Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, April 18, 1884, Image 1

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n TOL.V. AMEBICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1884. NO. 47 DELIUHTFUL DAWSON Dawson, Ua., Apiil J5th, 1834 In jour issue of last .week these words .1 vourit: ‘‘The Uiumkdkr, too, has a broader mission than to build up Ainericus— it seeks In aid in building up all Southwest Geor gia, and, has ever been ready to lend itsajd in that direction,’’ found a responsive echo from all in this section who have watched your course; and it. has beeu said upon our »tr,eet» by some ol our most prominent citizens that your work up to this Jiui • has beeu a good one for Southwest Georgia. We.jpjp watching the course of cenco” ot an almost forgotton psst, in that a steamboat was built at that place by James U. Butts, of Mahon, in 1848. So in the past we must fi*re bad water navigation almoat to the doors of Americas. Build thst railroad and who knows but what the Flint river may yet be made directly tributary to the commercial interests of Americas. In the future Congressional appro priations, slid tbu money of those interested may put water naviga tion almost to your doors. W. K. I*. POWDER Absolutely {Pure. I In powder ntver A wrvl of purity •trritytli Mt| urhnl* —pro. II or* eeunouileal thin iht ordinary an<l nunt iw *o!d in ti pet ten 4rnir the w.iitltud*- low test, short Ight, alum or phnanhatu pourdc Wall H'root. Now York. (Jiticura POSITIVE CURE turtmrtfwrmf SKIN I BLOOD ■OI8EA8E.B PIKPUStsICROfOU TO CLI ANSI THS SXnt, SmIw *a4 Blood of 1‘Dinmu.Ukoei. AUeoaaoa. and Infra til* Skin Ter- (urea, U« CtmcCTU fiZMX&iXS aro lofallibU. it* than Diafotta, Md Apadoot. oapolodiaMMO goema f fka blood kad parvplnUoa. and thaa r*xo*ro* .. aaoM. Cmcmu, tbo great Bkta Carthiaataatly al- lays Itch tag aad iDfUmoiUoa.cUantheBkinand Hcalp. heal* Ulcer* and Bore*, reetorea tha Com- r and Toilet Boqnielu. la jeklndieeaaee. and form ■kte, hlaekkeade, Melekec aod Item Imwi are the ool purifier# and akin beta lifter*. , _ ladJepeaaabl* la tr jageklndieeeeee.eadferr—gk.ekappedsoegn — • lod baby hnmor*. hi* obeerratioa for ten year*, which covered to* all known t aad limb-, and to wkieh a fair a« aay child. Hailed With Delight l»T CRfLD-BKAVTHO WOVE*. XUC DBEAD OF ANTICIPATED MOTHERHOOD DfrfrKI.LKD, AXI) TIIK DAXOKBTO l.TFE OP BOTH MOTHKU ANI) CHILD DI MIXIS1IM) I*Y TIIK USE OF THE MOTHER'S FRIEND. Read and powder the word* of pmUc-wwaw. licit**). velantery toallwtwwwU-tbiit eeloc*ed baro been eeai t** we, nvl*c'«tl fioqi hundred* re- eelred from fratefb! b*nrfi«.l*r»f • , A dUtlngutelied kj'ano lllmbelpf* wrlti__. *♦1 most oirneaUt entreat ntrrjr •». e expecting to Lcroa aod to mao tha ‘Mother** Friend.* for daring a lonx obatetrle pmtlc. I hare never known >t t • fill to prodace a quick wad hafe delivery.** _ slnlmcnt) >n her fourth er.n« fl i ment, and aav* ahe |m*hm4 through ll with one*half the aair-rlag or cither «f her Sorm<r<'onrtne.ucnUa*.d recovered lu mack *A*l-»dy*voUent who need the "Fri-ad,” reid after her cowdnemeat: 44 1 hart ***** *•** one _ » discoverer of ilolntra* Liniment *• Aa experienced midwife write*: M l am de< ll«btrd • Ilk Ike ‘Moi her# Frit ad.* la every in- etauce whera I have mown It need It* drt-cte bar** been a l I coaid a*k. 1 CONSIDER IT A ORK4T III.K841MI.'* A lidy at ilaaUrPJe Ala., moving in the blab fit circle#, write* recently: “I have t ned •MoTHKrit FxIRND* (11-mV Liniment) and meal) CAM TftUTIlFUUsY PAY IC 1ft A MOOT MX* OKI.I. ’ WT PltEFARATION. 1 freely recoin > alV * I1.M PKR ftOTTLE. Sent kjr Kx- piw* wn receipt of tho price. IRIIWIRED ONLY BY TUB PHOPBIETOR. J. BRADFIELD, No. MS S Pryor Rtmt, Atlanta, Oaorsia. r SoM Sr J. A. * IS r. Omaport aaS E. J. Iilrklf). • Edward J. Miter. C. none. McCall. KILLER t Ket’ALl, Proprietors, Southeast G»rntr of the Public Squire, . i event* with a great ileu! of intorcs north.of us, so far as they relate to railroad interests, ami all here arc In sympathy with Amcricus in her efforts to ilrffc 1 herself with Iron bands to the communities around her, and we too are noiselessly ink' ing in the situation, and beiore many months wo make it an aasur- ed fact that Dawson too will enter the column that will give her more than one railroad outlet We have a fellow-feeling with you all above us on tbu railroad question. With a new hotel, Artesian well another railroad, first class schools, an intelligent and refined commu nity and .with n health rate the equal of any, Dawson will take on n new lease of life, and will endeav or to be a power in Southwest Georgia. The May celebrations are com ing in order—a centennial cele bration of the Sunday schools at Beulah churoh, In Randolph, on the fourth Saturday in May bids fair to be an occasion of great in terest The gifted Hon. L. M. Lcnnard, of this pisoe, will deliver the address. On the second Sat urday in May, Sunday school cele bration will lake place at Enter prise church, in this county, at which place Judge Lcnnard will also deliver an address. To each of these places your correspondent bis a special invitation. We notice these local matters for the reason that tbo Recorder is read all over tins county, and wc desire to give notoriety to every local matter that will interest tho good people of this immediate sec tion. The Recorder bas grown and is growing still more, day by day, as an exponent of the feelings and wishes of these people. Messrs. Albritton and Brady, ol your city, and “mine host," the popular Diedriob, of Smithville, were iu this place a few days ago. Wearc ever glad to grasp the bands of our fellow citizens of Auierious and SmilbviUo when they visit us. Come againl Fishing is in order now, and a number of parties here are making arrangements to take in trips to the beautiful water courses that are around us. Would like to have the Senior and Junior on one of these fishing excursions. We will number a place for you liolh ifyou will come. The Indian name of some of our water courses arc so cuphonioijs thst thoy leave a picas!«g impress upon the ear. “Pataula” In tlio Indian dialect means “pigeon roost,!’ and “Chiokusawbatchce” means “a hiding-place lor deer." Wc merely refer to this matter as Items or information to the curious who find In this section of the state so many Indian words the mean ing' of which they do not under stand, and who arc anxious to know their meaning. Attention having been brought t# the contemplated railroad from jronr city Into Dooly county, wak- cned up the recollection of the ven erable Judge J. C. F. Clark, Clerk ol the superior coart of this county. He son Alint ns tbo road may , one of the dead and towns of Georgia a vestige of its former, left, for that reason bt ika that the now almost forgot- a “remiuts- KLLATILLE ITEMS. * Er.ikAVii.LK, A pi if 15.—The oats have improved some, but aro not ver) promising. About qhall crop will bo made. Farmers are busy planting cotton to ship on our rail road. A larger area will bo plant ed in com and notion this year than last. This is undoubtedly the healthi est place in Southwest Georgia. If a graveyard^ would have to be started here, it would be necessary to kilt some one to do it. In fact, people never die here—butonoe. Our school is in n prosperous condition under the tender caro of Prof. B. H. Wilkinson. Miss Nina Williams is also teaching a large class in music. Our people have about eome to the oouoluslou that these long loans at 8 per cent are not exactly at 8, but about 18, and are rather slow borrowing amounts at that per cent. President Lowe and Hon. E. W. Miller visited President Raoul lsst week to perfect arrangements on tbs Boons Vista railroad and report everything satisfactory. Messrs. Bowman and Myrick will com mence clearing and grubbing this week and dirt will lie broke noxt Wednesday—a week from to-mor row. They expect to have the road finished to this place by the first of July. Dr. Parks, who was appointed to get deeds to right of way, reports that only two men re- lused to give right of way, and he has not given these over to “hard ness of heart" yet. The next cot ton crop wilt be shipped over this road, and already a company baa been formed to build a Urge ware house at this plsee. Town lots arc at fancy prices and not many on the market at any price. The road U now an assured fact. Come up to our barbecue on the 4th of July, “and wo will do tlioo good.” * JOLLY JOHKPRKEVILLF. Jl UNPREEVILLE, April 141b—'We were very sorry indeed to learn while in your city that many had given the railroad up as a failure, while others toUl us it would cer tainly he built. We had some hopes until we heard they were try ing to get the Central to build it. It they have anything to do with it, it will never be ot any benefit to Amcricus. We beard some of the best men of A merlons were very silent on the matter since a lew days ago. Look out now, gentle men, that Columbus don't build us QLITMtN COUNTY. . IIati'iieii Station, ApriffiO—A very damaging storm of Wind and raid pws.d through this neighbor hood on yesterday morning about four o’clock. The rain h^l in tor rents and continued until after five. From the angry appearance of the clouds preceding the rain, many ex- peeled a cyclone and took reluge in their storm pits. Maoh timber was blown down and fenelng un protected by woods was ..blown down, exposing fields to stub. The dwelling bonso oi Mr. S. D. Ilatoh- cr was partly unroofed, no injury to persons or stock as beard or. Tlio young crops ouj hilly!.lands were badly washed and covered up with drifting dirt For one hour beiore the rain began the entire fir mament seemed to be ablsze with electricity and a continuousjiuut- •crings or thunder in the distance. By seven o’clock, however, ihe angry and exhausted winds and RJtlX, WIND AND HAIL. names storms in asonoiA, ala- UAMA AND MISSISSIPPI, IN MIDDLE 0 tonal A. Macon, April 16—A cyclone o considerable force, sceompan ed by heavy rnlu and some hail, passed through the counties of Butts, Jas per and l’uluam this morning about day lircalc. Its direction wan from almost duo west to east, ip crossed the East Tennessee, Virgin ia and Georgia Railroad between j, reported" from tbo country. Juliette ami Data® s“terfy.' The* 1 1 • , , T panled by a very severe wind. No damage was done in the town how ever. - . IK WASHINGTON C0UNTT. I SANDKB8VILLE, Ga., April 19—A -' fearful looking storm cloud passed over the enunty again this morning . . . soon after daybreak, followed by a ‘ ‘ ' heavy rainfall and of about 18 ' minutes duration!' IP " forth' tW* ' Htisal) oiirrse of tbi 60 -torms, from: 11 t southwest to. northeast. Dp this writing, 9. a. m., no i" streaming ont in its full-robed April beauty and loveliness, the electric fluid having consumed the obnoxious gases and gave us a pure clear and health-giving atmosphere which still continues in all iu loro- liness. Cotton planting Is nbont over. Good stands of corn except when damaged by birds and the heavy rain. The ont crop improves vary slowlv, and tha prospect for an average crop is gloomy. Tbs Irish potato crop is unassally good; gar- dena arc very good. Mr. A. D. Lanier has a remarkable patch of spring turnips, many of the tubers weighing a pound each. Prof. Albert Hill, of the Grange Hall academy, is threatened with pneumonia. Mr. George Moore is about over his tight spell of typhoid pneumonia. Dr. W. T. Carter has formed a co partnership with Dr. Dozier for the practice of medicine in this community which is well pleasing to the neighboorhood. Dr. S. A. Crumbley has located In George town and will run a drug store in connection with his practice. Dr. Mason Raines, nopbew of yonr townsman, Dr. C. B. Raines, will fill the place vacated by the removal of the latter to Amsricus. A mania for Sunday schools seems to have seized the people oi our county, it is more talked ot than the new rail road projocU. Let the good work spread far and wide. The wiseacres are beg nning to speculate on the 8. natorship ol this district. Webster, Quitman and Stewart compose the district. The old veteran ex-senator anil president of tbc Senate, Col. T. Ii. Gucrry, has been suggested for the place there is no better man in the district for the place than Cal. Guerry. With an able mind, n large experience, an eloquent tongue as a debater bo is the man fur the plsee. Quitman. section house near the former place was blown dowg, but no one has been reported as seriously hnrt. A large amount of* fenelng t Vmf timber, a turn-and'several Cabins intB a washout on and uuthuuses were also wrecked, hut no oup bus been reported as Seriously injured.' The telegraph' wires near Indian Spring were broken-up bv the storm and it has beeu imp -asilile in consequence to obtain accurate details. At Eaton- ton the storm appears to have been much more destructive than at any other point in its route. Great damage was done to all the classes ofbuildlngH in tbe northern part of tbc town, but fortunately only two, L. Jenkins and J. Adams, ne gross, were killed. Tbe residences and outhouses belonging to tbe following gentlemen were consid erably damaged by wind and rain: J. M. Johnson, W. F. Jenkins. J. O. Adams, J. B. Reese, and Judge T. G. Lawson. Tbe business part of the town escaped serious injury, with the exception of the store house of Vnnnerson k Leverett, which was unroofed and otherwise greatly injured by wind and rain. The stock, whieh consisted of general merchandise, was greatly r Back damaged. Tbs trestle over creek, on tho Estonton Branch Railroad, was washed out. RUSH! NO OVER COLUMBUS. Columbus, April 15—A violent wind storm passed over this elty olty last night. Tbe rainfall was 8 MO Inches in three hours. There was uo serious loss of property and no lives are reported to have been lost. Tbo report from Anbnrn, Ala, states that much damage was done to property to day by a heavy storm. The death is announced of a cu rious character in Carry, I’a., nnm- ed Shop Tinker. It is asaerUd that he knew Shakespeare, Milton, a road and get the cotton of our j Homer and Byron by heart, llu Wc would like to make was * .notorious borsethief, and town ought to hart i county, Amcricus our market, but many of us live too far to haul by wagon, but ifwehavetberoadat ieasttwo- thinls oi our cotton would go to Amcricus, and if tbe road went through to Kastman or Hawkins- ville why could not Amcriuus pay as much or nearly so as Macon.- We prefer to have a road from Amcricus, but of course ii we can- nut gel it will take it from Culum- boasted that he had stolen over -10!) horses and had bcon in eight penitentiaries. At one time heoc cupied for a year the pulpit cf a Methodist church in Iowa. His last sentence in tbc penitentiary was for ten years, hut lie was par doned out, and from then up to the time of his death lived honestly, but seemed proud of his carcc. He j ; .ad reached tbc age of 16 years, and was a native of Ohio. IIABBIS COUNTY VISITED. A special dispatch Iron Chiplcy Ga., says tbata disastrous cyclone swept over Harris county last night Tbo wind-storm s'rack C'biplcy about 9:30 o’clock in tha morning. The worst damage demo was at tbe residences of Geo. Williams and Mrs. Babbs, three miles southwest of Chiplcy, and from there to Mr. Culpepper's and F. J. Jenkins’ places, wbeie houses were blown down. Lee Alford was instantly killed at the latter place and his wife and three children were badly hurt Alford's body was found 160 yardB from bis bouse. The out-honses on Samncl Goodman's and John B. Ilastey's places were demolished. TOE INJURED. “I-o, the |mor Indian?how rapid- tins or any other point we can get it. J ly he is being wiped out,” **id a The little corn and oats are doing j friend yesterday st a dinner table, their beat. Some few of us are “Let na see," said vis-a-vis, “that I* haring sitcb tatocs, of garden truck 'ngtish peaa and Irish po sit Grubbs, who has been danger ously ill for the past week, eome * koBts for bar >•- Grubbs has ako oorery. Prat Grubbn be** quite sick, but isimjmoylng. true, and it fe not true. When Jefferson was President there were mere than a million Indians in this *?• s2MS'..‘r d X?aS: “ are only 949,00a Yet ft U true that, despite alltbefr disadvantages and tbe ravages of tbo email goat and the white man. thtrt wan an y id BlftokftUe&r hit bets jMieaao in our aboriginal* batWMfe f&tfcu beuvieat ntafftHv-Mr 1870 and 1880.” for yean. Tbe rain wds “ John Langford and his son were badly hurt, and bis wife and child killed, and anotbar child is report ed to lie dying. Mrs. Mary Davis’ residence was demolished in the town of Chlplev. The residence" of J. M. Seer, K. F. McGee, Dr. J. E. Thornton. A. J. Irvine, K. |{. Traylor. II. A. Berner, A. P. Hamp ton nnd Lsylicld were blown down or badly damaged. Thomas Cham pion was badly wounded, and Mrs. Champion slightly. OTHER VICTIMS. IS. F. McGee received severe internal injuries, and his son was la tally wounded. Mrs. Lay- fleld and her sister were injured. A. J. Irvine received severe injuries. Miss Langford was badly hurl and Hr. J. K. Thornton slightly. Ben Powell nnd hi* son are reported to have been killed. The Sturm pass ed in a nor bcastcrly direction from Chiplcy, and outhouses and a part of Joe Dumas’ residence were blown down. R. P. Pnrkmnn'e place was demolished and Luke Powell’s place was nude a total wreck. The outhouses and res! deuces on Rev. Jns. IT. Jones’ and Tbos. L. Bowden's places were badly damaged. The last _ named places are near Warm Springs, where Bowden and his wife were aUgbtly wounded. The ueatraetltn to property ean hardly be esti mated. The cyclone swept every- thing In ita path and many mime- Serious Itallread AcelL-- Atlanta,Qa.April 15.-Kartytbit’' ' * morning the down freight oU the’”* Western and Atlantic raltMM rahr” • the NoondayvwU toYcek near Ackworth Ga. f andfour-,,. teen cars were wrooked^. t Engineer^ SlUier McDonald tuid FlTOn , ward McCullough were L Tlio live stock in one or two’ were nil killed. : - • • ’ ' . Atlanta, April 15.—.A'ttaln oa ' ' the .Western and Atlantic railroad"' • mu into a washout at Moon’s thia k/r morning. Tho mad ear was burned, 11— , and*mall weighmsn H, A- MaSS, * , was burned to death. Several paa- , , aangers wen: hurt, one fatal ly- . the wires «ra down and full pqrtioalm*., cannot be obtained. i, fieutheru Prosperity. Tbe ntatement ofn Baltimore |»- * * per that the aggregate money 4a- * ‘ mated in the southern state* dar- * * ing the Brat two months hCMM’ ** was $98,000,000, has caused aarah • t comment. Yet the figures daaal » to be exaggerated, for the statement is itemized. When mar mill* costing from $100,000 and cotton mill* costing from $5f" to $1,000,000 aro erected in numbers, it is not difficult lodger* - ■ ? - j *■* - >i np $98,000,000. The fast much money is going into the to be substantially Invested is 4a- dicatlvo that capitalists ore con vinced that their money is notjeop- ardlzed by tbe polities of the see- lion, as baa been assarted b; asserted by seme pnlitlonl organ*.—The Current, (Chicago.) If They Knew It. Uhfcmta Tim (Ind.) If the tax payer knew what 4a undoubtedly true, that be was pay ing $600,000,000 a year for me benifit ol suob industries wines' be was peylng $900 000.000 for the support of tbe gore resent, he weald take an early opportunity topnt n stop to the exaotioo. That in why the Pennsylvania Democrats Ikvorth* t trill and oppose the subsidy system. Bat it 1* & those who have to carry tbe should put an end to toe -nitfl sys tem as speedily as possible, and favor theaubsidy, or bounty system, - if either. Mills an I all fora* of . diatom, are rapidly purged sat by the use of Aytr’s SsraporOl*. Cspt. James Wilbank, who has been for mom than a year engaged tbe Pen- . in dredging operations on amnship canal! tells the Philadel pbln Record that over $90,000*80 has been spent in estahUsMng homes for tbe engineer* and work ingmen along the routo of the oanal. He says that mho die then like leaves in autumn. Only the Italians sppearto live. Over8*** men, he asserts, have been oarHed off by disease in three month*. Tnere are now 15,000 men st wnck on the canal, mostly ncgroc* front Jamaica end the French West India. Tbe large pay tempts many io go there in spite of the danger of dying. The oompany seems to have plenty of money and pays off evory two weeks. A good story is told oi tbe watefa- fuluoss of the officers of the Penn sylvania Railroad. Recently n letter was received by one 'ot tbe first officers ofthe corporation. It was well written and well worded. The writer said that on a certain day, in a certain car, on tbe Penn sylvania Road, be lost a $6 bill. He wished, tf found by the oompa- to bin. r he official drew a $6 note from ny, it should be returned Th his pocket, wrote a reply, saying that the money was recovered herein enclosed- U your hair is tuning gray- don’t me th*. poisonous dyaa which bora ont ha BBSSSSSHa - uloua escapes were made. * no-AAn at eaaimfsn ft |fowTo»*i>* see buying cream ftAMfApeH -Mem *md*nMaffth«i r own butter, a* sts:** churning is a amusement. XnFtstm* — N mmnnmmmmn mmnm