Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, April 24, 1891, Image 6

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6 THE AMERICUS W EEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891. CROWDING IS R) CITIES. THE URBAN POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY INCREASING ! Ten Years Ago It lleiirewiilrd Ti.A* Per Cent.—Now It Has Leaped I p To '-t*.I Per Cent.—lairjje < ilic* Also InrreasiiiK In Number. W AS II IN oftice has issued a populuti m of tin* »*iti containing s ,ooo ini The total mban popn 18.2B5.R70, or 21*. 1.' p< population. In ! ss '> lion was 1 l,:;i\:. 17. " the whole. The pi.q population has in Ruling tin* past ceiitu April 17 NOTHING HI T SENSATIONS. lotte I’|> To Her Neck In Them This Week. ( iiakloitl, N.C., April Hi. — [Special.] A re»gn of terror seems to have been in augurated in this city this week. The excitement of Mona's murder had scarcely quieted down before the disc overy of a dead child in a well in the city: and this morning a shooting scrape took place on Wanikin's daily farm, on the outside of the city. M.irccllus Miller, a clon-d buy \V. the white of the fa the night previous ; Ayer’s Hair Vicor Restores the original color to faded and gray hair, keeps the scalp clean, and imparts that natural gloss and freshness so universally admired. “A little more than two years ago my hair i “Ayer’s Hair Vigor is excellent for the began turning gray and falling out. \fter | hair. It stimulates the growth, cures bald- using one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my ' ness, restores the natural eolor.cleanses the hair was restored to its original color and ' scalp, prevents dandruff, ami is a good dresv ceased f:t}liirj. An occasional application ■ inn. We know it to differ from most h;ur has since kept the hair in good condition.”— I tonics, in being perfectly harmless.” — From Mrs. 11. W. Fenwick, Dighy, N. S. i Economical /fontekeiping, by Eliza It. Parker. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, Prepared by I>r. J. C*. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold l»y Druggists and Perfumers, A TERRIBLE SACRIFICE, $S.i 72.00 worth of J. HENRY FREEMAN, 11!* COTTON A V1ZL, Contractor * and * Builder, Estimates cheerfully furnished. Alio dealer in ding Materials, floors, Sash, Blinds, Brick, Slices, Ms, Wall Papers, etc.; Leads, Oils mid Averill Mixed Paints, (he Lest in t he w «>rbl. (’all and sot when vou need anything in mv lino. dun time ■ fit to neaily •nie-lhiid tlo The ■ has be tbirli. *°tal p ■u quite III up lar from the beginning up from lsso to lsii'i it li from 22.7.7 up t«> 2D.I2 pi illustrating in a forcible it federated tendency of our Ic.ip Mtness a i Miller and a white man n, i\cr a milk pail, is hays that Miller drew a Kndy, and be (Owens) him. 1 he ball cl 'o £?hoos, Hatsc> And Umbrellas UL A McLENDOP pulatio ,’iird i life. News of tne atfai city and a pliysicia P!ie ball was exti will die, but it is a >all entered the ne- quickly reached the went to the scene, icted and the negro real wonder that lie AS!I for the next. lifter room for our DEALERS IN was not killed outright, as Owens was only ten steps from him when he tired. < »wens is under arrest. that i:\gi.isii dim.i:a< i:. Ills Said That -Name Not Known. The number of cith s hnving a poj,ui;i tion of more than s,(HK) inhabitants in creased from six in 1710 to 2wl in lss< whence it lias leaped to 11;» in lStM). li 1880 there was lmt one city, New York which had a population in excess o; 1,000,000. In IV.>0 there were three- New York, Chicago and Philadelphia In 1800 there were hut fourteen cities j each containing more than 100,000 in- j London, April 10.—It has transpired habitants. In 1880 this number had in- j *Lat ( apt. \ erney, Liberal member ol creased to twenty and in 1800 to twenty- P*’ 11 ’! lament, who tied to escajKj prosecu- eiclit. tion for abducting young girls, was be- The north Atlantic division contains j trayed by a French woman recently, ar- nearly one-half of the urban population j rei} ted and convicted in London for pro of the country, while the north Atlantic cu,in g y° un ff women in England for inl and north central divisions together IH <>ral purposes in Paris, contain nearly five-sixths of it. In the j ^ ,c French woman gave the authori- soutli Atlantic and south central divis- j ^ es valuable information, implicating ions the proportion of urban population Prominent men both in England and 'Spring Stock. P'l pairs men .0(1. is Implicated tol liicr pi’ICt French Calf I laiulsi G 1 Men’s (’all". I la 7d Men’s ( all*. !lai I. pair Ladies’ 1 to *:>.!(). 41 Radio: wed I.aee and Congress *’>.15; for- idsewed i.aee and Congress, *d.Sf,; ilsewod, Lace and Congress, £2.9o ; fine ILandsowed Dongola Hutton, | ’ fine Dongola Button shoos, worth dneed from redueod from $4.5n now going at S*j (;r». (>5 pair Ladies’ fine Dongola Button at 81.90, cheap at **2.5o. All other goods reduced in same proportion. Best Bro gan Shoe in the world for 81.00. I{einetnher these goods are all new and good styles, and products of the best factories in the I’nited States. These bargains will not last long, so come early and save your money. WILLIFORD, MATTHEWS, A CO. janimtf 415 Cotton Avc.. next to Bank of Americus. STOVES AND Best Qualities of Paints, Oils and Builders’ Material Agents for the Celebrated HAItYFVT STOVES and GRATES. Agents for the Celebiated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS* SACDLERY AND HARNESS. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE AND A SPECIAL LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, ETC We specially invite the trading public to call and examine our goods and prices. We keep the best, as well as the cheapest goods* in thfe market, and will give our customers the value of their mptley. „ *-£. novUsA’Wl v •' •* . is comparatively small, being in the first named but 10.01 per cent of the entire . population, or less than one sixth, ur.'i the second but 10.45 per cent., the pro portion of the urban to the total- popula tion in all of the Southern states being less than 14 per cent. The industries of these states arc mainly agricultural, and while manu factures and mining are making some progress they are still in their infancy. In 1880 the urban clement numbered 1,010,005, and constituted less than 10 percent, of the'population. In 1800 it numbered 2,507,002, having increased 58.88 per cent, while the population lias increased hut 20.07 per cent. THE HIKES HE LEASED. America as patrons of her traffic. An American in Paris, whoso name has not been given, is said to have been the worst of the abductors. Capt. Verney was a popular member and a favorite in the clubs, and the wel come associate of Mr. Gladstone. THE MOST RELIABLE! A. J. BUCHANAN. ESTABLISHED 1867, INCORPORATED 1890. j hkxi.kk in IAMF^ FRIPKFR & RRO staple and fancy groceries *“* ** * I U VIVL^l 1 VAO i-J 1 1 . CORNER COTTON AVENUE AND LAMAR STREET, AMERIGU3. G A. TELEPHONE No. 40. FREE DELIVERY. The Governor Lets Off the Two Goff Girls With a Fine. Atlanta, April 17.—[Special. J—A white woman, Mrs. (»olT and her two daughters, from Union county, were brought, here a few days ago on their way to the penitentiary to serve sen tences for keeping a disorderly house. The governor’s attention having been called to the youth of the girls, lie to-day commuted their sentences to light fines. The mother goes to the chain gang. lilltCN to ltll|>tifttft. Atlanta, April 10.—The Baptist** of Atlanta are raising a disturbance in com mon with their brethren over the rest of the South, at the action of the railroads refusing to give them a round trip tick et for one fare to the convention which, meets in Birmingham May 8th. This rate was given them last year, but the different railroad men say it was fixed by the roads out side the southern association, as it was held in Fort Worth. The rate this year is one fare and one-third of a fare. The railroad men claim that out of the thou sand delegates there are not more than a few hundred tickets paid for, on ac count of so many passes being issued The Baptists are making a vigorous ef fort to secure the one fair rate, as they say they arc entitled to it as well as mil itary companies, expositions and polit ical gatherings. I have just returned from New York, i where I purchased a very large stock of DIAMONDS WATCHES at prices that will enable us to sell lower than ever before. Our stock is immense, assortment complete, prices lower than any one. Call and see for yourselves before buying. C. A. FLICKER, President.- 4O9 JACKSON ST., AMERfCTS, f,.\. (Barlow Block.) I am the Housekeepers Friend. I ook over the following list and select what you want, and telej ’ one or send me your order: The largest amt finest assortment ol Fine Groceries and Canned Goods, consisting in part of. Arm air’s Coreed Ileel, Lum-h Tongue Konst Beef, Trip**, I’ll taped Beef, I jgs Feet, Deviled Ham, Salmon, White Fish Mackerel, Eohsiers, Ham Sausage, Chicken Soup, Tomatoes, Green Corn, Harlet Fears, a prleots. Fresh I’enche-, Pineapples, I'iek- els, both keg and Jar, and in endless variety, Preserves of all kinds, Sauces, Catsups and Chow Chow. A Select Stock of the Finest Fancy Candy. peeialty of AMBROSIA FLOUR, the finest in America. My store >r everything in the Fruit and Grocery* line. dT. BUCHANAN. Feb. 25.8m. Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. A Disastrous Wreck. Charleston, S. C. t April 1*5 — [Spe nd.]—A wreck occurred on the Ashe- : What's Your Ticket’s Number. j ville and Spartanburg railroad last night 1 Xkw Orleans, April 17. —It is be- by the collision of a freight train from lieved here that the supreme court will Asheville and a material train near Lan ded do the lottery case against the lot- drum tery company. The fireman and a negro on the luate- it has been one of the current rumors 1 rial train were killed, that ex-(»ovcruor McF.nry has thrown. Both engineers and eighteen hands his vote against the lottery, thus \vin- 1 were injured, many of them fatally, ning the ease for the “anti’s." The collision was the result of the The effect of such a decision would ! freight conductor's disobedience of «»r- be to force the lottery to the field to ; ders. write us your wants, . Our special busi- I tun pleased to announce that I have a full line of IP J~L 2ED S3 3E3C BR.UGrS. GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY- Prescriptions Allied, at all Hours, Day or Night. W. A. COOK. Proprietor. J, R. HUDSON & CO. PROPRIETORS elect tlie m about anotlie legislature ami bring j institutional convention. ; A \\ oinitii'M l.i II. B. SMITH M count factory pi mill; it is the be Write fur prices WOOD-WORIINY. MACHINERY, competition. We are general agents for clelu.ifcd Wood-working machines, and can dis- write for circular of ‘’Farmers’ Favorite” saw . Second-hand machinery constantly on hand, unit save you money. Biid The ea oiia A Gann* Two Can Play At. Rome, April 17.—Advices say that the Italian government is deeply taken aback by the report that Minister Porter is going on a leave of absence in order to give the Italian cabinet time to come to its senses and as a diplomatic retalia- ? rv tion for the recall of Fava. j (l The Italians are beginning to get ovci the impression that the Americans have been frightened by Italy's grievances and that last move, if true, is i as the crowning failure of Hudini's bluti’ of *Mi ! w itli the murde brother-in-law, la for the third time April Julia of I’d. 1st <)Ct , the Id*—[Special.]— Martin, charged T. Martin, her Vrkins Machinery Company, Soda BOTTLERS UK Al.I, KlNJ>K : llK— Mineral Waters. Cider and Cinger Ale q onnp.KS BY M AM, PROMPTLY A ITI’XDKH TO. 824 LEE STREET AMERICUS. GEORGIA- (i7 S.iiJTIi ATLANTA, GA. junck‘4-(LV wlycar ; A number of attachments were issued for ab.M*nl witnesses, meanwhile the ju- g empaneled, and the trial will begin this to-tn mow. R. L. Mi M.VT'H. lb J. Mi MATH. B. it. Mc.MATH Nil A Macon .Man Intiled. ouiv, April 17.—Major , ha bet* at the Tariff Hanson, of Macon, (I; to be one of the speak of the American l'roc to be hold in Madison Squar April 29tli. Among the other speakers b ent are Mr. McKinley. Seimtoi of Rhode Island; Delpli, of Ore .1 ones, of Nevada: and Kept* Dolliver, of Iowa, The Official Count. Chicago, Api i invited banquet Tin* Petition in nietl. A I L \ N i a. A pi il Id. : >pcci petition «.f lb F. Maddox and < become detend.mts ir. ihe cast (‘ontial Trust Company \s. the ami North (icorgia Kailroad ( was dcuietl as appears bv the > the court, but without prejndic stitutc other proceedings in the pending ill the court. A bill filed at once. In Adolph Ki'aiidt’n .Mono Art t >1 A, (ia , April Id Sp Americus Iron Works, BUI Id)KBS OF Mai it tta ontpany. Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Shh lors and Conclcnserx, Saw and Grist Mills, Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Pile. W.lllR-S.1,1 :Ui tnoinnnvht erected Brandt will he tin lows, the uniform Pythias and the K this city. The monument flu April 20th, tin* late Adolph >eiled by the Odd Fel- rauk o*‘ the Knights of ligiit : of INthie.s of lbc£r-Special attention given Machinery, ielephone 79. repa all kinds of -Mt-tUl count of the city would s doubt as to the election Washburn, the Republic; mayor, 20 out of :>1 war give him a plurality of m not tlm rght that the rein be counted can in any ' final result. n to leave no Hempstead andidate for in the city l,-|i«». It i> V ib id is being put up to-day. chat ds to .* the * llM» Snu.kcil Ciuioi it*-H anil Turned Green. Andkksox, Ind., April is.—George Stark, a ihemau cm the U. W. A M. lb ib. died last night. lie was an inveterate A Noted Criminal. Monilzi ma, April Id.- [Sp* Mr. Will Waiters, our chief . f has just returned from New York he went Io escort a prisoner a fe ago. The prisoner was a disiingubhct man in his line, having stolen worth of horses out west. Mr. Walter? received a nice reward for the capture ROT’T MERCHANT & co„ * TAILORS. Me MATH BROTHERS. BKAI.KR8 IN [Iroceries, Provisions, Country Produce BOOTS. SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEYS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. v/.- w>ii,.R « stmre <n'the fmfrorntge oft he tneTing pabUc, gu:«rhn(.*i*lmr su li-fac f U>n prices, and uood koo*Is, Wi* deliver yoods anywhere in Hit- city. Cull anti si*«* u«. (VI MATH ESTHERS. Jk. JSJkJEt&AJJSr. NOTICE TO MILL MEN. 1 li»v>* lor »rI<* Two Mill |; 0 . ks and ffxtures t«*, r)n«» Rice Mill. Due !'*»!■ f . • >m- Fun, >>ni‘ Hnltliii: (loth eohitilrte, Three I’nir Si tiles, uiii* rllii ' er Knirine and Koiici, <»!««• Piui.t Une Gnne Huger, i iv,* Gins, <gi«‘ »'lark C. !l«m will !>«• sold .lavs Mi Third Party Idea*. sti/.ima, April 14.—[Special. (Successors to Mi-. liKHM.8 TKI.BKIt) 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, Americus, Oeoi*u*i;i. are now* opening a FIRST-CLASS TAILORING I’.STABLISIIMKXT and will have a line of k.mkU of LA i LSI Si'Yi.KS AND FA.dICJNS in rtock, and will GUAHANTKE i *KIi r-*I^<J r Jr FITS. Cheap For ash or Bankable Papers. u <’. A. BELL cigarette smoker, and an excessive use The Alliance of this county held an im- of them is said to have caused his death, purtant meeting at Oglethorpe day be- A short time after death his body turn- fore yesterday. Third party ideas are ; ed a livid greeD. * agitating tiie order. j Brices satisfactory. Come and see us before placing your orders and you will be more than satisfied with our styles and prices. Mr. Kott lived here four years ago, and was with Mr. Brernstellcr, and is no stranger to the people of Americus who wear good clothes. :j-:> lm. ]W. U. irlttynes & feon. REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BOND BROK.BR0, 3101-2 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga.