The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 17, 1891, Image 6

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6 THE AMERICAS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1891. SECESSION. llow Georgia Went Out Of the Union In 1 HOI—'The Resolution of Hon. E. A. NUbet.of Blbl>-Who Voted For It »nd Who Old Not. Hancock; Stephens, of Monroe; Steph ens, of Taliaferro; Street, Strickland, of MANY APPLICATIONS For Pensions of Widow* of Confederate*- Some Instructions. Thirty years ago Georgia went out of the I’nion ami in to war: and now, after a generation, it will be a matter of no small interest to read the proceedings of that memorable assembly, and scan the names of those whose voices were for war and whose for peace. The original clipping from the old Milledgeville Federal I'nion Extra, of by the late The new state pension law recently gone into effect is already beginning to do good. Ordinary Speer says there and they l*i« Mrs. Howell Cold Tat nail; Taliaferro, Teasly, Thomas, of Whitfield, Trippe, Tucker, of Laurens; Turner, of Hancock; Warner, Water- house, Webb, Wellborn, West, Whelcbel, Wicker, Willingham, Williams, of ('bat on January 18th, j tooga; Williams, of Harris; Williamson, Winn, of Gwinnett; Wofford, Wood, ; hate been many application Yates, Y«>pp, Young, of Irwin.—1:10. are still coming in. The chair appointed the following Several of these have been sent back committee of 17: on account of the information not being N'isbct, of Bibb: Stephens, of Talia- definite enough. With these the fol- ferro; Kenan, of Baldwin: Drown, of Ma- lowing instructions were sent, which rion: Trippe, of Cass: Denning, of Mus- should he carefully followed by all. cogee; Rice, of Cobb; Colquitt, of Baker: In such cases where the death result- i.artow, of Chatham; Toombs, of e<klong after the service in the army, I iiuin! Wilkes; Hill, of Harris: Cobb, of Clarke: there must be a very full and explicit | story of the case furnished, and by nr.'.v i APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA— HUMTKR Cor NT V. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County: The petition of.las. T Cotney. K. L. Sulli van, Luther ('. Pell. C. .1. Schneider, I’ C C egg.H.c. Bagley.W. E. Murpheyumi W. I*. Wallis, citizensof eltv <>f Americus, Sumter County. rgia, mu I o’hors, respectfully shouvth heir dcsPe for ihe*eRe»v»*n, t« elr associates and su censors. to be incorporated under tbe corporate name and style of the “Aint-rlfiis Jewelry Co ■ pany." The pr neipnl ofllee. piece of business ami residence of said company, shall b* In A ne ri- joiity of board of dl'rec’ors shall reside at al’ times; but pel it Ion-rs prey for pr vd*-g«* of transact|mr Imsin-ss anywhere in or outside of the State of ( ieorsi'M, if the Hoard < f Direc tors -Mould ’ t. do 'I'M nita id ?! • New Advertisements. A pplication LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—8cMTKit County. ,J B Scott, adinir istrator of p leaf ion of the Superior W here estate of L. E. Spivey, has mu to have J. II. AI tn,» lerk oi dltors, to show cause on or before the May term of the Court «»f< military or Ku.t*- ter county, to be held on the first Monday in May next, why-ahi letters should not be granted as prayed f< Petition for Incorporation GEORGIA—Sumter County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of l. T . It llarrold, If. R. Johnson, W. E Murphey and J. it. Felaer’ all of the said County and State, respect fully shows that they and such other per- this SHERIFF’S KALE. H GKOKGIA- Will be sold before the in the ci y of Americas, ' realize that the change o v, kept from which t he > Few people no' was so dose that out of gBo would the I'nion: but so it was. Among the atlirmative votes noted the names of Francis S Colquitt, Davenport of Sumtei Stewart, Furlow of Sumter, Hilliard, N'isbct, Ferdinand Styles and Robert Toombs. akei Johnson, of Jefferson; Williamson, of Telfair: Chastain, of Fannin; Reese, of . . , , , Morgan: llill. ..I Trotip.-Krom tl.«- Fed- P osltiv " l’ r,,of - sl "'"' that ,leall ‘ cral I’nion—Extra. Milledgeville, Ga., January IS. 1m;1. in < caused by McELREE'S WIRE OF CARDUi for Weak Nerves. Hansel I, l’bini/.y. Ainerieus* Tei rllory. Americns has always bad a very large territory depending on the city for goods, and this is daily being increased. the soldier was directly injury received in the army. If any thing else contributed to the death of the husband, the law does not provide. It will not answer to state or prove that the injury was remotely the cause of the death, or that some disease contracted the service caused or led to other in amount not to whit h. ami hot: .1. W. Stic sons iih iiihv become associated with them, desire to be Incorporated under the laws of the State of Georgia, under the corporate name,‘•Ainerieus Illuminating and Power Company.” The object and purposes of their association are to make gain and benefit for themselves by the manufacture and sale of gas light and ele*. trie ligtit and othe r lights 1 »r illuminating sir- ets, alle.xs and lanes, and public and private buildings, and by supplying ami greeting all uh'-k- sary fixtures i’-»r those* pur*^*"** ; and also by maoufaettiring and supplying elect r'i«- motive pe»wer to consumers. The- place of eloing business will be with- ( in tne city e»f Ainerieus in said county, and urt house door, ! th»* par leular business they Mop<i*<> hmrer county, ! c-rry on is the ” atiufacturing oi lliuiiiin- •, »* twe eu I ating, e*e•;«l, tuel ami othergns In thecRy .,r • loilowitig el - : Aine rieus. and supplying the* streets an.] i alleys, and public ami pri vat iuoidings bla I: - in it h and | and n* ar said cty witli gas amt e-hetne rother lights, and lolurni-li torus o | re»{ er term** all nece ssary ii\. nei als«* to manufacture >*;;•! iiirnj-n motive power to customers asaioir- Hilt while the niinibcrs were with the ! «<><><!s nil over the country. The Amer- allinnativc, most of Georgia's heavy ions Supply Company, successors to Ilar- weights were on the negative, anil it is j ris A Payne, is among our most prosper- even saiil that if Herseliel V. Johnson ous firms, and recently some sales have hail not licen made tipsy at dinner, tlie j been made which show the enterprise The territory of other cities is being in- j diseases which produced tlm death of varied, and AniericuH lirruK are Helling j ^j ie husband. The Ordinary is most respectfully powerful speech he began in the fore noon which was a break-down after din ner, would have resulted in the conver sion of enough secessionists to have turned the tables. Among the negatives were Hiram I*. Bell, Fain. Ben Hill, 11. V. Johnson, Linton .Stephens, Alex Stephens, Hiram Warner, Wofford, Trippe and Kenan. Resolved, Thai In the opinion of this con vention, It is the duty of Georgia to secede from the present I'nion. and to co-operate with such of t In* other States as have or shall dothesame, for the purpose of forming a Southern Confederation upon the basis oi the Constitution ofiii« United States. Ue-olved, That a committee of 17 heap- j pointed by the chair to report an Ordinance j to assert the right and fulfil the obligationof tin* State of Georgia to secede from tin I'n'on. After considerable discussion the the vote was taken on the resolutions of Judge Nlsbet, and was as follows: Those who voted ‘in the atlirmative are Messrs. Adams, of Camden; Alexan der, of Fulton; Allgood, Allen, Ander son, Baily, Banks, Bartow, Beall, of Troup; Henning, Blalock, Bozeman, Briggs, Brown, of Houston; Bryan, Buchanan, Burch, Burnett, Butts, Cal houn, Cannon, of Wayne; Cantrell, Car- son, Chastian, Cheshior, Clark, Cleve land, Cobb. Coleman, Colquitt, Cox, Crawford, of Richmond; Dabney, Daniel, Da'is, of Chattahoochee; Davenport, of (day; Davenport, of Sumter; Dennis, Douglas, Dozier, Dewberry, Ellington, Fleming, Flewellen, Fields, Fitzpatrick, Ford, Fort, of Stewart; Fort, of Wayne; Fouclie, Furlow, Gauldlng, Gardner, Garvin, Gee, Gholston, Glenn, of Ful ton: Glenn, of Oglethorpe; Glover, Giles, (>ray, Gresham, Gunn,| Hall, Hammond, Hansell, Hargroves, Harvill, Harris, of Glynn; Harris, of McIntosh; Harvey, Hawkins, Hoad, Hendry, Hendricks, Hill, of Hart; Hilliard, Hines, Hood, Howell, Hull, Humphries, Jennings, Johnson, of Oglethorpo; Jones, of Burke; Jones, of Chatham; Lamar, of Bibb; Lamb, Lattimer, of Appling; Lester, Lindloy, Logan, Logue, Lyle, Mabry, of Berrien; Mallary, Martin, of Elbert; McConnel, of Catoosa; McCon- nel, of Cherokee; McCullough, McDon ald, McDowell, McGriff, McLeod, Moore, of Bulloch; Moore, of Spalding, Moun- ger, Muunerlyn, Nisbet, I’adget, Patter son, Phlnizy, of Richmond; Pinson, Pit man, Pitts, l*oo, Ponder, Porter, Poul- lain, Prescott, Pruett, Ramsay, of Mus cogee, Reed, Reese, Klee, Richardson, of Lee; Richardson, of Twiggs; Robinson, Robertson, Roddey, Howe, Rutherford, Sheflicld, of Calhoun: Sheffield, of Early: Shell, Shropshire, of Floyd; Slater, Skelton, Simms, Singleton, Sirmons, Solomons, Spencer, Stephens, of Pierce; Strickland, of Forsyth* Styles, Thomas, of Dooly; Tidwell, Tillman, Tomlinson, Toombs, Troup, Tucker, of Colquitt; Turner, of Wilcox; Usry, Varnadoo, Walton, Whitehead, Williams, of McIn tosh: Willis, Winn, of Cobb: Wright, Word, Young, of Gordon—1<m. Those who voted in the negative are and push of the young men composing the company. In Cordelc, Albany and other neighbors several stoves have been sold, and even in Macon two large ranges were placed last week. black draught tea cures Constipation. With Johnson ,y llarrold. Mr. J. W. Wells, who has been chief warehouseman of thcSumtcr (’minty Al liance Co-operating Association the past year, will be with Johnson] «fc | llarrold next season. He was not a candidate for re-election to the office he has been been bolding, and at the end of the sea son will sever bis connection with the Association. j He is well up in the cotton business, ami will do well rw any position in this i line. urged to interrogate witnesses carefully, and to satisfy himself thoroughly that their testimony is full, and that it fairly presents the facts in the case. If the physician who attended the applicant's husband in his Last illness is living, or can he found, his testimony should be furnished, showing the imme diate cause of bis death. The additional proofs called for must lie under oath and certified to by the Ordinary, and returned with original of application. r Women. WINE OF CARDUI, u Tonic Another Jewelry House For Ainerieus. Ainerieus, it seems, is to have another large jewelry establishment in addition to those already here. Only a day or two since mention was made of the organization of the Atneri- eus Jewelry Company, and now comes still another house which will begin business in a very short while. ' At?l pruv'liol,'.',; j Messrs. A. S. Thompson and I'. (J. For sin* is just <ledii:Inl;, Anderson, both well-known and popular Ami kuivIv, twould be wrong-- ! . 1 not to tell her of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite j y<»»ng business men of Americns, have Prescription. VVe do want Mary to formed a copartncrsnip and will embark know, in some way or other, that this j j n n ic jewelry business hero as soon as a ri- | light five feet ill tore.*, < >ii tlie south ! electr Id A-Co. ou the ! s .id be north by lot | J he Ellis ou the east by property unit . U 111 S' \VU preeio IlliM walkin- runes, u| al! other nr iiicrchnnd-M* usually kept in Jew-ln usiea I i ii't ru men ■ houses and petite ay b»rthe prvileg**ot rent Ini' dm ir*‘sali|. beii'*pt In J welry or musical ins’rumeiit bous'-s.or sell same for cash or on the install ment plan, or dispose o* same as may lie to Interest of said company. Petitioners also pray for privih ire to borrow money for cor porate porpo ise. upon any orallof its corporui* piop>*rtp: o make notes, accounts, to buy hold. Improve, sell lease and rent real or personal proper! for eorporate purposes, and dispose of anv real nr personal properly held by said comixny foreash, or on Installments, to subscribe to orown stock in ottn*r companies If directors sliould think it to tia* Interest of said com pany. To appoint all officers, agents for tlie management of Its business to employ sates- tnen, driimiuers, workmen, and all other person* for conducting said bu-iness. I’eM- Moners pray f**r the privia*ge to inakeand enforce *.iieh eon-t itut ion, by • aws. rules and rekulatious for the gov* rumen! of sai*t coin* ami prope 1114*1 > in vitli t • la- eal. orgla: als. r ti*.e fail term of twenty world-famed remedy will cure her bey ond any doubt. It’s just the medicine for young womanhood, and thousands has it bridged over that perilous sea. From every state, from every city, from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, conies the grateful .acknowledg ment of what it 1ms done and is doing for our daughters. The only medicine for the distressing and painful irregu larities and weakness of woman, sold with a positive guarantee to give satis faction in every case, or money refunded, in other words, sold on trial. How I WHS Cured of .So-Culled Cancer.!| Lu.aton, GA. Dkah Sir—This Is to certify that 1 was a sufferer with a place on my uuder- lip for fourteen years, and was under treatment of different physicians, but they done me no good. I had lost hope of being cured by medical treatment. I then went to a doctor living in Florida, who treated them by art. After going to him it got well, apparently, for a while, but returned as had as ever. I then concluded to try 1*. I*. 1*. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root ami Potassium), and af ter taking five bottles (pint size) was cured. I also find It to ho a good medi cine to give a good appetite and to give proper digestion. Yours truly; L. J. Strickland. CAKFKTK! CAHl'FTS ! With this new issue of the “Timos-Ro- corder” I announce NEW ARRIVALS of CARPETING,RUGS, AXDM ATT1XGS, making my stock LARGER AXI) MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER—Some BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS LX THE LATE ARRIVALS. Doing an EXCLUSIVE CARPET BUSINESS, I am prepared to offer EXTRA INDUCE MENTS to those who favor me with their trade. I have a few REMNANTS left, which will he sold WITHOUT RE GARD TO COST. TERMS CASH. J. J. Granrkrry, Agent. api*5-ri5t-w2t. store can be fitted up for them. This firm has leased one of the hand some stores in the new hotel block and immediately adjoining the ladies en trance. Mr. G. L. Norman, the well known architect, has drawn the plans for the interior arrangement of the store, which fact is a sufficient guarantee that for beauty and convenience it will not be surpassed by any in the state. Roth Messrs. Thompson and Anderson are thorough business men and fully ac- ipiainted with the business in which they are about to embark, Mr. Auder- son having for many years been connect ed with the old established and well known jewelry house of James Fricker & Bro., one of the largest in the south. The new firm expect to bo ready for business early in August or September. I with, !i> have such i* sue 11 other acts ns per, to carry out t lie pose of said e >r,.< ra in.* incorporated i-i>) years, with xpiration of said W IV \\ r , I hereby i*«*rf 1 fy tha April I#»l, J. • i ‘lerk S. atisfy one ni'irttftiup fi fa issued from t* er Superior t'ourt, in favor of J. W. Shof- i mn fi* Id «Y i‘o. vs. tin* saiii E.l Neal. Property ! crcn iu said mortgage fi fn. Muri'h Is, 1H8U. L. B. Fokrkst, Sheriff'. dri'ddoll. the same Tills ; two hundre i tiiou-aml <1«*IIii not Tl:» •dinj Vj HE RIFF'S SALE. O GEORGIA—Sumter Couj Will be sold lie tore the court house door, in the city of Ainerieus, Sumter county, on the first Tuesday in May. lstfi, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to- wit: Seventy-five (75) acres of land, more or less, ofi'of lot id'laml number two hundred and filly-one (iDP in tin* twenty-nin'h district of Sumter county, bound as follows: On the east bv the old stage road, on the south by lands of M. P. Huber, on th“ west by lands of W. F. tasterlln and George Sober,on th- north by Silas Smith. In vied on as tin* property of W. If. Glov er tosatisfv on** fi fa Issued from the »'ouiUy Court ol Sumter county *» favor of (.’has. G. Conn. vs. tin* said W . H. Glover. Pn>p- i rt.v poiutial out by W. II. (Dover. This Marc’ll Jsrii, |s - d. Levy made t>y I, It. Foi- resl, deputy wberitl'. L. B. Forukht, Sheriff. J IIEKIFF'SSaLE. tin* first Ti legal In*ur* -wit: cribed hundred amt thirty (2-‘>0) acres of land, more o* less, contained in nuinliers fifty (-Vii amt nlne'een (li»;. iu the six teenth G(>< ilistriet «»f Sumter county, Ga. being all ot *-aid lets north of tne public road lendli-ir trim Americns, Ga., ’«» where T. M. Furlow and Col. W . T. Toole re nted at da iu vit: Unit said corporat i >n slmU In to Issue sabl sto*k. to sue and be contract and l»e contracted with, to Iwiri* money, to have and use u common seal, make in-laws, to purchase, have ami hold all such pro; erty, la h real and p* sonal as may t*e necessar** or convenient the transaction of its business; to Ismic l>on*is not exceeding in amount the aggre gate par value of the capital stock actually paid in, ami to secure the payment i h bonds by mortgage or deed of trust on all of its property ami franchises; and with the consent o the city authorities of said city to lay Its mains ami pipes through ttie streets, and alleys and side-walks of tin* city of Ainerieus; to supply gas fixtures and electric light fixtures upon reasonable terms ti> its customers; and generally to have, erect and own all such necessary ap pliances and fixtures as may be needful tiir the purposes and objects as heretofore stated; am. the power to make terms »jq, its customers; io turn or stint off at tin- pleasure of the corporation, an y or all gas, electi ie light or electric power from any consumer oi consumers for Millieient e him*. Wherefore petitioners pray that a he passed Ineorporatlug them, their u> elates and sucees-or , for the lull >«*rm twenty years with the prlv lege of rein ' at the expiration • f that time. IlINTON, Ol’TT-i.V TlHoN. Petit loner's Attorm \ Filed in office Marcli 10, I sol. J. II. AJJ.EN.C. H. 4 A true extract fi*4)in the Iteeor-i offli ters Jins .March 10,18-1. -I. H., 1*1*1 ICATI ON, said county of PETITION FOR AMENDMENT TO CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA—SUMTKH COUNTY. To the Honorable Superior Court of said County Tin* petition of W. I*. Burt, II. C. Bagley, M Callaway, M. Speer. I*. ('. Clegg, ,L,I. llaiTe.-lc* ami B. Myriek show that the present Boar11 of Direc Times l*uldi.-hiiig('o. l a c the 2(>tli ilay of February istsi, duly cliartereil under the laws of this state, and under said apital of comuiou lonstitute tlie tors of the Ainerieus corporation that barter hail an authorized stock to the amount of Ten Th'otisanil Dollars, with the privilege of increasing the same <>ni* Hundred Thousuiul and that Ten Thousand Dollars has actually been paid into said com pany Try BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. The “Mother’s Friend" Ainerieus Being Recognized. It is .a well known fact that the Cen tral road lias not paid the attention to Americus in the past that our size and importance warranted, but recently this lias been somewhat changed. This road is now taking much interest in our city, and the result will be of much good to both the road and Americus. As has been given out this road will soon replace the old depot by an elegant structure to be finished by fall. In other ways, too, appreciation is being shown, and at last our true importance is being recognized. Recently a number of prominent offi cials of the road have visited us, uud each has carefully gone over the city. Yesterday, Major G. A. Whitehead, gen- ral freight agent with hoadquarters Not only ihurteni labor Hiicl lessens | savannah, spent the .lay here, and took am attending it, lint greatly dimcnishes ... * • . . , . lie danger to life of both mother and ! il ,Illvc to m:ln . v ,,f m,r ""I'ortant points. pain the danger to life of hild if used a few months before eon- j He was shown the various points of in- finemeiit. Write to the Bradtiel 1 Regu J terest, and given an idea of the size and lator (,41., Atlanta, Ga for further par-; impoitance of the city. This is his first tieulars. Sold by all druggists. i * . ... , , zZ visit here for two yeais, and he ex- A titled English lady has sot up a pressed himself as being wondcrstruck laundry on her husband’s estate in Dor- | with the great growth iu that time. Messrs. Adams, of Putnam; Alexander, ] setshire, and is doing a profitable busi- of Upson; Arnohl, Beasly, Beck, Bell, of | ness. Forsyth: Bell, of think.;, liowcn. Lost—a lino large case of the chills, j Brewton, BFseoe, Brown, of Marion: j Supposed to have been carried off by [ Brown, of Webster; Bullard, Bush, Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic. No J llyrd, Cannon, of Italian; Carswell, C.i- i ru " a * <l offered. It is gone for good. J | sey, Cochran, of Terrell; Cochran, of I cure Your c»rnn iiy fning. Wilkinson, Cody, Collins, Corn. Craw-j Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint for! Other officials have recently gone over the city, ami now realizing and appre ciating the importance of Americus, we may expect the liberal policy begun to be carried to a much greater extent. Petitioners show that they ilesire— tail the ockholilersof saiil Americus Times l*ul>h<*hini' Company consenting thereto)—to have saiil ’ ' ‘ authorize saiil corpo- - shine courier amended so ration, towit, the Ainerieus Times Pithli* Company to issue, to an extent not to exceed the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, stock to l»e known as “Preferred Stock,” of saiil corpora tion, saiil stock not to be increased above Ten Thousand Dollars except by a three-fourths vote of the stockholders, and to have the first lien, priority ami precedence over all other stock previously issued by the said Americus Times Publishing Company, and the said Americus Times Publishing Company to guarantee to the holders of such “Preferred Stiwik” dividends on at the rate of Io per cent, per annum L. B. Fn . Sheriff. KORGIA—SfMTiiu Cornry. Whereas, Fannie Wil lams 1ms madcap- months support irom pi it* GEo IP Will lie sold he in flu* city of Aineriet jiiKK/ri I A—Sumtkk County. the court house door, .. us..Slimier county, on first Tuesday in May. IMU, between tin* leg * I hours of sale, the following uescribed pioperty, to.wit: The east iialfoflot ofland number eighty Ight (SS), except one and one-naif (1!^) i, sani la<i*i lying and being in ilu* fif teenth (PS) district ol'Suinter county, Ga. Levied on as the property of Win. Jar- L. B. Fokkkst, Hheritf. CJ HE RIFF’S SALK. iX fU.*Mia:i GEORGIA—Sumtkk county. Will be sold before the court house door, in theclty of Ainerieus, Sumter minty, on the first Tuesday in May, 181H. between the legal hours of su e, the following desci Ibed property, to-wlt: One house and lot. In the city of Americus, of said corporation, and petitioners will pray. JA8. DODSON A SON, Petitioners Attorneys, Filed in office April 4th, IHtfi. id. II. ALLEN. Clerk C. S. C. I certify the above and foregoing to Ihj a true extract from the Records of Charters this, April 4th, 1891. J. H. ALLEN, Clerk C. 8. C. A pplication for public road. GEORGIA—Sumtkk County Ed. Littleton. W. A. Seals, Jes* others have made uppltruth Salter and .. asicond- lass public road, des rmed in saiil p. tltloo, a*starting from New Point Church on (lie old Lumpkin road ami running in southerly direction, crossing Mucaaiooehee er- ek »-t A L. Fallls place, and Intersecting t v e old Cuthb *ri road at scImolHouse near Emery Stevens place, which has been marked out hy the Coinmlsslouei s and u reptirt thereon made on oa*h liy them. All P'-tmuis »*re notified that said new road will, on and alter the fiist Monday in •minty, be finally rran ed it • o new cause be shown Io the •ontrary This tith day of April, 1MU. PPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ROAD. A 1 ' 1 ' . No second i petition GEORGIA—HUMTK ui, J. M. Stanford,.!. K. Gatewm s have made appilcMtiou for ss pubile road •cheribctl iu m starling trom the Br*oiy road mill hml running to Hnntiin>ton, ilistriet line of ilu* Fifteenth i* ml sixteen th Districts, along said line to the Furlow road near tin* Picasan' Grove eimreli, the lower Danv lie Mr Jit.lies Castleberry's house, whle hits been marked out by the Commixstoucr itud a report therem made on oa*h by tii**li All persons are i itl**«l i lint s and after tin* first Monday In M> iN)i, by the Commissioners of oa<i*'<ud r* id county, he finally granted if sllnated on the west side of Lee street, and north ot the Central railway track, front ing on Lee street seventeen (17) feet and running back seventy (7c) yards, containing one-fifth acre, and tmunded as follows: On the south and west by lands of Cole- north by Willie Shines,and east by Lee street. Levied on rl** to sat isfy ofS.K. Taylor (Mtlnted out by plalntlirs attorney. Tenant h the oroperfy of Mack Mor* ecountv court fi fn In tavor . Mack Morris. P-operty in possession notified in terms ot the law Levy marie by Win. Cobb, bullin' county court. This April 1st. lsifi. L. B. Fokkkst, Sheriff. ribed pr «perly, to-wlt. Lots Nos. 1 and 5, In the city of Amcricua, fronting on Jackson ».tr* et. containingom- fourth »*ere, more or less, hounded on the north by lur.d of Mr. Haljth ('base, on the east oy Jackson street, on the went by laud ' Mr. R L. McLeod, on the south by land on as tin* property of Leary Doran to satis fy all la iu favor of J. P. Chapman. Prop* erty pointed out hy plaintlll and levy made by G.h. Cobb, L. C„ tins 12th day of March, 1891. L. B. Foarkkt Sheriff’ H. C, GEORGIA—Sumtkk Count. . Wherein*, a. T. Johnson, administrator de bonis t on, on the estate of Susan J. - ailing**, deceased, has made application *•■■ letters nf dismission, from said estate f Carcv Williams, < Thcs.* are therefore to cite and udnimii all i artles concerned, whethor Uimlied **rcilltors, to show cause on or hefor** II May term of court of ()rdi»»ury of Smut county, to be hcln • n :he first Monday May next, why said pe itloii should noi l granted a- praye ‘ ny otlieial signature, this 2It!i TWELFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT FTDTIT ,TXSr 914 Walnut Street, P&iladelpliia, Pa. 1,1891, Including • IWH.T.M INVK8TKI) ASSKTM. Bonds, Stocks and Loans on Collateral.. 81,781.10 C.-sh In office, Banks and Trust Co 12F54M Bills Receivable, Ledg er balanceH, etc 40,107.10 Contingent Assets.. Total Assets.., INSURANCE IN KOItCK. Jan. 1,1891,12,170 Policies repre senting |20,ftV»,Oj9.W Total Losses and Payments to Members in 12 Years, Lttl7.2lfi.Ti The annual expense dues are limit-' fipcrtl.ffiu insuiance and the mortality savings the first five years, as against ho average expense co»t about $11 in old line The new husln ss In IS Ocost the Fidelity ♦ 12.01 per $1,000 insurance, us against average cost of over fh* In old line compan ies. . lie cash assets of the Fidelity are twe ty-eight times its ascertained liabilities, against a ratio of $1.12 to cuch $1 liability old line companies. The Fidelity lias already saved to i police holde s In twelve yen's,us com par ed with old line pieiniuius, million dollars. Its policies a r re guaranteed Government l omls plain. . ntechnlcal, an«l the same principal that are guaranteed. G. FoU.SK President. The all part let creditor-, • therefore to cite and admonish meerned, whether kindred or show cause on or before the tin* Court of Ordinary of sum May ter county to »** held o*» the first Monday In May next, why said letters should not he grant« d as prayed for. Witness my hand and otlieial signature, IT NT V. ford, of Greene; I).ivi8, of Putnam: Day. Dickerson. Deupree, Fain. Farnsworth. Freeman, Frier, French, Gordon, Grah am, Hale, Haines, .Hamilton, Haros, of Hancock: Henderson, Herrington, Hill, of Harris; Hill, of Troup: Hudson, of Gwinnett; Hudson, of Harris: Huggins, Hust, Jackson, Johnson, ol Clayton: Bunions and Warts, it is great, apr 7-dl2-w2t. The women are in the majority in Mexic "- Mo - Thc ei " s, “ j‘ ,st taken j frigiiteneil "anil tried "to run a' shows that the town has 2,.V»2 males i and 2,7(Xl females. Mirnculoiis if Ti A i*ep«»rt reached the ears u.’ a report er yesterday of a miraculous escape a young lady had in Lee county the other day. It is stated that a young couple were out driving when the horse became away. The buggy was almost turned over and the young lady fell out, the wheels passing Eczema, Ringworm and Tetter arc all ! ^^ rcc ^y over ^ ier -She arose un- Johnson, of Hall; Johnson of Jefferson; 1 ^agreeable companions and the source j hurt, and proceeded with the drive. Jordan, Kenan, Ketclmm, kH«orc, K.m- | them aU . , iu ( irantee( |. , l lino nt sey, Kirkland, Knox, I^amar, of Lincoln; | apr 10-w4t IVICLIrCC 8 VUHt 'jf C3rdUI Langinade, Latimer, of Montgomery; 1 I and THEDFORD’S 4 *ACK-DRAUGHT are Law, Long, Mabry, of Heard; Manson, | Feathera beneath the brim arc to '-e ! for sale by the folL wing merchants in Martin, of Lumpkin: McDaniel »«...i .. Means, Mershou, Milton icaru; Aianson, | * - j lor sale by Uie folL-wing ianiel, McRae, I 8eeu on 80,1,0 of 1,10 new hats, and very : Sumter county: ton, Mitchell, l ,rett J' and becoming they are I .. E. J. Eblriilge, AinerJcn*' ADMINISTRATORS SALE UKn lUi I a—Su Agr**»*Kl 4 PPLIC \TI**N. A. LF.TTKRS OF DISMISSION, • KORGM— sumtkk ( Towbom It may concern Where* s, I. II. Black, uilininistmtor of ,e e-tate oi Mary F. Ciaiki*. dt-ci-iinetl lug filed bin a plication for h-ite DUNN & LOYLESS, Managers d-tf AMERICl'S. GA. THE BEST THING OUT REST Y»>UR WIVES! YOUR SISTERS! YOUR COUSIN • •art « ikk County. order granted by the llon- irtilnary of !*anl count \, u ill be Mild before the court house <io>>r In A cun, GeorglRaid county on t * c Firs* Tues day >n May, net ween the luwlul hours of sale, llic following property, towit: The East ban oflotot (and nuiib>r Two Hundred uini 221) in the Twcnty-seventn o'er County, «»»., couiaining Disirlc (iui 1 , les ofSelli Bodge d*c*-ased. Solti lor tin* belief and eredilors of said deceased. Thi<i(ith, day of April. Th. slon Irom saltl e-Iute all p: .•In* n! admonish bether klmlrctl ... to show cause on or before the io of th- Court of Ordinary of 'quidy, to Ih* hebl i ii the first May next, why said pell- J. II., Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS SALE B. L. .Joiner, Andersouville. *.b*an A- McTvier, Bottsieri 1 W. it. Dorn, Frienihbip. Montgomery, Morrow, Neal, of Odum- McELREE’S WINE OF CARDUi for Weak Nene^ bla; Neal, of Talbot; Newton, Overstreet, _ Paris, Patrick, Perkins,, ot | There is a girl at one of the London! Monroe; 1’iekett, Pierce, rolford, I’ricc, | (England) music lialla who plays eight! A bath lined with Mexican onyx and Reynolds, Salfold, Sharman, Sharpe, I musical instruments, including trom-1 costing *d.000 Is a feature of a Baltimore ‘ m'ks ‘sre'i.L Shropshire, of Chattooga: Simmons, of bone. woman’s house. Gwinnett; Simmons, of Pickens; Sisk, I | Smith, of Clyirlton; Smith, of DeKalb; L, ; ,. h ' man who took j Every one should use P. P. P. because Smith of Ldn.Hf.n- Smith nf T^Bmo• i u « • Hte . ( 11 Aou,c » at this season nearly every one needs a Smith, of Johnson, Smith, of Talbot, he ain t kicking, and says it’s a Lulu— good medicine to purify, vitalize and en- Speuco, Stapleton, Starr, Stephens, of j Cheatham’s Tasteless. 4 j rich the blood. KORGIA—Hum i kk County. Agreeable to an order ol the Court of Ordi nary of Mumtei County, will he Hold at iib- llc outcry at thc court Iioumi door of mU.i coi.nty ou the First r«ic**d;iy in May m xt, w i< bin the legal hotirH of ^ale, the lolitmi g property, towit: Twonutiou bai Khures oi IheCapl'iti HitK-k in tin- 1 utcrruittonal Mctli- dne( t•mpitny. s»»id as Hie eroperty «>t R. II. Brumby, lute of said count >, decciiHcd. Terms cash. Thin oprll filli, ls9l. Bku.mio . Administratrix. WANTED I TINKRGETK’ salesman to solicit orders in 1l S ' ■ ■ William Hicks, ^ Libel for Divorce In Caroline Hicks. S Sumter Superior Court. and YOUR Al’NT* "THE L1TTLS 5EWIN5 tlACHINS HAT Wants all the Indies to call nee tile latent SKWINO MACHINE MOTOK SHINGLES -AND- LUMBER nppear- the defendant. Caroline Hicks, tiv* in said county and it ft rth-. ingsatisract* rtly to tin* court that said de fendant does not reside in the Mtate of Georgia. It is therefore ordered and ad- judged by tt e court that the defendant lie served by publishing this «*rd*-r twice a month for two months m tin* amkkiuus Bku«»hi>kk. a uewspap«*r ciihlished in s .ld • ainty in wr.lch the Sheiltrs sail*,, nrs »..i- vertlsed. before the .. .. and the said defendant is he •o l»e ami appear at the next t rm oi this ourt to show cause, It any she has. why a total divorce should not be granted, said William Hicks as prayed for. South Georgia for Iarg«* (icorgia nipt advances. Addiess, MANAGER, 89 Capital npure, s-ld-U Atlanta, Ga. Nov Adjourned *<»rm, Feb. 21 S91 J A. lltXoN Plaint 's Att'y, A trn exirucj Itf,. nimctcHof Sum- »*■ •superior C Mnreh 7. 1n0|. 2 m J. H. ALLEN, Clerk. Having Just finished an outfit to t*» a ^ fai ture the above naiind articles, e prepared to lurnish theiu on short ,’ Satisfaction guarantee*. Will " Paraers Station, ten miles Irom Ani«* r '‘ ’ on H. A. AM. R. R. Address us at Ga. R. a. WILHONA* SUFFERERS Youthful Errors Lout Manhood, Karly Decay, ' elc., ecu aecurc » home treat be 1 '., by aiUlicra'lig n fellow suflerer. 1 VV. Leek, I*. O. Box 31B, Ro»n»» e ' Virginia. -