Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, April 24, 1891, Image 7
THE AMERICUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891. fRSSP * CUBES IrlRPK cus£$ ! ■ j ! s i' hi a 5 R Rf « A It. p'I AH BKuS., Proprietors, v... _* :t ! i .•.i.iin's Block, SAVAHKAH, GA, .!■• Itytlio DAVENPORT DRUG . i \! I * W V. \ uiciicus, (»;i. Hsallii is Wealth! <», Wakcfulne?*, Mental t iling «»f the llrain, resulting In '• i<iin” t<* tnixery, decay and death, I \ite, Itarrennesn, I.o**s of I’owcr Imoiuntary and Spertna- • l l>\ over-exertion of the brain, »*vi*r-indtdRence. Each box con- th's treatment. Sl.oOper box,or ' • sent by mail, prepaid, on re- Wi: Gl\\ KANTKE SIX llOXES :rv .inv ease. Wit h each order re*u*ived by r-i\ ! ..>x. s. aeeonipatlied with we ' tttie i<iireU.iM*r»mrwritten piarauteeto f.» :C (r ■ i ? Cur- for Pitcs of whatever „*reo—J. ernnl, Intornnl, Blind ■ Itci.i. Chronic, Recent or . ,Ot i box; C boveM, $5.00. .1!. in on rueeipt, of price. • o to * tro nny caSo of I’iltu. -tna no’.. -mly by hi: hwkm.’out nitre* co.. \»aU.* Retail hniggi-us. "•••. feli2l*«kVwlvr r photo., with descrip- G.A.SfiiOVV&CO. #9> * • Hs,ci 't 0!.ic«. Washington. D. C. A Certain Cure tor Dyspepsia. M ' no dlneaHe ho prevalent as "■liu'estion. and one too, that up ■ me lias battled the skill of the yhywieiann. Two-thirdh of the * have their origin in l>y*|»eimla. ire loss of appetite, loan of ilesli, u**.s «r weight in the fttnnvach, * ‘uniting,acidity, ftatu- idini Or. Ho the head, with ness, irreirularity of bowels, Hallow hkln, derange- '• l "’ 1 not unf ••'ipiently palplta- ,r - ll >on are Hiitrerin^ with any Hit. lloi.T’H DVHPKITIO IlLIXIK 1‘n pared only by Dyspeptic Elixir Company, r b.»ttlrt MONTK7.tTMA.GA /lto/v RQU° R Habit. , dn \ wo *u> mMe/sBvro/YccuRS ^HMKES golden specific. ’ V " In entree, tea, or In article* ol fond, i< Iv' h''-’'. 1 *'* " f patient If necessary *» and will eUer. .. Whet tier the pul lent Is * Icoliolle wreck. IT NKV 4,. ,. ymniiM'ip remriuni l*Kt' Ijtxiii Irn*. Tobeitauot ■* Ur. K. J. bldrldne DH F. A. TIIOMAS, hysieian t-nd Surgeon. j ‘ ’ a practice in the city He will be found at ’" u w * u ' n not professionally en- " * keep slate on olUce door. Sc ’ c ' JI1, l door, Aitcsian Block. * u “-4w I v 4*11.*>| training schools for nurses. The flospitaIs ill Sew York (Vhich l it Men and v, „ mell fur The Bellevue 'iriilnir-, ,-choo! for r< um*s wes stariett on Mstv 1. 1S7H, with ! a superintendent »t: d rurses. i-aving five wards under their care. In 1890 tht* school had 00 pupils and ! had graduated while as a direct out-' growth of that modest beginning there { are three other great schools in New York alone. These arc the New York! City, which has (! I pupils arid has gradu ated 2GJJ; the New York hospital, with 48 pupils nnd 192 graduates, ami Mount I Sinai, with f»0 pupils and 111 graduates. I There are alio smaller schools in the city. but. great or small, Bellevue must always be honored as tin* pioneer. Her 1 graduates are at the head of most of the important schools and hospitals in the , country, and have even gone so far! afield as England. Italy and China. The next school to bo established was the New York city, which was started j by the commissioners of charities and correction in 1ST, and is entirely sup-! ported by the city. Until 1889 it was’ known as the Charity Hospital ‘-chool, i because it be-ran t le-re, but as it grew i its work spo-ad until the old name was .misleading and had to be changed. It is now the largest and in somo re-, specta the mo-4 important of all the schools, as it nur.-es five different hos pital*—('inrity and Maternitv on Black-! wells Island, the Infants* hospital on; Iiandull’s 1-i.unl, (-iouvenieur, at Gou-j verneur Elio, and Harlem, at the foot of East < );n* iinmlivd and Twentieth stre«*t, • tli • two la r being accident or emergency hospitals, wlulo ::t Charily the ca^es art • largely chronic. B -sides‘the pupils of j tin-school there are thirty- 4 .wo perma nent trained nnr--s at Charity and Kan-! dall’s Island, making nearly a hundred | in all, for whom the su;K-i intendent ie directly resjionsihle, and over whom she! has full authority. The other schools in! the city are supported from the lands ol! the hospitals which they nurse.—Mr Frederick Rhinelander Jones in Seri ner*H. rihl* XV it ll ItruhH I.uImIh. If any cm-engaged in sea fishing should | capture fish with brass labels tied to their j tails with aluminum wire or a black silk' cord an explanation will no doubt bt | somewhat eagerly desired. There arc hundreds of fi.-h so treated in the sea, and it need not be concluded that prac tical jokers have been at work. The brass label is an indication that the fish wearing it has been in the hands of the grave men of science who are investigat ing the habits, the food and the growth conditionsof fish in Scottish waters. Twc objects an- served by the label attach ment. In the < vent <4 the fish being recap tureil by any one who will give inform; tion to the scientific cruisers of the S.*o r ; tish fishery board on the Garland there will be something known about its mi-j gratory habits. Its rate of growth in a state of freedom may also be investigat ed. It might he thought that the chance j of meeting with these labeled ti»li again ; would be very small, but it appears that the Garland cruisers themselves have re captured 2k per cent, of the plaice and 18 per cent, of the cod wearing theii medals. But only plaice, cod and skate wero rccapttued. The experiments art to be continued on a large scale. They do not interfere with the health of the fish, which when recaught are plump and in good condition.—London Illustrated News. ,)oilii Is the Ohler." Among a certain coterie in this city more or less speculation was a short time since going on concerning the rela tive ages of Senator Charles 13. Farwel) and his brother John V., the merchant prince. It was of no use t-» c m ult the public records, for they differed and were not reliable. And as John V. simply shook his head and smiled ir answer to inquiries on the subject, and as the senator when in Washington de dined to express himself in wiiting, th individuals interested were compelled tc let their thirst for knowledge continue unslak l ed until the latter should re turn. When he did return he was ill but that was no obstacle, and upon gain ing his presence the committee put tin question to him. The senator looked at them for a moment, raised himself oi. his elbow and replied in feeble tones: “I was born first, but John is the older." Then Iut lay down on his pillow, turned over. aii*l the committee, bursting with a plethora of information, withdrew.— Chicago Herald. wfCOXC{jlo>x for Infants and Children. “Castorlal' .-rfv well adapted to children that I recommend it oa superior to any prescription known to me.” II. A. Arciikr, 31. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The of ‘Castoria* is so universal nnd its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few an-ttio intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." _ .. Carlo* Marttw. D. IV, New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. CaAtnria cures Colic, CourtIpatton. Four Stomach, Dinrrhrva. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. ** For several years I have recommended your * Castoria, ’ a«ul shall always continue to do so as it htiS invariably produced beneficial results.'’ Kowin F. Pardeb, M. **Tho Winthrop." l JSth Street and Tth Ave^ New York City. \v o can now nav WHOLESALE DUUOS, aiul as an evidence, '.ill aad examine our Stock and I‘rices. As to HKTAILING DRUGS, we will give this department MORE and CLOSER attention than ever before, assuring everyone of prompt and competent attention. Goods from us will he delivered to any part of the city, and free on hoard the cars. We an* olierinj- a very lari;c stock, for Americas, of the following articles: ■ In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. Thk Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York. if it’s Shoes You want ■GO TO- S>. S. S-4. J». I». 1». It. It. It. o. c. c. at. le. it. w. w. c. i>. J). <A. Si-oftV Emulsion, Rrown’s Iron I lit u*rs, liearsfoot and .sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, -J sizes, I’crrv Davis’ Pain Killer, 8 sizes, Kino’s Discovery, ‘2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cutienra Remedies, Tntt's Rills, Carter's Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, ’J sizes. Stone's Cod Liver Oil, llosford’s Acid Phosphate, Marker's Horse and Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure, King’s Koval Germatucr. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes holding from pint to] Water Bottles holding pint to half gal. one-half gallon, ■ Nipples. A Good Family Syringe, from 75c. to j Nursing Bottle Fittings. *-2.50. I In Perfumery. j LazzelFs Odors, | Persian Bouquet Special, j Crab Apple Blossom. La Bel It- Cologne. Lunhorg’s Perfumes. Kdeina. Swiss Lilac. Goya Lily. Soaps. A very Large Assortment of Pears’ and Pel’s Toilet Soaps. Eagle Shoe Store 119 FOESYTH ST., AMERICUS, GA.. Where you w ill find THE LARGEST STOCK, THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LINE of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s FINE Thermometers. Fever Thermometers, Urinomotors, Lactometers, “Old Probabilities. 1 Garden Seed. Field and Flower Seed. Mixed Paints. White Lead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. SHOES: Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. F.v< r h*ought to ibis part ol the state. We liav«« fill the LATE STYLES Aim! for Beauty and Durabi ity they o * n not be t*ur;a**bud. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Eye-Glasses. OUR IMMENSE LINE FOR M *s, Youths’ and Boys’ Weari-f ! Wo bottle largely Cologne, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Bateman’s Drops, Paregorlc t Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, Extract Lemon, Extract Vanilla (from best Beans) and many other preparations. We solicit patronage. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Respectfully, DAVENPORT DRUG CO., JW2 Lamar St., 318 Jackson St. Wealthy. A prominent citizen of St. Paul was in Minneapolis and met a former acquaint ance whose ordinary condition was what is known as impecunious. This time, however, his face was fairly beaming. “How are you/’ he asked in a cheerful bass voice as ho extended his hand to tht man from St. Paul. “First rate. IIow are you.' 1 “Splendid! Do yop know”-here he dropped his voice to a confidential key —“I’ve been given the use for life of .*» half million dollar estate over on Nicol let avenue?" “You have?” asked the other man in Astonishment. “Yes; the public library."—St. Paul Pioneer-Press. Walt Wliitiiiaii'it Humor. Walt Whitman is popularly thought to have no sense of humor, but one day a young man dropped in upon him at his hn in hie home in Camden, N. J., intro duced himself as a |>oet, and begged tc la; allowed jK-riiiission to read selections from a bundle of manuscripts which he carried. “No, thank you,” said Whit man, courteously but firmly, “I have been paralyzed twice.”—San Francisco Argonaut. To LiibricAta HU Word*. Him D*? liimii (looking through the families of a ilruimoer for a material house)—What «I.» you carry this little oil can for? Drummer —I wear tuav ..u.ler my tongue when I tackle a rough cu»t*»ner. —Jewelers’ Weekly. From ' tie ('hesfiest i« the Riues ) Was nevsr so complete and never so cheap as now . M. WIIKATI.KY, 1’res't. II. II. .10SSKY. Sec’y & Treas. It.VWKOKD WHKATI.KV, Vico lYes’t. C. C. STONE, Supt. 'Tlie Americus Construction Company, \Vilh years uf experience, wc have the best of advantrigi^, and are able t«» idiV-r v<»u iiuliieemeiits not t<» Ik* found elsewhere. SircCKSHOItH to C. M. A Co. Have the largest stock of JOHN R. SHAW. iDSX Lninu: Roth Roiigliaml Dressed, ever held in the city, with unequalled capacity | for the execution of fine work. They >vi 11 furnish the trade with Prop’r Eagle Shoe and Hat Store, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairwork, Pulpits, Pews, 119 FORSYTE ST.. AMERICUS, GA. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, COUNTERS, SUEGVINO, MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Prompt attention given all orders. Write for Catalogue and prices Ofiico and Factory, COR. BAY A JACKSON STS. Telephone No. 78. Uptown Oflice, No. JACKSON ST. Telephone 110. FOl’MIUV AM) MACIIIM-: N||Ol CRAWFORD WHEATLEl, Pres. ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Gen’l Mang> ---YV..,.-. .1 ■. § '.fl'ffiSi! sfei«l?U-:rT f .1. S. SCUOKIKI.D’S SUN’S .V < (>., I'ruii’i*. Manufacturers of Steam Ku^incs, 1 toilers, Cotton l’resses anil (tenoral Maehinerv, Cotton (tins, Cane Mills ami Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill ami .Machinists’ Supplies. Special Adention to Repair Work. tUVw 4-7 sillies MACON, GEORGIA. The Americus Refrigerating Go. Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory will start the manufacture of lee in a short time and will be prepared to furnish Pure Crystal lee in any quantityfrom a pound to a car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO. Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central R. R. DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co. MA.NUFACTUHKI18 OF THE DeLOAGH SAW MILLS, GRITS MILLS, AND— WATER WHEELS. ATLANTA, : r : GEORGIA ' JnntZ-wlyear - j -/v^y* ***a * *»>«** ^ ^ •f. P. JIoVEY,» proprotort AUtmiacturer of Every Variety of Baw* and dealer hAM MILL SUPPLIES, special attention fives to Rcipairing. Agent for W. L. Power A Co.’* Celebrated. Wood Working Machinery. Large and Well Selected Stock reedy for shipment Prices low. Liberal tense. Write for catalogue. ATLANTA, -GEORGIA iff