dixon's bond anil put him on bla farm near Green Hill.' Thin week Dixon became troublesome and Mr. IJitsli concluded that the aafest plan was to turn bin over to the ilierifT. On Thunder he brought him to town aiid bad him lodged In Jail. One day thla week while Mr. HOI and Mr. Corbett weiy putting up some shelving at Cqrbett’s drug etore, a section of it fell to the floor carrying Mr, Corbett with it He was struck npta the headj witkoae of the shelves which out a gash aa inch and a half long on the top Of bis head. He doee not regard the wound as anything serious, hut grest\y deplores the loss oi hair sustained, aa he had none to spare. A Rsllread Commission.' - S.Y. Pteeadal CbreUsU 1 We have never contended that* State Ital(road Commission is alto gether undesirable. On the con trary ws have emrtaftadlhafl g conceived In a proper spirit the creatlonoftfbohWVtara might MM ’ C public benefit. With its Ions chiefly advisory, ministered in a spirit .of Jnatioe, a corn. .Americus Recorder, reauinao nr W. **. OZjBSBNJDR, OFFIC E 0.\ COTTOS AVENUE. Buttoncaptlon. X^atoa: TM<Vino.T One Yiae. • $4.00. Wnutu’Oxn Yiae. .* * 8.00. Sunday Isgirx Onn Yiae, • 1.60. PIOFBWIOXAL & BUSWEIW CARDS LAWXnXH. L.B.OABTER, iwcapital pMiau,avsaoo^a TlrketsonlyUS. Share. IS proportion iqglihi Louisiana Mate Lottery (ompan). “ ir» do htrehp eertfp that tee tuptftut On mraiiftmenh for all the StuntMv atti Stmt-Annual Druieiujt </ The iMttiaha Nat* Udterp t 'ompunp.andin peroon man- «f* and eat trot the Drattiag* theniteltta, and that the tame an tanduetid milk hen- talp.fairntu, and in good faith towunl all partite, and me at thorite Ike Company to pot thie eertlfteute, teitk fue-timilei often eignaturee uttnehat, in ilo adeertiaementa." Attorney at Law, KLLAVILLE, IU. TKKMS-AII alsl*M from |K or un..r,|5; uoin|a>totM.lror*r ml; «wr too, trie* •rial. Xodiiqn APfti*-t» , , . , , j. riislft. uulass esilaulteu. .raw Dr. 0. R RAINES, ... «rB6i »fl*r*1il» OlNfltD IUU». k »n upert- ■•eric*. an* *. lisa _ Jackson .nil l.'linrck *r**»- I'aO. wttlrecaivs fnmpl sttrui Ion. >sn»®' LLOWAY, 1ST, •3ifcfofeH:o£ na ♦? it Damport ABtn'aitJi Maw. tnacxLLAXtiovk. , W. S. OZiXVBBr, DRAPER? TAILOR AMERICUS, GEOROIA. Having received the latest funbloni frum Lomluaand am prepared in niske doming to order In the lslest »l,lc and best workmanship. THE tmm FROM HER ASHES. THeewt IUM.WUI Dk«n»al wreilnv awl ■iritanl smrnssn SIIOMS moOe. Tin- k-c rmlrlnr •ton. In Ik* mom *»i>-i«ail«1 and «rUula»urle,.an<Ui>s» nwnttla i*nw. Ilrirn 'orfnrcHUknmnl. Anwrm.. Ml n ■ at III, III., nlinji ill Iriint nf I 'nl. *?. A. Smltli . ill it-, vii .Inck-on ntrrrl. Ainrrlri... IJ*. ANDREW DUDLEY. IUMlt.ll , EASON SL E. EA80X, Proprietor, No. Plum Street, Nenr Deoot, MACON, GA. ...MtP.rD.r, «.«*. ££. .r ftltoltf __ iXTeil Piokett, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,, .... ukorgia Will <k,M«ferl«r. Uth kirork an t Vuoeework CatMMniM. ■fMlall.v. KrfhlHx Son. Often ,tinn:nly allatuM In. nvtjtf Lhrard J. Ul'lcr. C. Homes McCall Xonnmental Marble Works, HILLER A HeCALL, Proprletsr., RnntLwMt Cnrarr of lhe*PnUie Square, f AtIBRtCL'S, UA. i Monuments, Tomb^o,Eto. of tho beflt Ilaiiia Aaatfkfta MmMr liu wpotwtH 1MI for 9* ran Mr tho UffMa* turw f*»r K'lrcatluufll and Chariubfr txirpswro— wtiliacafdul of tljnoMOD-to wklcli a rrirffi fon.i esf uvor K&.C**> has alnca km added. Braaotmthriuiiiff poimUr rate (id ftaaeMhO WHO made a fart nf tha Mravnt Mtata t’oaHttatloa adopt r4 Iirrrmbor 3d. A. P., IK9. The mnlf tdktterf ntr trtel m «ad rndand (y $*• t—pU V emtf /M*. A w floor gea/of or jwi/aaw. \ III Qraad Blfliffla Rnmbar OrawlBffl ..nAWIKn, ClJ\JM O. IS THE SOAKKUr UK MCSIC. XKW UKLKAXS, HIMDAT, ■Sink lllk, 1S*S -ISSIb Mnibly linir. in. CAPITAL PRIZE, *70,000. 100,000 Tlekeu at Five Dollars Esek. Frsetisss, Is PIRhs, Is Frsfsrtlss. LISTOV rniXM: i capitai. ri-.ixs ..... I du <lo I *• Mo i a Ptixxa or ,smt s a. mss w *» >•*“• M 4. MS ,rvMii«knon hum. » Ak?tnviui*'lMl rn«M of STM.. t.N: PiIi-m, anonnilnf AppUuStjo fnv rMMla dak. rtiojkl Si»»4. w °’ 4 " «IW ORMtSMS asTIORSI. BASK. Haw, r«a. POSTAL HOTBS »ml nnllnkry tollnrk k, glil or K«p*m (dl.urak .I SB aaS upvunl bjr AI DAVPH1H, Raw Orltau, La, * r Ms‘anNrttMi , ,WtiMa|Ml.D.C. Sbl»4 Absolutely Pure. T la pawdpr nerer rarlr*. A aaflrrel of parity Saa^SSa wiia-urTln<1 onaat k cold in mayllH mull Ik nid.titndo of lo«rt»dt t *bon velRlit, alu*n or |>Iio«|ih»tr powder*. StUmthfim tin cm KOVAI. BaKINU l-OWDIUfO.l Watl H«r**t, X*w York. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER ralkalnt pninnUu rcrfcctljkdipu.1 to Ml* SlMMW or Um acalftaad Ibo nnltse- trufal ntlonr of luted or fray hair to II. UlMral color, growth, and youttilul beauty. It kM hwl nasy Imltaton, but nono have to tally met all tho requirement, needful tor Ike proper of Ike balr end aealp. II.M.L'e llJin llKNr.wiut has steadilyuruvn la favor, ami aprrad lu fame ami uarfalueea to ovary quarter of Um (lobe. It. unperal- lolc.1 aoecrM cau b. attributed to but .no rauMi tie entireJ'utJtlmeel t/ Ue pyumleee, TUe proprietor, liavo often been aurprlmd m t bo receipt of ordere from remote coon- irlM, ubera Ihcykml oercr inadcaa .OTortfor it, Imrodueiiom Tbo um for a thort time of lUi.t.’a Ilata 1:: xrvrrn uronderfally Improvra tba pern mat appoarmner. tieleaaarstheacaipfhnu ,11 laiptiritlea. cum, all humor,, few, aad •Irtnc, and tha, prevent, baldueM. It etlmulatr, tho weakened (lamle. and enables them to pitch forward a new aad vigorous growth. Tho .Seel, of thl, article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepare. I low, but remain a kaig flam, which makes Ua am a sutler of economy. BUCKINGHAM’S DYE |t)ft TUB WHISKERS WUI change Um heard to a natural brown, MMath,udertred. ItpeodueMaperamarot eater that wttl not wadi away. CmmUMagag a af n-te praparaUoa, It Is appHcd without mxrARED nr R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N.H. Hold by ail Utahn la HedMara. FOB ALL THE FORKS Hcrofalotia, Herrnrlal, aad ATTENTION! Heaiprten for Imported and Domestic LIQUORS, BEERS, CIGARS, XtO., 3Qtc. I have aad ahray, keep ea head a full eapply of Imported sad Demertlr Liquors. Bsma Cham, pane, oigava. ale.. Vfl, which I am main, at LUWXarr MASK ter I'KICXd. Atee a nek g.» rtrJ Stock at Staple and Fancy Groceries I Which I >» »- CHKAf AS TIIK CHEAP- IUTI\ Mir* mtt» trial utttl b< eoarlncedt Fresh Ciaeinnafi Beer on Draught! Ain at* nn Lund .»! Sc per flflfl*. Fra Lmcii from 10:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. JAKi: IS1IAEL8, - “—now, Utr JAMAICA GINGER CORDIAL IS el SPhKXDID TOXIC!! Cures iKspepoia, Indigestion, Cramp Colic, Fain in th. Stomach and Bowels. Colds, Chills and Fever, Diarrhtra and DyMBtarv, and all Malarial Distnw by atlmwlalinx tha utomaeh and bowels into a healthy activity. Try one bottle. Hold by Dr. John E. Hall, Americus. aprilSO ly BOOKS-Millions •r Volaatea a Tear. The cbolreet utmtore el tke world. Catalan*! free. Lowe-t prtero am known. Hot sold by dealer.. Meat for raradnettea bafar. payment <m •leoee of go*oi fkitb. JOHN B. ALDEN, Puliiisher. P.gK Baa IftitV. tU VM*y St., A. v. MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE! A.Cert,im 8*fe and Kfteeliv. Remedy for Wradastaff L.a(. Kcstarlux tbe SI t ares Tear-Drops, Uranulallons, Htye Tnmsrs, Beg Lyes, and Balled Kye Lashes, AND PRODPCIXO QUICK RKLIKK AXD \W*rUW? ****«Sil j--" fg^mflBnVs. •rwhtr’sr«n*flflBUltl*fl MlTCBBI.I.’a SALVIE Cay b. aaed la adwaatace. Said by all Drwyytela at SB, ate. the best remedy, tmeeuM the aswsa^* - "“"u* Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Sold by tR DrasgWa | *1, d* bottles, R, FOR RENT. A Kesldenen with good outliotiscs and eight acres ot land attached, ready for cultivation, is for rent. DAWSON DOTS. Dawson, March 6th.—A cyclone • of marriages in our little city. It must be that the girls arc taking advantage of Leap Year. With sadness we record the death of Mr. Will Carver, whose danger- ous illness was mentioned in our Inst letter. He leaves n wife and several small children to mourn his loss. “God doeth all things for tho best’’ Cold rain and windy weather. March comes in like a lion; may it go ont like n lamb. Kaln comes very genll.v anil very sparingly, and the wells are still dry. Mr. Moses Baldwin, Jr., and Miss Crockett Sarlile were married on Sunday last, Rev. Mr. Twltty offi ciating. It is reported that anoth< er marriage is on docket, but tha contracting parties seem to be fear ful of s “leap in the dark," hence have net yet fhlly decided. 1 hay while the sun shines," we would suggest Tbe 8outh Georgia College hat been repainted, ana presents a very attractive appearance. l We hear that the funds will not be suflMeat for the whole building. Cannot tbe Mends of the College make it enough by contribution? The writer will enbscribe a "V." Who trill follow 7 Let ns hear? Many beautiful and attractive ladies are visiting Dawson. We delight to see them come, and It is complimentary to have them spend their time with ns. We hope nil will unite in making time pass pleasantly. Three parties in town in one night is no unusual occurrence. So many yonng people here that ene dwelling is not sufficient to give them promenading room. The public Friday evening ex- ercisca at the College will bo in the afternoon in place of night, much to tbo regret i f the yonng people of the town. They are said to be quite entertaining. All are cor dially invited tA lie present. Artesian water will soon gladden tbe hearts of the patient Dawson- ites. Never can it come in n more needful time. Hasten tbe day. The roses soon will bloom, and tbe sweet and bright college girls wilt gather them and the yellow jessamine and crown themselves “queens of May.” FIIOB AHUKHSOWILLL. ANiiKnsoNVlLLK, March 5 The LeContc or sand pear has taken the place of the weather as an item for conversation when friends meet. No less thaii three acres are being planted within the city limits. Messrs. Glover, itichtcr and Karri- son arc planting an acre each. Mr. Suber and others are also planting, but in smaller quantities. It Is claimed that this tree will frnit the third year after planting and is free from Might Now that the question of Ander. sonville being the terminal of the Buena Viate K. R. is settled, it be hooves our business men to pre pare themselves to take care of the trade that may fairly be expected | to come to tbit point from tbe see- i tion of country through which the, JOLLY JOH.VPREEYILLK. •Iciixi’RKVii.i.K, March 3.—March la with ua and keeps us busy put ting up fences, rolling logs and picking up trash. We are greatly in need of rain. We have not had a good rain since last June. Tue ground is getting too hard to plow or for corn to come up. Many think the early corn will have to be planted over. The ground was too dry with us to freeze deep enough to damage the com. T examined mine to-day and found it all O'. K With a little min and a few days of warm sunshine all will be up. There is bnt little guano bolng hauled compand with past years. Moat everybody going to ase it, bnt not so much, as the crops nn no uncertain of late yean. I' going to use ten thousand tons, but make it all bnt a few tons at bone, and I Bad it nneh better and cheaper than baying it. No improvement in my wheat. Am going to plant it in oottbn put under the wheat flfty bushels cotton need per non, and will add n hundred potinde of guano and try for n patch of tknoy cotton. Mr. C. A. Kimbrough has 6nish- od his cyclone' dodge. It V tea foot square and ten feet deep and covered over with poet oak slabs four inches thick, aad seems to be perfectly eafe. Prof. Grubs, of Weeton, also has bis about cotnple- ted. Ifyou wish to sec either one oftbtm when the wind is blowing or looks like nin you will And then lu the dodge. Mise Crockett 8aville returned from Dawson Sunday, but to the surprise ot her family had ebang ed her name from Seville to Bald* win. They loft Dawson Sunday morning about sun up, drove to the parsonage, were married, came np home, ate dinner with us and left for home in the evening. We hope your future may always bo as bright and happy as now. Tbe Vide Is now without any young indies. Come over girls, we have on band several good bus* bands yet. All you will have to do will be to propose. Mrs. Mayor relumed last week and the old man is lonely no more. Mator. STKIV AUT COUNTY ITEBS. taapkin In4#fwt»<l*flt. We hear that some Stewart couu. ty hogs are troubled with cholera. A public school for colored chit dren will be u|iened at Jordan Hall on Monday, March 3rd. Rev. Christopher Jordan, tbe Nestor of this institution, proposes to per* pclualo fais name by keeping up bla college. An ordinance of tbe Town Conn> ell requires all citizen* between 16 and 50 to work tbe streets lSdnvsin each year, or in lieu thereof pay in to the Treasury 75 cents a day, which i* equivalent to n street tax of $». This week’s freexe ha* killed many of the earlier vegetable* that were above tbe giound as wail a* some dowers that were in bloom. Fears are entertained for the safe ty of the oat crop. Quito a number of Stewart coun ty farmers began planting corn this •TOR XUOTT. . A i*M enfltatalaf tvntjr lit or tMrtr *err« ktlfmD* *o*t of ibo eor»*r*fl» llmil*. Rr*?ftjr NrtUlaH lfl4!mo3, Iff farther.partkiil*re m* f«kc at ;ki< ofllt*. road passes, or will pass. Mr. James Kitchoh, who lives j were forced to stop on about four nnlos east of bore, lost I Wednesday on account of tho his house and all his effects by lire i freezing weather that wc are now on Friday night last. Uls family j experiencing. The place is just outside the cor-j lost all their clothing, bare!vescap- , ... poration of tho city. Apply at I mg with their lives. Mr. kitchen ! It seriously Interrupt, the print- this office. " febiotf i was slightly burnt while saving his *»g business whon every one in the 'cbildreu. ! office is summoned at the sarno time Kariy vegetables have been kill- l0 wor j< OQtllc strccU f or t |, reo Capt rr 8ullivan is still an invalid «“ rt f “'ailahle substitutes though improving slowly. are similarly engaged. • , —, 1 flic sixty shade tree, put out on In numLerW ball- bene.iu lb. skin j lbc l uWic S‘l“»« ! *V tho 0rdInfcr y ts secreted the liquid snbeltnee ; will add greatly to the looke of the which gives tbe hair its tetture, color .|| and gloM. When tbi* dwretion*top«, ®4Uir©. Tho tree# arc au oiuno the heir begins st once to become nine, have been carefully transplant- •«> »»xed *»d bid felrtobo Parker’. Heir Bsftim st once. It will re- quits useful and ornamental, store toe color, zlosa and life br renew-1 ... log the action of natan. The Bchmm in j At the last term #f Stewart Sn* Mr^i^sVy^rp^^ P«Hor Conn . white man, nanmd of i>« ctrsniine**. matt ml. I John Dixon, was indicted for point* Notice. thU mtbc4 in infimi tbcprtjrwbo la of KebTVMjr, tha I Mi fully wtfE Of thr t M to whfl th* Mitla are, axA ■* p*»«•adorn *f - Lroof to couvtetThaa t uud If It I* ua re tar*- »l I *h*tt ptoc—d to htw th—l »nit*i If jro« na vtif |* h* »t—Md ^iiraiiftmihfl mv *h- \ou c*t it. Kenjwvnq*?,. J. fl. BOLTOX. commission might d 'W’lMylfsIMI Hut idoovtoetiny mfl —ilnifl to bo redressed bus been* inffiltiv r r cnsc'tmcM |St ■the°0thcr > *b*n4; ’d» binding over of the entire systsas of railroads to a few official*, **s— of d—ffllo only tend to aggravate mattons. atvWBbflnit, flRinvS, i*tflvlkn mfe^oTfl—UtoiMioFkmB^flon—b- of aiddIb Dowers to quiJu czuiiM* .‘K.sf.SSSSt.’si®: many and evidence; and anxionsto arrive at a oorreet osnoluslen, be that in favor #f one sldeorauoUin- —with nneh * board, sustained by public opinion, railroad managsr* would be sure to liccd its sugges tions and adopt its reccomtuemula tions. The wisdom of a polioy «T this kind bad been illustrated with excellent results, in at least one other state, and New York’s year ol experience under it now arant now be added ns further confirming its cot redness. Msngin, tbe celebrtaed black- lead pencil maker ol Paris, is dead. Ho drove every day In nnopenenr- riage, attended by a servant to bis stands either by the colamn of tbe Place Vendome or the Place dc la Bourse. Uls servant banded him a ease, from which be took large portraits of himself and Med als with dsseriptioM of bis pencils, which he huog on either side ot him. He then replaced hie round bat with n magnificent burnished helmet, mounted with brilliant plumes. For his overcoat be don ned n costly velvet tunic with gold fringes. He then drawn pair of E llsbod steel gauntlets upon his nds, covered bin breast with n brilliant onirass, and placed n rich ly mounted sword at bis side. His servant then pat on n velvet robe and helmet, sad struck up* tune on an organ mounted in gold. To the crowds gathered around he then exclaimed: w ! am Mangle, the greet obarlaUn of Francet Years ago I hired n modest shop ia the Rue Rivoii, but oonld net sell pensile enough to pay my rent Now, attracted by my sweeping it, my waving plumes, mr din glitter, I sell millions of pen cils." This wee' true. His pencil* were the vsiy best. ,. ,, Admlrai Porter’s testimonv on the steel cruiser question is inter eating. Ho cited one esse in which over $300,000 were woree than wasted. Among the items obarged lor work on tbe Trenton at tbe navy yanl was a hot boose tor one of the officials. Prominent officer* of tbe government have kuown of those trends for some time, uud have taken no steps to punish tbe guilty parties or eheek the pilferers. Yet tbe Republican party charge tbatftbat the Demo crat* are not wortny to be treated with the control of tbe government and the care of the business inter ests oftheeonntry. II is spring. A resurrection ol asters'* burnt fens, I* taking piss*. Lika lb* world smnad yi a, renew yonr oesn- plcxloo. invigorate you powers, cliaaaa the ebsasta of life. Ayer’s F»aij»ti'LU« the means to ot* for this pnrpn-e.