Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 27, 1885, Image 5

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jiericus Recorder. RKOORDBB I" r«b]10»d| rrwy VKIKI.T RECORDER. I»: psURhed vrUlar morning. SUBSCRIPTION BATES.’ ,,„orJ«r. P* r JKi’ "“W 4PVBKTMINQ RATES. I i w I 1 M 13 M I 8 •• ■ * 1 1.H0 1 S.WJI0 4w $ 7 i in" -5 1 1 ISO 4.00 10.00 1ft.rvi I..WI > ' n r h "V «l 00 t.OO 6.00 11.00 20.001 115.00 ,■,,1111111', *10" soo 1(1,00 20.0i> a.1.00 60.00 . "iuuio. 8 00 25 oo| ftO.00 25.00 00.00 n 500 10 00' «"•""! B"0 “ “l “ r i loc per line lor tAit 1 «h rt*qo.nt l*crt c i!a rate, lor contract. c»u b obiubcr. w L. GLESSNER, PublMnr. u. c. OTOBBT. fc.a.i S*H»r. " I^OC/IIa schedule. .n.r Sondny, Much 1, train, will ran 3FEST Fonras. See notice of $100 reward. See advertisement of tux returns. Mr. Bob Farnom, of Dawaon, is in town. M. B. Foster returned from New York Friday. Fruit growers predict a fine crop of peaches and pears. The people of Schley ate begin ning to find out tbe discomforts of a railroad. At LaCrosse, Tues day, Mr. E. J. Groutham had a dog killed, which be valued at $50. Quite a scandal developed yester day morning in which a clerk was found getting away with his em ployers goods. By request wc Editor Glessner, of the Amsbi- cu* Recorder, has nothing but kind words for the people of Leo county, and they appreciate it, as his lib eral list of subscribers in this coun ty will attest—Smithville Enter prise. ^ Tuesday morning Capt. A. C. Bell walked out to find bis Irish withhold the facts until further de- potatoes, which had been up a ,,T rr»i«f>t night trains south. lfcSfla m. »:<0p. in. ex Bandar 4:}} I*, w. •* Monday 1A* a. m. trains north. r *!J north 7.77*.’.a! *” EfJSK-iiSWi.: wbt “ “ Mon Lutr 'ir AKRKilV Aftont. DU BN A VISTA SOIIBDD1.B. on id‘1 after tlondiy. Februujr 25d, tralna will , t followi: going bast. Buena VM* at....O flO a. m., MdSOOp. Fuinam.t 1 40 a. nr., aD’l 245 p. Arr Kiiavlllc at 8 20 a. ra., and 5 80 p. y. iri ,c L Or"". *. «» »• «-•»*«»► “■ S" V. Andera.ii .life at» So a. m .land 4 top. m. (10INO WEST. tndcraonrllle..-10SOn. m., »nd4 60p m. •r'uCrojae » 0«» »'"! J*f I’- ■ :! iativill, II SO a. m., and ft £0 p. m ‘ IS 15 a. m, and 0 40 p. m. „ Buena Viata.... 1 0.5 ». nW and J 80 p m D. K. UAKKR, bnparinl.iident. dkpaiitukh op mails. ,ing west and south close at. 10:00 p m Mr. John Argo returned from velopments. New Oileans yesterday evening. Calhoun Mathews, not satisfied The Wide Awake boys stole Me- with one storm pit, is now having chanics’ roasted pig Sunday night. | a larger and stronger one built. When a cyclone comes around, he invites his neighbors to call and pay bim a visit. Had there been any cotton in Capt. Felder’s warehouse Sunday night the fire would have been a disastrous ons. Sparks and burn ing debris feel in the warehouse in a perfect shower. We bad a pleasant call, yester day, from Mr Thompsom Dunn, postmaster at Brunswick, who camo Miss Agnes Aycock advertises a fine lot of new gcods this morning Ed Stallings is fitting up the in terior of bis store in handsome style. See Mr. W. B. Oliver’s advertise, tnent. He means just what ho says. Go to McKenzie’s and get a sam pie package of May Lee smoking tobacco. Marshal Lingo has begun a regu marsuai L.ngouas oegun a egu- ■ aUcnd the adding of Miss iar crusade .gainst the yo»thlul / Lqu d H e „ a very cbickm thieves. Mrs. W. P. Burt, of Americus, is Annie Lou Byrd wide-awake business man. m . i Buue Chapman returns thanks visiting relatives in the c.ty.-Tal- |q ® ^ a88 j 8tcd him in pre- BoiD« east «ml uorth close at Sight innil north close at 3:15 p m 7:00pm P „r£nena Vista and Ellavillo _ closes daily except Sunday at 3:15 p m iLjuipkin, l’reaton. Weston, and Pl,dna ot Dnau closea on Mon day. WeJneadayand Friday at 1:00 p m ■friendship, Draneavillo and Church Hill closes daily, except Sundaj^ iBottsiord, Providence and Seal* I closes Saturday Bt 5:00 a m iHodson closea Friday at 8:00 am I Lamar closea Tuesday and Fri day at 8:00 am The above arrangements will continue I sc'.il change in railroad schedule. 1 W. A. Black, P. M. TO CPU TATiK. Here wife people have their »jiv, Aud •onutlang new tell every day. botton New Era, Rev. Mr. McCall will hold ser- vices in the Baptist Hall to-mor row, all are invited. Lumber is being hauled for the venting the sparks from igniting his buildings, so he takes this method of giving publicity to his appreciation of their kindness. The dirt taken from the Barlow purpose of repairing the floor of Blo(jk cxcavat j on has proved of Vigilance engine house. good use to the city in the way of Mrs. Eli Hill, of Bronwood, who niling the numerous holes on the has been visiting Mr. D. B. Hill, gtreets. The streets are being returned home yesterday. Mrs. Speer returned to her home | worked for all they are worth now. Plenty of ice Tuesday morning. in Atlanta yesterday, after a short i t , cems that for once tbe almanac visit to friends in tbe city. makers have made a mistake. collector and Solicitor, Mr. M. M. Folsom ia tbe duly anthor- lunl Collector and Solicitor for the Be- |coiu>ek, mid all bis business transactions connection therewith will be duly (recognized aud accepted by tbe proprie- |tor* charm* e lmvo just received a fine lot of ICtnfas at one dollar a peck. Ub'JOtf J. A. A D. F. Davenport. Emperor Cigars, genuiao Havauna; | t\venty-fivo in a box, at McKenzie's. tf Old Sinner Cigars. The finest imDort- wi st McKenzie's. Wider goods at cost. feblstf Davis A Callawav. Secure a bargain to-day, at feblstf Davis A Callaway's. Do not ask for credit if yon are behind Q |on our licokft. feb20tf J. A. i. D. F. DaVENPOHT. Sure Cure for Djutpepaiti. Dufley’s Malt Whiskey, sold by [Blown it French. feb23ditwtf The few planters who come to Spring did not begin on March 21st town buy nothing but whiskey, to- this year. It will have to make bacco, and other necessaries of life, good time to reach here by July 4th, Messrs. Will Dodson, of Ameri- Mr. P. D. Hill, sexton of Oak cus, and A. Dodson, of Plains of Grove Cemetery,deserves commcn- Dura, left for New Orleans Sun- j dation for the neatness with which ho keeps up tbe grounds. He takes pride in his work and spares no pains in making the grounds at tractive. Tuesday night, during the last act of the performance at the Opera House, an alarm of fire came very day. Miss Grace Hancock was elected vice-president of the Press Asso ciation. Quite a handsome com pliment to the ladies. Business at the court house has literally come to a stand still, and . . the inmates are sighing for the near causing a general stampede ot the audience. The alarm proved Our Pianos and Organ trado having so [largely increased duiing the lazt six I mouths, thereby sonsumlng much more jof our time, and requiring all the •vaila- [blespaco in our largo store, we have I decided to discontinue the saloofsew- Jing machines. We hnve only four ma- lehines left, and we will clone them nut at |eost. Call early and secure a bargain. mch5 tf James Fuiceer & Bno. UlR'BmrRaln In a large lot of Lady’e Liele Gloves, Jer- sey Style—Xew Goods, Light Colors; on ly 25c per pair. Worth double the price. Nothing like them in tbe city. John R. Shaw. bangle Laco Pins at 10c. Four Gross, or .iifi, just received. Sold 8ixteen Gross, or 2,304, within tbe past few months. John R. Shaw. Kllllklnlck. 1 acht Club and Killikiniok Tobacco, at ltb20tf J. A. A D. F. Davenport. Attention, Planters! He sure an* call on me before pnrehaa- ng your snpply of Tobacco. I liavo a toil lino and am selling very cheap for oa - b - A. D. B. McKenzie. Ambrosia fine jut at McKenzie's Kid Gloves. Monsqttetaire, ten-bntton length. Ten Shades, (g, $3.25; reduced from $2.75. Four-button Bleck and Tune (a) $1.25; re- ■Ineed from $1.50. Four-hook. Forster's stent, in Trns, @ $1.00; reduced from a John R. Shaw. 'I hen it is tsksn into consideration (be faet that Whiskey ia nsed largely by tboae who seek its medicinal benefits, the 'orityandn-witsof tho Whiskies sold, becomes a question of great imp> rtance. !• f. Harper’s Nelson Cointr Whiskey been before the public for many *J»n, its Purity is not only guaranteed ■ 1,16 Diatilier, bnt la e unman ted on by * pr,llt number of the moat eminent FfvMcian. in the United States. Sold “J Jake Israel, Americas, Os. 1 fishing season to open, Tho friends oi Col. A. S. Cutts are pusuing him for the position of United States Marshal for the Southern District ot Georgia. John Dickson has unraveled the secret of Lulu Hurst’s wonderful power, but be refuses to divulge it to our befogged community. Quite a delegation from Ellaviilc, composed of Hon. W. D. Murray, R. McCrory, Judge Battle and others were in town yesterday The three thousand dollars insur atice money due Mrs Weaver, wile of tho late Benjamin Weaver, by the Royal Arcanum Society, lias arrived. Cbarlie Byrd has gone to Jack sonville, Fla., where he takes a po- sition in the wholesale grocery house of which his brother Eugene is financial mannger. The “Princess” cigar, manufac- tured by J. B. Fidel, of Mobile, false, however, and tbe panic sub sided. We havo received tbe first num ber of the National Journal of Carp Culture, published at Akron Ohio. Wo have laid it away fo Solicitor-General Hudson and will get his legal opi.-ion on it before recommending it. Miss Lulu Hurst is able to cure headache, neuralgia and other com, plaints, by rubbing, bnt tbe trouble is she always suffers afterwards with whatever complaint she cures. Consequently her father has pro hihited her curing anyone. Wo are informed that a wagon yard will be established on the lot lately occupied by the Willett sta bles. There has been a neat fence built around the lot already, and workmen are busy removing tbe ruins of tbe burned building. Travel to New Orleans is looking the best five cent cigar ever sold, up. In the past four days the agent just received by A. D. B zie. Call and try one. A second alarm of fire was given about three o’clock Monday morn- McKen-1 at the depot has sold forty-one tickets to New Orleans. Tickets arc sold at this station for parties as far down as Dawson, and t.p to ing, but it proved to bo only the Montezuma and Marshallville. old one blazing up again, and the Dors Shicrling was explaining alarm was soueded to gel out more tbe manner of loading muskets to a young man Thursday night, and Frank Cameron’s funeral was pierced his forefinger with the ram- largely attended last Sunday, fully rod, which was sharp. Dors says one hundred people following him that anybody may laugh at the oc- to his last resting place at the fami- currence but the student whom be ly burying ground near Stewart’s was instructing. Crossing. Mr. T. Wbeatlcy is making some Those who have rye patches are decided improvements in bis store now reaping the benefit of their on “tbe corner.” The building labor. The warm weather ia caus- formerly occupied by Gyles has ing the stalks to grow rapidly and besn fitted up with new counters it furnishes the best pasturage for and shelves, and the dry goods ds couple of inches the day before, lying fiat on their backs. He bae planted seven barrels, and if tbe weather turns decent in time will be tbe boss man on potatoes yet. A few daye since a little negro who was fishing near the Dell, bad his toe bitten by a turtle. Tbe boy kicked around pretty lustily and last succeeded in getting hie toe out of the turtle’s jaw, but leaving the nail and a good deal of tbe flesh to be masticated by his turtlesbip at his leisure. The tin water pipes on the east ern side of Cotton Avenue are sadly out of repair. They puddle the sidewalks and cause considera ble inconvenience to people who do not feel like jumping end are com pelled to wade. Tbe authoilies should start a line of ferry boats, or mend the pipes. In conversing with a Schloy county farmer Wednesday, asked about tbo corn erop. He re plied that from present indications be would raise a beautiful crop of corkscrews, tbe corn meeting with such a cold reception as it reaches the surface that it twists around in every conceivable direction. Tuesday night the Standard Dramatic company played to a very good house, and the extremely low prices seem to be very popular. The manager of the company says tbe prices of admission to all thea ters has been reduced nearly every place, and that Americus need not expect any high prices until next January. Tuesday night, while the play was in progress at the opera bouse a couple of little negroes got into a fight outside and created such a disturbance that many in the opera house imagined a fire bad broke out and the audience suddenly arose in alarm and started tor the door. By tho presence of mind of a few gentlemen the audience was quieted, when some one went out and sat ciown on the negroes. Good fat beef is exceedingly scarce. Our meat markets are sup plied only at considerable expense and a great deal of trouble. Why is it that farmers pay so little at tention to this business? Good beef always finds ready sale at a good price, and lands, cow grow- ing cotton at a loss, might be made to fatten stock sufficient to supply the demaud at less expense than is now required to cultivate them. stock of all kind. partment moved into it, a doorway Directly in front ot S. M. Cohen’s being cut in the wall, and afTord’ng store there is quite a little fish pond which Simon proposes to fix convenient communication. Brother Glessner, of the Amebi- up and offer for use to hit custo-1 CDg Recorder,is doing a good work men—that is, if the street overseer j„ advertising the great advantages does not remove it. of Southwest Georgia up north. A party of gentlemen from n e gets many letters from people Amerieus, Ga., piloted by Mr. M. w ho want to come south on ac- H. Ford, have been in this neigh-1 count of tbe cold weather in the borhood this week on a hunting I n0 rth and west. Sumter county and fishing expedition. They have I has an immigration society which been successful in catching a great doee much to help I rwase tbe many fish, and bagging contidera-1 population of that county. Let tbe ble game.—Leary Courier. i work go on.—Montezuma Record. The Banka. In Thompson’s Bank Note and Commercial Reporter March 21st find tbe following compli mentary notice of the People’s Na tional Bank, which, coming from such a source, shows the fine stand ing of the bank: “The People’s National Bank, Amerieus, Ga., re cently celebrated its second anni versary, and wsll it might, tor dur ing its two years only success has been with it. It has during that time netted ferty per cent. S. H. Hawkins is president and H. C. Bagley cashier.” Tho same issue quotes the stock of the Peoples’ National at 119, the Georgia Loan and Trust Co. at 100, and the Bank of Americus at 150. In this State there are but six cities in which the banks are quoted. Attention, Planters! Be rure and call on me before pnrehas- * “ ' cco. I have a eery cheap tor Tournament Talk. Tbe runners of tbe companies in this city want tbe department to offer a prize tor the best runner at tbe tournament. Distance to be one hundred yards. What say tbe department? Charcoal from tbe burnt stable will probably be UBed on the traok instead of cinders. It will be some timo before tbe track can be used, Official notice was received yes terday morning that Mechanics No. 4, of Macon, would be on band- They will bring with them tbeir new four wheel reel, which ie now being built by Summers & Murphy. This company is sshl to have the finest cut loose in the state, and they have some fine records. They begin drilling next week. From the following item, which we get from-the Eufaula Times, would seem that the E. B. Young company will be bere: The E. B. Young Fire Co., No. 3, had Randolph street last after noon, and were drilling for tbe Americus tournament. Some our fire boy* when they take off their socks to make a run, scratch gravel with their toenails like so many miniature scoops attached to the teeth of a buzz saw.” GRAND OPENING. new store and new goods. Thornton Wheatley deeiree to inform tbe ladioa that hie new etore ie now open and ready for bueineea. He hea now the handaomoat aud beet arranged store in the city, while tbe goods are the latest, and choicest as well ae tbe cheapest that can bo found in thia market. We are now offering attractions in all depart ments, but would mention especially at this time, the largest and prettieat lot ot Hamburg Edgings from the great govern ment sale for under valuation. My buyer was there, and the goods are here. Do not tail to examine them. Tho Clothing end Shoe Departments e now full, and will be found in the corner store. Ladies' Department in tbe new etore. A cell is solicited. msr25tf Thornton Wheatley. The Well BnsinetM. Work on tbe artesian well was resumed by Mr. J. J. Sloan yester day morning. Nothing in tbe way of boring has begun, as Mr. Sloan is making alterations in tbo ma chioery and other well equipments. Dr. Burt, of tbo well committee informed a Recorder reporter that steam pumo had been ordered for tbe old well, which will supply the new wed with water, and at tbe same lime provide a fine flow for private U9c. If tbe pump will do the work it is claimed it will do, and the well will hold out, Ameri- cus will have all the water it will want in the luture. Then the Council should build about a dozen more cisterns. in?: full cash. yonr supply of Tobacco, id am tailing line and A. D. B. McKenzie. Tried in Two Courts. Wm. Hobbs was knocked on the head with a brick bat, Monday night, near the Opera House. Tbe wound was a very severe one, leav ing an ugly gash on his forehead. Tuesday be bad Henry Sapp, col., arrested and carried before tbe County Court, where Sapp was bound over. The ease waa then brought before tbe Mayor’s Court and Hobbs was sentenced to five days on the streets, or ono dollar and a half and costs; and Sapp three dollars and a half and costs or fif teen days on the strtc-s. An Old War none. In Schley county there is an old mare, belonging to a Mr. Hobbs, that has never forgotten tho train ing which she received during the late disagreeableness. When a filly her master loaned her to his son, who rode her during four years of the war. She passed, unscathed, through many hard fought battles, and at tbe end of tbe war her gal lant rider beturned her to his father, who has kept her ever since. Al though she is old in years, the spirit of her youth remains, and at the report of a gun or pistol, she will jump into position at once, so strong is tbe habit of early training engrafted upon her “horse knowl edge.” Fruit* of Hunting. Yesterday evening Merrick Ford returned from a week's hunt in Baker county. In the week hie party caught and shipped over five hundred pounds of fish, snd killed several hundred birds, all of which were marketed bere. Merrick had to return borne, but left Wilkins and Monk down there enjoying rare sport. Merrick caught a brim measuring thirteen inches in length, five inches in width, two inohes in thickness, and weighed two pounds. Just Like a Hule. Wednesday evening a country darkey was trying to harness a lit tle yellow mule to a wagon. Tbo mule objected, and after a lengthy discussion tbe mule left in a very abrupt manner, and went tearing up Lamar street. Another darkey beaded him off and he was captured before aty damage was done. Fresh beer on draught, five cents per glass, at III. Wiggins A Co>. 2.'»ilht , Abolished. in compliance with an order from headquarters, riding on freight trains will be abolished on the Southwestern road after April 1st The cause of this order seems to be that passengers expect too much in the way of transportation on freight trains, and so many suits have grown out of it tbnt it has been decided to abolish it entirely. Hereafter paesengers must confine themselves exclusively to regular passenger trains. _ FSftHsnpSi. Redaction ia prieet to suit tbs timss TANBtrEE'A A Coincidence. Within two years Wide Awake and Mechanics fire companies have iost four officers by death. First— John Wheatley, Assistant Hose Di rector of Wide Awake, second— John Cotney, Assistant Hose Di- rector of Mechanics; third—Jim McTyler, Assistant Engineer of Wide Awake, and fourth—Frank Cameron, Assistant Engineer of Mechanics. Tho “Montreb'’ Shirt at $1.00 ie the best in America lor tho money, and are «>ld by John H. Shaw, -and don't yon forget it" Tke Artesian Well. Joe Sloan has been employed to continue the boring of the artesian well, and as soon as some machinery can bo procured, work will be re sumed. Joe say a he is going to get watbr if there is any down there, it is to be hoped that be will get a good flowing well, as it would be a great blessing to the people of our city. Assigned Yesterday the Americus Oil Company made an assignment to Mr, C. M. Wheatley for the benefit of tbeir creditors. Sickly children may be restored to health and beauty by the use of ten cents’ worth of Sbriuer’s Indian Vermifuge. Do not let your chil- dren be dragged to tbe grave by worms. Sew Advertisements. N otice. DEBTOBS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA—Sumter County. • Notice is hereby given for all persons bolding olaima against S. Glover, deceas ed, to present the earns to tbe undersign- ed in terms of tbe law for payment, and all persons indebted to tbe said S. Glover, deceased, are hereby notified to sett:o tbe same with tbe undersigned. G. W. GLOVER, tuor27wCc Adm’r of S. Glover. A. T. ROGERS, - TilOM. II. JSDVK’a OLD STAND. Breech Loading Guns Repaired in tho beat manner end warranted. All work promptly done. Frioes Reasonable! A neat Breeob Loading Gon for sale for less thnn oust—a bargain. Call and see it. marchSTwSm GLOVER'S OPERA HOUSE fistraordli'ftry Attraction! Endowed bjr Public Approval Military Band and Orchestra, IfcBI.KETIt * HUDSON Proprietors. Cbair%24CU. Benches, 15 Cl*. Intiro change of bill each night. W. B. OLIVER, Draper and Tailor, Offer* his oervieea to the cUImm of Americus • SumterMdadiolLincconiitte'tun practical and ‘ TAltOB, using CompanV Actual » ifespe of the cus- _ . trade lobe the bestf best dtofcajr tailor in Korope o* Amrricar II CUT AND MAKE suits of snv style of the being in porssesioe of the latest *t> les and it gnsrauteed. Altering, cleaning, repairing and binding a epr ^ - • - kind tnkea out, I Prices moderate. Having L Americas fur thirty years, wtt.i tbe experience ia the psst, I si Kelt yonr patronage. marrMStf W. B. OLIVER. Measurement, giviug the _ touter, wheisjpvcn up by tk< - — - * - lbr in ] day. b » «l »*t • 11ostrou, cleaning, ispairipg specialty. Spots of grease of nay t, tar, pitch and axle gress’, etc. ate. Having been a resident of A CARD. ly ru_ COBB, I respcctiufly so'.le t a share of tl e pat ron ige of inv former cvetmicre, thinking them