Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 20, 1885, Image 7

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[mericus Recorder >c .^t, OOlilTMlW another Brush Heap. Wednesday night about eight | ock t iie fire alarm sounded It proved to be another Isb heap, but the fire laddies . out promptly. ~^Died. Ira. Ellen Boyd, wile of R. J [ (I J and daughter of Judge W. J Jerry, died at Sandford, Fla, llay at 2 a. m. Her remains j brought here Sunday and in [Jd in Oak Grove Cemetery yes s y. She left a devoted lius- I a nd two children, one about . and a half years, and the other finlant six weeks old, to mourn t loss. Work of the Wind Thursday night the wind blew [old Sirrinc shop all to pieces, [k Branch bad just cleaned it and had moved a portion of | blacksmith tools into the build- and intended to have begun Jrk Friday; but tbe building, [ich is a very old frame struc- L C ould not stand tbe pressure. ■ was one of tbe old land marks lAmericus. Promoted. Prom a private letter we learn ht our young friend, Sir. R. B, l r d, who lor the past year has ^n book-keeper for the wholesale Leery house of J. B. Roach, in Icksonville, Fla., has been pro pted to the position of financial Imager of the house. “Gene" has Lny friends in Americus who will Joice at his advancement, whicb |s been earned by bis merits. Cleaning Clotliew. aron Cohen, the tailor, on For- i Street, lias a recipe fouVking lease and dirt out of clothes by ich he is enabled to clean tbe est fabrics, such as silk dresses ilioiit injury to the goods. He arantees to pay for the goods il ey are injured while be is clcan- them. Ladies who have bad I liable dresses soiled can now ve them made as good aB new. Another Thief Caught. Wednesday a thief stole a bat m the rack in George Turpin’s ue John Walters reported the tter to the police and then en- »ed in a little private detect- work himself. Thursday he s on the lookout, and in spied tbe negro boy with list on. He bounced tbe fel- f, recovered tbe hat and now the r' boards at Lingo’s restaurant. Paint and Prosperity We would again urge upon our zens tbe importance o( keeping ir dwellings and outhouses well nted. A couple of coals of nt will add a hundred per cent, the appearance of a dwelling, d a very large per cent to its table value. And this applies as 11 to country as to town. We iow a farm a few miles from this ty upon which tbe residence, out- uses and fences are kept neatly inted and white-washed, and all o pass it remark upon tbe beauty the place, and yet the Improve nts, so far as convenience and bstantiality are concerned, are better than hundreds of others, t we are free to say that tbe int and white wash would add at st five hundred dollars to the able value of the larm. Neat- carries with it an air of pros- dty, and our people would do to remember this. Tournament Talk. The track on Forsyth street is “pleted as far aa the cistern, but committee have decided to ex it one hundred and twenty further whioh will bring it fly to the crossing in front of Hall’s drug store. The body he track is of dirt taken from rear of the Barlow block, and 1 finished with a thick layer of “<!■ When packed it will be a 'lendid track. Dr. W. p. Burt, secretary of the remittee, has invited two compa- esfrom Macon, two from Albany, '° from Eufaula, and one each Dm Thomasville, Cuthbert, Mon- ? -uma, Hawkinsville, Barnesville lfi 6rifl ln, making twelve in all l0u M they all accept, as we hope l - will, there will be a grand of firemen in the city on Pril 29th. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA TOUR NAMENT. Tl»» Data rer the Tournament le Fixes for April as. Wednesday night the committee on arrangements for tbe tourna ment met and perfected their ar rangements. By unanimous eon. sent Dr. W. P. Burt was added to the general committee. The fol lowing subcommittees were ap pointed: On Track—L. J. Blalock, J. C. Nicholson, W. B. Buchanan. On Railroad Rates—J.J.Smith, H. D. Watts. On Music—W. P. Burt. On Painting—J. E. Sullivan, J. F. Woods. After discussing the matter thor oughly, tbe following tests were dec ded upoD and agreed to: FIRST TEST. The reel to be stationed one hun dred yards from cistern. At a given signal (dropping of sand bag) squad will carry reel to engine, at- tach, and lay one hundred feet of hose, disconnect, attach pipe and play water to flagman, who will be stationed 125 feet from cistern. No reel will be allowed in contest weighing less tlmn nine hundred pounds. The weight o! light reels may be supplemented with extra hose. No reel allowed to carry less than two hundred feet of hose. One man allowed for ever seventy- five pounds of weight, not includ ing pipeman. At least lour screw threads required on all couplings and pipe. Companies whose coup lings have less threads will be fur nished hose by ‘he Americus Fire Department. Couplings to be detached from pipe must draw 10 pounds. First prize. $100 in gold. Sec ond priz: $40 in gold. SECOND TEST. One hundred feet of hose in position, disconnected at engine, center and at pipe. Squad of nix men to run one hundred yards to cistern, connect to engine, make centre connection, attach pipe and play water to flagman, who will be stationed one hundred and fifty feet from cistern. Same signal at in first test. First prize, $(50 in gold. Second, $25 in gold. RESTRICTIONS. Each company will be allowed thirty minutes in which to com- plete both tests. Two judges and one time-keeper will be allowed each company. AH protests will be decided by the officers of the Americus Fire Department. No allowance for accidents ex cept failuro of sand bag to drop. Executivo officers of the depart ment will be excluded from the squad. No engine is allowed to have more than eighty pounds of si earn on at the time of the test. NOTES. The invitations and posters will be printed as soon as possible, and sent out. Work on tbe track will be com menced to-day. The track will be on Forsyth street, opposite tbe Opera House. There is hardly a doubt but that the railroads will give liberal re ductions in rates. A prize of $25 in gold will be given for best time to cistern on first test. A Daley Phaeton. Messrs. Oliver & Oliver, tbe car riage manufacturers, have excelled even themselves in the production of a phaston on Dexter Queen Springs, a piece of carriage archi tecture that is both novel and band- some. It is finished in the band- somest style of the best material, and is tbe prettiest, lightest and easiest running thing on wheels ever turned out of any shop, and reflects not only credit upon the enterprising manufacturers, but upon Americus. We cannot ade quately describe it, for it is some- thing that has to be seen to be ap preciated. Tbe work was ail done at home, even to tbe silver plating. The great objection to pbtetons heretofore, the necessity of using low wheels in order to get tbe body down, has been done away with in this, as the wheels are as large as in an ordinary buggy, while the body is as low as in any pbieton. Bj- this arrangement nil the com fort of a phieton is secured and at the same time you can travel as easily over alt roads, as in any buggy. This pbieton is also lighter than tbe old style, as tbe double back springs are dispensed with. The motion is also easier than tbe old style plueton, as tbe weight is more equally distributed over tbe springs. Altogether it is a splendid achievement in mechanical art, and we are sorry that our descriptive powers are so imperfect that we cannot better picture its beauty. It is tbe first vehicle of tbe kind ever turned out in tbe South, and is an evidence that Oliver & Oliver propose to keep in tbe front of tbe procession. The Street Lights. Mu. Editob:—Wc wonld be glad to see tbe gasoline lamps substi- stuted for tbe kerosene ones. The light of the gasoline is far better, and while the first cost of making the change may be considerable, yet tbe breakage of chimneys and lanterns, tbe cost of burners and wicks, would, no doubt, soon over balance the cost of the change. Americus needs better street lamps and her oitizena can well afford to psy a little more if neces. sary to get a better ligbt. We un derstand that the manufacturers of tbe gasoline lamp claim it to be cheaper than kerosene. If, so that is another point in its favor; but even if it would cost more there are few citizens, if any, who would feel tbe increased taxation or who would not prefer to pay it and get tbe superior lights. We hope the council committee will be able to decide m favor of tbe gasoline. A Lover of Lioiit. Try It Tanmir. Tbe proof of the padding is not in chewing the string, bnt in having an op portunity to try the erticle yourself, A. J. Hudson, the Druggist, has a free trial bottle of Dr. Boaanko'i Cough and Long Syrup for each and every one who is af flicted with Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Con sumption or any Lnng Affection. Accidental Shooting. Yesterday afternoon wnile sheet ing robins out near his grand father’s, Master Tommie Felder ac- cidentally shot himself in the mus de of his arm. The gun was a parlor rifle, and tbe wound is not very serious, but painful. He was very brave about it, and only cared about it to tbe extent that he was afraid it would alarm bis mother. A physician was called, and dress ed the wound. Panorama of Americuq, Mr. Norris, ofthe the firm of Nor ris, Wcllgc A Co., pubiisliets of panoramic views, of Milwaukee, Wis., is in tbe city exhibiting ail India ink sketch ol our beautilu' city, recently made by one of tbe anis.s constituting tbe firm. It is a panoramic view embracing the whole city, showing every street, business bouse, public building and private residence, ns well as tbe general landscape. So faithfully is it drawn that the different build ings, as well as the minor details of grouncis and trees are readily rec ognized. It is proposed to litko graph the same, providing orders for 173 copies at $3 per copy can be secured. A copy ought to adorn tbe homeot every citizen in town and we have no doubt tbe people will take pride in helping to make tbe object successful, for it depends upon us whether it is published or not, as there is no sale outside of this town and the whole expense of making tbe plate must come out of the sales made here. It is a local picture, and consequently depend upon local patronage; because of this, and for tbe purpose of cor- rccting any mistakes that may have crept into it, Mr. Norris will pre sent it to osr citizens for their criti cism and support; and we doubt not ail will take an interest in for warding an enterprise which prom, ises to bo of present and future value to us and our children, especially when we shall havo be come a thriving city in years to come. Similar views hare been made of Thomaeville and Albany, and the people of those towns bare been liberal in their orders., It not only makes a handsome picture, bnt it is valuable as a map. Ameri cus makes a bandsomo picture, and our people should feel proud of it. Dali Times. The tewn cow stands on the corner, And moodily cheweth her ond; The town hog nptnmeth the pavement And poketh hie note in the mud; The business man riggeth his Uokle with glee, And skippsth sway to the fs'r Muckalee. A New Telegraph Line, We are informed that very soon a telegraph line will be established between this city and Preston, and probably Lnmpkin. The matter is being agitated by a couple of well known business men, who may ereot it by private capital. If they do not do it, it will be built by a stock company. A line to tbe places mentioned should pay well, and would be a great convenience to tbe people of those counties. Onre (tor Plies. The first symptoms of Piles is an intense itching stnightafter getting warm. This unpleasant sensation ir immediately re lieved by an application of Dr. Basanko’a Pile Remedy. Piles in all forma, Itoh, Salt Rhenm and Ringworm can ' nor- manently cured fay tho use of this great remedy. Price 60 oecti. Manufactured by Tbe Dr.BosankoUedielpe Co., Pique, O. Sold by A !• Hudson. mcli7 ly. Tha Idea of Going Wilt, To Colorado or New Mexico, for pnra sir to relieve Consumption, is all a mis take. Any reasonable man would uao Dr. Bosauko's Cough and Lung ayrup for Consumption m ell its first stages. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Conghs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest and all affections that are consider ed primary to Consumption. Price, 60 cent ad $1.00, Sold by A- J- Hudson Thursday Nights storm. Americus people crawled into their cyclone pits in dead earnest Thursday night when the storm came up, and those that bad no pits mentally resolved to go no longer without one. For half an boar tbe wind and rain was bard, and it seemed every moment that the bouses would go over. A heavy hail came with it, but not with sufficient force to do any damage. Both above and below here the storm was more severe, but was not strong enough to be called a cyclone. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors nnd indiscretions of yontn, nervons weakness, early decay loss of manhood &o.. I will send a recipe that will enre yon, FREE OF CHAKOE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Ruv. Josefs T. Inman, Million D. Noni York Cilv Andersonville School Opened its Sprinz Term January 12th, 1885- Tuition $15.00. *20,00 nnd $25.00 per annum—less publio fund nbont $3.00 per pupil. Board and tuition ten dollars per (four weeks) month, paid monthly in ad vance. Music *3.00 per month. For further information apply to * CLARK, _ A. J. deol7-w*eodtf Principal, AndarsonviUe, Ga. WE ARE OFFERING AN ELEGANT CONTAINING to ONE PIPE, Two Cigar Holders, One Cigarette Holder, One Cigar Cutter, and One Match Box, TO TIIE SMOKER WHO PURCHAS ES THE LARGEST NUM BER OF OUR THURBER THE SEASON OPENED Base Balls and Bats JUST RECEIVED AT MRS. FRED LEWIS’. I HAVE ALSO RECEIVED A UBim INVOICE OF Easter Cards ! THE FINEST IN THE CITY. THE FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRA RY IS NOW OPENED. AND SUBSCRIBERS CAN MAKE TH EIR SELECTIONS. JUST RECEIVED TO-DAY — AT- Wilson & Smith’s, •‘Jim" Phim.ifs. “Dick" Mixrs. W. J. Phillips & Co, I ■< M baicery! T iii-nohoei at, Bpeolalty. 75 BARRELS RTE3W Louisiana Cane Syrup, JUST RECEIVED AT G. W. GLOVER’S. No. 5 CIGAR! BEFORE MAY 2, 1895. JACKSON STREET, Another lot of BOSS LUNCH MILK BISCUITS, FINE FRENCH CANDIE8, ORANGES, APPLES. BANAHA& FIGS, DATES, PRUNES, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, , . FULTON MARKET BEEF, PIGS FEET, DEEP SEA MACKEREL AND CODFISH- Also an excellent assortment of Canned Fish for the lenten Season. We coll your special attention to onr MOMAJA COFFEE I a rich and eorreot blond of high gradii whole roasted Coffee, in balk, wo doeoin the fullest confidence that it wiU bo fonnd, upon trial, THE FINEST yon ever need. We solicit a trial order. Try our Teas and Spices! Strictly Pitre and Fresh Ground. Our CANNED GOODS are all of the best quality, not half jnioe and water, but solid, whole packed, both ' Fruits and Vegetables. Cmupetlns homes may sometimes, fbrsntoto- icet, cut Hi ller oar prices, but In Iks ions me see have found Hut where oqr customers bought tot less than our tlrnrei they found u dlfforeaoo la quantity or quality, which explainer thedtfhf. cnee I-, pi lee. Our mono la: “t—I firfess sue ihttnl with good quality and honetl quanutg" THE PIPE AND HOLLERS ARE GUARANTEEN GENUINE MER- SCHAUM ARTICLE. COME AND SEE TBE CASE. SPOT CASH STORE. GIVE! AWAY! Fine Double Barrel SHOT GUN. We are dally opening onr stock of new Spring Clothing, Hate. Underwear, etc., and selling off all onr last seasons gar ments at, and below cost. Onr (took consists of— Men* Fins and Medium Clothing, Boys' Fine and Medium Glnthiog, Children's Fine and Medium Clothing, Fine Nobby Style Hats, Fine Dress Shirts, Fine Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerohleh, Drawers, Gloves, Walking Canes, Neok Wear In Beautiful Styles, Suspenders, Under-Sbhts, Nightshirts Silk and Imported Gingham Umbrellas, Beal Leather Valises, Water-Proofs, Bath Towels, Real Leather Pocket-Books, Sleeve end Soak Elastics, Clotbea Brushes. Real Gold Plata Soarf Pina and Ont Buttons, Onr Celebrated Children's Waist*, SS cents, end upward*. Largs lln* samples of new style clothe* in onr Tailoring Department For every Five Dollar* worth of | loading shot gun on exhibition at our ■tore. Prise to be awarded June 1,1886: Come and guess at th* beans. Thankful for your liberal patronage are respectfully solicit acontinnanci ofthe same. Assuring you of polite attention and honorable service at onr hands. We are very truly yours, crzxss, The Clothier and Hatter, a>d Dealer in Shirts. Gyles’ Corner, Americas, Ga. Sale of Unclaimed Freight. The (bncu,H*. •stern IUilroad, unclaimed, will be sold fhr charm on Wednesday. Aoril I5lh. if chargee are not prarioasly paid and good* removed: J. A. Rein, one cotton gin, ole. „ lleye Bros, one pair lumber car -wheels. H. Robinson, one bdL (S)axee, .7. J. Hiune-Uy, one pee coating. Keys A Stephens, one bdlr. casting. Americus Oil Co., one O machinery. N. O. & J. K. Prince, i bagjry scat and ctuhiM Miller & McCall, one box casting*. Baldwin dt Co., one box hardware. R. A. Wheeler, half barrel Cider. Ono bdl. plows, one box eoap, no marks. One box pax, mark illegible. march! 4tda LOTT WARREN, A-ent. Z.ost t ■ A black nnd white spritod hound. Ho is ft borrow, and answers to the name of Lowery. If returned, n liberal reward will be paid by Si. Hawkins.