Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 13, 1891, Image 6

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\ ill bold Its Third Annua) 8c»»bl THE BUCKEYES. A LITTLE MORE ABOUT THEIR VISIT HERE. Stray Mentioning of Things They Saw, Said and Did—Some of the Incidents Happening. A2L.c3i)l 3XT Y. JSL. Commencing March 9th and Fndmg April 8th. outs, ably conduct**!, il I tail roads and Special Trains. ■day School Normal—lb v. .1. I. Hurlhut, l». T>. hfrrlll. Musical—Prof. C. C. Cano. Physical— C. It. Wells. Art—Mrs. C. R. Wells rinon March Oth.aud continue for four weeKs.uffordlnK t ho finest advantages to be found in the South. The March 2)th, with Annual Sermon by Rev. Chns. J. Six thoroughly organized Depa: Hound Trip Tickets at one fare < Assembly—W. A. DUNCAN. Sunday School Primary—Mrs. Mary Dr. W.«. Anders »n. Commerclal-I The Special Schools will hi the people of Southwest Georg s Assembly will open on Sunday, Little, D. D., Ph. I>, A Rrilliant Program will be presented, and n rare Intellectual teas , spiced with wit ami seasoned with wisdom, is promised. THE SPEAKERS. Among the names of the speakers are men of national reputa tion, such as: Dr.C. J. Little, D. I> , Ph. D., Hon. Fleming G. DuHignon, Prof. Chav Lane, Prof C. K. Bolton, Mr. A. P Burbank, Rev. J. L. Hulbert. i). 1)., Hon. A. If. Colquitt, Hon. H.G. Turner, Hon. Chas. K. Crisp, Rev. Wm. Reynolds, Gov. W. J. Northern, Hon. S. D. Rradwell, Rev. R. S. Barrett, I). D., and others. EX-PRESIDENT GRoVER CLEVELAND Is favorably considering an lnv!t«tlo i endorsed by (iov. Northern and the Georgia Legislature, ami It is not improbable that he will be present. Grand Military Conclave, under command of Col. Ed. L. Wright on April lid, Governor's Day. INVITATION! Al! are respectfully Invited to attend and enjoy this finest of literary intertalmnents, prepared at great expense for the pleasure and profit ■people. W. A. DUNCAN, Hykai the, N. Y.. NELSON TIFT, Albany, < superintendent of Instruct ion. President JOS. S. DAVIS, Secretary WE ARE ON THE TOP BOUND iUK LARGEST STOCK OALL AND SEE US. alvin Carter and Son. Cheap : Money LOANS NEGOTIATED OX CITY, TOWN OH FARM PROPERTY AT RATES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. TERMS MOST TAVOABLE ALL CONDITIONS EASY J. J. HANKSLEY, - - AMERICUS, Ga. Sans Souci BAR AND rESTAURANT W. T. RACAN, PrOprtetor. iCo. a07 Ijnmnr struct. The visit of the Ohio excursion party here was all the talk ou the streets yesterday, and the ears of the Buckeyes must have tingled smartly if there is anything in the old superstition about compliments causing this. One and ail agree that a belter looking, more intelligent body nev er excurted tills way. A lew mo ments conversation with any one one of the party showjd him to be a man of intellect, and a man who would make the best kind of citizen. All possessed means and practi cal experience in some branch of business, most of the party being fruit growers and wine makers, in dustries which would pay them handsomely here, and which would do much towards building up our country. This sectlou is especially adapted to grape growing, and almost every known variety can be raised here in abundance aud excellency. These men of the party, on the inferior lands of Ohio, worn out by yearH of usage, have succeeded in making much money, and it is hard to estimate wliat they could do ou our line farms. The party were given a glimpse of our lauds, and what they had not time to tlnd out for themselves was told to them. In the short stuy made here, of course only u passing look could be taken at everything, but an effort was made to poiut out the most in teresting places. Many of our fac tories were shown them, aud the number of these, their size mid im portance made quite an impression ou the party. The new hotel was greatly ad mired, a cut of how it would look being shown them, as was also the court house aud new city hall. Ou artesian wat-r was tasted and praised. But the point which was most made of was the great amount of buildliic to be seen. This has been often mentioned through these col umns in the past two years, and we all kuow how true it is. But even we, anxious as we are to recognize all of cursuperior points, do not appreciate it to the extent of visitors. “Why,” said one of the party, “I never saw anything like It be fore. All the cities wo have vis ited show signs of progress, and with all we were more than pleased, hut iu none have I seeu such enter prise aud growth as is shown here. There is more building going on than in any city of twice your Bize I have ever seen. “In fact, this is the thriftiest lit tle city I have ever visited.” Tills remark might be attributed to any one In the party, as all talked the same way. deal of interest in educational mat ters, being a member of the board of education of his city, and made a thorough investigation of our school system. He had a long con versation with Superintendent Bizien, who gave many valuable points of information. After seeing aud hearing all he could, Mr. Greeue expressed him self as being delighted with our schools. He considered them high in grade and managed ably. He paid a very high compliment to the city in regard to educational mat ters, and said he had seen no city where more money in proportion was devoted to schools. Mr. Randall Pope, the retired drugglstof Madison,Fla., says (Dec. 8, 188!),) lie regards P. 1*. P. G’rick- ly Ash, Poke Itoot and Potassium) as the best alterative on the market, and that he has seen more benefi cial results from the use of it than any other blood medicine. Messrs. Beall & Oakley expect to move into their building erected by Mr, Murphey, in two weeks. If you decide, from what you have heard or read, that you will take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, do not be in- j duced to buy any substitute instead. SIDEWALK SAYINGS- >!y Si'.'.m u famished with tbs best Wines, Mrandl-s, Haul, Oil. that can bo bought for the cash, imported Liquor it Specialty. » anyihum you want to drink from a K1 a#*of Gold Milk Whisky-Sour in Americus. My Restaurant Is adonis, ami with l he host cook In the State, and a An please the most fast Id ions. Mte x-SffjX Ipx jn/rHfsuR‘8 CN«uSH,f?tu CfiOSS O.amond Buahd g3& rtnwreom * rtutis THE BEST POROUS BLASTERS II* THE WORLD. aSSns” RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY PAINS, LAME BACK, &c. HI**-. Ume.-l.u, OUOriVDNOlt & UICIIAKDH. IIokIou, )!»... BOILING WATER OR MILK EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOGOA LABELLED ui LB. TINS ONLY* BEftfl Mila SM Bt'iwu, Itv lid. In the party were many old Union soldiers, and the meeting between these and our Confederate veterans were the source of a great deal of pleasure. Two of the party were through here with General Wilson twenty-six years ago, aud is is their first visit since then. They passed through Americus, and remembered what was then a little village. One of these gentleman, Mr Weis, says that at the time he re cognized what a wonderful country we had. He lias since tMd his sons that if they wished to emigrate. Georgia not the West, was the place. The ex confederates and these gen- llemcu had many pleaaants chats together, and swapped many ex periences. The trip to Andersonvillo was an uuexpelled. All were anxious to go and Major Glessuer secured a special train. Many citizens accom panied the visitors, and, treat, though it was, a more pleasure giviug trip was never taken. None of the party had been con fined at Andersonviile, but many had brothers, near relatives or friends who remained there many weary months. Everything about the place was of interest to them, and they eagerly asked questions concerning it.Relics were treasures, and nearly every one put a rus ty button, piece of kuife, buckle or something of the sort in his pocket. Resides tills they ?i!l carried ofl* walking sticks. Superintendent Bryant entertain ed them in tils always pleasant wav. And nearly a hundred more n.uiu s were added to ills register. Th*» trip Was of more interest than any they have taken, and they were delighted with it. Mr. J. K Greene, representing SrvSsS'tYiWSSSi | the Saudu8 ky Register, took a great PARKlV 5 ! HAIR BALSAM Clrantn and W*utl^e tha ha!: ** * irur. Irusrth. He'tore Gray - \ Colcr. r faiUaf. >L Lonpa, liability,~In*lRation, rain. Take fcu&nDg from the effect* of youthful error*. esaly decsv, vrasiuigweakness. lostxnxnkood,e>e., I mill Gen $ A valuable treatise (Besvled, rocUicing full particular* for home euro. PREEof charg*. rphindld medical work : ahcuiu be read by every Bun who » servou* aud debilitated. Address. ffvoL C> C. IU1V1J.B, Hood us, Cons, KSMUEK* COStilMS. Whia*r* beard. C«a “Say, Recorder,” said a promi nent real estate dealer yesterday, ‘suppose some of this Ohio party wanted to stop here, want'd to come at once and rent a home. They couldn't do it, ami then what are you going to do? We ra»*t to grow more rapidly, want these men as citizeus, but to-day I don’t know of a house for rent, “This question is obliged to be settled, and for Heaven’s sake wake up the capitalists and show them how they keep people from locat ing here.” This is a rather old subject with us, but the statement about a lack of houses is only too true. Time and again have the people been urged to build more houses, and they, always alive to necessity, have responded. But even yet the scarcity of houses for r*ut is gloomy, and is even more perspi cuous. The Yellow Pine Investment Company, organized for this pur- lias not yet got to work good, but promise us great benefit in this respect. The people say get to work at once. Having gone through our annual clearing up aud taking.stock, we are now ready for business. Encouraged by the fact that our busi ness was greater last year than any previous year, we feel like ofleriug our frends greater inducements tliau ever before in the liue of CLOTHING HATS, - FURNISHING - GOODS HOST ESPECIALLY i.XT* heard. Cwrn “I want you to thank Manager Glover for me,” said a theatre-goer yesterday, “for the number of ex cellent shows he has given us this season. I never enjoyed a season more in my life, and no city lias had better bookings. “Just look back and see what we have hadOnly one or two poorshows slipped in, and Atlanta, Savannah. Macon and the other large cities were caught by the same troupes. Americus people have had a treat, aud I for one, am grateful to Mes srs Glover, Lanier and Whitley.” Marie Greenwood is here again to-night week. The people of Americus were all delighted with the performance of Boccaccio, and will turn out in large numbers to see the company agaiu. No better opera troupe has ever been to Americus, and all who saw Boccaccio appreciate this. Miss Greenwood herself possesses one of the sweetest and best cultivated voices ever heard here, and her support iu excellent. That seems to be tile general . opinion of all who saw the last per- j formauce. Apropos of shows another has | beeu booked to appear here after next. Adele Frost is tli attraction, and she is a good and pretty little actress. An effort is being made which will in ali prob ability be successful, to get the company to play here a week at popular prices. Miss Frost makes a charming Galetea in that popular (day. “Will the‘Little Tycoon’ be re produced?” asked a reporter yes terday, of one who took a promi nent part before. “I think it will undoubtedly, and at an early date,” was the reply. “Ail seem anxious to see it again aud it will be a pleasure to the par ticipants. We have talked it over, aud you may say the people will have an opportunity to see it again in not many weeks.” “I hear it rumored,” said a Lee- ton citizen yesterday, that some of the Ohioaus are going to purchase our street railway. I don’t care whether they do or not, just so somebody starts the ears again, but for goodness sake give us another chanue to ride. “I never knew what a luxury street cars were before, and If President Felder will only put them on again I will bless him the r“st of my days.” Notwithstanding our large sales, we find that we have yet in stock a good assortment of all styles—new and seasonable goods—which we would like to reduce to make room for our Spring purchases. Our stock of Clothing is so complete that we feel satisfied that we can suit any and all in style, size, fit aud price, and if nothing else will do you we have a fine liue of samples and will have you a suit made to order. Our stock of Shoes iu the largest iu the city, embracing all the best makes, and we are determined that they shall be sold," if good quality and low prices will sell thegcods. Our stock of Furnishing Goods embraces all the latest styles in neckwear, handkerchiefs, underwear, gloves, gents jewelry aud all the accessories of the toilet. John R. Shaw, The Champion Clothier, Shoer and Hatter. 117 and 119 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Blank Bajks. School Books. BASE BALL BATS - Newssaoen and P«riodic.l«. 105 AND 107 FORSYTH SI REtT. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. veek next I oiler for a fn r lir day* ii J loth,I cb. Terms Easy. One housennd lot on Co! ie&e Hill, large lot 210x270, fronting two streets. The prcl- lest home fn Americus. One house and lot on Jackson street, front.ini? (lie College. I.ari?e lot, 5 rooms to the comparatively new hous r wi.'.» cook room nnd bath home attached, nice out house and barn on the place. Call for bargains. HUGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St. : : : Americus Ga. Fifteen Shares Furniture Factory Stock for 8n!e FOR. Adv ce to Mothen. Mrs. Winslow'sSoothinb Syr up should always tie used for chil dren teething. it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarriiiea. Twenty-five cents per bottle. Nice Room on Lamar Street. Call quick. Suitable for office or bed room. W. D. HAYNES & SON, Real Estate, 208 Forsyth Street, Americus, Ga. FOR RENT! PoHiiffsIon given find of Mare!) aud first April, flffl. Callaway, - Real Estate Agent. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. I REPRESENT THE W1NC1IKSTER, of Now Yoik. NATION A I,, of Hartford. UNITED 1 N DKRWRITER, of Atlanta. NIAi i A R A. of New Yor k. LONDON A LANCAIB'*.of Liverpool. PENSYLVANI A, of Philadelphia. A M E RICA N ACC I * K.NT, of ilainsvul 1 he«e are among the best com pm it*** in the bun Incus. I respectfully solicit a rhare *> EoTT. r? JE33XL Bank of Sumter Buiidir g.