Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, April 24, 1891, Image 8
8 THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1891 WHEATLEY &ANSLE1 WHEATLEYS ANSLEY [irenad niw ■ Sifl,iiffhl,Brfi(l 1 WHEATLEYS ANSLEY WHEATLEY & ANSLEY 111 viinUiiiGm r MtwUMUuGlGU■ 1 One lot beautiful quality plain silk Grenadines worth 75c to 51. at 59c. per yard, for this special sale. One lot Magnificent Satin Stripe Grenadines, five dif ferent size stripes and worth $i.5o per yard. Special price for this sale 99c. yd. SPECIAL SALE, COMMENCING, One lot Black Taffetas, very light and specially adapted for linings and Summer dresses, 69c yd. SPECIAL. One lot of Black Silk Sublimes and Glorias, for this sale, 98c. per yd. ] MONDAY MORNING. One lot Choice Brocaded Grenadines, good width and Would-be competition will howl, but they Know they are just simply not “in it” when it comes to Styles, J! Stock and Prices. ^ Having secured special One lot extra wide Black Chinas and Indias, beauti ful quality, 69c yd. SPECIAL. One lot Black Silk Lans- downes, yard and a quarter wide, worth $2.00, for this sale, $1.50 per yd. very desirable, for this spe cial sale, 50c. per yd. jrices on an enormous line )f Black Silk Grenadines, \ + vewill on tomorrow throw hem on the counter at >rices that will simply >aralyze all competition. Though a large quan- One lot extra quality plain silk Grenadines, such as other houses will ask you $1.00 to $1.25; for this spec ial sale 75c. per yard. One lot Black Surah Silk F at 35c per ycl. £ One lot Extra Fine Black Rhadames worth $1.00, at 75c per yd. SPECIAL. One lot beautiful wool Challies, worth 25c. yard; for this speaial sale 17^c per yard. t ity, they cannot last but a 'ery short time at the >rices quoted. Silk Linings o match to go with them. One lot Lace Striped Silk Grenadines, worth all over Americus $1.25. Our spec ial price for this sale 89c. per yard. One lot Black Serge r Silks, extra wide and extra ~ heavy, 50c per yd. "t One lot Very Choice Black Japs and Pongees, ex tra width, $1.00 per yd. 50 doz. Fast Black Derby- Ribbed Ladies’ Hose, worth 40c.; special price this sale 25c. \] nriieatley & Ansley. Wheatley & Ansley. Wheatley & Ansley. | Wheatley & Ansley. Wheatley & Ansley. THE SUMMED EXCURSION Seaton Ha* Begun In Enrneat on the Cen tral Railroad. The summer excursion season has be gun. The following list of excursions already arranged for by the Central rail road will give some idea of the magni tude of this “side line/' as it were, of the business: The first excursions are during Merchants week, when the Cen tral railroad is prepared to land people from all over the state in Savannah at the rates advertised. The transporta tion of the cavalry regiment to Savannah Monday; an excursion by the public library of Macon from Atlanta and all intermediate points to Tybee May 27. The grand anuual excursion of the colored people to Andersonville on the union memorial day, May 30. The an nual encampment of the Indepen dent Order of Red Men in Savannah May 1*2 to 14. A one and one-third rate on the certilicate plan has been given for this excursion. The annual meeting of the Independent Or der B’Nal Britli in Atlanta May 10 and 11. The same rate is given as to the Red Men’s convention. The Oeorgia Fun eral Directors' Association to be held iu Brunswick May 20 to *28. The general assembly of the Presbyterian church south, at Birmingham May *21 to .lune 1. The annual convention of the Georgia Teachers* Association at Brunswick April 28 to May 1. The railroads have given one faro for the round trip for this excursion. These are ouly a few of the most important excursions. In addition to these there are Sunday School picnics and excursions of all kinds, almost with out number. Col. C. M. Wiley, of the Second Geor gia Regiment, has made the following staff appointments: John P. Ross, adju tant; Rev* J. 8. Hyman, chaplain; Dr. N. G. Gewinner, surgeon; George W. Dun can, quartermaster; W. W. Wriglcy, pay master. i'ho positions of commissary and sergeant major have not yet been filled. The LaGrange Reporter notes that the wife of Goy. Hogg, of Texas, is the daughter of Mr. James Stinson, who moved from Troup county in tiie lifties. She has many relatives now living in Troup aad Meriwether counties. The Richmond, Va., grand jury has brought 8 indictments against E. Buford Grymes, late chief clerk in the treas urer’s office, for altering records in the auditor’s office. Augusta has 28,000 bales of cotton in stock In excess of last year this time, and her receipts to date are 58,458 ahead Qt the previous year’s receipts. Letter List. The following unclaimed letters will bo sent to the dead letter office if not called for in ten days. Say “advertised letters” when calling for them at office : A—Chas. Andrews. B—Mrs. Eliza Brooks,Mrs. Ledie Brooks, Miss MarthaBonall, Mrs HA Beach- am, John Bamuse, Cooper Bullock, A W Burton, Hench Burkes, S G Brown, S G Brown, Miss Annie Beumran. O—Edgar Cable, Elijah Cutts, O II Cook, Clark & Hoyall, D—Miss Lola Dukes, Miss Jenie Daniel, Miss Mary Drew, Mrs Mary Davis E—Mrs Emma Edwards. F—Alfred Forrest, Berry Forston. G—J G Grenan, George Gray, Miss Ma- leny Green, Wash Golus. II—John Hall, Hardy Ileardcal. J—Andrew Jackson. K—James Kemp. L—Mrs Corra Lilt. M—Frank Mathews, Julius Moore. P— Chas Perkins, Mrs A V Potter, J A S Perry, Mrs Lizzie Postell, John Parker. R—Wm I! Ross, Rev II K Rees. S—Frank S Stubbs, R T Spencer. T—Sam Turner, Freeman Thomas. W—Mrs Ilenreitta Womack, Mrs Alice Wilson, Miss Minnie Williams, A I. Wakefield, Thomas Wiley, Ellen Willis. J. C. Roxky, Postmaster. Tu 1’rlnter* and INilUUlior*. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perfointor, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only a year. A great bargain in prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Pnti.iHiiNo | Company, Americas, Ga. Envelope*! Envelope*!! We have just received a big job lot of tnanilla envelopes of line quality, that | were bought at a bargain, and we can print them foryou with card, etc., cheap er than you can buy them plain by retail anywhere. They are more durable than white, and are good enough for all busi ness purposes, and are much cheaper. Times Puiimsiiino Co. Bur k is at soup and leather broth is delicate, digestible and delectable com pared to some of the jokes about the Mafia and the grippe. The (ieorffla Her AMjux'latlon. The Georgia liar Association will hold its next meeting at Columbus, Ga., May 20th, 1801. The president, Hon. Frank II. Miller, of Augusta, will deliver the opening ad dress. Col. Chas. C. Jones, jr., of Au gusta, will present a sketch of John Mc Pherson Berrien, and Hon. Walter B. Itill and others will presont Interesting committee reports. Soveral distinguish ed lawyors will read papers. Tho meeting promises to be of unusual interest, both from intellectual and so cial standpoints. Kxceptionally favora ble railroad rates aro promised. For further information address, John W Aikin, .Secretary Georgia Bar Association, Car- tersville, Ga. apr22-:it wfs. Sumter Item* Si'.mtkh, April *21.—Our farmers are very busy planting cotton, as but very L—consumption few have finished. We are needing rain i verdict, and died. * i.w. „ ... ,..i.,» i . „ then, I have beard of at least a dozen to bring up what has been planted a , ^ lt0 as far a(Ivance d as hers, that week or more, but it -* - • • coining up. Dyspepsia and Indigestion In their worst forms aro cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. For shattered con stitutions and lost manhood I*. I*. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggist. apr*21-dl2t-w*2t The United States supreme court lias postponed, for one week, argument in the case of the schooner Say ward, in volving the question of the jurisdiction of the the United States over the Behr ing sea seal fisheries. Prominent Doctor Accurted of Murder! A gentleman recently made a startling accusation in the hearing of the writer. Said he: “I fimly believe that Dr. , intentionally or unintentionally killed my wife. Ho pronouned her complaint incurable. She accept- Yet, since Miss Anna MeGehee, of (’uthbert, lias a nourishing school at this place. Miss MeGehee is as cultured and scientific as a Boston school-girl, and is much liked as a school inarm. Mr. D. L. Rodgers, successor to J. M. Rodgers A Son, has opened up a dry goods and grocery store at this place. The Merriest Girl That's Out. “Bonnie, Sweet Bessie, the Maid of Dundee,” was, no doubt, the kiud of a girl to ask, “What are the wild waves saying?” or to put “a little faded llower” in your button hole, she was so full of vivacity and beaming with robust health. Every girl in the land can be just as full of life, just as well, and just as merry as she, since Dr. Pierce has placed his Favorite Prescription within reach of all. Young girls in their teens passing the age of puberty find it a great aid. Delicate, pale and sickly girls will find this a wonderful invigorator, and a sure corrective for all derangements and weakness incident to females. Ills slow about I i, avo i, 0 ,. n cured by I)r. l’ierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Her life might have been saved, for consumption is not incurable.” Of course it is not. Tho “Discovery” will remove every trace of it, if taken in time ami used faithfully. Consumption is a disease of the blood— a scrofulous affection—and the ‘‘Discov ery” strikes at tho root of the evil. For all cases of weak lungs, spitting of blood, severe lingering coughs and kin died ailments, it is a sovereign remedy. Oglethorpe Echo: A cat fish weigh ing about twenty pounds was, we learn, found dead on a trot line in the shoals at Watson's mill the other day. It had choked to death on a three-pound trout that got hooked first. A Common Disease. Dyspepsia has become the most com mon disease of tho country; all classes are not exempt, attacking the young as well as tho old, caused no doubt from our mode of living and the too free uso of tobacco, etc., and yet it is one of the most difficult diseases we have to en counter. In the last five years Dr. Holt discovered a remedy, (Dr. Holt’s Dys peptic Elixir), up to this time has not failed to cure in a single instance. We can refer you to W. A. Wright, Comp. Gen. of the State, Judge R. F. Lyon, Mr. George Dasher, Macon, Ga., Dr. L. P. Dozier, Georgetown, Ga., Mr. Jos. Har rison, Columbus, Ga., and hundreds of others if desired. Manufactured by I)r.. Holt’s Dyspepsia Elixir Co., Monte zuma, Ga. Bottles double former size. Price $1. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup prevents and cures croup. No cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dys peptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. ap21-lm First Widow.—IIow is it you draw a pension from the government? Your husband wasn’t in the war, was lie? Second Widow.—No, but my father’s substitute contracted nostalgia at Bull Hun.—Life. WE CAN AND DO She Wii* Completely Cured. A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she used one bottle of Brad- field’s Female Regulator, which cured her. J. W. Heliums, Water Valley, Miss. Write the Brad field Keg. Co., At lanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by all druggist. It is reported that two wild animals, one resembliug a bear and the other The grand jury at Chicago has return ed a true bill against Geo. T. Gibson, on the charge of attempting to bribe a gov- j striped like a leopard, have been seen ernment officer to blow up Scliufeldt’s • near Empire distillery. CAN’T SLEEP Mfill IN Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, I)i<l you ever try Dr Acker's Eng lish Remedy? It is tiie best preparation known for all Lung troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25c and 50c. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. 8 The supreme court of the United States will call no cases for argumont after May 1st. The court will, In a few days thereafter, take a recess and then adjourn for the term. _ > Constipation, blood-poison, fever, Doc tors’ bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; De Witt’s Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take your choice. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. Just 329,030 children are represented in Columbus this week by the 300 dele gates to the state Sunday school conven tion. Purifies the blood, increases the circu lation, expels poisonous humor? and builds up the system. What more do you want a medicine to perform ? De Witt’s Sarsaparilla is reliable. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior tu all other preparations for blood dis- s. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions, and Pim ples. It purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Amer icus, Ga. 7 John Lamb, aged 00 years, the oldest citizen of Emanuel couuty, died a day or two ago. His son, J. II. T. Lamb, who lived near his father, died the same night. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. President I). B. Dyer of the electric road at Augusta offers free rides for two years to people buying lots from the company and building homes on them. It is quite the fashion now to tako De Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, hut mighty good ones Cook’s Pharmacy sells them. The memorial meeting by the Macon bar in honor of the late John C. Ruther ford was held in the superior courtroom at Macon Monday. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. Sold by Cooks Pharmacy. Mr. C. A. Thomas, Henry county, Aia., says: 1 suffered with Dyspepsia for two or three years, after despairing of getting well. A few bottles of Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured me perfectly. For sale by all druggists. Criticising a Young Lady. “She would be a pretty girl but for one thing.” “What’s that?” asked Charley. George—“Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches.” Charley—“Oh, that’s easily enough disposed of. Used to bo the samo way myself, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time.” George—“What was it?” Charley—“Simply blood eruption. Took a short couse of P. P. P. I tell you, It’s the boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so badjthat you could hear him holler clear across the county every time ho moved.. He tried it, and you know what an athletic old gent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them afterwards. All the drug stores sell it.” The laborers engaged in grading 4 ac ‘k* son park, in preparation for the World’s Fair, have struck for an advance from $1.50 to $1.75 per day. If food sours on the stomach, diges tion is defective. Do Witt’s Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint are sold by Cook's Phar macy. Tho little daughter of Jailor Birdsong of Macon, who swallowed a dangerous dose of turpentine on Saturday, is rapid ly improving, and is considered entirely out of danger. Do Witt’s Little Early Risers never gripe or cause nausea Mild but sure, assist rather than force. Best Little pul for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. l-104m Welcome Collins shot Jim Kirkland in the leg at Holmesville, Saturday night- It was pay night at the turpentine dis tillery of Padgett A Croiby. They were playing “skin,” Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from imp 11 ^ blood. Cleanse it, improve it, P ur "*' 1 with De Witt’s Sarsaparilla and is restored, strength regained. Sold uj Cook’s Pharmacy. l-10-3m and The secretary of the navy is making rangoments to reopen the Boston a League island navy yards for constru • tion and repair wo.-k. N ° TIC TO DBDTOKS AN1, QEOKOIA—HUMTKK COUNTY! ^ All persons having demands ntT'hJ'-t • Hloan, late of *nl«J couuty, decease*, hereby notified to prewent them, probated, to me, or in my absence t«» " ■ . c . torney, J.A. Ansley within the tl '‘"Lw scribed by law, or they may not is* • 1 an! All persoi h indebt, u to said deee-o*. j, requested to make prompt settlement. April •J.ird, lv.U. huiA'N. JAMES M. Admlstrator of H. r*. Hloan, detest apr£l-d2t-wtit N° TlL TO DEBTORS AND CRK9IT0B* GEOHOIA-humtkk County. ^ All partlca Indebted to the estate " F. Htautleld, deceased, are requested tboi e forward and settle the same, ana » . "S-Mnu ““3SBSK8*.