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When you lay this Paper down, kindly place it with
Igeo.D. Wheatley
wholesale: and retail
The Amount of Alonej Stolen will Never be
Known-Hank Stock Left In Trust by 1)1
rector* In Hypothecated—^The Other linnki
will Stead by the Ninth National.
New Yokk, May 6.—The Wall street
speculations of the late John T. Hill,
the defalted president of the Ninth Na
tional Hank, were conducted through
the Stock Exchange firm of A. W. Kll-
borne Sc Co., of No. 42 Wall street. The
Stock Exchange member of this house
is A. W. Kilborne and the “Co.” is
Clarkson Runyon.
This linn formerly had an account at
the bank and President Hill made tlielr
acquaintances. Ilow much of the stolen
, j money Hill sunk through his specula-
f r°r U|mn but ynubecoinc IS FACT | tions com | uctcd by tllill , lol „ e wiU pmb-
a PUBLIC BKNhrAc IOK, inasmuch as you materially aid us in i J 4 4l „ ' .
attracting the public eye to the ab, y never he known. As the Herald has
shown. Hill was an unlucky gambler.
I He rarely made a lucky hit and he was a
| very heavy loser in the panic of 1884 and
! again in last November.
this week
|dry goods,
Shoes, Hats, Etc.
Inumberless rare bargains
Which we shall offer PRO IlONO PUBLICO who patronize
rieMmit Pintle at ll«tUf»r<l-Au Alliance
Store to lie Built—Personal Alcntlon
Plains, Ga., May 6.—[Special.]—The
weather with us is very dry, however,
all plants that are up look promising,
the principal need for rain being to
germinate tl e seeds that are still In the
Mr. S. J. Walters is laying down the
material for the erection of a commodi
ous alliance storehouse ut this place.
Miss Jessie Jqpcs gave a number of
her young friends a pleasant picnic in
the vicinity of Botfuford on the 30th
A Very Quiet but Beautiful and Interest
ing Home Wedding—Only a Few Friends
Witness the Nuptials—The Contracting
Parties Koclal Favorites In Americas.
Ho You Feel an Interest in
Hill had an open account with Kil
borne Sc Co. at the time of his death
! hut unless the firm choose voluntarily
| to disclose the story of the defaulter’s
I transactions with them the money can
1 not he traced. An effort is being made,
I for $12.50 you niffy tnke your choice of 25 brand new pattern suits understood, by the directors of the
that cost US from $13.50 to $10.00. bank procure the details of Hill’s
stock ventures. There is no chance of
TO ADMIRE is but TO SEE our
ml SIGHT bncomes POSSESSION when your choice of 20
different stylos is offered at ISc. per yard.
1 any restitution of the stolen money.
Another instance of nill’s crooked
ness, which came to light yesterday,
was the fact that ho hypothecated 100
■ shares of the hank’s stock left in his
■ custody by some of his fellow directors.
The stock has been recovered without
| much loss, fortunately,
i The Ninth National hank will un-
GE FIGURED CHINA SILKS AND SOLID FLORENTINES doubtedly come through its troubles all
1 right. Its present embarassment is
In all the newest shades. from a preponderance of real estate
■ — i over casli assets, and the other hanks in
NOW IS THE TIME to buy your
IDRESS GOODS. In this department as in | loans and by taking up its hills receiv-
UL OTHERS, we are “fixed to suit you.”;^»“",25£“J»£S£
IWe carry the best stock of Wash Dress | commercial paper, largely from the dry
iFabrics in the city, and Our Prices cannot be!s° 0<l " trade -
j,j Twelve of the strongest hanks in the
Imatcned in XnG Sta. lG. J city yesterday pledged themselves at a
■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ meeting at the clearing house to stand
Wo do not propose to BAIT YOU one moment and BITE YOU j b V tl10 Nlnth National by advancing
■the nest, but wo offer EVERYTHING at prices uniformly as low as 1 S' 00 , 000 a P icce in caiib . takln B the Ninth
(CONSISTENCY WITH GOOD VALUE will allow. | National’* commercial paper aa security.
Another lot of those sheer quality BLACK LAWNS (satteen ,n addition to thi. $1,200,000 moro will
■stripes and plaids) at 12Jc per yard this week. | 1,0 forthcoming from other hank* if
Pink, Blue and Black MARIBOU PLAID LAWNS (white necessary. There U no run on the bank
(ground) 10c per yard this week. and the money is not immediately
needed, and the loan has been arranged
for more as a precautionary measure.
I The twelve hanks which have joined the
| relief syndicate are these:
The Chase National, the Fourth
National, the Importers and Traders,
Mrs. H. S. Jennings, who has been
quite sick for some time past, is conva
Mrs. Warner Culpepper, of Bottsford,
received a telegram Saturday announc
ing the death of her sister at Grantville.
This community was pleased to learn
of the arrest of the notorious negro, Os-
horn Smith. He lias done much of his
crooked werk in our vicinity, and there
is a warrant standing in this distri
The handsome residence of Capt. P,
C. Clegg, on Lee street, was the scene of
a most happy and interesting occasion
last evening.
Gathered in tho beautifully decorated
parlors were a number of the friends and
relatives of the family, who had come to
witness the marriage of Miss Bee Clegg
to Mr. Lee Allen.
At 8:30 o’clock the contracting parties
entered the parlors to tho inspiring
strains of the wedding niariT, aud tak
ing their position before the officiating
minister, Kov. A. B Campbell, pro
nounced the vows that will hind them
together ns long as life shall last.
The ceremony was a most impressive
one, and at its conclusion Mr. and Mrs.
against him for burglarizing tho smoko j A ' l<!n wero tbo rccl P lcnU of ,bo beart y
house of Berry .lone*, a worthy colored | <"'"K™<',lations of all present. It was a
man, during last year. 1 beautl,ul ,loni0 wedding, and never did
Of all the name* suggested for tho I brldo look lovol'er or handsome groom
new hotel at our capital city, we think I more * , ’P ro mely h.ppy than on this oe
“Tile Windsor” tho proper ono. | ca *' on -
Miss Julia Brannon, a popular young Mr. I,co Allen is ono of Amur
lady of Americus, has been spending a I mnRt ,terIin S >' ol ‘ n B business men, hav-
week very pleasantly in our village, the inS for >' car " occu P |ed a rC8 P onHl
guest of Miss Jessie Jones. ; bl ° P osl,l °n in tbc lar B° dothinK extab-
Mr. Arthur Barker, of tho Central' lll,b,nent of Mr - T - Wheatley In this city,
railroad, lias been on a visit to h , g Energetic and industrious, lie is held In
brother in our town. j high esteem in business circles, and
Mr. A. (}. Sheppard, of Richland, j tIlere 18 Dot 8 “ore popular young man
spent Sunday here tile guest of Dr. ! ,bu c ^‘
J Miss Bee, the charming and accom
plished daughter of CapL and Mrs. P. C.
Clegg, was tho centre of a large circle of
i friends and admirers, not only horn hut
| in neighboring cities where sho had vis-
! iled, and carries with her the benedic
tions of a host of relatives and warm
friends. None know her hut to love her,
Sunday Schoo s Will Kxcurt to Fort Val
ley—Nuptials Announced.
Mr. Oeonrc E Thornton, of Preston, i
paid us a visit on Sunday.
Dr. J. S. Clark, of Americus, spent
Monday in town.
Capt. A. A. Mathis, of tho S. A. Sc
M., has been on a visit to his sister, I
Mrs. R. T. Jennings j
Mr. K. C. West, of Americus, spent; nmI ncver "' ,on fal,brido ^.o bestowed
Monday with his parents here.
Misses Mary and Lena Haynes, of
Americus, spent Sunday here tho guests
of the Jennings house.
Misses Alice Naylor and Leila Chris
tian, of Piston, are visiting at Mrs. W.
L. Lainoj's.
Dr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Black, recent
ly of our town, have removed to Thom-
aston, where he will embark in tho prac-
well wishes more numerous and genuine.
The popularity of the young couple
was fully attested in tho number and
value of the handsome presents received,
many of which wero sent by absent
friends in distant cities. During the
evening an elegant collation was served,
which proved In every respect tho per
fection of the caterer’s artistic skill.
Tho occasion was a most enjoyable ono,
Hemstitched White Lawns and Flounces for Skirts.
Bordered White Lawns for Aprons, Children’s Dresses, etc.
All Over Embroideries, All Over Laces.
Finn White, Polka Spot, and Embroidered Swiss Muslins.
Black Ground with White Polka Spot Swiss Muslins (very new and stylish.)
You will flml our line of
The very ami cheapest in the city,
Wo control tho
I in the work!—No ono shows better value for 75c and our “MON-
I AIlCII PUFF BOSOMS" for tino trade is tho handsomost and best
phirt in tho market.
Tho Best 4-ply Belfast Linen
Collar, any style desired.
Tho Best 4-ply Belfast Linen Cuffs
any stylo desired.
only ask th“ opportunity to show you OUR GOODS and
OUR PRICES will speak for themselves.
Wo acknowledge NO COMPETITION in our Clothing Trade.
;'L ALWAYS DID and WE ALWAYS WILL lend tho van in
(lothingr, because our stock is tho largest. Our styles aro faultless
Wo stand by our Advertisements every timo.
Geo. D. Wheatley
Oor. Lamar St. and Cotton Ave.
tho Gallatin National, the First National,
tho American Exchange, the National
Bank of New York, the* Bank of America,
tho Bowery and the Fifth Avenue,
j The Ninth National was a debtor at
I the clearing house yesterday to the
amount of $128,000, but the sum was
| made good before 1 :30 p. m.
Atlanta's New Klectrln Line.
! Atlanta, GA., May 0.—Yesterday af-
I ternoon the electric cars on tho Atlanta,
West End and 3IcPherson’s Barracks
j railway made a trial trip, which proved
I the line to he in tine condition in all
The cars will run occasionally each day
this week until next Saturday, when in
all probability a schedule will he taken
up and cars will run regularly.
Tho cars will start at the corner of
Broad and Alabama streets and run
thorough to McPherson’s barracks, s
distance of about four miles.
Tho Atlanta West End and McPher
son’s barracks electric street railway
plant is located at the corner of Hum
phries and Glenn Ntreots, where Mr. B.
F. Curtis, the superintendent of the
Hue, has his office.
At an early date this line will be run
ning to Grant park. When the road is
finished it will he one of the prettiest
rides that can be found around the city.
Combining Against Call.
Jacksonvii.i.k, Fla., May 0.—There
is a movement here to put out a candi
date against Call, and, if possible, win
the support of tho delegation from Du
val county.
The Call supporters are badly rattled
by this home movement, and the news
from Tallahassee.
Ways will not ho nominated, but he
has shown more strength than Speer,
being a young allianccman, and has
drawn away several of Call’s support
ers. I still think Hammond is the dark
Killed by the litikliix.
Milton, Ga., May 0.—Honey Jones, a
farmer living in Murray county, near
Holly Creek Mills, was killed by tin
kukiux Irtht Monday night.
They called him to the door ami shot
him down. He leaves a w ife and several
He was a good member of the Baptist
I church and a son of Larkin Jones.
tico of medicine. Being upright and do- and wU1 lon « bo n,,ncmbcrcd b J tbe
serving, and possessed of a finished liter-1 n,an >' friend, there assembled.
.ary and medical education, wo bespeak ALLIANCE LRCTUltEItN.
for him a liberal patronage In his chosen j
field of labor. > Hold nu Interest Ing Meeting In This City
Mrs. Turner lias been on a visit to sick nml Elect a District Lecturer.
relatives at Benfroe. j «
Mrs. M. K itowell is spending some | ]n pursuance to a call published in
time with her daughter at DeSoto. j Thk Timkh-RkcoicdkiI) tho county lcc-
Col. HJR. Jones is visiting friends, | Hirers of the several counties composing
male or female, in Dawson. jtlie seventh congressional district inut
Dr. and Mrs. Cato aro on a visit to in this city yesterday at the court house
Preston. j at 10 o’clock.
Miss Pearl Stubbs and Mrs. Faireloth The object of the meeting was solely
were shopping in Americus on Friday. to elect a district lecturer and the fob
Messrs. W. E. McTyler, U. S. Oliver, lowing resolutions wero adopted:
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Stewart and Miss Rosohed, 1h«t we wl I pro ecd to elect s
district lecturer for the third coiiKmuilonnl
Minnie Howell spent Monday in Ameri-
cub, while Mrs. Forth and Mrs. L. Hud
son were shopping in tho same city on
Mr. E.‘ Timmerman left on Tuesday
morning, over the popular 8. A. M., on
a business errand.
Miss Florence Jones
school in Daw
district in Hccordunce with the.proeluiiiHtlon
of our natiomil pres d lit.
‘2 In pur.urance of the Instructions of said
national pre-Idant to provide for the com
pensation of our district lecturer, we allow
him $:) per day, and actu i! expenses, and we
recommend that each county alliance visited
by said lecturer make provisions to pay III*
returned to j per diem a*id expenses while serving said
maty, either by appropriation from the
Maj. J. H. Black left on Tuesday to 1 ® 0,la '^ •"•aary .or l.y voluntary sootrlbu
J J tions from their membership,
represent us in tho World’s Fair conven- Aftcr tho a(lo ptlon of tho above, two
tion, which meets in Atlanta on Wed-1 namC g were proposed for district loc-
nesday. turer, but the withdrawal of ono made
Long Life In Cherry Valley. ! t l, 0 election of Mr. F. D. Wimberly, of
Ukadjno, Pa., May 0.—Samuel Wild- j Pulaski county, unanimous,
rick, living in the Cherry Valley, is in Tho meeting having accomplished its
his 100th year. He has been married
three times and is the father of twenty
four children ;and 103 grand children.
He was horu in Northampton county.
Despite his extreme ago lie is hale and
hearty, and expects to live at least a
dozen years longer. Among the
oldest married couples in this part of
the state are Mr. and Mrs. George Gil
bert, of Gilhcrtsville, and Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Wagcnhorst, residing near Boy-
ortown. The first two have passed
sixty-live jears of happy married life
together, and tho hatter sixty years. All
four are in tine health.
Heroines Insane.
Low 1C Li., Mass., May 0.—Capt. Martin
V. B. Davis, keeper of the Edson Ceme
tery, found a shortage of $3.00 in his ac
counts recently, and brooded over the
matter until his mind became unbal
anced. Ho tried to commit suicide this
morning by cutting his hand, but was
discovered before lie could bleed to
death. He fought desperately after get
ting into the ambulance, and threw Sur
geon Hicker bodily into the street. Four
lollcemeti tackled him, but did not se
ine him until he had given them a hard
lUNfloH, M:
work, adjourned.
Mr. Wimberly, tho district lecturer, is
a graduate of the State University and Is
a popular and prosperous farmer in his
county. His work will begin after a
meeting of the district lecturers in At.
lanta ou the 13th Inst.
The food of the plant is storm; the
life of tho plant is sunshine. The plant
is the food of the animal, and the life of
the plant is the life of tho animal.
Storm and sunshine are thus transferred
from the vegetable world to tho animal
The Mexican, Cuernavaca and Pacific
Railway Company has been incorporated
at Denver. Colo., with a capital of $2,-
000,000. Tho lino will run from Mexico
City to Cuernavaca and the cast through
a very fertile region for a distance of 220
In live years the Mackey system of
roadt, not including the Cincinnati, Wa
bash and Michigan, of which it owns
one-half of the stock, and tho Big Four
the other half, has Increased from 110
miles to 1,022 miles of main line.
The first railroad in the world to op
erate a whole system of trains in which
the temperatuie is automatically regu
_ l lu, melting of the I lated whenever steam heat is used is the
ep suowdiifis which have covered Delaware and nudsouCanal Company,
rlhern Maine* since Christmas has be
gun, and the Penobscot river is at high
freshet {fitch, making log driving rapid,
hut dangerous work, and preventing the
water mills from sawing.
One of the mechanical curiosities of
the gramophone Is the fact that the
etched record itself Is the screw wMch
propels tbe diaphragm rrom periphery
to center.
Montkzcma, May 0.—[Special.J—'The
Montezuma ball team scored a grand
triumph over tho select nine of Perry
last weok.
The betrothal of Miss Lena Ileimer
and Mr. G. Lipman lias been announced.
The happy couple are highly esteemed
Hebrews of this place, and they have the
best wishes of a host of friends.
Angling is being pursued with a una
nimity and perseverance that assures suc
cess. An old fisherman says there is an
improvement in the hackle this year—it
has more bottle and less neck.
The Sunday schools of this place and
Oglethorpe will make an excursion to
Fort Valley on the 81h Inst. On the
same day Fort Valley will cr jhh hats
with our hoys.
Tho friends of Col F. F. Snead will he
made sad to know that ho is not expect
ed to live another day. He was stricken
with paralysis aj few’ days ago, and his
physician says lie cannot recover. Col.
Snead was a brave soldier, an able and
conscientious lawyer, and tho highest
typo of southern gentleman.
Leslie Local*., Ga., May 0.—The dry weath
er continues. Crops are beginning to
suffer for want of rain, especially oats.
Rev. H. 8. Kemp’s turpontine distillery
is in full blast now, and lie Is shipping
rosin and spirits turpentine nearly ev
ery day.
Mr. J. W. Bailey’s planing mill is In
operation, anti notwithstanding the dull
times in the lumber market, he gets as
many orders as he can fill.
Mr. 11.81ms, who has been qulto
sick for the past week is slowly recover
ing, and his many friends hopo to seo
him out agaiu soon.
Mrs. Fordhatn’s new residence on
Bailey avenue is nearly ready for occu
pancy, and when completed will he a
neat and tasty residence.
A party of young people from Leslie
and DeSoto went up to Andersonvllle
last Monday, on a pleasure trip, and re
port an enjoyable time
licslic’s Literary Club held Its regular
weekly meeting )ast Friday evening and
scored another success. The program
was rendered exceptionally well and the
Literary News, with Mrs. 31. H. Sims as
editress, was read to an appreciative
Mr. F. A. Wilson, of Reldsfleld, camo
up hist Saturday to visit friends and
Messrs. J. L. Butler and J. II. Mc-
Kimon, of DeSoto, are regular visitors to
our city on Sunday.
Misss Ella Walker, who has been visit
ing relatives at LaC’rosso for the past
month, Is expected homo this week,
much to the delight of her many friends.
3Irs. Found, of Washington county, Is
visiting friends and relatives in the city.
Mr. A. M Bailey returned yesterday
from a trip down the 8. A. Sc M. railroad,
whore ho has been inspecting aud buy
ing lumber for W. If. Lcathorbcc Sc Son,
Rev. Mr. Williamson, of Ellavillo,
preached an interesting sermon at the
academy Sunday evening.
Quito a party of people are expecting*
to go on tho Omaha excursion to-mor
row, and are anticipating a good time.
"The Allmiuhrn."
Eiinarit Tihkh-Hkcoiuikh:—A travel
er passing tliruugli the piney woods of
the state came to a settlement where
there were a number of little' l tow heads”
ranginf; like stair steps, playing before
the door. He stopped and was talking
to them when the mother canto out.
“And what is your namo huddle’-"' he
askcil of a shirt-tail lad.
“Guy Manncring,” answered hi*
“And where on.earlh did you get that
name?” queried the stranger.
“Tho preacher gin it to him, and he
said ho got it outen a book,” said the
fond mother, looking with pride upon
her name burdened son.
The suspicion has gono abroad that
tbe directors of the hotel company hare
lieon getting a name for our hostelry
“outen a book.” Indeed, many think
that more elTort was expended on the
book part of the business than in the se
lection of a namo suitable and 10 keep
ing with its surroundings and purposes.
The Alhambra is suggestive of other
tilings, than the grand Moorish palace
idealized by Irving.
It would take a very grand building
to do that Bonce de Leon, at St Au
gustine, would hardly do it It 1* said
that there is hardly a considerable city
in tho United States that- has not ita
Alhambra barroom, and in many place*
the name is given to places of question
able character. Then there is great
danger of tho name being abbreviated.
The porters will be suro to liavo ft
Tho Uambra,” and as “devenaus avert!
(acHis" it will soon bo “Tho Ilaml'ra,”
thence to plain flam; and If there is any
thing certain to frighten away the dys
peptic yankce tourist, or any other soit
aa ror that, it is.tbe suggestion of bam.
Give ns another name, oven ff It baa.
to come ot. ten a book. Stockholder.