The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 10, 1891, Image 2

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2 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891 How io Advertise. Tho question of method in advertising is one having infinite range. The mat ter is one of the very first importance, and cannot be too carefully studied. One thing about it that may be set down as true is that every man's advertising, in its language and style, should bo char acteristic—characteristic of the man. charm*teristic of his stock, characteris tic of his commercial position. For ever)* man has his peculiarities of devel opment. When he spoakB wo know it is he, though we may not Ik? looking at him. and his advertisement should rep resent him like his voice. He should put hia experience, his industry, his en terprise, into his advertising. It is as tonishing to see how merchants who are tireless iii their industry—at the store early and late, close buyers, eager seek ers after business, quick to embrace op portunities for enlargement of lir .. and extension of trade—it is surprising to see how such business men continue their advertising in the language of the old rut, and announce in the same words and the same typo that did duty for them years ago that “B. Franklin (or any other man, the name doesn’t matter) is still to l>e found at the old stand, with a choice stock of dry goods, notions, etc., etc.” (The two etc.’s are indispen sable in an "ad” of this kind.) There is another and a better way to do- If a merchant has any snap, any energy, in himself, let him show it in his adver tising. If ho has any bargains in his store, let him say so. If he has connec tions which cnablo him to sell better goods, or the same goods at lower prices, than anybody else, let him say that; say it plainly, strongly and in a way that will carry conviction of truthfulness; and on the same principle that leads him to treat visitors to his store ho that they will call again, let him write his adver tisement so that his next advertisement Will be looked for; if you get a person’s attention once try to hold it. The whole thing is summed up in this: One should study advertising as lie does every other department of his business. Advertis ing is a science, simple, it is true, as to its main elements, but requiring more thought and system than many of our .business men have been accustomed to igSre it. Value of Changing Advertisements. Picking up an old journal the other •day l found a statement to the effect that a certain patent medicine firm had not (;d that time) changed the wording •of-its advertisements for thirteen years. While I am a thorough believer in judi cious odvi#.sing I doubt if such adver tising as that would accomplish any good after a few months of publication No doubt ninety-nine readers out of n hundred would throw aside the paper at sight of the familiar heading with the exclamation, "The same old story.” Though publishers may save consider ably in composition hills by permitting advertisements to "stand” in their col umns for a year or more, they must lose considerable in the-ill effect upon other would lie advertisers. it is to the interest of publishers that their patrons should find that "it pays to advertise,” and those advertisingcol- umns are most attentively perused which uro most frequently changed. A publisher who allows an advertisement to stand without change in his columns for over three months is doing his own business an absolute harm. Advertise ments aro being looked upon as news, and as 6uch they should be fresh and in teresting. Invite your patrons to make frequent changes in their announce ments. It will pay them, and this will have u reflex action upon your own re ceipts.—Natioual Publisher and Printer. RES SYPHS PASSENGER SCHEDULE Georgii Southeni SFIaridi Ry. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, TnkltiK Effect Mardi 24,1 KOI. Standard Time, 001 li Meridian. <•<)!Nli Hiij THf: in)i Nti N<iKTHT A Now Profession. The writing of advertisements is us- fmroing the dignity of a profession. Much of the style of writing is charm ingly seductive, and withal contains no little information of a scholarly nature, as many a reader has discovered after perusiug a half column with quickening interest to find m the end how he may become a Hercules in strength or a beauty by the use of certain elixirs! There is more money in the writing of advertisements than in legitimate liter ature. Agencies solicit the writing of advertisements and guarantee appropri ate illustrations, and the insertion of same in whatever newspaper or periodi cal the advertiser may desire. Most of the celebrated advertisers write their own notices. "It is only needful to re peat a thing often enough,” says Goethe, "and everybody will end by believing it.”—L. R. McCabe in Chicago Herald. Woman's Influence. What is so good an advertisement as the confidential advice of a woman of influence? J know nothing which nj>- proaches it. You can remember a dozen books which have been made by this «ort of feminine recommendation. It sold a hundred thousand copies of Mar ion Harland’s "Common Sense Cook Book,” and more copies of "Little Lord Faunlleroy;” it made The Ladies* Home Journal, and it makes the fortunes of baby food people every year. Suppose your child is ill, and Mrs. Smith tells your wife that Canteloupe’s food saved her baby's life, a hundred dollar bill would not be too much to pay for a box or bottle of tho food, and so it goes.— Art in Advertising. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOUNDRY A IN I) .MACHINE MIIOI*. LIPFMAN BKuS., Proprietors, DrvggUU, Llppmaa’a Blot*, SAVA SHAH, GA. For solo by the DAVENl’OKT I>KUO COMPANY, Amorims, Ga. J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS Ar CO., I’rop’rs, I Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Cotton Presses ami General | Machinery, Cotton Gins, Cane Mills anil Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill ami Machinists’ Supplies. Special Attention to Repair Work. i,i&w+--on.o, MACON, GEORGIA. Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. My wife has lwon afflicted for six yean* with a fnost dreadful Blood Poison of some kind, cal ed Eczema by eminent physicians. During this period she was treated by several specialists. Hus taken quantities of all the blood purifiers on the market, without realizing any special benefit. She Is now using Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, a few bottles of which have inado a complete cure. I unhesitat ingly recommend It n* the best blood purincr evor discovered. Yours truly, ^ A. C. SLcQhUhh. Columbus, Ga., March 23,188P. MANUFACTURED BT WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO., Columbian, Gn. FOIL HALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS BLACK BEAUTY. Probably no book has ever appeared in America which has : received such universal, uniform and unanimous praise from ; both the secular and religious press in all parts of the coun try. At last accounts over 107,000 copies had been sold in j London, England. This book retails at 25c., but ALLISON & AYCOCK. The Lamar St. Book Dealers and Stationers have about fifty copies on hand that they will sell at 15c per copy. Call and | get one before they are all gone. Health is Wealth! Dr. E. C. Wkht’h Nf.rve and Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Los* of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sperma torrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box con tains one month's treatment. Si .00 per box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of price. XVK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us tor six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send tin* purchaser our written guarantee to refund the mouev if the treatment does not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG Sole Agts.,^ The Bank Failed To lend its money, but (lail’s coni Syrup B. I I. JOSSEY, The Leading Dealer in Fine Wines, Whiskies and Brandies. My Htock is now complete, consisting of tho finest Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Kum, Etc. Sole Agent for tho Celebrated “OLD GUM SPRING” Kentucky Whisky. Imported Goods a Specialty. §5if'Call on me for Christmas Goods. 13. 11. JOSSEY, ... 431 Cotton Avenue dec2ft-lm FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAXD STRONGEST COMPANIES IN TIIHJWURLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackson Street, noxt door below Mayor’s Office, decil-dly. has iv Hall’; day H. SANFORD, Contractor and Builder, AMERICUS, GA., mUNKEHrfESS Liquor Habit. outline woRW mas/sourone one D?HAiifES GOLDEN SPECIFIC The; n Seeds fail ire arriving every give satisfaction cuts a large paper; Remember they aro only 2' no need monopoly in Amei...... . No more headache. Antimgrano cures it in a few minutes. The genuine sold at Hall s DrnJi Store. 1-13-to apri Is prepared to take contracts for buildings of all kinds. With large ex per guarantee as good v building he wher * any JAPANESE Estimates Inaide finishing a specialty, in hard woods AH latest designs. Samples can he had on up plication. Call at J. It. Dunn's store, on Lamar stu ♦, Americus, (ia. dec!7-3ni His It iso. He bought a brand new pair of shoes, He thought h*'d get seine spats; He then discovered that he lacked The latest thing in hats He bought oue. Then his trouser* bagged; He ordered two new pair, Ahd then, strange fact! he noticed that His coat was quite threadbare. He bought another. Then he saw Some waistcoats. Just the thing! He had to get some tie* to match; He bought a diamond ring He joined three clubs. lie bought a horse, Then changed it for a team; He bought a Failing yacht at first. And then moved up to steam. He bought these things, and many more. This man *0 great and wise; Per during hm career he had The sense to advertise. —Tom Mmbod In Clothier and Furnisher. A guaranteed Cur*’ for Piles of whatever kindordegroo—1/ ariml, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itchii g, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1.00 i box; 6 boxes, $6.00. j Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Wo guarantee to * tro any case of Filed. Guaranteed and sol. only by THE DAVKN.’ORT DRUG CO., Wholesale Retail Druggists. Americus, <ia. ! Samples free. fei>21-d«&wlyr A Certain Care for Dyspepsia.' There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as Dyspepsia and indigestion, and one too, that up to the present time lias battled the skill of the ■ most eminent physicians. Two-thirds of the chronic diseases have their origin In Dyspepsia. The symptoms are loss of apatite, loss of flesh, a feeling of fulness or weight in the stomach, occasionally nansea and vomltirg,acidity, flatu lence, dull pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of iniwels, low spirits, sleeplessness, sallow skin, derange ment of kidneys, and not unf~"*nuently palpita tion of the heart. If you are suttering with anv of these symptoms I)r. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir will cure you. Prepared only by Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir Company, , rain Caveats, and Trnde-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office. n secure patent in less time than those i Washington. wing or photo., with deserip- and w remot «end model, di „ tion. We advise. If patentable or not. free of chi-sge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Parruhlct. ‘‘How to Obtain Patents." with names (factual clients In your State, countv, or town, rent free. Address.' C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. For Kale by file DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. ‘THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY "H.G.C.” Cures Gonorhtvn and I Gleet In 1 to A l>nys, without Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Itest Sy* ring*free with ouch bottle. Price $1 Hold by druggists. Bswnre of Sub. stibutes^pTnoChemA^odAdyhMLLa Solti in Americus by Cook’s Pharmacy, E. J. Kldritlge, Fleetwood & Russell, J. K. Hall and Davenport Drug Company. $500 Reward ! WE will par the above reward for any ea«e of l.iver Complaint, IiyppepiUa,Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation or t’o-t-.venewi we cannot cure witL West’s Vegetable Liter 1*1 lr, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely Vegetable, and <>gtv< iati*l containing SH’lII*. i and Imitations. Th IiiE JOHN C. WES ’ COMPANY, CHICAGO. ILL Sold by THK D WENPORT DRUG CO., feb'.U-tLSwlyr Americus, Ga. 313—Lamar Street—313 We invite an inspection of the most select stock of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, Notions, Shoes and Hats IN AMERICUS. Onr stock is replete in novelties. We keep the latest and most correct styles, in Novelty Suits, Silks, Grenadines, China Silks, Batiste, Henriettas, Tamise, Embroidered Flounciugs, Black and White all over Embroidery, Lace Nettings, Lace Flouneings, Tissue ’D Inde, Persian Mull, Silk Mull, Indian and Egyptian Divinity, etc. We won’t particularalize further, but ask the ladies to come and see. Our Goods are New and Fresh! We Keep the Latest Styles ! We propose to be the the leaders of the Dry Goods business in Americus. We propose to keep the latest styles. We propose to be the leaders of low prices. We propose to give the best goods for the least money. We propose to keep no shoddy goods. We propose to give good goods for good money. Our motto is SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. We are strictly a Oue Price House. We will give 3-011 prices never seen before in Americus. Conig and See ! .Send for Samples ! Fine Dress Goods a Specialty. BEALL & OAKLEY. Capital and Experience GIVE -s^trength - and. - Necurity;- I represent tho following Insurance Companies, which are among tho best in tho business : WESTCHESTER of New York, NATIONAL of Hartford, UNITED UNDERWRITERS, of Atlanta, NIAGARA of New York, LONDON and LANCASHIRE, Liverpool, PENNSYLVANIA, Phila. AMERICAN ACCIDENT, of Louisville. I will be pleased to carry some tit yuur Insurance. LOTT WARREN. <i e „ur Hank of Sumter Building. Sew ill Men, Attention I Are you in need of machinery of any description? If ro, write us your wants, stating just what you desire and wo will make you low prices. Our special busi ness is heavy machinery such as ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, and for first-class machinery, we defy competition. We are general agents for II. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Be sure to write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite” saw mill; it is the best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices and see if we cannot save you money. Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SOOTH BROAD STREET, Mention The Times When Yon Write. ATLANTA, GA. j u ne24-d&w 1 year tS! •J. 1*. MeVEY, proprotor* Manufacturer of Every Variety of Saws and dealer SAW MILL SUPPLIES. Bjiecial attention given to Repairing. Agent for W. L. Power A Co.’s Celebrated. Wood Working Machinery. Large and Well Selected Stock ready for ship® ent Price* low. Liberal term*. Write for catalogue. ATLANTA, -GEORGIA may3-d&w1year DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURE US OF TnK DeLOACH SAW MILLS, GRITS MILLS, AX D WATER WHEELS. ATLANTA, : : / GEORGIA* June3-wiyear