Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 13, 1891, Image 7

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HAVE you seen it? refer to the full and rehensive treatise on the Blood and skip I ^], e ther you are sick or well, #T *ry home should hare a copy. If you are well\ It d lls you how to keep so. If you are sick, it tells you how to regain your health. This valuable pamphlet will be mail* ' «i free to applicants, j TuK Swift Specific Co., 3 Atlajcta. Oa I j JONES' BANNER. “There’s nothin’ iu it!” said the farmer, as he threw the paper down— “Nothin’ hut the advertisements of the business men in town; Nothin' new or entertainin’ can I find in Jones’ sheet, An when I paid him in the summer I felt that I was beat. When first I luk the banner, some thirty years ago, It was a likely paper, hut now It’s gettln* slow. Ho when my lime is out, in August, I’ll have him diop my name; we!l without it—Jog along W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE EfiH pj n t,.,], and *i Ktamix'd on bottom. Addrew IV. h. 1IOI t.l.AHf Hrockton, .11 a ns. bold by THORNTON WHEAT L£ Y AmericiiB, • - Ciforga Health is Wealth. •I A«• . i .ith«-r m• x, Involuntary I^tsscs an cimatorrlnea, eaustil l-y over exerim : t*i. tirain. i-elf-atiuseor over Indulgence. l.-Hi !■ x contains one m< nths treatment. r. or six boxes for $5.0», sent by ihli. I'ri p.iM. on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES oc'ureany cuxe. With each order roceiv- companied with id tlie purchaser i) refund tlie money if the not effect a cure. Guarnn- i by DAVENPORT DllUG s, Amerlcus Ga. BLN j.w AUSKINaw blood DISEASES. Tlie Best Househ old Medicine. Onco ouJwlce each year the ays- iem needs purging of tbo impuri wUch clo£- tho blood. From childhood to old ago, no remedy uects all casen with the same cer tainty of good results as ilHT.wic m.oon rai.m. ;fp r ;. V cC >»li'lf, Wrbh Cit v , Ark., .ritr, >n ' ,ne un-re food and for lei ; thaaany othrr Mod nerificr I ever uhi the comfort of my life to It.” i; '• Jl'rther.l. Norfolk. V»„ . I depend on It. It. it. for used. August so, 1888. 3Y 'HE CAR LOAD LOTS. ,r.. M S,lln < l *‘ s made at the lowest • '*' r Known before. Address s . M.Jonks, Aitierlcus, Ga. ' I,,r * J‘»FKS, Leslie Ga. sufferers" Mouthful Errors etc ‘ Il00| l, Early Decoy, etc., by a,|,|" M, ' »re a home treatise free if |, V "’[“R » lellow suflerer. C. i. suflerer, C. ' • t>. Box 810, ltoanoke, WE STILL LIVE.' ?heard yc about the sa Ho spoke the blunt old farmer to his wife with p'easant face, Who was plying brisk her needle through tiie white aud snowy lace. “I am s >rry. Zachariah, that in this we kalu’t agree. But the Weekly Banter, somehow, alius suited me. Every week for thirty years It’s found u welcome here— Hornet lines It brought a smile, an’ then perhaps, a tear; But, in those circlin’ jears, I’ve found It ever true an’ tried, Tho’ fickle friends forsook us, an' many true ones died. The paper’s b it a mlrrow, that reflects the staid old town An’ when there's nothin’ happenin’, why there’s nothin’ to Jot down, Tbo’you say there’s nothin’ in it, an’ the sheet is gelt in’ slow, I And it more interestin’ with the years that come and go; An* on tiie Thursday tvenln’s when the tilings are cleared away, I take alienp o’ comfort In seeln* what Jones ’« got to say. ‘The editorials suit ine,* I’ admit, An’I know, rnjself.t e locals’are full of pith and wit; The personals I always scan with an eager, yearnin’eye, In quest of some old, famll’ar name that re calls a tender lie. Then come* the funny items, that appear from week to week; But Jones, I think, don’t write them—he looks too sad an’ meek. An’ tho advertisements, too, must have a share of praise. r we know b / experience, Zach, that ad vertisin’ pays. u ’member when tho mortgage ft 11 due upon the place, An’the sellln’ of Hie ineader lot was our But we couldn’t find a buyer, an’ were put re distress, Until some one kindly told us to try tho Banner press; An’ before theadver isement bad made it’s reg’lar round. We had a dozen buyers for our little patch of ground. An’Jones has had his influence, I’ve oft n heard you say, An’if it’wasn’t for the Banner, we’d be in tiie woods to-day. lie boomed the town and comity,advertis in’ far an’ wide, Brlngln’ in some noble people to settle by our side; ’If our money men hud worked half us hard as he, Our town would be a city, an’ known f:om i to sea. An’ outside of tiie paper, Zach, Jones alius was out friend, ery ready to assist us, un’ a helpin’ han’ to lend. u ’member when our Jenny was tryin’ for the selioo', w Jones eulogized her as the one t welld the rule? 'when our Jami« graduated, the yei.r before he died, its writ some editor flxiu's that just touched a mother’s pride; An’ in between the Bible leaves thej’r safely stowed away - p’ as a sort o’ remembrance of that bright and happy day. So ’tween mo an’ the Banner there is a tie that binds— The old associations that I rend between the lines. Some may say there's nothing in it, an’ It's pages bring tiie blues, But I think It’s bub’llu’ over with the finest kind of news.” ve been thlnkin’ of your arguments, an* of tiie misty past, An’ it sorter occurs to me, Malinda, I’ve been a ieotle fast; o when the harvest conics, an’ tiie grain is golden brown, II call at t lie editor's office, an’ plank the money down.” HE IS HERE. HON. CHARLES F. CRISP AT HOME AGAIN. He Arrived Yesterday Afternoon—And a Delegation of Citizens Warmly Wel comed Him—A Best Now, Until Next December. Tho Davenport Drug Company have made a large purchase of \V. W, C., Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, the greatest blood purifier and family medicine now on the market, for the purpose of supply ing the tr^le throughout this sec tion. Send them your orders, and save freights from distant points. s } Hav. . II>KIN ’- GEORGIA, .recently re-opened their p -lock ot k & neral Merchandise "min', r 1 anti solicit a ",nl ?'•"* th0 RLeral pnt- t) E ° ,lerl °foreextended to III-.- They keep the ' ■'’ItTMKXT! -AND . REST QUALITY! ' " *old In Stewart County. "»■ We eon, n . ... new 1 1 Btand, Lumpkin, Oa A Physician’, Advertisement. 'oui Printer'. Ink. TitoMASV1I.I.E, Ga., Feb. 1!), 1891. Editor of Printer’s Ink: The following advertisement Is clipped from the Boston (Ga.) World: Dlt. THOMAS II. STKWAItT odors his professional services to all who may desire them; excepting only such as are able to pay, but are not in tiie habit ot payiug Medical Hills. He does not accept praise aud patronage as legal tender, in stead of more substantial currency. He takes this method of saying to all the p*or who might desire his services, and who are not able to pay, not to feel the least restraint from calling him, for lie esteems their good will uml thanks more de sirable than money, paid reluctant ly by those who are able to pay for lionest, anxious service rendered. Office, - doors west City Hall. Anent Mr. Teele's article in Prin ter's Ink, I think the above is a good one. There Is an earnestness about it that is refreshing. A. W. Nvce. The Best Beault. Every ingredient employed In produolng Hood’s Bnriaparilla is strictly pure, and is the best of its kind It Ib possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully select ed, personally examined, and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Sar saparilla Is prepared, everything is carefully wstohed with a view to attaining the host result. Why don’t yon try it? “Home again," Said Hon. Chas. F. Crisp, tho pride of Amerlcus, Georgia, the South and Democracy, as he stepped from tiie train at 1:10 yes lerday afternoon. Then, tenderly assisting Mrs. Crisp down the steps, he again softly said “Home again.” There was no brass band to meet him, no gorgeous decorations, no wild hurrah of applause, no firing of cannons, no military compnny to escort him, no grandiloquent speech making, but a simple, hon est and intelligent baud of citizens, who desired to meet their leader, and the leader of all thole opposed to tyranny aud despotism As Mr. Crisp got off the train, men of Amerlcus of influence aud Intelligence, tneu who have made our city aud country what it Is, men who appreciate thinkers and workers, these men gathered about and with eyes alternately spark ling with joy and pride, grasped tiie hand of him, who, ’tis the prayer of all, will sit in the chair just vacated by Reed. As each man clasped our Congressman’s hand, there was a hearty grasit, which showed tile admiration came from tiie heart. There was a manly homage exhibited, which told more emphatically than could ribbons, flowers, bands and cannons, that the noble labors of Charles Fred erick Crisp were appreciated to an inexpressible depth. Tears of joy, Bo often written of, are seldom seen, but tiie voices of our sturdiest men were tremulous us they told Mr. Crisp how glad they were to again grasp his hand. “Welcome home, sir, welcome home," said they, aud the whole people spoke with them. He was put iuto a carriage iu a few minutes, and quietly driven home. Hefe lie remained the rest of the day, aud not many of the citizens knew that lie had arrived. A Recordeh reporter found Judge Crisp at his home in the af ternoon. He was resting on a lounge, but immediately rose up aud in bis ever cordial manner gave one ot Ills cliaracterie wel comes. “Well," said be, “there's no place like home, aud you can’t know how glad 1 am to be back again. This warm weather isquite a contrast to what X have been having. 1 left Washington yester day at eleven, and found snow all along tiie route until 1 went to bed. Here 1 see flowers instead of enow, and to me it is a charming sight. “Yea, 1 am more than delighted to be at home iu Amerlcus again, and will now have a good rest. Congress does not convene again until December next, and 1 will stay al home most ot tiie interven ing time.” . In warm words the next Speaker spoke of the joy he felt at again be ing ill liis Southern, home and among bis old friends. He was the very picture of health, and appears to have gained several pounds since ho was last here. There was little to be said about the laBt Congress which is not known. The recent triumphs of Mr. Crisp are sung on every tongue, aud a re-mentioning of them is unwarranted. Iu his modest, unassuming way lie avoided all personal mention, and preferred rather to point to the lovely hyacinths in his yard than to the evergreen laurels of fame in liis record, so nobly won and so richly deserved. Iu the name of the people of Amerlcus aud tiie Third Congres sional district Tiie Recorder bids him welcome to his home. His work is appreciated to an extent more than can he told, and with outstretched arms our honored rep resentative in the halls of Congress is with pride received. Yes, we are proud of him, and Heaven knows people never had more cause to feel proud of one of their number than we, whose representative so ardent ly and shrewdly defended the cause of his people and prevented further harm being done. So, welcome again, Mr. Speaker, and Amerlcus, your native city, is uncovered to-day iu your honor. CURES SYPHILIS ^T 5 5y3euIir5S3«i?"^K , KTrrwflS3IT^wSB3Sf in4 prcrib* 11 with (TMl Mtkfectlca tor IkmiI THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS* ARE THE BEST They , popular IManos In Amerl stock of these super!* lux’ preferred bv the lending artists everywhere. There are more of these Mo-da* than of any other make. Call and examine incuts, or write lor cutaloguo to James Fricker &. Bro. A M ERICUS, GEORGIA. E. P. HARRIS. Pres. BLOOM BROWN, Sec. A Trcas. C. P. PAYNE, M’g’r. > HARRIS Si PAYNE. A Machinery Supplies. We are now in our now'btillding In Artesian Block, and ready for (business. M lie of Cooking Stoves and Ranges Gas Fixtuns and SanilaryiGoods a Specialty. Globe, Angle and Check Valves. TERRA C01TA AND IRON PIPINGS.ANDJFITTINGS. GENERAL : REPAIR : WORK. TJE5L.33PHONB No. 13. ON HAND 100 Buggies and Wauons, Cheap! One Car Best Lime in the State! Get My Prices! JP - L, HOLT. Chronic Ul.f Ort >wt rwfcUd *tt iwataal. Im, Malarta, HRPJSIoi atrial PoUoo.'TMMr, Scald llttd, r. p. r. t» > i»wcfai A guaranteed Cure for Piles of whateYor kind or degree—External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by maO, prepaid, on rooeipt of prioe» Wo guarantee to cure any case of Pilea. Guaranteed and oold only by DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, WUOf.KSALK AND K KT All. DHUGUIKTS, Amerlcus, Georgia. thirty year-1 hsvo been a groat sufferer from hemorrhoids, both Internal and external. I tried all known remedies, as well as the be«t physiciant, with only temporary until I tried your Japanese Itemed: . after using four boxes 1 am entirely cured of Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. I am pleased to announce that I havo a full lino of GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY- Prescriptions fiilled at all Hours, Day or Night, W. A. COOK, Proprietor. 1\ P. P. stimulates the appetite and aids the process of assimilatlen, cures nervous troubles and invigor ates and strengthens every organ of the body. Nervous prostration is also cured by the great and pow erful P. P. P. Its cfl'ects are per manent and lasting. Concealed Weapons. Chas. Layer was arrested by Offi cers Barrow and Martin yesterday. On his person wu found a dirk seven Inches long. He was tried for earrylng concealed weapons and lined f25, which he paid. J_ W- IMIISiEI, At his new quarters on Cotton Avenue, under Hawkins House. He keeps the fluent Wines, Whiskies. Cigars, Etc., Etc. in town. Ho always has on tap kegs of the Famous Cook Boor. The BEST Beer ever sold in AmericUB. Fancy Drinks at Lowest Living Prices! He keeps nothing but first-class goods, and don’t charge fancy prices far them. GIVE ME A CALL. W. W. Wheeler & Co. are now in their new quarters. HAND-MADE AND NORTHERN HARNESS BY THE WHOLESALE ANF RETAIL. CALL ANDISEE-THEM. They have also secured the services of A. First-class Shoemaker, Repairing a Specialty. Prices reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed The. People’s. National. Bank. 9, Moktoomeby, President. J. C. Roney, Vies President. John Windsor, Cashier. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney. H. O. Mitchell, Book-keeper. omirc.y cured of this most painful trouble. Yours (leuneci fully, F. L. Aliikck, 721 Hudson Aye Foremen at C^lpnen’s Trunk Factory ptUNKENrfESS Liquor Habit. mum- worm mats/sBirrOMcaxr D’HARfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given In coffee, tea. or tn article* of food, without the knowledge of patient if neceMary*, It In absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and s|>cedy cure, whether the itatlem Is a tuodemtedrltikvroran alcoholic wreck. IT NKV- Klt FAII-s. Itoperstes so quietly and with snob, certslnty that the patient undergoes no lnco»> vetilence, snd soon his complete reformatloa at effected. 48 page book free. To be had of For sale by Dr. E. J. Eld/idge Amerlcus, (4a. Of tho present general I on. Ctlsforlta euro and it* attondaufa. flick IlMrik aclao. Constipation anti Files, that futfs Pills havo become ao famous. They Ml ■poodlly and gently on he direst!** organs, giving thorn tone and vlgort* assimilate food. No griping or nausea. Sold Everywhere. Office, BO & 41 Park Place, N. T* if YOU WISH ■° Advertise Anything Anywhere * T Any time WRITE TO Geo. P. Rowell* No. 10 Spruce Street NEW YORK. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY PRIVATE ! OAPITAL, $50,000. SURPLUS, $25,000. )EACOCK : HOUSE ELLAVILLE GEORGIA | NEW ; HOUSE,: NEW: FURNITURE Goad sample and (leaping room, nr commercial men and the public. Plnt-CUn fan aid latlsfactlon guar anteed, C. L. PEACOCK, Proprietor. t SuShI