The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 17, 1891, Image 7

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THE AMER1CUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1891. A NEW FACTORV. OTHER GUANO FACTORY TO BE BUILT AT AN EARLY DATE. Minting of Directors of tlio Sum ,. r r.unity Alliance Co-operative Ami- Yesterday—'Officer* Elected for he '«»**• v „„.,i,us will have another guano as decided yesterday at the >f the Sumter County Allianco ive Association, torv will be run by the Asso- <1 for the benetit of the Farm- . an The meeting yesterday was the regu lar annual meeting of the directors, and t-vervt hi tig connected with the Associa tion was found in a prosperous and .»r*oving condition. The success of the .•njani/ation has been great, and shows l„, w the members of it are sticking to- The store and warehouse have h.ith prospered, ami the directors were mm It pleased with the showing made. Tin- following officers were chosen: W. A. Wilson, president. \. A. Kay. vice-president. .I,,!,., i;. Fcagin, secretary. /. T. Markett, chief warehouseman. Tin 't‘ are all good men, and men in hands the allairs of tho Associa tion will he safe. They are men of in tellect, and men who understand run ning the business to the best interests of tlieorder. other business was attended to, anil the host thing dono was the taking of initiatory steps toward tho erecting of a Sumter County Alliance Co-operative Association guano factory. This wi’l not only be of good to the older, the members of which being given the Vnelit of the profit made, but also toour city, and this will contribute to the good of all. Americas already lias a splendid factory of this kind, which like all of our enterprises is prospering greatly, and another can do it no harm, hut each w ill grow rapidly without hurt- equipped lawyer, u learned poll.hed, gentle* inan, one potsensed of .pkmlld adrnini.Ira. , e elear, nnalytical, Impartial, rough Loue.l and fearlew In the dlaeliarge of Ilia dullegofthe portion lie now ho admirably ni|«. .tcsolved. That Id* courteous treatment, generous and high toned department, Just and equitable acts, In all his relations with the bar, have endeared him to all who prac tice before him. il, That in hint the Railroad Com- secured valuable uqulsllion, one bringing to tue dl.rlmrge of tho duties of his position, tine practical set se, a wide and comprehensive knowledge of men and bus.- ness attaint, patient and aecurate In the con sideration of all matters submitted to him "’HI *u a faithful,conscientious and u tuner discharge the dut lea of his inlssio podtio good. Resolved. T lat w •re regret and sin ird, watch his alv in the Helds of tin In)’ may single the publh I'lshes and prosperity am h-ippiness, Khali alt. It-solvcd, That ci] cting ho furnish d for Infants and Children. “Castor!* »- «o well adapted to children that I recommend itaa superior to any prescription known to mo.*' II. A. Axchxx, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The use of 'Castorla* is so universal and Its merits so well known that it see ins a work of suiiereroeatlon to endorse it. Few are t he intelligent families who do not keep Caatoria within cosy reach.** Carlos Maktyk, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdale Reformed Church. Caatoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dlarrhu-a. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di. srmtlon. Without injurious medication. *• For several years I have recommended J our * Caatoria, * and shall always continue to o so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardxi, M. I)., •'Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA S outtiwestern Dlxrlslon. Correct .Schedule. No, S«, in Effect Fob. ‘.mb. 1891. SAVANNAH U WESTERN DIVISION Hnhedule No. 10, taking effect |I)ec. 7th, 1890. No. 5, Between Savannah And Birmingham) No. ti, Dally. 8 45 a in 12 20 p in vlaAmnrlcus, Dully. Leave Havannah Arrive 7f0pn .Lyons .Americas,. . Buena Vista,.. 9 15 n 7 85 Arrive Columbus Leave 6 00 Birmingham 11 85 r Tax CxNTAoa Company, 77 Mukray Strkxt, Nxw York. • I. K. I*. II. C M The construction of such a factory for tin- Alliance has been discussed for some time, but the first steps of a decisive inane were taken at the meeting yes- A committee was selected to formulate a iilan, and consists of tho following members: \Y. A. Seals, chairman, John M' l) maid, Henry Daniel, W. A. Wil: an*! N. A. Kay. This committee will carefully look into the matter, and formulate the plan "f arrangement and work. All the directors were made a com uhscriptions. splendid step, and one that lias long been discussed. Tho leading men of the organization say that there hmbt about the matter being push ed to a successful finish. By fall, they the factory will bo in active opera tion, and turning out the best of fertil izers. /. v. It. Kiiwin, ' ' V. T. I’knn ., rninmlfee. These resolutions were unanimously adopted. Judge Fort was then called into the hall and received, in a pleasant and modest manner, the well earned words spoken of him. A Record Unsurpassed. One of thequickest shipments of goods to this city from the east was that made over the S. A. A* M. a day or two since, mention of which was made in Tiik Timkh-Kkcokdkk yesterday. The shipment consisted of six solid car .oads of granulated sugar, and was in transit exactly live days from tho time it left the wharf in Philadelphia 100 pie until it reached Aniericus, whither it 50 pie was brought from Savannah by special 20 piece. 1 through freight. o() pR> The same train that brought the six 25 piece? Within the Next Sixty Days. Entire Boe-Hivo Stock must closed out in that time; sooner if possible. Cost or Value No Longer Regarded 425,000 is tho size of it, :m<l it must lie made to move. Note the Following Quotations; No. 8 Daily. Pas-enger No. 6 Dally. Fast Mall EA8T BOUND. No. 5 Daily Fast Mall No. 7 Dally Passenger 8:2,5a m 4 51 •• 8(8> " UMW “ 5 20p m *• V »P ni 2 *lp m 4 18 “ 5.1o - 1014) •• 0 15a m tfSe “ Lv. Americus Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv. Macon “ “ Atlanta " " Augusta " *• Havannah “ 1 10 p in 11 83 a m 10 20 “ 7 10 •• 0 10 p in 9 37 p ra 8 00 •* 6 40 •• 2 15 •* 7 00 a ra 0 40 “ No. 7 Dally Passenger No. 5 Dally. Fast Mall WEST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Fast Mall No. 8 Dally I’assenger 4 41 n m 7 :v» < 111 1 10 p iu 4‘17 « Lv. Amerleiis Ar. Ar. Hnillhvllle “ *' Eli tail la “ “ Montgomery Lv. 2 31 p in 130 “ 1105 a ni 7 40 u m 3 25 a m 1230 “ 10 2.*> p in 7 80 p m No. 7 Dull v No. 5 Dally TO FLORIDA. No. 6 Daily No. 8 Tally !»:I7 p in l»H« " 10 45 |> m 4 50 a 111 1 10 p m 2 0» “ 2 50 “ 5 40 • Lv. Americas Ar. " Smithvllle •• Ar Albutiy Lv “ Tliomasvllle Lv “ WuyerosM *♦ “ Brunswick •* " Jacksonville •• 2*1 p m 1 15 p in 12 20 p in 8 30 a ui 325 a m 3 (JO “ 2 15 " 1 ?iS p 7 35 j Between Havannah anil Birmingham, j to tickets, schedules, best routes etc. etc., apply to inittee An Inhuman Negro. Some two years ago, a negro named William Dray skipped from this county leaving a wife and several children sick in bed. They were attacked with measles and all were in bed except a lit tle girl of few years, who did all tho waiting on the sick people. Gray left i* wife and children in this tlx, know- 12 their condition and their supplies. Kailill Tube Cobb happened upon them soon after the inhuman father and hushand had left, and found them on l*"*nt of starvation. They had no 1 and none of the necessities of life, i •ut of tin* kindness of his heart, Mr.) "'■nt down into his pocket and !' d the family with food, and also cars of sweetness brought also seventeen cars of through freight from Cincinnati, Chicago and Kansas City, consigned to Aniericus merchants. These came for ward with equal celerity, and the fact proves conclusively that when it comes to hustling the S. A. M. is always up with the procession. The through train was in charge of conductor Howell Cobh, and was fol lowed by a local freight consisting of nearly thirty cars, gathered up at tho various towns and lumber mills along the line. Many of these were left off here, while others loaded with yellow pine lumber went forward North and West via the Central and the Savannah A* Western. •s choice Prints, best quality, 5t*. per vanl. best ijuality Dress Ginghams, solid colors included, 8.Je. yard, choice Nainsooks, 5<\ yd. much superior, 7c. yd. Sold elsewhere at 1 - 4c. ( bailies, 5c. vd. Hlack Cheeked and Striped Lawns, 10c. amt up. Beautiful Kmbroidered Black Lawns from BOc. up. Black Silk Mitts, *2f>c. Fast Black Hose, regular made, 12J<\ per pair. ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT ll 15 |iici if genuine French Percales at 12Jc cost von other 15 |)icccs :>K inch Henriettas in Tans, (ireys, amt other seasonable similes, at 24c.; value ami price elsewhere 40c. 50 pieces of finer ipialities at half of former prices. Kolld Trains with Sleeping Car* For further 111 for unit Ion relatlv A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. MeKEN/.lK. Hup’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Gon. Pass. Ag’t. Americutt, Ok HntUhvilie, Oa. Savannah.Gu. I). II. BYTHE WOOD, Division Pans. Ag’t., Columbus,'Ua. D D. CURRAN. Hup’t, ColionhuH. Ua. J. C. HHANV Trav. Pit km. Ag’t., Hnvunnnh Ga. GO TO LITTLE MARDftE -FOR- Fii3 Artistic Stationery. \ Mists’: Materials; and: Pinto: Fm Blank Books. School Books. -BASE BALL BATS NevnpaDer, and! Periodical* 105 AND 107 FORSYTH \ SI REtT. Cooks’ Pharmacy, III CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. To Hang, May ‘iOtli. John Jackaon, the negro who allot and killed Mr. lice Brown, of Rochelle, a fow weeks since, was tried in Wilcox superior court a few days since. Ho was found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged on May 20th. Yesterday Sheriff Covington and Dep uty Gordy, of that county, brought the prisoner to Aracricils for safe keeping. Jackson is a had looking negro, and a close watch will bo kept upon him. A motion for a now trial has been made in Ids case. Ladies Bibbed Vests at I0e., 20c. and 25c.; worth double the amount we ask for them. 100 Silk Umbrellas at half of what you are asked for them at ether places. French Gauze Undershirts at 45c.; regular price 75c. GRAND EMBROIDERY SALE! We place on sale today 10,000 yards of NEW EMBROIDERIES,! consisting of edges and insertions in Cambric and Swiss, Klouneings for i . _ . _ . Children and Ladies, etc., etc. You have perhaps heard of cheap em- ^ »»y »»*« «* negro who shot another some six months | Lie. worth Joe.; lOe. goods at 5e., 40e. goods at -0e., and so on. 1 lullk of , i full width Flounce for !!5e.! That’s what we offer you! Can any one [•ijual this? Why of course not. Call early and make selections while issortment is unbroken. In addition to the above ennumerated specialties, we offer unap- ago. lie has been sentenced to eight years in the penitentiary, and was brought here for safe keeping. *e and neglect, however, ath of two of the children, not returning, the remain- and the wife were sent to ‘ •• I sin«T» then It.iiliff Cobb has been 1 ,li, ‘ lockout for the scoundrel who '••■'•■•l ilie trouble. A few days since Dim and placed him under ar- < •"•rged with abandonment the M '' up before Judge Pilsbury 1 «i.i\. ami the charge being clearly " u ". the Judge sentenced him to ‘•Kf m .iitlis in the chain-gang. This , * a ‘ kind of a sentence that will break ’ actions, and .ludge Pilsbury " u * d bis usual excellent judgment in 'h»iniMi*iihg the sentence. Dooly * Bur Taltc« Action. 1h March term of Dooly superior 11 being the last time Judge Allen 1 " M uld officiate in the capacity of J 11 ' 2«* he tore his retiring to assume the Us "• I’ailroad Commissioner, the ,t “ attorneys and the officers of ""«i i held a meeting on the evening ; * ,, j'»urnment and expressed their • ie regrets at the retirement of so L ‘ :i Judge, so distinguished a lawyer courteous a gentleman. Of tho '■ kindly sentiments that have been, "'ll he expressed when Judge Fort -"s the seat of honor, which he has ■‘bly Idled, Tiik Timkh-Rkiohdku llr ' s lo Htate that none will bo more u ‘b appreciated and fondly remem- ,1 than the hraniest and eloquent , ‘>siom» of the judge’s colleagues in " bdlowing telling resolutions were " ^ by the entire bar aud all who Ut 'd under the judge in any ca- l 7*. ,X ***** 1 luU iu retirement of Judge j "Ti u iir juuiciui bench of (ieorrla Ica- •t' '"•khlcKt l guts, a thoroughly proachabh* attractions in seasonable Dress Goods'in black and colors Dress Silks and Trimmings, Boys and Men's Clothing, Boys’ Knee Bants etc., etc., all of which MUST BE SOLI) WITHIN SIXTY DATS! lllack Silk Warp Henrietta at s:lc., at the I am ploaaod to aunouuco that I liavo a full lino of IESH DRUGS- GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY* Prescriptions Allied at all Hours, Day or Night. W. A. COOK. Proprietor. J. R. HUDSON & CO. , PROPRIETORS Americus-Bottling- Works, BOTTLEKS OK ALL KINDHjOF Soda and Mineral Waters, Cider and Cinger Ale 1 ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET AMERICUS. GEORGIA- R. L. MtiMATIK. E. J. McM ATH. B. H. McMATH Absolutely Puro. A cream «»f tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening ntr-nirth —United State* iloverninent lb-port, Anu. 17,1889. junela il.wlyr J. W. TYNAN, j Engineer and Machinist SAVANNAH, GA. MACHINE, BOILER AND SMITH SHOP, Went Broad, Indian and River Streets. Marino Work a Specialty. All kinds of Machinery, Rollers, etc. made and repaired. Steam Pumps, Governors, In jectors and Steam Water Fittings of all kind* Aniericus Iron Works IHJII.DKltS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, McMATH BROTHERS, DEALERS IN Groceries, Previsions, Country Produce BOOTS, SHOES. ETC.. ETC., WHISKEYS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES: 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We Kollclt a share of the patronage of the trading public, guarantee! Mitl*fuctlon low prices, and Rood good*. We deliver anywhere in the city. Cull and w?e us. McMATH BROTHERS. Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler /a Feeders, Valves, Jets, Ftc. I Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys BQrSpecial attention given to repairing all kinds ofjKfJeVHSn, Machinery. Telephone 79. ■' 13<m Jil^rTyw NOTICE TO MILL MEN. MOORES COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA. EKtabliHhcd over twenty years. lkMikkeenlng. •ml Shorthand taught by ex|»ertenced teachers, ThouKaniU of KtudcutM in g»H>U paying positions Tenns n.mlerate. Students recc.zed daily, end for circulars. june4-wlvr ROTT MERCHANT (buccestont to Mrs. & CO., 0 TAILORS. UKENI STEI.I.EIt) SHINGLES, SHINGLES. Buy your shingles «t Co».b •, on S. A. & M. ral roail. Both Cypress and Pine Shingles, 4.5 and «inches width, 16 and 18 long. Liberal dla- counts on car-load Iota. GKO. A. It It fc, 3-10-lm Cobb, Os. 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, Americus, Georgia. We are now opwiini; a FIKflKUW TAILORIN'! ESTABLISHMENT aud will Lave a tine line ol RooiU ol LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS In .lock, anil will GUARANTEE 1‘ERFECT FITS. Prices satisfactory. Como and see us before placing your orders and you will be more than satislicd with our styles and prices. Air. Kott lived boro four years ago, and was with Mr. Dremsteller, and is no stranger to the people of Amorlcus who wear good clothes. 3-tf Ira. for ►ale Two Mill Rocks and fixtures complete, One Rice Mill. One Pol- Fan, One Bolting Cloth complete, Three l*Hir Heales, One Hlly Horses glue and Holier, One Planer one tiling Edger, Five tilns, one Clark Cotton •lie Press, Hhanliuiga and Pulieys \»or.»l without end. .ill of tile above ill be Mild Cheap For oash cr Bankable Papers. C. A. BELL. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. •*. I otter tor a t-w days the loiiowiug •esoaom prot>erty close in at a bargain: Four bouses aud lots, houses just eo ip:cied;4 largo rooms each; lots 6Ux 165 each. Oroh f»m\. One housesud lot on College Hill, large lot 2l0x27U, fronting two streets. The pret- ie-l i?. i /,t 4 |i »'is.‘. 1 ttn C | r mten Jackson stree . fronting the College. Large lot, 5 moms to the comparatively new house wt-h enoic room and bathhouse attached, nice out house ahd barn on the place. Call for bargains. HUGH M. BROWN, 705 Jackson St.. : : : Americus Ga. — fifteen HL.rc. IVmltar.Keclorv swell fur.B.I.