Newspaper Page Text
established im
Wt have just invoiced ami placed on Ralo the Hniidsomost Lino of
White Goods,
Laces and “
Ever shown in A morions. WHITE, CHECK AND STRIPE NAIN
Torchon La oeand Insertion to match.
Irish Point Edging and Insertion to match.
Mull Edging and Insection to match.
Swiss Edging and Inserlion to match.
Nausook Edging and Insertion to match.
Cambrics Edging and Insertion to match.
Baby Edgings and Insertion to match.
Ladies 45 inch Black Embroidered Skirting.
Ladies 45 inch BlacK Skirting, with colored
Embroidery, New.
Ladies 45 inch White Embroidered Skirting.
Misses 27 inch Embroidered Skirting.
Children’s 24 inch Embroidered Skirting.
Beautiful new Ginghams.
Our Mr. Clias. Ansloy is now in Now York City purchasing “Spring
Goods in Novelties,” that cannot bo found outside tho
Metropolis, and which Drummers do not carry. Wo
respectfully invito your inspection,
To the Ohio Visitors -And Bide Them a
Hearty Welcome--They Arrive Thie
Morning at Mine.
This morning at 9:15 the Ohio ex
cursion party reaches Americus.
They came fifty five strong, pait
of those who started having stop
ped at other points.
Americus is ready to welcome
them. And will do so in her char
acterlstic way. *: '• -»•
The varioui committees have
done their work, and yesterday
morning held a Joint tneetlngt
in the council chain her,when all de
tails were arranged, and to day
everything is in readiness.
The committee on meals made ar
rangements for the party to dine at
Hi© Alien House at two o’clock,
iiy this lime the other guests of tbs
house will have finished, and the
dining room will be turned over to
(lie Ohioans and their entertaln-
A Big Turtle Tale-Personal Mentlon-
About the Club;
Tho report of the committee on
carriages showed that the livery
•table would furnish vehicles
enough for forty. Thiels just about
half enough, and all citizens who
can are earnestly requested to be at
the depot with their teams and
drive some of the party over the
The train will be met by a large
number of citizens, and after a gen
eral introduction and hand shaking
the visitors will be put into the car
riages and driven to points of In
terest In each carriage will be a
citizen who will point out and ex
plain the many superiorities of our
And Americus oertainly has
much to show. No citv in the
South which has been, or will be,
visited by thy party can ahow so
indisputable evidence of progress.
In every part great growth will be
shown and tho name commercial
city, will he proven to belong to
$30,000 worth ot Dry Goods, Cloth
ing and Shoes to be sold regardless
of cost or profit. Having purchas
ed the entire stock of A. MACK &
CO., at Receiver’s sale, we offer the
same to the public; sale to com
FRIDAY MORNING, 27th, inst.
and to continue until the entire
stock is sold.
accounts due
settled at once.
the firm must be
Besides this and manufactory en
terprise, wo have the finest of
lands, which are as good as the
test for fruit growing purposes.
The visitors are all Interested In
such lands, and the kind they will
see hero will put another feather in
our cap.
The party being a distinguished
one and one appreciative of all
points of superiority will be given
a thorough look at everything, and
can not fail to be impressed
They are more than welcome,and
the citizens who meet the train this
morning will prove this fact to
Amerlous extends her hand, and
throws open her gates.
Mr. Jno. T. Mack, who started
out as leader of the party, the peo
ple are especially anxious to wel
come, on account of his noble work
In fixing up the graves of Confeder
ate soldier on Johnson’s island.
The citizens of Americus are so
appreciative, that yesterday an ex
ceeding handsome gold headed
walking cane was purchased from
Messrs Jno E. Sullivan A Son to be
presented to him to*day. Col. L.
J. Blalock will make the presen
tation. It was not known by them'
until a late horn that Mr. Mack had
been called by busines back to his
home, and the gift can not be pre
sented as desired. However it is
considered beet to make the presen
tation and let the cane be carried to
\VF.fiTON, March 4.—The club met
again last Friday night. Your rt
porter baa come to the conclusion
that It Is time that the dub be ex
posed. It may be that some faw of
its members, un account ot the long
standing of their membership,
would care but little for Its expos
ure. But, gentlemen, think of the
influence you are wielding In jour
town. Is it beneficial to jour sons
your younger brothers, or your
neighbor.)? Is there any good
whatever to he derived from these
meetings? No gentlemen should
participate in any social gathering
where they would not > be willing
for their wives and daughters to
accompany them. Your readers
may hear more in reference to the
club later on. In the meantime it
is sincerely hoped that a more
healthy influence may be exerted
in our community.
At the residence of R. A. Bell,
of Weston, father of the groom,
last Sunday at lOo’cloek a. m., Rev.
W. W. Mabry officiating, Mr. L. L
Bell and Miss Julia V. Lunsford
of Smlthvllle, were united In the
holy bonds of matrimony. May
their lives be long, peaceful and
Mrs. Lyons, of Lumpkin, visited
her brother, Dr. T. Kenyon, of thie
place, last Sunday.
Mr. Marlin Hollaee and lady
spent last Sunday. with the latter’s
brother, Mr. Peter Stevens, near
Our school still increases. Prof.
Whitcbard has over seventy pupils
now In attendance.
Mrs. R. M. Tatum and her sister,
Miss Pearl, visited relatives In
Dawson last Sunday.
Miss Ela Daniel, a charming
young lady of near Weston, passed
through the city last Sunday en
route to Dawson, to visit relatives
and friends.
Mr. Tom Jossey, one of Kile A
Tho BhowTo-Nifht.
The Paymaster holds the boards
to-night at the opera house. The
company comes well reoommended
and the advance sales have been
The principals or the company
are Mr. Chas. Chopelle, a well-
known and popular aotor, Mr.
Stone Male/, oue of the foremost
of Irish comedians, Mr. Fred May
nard, who has been conceded the
equal of W. J. Ferguson, Mr. Chas.
Harris, a Milwaukee fpvorite, Miss-
Clara Colsman, who has been seen
here very often, Miss Olive Wall,
Miss Cassie Fawcett and Miss Lil
lian Schovlin, aa actress of rare
dramatic taleut, as well as being
one of the best divers and swim
mers in the United States. Oue of
the principal features of the engage
ment is the large tauk holding 30,-
0 0 gallons of water rep^sentlng a
real river.
Every tissue of the body, every
one, muscle aud organ, Is made
tronger and more healthful by the
stronger and rr
use of Hood’a Barraparilla.
Co’s, drummers, spent last Tuesday
night In the city.
Little Billy Sims and Billy Dle-
mukes went out gunning last even
lug. Is it prudent for parents to
allow as small boys as these to get
out with guns? But I suppose It is
if they get so far off that they can
not hurt anyone but themselves.
M. W. H. King went to Rlehland
to-day on-business.
There was a large bird (hooting
here last Friday. At the lowest
estimate there were over two hun
dred birds killed, Messrs. J. E. and
B. T. Dennard took the blue ribbon
by killing the largest number of
There was a large congregation
at the Baptist church last (Sunday,
It being a lovely spring day. At
10:30 o’clook J. H. Whitcbard was
ordained as deacon, the presbytry
consisting of Revs G, W. Weekly,
James Moore and the pastor. The
congregation was highly entertain
ed by a discourse from Mr. Weekly.
At the close of the services a col
lection for missions was taken up,
and a liberal sum was contributed.
Our old reliable was over a few
days sluce, giving us an account of
a large turtle he caught a few days
ago. He says the way be found the
monster, he was working In his
potato patch and he saw where he
thought an alligator had crossed,
so he followed the trail into the
swamp and found him. When he
caught him he hitched two horses
aud an ox to hts tall and drug him
home on his back, and as he was
dragging on hla back as he would
pass little trees in kicking he would
bring them to the ground. He was
six Inches between the eyes, bis
tall twelve Inches from bis body
was eighteen Inches Id circumfer
ence. He made meat enough to
last for awhile any way, and when
he got through with his turtle he
bade us good evening. Now who
can beat that?
WUl Open Boon.
Mr. Oakley, of the firm of Beall
A Oakley, which firm will occupy
Mr. W. E. Murphey’s new atore
house on Lamar street, arrived In
the city yesterday. H* says their
stock of goods is on the way, and
they will open up in two weeka.
Tho‘Davenport Drug {Company
have made a large purchase of W.
W. C., Wooldridge’s Wonderful
Cure, the greatest blood purifier
and family medicine new on the
market, for the purpose of supply
ing the trade throughout this sec
tion. Send them your orders, and
save freights from distant points.
Mr. B. B. Bob*ton Ren en That Buit-
nest—And la Delighted With Our
Clt7-He Will Beturn in a Month.
Don’t Americus grow ?
AU over the country the people
have beard of our city, and oar
great advantages.
Mr. 8. R. Robeson, of Chatta
nooga, Is one of the number and
arrived here yesterday to take a
look at Americus.
He Is the propriotor of a large
broom factory neaj Chattanooga,
but wauts to move, aud that was
his business here.
He arrived yesterday afternoon
from Macon, and left last night for
his home.
Ho was on a tour of inspection of
Georgia cities, saw Americus aud
was satisfied.
A Recorder reporter saw him,
and found that like all others be
was thunderstruok at the manifold
attractions of our city. In answer
to a question ho said:
“Yes, l am here on a tour of in
spection, and may say right here
that I am satisfied that this i s the
best oity I can find.
“As you have said, my business
is to find a place where I think a
broom factory will pay. I have
been running one near Chattanooga
for some time, but for various rea
sons have been anxious to change.
Not having any particular place lu
mind, I first went to Rome, which
is a thriving little city, but didn’t
quite suit me. Atlanta I found a
little crowded. From there I went
to Athens, then to Macon ai>d then
here. I found some points of ob
jection at all these places, but what
I have seen of your city pleases me
'Of course I have not thoroughly
investigated, but have seen enough
to convince me, and instead of
going to some other places I had In
mind, will go back home to-night.
Within o’month I will return, and
then see what arrangements I can
make for land, etc. I am sure
Americus Is the city I have been
looking for, and Is the best place
for Its size I have seen. The peo
ple have the jpet up and git’ whieh
makes a town grow.”
Mr. Robeson further stated that
his factory wbb a large one, and he
Intended to increase It’s capacity.
Americus has many manufacto
ries, and the number is constantly
being added to. Such as this new
one are the kind that help greatly
In a city’s forward march. Small
enterprises and factories of various
sorts do a great deal, and Mr.
Robeson will be gladly welcomed^
by all.
A Proapeotofa Paper-Nsarly a Plrs-
Pcrtonal Gossip and News.
I.kesburo, March 4.—The time
has been that we could gather our
atationary and pen off a little com
munication with very little effort,
but now It Is an frksome task to get
off anything of an Interesting na
ture. But we have promised to let
the public hear from us this week,
so here goes for only a few local
The blizzard of a few days ago I
don’t think has done any material
Itfjury to oats, gardens or fruits
down here, andlf Hick’s let’s us off
exposition ifTfa. Is
with that I.think we will go through AowTo?imT
all richt and foci thankful. - ---
Sumter, March 3rd—We have
been having some cold weather, for
the past few days, much to the re
gret of our farmers. The fruit trees
were in full bloom, aud It hi
thought we wont have any peuchea
this year.
Rev. H. Stubbs preached an in
teresting sermon, at Benevolence
church, On Sunday last. Notwith
standing the luclemeucy of the day,
there was a good many out. Rev.
Stubbs Is a good preaohor, and Is
muok liked in this community.
Miss Susie L. Smith of Va. has a
flourishing school, at this place.
While Mr, John Rodgers, was
hitching his horses, at Benevolence
last Sgnday, they became frighten
ed, and ran away, damaging his
buggy very badly.
Water melon farming Is the topic
of the day, just now. Most of our
farmers are planting a great many
melons for sale this year.
Every body about here has or has
bad “la grippe.” Ifone has a bad
cold he Is sure to have the grip.
Mrs. B. F. Markette, who has
been sick for some time Is slowly
Miss Comil Mires, of Americus,
is visiting Miss Mamie Rodgers, of
this place.
County Court.
The civil docket was lake n up in
the county court yesterday, and
several cases were disposed of.
There were four tried against the
Western Union Telegraph Com
pany for not delivering messages In
reasonable time. Three were won
by the telegraph company, and de
cision In the fourth was withheld
until to-day. There will be no
court to-day.
all right and feel thankful.
The health of our city was never
better, only a slight cold occasion
Rev. W. H. Norton preached at
the Baptist church here Sunday to
a large aud atteutive audience. It
being communion season at the
church, he read for a lesson the 8th
chapter of Hebrews, and then used
for his theme the 27th verse of the
20th chapter of Matthew, and did
full justice by It.
Our academy came very near
being destroyed by fire last Friday.
It was evidently fl-cd by a spark
falling on top of the roof somq 8 or
10 feet away from the chimney.
Peter French happened to be at hla
home a quarter of a mile away, and
discovered the fire, run to the
academy and gnvo the alarm just
in time for the fire company to save
the building.
Miss Ida Cock, who has spent a
few pleasant days In our city, left
for her home In Woodvllle Satur
Mr. J. P. Callaway, is still dot
ting our olty with new buildings.
Misses Lizzie Kimbrough and
Annie Hogue, and Mr. Lucius
Kimbrough ot Americus, MissLlt-
zle Mims, of Redboue, Miss Ruby
Young, of Dooly, Mro A. J. Tison,
of Pelham, and Mr. Moses Tison,
of Pelham, Visited friends here this
A mad dog was killed on the
streets here Saturday. Don’t know
that he did any harm.
Quite an agreeable little party
met at the Love House here Friday
night and had a very agreeable
A talented young man of Carnes-
ville, (la., a geological surveyor,
Mr. O. L. Little, a printer by trade,
is sizing up our city with a view of
starting up a paper here. This, we
think, is a good enterprise, and a
long felt waut for our city, and one
in which he would get the full oo
operation of the buelnesa men of
our city,
*The merchants of our olty are
doing well, comparatively speaking.
Old FbaiE.
Items too Short fora He
ed and Plsoed In This
Mentioning! of Minor Mai
Should o'd acquaintances I
quick oomM the ansi
Unless you owe-him made
W)tbout eome trouble pa
Help entertain the Ohl
(forgetthe Unloi
(The PaymasIgiU’
boards at the opera house
and will doubtless draw
Mr. Homer Gnerry, we
to many Amerlone people,
promoted to a $1,200 oler
A stray moeqnlto strucl
last night. He wsb a stn
desiring Information, he
Bought The Recorder ol
Work on the artesian
water works Is progress!)
factorliy, and It will nofffi
fore our water supply w&
A fight between two ne
down at the 8. A. AM. de;
ed a little oxoitemont j
morning. Neither of the
tance were Injured to any
Mr. Charlie Hawklnop
the best employees tM_
ever had. He was up to J
last night, looking for leekl
water works. Those wh
rules had best be careful.
Another union prayei
to-night at the Preabyt^H
All are urged to atteM
meetings are full of inter*®
doing muoh good. Theff
scriptural;read lugs and IW
and, a most interesting
The Spring Mcdlolne.
The peculiarity whioh Hood’a
Sarsaparilla has gained as a spring
medicine is wonderful. It posseise*
just those elements of health-giv
ing, blood-purlfylng and. appetite
restoring which everybody seems
to need at this season. Do not con
tinue In adull, tired, unsatisfactory
condition wbenyou may be so muoh
benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It purifies the blood aud makes the
weak strong.
■A reporter was 8ittiug”li
Speer’s offico in tb*e Bank 4
western Georgia yesterday,
ing to some of the entertain
venation which that g*M
noted for, when seme on
ami wanted some money
jor was sorry, but had.
In a few minutes more I
boy brought lu the ma
Major read some of
Nearly ail'asked IqAM
“Tho newspaper
said he, “all tell <
er tho money mark
seo why they
harder to get now I
yet, and we have
$10,000 a day more j
out. These appllc
all over thocoun
tho money to let c
Adv co to Mothein.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothino Syr
up should always be used for chil
dren teething. It soothes the ohlld,
softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures wind colic, and Is the best
remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five
cents per bottle.
Just then a
man who baa
pursuit fo.r years
wanted* little
Impossible to let
Thie brought fo:
remark from the
“Well, if I can 1
year without havl
people te much fci
never farm anothei
What will this li
James W. Lancaster, Hawkins-
ville, Ga., writes > "My wife was
in bad health for eight years. Five
doctors and as many more patent
medicines bad done, her no' good.
Six bottles of B. B. B. has enred
Said a prominent]
day: “I wish yon
push the city
need such an office|
have to have it i
very mgn who
office first, and at I
I will name him,” I
To-day and to-morrow closea up
D*. Buck’s visit to Amerlous this
trip. Dont neglect this chance.
Dr. Buck will!
only two days
see him lfyonrl
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S. Gov’t 1
The Celebrated]RoyagBak!nk Powder Is
Aud other dealer* In High-Close Grocer i<