Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, May 16, 1884, Image 8

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BJ FOSTER Having been called to New York by a telegram announcing that several large Importing and Manufacturing houses were on the verge cl bankruptcy, and that if I had any money I could purchase a lot of goods at less than half their value, I packed up and hastened away —to be prepared to give my customers more goods for their money than any one—and without any exaggeration I have purchased the Best, Prettiest, and Cheapest line of pods ever exhibited in Georgia. All I ask is an examination of my goods to convince the most skeptical that I MEAN WHAT I SAY! These goods are New and Fresh and were bought for the CASH and I am bound to get my money back—nothing more, nothing less. My goods were selected with great care, as I know the wants of die people ot this city and surrounding country. Below I quote some of my new prices. I will sell iJadies 12 button Silk Lisle Gloves, cost to import 90c. U y <» it »t It «» Corsets, (real Whalebones,) “ WWte Table Linen, (2 yards wide,) “ * “ “ Colored borders, “ “ “ fast colors, ,l *ted and Green fanoy “ “ Ccd Tablo Linen (something handsome), 50c 75o at 10c 65c at 40c 42c tit 30c 60o nt 42c 63c nt 42c $1.00 nt Too 75o at 55c SHOES. SHOES. Ittilri’s Kid Slippers, cost to manufacture it "Misses “ (low quarters) tallies “ Shoes, Cloth Slippers, “ Kid Shoes, Womans Polka Shoes, (Den’s Slippers, Men’s Congress Gaiters, Men's Full stock Brogans worth Towels. at 5 cents worth 16 cents, at 10 cents worth 20 cents, at 16 corns worth 26 cents, at 20 ecnls worth 50 cents. 85c at 60e • 90e at TOo “ (very pretty) costjto manufacture $1.25 at $1.20 90c at 75c 1.40 at 85c 75c at 45c 1.35 at 80e 90c at 70c 1.00 at 75c 1.40 at $1.25 1.40 at 95c Hose. at 5 cents worth 15 cents, at 10 ccnt9 worth 20 cents, at 15 cents worth 25 cents, at 25 cents worth 50 cents. SHIRTS SHIRTS. SHIRTS. Laundried Shirts at 50 cents, worth 90c. Lnuudried Shirts at 65 cents, worth $1.00 Laundried Shirts nt 75 cents worth 1.25 Percale Shirts at 50 cents, worth 85c. Pcrcalo Shirts at 75 cents, woith 1.40 AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS GIVEN AWAY ! DOMESTICS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES ! DOMESTICS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES ! COTTONADKS AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES! j COTTONADES AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES l| White Lawns worth 13c at 9£c Figured Lawns worth 8c at 4fo Figured Lawns, fast colors, worth 10c, »t 8u. Ginghams worth 10c, at 6 Jo. Ladies New Style Lace l’ins worth $1.00 nt 25c. Ladies New Style Lacc Pins worth 1,50, ut 50c. Ladies New Style Lace Pins worth 2 00, at 75c. Ladies New style Hair Ornaments at your own price. Sleeve Elastics worth 10c at 5c. Embroideries from 2c to $1.00 per yard. Laces from three yards for 5c to $i.00 per yard. As I buy my Trunks hv the car load I will undersell everyone in this line. HAST. HATS. HATS. At 5 cents worth 15 cents. At 10 cents worth 20 cents. At 15 cents worth 25 cents. At 20 cents worth 40 cents. At 25 cents worth 50 cents. At 30 cents worth 60 cents. At 50 cents worth $1.00. At $1.00 worth $3.50. NEW DRESS GOODS AT 15 Cents, WORTH 30 Cents Laec Bunting,the New Shades. Lace Buntings, all wool, at 22c worth 45c Nuns Veiling*, all wool, at 25c worth 55c PRINTS. PRINTS. PRINTS n. n- n. 4f. 4f. 4f. 4| A HANDKERCHIEFS. Colored Borders at 5 cents, worth 15 cents HANDKERCHIEFS, Colored Borders at 10 cents worth 25 cents. LINEN CRASH at 10 cents per yard. SUSPENDERS 7 cts a pair. My stock is now complete. All 1 ask is a trial. So come be fore flic gootls hare all been picked over. Don’t make any mistake. I am at the Corner, facing the Commercial Hotel and Toole, McGarrali St Tondee’s Cotton Warehouse. SO COME EVERY ORE fcd JGS&f STILL IT llfcll OLD STUD. is OPENING her stock OF NEW tti) STAND ON JACKSON STREET! • t. lltiaetoffer* hertdnoere thanks to the amlmii yf the fire department, by whose noble a she vrns raved from mtIou* loss during the Am, and enabled her to* greet hsr friends at tko fdfer* where they have so long been secure mod find her. apnilti Meat Market PROVISION STORE. KH.&T.M.C0BB . %nis ticrcbunl fhm Hsrr 4. Cobb the Ut» MsrYii tnul Provision bto.e on COTTOX AVENUE keep on hand the wry host cuts of IEEE, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, and aiao a full line of tirecu Groceries and Provisions, «a v <-sclng all kind* ot Vegetable# ana fruits tu tlw(r t*esecu, Canned Hoods, etc. It 1x th*Tr aim g»kcv‘i> s drst cl set establishment, usd otvs their jnxHicrt rood goods st the lowest prices. nr it iirhert priw Ptid for Cattle, ling*, and s •btt&f of country produce, Americas, 1>sc. 16. IMMf rnjmm ClM'ISiKATI’S UltA.10.U RY. rim INDICTMENTS UETURNSD AND T1IK DECENT RIOT COMMENTED ON. Cincinnati, O., May 13 The special grand jury appointed to i consider crimes in connection with the riot and the burning of the eomt house, made their report to day to Judge Avery. The report treats at length of the causes lead ing to the riot, and speaks of the common report that jurors were bribed or the general complaint llmt courts permitted too many delays, and that good citizens avoided jury duty to the detriment | . . . ... or a fair administration of justice. jover seventeen years, but having secured the It also poiuts out defects in the criminal code. Th« report com- store formerly occupied by J. W. HARRIS & mends i crhlv the conduct of the J i s BOOKS BOOKS HAVING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THE FIRE IN ORDEU. AND REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS, I AM NOW PREPAR ED FOR BUSINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. The fire very unceremoniously moved us out of our old store on the night of March 26th, where we have been doing business for mends highly the conduct of the next door to Waxelbaum’s, on Cotton Avenue, we are again ready for business. Some of our stock was damaged by removal, and as the insurance companies paid us in full for all such damages, we are prepared to sell them at a (IREAT REDUCTION and not lose any money by so doing. We have ordered new tools, fixtures, material, Ac., to take the place of those destroyed, and will be fully prepared to do all kinds of work in a few days. We saved all our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and will guarantee bargains in them, as in everything else. Call and see us in our new quarters. Don’t forget the place—Cot ton Avenue, next door to Waxelbaum’s. of Capt. Desmond, who lost bis life n the court house. Fifty-fourindiet- ments were returned, covering twelve dilTerent grades oi crime, but nothing further will be divulged concerning these until arrests are made. Judge Avery, in receiving the report, made a brief defense of the courts, and remarked that the public would |udgo wehthcr tbojury had done its work well or not. It has been made known that ono or the indictments found by the special grand jury was aguinst T. C. Campbell, the attorney who de fended William Berner, the murder er of Kirk, for bribery. Mr. Camp bell, upon bearing of tba indict ment, went to the court, waived legal notice ot the indictment, pleaded not guilty and gave bond in the sum of $1,000 for his appear ance at this term of court. When will the Bar be Oyer! Galveston Now* (DeniA It is sometimes remarked that certain stalwarts don’t seem to know that the cruel war is ended. The tax-gatherer does not know, and Congress is on a par with the stalwart and tax-gatherer. During the past ten months the govern* meat received from war taxes, still in force, the sum of $55,608,777 over and above what it had to pay out. So it has been for nineteen | years since people supposed the war j was ended. BOOKS C ANDO: PERIODICALS AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Rest and Cheapest Writing Paper and En velopes in town! Croquet, Base Balls, Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer Days. BUTTERICK’S PATTERNS GIVEN AWAY. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. AGKTBS AYCOCK. AMBRIO CTS. OA. Wlieatley’s Corner, Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buy. Maryland was a Catholic colony, j and tiie Catholics will celebrate; with appropriate ceremonies the j 250th- anniversary of the landing of , the tiro*, settlers, May 15, 1634, at j St, Mary's City, in St. Mary’s j county, where the landing was ot- feeted. The f>plcndid,*uccM* which attendedfonr'efforts in introducing the sols of FINE CLOTHING iii our city, has induced ui to bring out for the taring trade the largest, handsomest and most complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AHERICUS! These goods liars been ►elected with great car# and possess* an elegance of design, beauty of finlab and durability of texture, that lew indeed can equal, and none surpass. In every uutance we GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE W. kAT,;,lM > l.r(* .-til well selected Hock of perfect flttlu, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! ma ""»£S5 1 w ,:,ir THORNTON WHEATLEY, LANdffifHesoNS^S'^.L'oS’iS.iSS::: Wheatley's Comer, : : : Americus, Ga. James Pricker & Pro. Amerious, Georgia, IANDRETHS 1 iimseed ^CATALOGUE “GARDENERS! COMPANION.”