Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, May 16, 1884, Image 5

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Americus Recorder. XaOO&Xi OOXtUnsN. H. r STOREY, LmiI UHall VIMlai of Malls. Going west nnd *oalb close at Da. Goimreast and northrioee at tarn. Nightsnail north oloacat CDOp. a. For Buena Vista. 12 m. . Lumpkin W. A. Black, 1*. M. To the Tralos. Prince Bros, will ran carriage* to meet all train* when ordered. Their baggage wagon will attend all train*. Plasaaa at a Bargain. Prof- Schneider is going to gnrope next month, and ha baaaeouplohf plants which he wishes to dispose of. Call on him soon if you want to senate a bargiin. Hotel la Anrteraoowllla. A public meeting will be held at An dersonellle Thursday, May 23, at 4 o'clock r. v. for the purpose of forming n com pany to build a hotel at this piece, cordial invitation la extended to all. B. L. Joi.nkh, Secy. laa Cream. I am now ready 'o supply the public with loo Cream whenever desired and in any quantity. Special rates given to eo tertainmente, parties, ate. Joint A. Tuurur, Agent All orders lrti aith 2. lirari* will re. ceivo prompt attention. t( ■ample* of Grain. Owners of fine field* of wheat, oat* and rye will oonfer a favor upon Ur. U. B. Council. Centennial Exposiiion Com- miasioner for Samter oonoty, by send, iog him samples of the same in sheaf and threshed, with a brief account ot when the same were sown, harvested, and lha avenge yield per acre. All onr fatmera onght to be inlereatrd in seeing Hnmler • >nnty make a fine exhibit at tba New Orleans Exposition, and they esn greatly aid him by sending in aamplra of their produces. Don't delay, bnt attend to it at once. New Goods, A beautiful line of 8terling Silver and Roll Plate Jewelry of the tho latest styles just rcoeived. Some elegant designs in Rhine Stone Settings that are “just too lovely for anything”—just tho thing for evening and party wear, and at prieea to •nit the financial stains of the country. Jons R. Siiaw. Orange Blossoms, Married, in Pin-ville, on Thursday, If lb inst. Mu. C. C. IIaivkins, of Ihi* city, and Miss Fannie L. Mattiii*, daughter of tho late J. I., hlaltbis. Rev. B. W. Davis, of Dawson, oOloiating. Mi Mil. Ji ssey, Miller, and Cbuppall accompa nied the groom from .this :fty. The newly married oouple return home to-day, and and will take up their residence at Mr. P. H. Williams’ for the present. Tbs Americas Light Infantry, of wblob com pany Mr. Hawkina is a member, present ed him with an elegant silver water sett. Cards are ont announcing tho wedding of Mr. A. O. Coleman and Miss Vivienne Barks next Thursday night, the 22d. UBills Cologne Of onr own make, very refreshing, at J. A. * D. F. Da vkn post's. Splendid Strawberries, Capt John A. Cobb laid npan onr table, Wednesday morning, a bouquet of tho finest strawberries we have overseen. Wa say bouquet advisedly, foi they war* so arranged, and in point of beauty and fragrance they excelled tho finest flowers. They were of tbs Sbarplest variety, sad the vines upon which they grew were anly planted last January. Most of tbs berries would measure nvertwo inches in circumference, and one berry made decent mouthful. After seeing these magnificent specimens we wondered as we often have befep—why cur peo ple do not raise more of tnis delicious bull; for U It easily raised and famishes a most delicious dish for the table, haaltb- ful and refreshing. For shipping there are few traits which are more profitable, as is evidenced by Mr. Blackshear’s strawberry farm near Toomssville. Cuve for Piles. The first symptoms of Piles.!* an intense itching at night after getting warm. Tbit unpleasant sensation is immediately re lieved by an application of Dr. Ba.nnko'a Pita Remedy. Piles in all forms. Itch, Halt Rheum and Ringworm can be per manently cored bytbo uto of thl* great . remedy. Price 60 cents. Manufactured by The Dr. Bosnoko Medicine Co., Piqua Sold by A. J. Hudson. mcL7 ly. Krbtcy County 1,'t. Association. Rev. E. J. Benton, State Sunday School Evangelist, will fill the following ap pointments id Schley county: Ebenezer, Sunday, 18th, at 10 o'clock. Andrew Chapel, Sunday night, 18th. LaCrosse. to most tha Bethel and Cons- ty Line Sunday Schools, Monday night, 19 th. Fellowship, Tuesday, night, 20th. ML Vernon, Wednesday, 21st, at 10 o'clock. Concord, Wednesday nigbt, 21st. pn.Tiil»,Thursday and Thursday night, ltd. All the Sabbath (Schools of the county art invited to be present and take a part in the mass meeting at the Schley County -Sanday School Association to bo held at ElUville on that day. An interextlng programme will bo arranged by tho Ex- ecaiive Commute, with song*, speeches, recitations, etc., and a basket dinner for the occasion. J. A. I'AltKS, Presides!. B. !L Wilkinson, Sso'y. ' The snaimer days are here. The dullest of the year. Shredded Oats at J. a HrmilV. Saturday «aa a remarkably quiet day. Dan Biee will positively lecture at tla Opera Souse to-night. A State tournament for colored firemen will bo held at Griffin July 2. Mr. J. IV. Wheatley lost a mule l.y the colic last week. It was worth about *160. One by one the rosea fall, and • ne by ono onr young men sueeumb to Cupid's charms. Mr. W. H. Baldy, of Leesburg, carried off the oratorical honors at Mercer Uni amity. Mr. Tison, of the Kmithrille Enterprise, look in the piento on Friday uud braced Up for another week. Mr. O. W. Glover It making a hand some bouse out of the old U«n. Cook m nsioo, on Lae street, The new walk on the west side of Ihi conrt-bouse square is a good thing and ought to have hern made long ago. The well borers are working away, very serene and smiling. 8o far the y have nol had a mishap, and are very confident ol •access. John R. Hamil haajnst received a nice lot of Shredded OatsforOat Porridge, one of tba foot of dishes fur dyspeptics. Try Home. Mra. Croghan, who has been suffering for many months, died Tuesday morn ing. To her weary frame death came es a sweet relief. A telegram received from Col. Dan Rioe, the great showman, slates that he will positively lecture at the Opera House in this city to-night. Workmen are hardly engaged in remov ing the debris of the late Barlow House excavating for the foundations of tho DOW buildings tu be erected. A meeting of tba director* of the Pres ton and 8mitbvllla railroad wa* held in this oily on Wednesday, but wo were un able to I earn what they did. It is now evusiderrd tbo fo.-diionabic thing to go through the morrhigo cere mony without glovrs, a* indicative of things to transpire after the honey.moon. Mr. Wm. Bradley, while in Bass’ meat market Saturday, was srixed with a se vere cramp, and antlered great pain for 1<-v- ir.I hours, being unable to bu taken home. A man in Stewart county pointed a gnn at a guano agent, nml tho jury vary promptly aoquitted him, with thu admo nition to be careful uud lot tliognn gi nil next time. Thursday Thronatecska Kiro Co., of Albany, had their annual font taco for a gold bartgo. Ur. A. D. Towns, a com positor in the Nuts * office, won the race, 100 yards, in IS seconds. Wo have received from Mr. W. E. Perkins, lato ot this i ity, a circular set ting forth the advantages of the Merchant's Hotel at Spartansbarg, 8 C„ from which we infer that Will ia anjonrniog at that A hooch of (S) Key*. Finder will pleas* call at this office. eity. Pricker A Bro. have just received the hendeomest line of Canes th y have aver had.. They are something entirely new and not all expensive. Thera are no two alike, so sail early and maka a selection. Ur. W. B. Millar, wife and child, of Hancock county, Ohio, spent a few hoars in onr eity on Friday. We are sorry they could not stay longer, as we would hava been pleased to show them over the country. We nntiee quite a large quantity of oow peas coming into market. They now command *1.26 per bushel and are a most profitable crop at that prior. Wo are sur prised that onr fanner* do not raise more of them. Don't fail to read the new advertise ment* of J. Waxelbauui A Co., John R. Shaw and 8. M. Cohan. They all have something particular to asv to yon, and yon will mtas it by uol reading their ad vertisements. Those who appreciate fine literary ex ercises should not fall to attend the caia- meoeeiueut exercises of the Sooth Geor gia Male and Female College nt Duason, a foil programme of which i* publish ed in another column. M. Quad,” of tbs Detroit Free Press, says "the man who puts (2,U0U into grape* in Georgia will reap more profit than (ha who inviats 86.000 in an onnge grove." And he might have said the aame of La Conte pear*. A gnn elnb of seventsen members was organised yesterday, who purchased Capt. Bell's wheat field on the city limits, and will hunt It this summer. The 11*1.1 will contain about fourteen aeraa, and a sovey of fifty birds could b* scared up there to- day. By reference to a call fora public meet ing in Andsnonvills, published in an other column, it will be seen that the people of onr enterprising littl* neighbor appreciate tha value of a hotel, and in stead of waiting for some one to come along and bnild it, they nr* going to work themselves. The people of Americas should profit by their example. A prominent dry goods bonne in Alt any has solved tho early clcsing question In a most satisfactory manner. Instead of entirely closing the store at six o'clock, halt th* clerk* are permitted to leave the •tor* at four o'clock one evening, and Ike other* go the next evening, thu* alter nating and keeping to* store from being entirely closed, ft is a good way and onr merchants would do well to adopt it. THE CRKRDMGOR RAMOS. \ What th* Iwfawtrp Bags ara Doing laths Wsjrsf Pulling Halva to th* Target. Every teorningalSo'clock tba resound ing report* of Ilia military gnna awake tba slumbering deeper in the eity. Toe first man to march to the Dell, where the practicing is done, and where the shooting will oocnr next W. dnesdsy, 1* Capt. J. H. Hhaffcr, who invariably opens tho practice with a bull's eye or no ire of four. The range in 2l)0 yards, with the usual military regulation* gov erning the shooting. The gens the boys ate are as flue as any militnry company in the t tale pones*, and when the com pany's condition wa* at low ebb they hava had many a sharp tussle to keep their guns. Five shots will be allowed to each man at the >b«ot next Wednesday, nnt the one who makistbo largest scar.-will wear tho company's champion badge for the uext year and win lha prise sleeve bat tens by tbs company. An interesting feature of the about will be the dividing of tho aompany Into pla toons, ono to shoot against the other, the losing platoon to make tha company a present snl'able for nsc in tbeir armory. Daring the month of May each year tha company have tin ir target practice and celebration of thrlr annivernry day. Their idea at first wav to have a big pic nic and invite several companies** gneate, and to have a competitive drill, but aa the Albany Guards, tbo company they most wished to invite, could not come, they gave up the idea altogether and will have nothing bnt the tirget practice, which comes off next Wcditenlay afternoon at 3 o'clock. Capt 8baffer is a prime favorito in the belling, eabebaa made acme good scans, running os high as 21 oat of a possible 25. Sergeaut Miller hn* worn the badge two years, nml the man who downs him will have to do some tall shooting, aa Ibe Sergeant has a r> merl.ildy steady nerve, and think* noihlngofdroppings sqnirrai at a one l.nndrsd yard range. (Ins Wil lett and C. C. Hawkins uro uicn not to be sneezed at, thongh, and are liable to aur- prisc the boys with their score. It is rc- markablo how well the buys shoot, when tho long distanoc and the heavy gun* arc taken into c naidoration, Tho slightest variation will c-inso the bullet to miss the target, sod if the umn at the gnn winks, the man at the target had belter get be hind n tree. Besides the shoot n»*t Wednesday, a very interesting match lias been arranged for next month between CspL 8b. (forand Mr. A. L. Reese, a noted .ho- with Ibe rifle, and one of the best in the Stutr. The match is far *76 a side, 50 shot* for each mao, Mr. ltseso lo usonHbnrpshnrg rifle nml Capt. Hbaffsr tbo regulation gnn of tho company. Both gentlemen have belonged to famous rid* ollihs In Savun- nab, nod a big score 1* predicted. Tuesday, May 13, 1884. Meeting called to order by President Black. Minutes of lost meeting road and er.n- Armed. Kobj ct contiunrd front last meeting, ‘•ba.vt method ot farming in Bumier county." Discussion open. J by Hon. J. N. Hud son, of Schley, in an able disoonrae. His Unit print waa: Tha Importance of good farming and raking ooroora of aame. Second—Thu depth to which land should be plowed, and the bast method of plow ing corn and eollon. He was followed by J. W. Bass in an able argnment. Cspt John A. Cnbb, Commlatione, for the World's Indualrial and Cotton Expo sition, addrosveil tho mealing on the im portance of apn par representation of tha resource* of Georgia nt thin, Ibe grandest exhibition ever held on this continent. The advantage* to bo derived by any lo cality from a full display of bergrsin and timber resources can only bo estimated by the foot that the exhibits will be view ed by all tho capitalists of the continent seeking investment*, fbo Slate having failed to m.ike appropriations for the proper representation of there resource-, it will be necessary to call for private hubscripiiona for that purpose. Any specimens of grain crop* (in the sheaf) that m.y be kindly efforad can be deliv ered to M. B. Council. County Commis sioner, wbn wi>l SCO that they arc properly preserved and forward'd. The chairman appointed J. A. Cobb, W. T. Tools and J. W. Bare as committer to aeieot subject for dkenaaiou at next meeting. Tbcanl'jictselectedwaa: “Boat variety and best mode of cultivation of beat." The chair anpninlod Col. W. T. Turin and T. M. Farlow to lend in diseuseion of lh« subject selected at next meet ng. Meeting adjourned. J. U. Buck. President. M. It. Council, tfrcrtUry. Try It Yanrstlf. The proof of the pudding is not iu chewing the string, bnt in having nn op- portnnity to try the article j ourself. A. J. Hudaati, tho Druggist, ha* a free trial bottle of Dr. Beaiiiku's Cough and Lung Syrnp for each slid every one who i* af flicted with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con sumption • r any Lung Affection. wm7Iy CUUMKNCEEMrXT EXERCISE* Dooly on the Railroad. At a public mooting nt tbs citizens nf Dooly county, bald in Ttonnn on the Gib in*!., tbo following renolntions were unanimously adopted and their publica tion requested in the Americas, Macon and Hawkinaville paper*: WnsnKAf. Th* rite nf Americas ha* taken action in regard to th* building of a railroad from said city of America* via Drayton anil Vlenoa to Hawkinaville by tho aity council voting 01OO.COO towards •be building of said toad, and bo'ieviog that the building nf antd mad will be of great benefit to «nr oonnty and of derided advantages to America* by making bar lha distributing point for all Southwest Georgia. RttdtrJ, M That wa extend to the people of America* all lb* aid in onr pow er toward the building of said railroad. Bettited. id. That wa liopa lira people of America* will not give up the enter prise until *bc has two competing line* to the East and West. Iktoltrd, 3d, That w* renew onr expres sion* ot friandsbip and good will to the Macon and Florida Air Line, and wc ex tend to them all tba aid and encourage ment In our power. Ik it farther'rtttktd, That, whereas, there ia in existence in cur Stale a rail road commission, and, whereas, said rail road commission is, in our opinion, a barrier against money Iront other sections seeking inveshaeata tn railroad ecter- S rises in onr Slate, and bcllaeing that tho eveiopment ot onr Stata ha* wen held back a aouro of years by tba existence of said law, and believing further that it is a faroo an far a* Ibe benefit derived by the common people from it* existence be it resolved that onr naxt Heostor and Representative be requested to use all honorable means lo secure tbo repeal of •aid comuiaaion law, Spalal to Hi* fishsel Girls, 114 BangloLaeo Pins (a) 10 worth 25c, 144 Spoon soil Pork lace Pin* (o. 15 worth 60e. Tba commencement exercises of the South Georgia Mule nnd Fenitile College ut Dawson will tnke place nu follows. Over ono hundred dollar* in mctlulu will bo nwarded. A cordial invitation t* extend ed tn everybody, and Dawnm will throw wide open her hospitable doors. Jane 6th and iith.—Examination of eltisee, movie and recitetioLs. Juno 8th.—Commencement sermon at the Baptist cbnrcb, by the Rev. U. M. Wauboldt, of Troy, Ala. June 9th.- Examination of oUasea, music, rccitationi and military drill in the morning. Anniversary exerotec* of Alpha and Entorpcon Sooicliea in tho evening, • June 10th, • • lit o'elnok A. M, Calistlieoic exercise* in Wand* and Dumb Bella. Annivernry address by Col C. O. Shorter, of Eutanln, Ala., at 10:30 a. X. Annual musical concert, at which will It* present ed the beautiful Operetta, ‘•The Flower Queen,” when *11 the ‘mm will bloom, in Ibe evening. June 11th—10 o'clock A. >C., Presenta tion ot the magnificent Ktely A 8teven*' medals, tightothar elegant medals, and prixes by tba Hon. R. P. Crittenden, of Randolph. Annual Literary address by Col. W. M. Hawke*, of Amsncuv, at 10:30 a. ». Graduating exercises and confer- ing degree* in th* evening. This Mu araslag Wait To Colorado or New Mexioo, for pnro air to relieve Consumption, ia all a mis take. Any reasonable man would use Dr. Boaanko'a Ciragb and Lang syrup for Consumption in all lit first Mages. It never folia lo give relief in all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains in thu Cheat and all nffeolioo* that art consider ed primary to Consumption. Price, 60 cents and 01.00, Hold by A. J, Hudson. wmTly Whittier •• the NtreeC. ((baton Oar. Chicago Time*] That elderly gentleoaun with the fur-bonnd great-cost ia John G. Writ- tier, the port, the Quaker songster. Up from hi* modest rural homestead in Maurer* tbo venerable poet com** to pan* th* winter month* in tho morn modern nnd com#xrtahle Apartments of a family hotel. The tocial attraction* <>f Boaton’* winter attract him bnt little, and as hb year* advance he remain* a shorter period each .ve*r. Wo encounter him taking hb constitutional. Tho lank form U clad in * henry overcoat; the thin, Dfilo face shrink* into tbo warmth of tha broad far ooilar; the frank bln* ryr* peer beneath tho broad rim of a soft brown hat TUb month hn< a tnnken appearance, and at tho comer* begins the growth of a gray heard whioh cover* hb chin, rhooka and throat. Bashful aa a maiden, ho pasaea yon with n thy glance which seem* to say: "I hopo I am not recog nized." If he were surn y<m did not know liim, I don't know but ho would nnrrr down some aide-* rent. If yon ■peak to him ho unsworn with n confi dential air, whioh impreaseayoti n*com ing from n man who aoldniu answer* looau«o ho b rarely apoken to. Whittier* life ia spent in a way pe culiar to bimaelf. Ho i* interested in all th* great reformatory manure* from principle, but ha is never promi nently identified with any of their agi tations, for the reason that ha never identi- ea liimaclf w th anvthing but pure thought* and tba sweetest versifi cation. Hb want* are * impln, and their anpply simpler still, if possible. Ha b always “It rd of himself," end nothing and nobody vhc. In- conversation he alistaiii* from per.-uraaiitiefi ns fur a* uofsible, lest habit quoted; bo refer* but rarely to his writing*, lest ym es teem him vain; lie love* all mankind a* a religious duty, but ho loves those most who bot’ior him least. Ho b an- noyod but little, becauso you can't anuoy him in any eoiumonplaco man ner. If your call in unpleasant to him you will auon And it out. If ho do- sire* your KOC.'ety it is unnecessary for him to a ty to. Tiro cirolo of hb heart'* choice is Mnali; but lis many years hava never male it uuallor, nor hb friendships leas tender. Tha Flshsrs. ' , y Oaa Harris, Will Mims, Lva Ayr;A and Ban M*yo, who wentout to CapteJa Morgan's place In Dooly ifoodsy, rctont- •I Wrdnaaday night wrtb ibeskrt* fall eg flvb, and brads fi ll i.fejrily good time. Nona injurcdjly saak* Met, ii Jail as* anxious to go again. Gift. Bell, A. J. Bcchinen and Jesse New;* relumed the same day*from'tltpL Bt-ll’s pond in W* batrr, where they caught and at* an many fi»b that two of them were aiok. Cinpt. Bell solemnly declares that Ci-ph. Bucbai an can eat more fish than any man in Sumter oonnty, sn* ho warns all Haling parties lo bar lna not from Tatars attendance. If they fin, Ceph. will hava to begin on hb wataa- lueiona. Laab.-r, Partin wishing lumber will do well fie enrreap-ind with Willb dt Waller, Rrom- wood, Os. april 25w4L Open Slipper*. Empress Slipper*, New Port Tin and all kind of Low Cot Saoa- mer Sinus, for Ladle*, Mine* and Chil dren, at Jubn R. Show’s. tf Tall** Baa pa Just received, very nice and sense in pries, at J. A. A D F. DavENroiiTh. MeFarian's llyc Whiskey, endorsed Iff th* Stott Vhtmitt, also porcBraudics and Wines for medicinal nae at J. A. 4k D. F. Divoroti'a COMMERCIAL MARKETS. MAV 16,1884. MIAT. Bulk, clear rite, per IK Mlal lOiWiel - Itl-lta IS •»•*# COHN AND IIHAL, *»***■•■ White Mil, - iff FLOUR AND BRAV. bluer, best sweat, Jcrtu • OH* so* rstra lasuljr. ~ *5 „ '•■•b. “ at»M«*a ••"a IJttslS IIAUDWAUIC. Nslla lOd. pet keg. - II irtrun,,... ewardaa, riuw Steal DUiraN. riaelor Oil C’.ipprr, Hulphul Glad to Hr* the stprlas-TIme. (Chlcsgo Herald “Meddler."! Tho conductor of tho car on which i waaapaaseng.rbe an ocommnni atirn, and raurarked ineid ntall.v that it was a nico spring day. I hod already begun to abiver anti wish for my cozy place in tho vornor near my own hearth, and I SSH&’mJJJ,', feigned indifler me to his alliiv ons. " — — Ho ** : d ho was ghul to see this evidence of spr ng, and tildnl that I had no idea what n great bios* ng ah open street- : vtaSuu!”"" car was to a com!tut r. Venturing to * round liim on tha re.iaon, h« hold up one of hb hands and sa d: "Do you ixo that thumb an I Huger ? 1 ho nn 11 are » orn oil nnd tho/ aro lame. All on account of close cars. I'll tell you why. Every woman that I ever inw get* o i n ■(root-car in tho most tingracufiU n tn- nur. 'I him thov kind o’ gat unsteady ■ n their feet and I have t> atcudy 'om. How do I do it? I put tny finger nnd their shoulders, gently .perla 4 wa « hi, tr. ras'. 1 TMaite •r IK IS a “ a “ 4X«sM P- r pi 14 la -Jt per IK » SALTS. pvr.ark ItMatte “ iwiotat i.iquoite. .'...perfat. t at iNutn (J!n, r<»tiimGi<, Holland, T* tn IV. Bum, New Iteglaidp •f mimics. Wine, Hwot t Malaga, thumb butween of courae. Now, ti at operation fifty rima lf> and a hundred t mes a day ia wear and »4-niiuSi’itm"rmi'pimlI.. tear on flngar-na ls. Von’vo no idoa of “■» — it. But I have tho consolatiun of know ing that that b aliout over. When you get an open oar yon don't bavotnateady 'em." A very n eo atory that about •pring. Cable Defines tbe Create. ICbbizo Trll uv Interview.] "Do you not find that tho northern people ganerallr pomeaa a mbtakrn identity of the Creole?” “Yea, and I find that many northern er* balloVo the Creolea hava negro blood in their vein*. I am alwaya glad to | It* foXW rntttm aouruan 1 Mteito i -.a to a 90 SMUICO 1 -Jitatno t»t«.ieo ZWllaJM twain XWIMjte lTitoxxe I’ncli, *• A|»|»le «• OAT* AM* HAT. Food O-Ip.. ..per 100 IW. 19 FAMILY OROI FRIK& Coff.Ta brm Hm, per IR lAtoAB Lommfia, «• 10 to IS Aa tar, cauahr<t M . par IK ' U UnaalalHr ... Wh’iw astni 'cU.V.'.'.V.’,*.’,' Blown, Omim.ii, Ilutttr, Hop 4mrr M (Illt-mlgoil, Fair....... Olpomarparinr. Dec, lipftljWlHilp gralB". givo the dollnition of the namo I raolo, It b correctly appliod to native* of the j {"J?4 Weet Indie*, tbe F.oridaa, and Loub- . iana, whoso ancestor* carao to TL-a par mV 4 "jlancli 1 21 tall 1 HIDES AND SKINS. IK i uaa Flicker A Bro. hivo just reetived tb* hsndsimric.t lino of (lanes they have ever j had. They are soraclhing entirely new Nothing cqoalbd to tb* above at tbe ( *nd not et all expeotlvt. There no two price on the Amerioan coutineu L ; alike, so call early and make a selection. John B. Shaw. PRRIONai, PARAGRAPHS. Mr. John M. Coker left Tuesday night for Bcrrian couuty. Prof. Hawkins, of Dr. Jones' orchestra, returned boms Wednesday evening. Mr. T. 11. Jordan, of Havannsh, ia vis iting bis couaiu, Mr. J. W. Jordan, in this city. Mr. Yuong Marshall, of Kavanuab. who wa* at oua time a resident of Americas and agant of the 8mttherri Expnra Co ir viriling relative* in the city. Wc arc nuw ready for boainoar and i x- tend an invitation to everybody who arc needing or over expect to need any boots, j bow. shoes and hat*. We are now located in j Hcas. Council ii Williford'* warehouse entrance and intend daring oat onr eu- tiru stock iu a very short timo and rr mem ber that tbe CAHH will bring yen bar gains. Calvin Caktku A K»n- ( rate A*9 jg *• c tap to - 13 m to c.OUNrUY FRODrCK. territories direct from Enropo, where K?i , v!.'.V..'.'..'."V."V.'..'.'.'.'.‘.'.i»v*ra' nSS thav had de*o< nded from the European ;' •iitajIf’tsL'SS i- i.atins. They are mostly white, end rMataST;.'.'.V..T..'.'i:fpwte^bwl MtejC ‘ the pure Creole, who bM n pure whit* peviK -an« complexion, b very proud. Native* of Mexico and South America call them* maqoixo ayd tie^. selves Creoles, 1 1 oliove, but they are not recognized A* ouch by tbe pure Creoles. Tlien there ere tho dcseond- ants of tho European Latins, who camo to tbe southern atetes after first going to Nova Scotia. Those ara properly called Arcadians, and they are the email farmers of southern Louisiana, A Haoavkovr tbe Memo. (Virginia i.Ver.t Enterprise.) A curious phenomena wm visiblo from this vitv tor several minutes last eren'ng. Big thunder clouds wore float ng about in tho heavens during the dav, i.ikI in tho eveoing two or three mm s'iower* were vfaiblein the vicinity nf the Sink »f tbe Canon and off to ward tho Humboldt. At tho aaice mo ment, *nmo fifty miles to tho southward, over a high mountain peak, it wa* snow ing, and tho sun shin ng upon tho fnlliug flakes made a white rainbow, or rather a segment of such bow. Rail tha snnwflakes liocn rain drops there would doublin'* have been a brilliant rainbow; a* it wm, tho bow wm not a bad ono, except that it laoktsl color—wm of a pale straw color. Tba white rainbow reported to have been aeon in Franco a abort Finn ago was probably a “snow- HMm, At Mat,, esttvd »!«•..,. liver *kia>, Com risk. .... « M • m . Mt, in* Saved Her Life, ftjMP, MclKTOOTrUD.,'<?«. * I’m. Jt Sir-l harp Mh» MTtnl liuttlpg uf four Frtttlf RptnUlOf Ur t*. Ilntf of lb* womb anti other •IIpppp^s comUa^p^ •ittacn jaar« utaufllpf, am! I ivulljr bellatal m carad antlHy, f»rwllrh r'~" Ml Ibpiika fttd mo*! r mfonml fratmato. | kawm ym madklna n>«J my llr, Mjranaaa l*mtMt at-i-tk too biff hi/ In It* lime. I have t»wmW4 h! ll lo M»rr» of my Irlasda who art ■•ffertagai . YoanwyrrpptctffliUf. MKM, W. K. I Thrrr Wtcka (o fkr lamp. [Oliver Wotidoll Holmr*.) There are three little wick* to tb* lamp of a man'* life—bruin, blood and breath. Preva tho brain a little, its light goes out, followed by both tha other*. Htop th* heart a minute, ami out goes all three of tbe wicks. Choke the air ont of the lungs, and presently tho flnkl ceases tn supply the other centers of flame, and all ia soon .Ugna- Tht Hums Why. I. V. Harper'siNrlsou County Whiskey is preferred above *11 other Snperiotundsnt Bryant, of the National! {t r . tn da i* beesuso it ia thu most regular j lion, cold and darkniS*. rectory at Audi rvonvillr, g*v« u« ft cull! an( ) moat l> nM l„ c i, iucoot.el.biy j Ust Wednesday.. Ho says visitor* at t .* I em mad,. \ | 0D(t ( I per>uce in the mauufseture of tb* Harper, tb* large cemetery are now few end for between. Dr. W. B. Cheatham, mayor of Dawson, ! capital of th* Distiller which enable* him paid a* a pleasant call yesterday. The I to bold his Wbiekey until it hasfullyms- Dr. is apn blia spirited gentUmsu, who J lured, together with the foot that tbe bsa tha interests of hi* I.MUtifnl little I Whiskey is bought by and shipped to me city at hmrt. direct from lb* Distillery account* for . . —' ~. , I the unvarying satisfaction it has given l'leaso remember .Sail Water I* <* J ^ .dueated to a fie* Wbiekey. ('.«/< at only 5c a gives at J. A. A D. F. Dav r:>ruin'*. apr!2 6m J. I. nasm. Hole Agent. America*, Go War MaaSkerelileri. [Chlcsgo Herald. 1 Rnssian soldier* are now required to oerry large cotton bandkercluof*. In th* bonier aro flaming battle scenes, whilo the center is filkhl with drawings of the various style* (it firearm* used, from a pistol to a siege gnn. Thom** A. Edison my that in "fiftv years, or possibly sooner, *• shall reach the electrical millonuimu. ' TESTED A WHABTKR Of A UBNTl'HT -Iff hl .VNDS l N'KI VAIJJCD. IjOuiol lit Da, J. Biiaiiii.., AtKuts.Oar Deer Afoot l.k«,l«M*w laersUs* ikwl ksrasste, Dr m*. Is.1 twenty pin, the n»4tone res nforpt- live up kaownee Dr. BmeeeM^ reoest* Kgn- Diar, t*4 eeu#i4iv Ii the Imt remHaule* ttm eeiuu leerther hr Ih* dbmw.Drwhlek H Jeaw- romaesded. With khUnt npila I tn, n. •feelfoll). W. R. 1'KUUEr.L, It. R ATLirr., O, Dn. J. fobstims: One Sir.Stmt ttUm ynn ego I rrsmloed ike mJ|w »r Female %r— Isler, >*4 csrefrily rtndfol euihonrieslu repte In He eemynureb, «ml lira tee well a. s<w)W ■assert IIIut#ike hurt wLnu-e tat itDH nvublaslloa of Ike really irthH* Kawhal mra UUr **bti tnm i.nsi -* a el 4in**hr w* the soak sa4 uterine «p... -Ml IL* m|«m4 fort, .ymreik'eie* riranly will Ore; wra, thetehre, rmvMbw n «|»-UK I ratty ter >• Sheen, ef Ik* wnml, en4 tt Ik. >4]e*ea* trvm ewl Tuan irnljr. Jsae. Bwi'*, 1L 3, D. U Tiniheon the Heellk vai n.ppKaner Wm nae ni.lM; Uhm Tee Hunnuo lanumca Bei X*. At'sew, o«. Pur Ml. ty J A. A Ii. P. Imv.stm' alCt LUr .l*e, Anertvaa, a*.