Newspaper Page Text
titering Comment* I pmi Kim Speech
Inerulay Last—Wlint The Kate
it v |M|mth Have to Say Ain
\t‘xt Speaker.
It -
u;ill int and ftMi'lnssleader of Deni-
i*i *• * * ‘ i veil a gland ovation in Kan-
v Wednesday. tlm occasion beinjj
,i Western states commercial con-
, < ’i isp spoke on “tax ition," and
iple of Kansas City d"t hue it the
idilress of the kind ever delivered
K City Times is full of praise
i t and makes his speech the lead-
jo. Head lines of a most com-;
tarv kind are used, and the ad- j
a it h a cut of the speaker, is given '
A IVeullar Trip Taken By a Letter To An
AnierieiiM Gentleman.
! *esterday Postmaster Roney received
| an envelope enclosing a letter to Mr. II.
D. Watts, of this cifv.
i It came from Hultimore, and inside
was a statement of how it got there. It
seems that at one of the factories in that
city a hale of cotton was opened the
other day, in the middle of which was
ail envelope addressed to Mr Watts. 1
The letter was tinned over to the head !
of the department, who had it si nt heic. ;
It was dated October iMtli, ]s«H).
It was a long and peculiar trip, and it ;
will he of interest to read the epistle |
which is reproduced below, the spelling. \
punctuation, etc. being exactly the!
APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. New advertisements. j Petition for Incorporation
• GEORGI A— si’mtkh Countv.
[To th«* Honorable Hupennr Court of *altl
j i‘on nly:
Tti-- petition of .las. T Cotncv. K. L. Sulli-
i of .Ins. T Cot
, I.til her C. HeM, c. .1. schneltlt 1
. tingle* , W. K. Murpliey mi
KC > R(*I A—St Mr k k < ’of x rv.
horca*, J II xdmt Utrsfor ofj
, has |||< He ii p Irntb
WaKl*, elll/.e
pornte nil
tohuvt J. Ii. At c i .
Court, appoint'd a mini
of Jii-eph You IOC
GEOROI A—Sumter County.
' o the So er or Court of sii'«i County:
The |H tUI n of IT It lfiirrold, II. H.
rooi- I,. \\ . K Murph-y and .1. j» Feltier,
loiicmlil County in,(t Mtnfj, re*pecU
the super:i
;for Coughs Coles end Consumption, Isboond ■
•question th j g-t atost of all modern remedies. 2
• It v.ills'.cpn Cough Inone night. It i»lllcheckZ
Sa Cold in atliy. It will prevent Croup, relieve ;
*/■.: .! rna. nnd CURE Consumption If taken In;
,i can’t afford to be without It.";
nay save you $100 In Doc-;
v r.ava your Iito I ASK YOUR;
if the little ones have •
or :
outre to be iueor>H>rulrii under the law* of
!»•* Mate f. Georgia. under the corno aie
ame, • vinerjeijs Illuminating nnd Rower
ompany.” Iheobjec and pur ixv-cHor their
• re to make gain nnd benefit,
ve* hy tin* rnamilnctnrc nnd
ght and e'e 11 te light and other
iniimitlng sir »t*, ulle>s and
...... and public and p'ivnte lm I<1 In-*,
suit hy .applying Hnd .reeling all n c s-
fixfmm i r those purpose*; and uIho
m .ufaeiuring and -imp .* mg oeetric
ve pawt r to eoiiMimers
>lnee of doing btl-lne** will be with-
•ity oi AinericiiH ii said roiimy. and
r icular hush ess they i iop- se to
ills 1 he'••nnun.ef urmg ofllluniln-
me! mid oCiergns tn theelty of
■u«. amt supplying the streets and
mnl puhhe am! i rlVate bt riding* in
*r said edy vcltli gas and elfctrh:
r other lights, mnl m nirnl h t<*eus.
<» i r«» er term** all necessary flx-
nls * to nun.ufaeiure and furnish
motive power to eu»toni< rsusnfore-
,.t he
eproitticed, lmt below ;
’ extracts from the
• t he he <ri lest del
at Ii il I .Stic i
:.ilI, gre-efu
It I) Watts"
-\ odersoiiville.
iwford, of .Jones Post
of the im-
s oil'll 1 .
the pro
ectiv p * I \v
ft.- the past
i'i.I held the elosest- utt ntioii. Hut I
i. pli ing to lutf rupl ions by thdegaic
in <de the greatest hit in popular fan
i, re w* re three of them, ami in end
ej'l.v ’
i t at.
gthtt the result of tmitr re-
ii to-day in the price of sugar,
utleman in th,- Texas
„.,i a gray Inti
I would like to ask,” said he, "If the gen-
luaii vo'ed to take the tax off of sugar?”
fl„. gentleman will state,’’ came Mr.
i-p’s reply, .piiekly, earnestly, “waking a
rviiiul application—wnlch I did not do l>e-
j. ( . i was told there was no politics here—
ill state Mint coupled with ttie measure
i eh reduced the price of sugar there wer<
that bill such a host of iniquities, such a
i-sof. ullages on tin* people of the United
itr», -i di an unconsMtuthmal use of tlie
mir power, that I voted against it,.'’
h.’rc was alt mpest of apj latise at the re- There was applausi and laughter
uii in a few minutes. M \ t.'rlsp had been
king of a du y of 17 per c^ nt. and to make
i::dcr -i nte.res, prolmldy, called It one-
1 A <»■•legate Interrupted to say that If
l«k) i
nd lie .lid not wish his party iiii*-
c frle\d,” said M». Crisp, "If the
a per cent, it would take all.”
speke of 2-..IN e millionaires m t he
ld.dcgate asked If they wer all
proper for j.e,” said the
mill" them. Hut I do have
man who builds ca-tles
rove a tally ho through
.er wakeiwtl up,” subl
s speech. "I
will Indorse.”
fares lit- had,
f’apt. I. I).
(i. A. R. at M
provements which are being made hy
the fii.ind Army a; Andersonville, and
reports work progressing with rapidity
and in a good in.inner. Already a great
deal lias been accomplished and a
number of hands are now at work.
Hedges have been put around the old
wells dug by the prisoners when in Heard
of water, to prevent caving in and tlm
losing interesting relics. Three bridge:
have been built over the creek, and
c images and buggies can now he driven
over the entire grounds.
The other great improvements decided
upon are being pushed, and in a few
months the old stockade will be trans
formed into a beautiful park, with all
the obi evidences of prison life pre
.• cm.I of 1:
i party They
u editorial upon the subject
■ paper:
: crly be cnlic i the lord
.rum.nt fv. r .Idiverd in the
ihe more significance l.cenus«
•lens Im.l been i| intern muted
\k. --t tin- cfl.-t tint his lenn-
.1 lm
She is Coming.
Under the above head the Montgomery
Advertiser says:
“The Savannah, Americas and Mont
gomery railroad people expect to blow
their whistles for Montgomery by the
(list of June.
“The grading forces have made splen
did time since the good weather set in.
and they will reach Mt. Meigs about the
first of May.
“Track has been laid this side of Cu-
bahatchce, only thirty miles from this
city. The work is progressing finely ;ill
along the line.”
3LACK-DHAUGH f tea cures Constipation.
The Mineral Post, of Aoworth, has
been running about nine months, and
the editor likes it so well that he hope:
the Sheriff will allow him to continue
three months longer at least.
ill |x»wrrtiil.
West amt
i iivtembh l
If is quite the fashion now to take De
Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver,
stomach and bowel disorders. They are
small pills, but might) good ones Cook's
Pharmacy sells then;.
The Lithonia New Era says: It. is es
timated at the agricultural department,
:»JK)ii,mX) sacks of guano will be sold in
(Jcorgia this season. At that rate it
will take *7,o00,0tX) to foot the bill for
this fertilizing. What is to become of
the farmer who raises all cotton fora
Very popular, very small, very good,
lie Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pill for
constipation, biliousness, sick head
ache. Sold hy Cooks Pharmacy.
Jim Tollier (colored) has been asleep
since Saturday night, at bis home, at the
corner of Forsyth and Walker streets, at
Augusta. lie was drinking heavily
Saturday. All efforts to arouse him are
in vain. A physician is in attendance.
Apoplexy lias resulted from excessive
• «»f the Constipation, blood-poison, t’c'
y follow- tors’ bp's and funeral expeio
'he ho*t [about two hundred dollars: D
Little K:i
Ilsurs cost a quartet
Sold bv Cook's I’h
1 hin j. irf
the newlv t
> the
ed froi
A few favorable reports :
1 poets of the fruit crop arc
i some parts of the State,
doubt that the recen* cold snap destr*
i*d ail chances for any tiling like ana
Is the strongest
in the -world.
Jly wife hn* hern nfttl. tod for six yrars with a
m«.st dreadful UUkmI H«»la<m ot tome kind, called
Kx-zenia l.y eminent |.hy«lc an*. During this period
she was treated by several s|H*clalUts. Ilus talctn
quantities of nil the I.I.hkI |.iirlHers on the market,
without reallzli any special benefit. t>ho »»n«w
using Wooldridge’* Wonderful Cure, u few bottle*
t»f whleh have niatl** a complete cure. I ''OhesUaU
Ingly recommend It ns the best Wood purldtr ever
discovered. Your* truly, A. C. BcGLHEb.
Columbus, Ou., Manrh 23,1SS?*.
(’olumbuM, lla.
Down to a fine point
—that’s where the making of
corsets lias been brought to.
Kabo for the “bones”—.it
ycan’t break or kink.
Loops of corset lace in- :
stead of metal eyelets—they i
can't rust or ci.t tlio laces.
The Hall C : for ease j
and com >r ; ; : L ' > Cor- !
set for t: :yi '.ding tlrength.
Each in th : her; of it’s kind
If you (’ aid think so, after
wearing for 1 > or three
weeks, return it to us and get
your money back.
*.*r■ na- i.i n. 'viu* \ r;,r.y.
piop.*rit>; <> iiiukt
lm\ bohl, lu.prov
or personal proper
«, a ml tiispoM* of an
•er-oii’ii pr**|MT*y held by mid <**ni
•nidi, or on in
i or own stork In oi'iereouionnieH 11 director*
1 should think it to tin* Interest of mild COIII-
pany. Toapp Int n'l tdllcer*. ugenls 'or the
I Misiiageme:i! of its business t«» etn pio.v sale*-
j men, druiumors. workmen, ami all other
i person* for < oiiduetini; sold hmlliess. I’etl-
! tloners prav lor the pilvllege to makt‘HTul
j enforce such eon-tit ill ton, liv-’aws. rules and
I regulations for the govt riiiiient of said com-
! pan> as may he ueeesssry and proper, not
; iueonslsteiit with the laws of Georgia; also
I to have ami use a common seal, to sue anti
be * lied, lo plead anti Ik* Impleaded, toenn-
i ract and be eonlraeted wit h, to have sueli
I other power* and lo do such other acts a*
j <recusi-miiry and proper, to carry tuitthe
| intent. tlesDn nnd purpose of said c 'rporu-
lb>n. Petitioner* pray to la* Incorporated
| for the full term of twenty (20) years, with
privilege of renewal nt the expiration ofmitd
lerin according to law
And pet 1 lione
m nutidsT two Iminlred
ii the tveiiti -mii h i.l*)
Minty, hound ■»* t Mows:
>ld stage (id I, on the
< will t
;er pray. ete.
\V. P. W
t is.
Petitioners’ Attorney.
File I in oillce this Kth day tH' April, 1H1M.
.1. II. Al.I.KN.
I'lerk s t’. t*. r. t-'ii,
I hereby certify that the above Is a tro
» xtruet from the record td charters ofN.iiu
t r court. Tins sih April ism.
To the Honorable Superior Court of said County:
The petition of W. P. Hurt. II. C. Bagley, M.
Callaway, M.Sj»eer. 1*. C. Clegg, .I..I. Iianesley
ami It. Nlyrlck show that they constitute the
pre«ht I’.o.ipI ”i 'Ureetor* td the Americu* * IV.b.i liing I >< . a corporation that was on
tin* 2**rI* ilav of !•'« luu.try 1m:k», duly eharteretl
utultir the l .u'u «.f this state, ant! under said
charter hot an authorized capital of common
i . tUioner* show that, they desire—(all the
stockholder* of said Aincrieus Tiine* Publishing
Company consenting thereto*—to have said
charter amended so a* to authorize said eon Mi
ration, tow it, the Americu* Time* Publishing
Company to i*.*
the sum of Fifti
he known a* "Pi
t <on, said stock not to be increased above Ten
Thousand 'iollar* exei pt by a three-lourih* vote
of the stockholder-, and t«» have the tlrst lien,
priority and precedence mcr ait other stock
i«*ued by the said Aiuerieit*Time*
Company, and the *aid Americu*
liing «'ompany to guar
:k to be paid t
•ar out of the earning
rporutiou, and petitioner* will eve
extent not t«» exceed
iHMisand Dollar*, stock to
ed Stock," td said corpora
LIPPM.1N oR( J., Proprietors.
Druggists, Lippmon's t»’ack, SAVANNAH.
For sale by the DA VENl’ORT DRUG
COMPANY. Auicricus, Da.
J. II. Al.I.KN. Clerk c. S. r.
I certify the above xml foregoing t«» be a true
extract Irom the Record* of Charter* t Ii is. April
4th, 1X91.
.1. It. A Id. KX, Clerk C. H. C.
Kit. Lift If ton. \V. A. Seals, Jex-e S liter and
ot bers have mnde applleat loll lt*r a *< eolid*
elu*s pub ic
pom. i'll
• IhouH
vblcll lias be.
Fancy i and; Family i Groceries, Z^Z
J J | road will, on and itfb r the Ibid Mt »itbi> !
A tii| hi re with a-k* a •
las riiesl Wines, Lis:
l ami Heveniies • I sal
i graa ed if »«» new .
, contrary. This nth da'
Bee? icd Cigars i ■*' 0 - 1
i*t found. Tl rn you net it me conn* 4 P
• me. i A
p. t il ion -Iiir111 t
‘ A TI o N FOR I * I ’ I; I. I«’ Hi,
GK')hGl A—mum I KK ('
nt;, .1. M. Nt a nford,.l. It. Ga
r* have mad’- a|>pli<*ali >i
•district III"-
i-l will ;
):i'.lv In
LVtcd tax *'t‘l- made liis
and for the
' Little Eulv Hisers never
, nausea Mild but sure,
1 ‘ than force. Rest Little pill
- " he, ehronic eonstipatioti,
: s ‘id hy Cook’s IMiannaey.
‘ ,,lS '"ted lor the issue of ?*10,-
l "* s ^"I’the erection of now pub-
M.uildinjts askoil bv the lioanl
oi initiate
He ELK EE’S IViNE OF CAROUi lor Weak N» r\
j The heavy editor of the Moiiwotl
Yindientor «litl not up to Atlanta
| pay I i■* respects to President Ilarrist
| because Ren is not a subscriber to t
Vindicator. Next time Ren eotm
he will have the forethought to
i Col. ReveU’s list.
! Puiilit-s the blood, increases the
lation, expels poisonous hamors am;
■ builds up the system. What more
j you want a medicine to perform ? Do
j Witt's .Sarsaparilla is reliable. Sold by
Cook’s Pharmacy.
(' V\\FA/r:/ r 0(L, fX0n/&£.
If 11II1111 k£t< >
h»* Killeen
aid lint-toll
ha* iM-fii imirlii*
and a report the
w 11*, on 'and all
's;i|, by th»- Com
, line of stid eon
•,'th day of Aprii
u|»7-lw Cb
■ t he Ct>mmi**iiM
vf : »
nil'of lot o' I
and (Illy-tine CJ' I
.liKlri'M iifSumler
* »n the hy 1 h
*outh bv Innd* oi \1. P. s
bv lands of \f. F. Kasterlln to <1 (
SiCier, on I le* nor III by SI la* Sudi h.
1, vied on a* the proper!v o( W. It Glov
er ti>Hati*f- one II fa l**tieti Irom the imn y
Court oi Sunder eoimt v m invor o' k. Iih*.
G. Conn. vs. the -aid W. II. (41 »o-r Prop.
rty pointed
•lurch 2*| h,
re*I, deputy stierilt.
L. H. Fokkkht,Sheriff
O GEOHGI A—Sumt* k County.
A'lll be sold before ihect.urt 11011*1* tloor,
in the city of Atnei It u*. Sumter county, * n
tin* llrst Tuesdu* lu May, ISM, between fin*
legal h<uir*ol sale, tbet«dlowlng ties, rdn-tl
property, to-wlt:
Two bundled and I liPty Ujrui) acres of
land, more t>* less, t-onlaltu-tl In MinilK-rs
tlfty (.Vb atnl idne'et-n (li»), In the *lx-
tdh (Do districtt»l Sumter Ga.
being all ot *111(4 b t* north of tin* public
road leading Irom Ameiicus, Ga., lo where
ot- T. M. Furlow ai d Col. vv . T. Toole rt*-
slded ai tla e cf wild mortgage, to-wll: 27tl.
in her, 1SHS. iu • u1<l eotioty of
Revlt* • on a* the propeity of W. t’. To le
to satisfy a mortgage fl fa Iwuicd from sum-
ter Superior* ourt in bivorot K <i Coun
cil, transferee, vs. Hit: said W. C. Tool*.
Property pointed out In said iiior gage fl im.
Tenant tn po*-e* ion uolltled In term* of
the law. This April I-l. I Mil.
L. B. Fokkkht. HherlR.
EOKGI A—Sumtkk County.
Will 1m* sobt be 1 ore the court house tloor,
in the city of Amertens. Sunder county, on
■h llr*t Tuesday in May. IstM, between ttie
leg*I lioursof a.ite, the following uescrlbed
property, to.« II:
The east halt of lot of land number elg l *ty
eight ?KS), ext-ent one unit one-hnlf (IU)
acres, *-n<i in m lying and being In Hit* fit-
leeiltll (la) *11 st 1 let of Sumter county. Git.
Levied ornm the property of Win. Jar-
vl* t <> *hmh v tn.e county ourt Ilia ls-ued
f mu t' e ft unty court of Sumter county
in favor of Count* I A MeGarrau vh. the
aid Win. .Ia<vl*. Property pointed out
by lot I t he amount of capital to Ire on ployed by
pe.ty h in, aeltij’l'v paid In, *Iih I be the sum of
* ‘ housHUtl doil-trr, tt» t»e repre-
e thousand -bures
*eb l» Ing one hun-
t 'feynwk Hie 1 ower to In-
er. use 1 lie same to any s m no] exceeding
Iwu linuilre Ihoil-aiuld liar T< ey pray
tuai said et»r|H*ratl >n shall have tli power
tOMie and he si.ctl, tt>
'r eteil with, to Isir.ow
u*i- a t onimini m al. to
, both real aim per-
d It* busliic-s: to l**ue
ttllng in amount the uggre-
ar value of 1 lu* • a:.llnl * oek actuallv
1. ami ltiM t-urt* the | nymeat n any
oiuIh l»y mortgage 01 deed ol trust on
s propt r-y and tram hl><-<; end with
theeoiiMMit 11 the city uuNumHicm td said *
lay Its nialiiH nnd pipes ihmu h the
anil ailt-y- and ►bb* walks of tin*
city of A nier leu*-, to supply ga* llxtuicsanil
light fixture* upon itasonahle
to its customer*; and genernl'v to
reel nnd o»« 11 all such necessary up-
■ ntl f
ph-HMirctif the t
elect.! Ic light or elect
n r o* eonsuin*-
• fore pet tlm
may la* needful for .
ts as heretofore *
make term* with
turn or shut oil at the
and ohjei
power front any
f„ II, Fokkust,Sheriff.
H GEORGIA—sumtkk County.
Will la* sold before the court house tloor,
In 1 heelt*. of \m rb-tr*. Surn'er ountv.on
the llrst Toestbtv In May, lstll. between the
i- gal lioursof sa e, th-- f.rl owing desert bed
situated on
nort b of 1 he ''
Ing on Lee sf
running back:
mi- lift ii acre
O.l Hie SOUt II
U(- street.
rd lot in the
we*I side
tdral railw
Itv of AinerIctis.
Ia-e street, and
y Gack. front-
> vent v (7-) vards. containing
, and bun oiled a* follows:
tad west by land* of Cole-
Willie Slone*,and east by
the r r pf-Iy of Mack Mor.
H'isfy oneeountx eotirl II la In favor
. Taylor ' *. Mack Morris. P npeitv
lout by plaint ill'* attorney. Te ant
11 posM**s|oli notltleil In
i)tit», bui : Iff county
, KM.
H. Fokkkht, Sheri(1.
O G EORt 11 A—StiMTo n County.
Will be sold Ik-lore the court house door
in \inerlcUH, Sumter count v. Georgia, he-
twet n the legal hour* of salt*, on the first
Tuesday in Mav, iwM. the following tie-
*crlb-d pr |MT'y, to-wlt:
Lots No*. I and Ill the city of X merleus,
fronting on I aek*on *•! r- et. eon taint tig one-
fourth * me, more or le**, honmiel ou the
north l»> 1 ii d of Mr. Hi lph « base, on »he
«-ii^l ov Jackson street, on tlie we-tby land
ot Mr. It I«. Mel cod, on Hu* south bv la tl
of southern I .ami a ml Lumber Co. Levied
the properly of L'*ar.v Doran to sat|s-
Wher ........... ,
i»e passed Incorporating them, their asso-
elates and-occ. s or , for I be lull term of
twenty years with the prlv lege of renewal
at the expiration fthat time.
IIINTO N, C l”IT - * Tl SON,
Petitioner's Atiorm js.
Filed Inofllce March III, IStU.
J. II. A I.I.KN. C. S. C.
A true ex f ract front the Itifori of Char
ters this Mai eh Ml, IK 1. .1. II. A l.I.K.N,
Clerk S. C.
GEORGIA—sumtkk County.
V.’hmeas, Fannie W’ll bunf ha* nmtle ap
plication tor t welv mouth* Mipp .rt. irom
the estate of Carey Wiliams, oce used.
These are therefore to cite unit nilmonish
all . artlcs coeeeroed. whither IHndreil or
creditors, to show* calls-* on or before the
May term of court of Orili'-ari of Sumter
eo mt-y, to he hebi • u the first Monday In
May next, why said pe Itlon should not be
granted a« prayetl for.
Witness my oflidal signature, this 21th
day of March, 1891.
West Broad, Indian ami River Streets.
Marino Work a Specialty.
All kinds of Machinery, Hollers, etc. made
and repaired. Steam Pump*, Governors, In
jector* and Steam Water Fittings «.f nU.-kiuut
baud. *.*'**.?
Established over twenty years. Kookkeeping,
amt Shorthand taught hy t xp< ricnccti teachers,
Thousands of students iu good paying posit ions
Terms moderate. Students received daily,
end for circulars.
A l'PLIC \ rittN,
I I’.YI »: s or DI **.M I I ON.
Gi- f>RGIA—Ht’MTri: County:
N'htrea;-. .x. T. Jolinson, udmlnt-trator
de (Minis non, on the estate of Susan J.
- ailing*, ilei-eji*ed, i.n* made application
for letter* of dl*ml**loil, from sail! estate.
These me therefore lo cite ami admonish
All parties concerned, whether kindred or
creditor*, It* show enu-eou or I a* fore fhr
M»y term of t to* Court of Grdin . ry of Hum-
ter i-ounly to at; held on the first Montl tv
in Mae next, why said letters should not
!»*• eranted a* prayetl for.
Witness inv hand and official signature,
this l■ b day of February. IM»i.
lam-.iiu. * A. C. Spkkk. «mllnary.
and YOUR A.GNT8!
Want? all the ladleH to rail and
f*ut* the latest •
Artesian Corner*
Having just finished an outfit to manu
facture the uhovt* nilnit-d article-, vu- arc
prepared to furnish ‘hem on short norlce.
MatistHt-tIon guarantee '. Will deliver at
Parkers station, ten tulles from Americas,
A ppmc ati*»n.
■iEOIUil \-Sir.MTKtl I'OCSTY.
To whom it may concern:
Where 'S, .1. It. Illaek, administrator of
the e-taie Mary I-’, f 'tnrke «bc ased J
Ing riled tus a plieaii oi lor le'ters of
, lilt.
• herelt
»“i| 70 Qp
. I The fl-to of Argo ,
dinattsm and ^ ' dissolved t»v mutual eon
from impure The wealthiest man in Houston conn-j renting, id* win oe sue
Wmv‘L -M i( - , : n , ri ' > w i , t ty anil a prominent citizen of Macon a I the Ic
* .its,ip,ii ilia and health Rave been indicted hy the Houston , of the la»e firm of Argo A Andrew*, und coi-
j s,,vn « l » regaiuetl. Sold by uran( | jury for hunting: on Sunday. ‘” ct Jvbiadue the
h.tniniey. 1-10-Jm h
tide Court (I
sold hefoie
i, tb-or.dt. i
y in May, 1><
• ftdlow i -is
lot of land
enty-one 221
l»i*irlel of Suniii 1
: l»ro|
rln A
• Fl
i*n tin- iawiul iitiur*id sale,
el tv, low it : I he East ban
uher Two Hundred ami
tn flu* Twenty-seventa
Count v, n:i., et ml Hlulng
belonging to tin*
extul-of Neth Rotlg«-r», late ot said
it C’ used. Sold for the benefit of the he
nnd creditor* of *nhl • eceascd. Term* cm
This tit It, day of sprit. '*»l
.1. II. At.t.KN, Administrator
[ If food Hours on the stomach, (litres-j
hunt.ret 1 anti-prohibition- t j on j, defective. I)e Witt’s Little Lilly
I n i
•unfy signed the poll-’ Risers will remedy this. The fatuous f or ,,
lei tinn on tins whisky little pills that m.v_or_«iipe and never
| disappoint are
j maey.
• tor Dyspepsia. !
ol.l by Cook’s Phar-
.1 no. T. A KUO.
It M. An tut kwh. I
fl r %J’r.,Vr.£ r .W^“ D : ADMINISTRATORS SALE
ii' palton-tge besfowt-tl, und iM-sreak *
n*-wflro. »e 'Ulnuane.-• f-lie «ame. ,
T. A Ktto. '
'> l-iil hello wont hunting one 1
• in,."" 1 caught on rabbit anil wh <-n Dabjr >u sick, we gait Bcr Castorlfc
1: ! When dawu a Child, she cried for Cutoria.
' ‘"-‘“'I skill, bright eyes, sweet When .ha became MIm, .he clung to Castorta.
appetite, vigorous body, When she bad Children, sbegara them Outer!*.
J,healtb result from
c, i!, ,!“ * Sarsaparilla. It Is
s Pharmacy.
b us. i n„ April r»th. Ism.
the" best known remedy
Pj events stricture. Con tali
ncrltl or poisonmi* substanecs. and
Is Kuuntnteeil absolutely luirmless.
prescribed by phvs'rf-'n*. Mest Sr-
rlmrxf»-« with C:icl liotttc. Prlcefl
Hold !»y drugglHf*. nr irootaub-
sUtntfs. AftnnCtipw.PaM..K.O.Ii
J Eo KG I A—St: M T K K c;t > I • NT Y.
Agreeable to an • rdcr ol t tie Court of Ordi-
mry of Hoipfei <:»»nnty, will b«i solil at
Sold in Amcrlciu by Conk’s Pharmacy,
' K. J. Khl ridge, Fleet wins! & Hnssell, J.
' K. Hall and Davenport Drug Company.
proi»«-ri> ,»«»** K ; iHuitnumi iiai. im.irc* t»
tbet’apl al .Slock tn the InternHlIonat Medt-
eme t'ompany. Sold a* the orojxTfy t t R. II.
Brumby, late of said counts, tlt-et aTod
Terms cash. This April 6th, 18UI.
.Mini HliXi.A O. P.H. MiiV, Administratrix.
TCXKRGETIC Mlesman to solicit orders Id
JLj South Georgia for Jarge Georgia nursery.
•ital Btpiafe.
Atlanta, Ga.
cite sin! adtnoni*h
hettn-r kindred or
'redi»or*, to show cause on or before the
Mav Term of He- Court of Ordinary of
Sumter County, to be held in tbe tlr-l
Monday la May next, why said peti
tion should not be granted a* prayed for.
Wit nt ** my ham! und oflb-ial signature
this v 1st day of January, 1* I.
A. C. hl’KER, Ordinary.
i GEORGIA—hl’mtkk County.
William Kicks, f Libel for Divorce lu
Caroline Kick*. S Sumter Superior Court.
It appearing to - the C«*urt from the return
Youthful Errors
Lost Manhood, Early Dufay, etc.,
etc., can secure a home tremise free
by addressing- si fellow mlterer, C.
VV. Leek, P. O. Hex 810, Rouuoke,
Sherlfl iu the utiove stated
e defendant. Caroline Hicks, d
said county and It Lrtli-r appear-
rily to the court that said tie
feii<Lint d’H*i* not reside In the Mtate of
Georgia. It 1* therefore order'd and ad
Judged by the court Ihut the defendant to?
served l»y publishing this order twice a
month for two mouths tn Dm AMeKICL's
Rkcokpkk, a newspaper . uhlishcd In s »ld
county in wnlcti the HherlfTs sale* are ad
vert!.sett , before the nex* term of this court
and the said defendant I* hereby nquir* d
to be and > ppear at the next I rm of this
• ourt to show cause, it any she ha*, why a
total divorce should not be granted, said
William Kicks a* prayed for.
Nov. Adjourned term, Feb. Z\ tgUl.
J A. UixoN. Plaint, 's Att'y,
A true extract ‘"e tulnrtcsof Hum-
ter superior C March 7,16UI.
lm J. II. ALLEN, Clark.
Having located n mill at Cobb Station, I
.»m prepared to furnish Lumber of nil
kinds tin short notice. First class Lumber
furnished on short notice.
M'ch Cobb Station, Go.
Knights of honor
The Louge In Amerlcua Is over ten yeara
Insures f<>r $2,000. Assessments light
Safest und cheapest life insurance. For
nformation applv to
t-'ircd at linme witli-
lont i -!n. Book of par*
ticular. sem HUX
r Atlanta, U*. uakelt>B6V hRebUU»