The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 17, 1891, Image 2

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THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1891. II. C. OIIOM FAILS. If thei A mericu Leesburg II. C. od-.uu. a promine merchant, has failed. Tins was found out hv some few i» Americus Thursday night, and iej»re sentatives of creditors here were at mice sent to that place. From these it was ascertained that the liahilitier amount to $30JMio, while Mr. Odom claims $K»,1V00 assets. There are two mortgages on the stock. The first in the name of Hobbs & Tucker, bankers of Albany, to the amount of $11,000. $4,000 of this amount goes to Hammond. IIill A Co., of Savannah. The second mortgage amounts in all to about $'.1,000. and is to s. H. Weston, Albany, Rank of S.uithwesteiu Georgia. of this place, and others. Hobbs A Tucker also hold a bill of sale to the still and othei property. All the other creditors are unsecured. Among them the heaviest losers an* Moore, Marsh A Co., of Atlanta. >. Waxelbanm, of Macon, $l.*-*00. Ainericus gets oil light. The heaviest creditor here is the Rank of South western Georgia, secured as above mentioned. The largest of the unsecured is the Americas Groce iy Company, the amount being $.'50o. The mhers are small, Bo- rum, Davenport A Co. losing only $00, and H. D. Watts about the same amount. A few other still smaller debts are owed by Odom to parties lu re. In Americas, Macon and Atlanta there arc about $4,000 unsecured. Thus, while Americas does a big busi ness there, the merchants get off light. There is some talk of the creditors ef fecting a compromise, and letting Mr. Odom continue his business. The failure is attributed to too many outstanding accounts and the crowding of some of the creditors, together with the inability of Mr. Odom to borrow more money. He states that with a thousand or two more dollars to earvy ' him through the summer, he could have gone on and made money. Sin* Wiiiilo Her IViuloii. e are any old soldiers in or near s who served with Moses Mott, of Schley county, in Sam Townslry's comoany. Olth Georgia regiment, they will confer a favor upon his widow. Mrs. 1.. K. Mott, by communicating the fact to her at Kllavillc. C i. Mr. Mott died many years ago from wounds received in the service, and now Mrs. Mott is anxious to establish the tact that he was in the above named command in order to receive the pen sion to which she is entitled. There are doubtless many old soldiers here who will cheerfully furnish Mrs. Mott with the desired information. P£RF£CTSD CRYSTAL LENSES Tiuor MAH :v. Ss!'.i!j fas’. u 4 ilWTf. A TERRIBLE SACRIFICE. $.8432.00 worth of Shoes, Hatsc> And Umbrellas DAYENPORT DRDG CO. Pharmacists At and below cost for CASH for the next fifteen days, to make room for our Over $l.'»u,000 paid l»\ the eonsiunor in Texas alone last year, forfheatham’s Tasteless Chill Toriir. We offer you this year Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic for ’he same juice. To cents per bottle. 11 is identically the same, w ith the exeeption of taste. If is so improv ed you wouldn’t tecogni/.u it, but its qualities are unimpaired. Guaranteed to cure. Try a bottle and be con vinced. 4 Have Exclusive sale of these Cki.khka tki> (11.asses in Americus, Ga. Spring Stoc k . FAI LKNER, KEIJ.AM & MOORE, ;>.*> pairs men The only Manufacturing 0|>ticians jn 1 tner price $7.00, the South, Atlanta, Gkokgia. nov-gvcm. H. SANFORD, A South A met of a Freirdi judg lion in Paris, Fn Mine. Carnot’.s 1 lady, now the wife as created a seilsa- ■. by ajijiearing at eptiou wearing the AMERICUS, GA. French Calf Handsewed I/kv and Congress $5.1 o; for- 04 Men’s (’alf. Handsewed Laee and Congress, $.’LK5; former price $’>. 73 Men's (’alf, Handsewed, Lace and Congress, $2.00; reduced from $4. do pair Ladies' fine Handsewed Dongola Button, reduced from $1 to $3.10. 44 Ladies' fine Dongola Button shoes, worth $3.50 now going at $2.05. 05 pair Ladies’ fine Dongola Button at cheap at $2.50. AM other goods reduced in same proportion. Best Bro- gan Shoe in the world for $1.00. Bemetnher these goods are all new * J and good styles, and products of the best factories in the United States. These bargains will not la.*4 long, so come earlv and save vour money. seen in K11 - of the (Jneen most, wonderful pearls e rope, except |*eih:i|*s th of Italy. The same 1; Brazilian diamonds valued at six or seven millions of francs,about $1,4(K),()00. Worth Living? Not if von go tlnoiigh the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker’s Dyspejisia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms Dvspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency !•* prepare*! to take contracts tor building* of all kinds. With large experience in building he can set of guarantee as good work as can lie done any ix or where. WILLIFOED, MATTHEWS, & CO. jansott 415 Cotton Ave., next to Rank of Americus. S. H. HAWKINS Pres’t. H.C BAGLEY. VicePrei't W. E. HURPHEV. Cashier. OKOAMCEO 1870. -»8The Bank of Americus.e«- Designated Depository Statp of Georgia. Stockholders individually liable. C'npl t til, ... Hl.MMMNt MurpluH, ... 81(N),noo —: DIRECTORS II. C. llagley, l*res. Ainericus Investment Co. I*. C. Clegg, Pres. n«-noil gee Brlek Co. •las. Dodson, of .las. Dodson & Hon, Attorneys • • • •»■ ” i r». ‘V M. ii.uiMWU. S. Montgomery, Pres’t Peoples National Bank. .1. " • Sheffield, of Sheffield & Co., Hardware. T. Wheatley, wholesale dry goods. W. K. Alurphey, Cashier. Capital Stock T. N. IIAWKKS, President. W. ( Designs Furnished, Estimates Uiul C distiputiou. Guaranteed and sold .mcathm l... ,.i f. n .11 t In.uile thudiing a specialty, in hard woods All latest designs. Samples can he hail on ap Saw ill Men, Attention! S. MONTGOMERY, Prest. J. C. RONEY, Vice Pred JNO. WINLSOR. C’r. LESTER WINDSOR Asst. C’r! E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney, NO. 2830. -THE- by Fleetwood »V Russell, Americas, (ia. 0 Call at J. H. Dunn' Ainericus, Ga. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When sho became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured \V. A. Wright, coin|>tndb*r gcncial of State i f Georgia, of Dys|»c|isia, aftor having it lien ‘ \ several jeacs in iu worst farm. For halo unreal n by all druggists. in a id-1 in One of tin* most graceful sleeves seen is made of a fall of luce touching the elbow oil the outside and Using on the inside in a double jabot to the shoulder, where it in held by an ornament. The jiarting of the -leevo prettily reveals the ■ in (lunger errib'e piuoit * bending With notiiiuiun look." Itli nohiui He stand* hfuide lf,ee—il*o haunter Denfli!" If there is one disease more thair an other that comes like tho unbidden guest at a banquet, it is Catarrh. In- sidiously it steals upon you, “with no human breath” it gradually, like the oc topus, winds its coils about yon and crushes you. Rut there is a medicine, ,, , . , , , called Or. Sago'* Catarrh Kenedy, that "l>l«.T arm. If denied tl.e bee may bo can tear you away from the monster, caught together with jeweled clasjis or and turn the scythe’s point of the reap- tiny bows of ribbon. er. The makers of this wonderful rein- — edy offer, in good faith, a standing re-, De Witt’s Little Early Risers never ward of $.*>00 for an incurable case of 1 K*4| ,e or «ause nausea. Mild but sure, Catarrh in the head. i rather than force. Rest Little pill My Now.Spring sty for sick headache, chronic constipation, You will Do th* Stone Thing. | dyspepsia. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. Holt’s Dysjicptic Elixir has proven a. 1-10-dm Arc you in need of machinery of any description? If so, write us your wants, store, on Lamar street, stating just what you desire and we will make you low prices. Our special busi- nt . SK heavy macliincry such as ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORIiNG MACHINERY, and for first-class machinery, wo defy competition. Wo are general agents for H. H. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Rc sure to write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite” saw mill; it is the best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write fo; prices and see if wro cannot save you money. 67 south broad street. Mention Tiik Timka When You Write. ATLANTA, GA junelM-HtV wl year Peoples’ National Baal Of Americus. Capital. 9.10,(100. Surplus, 92.‘,000 ORGANIZED 1883. E. TAYIOR, Pret. H. R. JOHNSON, V.Prts. TAALlE %“f;teaT tt p ,fc; (i " 1 ^ - iE*$» - Americus National Building and Loan Association. AI THOKIZFD CAPITA I.. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, LIPPMAW oR? > L, Ptopriricrs, Oruggisti, Lippman’s p ock. SAVANNAH. GV For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. FOUNDRY AM) MA< IIINE Hard Times to get Money ; I ollnr* saved is I Velily dollars made! ' jiiiinot l»e excelled, I and by calling * great blessing to suffering humanity; has cured more cases than perhaps any other preparation on the market. All who have taken it testify to its virturcs. If you still doubt ask your druggists to show’ you testimonials. If you are trou bled with any of the following diseases it will cure you: Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Chronic Diarrlima, Kidney Disease, Heart Trou- M. FRIEND Mrs. Anna C. Fall, who was recently Admitted to tlio bar in Huston, Mash., You can ksI a Stylish Hprlng Holt nt .mail has entered Into partnership with i |c r | co , t> aml U ||.ractlon KUnrnntocd. husband, and they ere now petitioning Old Kxprena Ofttce Mtntid, I-aniur street. the state legislature to change the law forbidding contracts to be nwtenul into ■ ? prt0 ". >n>O1 between man and wife. 141 i A OF I ELD’JS //«CrTv\Vz’ w/A ^. worc/sc. / v-L- J \ scanty; ^Sfi'f£JV5rRMT/0A/ t f f Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and hies, Yellowness of the .Skin, Brown j nwst diseases originate from impure Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, if I Wood. Cleanse it, Improve It, purify It complicated with Dyspepsia. In short, , w ^‘ l Do Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health it is a specific for all diseases arising restored, strength regained. Sold by from a disordered condition of the stom- 1 Cook’s Pharmacy. l-10-:lm acli and bowels. Manufactured by Dr. 1 \ I 7 ' , Holt’s Dyspeptic Klixir Co., Monteiuma, I Silver mo„rnln K iin K . nre a uni,pie Ga. Price ^1.00. Ilottlesdouble former idea in jewelry. They are composed of sizo. For sale by all druggists. ' two small silver ring's connected by a Dr. Holt’s Croup and c,,,it’ll Syrup pro- chain. I’snally they are worn together, J. S. SCHOFIELD’S SONS & CO., Prop’ra, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Jioilcrs, Cotton Presses ami (Jeneral Maeliinery, Cotton tiins, Cane Mills anil Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill ami Machinists’ Supplies. Special Attention to llepair Work. MACON, GEORGIA. di&W-4-7-4>tnoM ALLISON & AYCOCK, The t Lamar * Street * Book * and i Stationers venth and curen croup. No cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’n Dyapepfie Klixir Co., MonU /.mna, Ga. A clause of the marriage contract be tween the late Dr Sjliliemann, the arch aeologist, and the Greek girl whom he but when it Is desirous for the wearer to remember any special thing they are worn on different lingers. if taken DURING chance or life i ',v j\ o.\t&y? .•'I Beg leave to inform their friends and customers, and the public generally, that they are now ready to do any kind of Picture Framing. If you have any Pictures you want ! Framed, do not fail to Purifies tl.e blood, increases tlio circu lation, expels poisonous humors and builds ii|i the system. W’lint more do give us a trial. Respectfully, made bis second wife, was to the effect you want a medicine to |»erform *. that sue s.. odd Improve her knowledge of Homer by learning ami reciting (iit> lines of the Iliad nightly. Nehliemami, when telliug the story to his friends, al ways said tlr.u neither tears nor entreat ies ever induced him to let her oil a single line. Wliat shall the Harvest II* ? Why! What can it be, but sniveling and sorrow, disease and death, if you negh Witt’s .Sarsa|>urillu is i Cook’s Pharmacy. diahle. Sold by ^ADFIEf^DHtGl/t.ATOa Q( f ATLANTA. OA. • : PKffii®! ALLISON & AYCOCK, OVER $200,000 WORTH OF STOCK ALREADY SOLD. Money loum-tint t; per cent, principal, hii<! interest payable in ea-y inonihly m-taij. til- ills. La ge profitm m>i*lire*I to Investors. DTItKCTOKH: K.Taylor, Ih'tired Mereliant; If. It.Johnson, of Jot 111-on a- Harold; \V . Wall.x. Alt v. at I.nw; T M A leu Kxu riel ceil Ibiililim; and IjOhii Mnn.'urer; Lott Warren, Heereiary mul i Treas. Mutual B A- L A-i-.jS. II. Hawkins I’res S A. A M. Uy.: .1. H. Felder, Mayor of Americus and 1'ru*. Street Uy. W. K. IIA wk I ns, See. A Tr. Americus Investment Go. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. ISurplus, $250,000. dikkctoiis: II C Ilagley, W K Haw kins, S W Coney, W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, W M Hawrkes, R F Mathews, G M Ryne, [ W E Murphey, S Montgomery, J II Pharr. B. I\ Hollis. * « Bank of Sootbvestern Georgia. ■ M. HI'EKK. J. \V. WIIKATLKV. rrmlitent. Vic* I’wldint I W. H. C. Dt'DI.KY, A. W. SMITH. Cnshler. Aniiliitant Cauhlrr, DlltBC'TOUs: J. W. Wheatley, K. J. Kldridge, C. A. Huiitiugton, II. K. Johnson. K. J. Porrv, J. C. Xftholson, A. W. Smith, W. II. C. Dudley, M. Speer. j E. Rt iin/Jn., Pres. If. M. Kxai'IN V.P.| ^O. A. AX. Sec, a Treas, The Wellesley College girls have been measured, and the average waist meas ure of the 1,1B0 students was found to he 24.2 inches. This upjicur* to show that they are well-developed, healthy young women and that their growth has not been stunted by study. fVAU Tft£ Y/OfflD 7N£X£/S BUT 0N£ CUSS D* HAttfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It ran b -given tncoflW. t«’a *»rln uiliciesof Pkn. svltlmiit tli* knnwl*NlKi< of p.itiorit if pnenwary < ulcotliilely hivrmltHS :unl ! AMEEICTJf GEORGIA <f food. atul ttpeedy cure, whether the moileniCe.lrliikeroran alcoholic wrei'fc. Kit KAll.s. li*i|M-rates Ko.pileily i forrnhi ion is j lM<irirtf>e tv that the path beauTifill skin, bright eyes, sweet, ymptoms of a disordered breath, good ajijietile, vigorous body, liver? Take i)r. Piero’s Golden Medical pure blood and good health result from Discovery. It outsells all other rente- the use of l)e Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is dies. Sold under condition that it must sold by Cook’s Pharmacy, either benefit or dure the patient, or money paid for it will be promptly turned. It cures all diseases arising propose to establish a sort of < •I soon hi** effected. 4» pagu book free For *otl»- t > l»r. K Aniprioim. Oh, A number of wealthy New York ladies club house from deranged liver, or from impure blood, as biliousness, “liver complaint,” all skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores and swellings, fever-sores, hip-joint disease and kin dred ailments. which will receive women at all hours of the night. It is quite the fashion now to take De Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, but mighty good ones Cook’s Pharmacy sells them. Georgia Loan S: Trustfa| Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. .! E Hivin' I.Slid Ex.i H. 0. MURRAY. FSES1SENf. 1. i. CLAW. CL' i 1 MeVEY, pmpretor, Manufacturer of Every Variety of Saws ami dealer HAW MILL SUPPLIES. Special attention given to Repairing. Agent for W. L. Power & Co.’s Celebrated. Planters’ Bank of Ellaville, LlMtj ild up Capital THE BANK OF SUMTER O. A. GOLEM AN. Vice-President, FIT BLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS- O. A. Coleman, C. <’. Hawkins, B. If. Jossey, T. X. Ilawkes W. C. Furlow, W. If. (). Wheatley, R. s! Oliver, If. M. Rrown, W. M. Ifawkes, Dr. K. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to its customers, accommoda ting to tho public and prudent in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its line. ff Do Pi: I^&rg* and Well Selected Ftock ready for shipment 'rices low. Littoral terms. Write for catalogue. KILivilie, Georgia. PAID U»* CAPITAL, - - * : ’’ t Collections a Specialty. Littoral to its customers, accomtuotlam'- ATLANTA, -GEORGIA the public and prudent in its niaiiagemen 1 * • u - bank solicits deposits ami other business in 1 lino. juris For sale by the DAVENPORT DEC COMPANY, Anterieus, Ga. LOANS. FC An adroit arrangement of hair prevents the silver ones from exhibiting them Ives on the head of the beautiful Priu- If food sours on the stomach, diges tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous Lady Marjorie Gordon, the ten-ycar- obl daughter of the Countess of Abet - deen, edits the children’s page of a pa per styled Onward and Upward, pub lished in Loudon, England. Little Lady CC8H «,f Wales. Marjorie writes a lively letter to her young constituents, and tells them in teresting stories about her pet animals, being probably the youngest editor in little pills that never gripe and never the world. disappoint aie sold by Cook’s Pliar- 1 inacy. ThatTerribln Cough A bright little woman said the other }n tlio *‘ l t’ 1 ™ "A! ’ day if she 1,8.1 to cl.ooze between all breathing, ratsu ■ lit,’litiiess in i ' , . . . , , . the client miicKeii.-.l pulse cTiillnts. in >»« of beauty slie wmil.l choose a the evenlnjt or sweats at ni^lit, all or beautiful complexion, any of tliaae things aie the Ilntt sURi h Very popular, very small, very roo.1. of consumption. I <• •'< k » *•'De Witt's Little Early Kisers, the pill for Cough Remedy "constipation, biliousiiess, sick head- symptoms, andis sold un.lti a positive ‘gold |,y Cooks Pharmacy, guarantee by leetwoo.l A Kuseell, 1 1 Americus, Ga. •» Straw hats are to be of extraordinary A prominent mil.oad .mm-rintemlent, ^ »»«« living iu Savannah, oue siitTering for begins to laugh already looking at ad- yeaia from malaria and general debility, vance fashion plates. says on having recovered his health by / t . the use of P. P. 1\, thinks that lie will Constipation, blootl-poison, fever, Doe- lire forever, if he can always get P. I*, tors’ biRs and funeral expenses cost P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Ibmt and Poias about two hundred dollars; De Witts i,, m. Tills party’s name will be given j Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take cn application. Z3TTHF. BEST KNOWN REMEDY "/*nAL?^*^r?urrT^oiiorh«*!ir*ami G 0 OI**t In ltuADayii, without I’ntu, Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Itrst St- . ring* frr* with each bottle. Prleefl i Hold by druggists. Itcwnrw of Sub- Stltutew. .\ctne( ,|.td..N.o l.n Sold in Americus by Cook's Pharmacy, I E. J. Eldridge, Fleetwood A- Russell, J. E. Hall a>.«i Davenport Drug Company. DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co. MAXl’FACTL'KKHS OF TIIK DeLOAGH SAW MILLS, GRITS MILLS, Loans negotiated at LOWEST Easy payments, on city or farm land** J. J. HANKS LEY oet f» 1v Ameriens. GeouD*-^ •And for $500 Howard ! WATER WHEELS. WE will |sy thr nlMYve i (*nni|)>Mltil. D>n|M’|r>l.t M< I ’••l.illl.* I.Der 1*1 lll'H.|H*’llt*, I Jllttire. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. june3-wlyear Tli. <-<>nt.lining »> Bill*. cent* |i««» ati'l I in i tot *<»n *. Tit* gram** tnnniif CHE JollS C WEI. Co>ll*\NV, CHH flohlbv TIIK DWESPOItT DUUtl UO., rch'JI-dAwlyr Ainericus, tt*. T. H. SMITH. Architact and Bui'der, tzd T^) FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. AmericuM, Ca-n. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGESTCI MPANIESIX !Di WOlLD. 'yourchoice. Mold by Cook’s Pharmacy. LIL ' s.M1 1 II. Sujs rln -mletit of work. Estimates urolshed on snort noth***. All work tfimruntccd. i-lo 2w Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office <»n Jackson Street, next dm*r below Mayor’s Office. Ucc&l-dly. ^•° 0^.50 J 2.0fl W. L. doucla^I $3 SHOE Sig.;. W nti-d, and m stamped on bottom- soM" I . I.. In.l^JI.AS, lir.cki.B, ’1“.^ ■ * THOU.MON Wit h.v i * 1 *., Amerlcua, - - ki eor * I