Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 14, 1884, Image 2

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I HRn? # - -- Americcs Recorder. W. L. OUMMM. MlUr. Official Organ »f Webster -lX- FRIDAV. MARC H 14,1M4 The Imekhone of winter must lie made of rublier. The Mexican Veteran I*eoa ! on bill passed the house by an over whelming vote. We accept the apology of the Republican and extend our hand in forgiveness. Mr. Gould must bo seasick about this time, and the market is in pret ty much the same condition. In Chia issue we publish an ex tract from the Smitbvllle Enter prise, referring to a railroad to that place from Preston. The Boston Herald perplexedly askpd: “Ifnot ready now, when will the Republican party consent to a reduction of the war taxes?" The Repobllcaoa of Sumter coun ty will moist in convention in Amer- icua' on Saturday next, to elect delegates to the congressional con vention; which tdeeMMn the 27th. Mr. Dari " Dickson, the great Georgia planter, says that the best time for planting pent is from March 10th,tp April RW and that earlier planting if a waste p( lime and la bor. ” ,' n t ^ **1*^ t > - i i Gentlemen, we*regret to say It, bnt the tMiCfiP^tBVn? A*. Morrison bill mnjr be itWed| but its bloqrty spcolfe will aksfe' to cA& Irodt Ute tmrty thht does the her- ribledeetlf ' " ‘i ' 1 ' >*•' £ HB- FACIOLLE’.S FORTUNE. We tyuhwic.HH UnlwAtn* for SIUS TOUR NAMES' _ _ _ have recently received J TU( rRrNCllMAN IS nxmioA who through the post oltloe several ,, wooy-wymii axu wox if. anonymous'communications aua-j, ■f W published, not that we have any lhe ^ priae of 175.000 iD tbe objection to the tioketa and candl- |J e »>ruary drawing of The Louis- dates suggested, but simply from hn» Stale Lottery Company the source of the communications, is a rule in all publishing di'^iertJd wbosus^trt'.iititoq's K ' 'A.-* more Kb's that the editor should know tb£aji- n,„y did not know of his good tdr- ‘ tbor and source of p|l such matters tune. \ . —— 1 elb-1 r ~/ DAY OF DATS. fto^ day of days, threading th* ' .Some <Uj,wm, i 1 Pcrehanw the m ! lfsw ex »ugge«ivn, uus hirapiv iiimii rmn ouuc lA/htci; A-wuippu;. fact that we do not know thh * dearth, was pet up fof.bimLy a . I, porter, but be oould not be font tree of the communications. It 4,,. __ ,.i s u.„.i Finsllv some of Ms friends-wed days, thus may ws sun may Aina from skies of (jr vrin'er’s ley chill Touch whit*ly vale and hill: Wbat matter! 1 shell thrill I Through ever}- ruin with summer uo that daj. kfs’s perfect youth will all cons. rwcApiTsi. ram, nsyNja TlchtUenlyaa. Shares l» preyertlon QXlIBi Loniiiaaa State Lottery Coiupan). “ Hi do h•rthy rrrh/f Uni ire enytmte the arrangement* for nil He Jfonlnlg and Smi-Annii‘il Jlnneing* vf The leuuieiana Note /ejllerg Comptinr.amlinpermin man age and control /*< llrnaingi Htrotelert, ami Hat lUetaau art maderfnf milt Sea- Faciolle was a carpenter and t ssw A r . A ... owl lolleuce : Inet maker, at -No. 23 Pine street. . . He is, 47 years of age, cam* from . it* is in- 1 p,,,,* of hieh he U a native, to I -, tfalnklssOboer twill be. . lee to face, mrh soul " III sXp its long control, get th* dismal dole when published, otherwise serious mistakes might be made,and sometimes given wbru none tended. A paper which docs not ’ America nine years ago, and set- Knvet observe such a rule la liable to liu tied in Jacksonville a year ago., or dreary faukdariTirparatiox am; imposed upon at ,ny j ‘Sftf e WoThi. I And have known I* per* to be tnisl.d (rk . nd , Ule ‘ 1>efore ,,isdepart- ’’tA. wIU,allu, team. into publishing the marriage of, ure lrom Jacksonville, and said lie j persons when no such marriage bad , was going away. shall vauMiio tbenusnam <*f that inreting. lakeo place. Of couse, such as this ' “Why are you going?*’ asked • THE IdCAiTcREMATORV. .is liable to get up a fuss, and plaee *'*" X 1 ?* 1 !**' . -in- r ' . „ , , 1 , “Oil. business is dull in my line, , Haw Cremation W ill mei Stabbed of a publisher In t very embarrassing , ton gt . l n „ tui „„ to do.” tO It. ob|erti..aMe Vcturra. position. Even In the M|)«l|est, The mystery of bis whereabouts ; iTbeModern A*».| matters this rule should Is-olrnerv- was solveil on Friday, when be It is not a disagreeable journoy mi ed We ar«oo"ii«ioniillv iceiiivihir 1 turned up in the ofllce c*f The Lou-; "liu-.b «,-* now propose to take nnr ‘I- n-ioii.iiiy lerwiving, I Pomnanv ! r-aders. It is to witucsstlio llnsl dw- tbrough the post Olllee ooimnunioa-,!, 1,1 hUle ,crrr , m P , (lositiou of. friend's rpmaiiw in the lions unsioo Ml sisUi.e \li Mia. COrner ° f S .‘: - l ,i bul nei.istorr of the iu*? lions nnsigiiiMl. slating li. Mm, j on , lre ,. ls . Pteioile had in his having already perfeefeil the moclian- io nml xo, lx in Ihe Oily vimling , poBgcxtvion one*fifth of the lickei • jo»ii nppliuuct^ mw^uirr in couductioK tin? fa mi I \ of .Mr. or .Mi*** s*o and j No. 71,342. which drew the capital | it i i the* wny uo SM^rilie. or staling ll'al then* will bensis-ial j prixo f>l 47-‘i.fl00 at the drawing on i »«r friend has died. and. throngl. gathering at sifr-bj of course,we cannot glad to have such items when we j on the NeW Orleans National Bank, j . ir#t tbrungh it' grove of stately know the source from whence they j It was- a noteworthy, transforma-' COBIe> j tiou scene—coming to the ofllce a •' s . ' t ■ | ,,oor cabinet-maker, and leaving it A Brooklyn jury recently award- c.ino to America to better bis for- rt/v, fairneu. awl in go>nl faM hneartl all partite, and ws anthurim H* Ihmmng to ate Hit rrrltfraU. oUk fae-$lm(let of oar ile ademitemtnlt. eiijnataree atlaektd. in tie i w,|; icu-inl : pfi«i Ol ptu.nuu at me orawing on i -*—• !Feb. 12. 18S4. lie presented the j «!«nahaf ahnomiewieiUvwe le/irt that I a piace, ri.ese., pKc|ouK ’ of p* ‘ am , , t WM \ ibe last rue* wmII b.» performed in lb.- ot pitbiisli.t'tougli , immedialelv exebanved for rheck ^Ib^app^ thne, «w ..I, .tat me IA- Ik. It sen ! al.. V^'Aa Aj...a V.l ..S. If. a. b . . 4 * ... CpMmlialoBtri. i*i 1RH8 for 14 ve in l*r Ihc T^ioU* furw |«*r l.<lucillfrLjl il l (?k«rifnl.|a* I i,ri«.^«.a - wi’b .t of ll,dM,f«i)> , i> mlikit a r<*Mm |una «•! uTi*r R440.QI.1* b«s since U*i*n :*i<Icsf. Djr an Mvcrwhelmifrf poiHilMr v..'« it- fmnrhlM 11 ad* » I«rt of I ho furwfit *t**w Couadtotlow Adopted Jf i-umlivr Ms A. In, 1179. The oemtjf fr4t*rf rrtr ttj a.n sim/,r4 l-m the jifupie a/ uuif Waif. tt rnomri- tcalff nf putfjwgr/, 1U (Irand Nlsflt ftumbwr Drawloqfi t*kw plwr.w inoutltiy. • HflsKWOlD OPPOHTUSfITY TO H. r> I MI If <i l( A .NO l)!t.\WlNO, IKfTllK M?A1>KMY »•»• oi!| < K.tAX, ‘i I.'kmoAY, Apol Nik, 1MM« -lftr«|» Mumlilr IlMwin/! CAPITAL PRIZE, $?0,000. 100,00011rkels nf Five Ifollsrs Each. EraclleuM, In Einhs, in I’rspoiiiaa. MSTOV PIH/.i:m: • (*.%l v IT.\f, IMJIHK Mujor Jtarke, editor of tli^ New poao dldnies ! ^ smTi'uvan lor Jones, whose term expires in i. -iinm t The second Adventists have set' the foairtUidayj of next Novum Iter os tlie datn for the end of the world. A* this - jdll bu eleotion day, it la hophilAhtt hnnl amssh will hold oil until in tbo evening, so we can at lonat mnkc a rough, guess at haw Hie tiling lias gonu, .,1 A Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Kmiuirer. says the republican nomination for Pres ident will be given to Arthur, Blaine, Logan, Lincoln, Edmunds, Khcrnmn or Gresham. To cover all contingencies it should have added “or same other turn." Representative Blount lias a child very ill with scarlet fever, cd a most malignant type. It is fear ed that her herring has been entire- ly destroyed. Thisatnictiim hears severely upon Mr. Blount at tills time, when a lu-ated discussion of the tariff ia imminent. The Bmithvill^ Enterprise coin cides with us in the opinion that Mr. W. W. Thompson did not make $10,000 off ol one ocro in pear cut tings last year. The Enterprise adds, though, that lie realized some- tiling over $100 from the sale of Japanese persimmon trees off of n piece of land ant exceeding one- tenth of an acre. If. as we arc .told, prohibition prohibits, then .the following from a skeptical paper is entirely out of order: The liipior dealers of at least one Iowa town arc not muck put out by the prohibition law. The lead ing whisky distiller in Duhiupte . r > . • ). ! forced him to invest a dollar in a ntked a iiecuaiary consideration to ]otu , ry ti6ket| w | llch bordered by Mpair it. A Cleveland, Ohio,, court! correbpondunoe from M. A.Haupii- has just i^lven seven tiiousanU dol- j in.Newfiriesns. He became aware lart to a brakemau on one' ot the I ® f beiug,entit(etl to a share lit the railroad, of that commoawenlth j J^.OO^me soon aRertbc drawing, sr>t's. Ilia snutbir.g murmurs of whose rustling leave, brings peats- sail quiet ioto the in-arts of those who mourn Hint gather to pay the last tribute.; Within the grove stands a massive buiidiiig of gray masonry, whose architecture sliua no atriviiiK after orimmental elt'crt, and whose solid' proportioas give a sense of eternal is-rmaneney. A few small win dows in tiie simple frieze which crowns its walls do aot destroy this elf*t, and their plain stained-glass clashes m ■■■ wise with the harmony of color ls-i ween the sky, the trees and tins gray stone of the temple of rest. A lion t the Doric pillar!pf its portico green vines twin* , fondly, as though they, too, would ih , ^e liere to collect his money, their share in robbing death of all its wlio had lost bis unattractive^ leg Faciolle say! be will continue at UidcoiiMiess. in the service of the iuono|ioliSl! his trade for another tear, and will'; To this place luting hands have corpora, lop. The .hearting of this | then return to, jii. sunn^lmme in ; I* that ma?*iMillno lvg» in Ohio nre ' M. , J r nn }° n J r e . 1 thin murlhlvlioim? toliore. w)ier»i - J’> •' . , . kmariMi anil frifn(l#»,who will iloubt. im» \ Hi»a..p.ah'..A.. of more eoniemionoc tlmn U*imiit . _■ rS- ,* „ hwuics min. a novur-htiMAii '■ , , . 4 * IffMA Ik* overjo\eil at. nis irood lor-! lm>r «ive.s i»orttif curnuffi* ft*r tins Miiorr feiiiiiiim' f ^c!irtH ( | !fv tune — Now Orleans (Ia.) l*ic:iy- \ ami fiimt j<»nrtu*y. Knt«ring iiwhriiml Cluut'lit 1 **. Wo cannot itnagim* a ; unc, Maifli 2. !i|jorlal f Mi«* 8(»ft <ieej> iio(«*k of tut orgmi r*i :r «5i'iw7" i jsnsa & u.'ia.v tuift atiouM l*e l lie caae, uml can. Hu.Hhvtsi^ jcnu?r|«ri«k» . | teripr of tlia Lmiiiling in one impressive* only attribute the discrimination | • Avucutlunput of- prominence and j room, wifli walls, floor, celling, all of In Envoy of the leg and against the j one who is, in a position to know, j 5'^ jy. H * heart to the rors. lit all u piece ol machinery as u heart is j iuterseet the Central j' nianioriid stntues -real works of art them keeping nlive tin- ho ill Ins lit,- great. Many of tin- i„,ii i ,i.„ „„,i >i.., marine siaos.hi me sides and llis.r ot i o' ,i l .in ^ 0n , , ' , 1 bP -' S ° t J ,at ! the tomplo liear in plain, sunken letters Smithvlllc la the best point on the j a name and two dntes. ilcbind or Iki- ’ | lino of road for them to touch, from ( nth them are niche* eontn.n- In anoltier column we publish an , the fact that our other facilities are ! ing urn*, where rest the pure item regarding a conteinplsted mil- j *0 far in nilv«lice of any otner "iiitc uslo-s of the beloved dni-l. road from Smilhvillo to Frcslon. I'?)' 11 ;. Eartic* who arc conversant! G« ««», Hy^the^ with tnc proposed route claim that “JJ. , 01 onr , The business men ol Amentum will 1 |jlkil|Jf in ! 0 i on , Mtral i on tlle |)ros . >r,euA. Thedionr• hm. am abou no aoubt piiob-pooli at the idea of ,. nt rxiremely low prices ol iron,! u.ied hfo.while hc'b'vml 'Ac such a road buing limit. They did ; the road can lie built very cheap, j the surroundings, tlie anlxlnml music of so at the Burns Vista road, and j as tlie cost of grading would 'lie ; the organ, the absence of everything to ....... ,i„imr it rl.i. ,.ni,.i-. I nominal. ' jar upon the taste nr senses, bring, on ^ ® , Smlthvillc is now tin* greatest 1 a mood of solemn contemplation. NY, prising people ol Lee slid « etister I mUrnud town in iiouthwest Ueor-1 ti'onght of pliysicii I corruption jar»ii|on counties will build the road and j gja and with another road leading j V‘'f .^1“ callofavaluuhlc port ion of the trade | out from hele, wc will begin to : V.M.Lrn elioir liarimmTousli't-lianfs'.!! ’ the leg and against the j ««. Wh.i t* l« » \^U„,i to know.; « “ hT b preiudieua of the Jn* I , l ,|, cll.\ hintuaied to us a b w dats j HU | k | )lpt j Hhl j ,,.>;iiih in varied color l ..hslh wiien* so delicate "‘T* ,,,at ll,e “ ,, '' l, *r , ' r r.innng-a; through the windows «t the too. (>„ * j railroad trotn Ercsion. \\ etister J aitin-r si*la rtf: the chamber stand a few nmeliinery hs h lieart is | (foamy, to iuterseet the Central j nminorial statue* -real involved the jury in suit* for duia-. Railroad at this point, was nuder j each one ot them k« ages should have at least six love, i consideration by a party of gentle- j “ f ’J™''' i,«,t„ women MHMuif, I men who are abundantly able to , »»* < t!n*.r good or grea ly snd sympatlielie women among *!*.,„,.'l ...arl.Ie * abs m the side its member*. of American. If any road i* built t'k Preston it should In: from Ainer- ieua. It is |Missible that in this new railroad project the Central lias a hand, and it may bo that it is the |iollcy of that company to encourage tl* building of roads at all |ioints near Amerieut- and thus cut off its trade. Brother Mercer, of tlie Calhoun Couuiy Courier, in discussing with eggs." This is something new to ; us. Why—how—well, lor instance, : suppose a man—no. a hen—sup. ..... . * , | . 1 pose a lien'wanted to hatch out a savs that bis pnuciiiul trade has fir. , , , . .. , , . brood of rooster*, at what stage ol for years been in tnc heart ol tern- . ,. , , , * .... I Lie moon >hniild she lav the eggs, peranee communities. He savs, . , . . ... , ,. * or at what stage of the moon should “whisky by any btlier name tastes just as sweet." Xo country recovers faster from disaster than the Cnited States. Three weeks ago the Ohio valley was submerged—whole towns were underwater: business was suspend- ranging lor a lively campaign. This being the year for the election of the “oracle of the Telegraph aud | President, the Tull vote of the Re- Messenger." the influence of the j publicans will lie brought out. moon U|ion the animal aud vegela- j Since the last election Houston and i.| a kt.,».l.,m. ..... .. t„.„,4, l.iureascounties have been added ble kingdoms, savs. And broth- ■ to t | |(l District am) t | iesc cr Lewi* well knows Hint tlie moon s , uonntics increased the Republicans stages affects the gentle, of Retting ; strength. Yet Houston county, think that we are destined to l*-the j hope hi.,I life, and now the ,mil ho- tnct.ropoli* of our portion of the* J conn*. With the wonhi "akin** to Axhc*" State. Lft the hail Ih* kept in mo* a whito pull is thrown over tli»* «lni\ lion. j uml wi» liuvo looKftl uuou onr frii n>l -m *. - ! for tlu* littt tiou*. Xlio d.ti* noi*u*« At oute*t In th»* Third. | h^lv mInk* from nijrht. a short lio ir i« lUtkkiuATiiie ii’a|»str!i. . *pi*nt in 1im(o!iuik to a fittioral oration Tho Republicans in this district j -r in r,mtemulation until the dais, .till m S ~il r ..mmmm 7r . ^^£Ct2£SS& grtMv tuift )wr, uml *iil itohl a i :i u liru—providitl IxMorcliun.i, and eon- mooting at .Viucrifii* ahntu the} laiiiinptin*axiics of our friend. Tlii*' tilth of thi* month for the purport* 1 is now scaled into oiu* of tin*niobt *.and of di*cu*Hin4 tho situation and ar» ; f h«* «*<*n*int»nv U nwr. Tlif% i* not j»ni i •«., . •j HKkn*. - An >U» 2*1 lit! -V4I. , i**i •»•* m.. to*» In il'* -Hi,. m» ilu ih... , aiuwu-utiic :*SmS . IU.M00 . I2.IXO . 20.100 . U*/iO0 . I*!.* Ml I OHmm. .Irlta-i “Bntchevcd in Cold Blood.” Wf^liF. OFI'EltlSO DKTIL ME 111. TIIE HALAXCE OF OEIi WINTER STOCK! DRI GOODS! flier Mi, CLOTHING! Boots and Shoes, LADIES’ m MEN’S BATS! I'or »ule at muoIi pricmi *<* will be* termed onlv til- ..ffhi .4 IM • »r.g* At»jr In S. w o r il.'-Jf* '•JHtlVsS MN*I 4'Hfrss KviflsIcrMl |.rf'.T* 111 . s«w oxiigindMTiaxu uml soJt «Qataffi*Jr.r’?lfr5f vns M-'il »r lull minis ftA i«otl «;.?.*»4 by m. a. tuiritn, Xiw Orleans, La, iniugmatiim. Ilutli-n. inveat.-m ha* mil- ls-,1 ineineration nl' all its nbji-vtio.n.',],- fr Haver till a! late yean, could the world well and simple* solve the problem nf what to do w ait its dead. The whole protv** eon ts* earned «u ..* ws have pn-tu.eil. ail*.' without a single revolting feature in any part of it. One Her ret or H.rna.o siuree.^ i Kx.-lian*,-1 The great sneers* of Mormon mi**ion- uries abroad i» owing to tli,. f : ,et that I Imvt* retiirncfl from Nctv York, where I Imiight tlieltir-- est stock ol Dry Goods, (MIliilg, Notions, 3EJtO., E3tO. ever brought to Amerims. All the good* were bought at auc tion. and “chance sales,”which will enable me to offer my goods at much lower prices thiiit I t'X|iectcd to lie ahh; to 1 purchase them at—and I will sell thoninteorres[>oiiding prices. And in iidditiou to the ('ASIT system l have ulso introduced the PKNNY SYSTEM, which will enable mi* to n.nke the exact change. Come, examine, and price hiv goods. Ucspectlidly, S. M. COHEN. mclitif , . .. , *, _ tVhiel. «« will call on* of JOHN It. tiUAW'M donation., to hi* patrons. We call especial ntlahtion to.per 111. A .VKETS, IT >M FOIM'ATII.ES, JEANS AMICAthilUEKEti. *. W<VI. AM) ZKJ'IIVII SHAWLS, i.ALIKS' t'l.OAKK, ltKl'KLI.ANTH, FEANNKI. srmMW. OPERA FI.AN'.SEI,. HKD AND WHITE FLANNELS, m OVELVET mUBONff t 1 ol f.AI)G! An I mi if 0<H*r r*v>!« tnn RtM$r»in mvnUcD. aril.* «.0.1* are ALfc STAPLE ,W WHEAT. HUT MUST HE SOU) NOW AT ANY PJUCE. rather than carry tl.-m over. NO ltlOTRllTION As TO wa »21IO -H -Vv fl ’ 1 UIUIONS, dm rujd lit riminji la anti propon* io rmltuMliliijjs li»Hy l*y i iiifloxprlcFu itown M I..WV4? |4>/*lbU fl.'Uroa. EMBROIDERIES and LACKS. w " I'd** (.44 4r»* luro tlwnya hul l In* r|«*»l« v HNr AN I * l M \U0kMI1.\S. HUtTMKNT . llttmlmrg Edginjfl-Jc to $1.50 I>cr yard. WHITE GOODS* IN HI A LINENS. Vl< I t»lt(A, PERSIAN A Xl> LI N KN LAWNS. STIII PEI) A XL Cl I Et'KED NAIN SOOK, IM.TI KI) ANDFlftl'REI)SWISS, SWISS Ml'SLIN. FKKNI'II MULL AI.I. OVER TUOKINO, I.At'K CHECKS. LACK I’lytlE. LACK Olrt.LS. LONSDALE CAMBRIC. IRISH LINEN, ETC. fT.rt In * t.i iVKi.r ibiutfi ns ' in un«l at tiie rkl.t |#r i she ro.uiueni-e News- nutwithstanding her large negro majority, lias been giving Demo cratic majorities. The Democrats) they offer poor iH*>jilu land. of Houston arc* entitled to much i la:ul* are rcailv furuidied by our gov- I Credit for the abiiitv dispiaved iu i ernment under the li,um-*te*d law. lint j the last few campaign*. * i t! 'f Mormon* do a Nplrtnliil Im^nm ! offeringthf.*o J;u»a< to oiuvcits. Tlie! poor pooplf roitic to «»nr tlimvs. get tlm J land from o»ir goYorntuont tlirongh \ laAst year's tlootl in the DnrturaUUlHrric. Hmu««WlWB»d tlnriOM tl»E **** r 2f^SS Juhnton. Soldkn uf Wi MMiM ilM thdrpmHKGvHii th»l wmnL &oao<*Aeta«axuatta»nMMt,'Rmt, lotjacca" Hno,l«»Aii«*»k»$w i«c»orr. Now it emvUtn i*‘nt am! |4ck of the iWtHi JWt. Uhl Uw h*nt*tbr tfMlMRJtrtof tklMlM Uurtuui Smokioir Tnbmxu bu Ibu Unrrut rala of juif HDoUtif lobaooo to lb* wwid. xrSrr iUk-r«h$T«il. maMMrtorfttWl Aotiin^iiam Lacc Curtains, FROM 4*1-To Tt. ♦7.0rt PER PAIR. CIIAnRRAl'M. Flfft'RED LAWNS, I'ALItOM, Sii.lnl-le f-r Sprl- a an* atir«,fjrujwu fur** TURKEY' RED DAMASK. ULEACHED AM)CREAM DAMASK. NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TOWELS, CRASHES, LINEN LAPJtOHKS TABLE COVERS. BEDSPREADS AND QUILTS. In unllmll**! rorl«/. So »n- li *.'■•--* H*iw!;-rc. Ltin - , || ,„j®!pP' '* likely to lie equaled this l Mormon agenrin*. a mug—.v many - year. The point of daager is reach-1 the church for,the t Tile Nktllcu Mississippi, Nxw Oiti.KA.xs. March S Sever al breaks in the levees near this city have occurred during the past few days, but they were closed cd and gloom bung like a pall over without much damage. This morn- that section. But alter the waters ln - * more serious crevasse occur- - - — receded and the winds had dried "■ at V‘° ,, * vi * P |an V“*‘ ,n - »*>«« TS" *° frequently .-..trered 1 au.l aim . . , uules above tnc city, in St. Charles from floods. > You tak ami they reimburse trouble of convert ed when the water at Vicksburg I in B bv paying tithe*. Tl.o Mor rises to iortv-lwo tect. and il is i ,uo “ s * 1 '’ “ thriving bnsiuess in this already at fortv-five. The Ohio is . ' vav ' ll!ul k ??>! a!; «'. rl|..wii.g ehnreh now falling, but the Red river at t ?’ ; “ ,,r -'*' •’"PP'ri* two e.,! o, " . . , " ,L ‘.-* v ruw near eoacress with ever-ready i fslircteport is higher than it has ; reasons for not interfering with polyg- j been since 1849. For several weeks ! auiv. “T f ° r . SOHci ! U<1C Dalr.f'uuins Chile Xa.arr. as to the fate of the ' :** area along Tile lunging of a girl’s hair changes 1 the lower Mississippi which has in *;„. whole nature of tho little wretch. , become* a* agi.n that is limited, j ke a picture of “Evangeline." , the lands the ponpb* became cheer- parish. The latest* news received u«.i bang h.-r hair, and she would look fnl. business was resinned and the rc|K>rta that the break is widening From the discu.aion or the Rail- | Howwoutd'Mr»“ Ann Uott tb-Kr.i wheel of progress began to turn rapidly ami that the water is over- road Commission it would seem! fr-nm 16 preacher! b**k with her hair again. X»w business iu Cincinnati,' honing the Texas I'aciilc and Mor- tl.nt A u.erioi.s one*- had a Board of! Imaged'! It i* ja*t the same with boys. ; Louisville is moving happened ' Wheeling a ad Pitlsburu B» ni * roads. Tbo planter* have a Trade, which wielded a decided in-i You take a nice, jiious. Sunday--school ’ . ... _ . . , | large force at work. Thcrailroada flucnce. W'hat lias bceotne or that! 'boy. who can repeat :)t)0 verses in th* SSk8SSfil2StS25fi.*‘K22^w^roI5 g on as ,f "“I had wilt furnish belts am! material to organization and why can it not be * an.l eol; hi* lrnir will. I i<„. • a ,--i;«*..-r. a id he locks like A ig W usou. , r.<>. ; dose the break. jrevuwl? '• ** ^^T.TswCT>t.t.i7.“s.Av«Vwfc HOSIERY! HANDKERCHIEFS for th* MILLION from Sic to 4150 mob. 1 A l..ll:<lK AND VAttIKO LINK OF ' IjiilifH* Fiuc I'nslom Made Bools! ,\|«rat« l»» frtoel, fh>m k»i»wn ZKrULEUV, k ! SW&*c ( ). AND others. 1 jrg'Wo will do IwtUr by yon than oth ers can cr will. , CALL AND SEE El- mii um, FORSYTH STREET. Amiricus, : : : Georgia. Ir#t »/**#*«