Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, April 24, 1891, Image 2

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TIIE AMER1CUS WEEKLY TIME8-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. SOMETHING ABOUT THOSE |N THE FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION They are Doing a «■ Now Fully Organize Adopted -The Mi'n III T4- Soon. MILLIONS OF MIC LONS. BEALL <§ OAKEY, 1.1 ^" 0NAL CAR — s JOHN R SHAW An-'IIITErr AM) SlI'KHIXTEMtK.vr, IF \/IX11 XI I kJXXi All, be entitled female, who will lie expected to bear letters certifying to their appointment, and containing the statistics of their schools. All ordained ministers in the association shall be cx-oflicio inembers of the convention. ILs officers shall consist of a presi dent, at least two vice-presidents for each district of the association and a secretary and treasurer, who shall per form the duties usual to such oftlces and such others as may be assigned them, and shall be elected annually. 0. There shall be an executive com mittee consisting of four members, of whom the president shall he ex-officio ■chairman, whoso duty it shall ho to make all necessary ai rangoments for the meet ings of the convention, gather statistics, collect funds, and attend to all matters likely to promote the interests of the convention and shall meet quarterly or oftener if necessary. They shall have power to designate the chinches and neighborhoods in which the vice-presi dents shall labor, and till any vacancy that may occur in their own number or among the oflieeis of the convention. 7. 'The president, shall prepare and present to each session of the Friendship Association, a short report of the work of the convention, together with a table of statistics of all the Sunday schools in the association. N. The vice-president shall have charge of the work in the field of labor assigned to them by the executive committee, and will be expected to visit the church es, organize Sunday Schools, ami in all practicable ways further the cause as they may ba\<i opportunity and report quarterly to the executive committee. 9. The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the eonventi u, conduct all necessary correspondence under the direction of the president, and will be expected to attend the meetings of the executive committee. 10 The convention shall meet at least once a year at such time and place as may be selected by itself or by the executive committee. District conventions may be called at any time and place deemed proper by the executive committee. 11. The meetings of the convention shall be governed by the usual rules reg ulating deliberative bodies. 12. This constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote at : ny regular meeting of the convention. Adopted at Plains, Ga.. Feb 14, 1891. .). II. I) A NIK!., Pres. Jno. W. Oi.i vek, See. and 'Ureas. Lost his grippe—the man who took Cheatham’s Tasteless (’hill Tonic, but he ain’t kicking, and says it’s a Lulu—i Cheatham’s Tasteless. •! Over $1.It),Out) paid by the consumer in 'Texas alone last year, for Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. We oiler you this year Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic for the same price, 7-7 cents per bottle. It is identically the same, with the exception of taste. It is so improv ed you wouldn’t recognize it, but its qualities are unimpaired. Guaranteed to cure. Try a bottle and be con vinced. 4 That .Jewelry Store. The jewelry store of Messrs. A. S. Thompson and U. G. Anderson will ma terialize into a beauty. Mr. Anderson will leave in two weeks for the north, and will purchase a line stock of goods. The store next the ladies’ entrance in the new hotel will he lilted up hand somely for the linn, and will be finished and occupied by the lirst of September. McELREC’S WINE OF CAHOUI for Weak Nerves. A Tlioinasville man, in cleaning out bis well last week, found among other things an eight-foot alligator. Forget our our Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies Towels, etc. NEW SHIPMENT OF GOODS RECEIVED EVERY WEEK! We will sell you goods don't promise more than we can cheaper than any advertised priei lo, but do more than we promise. BEALL & OAKLEY, F. M HINTON & CUTTS, iTuiknkvs a I LAW. Practice in the \ Still.- it!i'I Kedernl Courts. Oftlcr over ‘Hot Building, on Forsyth Mrcet. innrt-ly )OUT, L. MAYNARD, ( \Tloi:Ni-,y AT LAW. Americas, G Telephone IKS. <>. Box M i overt’ 1.. Holts. IIOLTON, YOU CAN DO BETTER AT TilK r win lectio* > ITOilNEY AT LA*»\ I the ci mi at It- tl That i.s correct in style and perfect in lit. Every Garment is made bv the ityrest New York and other ma ufaetim rs up to the highest stand.inl of art. r | * I No clothing house Smith of At- J lanta can boast of such an admirals i assortment of MEN'S, YOUTHS, BUYS & CIllLDKE.N S !| SPRING AND SIMMER STYLES The Entire Stock ANSLEY & ANSLEY, TTuU.vKVs AT LAW, American, Ga Will |»r:n-»in m»p eoun'icH of Sum. . -rliii-v, Miti'iin, Dooly, WeButer, Stevx- , In tie- Supreme Court, nnd tin* Dui’ert lit lls iTI.KY, .1. It. FlTZOKKALU Wheatley & Fitzgerald, YTTOKNKYS AT LAW, Olliee: 4nr. Jacktum St.. FpStairs, AMT.IIUTe- CONSISTING OF jUDSON & BLALOCK, Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar Baking powder. Highent of all In leavening strength --United Staten Government Hejiort, Aug. IT. l«at*. j tine 1-7 (l.vw 1 vr $ 15,000 worth Dry Goods . $7,500 worth of Clothing, $2,000 worth of Shoes, LAWYERS, Am Ki«n etiee in all courts ’ la e and \ llloek. dec-’l-d-wly In our line of business we are the recognized leaders, and we proj.ov to continue to carry off the honor*. While we possess all the requisite- necessary for the success of a legiti mate ami dashing business, Wh HAVE THE EAKGKST AND FINEST STOKE IN THE CITY. WE HAVE THE LAKdESTAM* FINEST STOCK IN THE ( IT and wt are known throughout tli section as the Partnership limited SIMMONS, W. II. KIMBROUGH, SIMMONS & KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, itui'loM’ llloek, I loom <1. Mmitd, Mss, TC et< MUST SOLD W ill practice in Both State and Federal Court*, j Strict attention paid to all Business cut rusted to I them. Telephone No. In.",. LMO-'JUtf . It. (>ur friends and the public kii""' r kkuv. I)r 1’ont Gckki. Ainerleu*, Ga. Macon, 'Ja, GUERRY & SON,, Ani.rii'iiK, Uu. niHre Ini ‘ liHfiiiiiiB, 1.1,mill I tliat we have fur the last T2 v n et. will practice in Sumter -superior | nl County Coii-ih. and in M niri. our junior \v»ll r.-truhirly litt I tsoce - |*ee 1 >011111 \v *•* *as.-s in,1 Railroad. ..■■1 1 Tht A. T. CURRY. McElree'3 \ tine of Cardui , TL1 ._ !Tlio only Msumfiirturin; and THEOFORO a t .ACK-DRAUGHT are Urn South, Ai i a, <;■ for sale by the foil wing merchants in j U ov-2V0m. Sumter county: | J. E. Hall, Amerieu*. I). F. Davenport, America*. K. J. KBlridgc, America*. It. L. Joiner, Andersonville. |>eati Ar MeTvier, Bottuferd W. H. Dorn, Vrlemleldp. Griffin has voted to issue $10,000 in bonds for the erection of ttclio *1 build ings asked by the board of trustees of the Griffin public schools. This will in sure to Griifin public school facilities equal to any city of its size in the south. Eczctna, Ringworm aud Tetter are all disagreeable companions anti the source of much .Tnao v *uce. Hunt’s Cure cutes them ail. Guaranteed. 4 apr 10-w4t DAVENPORT DRUG CO. !0ne dollar will buy at the Bee-Hive what will cost you two at every other store in town. This is no idle boast or buncombe talk; we mean what we say. Street Atlanta lil’k, A merino- ‘ m: ml-died foi * —publle Bit Id- iluetml :i live- business in Aiiuni>' mill we will -will nr die" oil the iY in battle harness before wo will render oiir him hit on written Pharmacists ve Exclusive sale of these Cklkhka ted Glasses in Amerieus, Ga. FAULKNER. KEIIAM & MOORE, Opticians Entire Stock must be closed out with- 1 in the next sixty days. Real Estate, Insurance, STOCK AND BOND BROKER.! Cordele, Ga. apl8-ly-d-w For unapproachable bargains in the above mentioned lines, call at the WF. will pur the nltove . I'y"lM-|»lA,Plek Headache, liiilhrertion. Con -tipBtl«-n «>r Co'livrncMi wo cannot cure with. Wnt’i V, ^.--ai,U- r l*l iv w h* n the ilim il-ms art-strictlj ith. They are purely Vegetable. and ne'ti fall toglve satisfaction. Sugar Coated Largft boxes, containing » i’illai, cent*. Be war. of counterfeit* amt Imitation*. The inline manufactured only by CUE JOHN C. WFK COMPANY. CiilCAtiO. ILL Sold By THE D WEN PORT DRUG CO., Amerieus Ga. Sold by | fcb2I-<l«lwlyr Business of Soiitliwestcrn 105 FORSYTH ST.. • AMEBICUS. £*• I 1*. S.—This may not l>v but it is Business all tin* .saniv- J. It-