Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, April 04, 1884, Image 2

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>v Americus Recorder. OBlrUI Urn" «t *1 A l»iit one-bait of the Georgia •reekllea are publishing a Mormon '*tor>% *8e*led Unto Him,” which they claim to bo expressly written serious, but wbidr-bas reached no tor tbeir columns, while tbe other half are makiog fun or them Mr. K. A. Forrester, of Lee, Is spoken of as candidate lor State Senator from the Tenth district Mr. Forrester would make a good legislator and wo should be glad to see him nominated and elected. — ^ -• Ba A paper in Minnesota starts out with, "Our platform is tbs abolition of poverty, Igoorence, wickedness, uoebastitv, drunkenness, Injustice, perversion of law, oppression, end evil” Its success Is looked for with feverish interest It it fitting that Senator Joe. drown, who favors paternal pro* teetton on tbe |iart of tbe govern* meet, should advocate national education. Why not wipe out all etato lines and let tbs federal gov. eminent provide in a parental way the food, olotbing and education of all tbe people ? Col. W. T. Dowd all, lbs veteran publisher of the National Democrat, at Peoria, IIL, and who was mainly responsible for tbe putting of English on tbe ticket with Han cock, has been visiting Tilden. In a recoat Interview be says that Mr. TUdch assured bim that he could '•tot and would not run. Aa the aged statesman talks in the same way to all, it is safe to aay that he a cam ft. Tbe Macon Telegraph very time- ly rises up and remarks that "can didates for tho Legislature should pnbllsli tbeir views so questions of present interest in the State. It is abkartl to elect a man to a repre sentative oflloa with no reference whatever to hid views on any lei d. ing matter of inlerent. Tbe people ought to know for whom and for wbat they are voting wbon they de posit tbeir voles In the ballot-box." We should like to hoar tbeir views on tbe Kail road Commission and tbe dog law. Come forward, gen tlemen, sad make a clean breast ofit. A KKUKO 1ACK\ DIARY. . A telegram from Savannah to tbe j St. Louie Ulobe-Democrat, »ays 1 J, II.VPSEEVIU.B, Enough rain in tbe past two wrecks the Atlanta Constitution, announc* crap could It have been ea that these barn basil an attempt - B , j baa of ills to .1 people of tbe towu and county. Such a statement aa tliia is simply an uninjuatlfiable exaggeration , of a atata of afialra that la-no'dbnbt The pedestal being erected on Bed toe’s Island, in Now York Bay, for the Bartholdi atatue is not pro. greasing very rapidly, but the esti mates of its cost are growing day by day. It was at first estimated that the pedestal oould be built aud tbe statue placet! in position for $350,000. The committee in charge of the work has only sue- , ceedcil in raising $140,000 Irom all sources, and work done so far has -cost $10,000. Now ihey say the .granite alone fur the whule struct ure will cost $380,000, tbe concrete $30,000 more, and the laying o( the stone $00,000, not to mention oilier items of im|Nirtancv. Thu great increase in the estimates it enough to throw suspicion on the managers of the atlnlr, and contributions to complete tho work will not flow in if tbe idea gets abroad that some big jobs are being worked out of tbetond. Tho country will demand a dean showing in this business. On tbe local page will be laund a 'communication from an Eye Wit ness ortho proceedings of the ltc> publican Congressional Convention, and from bia account there was a very pretty little fight between two factions aa to who should repre sent this district in the national convention. While the white Bad. icals wen fighting, «be colored brethren slipped in and nut oft with tbe bona of contention. Col. Brown and Mgj. Brimberry both wanted to be delegates, and both claim a victory because the other did not it. Altogether U it very funny to the Democrats, who have no rqpaoa to Csar as long aa their op- poeeuta an fighting, and we are free to confess that wa ere glad Major Brimberry was defeated, for if the organization of the district such momentous culmination. Tbe whole difficulty baa been fully ex plained in lira special pispatobss to the Constitution. John F. Clark; a negro tramp from Keutueky; whose actions cannot bs explained on any reasonable theory If be Is not a raving lunatic. Clark baa boon going about tbe State preaching a race war. Ha It more furious aud fanatical than a aholk of tbo desert, and hla speech ea are no doubt calculated to exer- else an undue Influence ovor evil, mluded and Igri'.rant negroes. He declares that General Grant has loaned bim immense sums of money, aud that an army in mar Idng to the aid of the downtrodden negroes. In some sections he baa induced tbe negro laborers to strike for bigber wages, and bin lismi'giw* have treated considerable dLcon* tent. He has gone torn Baldwin county into Washington county, but thua far lie has escaped arrest. Clark lias no doubt duped many negroes into believing that he Is a person of some importance, but the sensible negroes see and feel that ba Is either a knave or a fool and that bis incendiary harangue*, if they have any influence nt all, can only lead to trouble. In Sanders* villa one day last week the negroes held a public meeting and |taased resolutions severely denouncing Clark and advising their race to have nothing to do with him; and the Constitution 1ms received a din* patch from Mayor Rodgers, of Sanduravitle, in which hv stales that no trouble is anticipated there, the ammunition having been order ed out ot nlnimlnid caution. The remedy for such kimvcn or TooIh us Clark Is not powder and shot, but tho clmingang. There can hu no worse enemy of the ne gro race than the person who makes nn eftort to disturb the ami- cable relations that now exist lie- tween it auil tho white race. Let Clsrk lie arrested aud placed where the results of bis labor will go to- ward educating tbo negro children of the state. JOLLY JOHKPBEEYIIiLK. .. . LVXFKM RAILROAD. ~ March 'ifiU- Bmpxix, GA-, March STth, 1854. Editor Uuvmkui:—Now that the citizen* of Amcriou* are jtwakn* j _ log VO the necessity of harijgg Ail « connection from East to t "Wcstjit might not lc inappropriate to call j their'attention to a route which your correspondent thinks would There is no atlntso far as compli ments to the south nre concerned. These compliments in no degree pnrtako of fulsome praise as they are but tbe utterance of tacts that need appear in no disguise. As we learn by the New Orleans Time*. Democrat, tbe latest of these conics from Jay Gould. Tbatdistiuguisli. ed capitalist is somewhat chary of this praise, nnd not in the Imlut of making predictions; yet lie departed from lid* rule lost week to declare that the south had made auuti pro gress since tbo wars* New England bad never equaled in her palmiest days. It was the begtning of a new era in tbo smith, ho asserted, when it would become a great manufacturing district, nnd Dlrm Ingham and Atlanta figure among the leading manufacturing towns of the country. The outlook lor tho production of cotton goods and iron was most promising, and other manufacture* would follow them, ami alji kind* of good* be produced aud turned out here In lino, in summing up Jay Goutd Mid there was no better investment for capital than in developing the resources of the aoutb, whether agricultural, mineral, timber or manufacturing. And ho has proved how truly ho believe* this by in vetting bis own capital ao largely iu southern railroads. Barred iritb a Peiionnl Rest. Bartow, U.v, March 3«—While the Johnson County Superior Court was in session a number of person* who were in attctdancc dined at a public restaurant, and thirty or more were very seriously affected from tbe meat. It is supposed to have been polio usd. Suspicion rests on a negro who bad been prosecuted by the proprietress of too restaurant, be being in her bouse most of tbs forenoon trying to compromise tbe matter with her. needed. But little term been done. Splendid fcft'pntting tbe roods insider, but tome aay it i* several week* until court and if worked now it . . ttaasaati {wgaagi«.. work again before las Honor came , , - lfc , - ! reaeli > ienna 9 Dooly county, it 1 The roads have not been worked I ** 10 J ol ° h » od ‘ wUh 1 in several years, only run over, tow! «*“ • .from day. before court. But the com-1 Vwn “ »• Americua, and thence, mtolonet. are going to have them i «* * “ d «*■*“■• | put in tip-top order this spring.! YoU ,ee * looUn * * lbc We ask all our overseers to bear! nu ** ***** ***** P r0 * xmed , rou * e i give* you au air line aod will pens-1 irate in both direction* a rich and the Balance of our ENTER STOCK I tad boen left to kirn we might bav* "*» bury for to Col. Jack for deleting him. this in mind. Many of ua would be glad if 8teW*rt county would adopt tbo new rood law, as the present mode ot working them is becoming very troublesome. It is impossible for tbe commissioners, to divide tbe baud* out to suit every liody, and and many of them abuse tho com* roissioners because they do not put their bands where they want them, and for many other things they do. A m*|orlty of tbe negroes are in favor of the new law and bad much rather pay a road tax than work them. Then we could have good roads. A* it la we never will. Will our next grand jury please recom mend it? Tbe signs are good now for more fine farming weather. The tree* are fast blooming out and spring fioetry will soon be in order. Since the recent rains oats are on a regular boom, and the pros pect* are flattering for a fine crop. Corn is in demand and is biinging $100 per bushel with an upward tendency. Tho matrimonial market dnll but steady, but of late no one is invited tint the parson. We think wc know who will bo the next. We have him spotted and will be ready. Since our last Mr. S. P. Kim brough has had another attack, hut is improving and is able to set up a little. Mr*. SaIIIo Bostwick spent to day In the ville. Business tells iis that lie has re ceived letters from all over the .State and believes any mail can marry If he wants to. lie lias made his selection and will gel oil ns soon as necessary arrangements can be made. He is a good one, and to tho lucky one we tender our congratniatlooa. Mayor. MACON COUNT!' ITEMS. Boldexvillb, March iiUth—The farmers are jubilant over the re cent rain* and they lock forward and hope for a better crop this year. Corn is looking very well anil cotton is being planted. Wish them good lack. . At hi* residence, near Ibis place, on 38tli Inst., Mrs. Sallie Nelson, au aged and widowed lady, who was drooping under the pressure of old age, died suddenly of a con gestive chill. As she was nn cs- timable and much beloved lady, it fiil* with sorrow the heart* of many to realize the and event. Mr. G. C. Walker, that renowned and worthy school teacher, who boa been leaching a large and in- tercsting school nt St. John’s Acad- cmy, ended his school on the night of the 38th, with a nice concert. Prof. Walker is a humorous aud jolly fellow, and is the “highest’’ school teacher in Macon county, which, of course, renders him suc cessful in his profession. As it justly deserves it, I must speak a few words in regard to the concert. At (even o'clock the house was thronged with the patrons of tbe school, whoso pleasant smile* indi cated that they appreciated their school. Presently the curtains were raised and the sweet, loving and soft melodies of the feminine voices rang in tbe ears of the spectators singing the “opening" song. Next were the "Twelve Months," acted by twelve pupils, which created much laughter and considerable cheering. Next wee played "School Boy” wbiob was * success. Next was a tableau, “Tbe Gipsy'* Wan ing,” and an “old time break down” aad various other and well execut ed pieces, and a few comical speeches by tbe little ones. I can not remember the progreme. How ever,It was quite a recherche affair, aad all went home with light hearts, well pleased, and with tbe express ion, “Ain't 1 glad I've come.'* W.C. fertile section of country that will‘ bring a fine trade to Americas.' Tbe line I* shorter, end being a j narrow gauge road can be built for much less money than a broad i gauge roed. The citixun* of Dooly, Webster and Stewart will subscribe liberally to secure such a road and ' while your committee is casting ; about tor a new road let them give this feasible route a fair Investiga tion. H. WM\ Fancy Ms, CLOTHING! Boots and Shoes, LIMB? BID IBS’S BITS! For mIi «t »nob prices mt will bs tamed Tbe preparation tor tbe “bloody U shirt" campaign is now in progress in Georgtt, tho most conservative i of aIt|8outbern States. A negro' orator ba* been m.king highly in- cendlary speeches in Baldwin and Jone*|connties,and naturally tbe ire of tb* people and the official* la stirred up. Tboso wbo sent bim did so with tho wish that be should be killed. They knew that in making aneb speeches, advocating the ap* plication of the torch and knife of tho assassin as a means of bringing about equality, he ought to be kill- J ed, and they were willing to sacra- fie* one darkey, and a thousand if necessary, if they could again raise the * bloody shirt" and cry "Persecution for opinion’s sake." Tbe officials of tbe oountios have been active in tbeir efforts to arrest the orator, bill he has flitter! away. This is the year of such enterprises —the result of liiidlcal Ingenuity ami malevolence. . lonpan j certify that ms inaii (he amvigtmcntr for all the JlonSlu a, Seoti-Annral Driving, of The State Lottery £%“ ' -■ age and control and that the V«1 certificate. itgnahiru attached, in itn adtertioemenU IikxwjmmM i i IMS to » mn hr the laglnU ten far Kdacatlaeal sm4 Chariubf. r«nm»l wlik a cartel of SIA0S.S0S—!• wkk* • rnrn anil iilmrUHW ts HM treiiliM, By hs avmrbcinlMff popular vole In frnnebli wm mad. • |wrt "t I ho pi mat State CotutUaCo adopted December 3d, A. D., lilt. The onto OJtary eter noted a and mdvrtei I the people of amp male. tl never rente! nr poilpone/. Ill Grand Blasts Inter Drawls* tak* pises moatbly. Judge Pate. It looks qh through Judge l’alc was getting in his work in the cast- em part of 11 eiilHirlutand purposes to give Judge Crisp u lively tight ’ fur the congressional nomination.- | Americus Recorder. The only work that Judge palo , ,s "getting in thief the caaternjpart of the District if bis duties as n judicial officer, and it is a well known lacc that ho never refers to politics, only in a casual way, and when it is un t voidable. He I* one Judge that doe* not mix politics with tbo duties ol the important anil responsible |>osition that he occupies. He has, however, bosts of friends and admirers through* out the District who would lie pleased to sec him go to Congress, and who stand ready to give him their earnest support, should lie decide to become a candidate.— Hawkinsvillc News. At a negro debating society in Stewart county, a few evenings ago, the question—"which is the most useful to tho country, lawyers or j buzzards?" was argued. After a thorough and exhaustive discus* sion the ribbon was pinned to the buzzards by the judges Culhbcrt Appeal. It is wise to provide itgain»l emergen- eivs that are liable to arise in evrry fam ily. A cold way tic a dangerous thing, or not, depending upon thu means nt hand to combat it. In sadden ntlucks of cold, asthma, etc., Ayer'sUherry Psotorat will prove the quickest and moat effact- iro cure, and your best friend. Which we will call one of JOHN E. HHAW’tt donations to bis palrrns. We call especial attention to ot'.r BLANKETS. COMFORTABLE^ JEAN* AND OAKSIMKKEK. WOOL AND ZEPHYR SHAWLS. LADIES’ CLOAKS. HEPELLANTS, FLANNEL SUITINGS, OPERA FLANNEL, RED AND WHITE FLANNELS, LADIES' VESTS. DRESS HOODS, VELVET RIBBONS. LADIES' CMIVES, LADIES’ HATS, An.l many O'hsr (.«•*• to, nimWMS lo mrnllaa. SRPTbn goods urn ALL STAPLE AS WHEAT, BUT MUST BE SOLD NOW AT ANY PBICK ralhsr than carry them over. NO RESTRICTION AS “ QUANTITY. Apr It Mil', is** -lBTtl, Drawlm CAPITAL PHIZE, $79,000. 100,000 Ticket* at Fir* Dollars Eset Fractions, la Fifths, Is Proportion. LIST OV TRIZKS: 1 CAPITA I. PRI8K «W* * PKIZXB OV |U0t.. » *> yton,.. to to Low... nso ise no... fs.. lew d« ». smm APPROXIMATION TRIMS. # .tM>ioximaif*n PHmo of f«|0 H,7W 9 - * ! SB. Tmw » “ “ m tsse 1,9*« Priiro, fiBoantini to .AfpttnUioffi for rate* to c!af«* »hoaI4 be made Mly to the odra **f Umt CoaipMjr la Hew Orleaao. >«ir farther liifortuatk* write rleuly. rlvl** fall aidrw. M«ke I*. U. blottrjr Ordiro payab!« •a* R**ri-M Rqiistfyrd Left dm to SBW ORIeKAII IAT10IAL BA9K. ■«w OrloRai, tom. POST AC* XOTKIaad nrdhtary Ittier* hy ” <rJbpPM(allniMo(|f »d iprartl hy 'Aw^KSs'aV. it M. A. DAUPIllJf, COT 9«v«atb »t., Wublaftaa, D* C. arc rxpldlv iv>minff in and propooo t*» jn«k« Ihltiip* lively »*jr yulflof prlcro down to lowt'ot (AMoitlD lijtum. raBROlDKRSES and LACES. We* b«v«* noH’s tD-t Wf have n1w«jn hml.) tbo fHOH'K.V!' AM) l..\l(t»kMTAA8« bORTAIKNT. Hamburg Kdging 2jcto$1.50 per yard. WHITE GOODS. INDIA LINENS. VICTORIA. PERSIAN AND LINEN LAWNS. STRIPED AND CHECKED RAIN- S«*oK. DOTTED AND FIGURED SWISS. SWISS Ml’SJ.IN. FRENCH MULL, ALL OVER TUCKING, LACF. CtIKCKSr : rr LACK PIQUE, LACK HOODS. LONSDALE CAMBRIC, HUSH LINEN, ETC. Jott ers’ Improved Cotton Seed From which bu beta auda 50 BALES ON 20 AOBES, Css be procurrtl at J. W. Harris & Ob.’i Hariware Store, AMERICUS, UA. 7 Great Monarchies sj,r»i^ T ?ATfkT«rss ” JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, P.O.Box l««f* li V—f it.. M. T. AprOM. Wanted Immediately! i XsebtvfM aatoM *tt—llaaa ar$ IMbM, IVottingliani Lace Curtains, U FROM (2.fi0 TO *7.00 PER PAIR, CIIAMAUAYN. Nuliahlo for Hpriuf ar* RliraJy ©r** Iwpoction Tl’HKEY HED DAMASK. BLEACHED ANQ) CREAM DAMASK, NAPKINS, DOYLIES. sr«r mRSHkewnm In unlimited varIRy. *Mk **■*•• skawhare THE LAROKS^jrroCX AND OBX.vntaT HOSIERY! Vor Lealteo, MIom* aad CklMrrn. HANDKERCHIEFS for the MILLION from 3jc to $180 each. A LkUOK AND VARIED LINE OV Ladies* Fine total hie Inti ! Almy, la itoek, Own astk well kaawa ZEIGLEIPS, STRIBLEY A CO. KMALTZ. MONHOE A CO. AND OTHERS. H*V. will do better bjkjroa than oth- era can or will. CALL AND SEE VS J0IR.SBAW, As much us change of weath er necessitates a chnnge of wear ing apparrel, so it is equally necessary to change the adver tisement in business if the same requires it. My fisrt mention that l had been to New York and bought the cheapest stock ol' goods, and my promise to sell them at "Bargain Prices,” has met with a much better success than expected. Thank ful for this patronage and being spurred by this altogether fa- vorahlu and profitable result, 1 have decided to visit NcwYork and the Northern markets next month (when the wholesale business then is at a standstill,) to purchase again such goods at bargains that can be used and arc wanted by my citizens here. To accomplish this I have determined to sell the re mainder of my stock at still lower prices than heretofore of feted. Come and he convinced that I will do exactly what I say. S. M. OOHEN, Bargain Store, (Sign of Rod Flag), Cotton Avenue, Americus, Us. Z ! FOKSYTII STREET, fa. . . , n^, Am.-ncds, : : : ueorgia. talaat fcrtrt, PbUa^iabU. 1 Dnta hUfl.r bM Mart-t fifwi, XWl.ttlrig; Ik 1 .*»b wW*k aprt) 5*4. Sale of Freight. SocTswzmtmx Baosoad Company ) o, Qeoboia. t Ambbicdi, Ga., March 14,1884. ) TV bllowiav imS rrawlals* In tka MaM - 1 „,awH, wJlka nM V > ilr plattma olibr naCwte, m tmn .. T«u- jUfajipjteojojrcJhS orfteCrlat r»yr. . _jmk elite. Vym, i tm enter. *. I*. cSn A Cw, * Ban* Xa Catea. K4. Uttlttaa,ll1.w Stock. . - I Cook " . CI.T A Wflf, 1 Byw_. ft,lor* WBtol.lBanalCMw. S' •• “ IBaaSkMaGlma. . * t “ Tlaa •• * I RoU Bavrin. : : Lo¥?WARREN. Apnv.