The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 10, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMER1CUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. 3 A DEAD NEGRO. , over l,y » Central Train Ye.terday. The engineer of tbe through freight n the Central road, reaching hero at !i . yesterday afternoon, reported a I ,„ gro lying near the track about tw '„ ro iles up the road. I I,e news spread rapidly and hy a . . K .|. „ perfect swarm of people crowd .,1 the track looking for the man. I I,,. lirst to know of it was Agent Maxwell, who, with Clerk Dow, left on l„. passenger train to tind the body. t williams, the roadmaster, also rent along- -| |, ( . other people had to walk, and the number was a Timbs-Kkcoh- , v ,.|uirter. Reaching the crossing . |street lie was told that the dead m was about a half mile up the track walking about this distance, lie . told 'twas a half mile further. Then Awe-tit Maxwell was met coming back. nhout three quarters of a mile further.” said he, and off went the re I., titer. \ perfect bl-eain of people were going, and all seemed determined to see the The tli ee fourths of a mile was walked when Capt. Williams, unknown to the icporter, was met. ••Where’s the dead man?” was asked din. “About half a mile further.” “Is ('apt. Williams up there?” I think he has left.” • lias the body been removed?” • they are waiting for the coro- .\ n ,l off put the eager pencil pusher. Vftei* walking about up to Stewart’s crossing, live miles, wearied out, he put hack. Hundreds of people were met, :id all told “just half a mile further.” I teaching town, agent Maxwell was nidit and explained the matter. As the engineer on the freight avfed the report. Mr. Maxwell went jM>n the train, and about three miles mi the city saw a man lying apparent- dead, with his head between the mLeftwii cross ties. Leaping from :e train Mr. Maxwell and others rush ed t.. the body. After feeling it for some time, and i>C'»ursing upon the fact that the body as still warm, tho negro gasped and jtened his eyes. • What's the matter,” asked Mr. Max well. “Znmk ash hell,” was the reply. This broke up the crowd. The negro was soundly berated in strong language and dragged from his dangerous posi- Nobody was informed as to the truth, and about 2,000 people kept walk ing that “quarter of a mile further,” looking for the dead negro. MtELREE’8 WINE OF CABDUI for Weak Nerves. To Meet Here. Recently tho Friendship Association, which includes tho Baptist church here, decided to hold a Sunday School Conven tion, and an exective committee choseu with Mr. Henry Daniel, of Friendship, chairman, and Mr. J. W. Oliver, of Plains, as secretary. The first of these conventions, which will be held yearly, occurs iu a few weeks and will, in all probability, be held in Arnericus, the Baptist church here having invited the members, and the invitation having been informally accepted. Churches in this association should take notice of this fact, and be prepared H*n<l big Sunday school delegations. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Halton News: Last Friday tho •ighbors gathered at Mrs. Matilda •bertson's plantation, in Buncomb dis- kf - and picked out * about two bale* of cotton, which at that time remained in the Held. A Splendid Firm. . In this morning’s Times-Recordth will be found the announcement of the new firm of Beall & Oakley. These gentlemen have just moved to Arnericus from Columbia, Ala., and have opened up a splendid line of goods in the new* store house of W. E. Murphey on Lamar street. They are enterprising men and have capital to back their business. Arnericus is glad to have such men as citizens, and they will surely receive the patronage they deserve. It w!!! pay you to call and examine their beautiful line of goods. The fact of these gentlemen pulling up stakes at Columbia and moving to Arnericus shows how our traffic is looked upon from abroad. Try BLAC1CDRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Washington Chronicle: Dr. G.K. Lyn don of this place lost a fine turkey gob bler last week. Ho dreamed at night where the bird could be found and next day he sent his servant boy for him and got him. Dr. Leslie Keely, an Illinois physician, claims to have cured over 5,000 cases of drunkenness by injections of a lymph he makes for the purpose. DOCTOR Lost his grippe—the man who took Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic, but he ain’t kicking, and says it’s a Lulu— Cheatham’s Tasteless. 4 Monticello Star: “Aunt” Nancy Compton, an old negro woman living near town, will ho 100 years old iu Octo ber. She claims that she knew George Washington well. Little Things that Tell. It is the Uttlethings that tell—little brothers for instance, who hide away in theparlor while sister entertains her beau,etc. I)r I'ierce’s Pleasant Pellets arelittle things that tell. They tell on thever and tone up the system. So smalland yet so effectual, they are rapidly supplanting the old-style pill. An in-fallible remedy for Sick and Bilious Headaches, Biliousness and jCon- tipation. Put up in vials,'tcttnftenieut o carry.Their use attended with no comfort. r. Cleveland has sent a check to help endow the Southern University at Florence Ala. WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Rev. Sam Jones’s crowds at Jackson ville, Fla., have grown to 4,000 each. Eczema, Ringworm and Tetter are all disagreeable companions and tho source of much annoyance. Hunt’s Cure cures them all. Guaranteed. 4 apr 10-w4t Henry Garfield, son of the late Presi dent, was defeated in Cleveland, Ohio, for tho nomination for councilman by a bar-tender named llentez. McElree’8 VTIne of Cardul and THEDFORD’S / .ACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the foil 'wing merchants in Sumter county: J. E. Hall, Arnericus. 1). F. Davenport, Amerlcns. E. J. Eld ridge, Ainerlcns. B. L. Joiner, Andereonville. Dean & McTyier, Bottsftrc* W. R. Dorn, Friendship. The Augusta Chronicle has a bright punster and paragrapldst. His name is Bayne. Is he kin to the Scotch Peter? II hen the pcoplo learn that there are ••h pension agents in the United states they will begin to seo liow pop- u ^ r Republican Senators are with the ;ents. h'er *15 >0,000 paid by the consumer ilorm last year, for Cheatham’s Chill Tonic. We offer you CUvatham’s Tasteless Chill 'he samo price, 75 cents per is identically the same, with i«»n of taste. It is so impvov- "‘hln't recognize it, but its J‘* unimpaired. Guaranteed 1 rv a bottle and he con* “• ^hmlcy will soon return to Kng- ih- will not g.) to Africa again ■' s,, iiie time. .v'! I , ' m? case of the chills. 1 . ,!| M ' . lu *‘ :lV0 been carried off by ' 'um s Tasteless Chill Tonic. No " *' " ,,vrt ‘d. It is gone for good. 4 j •r in brandies and Wines, etc., j i ^ 'Mieitial purposes, also purest whis-; bu. Huihiuok’s Diuro Stores. ''biing is cheap that an immortal ' and no sphere common where lrn m°rt-il toils.”—Christian at work. u'iU^ ' >n ° s ' H>l bd use P. I*. P. because „h1 ,ii 8l i l . s V nn © ar ly everyone needs a d, tl ~ to purify, vitalize and en- jenrj Rattcrson lectured to a fine au- ‘. v MlGa., and the Journal f , le b*« turo was a charming piece lo quenoe t wit and fancy. l,}„„ t v U ?T Your c orn« by Using. List Indian Corn Paint for *akiH* POWDER Absolutely Puro. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength —United, States Government Report, Aug. 17, 18S9.. juno!5 dAwlyr ACKER’S ENGLISH 5 RIIHEDY! ; for Coughs. Colds and Consumption, It beyond S • question tho greatest of all modern remedies.! • It willstopa Cough Inone night. It will check 5 : a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve; I Asthma, and CURE Consumption If taken in* I time. ** You can’t afford to bo without It.' ■ ;a 25 cent bottle may save you $100 In Doc-* Jtor’a bills—may save your life! ASK YOUR* ; DRUGGIST FOR IT. If the little ones have - CROUP I or : 'WHOOPING G0U6HI USE IT PROMPTLY. IT IS: , BOUND TO CURE. Sold In; 1 ENGLAND (or l>. Did. and. In AMERICA lor 26c. a bottle.: yu *» i - AB0R -Li;SSPNS PAIN- D/MM5ME5DANGER TO LIFE ^ MOT HE R" CHILD Bii-r-n MOTH Fins . imuao vats. dn£lTon c°--> ATLANTA . H. HAWKINS Pres't. H. C- RAGLEY. Vice Pres'! W.E. MURPHEY. Cashier. ORGANIZED DVJO. —>3The Bank of Arnericus. Designated Depositary Mate of Georgia. —: DIRECTORS:— II. C. Bagley, Pro-*. Aiwticiin Investment Co. I*. C. Clegg,' i’res. Oemulgee Hriek Co. Jas. Dodson, of .las. Dodson ,V Son. Attorneys. (J. W. Glover. Pres’t Amerjeits Grocery Co. s. II. Hawkins. Pres’t S. A. «£ m. Ik lroad. S. Montgomery. Pres’t lVnplc« Xati.uial Hank. J. W. Sin llield.of Sliellield «.V Co., Hardware. T. Wheatley, wholesale dry goods. W. E. Murphey, Cashier. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vicc-I’resident, W. C. FURLOYV, Cashier. DIRECTORS— O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins, li. H. Jossey, T. N. Hawkes, W. C. Fuilow, W. II. 0. Wheatley, R. S. Oliver, II. M. Rrown, W. M. Uawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to its customers, accommoda ting to tho public and prudent in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its line. S. M0NTG0N ERY, Prest. J. C. RONEY, Vies Preit. JNO. WINGSOR. C'r. LESTER WINDSOR Asst. C’r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney, NO. 2830. THE Peoples' National Bank Of Americas. Capital, •,10.000. Surplus, *2.1,000 ORGANIZED 1883. H.C. Baolfy, Pres. W. E. Hawkins,Sec. &Tr. Americns Investment Co. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, 81,000,000. [Surplus, $250,000. | PIliKCTOKS: II C Itagley, W K Hawkins, S W Coney, | W S (iillis, .1 W Sheffield, P C Clegg, I W M Uawkes, Ii F Mathews, CM Bync, | W E M urpbey, S Montgomery, .III Pharr. Ii. P. Hollis. 6u We can now say WHOLESALE DRUGS, and as an evidence, call and examine our Stock and Prices. As to RETAILING DRUGS, we will give this department .WORE and CLOSER attention than ever before, assuring everyone of prompt anil competent attention. Goods from us will be delivered to any part of the city, and free on board the cars. We are offering a very large stock, for Arnericus, of the following articles:— In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. PLPFECTCD CRYSTAL LH:S?S A C-oH-.y Fir*, cat A’.t;-:. JSBSm - * Bank of Southwestern Georgia. # M. SI'KKH, J. W. WIIEATLKY, I'realiltmt. Vice i*re*i«l«nt. W. II. C. DUDLEY, A. W. SMITH, Cashier. Aiusistant Cashier. J. W. Wheatley, E. J. Elclridge, C. A. Huntington, II. H. Johnson, B. J. Perry, J. Nicholson, A. W. Smith, W. II. C. Dudley, M. Speer. K. Bukk,'Jk., Pres. II. M. Knapp, V. P. [O. A. a N, Sec, a Trcas, DAYENPORT DRUG CO. Ccor S ia ^fnistCo. Warts, it is great. t'^tono did not make the word It was used before him. OF CABnm f or Weak Nerves. Pharmacists Have Exclusive sale of these G’klkbka- tkd Glasses in Arnericus, Ga. FAULKNER, KELLAM & MOORE, The only Manufacturing Opticians In the South, Ati.anta, Ukohoia. nov-2M$m. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. 11 P, Attorney, W. 0. MURRAY. PRESIDENT. .1 E Bivins. band Examiner. MOORE’S s. w. s. 1». p. I*, li. IS. 1*. c. c. c. li. 11. li. W. YV. c:. D. D. Cjt. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, Derry Davis’ Pain Killer, 3 sizes, King's Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, C’utieura Remedies, Tint's “ids, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone's Cod Liver Oil, Hosford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse and Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure, King’s Royal Germatuer. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes holding from pint to one-half gallon, A Good Family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles holding pint to half gal. Nipples. Nursing Bottle Fittings. In Perfumery. Lazzell’s Odors, Persian Bouquet Special. Crab Apple Blossom. LaBelle Cologne. Lunborg’s Perfun Edcina. Swiss Lilac. Goya Lily. Soaps. A very Largo Assortment of Pears’ and Pel’s Toilet Soaps. Thermometers. Fever Thermometers, Urinometers, Lactometers, “Old Probabilities.” Garden Seed. Field and Flower Seed. Mixed Paints. White Lead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. It’s HI Waiting a For DEAD MENS’ SHOES, So runs the proverb; and we •want to ask: Why wait at all for dead men’s shoes when you can get Good Shoes CHEAP! —AT— THE EAGLE Pocket Knives, Scissors, Eye-Glasses. Wo bottle largely Cologne, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Eatr man's Drops, Paregoric, Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, Extract Lemon, Extract Vanilla (from best Beans) and many other preparations. We solicit patronage. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Respectfully, DAVENPORT DRUG CO., >22-:im 322 Lamar St., 318 Jackson St. COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA. Katabli»hec! over twenty yearn. Bookkeeping, aud Bhorthaml taught hy experienced teachers, Thousands of students In good paying positions Terms moderate. Students received dally, end for circulars. june4-wlvr WAM’l 1>. K NKWJETIC salesman to solicit orders in South fieorgia f»r lar** Georgia nursery. Prompt advances Addiens, MANAGr.H, 89 Capital square, 8-lJ-lt Atlanta, Ga. Planters’ Bank of Ellavlille, i • Kllavllle, Georgia. PAID UP CAPITAL. - - 925,000 Collection* a Specialty. Liberal to Its customers, accommodating to : the public and prudent in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its | line. jan&-d*wljr. LO A-ISTS. Loam* negotiated at LOWEST RATES. Easy payments, on city or farm lands. J. J. HAXEsLRY, oct 6 ly Arnericus, Georgia. “Y0U AIRT IR IT” Then you ought to be, for the idea of our DINNER SET CLUBS $5.00 Cash, $! .00 per week, jST X) TEA SET CLUBS $2.00 Cash, $1.00 per week. IS THE SUCCESS OF THE DAY. BlTOLft & mMY, .IoIiIh‘1'8 and Dealers in Crockery, Glassware and Lamps, Artesian Corner, Lee and Lamar Sts. Where is kept the most exten sive stock and the most com plete assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Footwear suited to various occupations and requirements. While we carry finer Shoes than any other establish ment in the city, Tv ' DON’T FORGET THAT We Have All Grades Down to the cheapest that are ALL LEATHER. NO SHODDY SHOES KEPT. We are known for Fine Fitting and Finished FOOTWEAR! And if you wish to be known for your well dressed feet and tasty footwear, come and see JoIhi R. Sltaw PROPRIETOR OF Tbe Eagle Shoe Store, 119 FORSYTH ST., AMERICUS, GA.