Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 05, 1891, Image 2

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^vWfcc,/ '.CORDEFv °£oKG^ DBDBBUt’n* a* 11 ounty. 3RDER is the official orpn p County. AY. - - - - MARCH 5. 180! klLYRECOBUKH Is publish*d dully |onay,andhas-thc target e l reu la- f daily In the Third Cr nqresslon- KKKLY Recorder Is published br Frlday, and has a circulation six jHfcrger than any papor in the Third ^^nitonal District EjCRecokdeu is entered at the Aineri potfipmeo as-.second class mall matter. EPfrp&lneaa letters should be addressed icrlcus Publishing Company, imunications should be addressed LO. Storey, Managing Editor, epublican congress i» .lead dead rest In peace. ■L, against the advisory ^locating the encampment at oon in (.lie way It did are being ^Jed bjl the Governor, and it Is bable tpat he will take some e matter. 'hotgh the papers have been tiding . them vigorously, the Pi agents on the S. A. & M. road itlnue to. carry letters by the m* they are addressed to, occa- nally returning them in a few f»- he Recorder regrets very j)h that Mr. John T. Mack is not h the Ohio party this morning, Americas has a little testlmonl. or him In person, in recognition mi services to Georgia 1 # lament' lead. Harry and Larry" are very ch alarmed. 'They have discov' d that Secretary Burks has had various county alliances elect- delegates to the yearly conveu- who are enemies of the order, who will vote to oust the ofll i itrHo have worked so bard for filer. This is passing strange Jturks must be a great man If .ah Induce a majority of the nces to do his bidding. But question arises: What hap lent Livingston been doingall me? YOU ARE WELCOME. • |s hardly necessary for The JRDERto extend, In behalf of srlcus, a cordial welcomo to the party, which will visit Amcrl to-day, aa The Becobder’s r-in-chlet has, ou more than occasion,.extended the same .ome In person while visiting o. But we waut our Ohio ids to feel that Amerlcus, more lcularly than any other city bh the party will visit, vel- ss them to Georgia, srlcus, through her represen ts, was the first city in Geor- . b iAuyono to Ohio Inviting ^.yj’of that section to visit Rgv^ho will .(to her best ■'Her guests feel at give 'them a good icy will find a live, ' y here we leave them that here they will old-fashioned Geor- r The Recorder can Hv dves at home, to-day, 'he latch string is on every door, and a ae on the other side, thing you want that i has not provided, It. You are free to hlng, even our pretty ran you lu advance Ik to the latter you to pull up tfour Ohio ve to Georgia. ?ou board your train iiepe you will carry it memories of our i you. 1ESENTING CARD, ollsbed In yesterday# .fiaxwell, of the Cen- ook occasion to glvs g In the ribs thst was >r as It W&s unjust. jtat road) was cut loose j. , irfullx thriving oltf of , the town would soon up side place In th. wagon barbs brought up Into the >SR cannot and does hat the opinion ex- Maxwell Js that en- the' management of iad. What the Cen- f Amerlcus, or what ught of the Central ler discussion. The 'er discussion wee a in one of the Central’s the Central road y differences, but examter took charge U6erai and progres- wls Inaugurated, as given what the ■luce then the rela the Central road anti Americas have been as pleasant as between Amerlcus and any road. Wby Mr. Maxwell should have been led Into such au expression is something The Recorder can not understand. Sliomd .the Central close its depot to-morrow morning ut.d run its trams through without stopping, Amerieus would continue tog(ow;amJ, wlmt’x more to the point with the Central, another road would l.e built to ttie North and Mouth tvilhiu-twelve months Mr.Max«eirsexpre»siou is un fortunate, Ip that any toad which receives such a liberal patronage from Americas as the Central cau- not afford to treat her in such a “highly mighty" Bpirit. To the Buffering. Over one hundred columns of voluntary certificates have been printed in the Atlanta Journal from such people ns Rev J. B. Hawthorne, Rev. 8am I’. Jones, Hon. H. W. Grady, Maj. Charles W. Huliuer, late of the “Christian Index,” Gen. James Longstreet, Col. I. W. Avery, late editor # At- lauta Constitution, and hundreds of prominent divines, editors, doc tors, specialists and others, certify ing to.reroarkahle cures performed by I)r. King's Royal Germeteur, after eminent physicians and all known remedies had failed. Bend two-cent stamp to King's Royal Germeteur Co., Atlanta, Ua , for book of particulars. It is truly a great remedy, and sure cures when all else falls. Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all whom it may concern: I take great pleasure lu testifying to the efficacious qualities of the pop ular remedy for eruptions of the skin, known as P. P. P. T suffered for several years with an unsightly and disagreeable eruption ou my face, and tried various remedies to remove it, none of which accom plished Ihe object until this valua ble preparation was resorted to. After taking three bottles in ac cordance with directions I am now entirely cured. J. D. Johnston, Of the firm of Johnston & Doug lass, [Savannah, Oa. A Physicians Advice. I suffered for years from general debility. Tried other remedies, 'and got no relief. My Physician prescribed S. S. & I Increased In flesh; ' My oppotito Improved; I gained strength; Was made young again; It Is tho best medicine I know of. Mails.let Tubpkx, Oakland City, Ind Send for our book on Blood and 6Un Diseases. Swift Sracino Co., Atlanta, Or, T1IK. i CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS ARK THE REST They are preferred by the lending artists everywhere. Thtre are more >f these popular Piano* in America* to-<la- limn of any oilier make. Cull and examine our •took of these superb Instruments, or write lor catalogue to James Fricker & Bro. AM Kit reus, GEORGIA. P. P. IIAIUtm, Tres. 111AO.M llItoWN, Sec. ATreas. C. P. J-A YNE, Jt'g’r. MR SPILT CO. Sncc««M>r*to tlAUUIS & PAYNE. We art now lu< Machinery Supplies. iu our nciv'biilldiug in Arlesian Block, and ready for [business. A Foil Line of Cooking Sioves anfl Ranges Gas Fixtures and Sanitary Goods a Specially. Globe, Angle and Check Valves. TERRA COITA AND IRON PIPINGS ANDJFITTINGS. GENERAL : REPAIR t WORK. TJEHLsEPHONB TV O. 12. K10K RENT—Four room house, posttcf. D sion next week. tf 8. M. CoilKN. A LEHMAN—An energetic man wanted _>to push our manufactures on ibis around. One of our agents earned |5,2C0 in *89. Adtlress, 1*. O. Box 1371, New York. W ANTED—An active, reliable man -sal ary |70 to ISO monthly, with Increase, to represent in bis own section a resp *n*l- ‘low York Rouse. References. UFACTURVB. Lock Box 1585, New York. W ANTED—GENEHAL8TATE AG i’.NT to open headtiuarters In some pi i Hel ps! city, assume exclusive control of our business and nppoint local and sub-agent* In every city In IhlsHLate; goods in univer sal demand, aud pay a net profit of 50 to Address THE UNION L *M- PAN Y.744 Broapway, New York. Ht* G is acirnor .-MfreO tbo leading rem»-. .• for Gonorrlkra d i. teef. The only sate reni ty tot LcticorrhecaorU bites l prescribe it and Itr' afe in rccommcti • ins f Dec/ti.. Li.', ho, ut£sse* SEWS Nc/Allsuta.Go. udi and Whiskey It xblfc cured u bom. i.E- patn. Book . . par t Ionian henc l.’tKE II.M.WOOI.LEI .1.11 A t2autu.Ua. Uffice WLitch Knights of Honor Leifs - All - Ride. P. L. Holt will soil (luring: tho next sixty days, liis entire stock ’of BUGGIES, Iitc., AT COST. It well pay you to pet liis prices before you buy., 3P. L, HOLT. REMOVAL Cook’s Pharmacy has been removed from lotton Avenue to the W. J. Slaopy corner, on Lee street, (near Artesian well) where I ^ill be pleased to serve you in Drugs, Pat- .ai Medicines, Garden Seeds, Etc Respectfully, W. A. .COOK, Proprietor jr. W- 3VCXZE5, At his new quarters on Cotton Avenue, uuder Hawkins House. He keeps the liuest Wines, Whiskies. Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. IIo always lias on tap kegs of tbo Ramons Cook. Beer, Tho HF.ST Tleer ever sold in Amerieus. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices! Ho keepa nothing but firMt-plusn goods, aud dou’t charge fuucy prices far them. CUYK MK A CALL. W. W. Wheeler & Co. nre now ia tb^ir now qnsrtcr- - . HANO-M4DE AND NOTTHt-fiN MATNESS Bf THE WHOLESALE ANr Rt TAIL. CAl L ANDiSEE THEM. J. R. HUDSON & CO. pkovRietous - Amerieus-Bottling- Works, BOTTLE Its OK A t.b KlNU'toF— Soda and Mineral Waters. Cider and Ginger. Aie olillKKM BY (1AII. CltOMITI.V .UTK.VD HTO. 024 LEE STREET- t AM£R(CU:• GEORGIA- Amerieus Iron Works, -HUILDKHS OF - They have uShu H^Mirrd the «rvieea of A First-class Shoemaker, Repairiug a [Specialty. Prices ress mahle at d Salisfactioa Guaranteed The. People's. National. Bank. 9, MoNTOOMKitv, President. J. I!. Ronky, Vice President. John Windsob, (.'fishier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. If. G. Mitciiki.i., Ilook-kce|ier. ALL BUS NESS.STRICTLY PRIVATE CAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000 Engines Boilers, Cotton tiins, Presses, Feeders, Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills. Shingle Machines, Pipes and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, . Valves, Jets, Etc. Shall Hangers, Boies anfl Pulleys. Heg^Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79., " * BUGGIES 1 will sell you the best buggy in Georgia, price and quality eonxidered. Repairing ol all kinds solicited and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted. * T. S, GREENE, Cotton Avenge., Opposite Prince's Stables' Amoricus, Georgia. THE MOST RELIABLE! A. J. BUCHANAN. DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CORNER COTTON AVENUE AND LAMAR STREET, AMERICU3. G \. TELEPHONE No-40. FREE DELIVERY. I am tho Housekeeper* Friend. Look over the following list and sele-.t what yc want, and telephone or send me your order: The largest und finest assortment of Fine Groceries ami Canned Goods, consisting in part of. Arm air’s Corued Beef, Luneh Tongue Roast Beef, Tripe, Chipped Beef, Pigs ► eet, Deviled Ham, Halmon, White Fish Mackerel, Lobsters, Ham Hausag^ Chicken Houp, Tomatoes. Green Corn, Barlet Pears, Apricots, Fresli Peaehex. Pi net pines, I’lek- els, both keg and Jar, and in endless variety, Preserves ot ull kinds, Sauces, Catsups and Chow Chow. A Select Stock of the Finest Fancy Candy. I make a specialty of AM BROSIA FLOUR, the finest In America. My store is Ileailquurters for everything In the Fruit and Grocery line. A.. 8T- :OTTOHj9L3\r.A.:Kr. Feb. 25.3m. A BARGADNT. NOTICE TO Mil,I, MEN. I have for »ale Two Mill Rocks aud fixtures complete. One Rice Mill, One Pol- idier. One Fan, One Bolting Cloth complete, Three Pair Seales, one Fifty Horses Power Engine and Boiler, One Planer One Gang Kdger. Five Gins, one Clerk Cotton Clearer, One Press, Mhuuftlngs and Pulleys world without end. a!1 of the above property will be sold Cheap For ash or Bankable Papers. Address ine at Amerlcus or cull and see i C. A. BELL. ATTENTION FARMERS! I am prepared to negotiate Long ami rthort Loan a to Karii-era at a Low Kate of Interest and Small (‘ommiuHion Call am! see me. • ROBERT. L. MAYNARD, OFFICE OVER P. HOLTS, LAMAR 8TKKF.T, AMKRIIT’S, GEORGIA, 32Q Lamar Street, TELEPHONE 52 ARGO & ANDREWS. Fancy - and - Family * Groceries, k SIMMONS & KIMBROUGH. TTORNKY* ^T . A \V. Office uj »m r BUTT ^ LUMPKIN. 'I TORN EYs W LAW, A merino, Block, ops'airs. % TTORNE’ 1 iifli.v in I TfoRNF-Y A I W. T.I.ANf, A practlc * 1 W. P- WALLACE. A T ORNEY- AT I.AW. Amcreus, (in Will praetice in all couKs. Office . Nation »1 Bank. J. A. IaIXON, A TTORNEY Ai LAW, Auurleus, (js office in Bagiev building op-oxiu Court House. Prompt h> tent Ion given t<, all business. iuu5-ti. E. F. Hinton. E. H. Cutti HINTON &CUTTS. A TT0RNEY8 AT LAW. Practice in th< W. K. WlIKAJLKY. J. B. FlTZOEKALD WHEATLEY & FITZGERALD. A ttorneys .*at law. omc- Jackson street, up-stairs. Will prsc tice in all courts. Julylk-ly. ROBT. L' MAYNARD, A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Amerlcus, Gu. Prompt and careful at tention given to nil business entrusted l me. Liunur street over P. L. Holts. sepl9-d&w8ni* -T. L. HOLTON. A t J?1 n a e w y tice In all the countlesof tlie State. Prompt attention given to all collections entrusted ANSLEY & ANSLEY. A TTORNKYH AT LAW, Amerieus. Ox Will practice in the couuLies ol Sum ter, Hclilcy, Macon, Dooly, Webster, Stew I art, lu the Supreme Court, aud the UdIUiI 1 States t our . ALIj PRESK. CANNED GOODS: , PoaclieSj Pours, Apricots, Piuoapplos, Tomatoes, Beans, Swoet Corn. All at Bottom Piuces (iiaar- a H|ieelaliy. Confections, Crackers, Lunch Milk liiscul. Rest Cream I’atent Elmir. Magnolia and Gold Rand Him. All GihhIh Delivered at ^oor 0(M>r. Open to receive orders from A a. in. to 7 |i. in. STRIfW smiFBII mu T O-D A -ST. MAYO’S GEORgTa T "bEEF MABKET, W. B. Gukkky. DuPont GuKKr.r. Amerlcus, Ga. Macon, Os, GUERRY &SON; I AWYEUH, Amerlcus, Go, Office in P«o. i pie’s National Bank Building. Lamtr street. Wlilpractieo in Sumter Huperlor and County Courts, and in the Supreici Court. Our Junior ivill regularly at?«nl the sessions of tho Huperlor Court. The firm will take special cases in any Huperlor Court on Houthwestern Railroad. Hudson & blalock! Lawyers, Amerieus. - Ca. Partnership limited to evil caws. Oflict up ■tairi' ou corner of Lee and Ltinxi streets, near Artesian Well, in Artexlss D DR. W. P. BURT, ENTIHT. Dental parlors over Uran* berry’s store. DR. J. J. W0RSHAM> r\ENTIHT. Dental parlors over Nations] I 8IIOKMAKKRS. P. R-STANFIELD^ P RACTIUAL HIIOEMAKKR and r< Ptlr- I er, Amerieus, Ga. Kepairing a spcclritj PHYSICIANS, d. M. R. WESTBROOK. M. D. P HYSICIAN AND.SURGEON. Office residence, next house to C. A. Huntlnf ton, Church street.' . feb7tf gTt. miller, m. a P HYSICIAN ANDhUrOEON. Officest | Davenport’s Drug .Store, aad residence corner Church and Prince streets. d A. FORtTm. D. /AFKICK At Dr. Eldridge’s drug stor« H. B. IIAWKINH, Hr., C. A. BR00K8' Telephone 36. Telephone?. Hawk ! ns A Broks. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS | Amerieus, Gergia COtfice in second story In-old Granberf I Corner, Calls by telephone, or left stl dridge’a drug store, promptlyattentloc might. DR. T. d. KENNEDY. M. D* P HYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Hsvlnf five years experience, and recently taken an extended course In New York I Post-Graduate Medical school. Is now pr«* I pared to offer his professional servUee to I Amerlcus and surrounding vicinity, ( alii I left on his slate at Dr. Eldridge’s drug»W* I will receive prompt attention. At nlejj* | can be found fn Ills office room over El drlcigo’s drug store, Barlow block. febWJ., J. Have one of the best furnisned'and equipped doctor’s offices in the Houth No. 315 Jxcksoa SM Amtricus, Co. , General Surgery and the treatment of U* EYE, EAR, THROAT and NOSE * specialty. W, L. Bullard 11108 5th Avenue, Columbus, I Blindness, DealneHM. Cstarrh, etc, Kf* I Ear, Throat and 'o». dli-eases exclusive.?' Uospitui advauiages In New York. Loom" I and Vienna. u.iiAWljb I A RUHITKUT. (j T NORRMAN. AKCHIt , XT . oKFicKH jii'-,.IwuPk-Viurt.” 1 Plan*, and Kpaclflaatlnn. iurnl>b«l <g tmildiiiys n( nil d'- (( Irtlo- .-public bid", lugs t-s;.L* luily. c'oriin Iiiilcutlmi. by K1*“ to either ((like will KIWI with promP* " tciithm. Wm. Hall Huperliitendeiit. Aumrlcus vmce^ T. A. KI.UTTZ. l SBH1I AMKiticirs, gkougia; Lamar • Over HhF NOTICc TO CONSIGNED' Central Kail load anu bank* 5 ® I Co. ok GEonot a: u [ AMKRictra, ga., Fdi. I, IWI.-Freniiwj i date, the standard storage and demurrw I rules of this company will be enf ri’cd I An.eric<. Go. A. T. Maxw. ll, | SHOW CASES' WAik for cstalofnc. i TERRY M’PG CO.. NMMVIUi. rc0 FINE