Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 05, 1891, Image 6

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6 THE aMERICUS WEEKLY TLMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1891. miupuny ent the free distribution lr ( of tin* Maeoii Brewing < ompanv’h ice by ; shipping to Macon and selling ice a that city. The story of this deal date back to the time the Macon Brewin; A feeble iroman f'ampnny lirst commenced giving all is restored to health and strength, j lfiunswirk saloons free ice with their by I)r. Fierce's Favorite Freserije j beer. tion. If you’re overworked, “ run-! rliristian Moerlcin’s was the lirst down,” or debilitated, you need it. j concern to kick, doing so by cutting It’s an invigorating, restorativo j prices on beer. This cut was met by tonic, and a soothing and strength- the Macon brewery, and the war eontin- cning nervine, imparting tone and j uc d until beer was sold at about cost, vigor to the whole system, it s a Finally matters were adjusted and the legitimate medicine, too—carefully | cllt rlltcs Ht()p|)ed _ Kvery one ’thought t is learn- eate organization. For all the j ;;A'ioec^m|mn^"bad"pelted“ar^ chrome weaknesses, functional do- j meBW to deliver ice in rangements, and painful disorders j^„ u- S omi.uo uiuuwoo, cut rates stopped. Kvery one t compounded by an experienced nhy- j that peacc reiKneil , i„ lt to-day it i stetan, and adapted to woman s dell- ; C1 , t , lat Supt> L angley, of the peculiar to the sex, it is an unfailing remedy. It’s because it is unfail-| *"! ing that it can be sold under a posi tive guarantee. If it fails to givo satisfaction, in any case for which it’s recommended, the money paid for it will lie promptly returned. It is a legitimate medicine—not a beverage. Contains no alcohol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to sour or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. As peculiar in its marvelous, remedial results as in its composition. HI per ton, clain ics >4.10. cut Mite lie is backed by the Central lee com pany, iwlio control a number of ice works in the south, and the result will be cheap ice for both Macon and liruns- wick this summer. For salo by FLEETWOOD * RUSSELL, solo agents, Americas, On, 4-2b-d.i wlm R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AM Killers, a A. Will ml Just Hooks nr ircuerul collect ink l»u attorney as.m>,*l *totl. Will take business \, References; .1. W. She Sumter. Davenport I Fleet Warn flu? I fata. \Vamiin<;tox, May 28.-—[Special.]— The cruiser Charleston is at Callao, where she arrived yesterday after a run of ten days from Acapulco. She will probably remain at Callao three days to coal and then proceed to Arica, ('bill. Her chances for catching the Itatanow seem to have narrowed dmvn to nothing, as she lias neither seen nor heard from the insurgent vessel, and her only chances of catching her seem to be to run across her by accident. The movements of the Data are still a mystery. •She has not been seen at any point since she was reported by the Pacific mail steamer as about 1*5 miles north of Acapulco’on the morning of the loth; and from her not putting in at some point on the coast for coal, it is general ly believed that she steered a direct course for Chili, and now is very near home. WINE OF CARDUI. a Tonic for Women. Killed by l.i);htiiii)>'. Mr. dames Jackson, a woithy farmer living near Friendship, in the upper edge of Sumter county, was in the city yesterday and told a tale of misfortune which had befallen him. A night or two since, during a thun der storm, lightning struck his barn and stable, setting it on lire. Before assist- I auce could be rendered the building, to-1 getber with it entire contents, was burn- | ed to the ground. All of Mr. Jackson’s j c »rn and fodder, together with a vain- i able horse and mule, was burned. Mr. Jackson is a poor man. and the ! loss sustained falls \ery heavily upon him. by it on the chin and subsequent ly his twority-four-months-old son, Charles. was bitten in the face. The dog was killed, but not until it had bitten live valuable horses and a cow. The horses developed cases of rabies, snapping and biting at any one approaching them. Three of the ani mals died and the others were shot. The loss to the farmer is *1,000, for Infants and Children. Killed lli M W ife. I’niontown, Pa., May 20—While in a drunken passion last evening Taylor Taggart, a Fayette City contractor and builder, killed bis wife with a brickbat. He had been on a spree for several days His wife started to run around the house and lie hurled a brickbat at her, which crushed in her head, il’hey have two children, the cldcs* a daughter of 15. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething, it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the, best remedy for diarrluca. Twenty-five'cents a bottle. Sold bv all druggists through out the world. When Baby was sick, we gave ner Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bod Children, she gave them Castoria. For stomach worms in a child, mix ic teaspoonful of powdered sage in two tablespoonfuls of molasses, and give a teaspoon fill every morning. "Castoria is .v> well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” II. A. Archkb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “The use of 'Castoria* is so universal and Ur merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlo* Marttw. D. D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomiugdale Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Hour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ‘ Castoria, * and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardm, M. D., “The Winthrop," liJflth Street and 7th Ave., New York City. — AT - Th* Cbktaob Company, 77 Murray Strxzt, New Yore. Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn., writes: for wx years 1 have been .'till icted with running sores and an enlargement of the bones in iny legs. 1 tried everything I heard of without permanent benefit un til Botanic Blood Balm was recom mended to me. After using six bottles the sores healed, and I am now in bet ter health than I have ever been. 1 match elsewhere for less than 20c, send this testimonial unsolicited, be cause I want others to be benelitted.” may 12 d w-lm. For Commencement Nice White Dresses are the proper thin" ami we would call ycr.r attention to our line of those goods, which comprises Dotted Swisses, White, Cream and Colored Mulls, Embroideied Flouncings, Plain, Striped and Checked Lawns, Nainsooks, Stripes and Checks in Organdies, etc., 65c to 85c Y on Cali Fiu ( | John R. Shaw's ASSORTMENT OF and we dou’t want, nor do we ask anything above cost for any of them. This means a saving of :i:j per cent for you. We will sell you a striped Organdise at 10c., which you cannot oods will cost you 25e. at every other Yellow stains, left by sewing machine oil on white, may be removed by rubbing the spot with a cloth wet with ammonia before washing with soap. If food sours on the stomach, diges tion is defective. I)e Witt's Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Our 12$c. quality of these house in town. 10,01)0 yds, of KiLbon, all colors, and widths, way below what others ask you for them. STYLES and SIZES From 4 to 14 yrs., THE MOTHER’S FRIEND Patent Shirtwaist Something extra pretty iu the way of STRIPED BLACK! LAWNS Pei el-, l 'nl„ ill have eral S1LK MITTS AT 25c. No Buttons can be Torn off either in Wearing; or Washing. The Mother's Friend does away en tirely with the sewing on of buttons. It is supplied with an adjustable belt, which is easily taken olt when the waist is washed; the buttons arc riveted on the belt, consequently can not be torn either in wearing, washing or ironing ace De Witt's Lit gripe or cause u assist rather that for siok hcadarlii dyspepsia. For Drug Company. Far!v Risers never ea. Mild but sure, irre. Best little pill hronie constipation, * bv the Davenport Do see anv good reason why you should pay loc for! Pino Apple Tissues, (this is what others want for them' when you can lmy them of us at 12\c ? • take • kill Sul v Caveat*. and Trade-Mark* obtained, and all Pat ent purines** conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can ho cure patent in Ice* time than thoee remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent i* eorured. A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patent*," with name* of actual client* in your State, county, or town, eent free. Addrt-e*, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Pilcnl Office, Washington. D. C. J. W. TYNAN, Engineer and Machinist SAVANNAH, GA. MACHINE, BOILER AND SMITH SHOP, West Broad, Indian and River Streets. Marine Work a Specialty. All kind* of Machinery, Hollers, etc. made and repaired. Steam Pumps, Governors, In jectors and Steam Water Fittings of all kinds $500 Reward ! WE will pay then Complaint. 1>J*|h-|» pupation or C***tivi ontainlnjr 30 1*111*, The best salve in the world for (Juts, Bruise*, Sores, Fleers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction; or money refunded. Price twenty-live cents per box. For sale by E. J. Eldridge. mayl.VOl-lyr. It is quite the fashion now to Witt's Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, but mighty good ones. The Davenport Drug Company sells them. Don't forget tin* fact that tin The Third C'aae of Smallpox. Knoxvii.i.k, Tenn , May 28.—The third case of smallpox developed here this afternoon. The lirst case is well. Neither of the two latter cases are seri ous so far. The two are in the same same family, and the other in an ad joining house not fifteen feet away. All are perfectly isolated, and under perfect quarantine maintained by a strong guard Not the least alarm is felt here. Nellie Bly got around the world pretty lively, but Cheatham's Tasteless Chill Tonic will go it at a still better pace. Try a bottle when in need of a remedy for chilis. It is said a million people in this country own stock in railroads. Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Doctor’s bills and funeral expenses cost j about two hundred dollars; De Witt’s j Little Earley Risers cost a quarter. I Take your choice. For salo by the! Davenport Drug Company. ENTIRE BEE-HIVE STOCK Is on the market ami must be closed out, lock, stock and barrel as the old saying goes. Therefore don’t buy a penny’s worth until you have seen our stock ; our word for it you will not want to go else where, but make your purchases at the The negroes of Petersburg, Va., have | three military companies and they have j been formed into a battalion. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanso it, improve it, purify it with De Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, streugtb regained. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. In Denmark the life-saving stations i ~ are all supplied with oil for stilling the waves iu storms. Shirt Waists > >t* the ordinary kind. AT 25c to 75c TO CLOSE OUT. SPECIAL OFFER FINAL NOTICE. [ All of the old accounts remaining unpaid after June 1st, will j positively be placed for collection without further delay. Very popular, very small, very good, R. S. & G. W. OLIVER, (Successors to Little Mardkk) ~ =4 sSsseks; if hi mm STUM! ST! -OF- 20(1 Boys’ Sailor Suits. THE JOHN C. W EK COM HA NY.' Sold THK OWENPORT DRUG C f#hVl-**£wlvr Aiuer , « , n* c.l only iy a white man of that town and adminis- *red about *00 hashes. A mulatto oman was ordered to leave in one hour, he white man has a family. cash price*, above will M lore placing their nrde A I>1 TV TO YOl ltsm.P. It is surprising that people will use a common ordinary pill when they can se cure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a positive euro for sick head ache ami all liver troubles. They are i M 1 "*?** 1 i»mall, sweet, easily taken, and do not Parties wanting either of thel*' , jl )e * tor sale by Fleetwood A* Kus- money by consulting us be- i sell, Americas. Ga. ii xplosions in llour mills d to electricity generated prep WIGGINS & HERNDON. SHINGLES -AND- LUMBER j A large body of antimony has been j found in Inyo county. California. The { owner says he lias in sight bowlders of the metal weighing from two hundred to ! three hundred pounds. It is a valuable I find. Many of the. have been tract by belts. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is sold by the Davenport Drug Compauy. ering for steam pipes has successful in England. 47 Suits at $1.25. 33 Suits at $1.50. 51 Suits at $2.00. 'j j 30 Suits at $2 50. Colors in Blue, Brown and Gray Reduced from $1.75. Reduced from $2.00. Reduced from $2.75. Reduced front $3.-A Buy one of these suits for your little boy—it will nearly tickle him to death. Cork roved> 105 FORSYTH STREET, Keeps always on hand a complete assortment of Books and Fine Writing Papers; School Books for every county in Southwest Georgia. Fine * Pictures, * Framed * and * in # Sheets. J Large lot of New Moulding just received. Send in youi j JOHN R. SHAW, The eighth wonder facture tVie above named article*, we are I discovered—Cheathar prepared to furnish them on short notice. Tonic. It will prov natlsfactlon guaranteed. Will .deliver at 1 - Parker* Htation, tea mile* from Amertcus, on H. A.dM. B. R. Address us at Leslie Ga. R. a. W 1LHOX Ai CO. f the world just s Tasteless Chill boon to lminani- It is the same tonic as that hereto fore sold tinder the same name except that it is tasteless. Guaranteed to cure. SUFFERERS :OF: Youthful Errors Loot Mon hood, Early Decay, etc., «te.*,eui secure a home treatise free by addressing a fellow sufferer, C. W. Leek, P. O. Box ‘816, Roanoke, Virginia. The Portugese treaty with the Congo state has been signed. Portugal allows most of the claims of the Congo state, but it receives fresh territory on the west coast. Gajr 0LACK-DRAUGHT tc. cure. Constipation. For nausea, lay a little pounded ice on tlie back of the neck. Harrison, Columbus, CRAWfORD WHEATLEY, Pres 3 luid dyspepsia for ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Gen'l Mang' Purities the blood, increases tho ciiou- T ,. , , , . r , lt , , , , , ,, lotion, expels poisonous humors and j Pictures and have them framed. \\ e lead, others follow. builds up the system. \Vhat inure do j Come and see tts when you need auything in our lino, you want a medicine to perform? I>e _ _ Witt’s Sarsparilia is reliable. For sale | REMEMBER THE PLACE. by Davenport Drug Company. • Mr. James Ga., says his several years in its worst form—could retain nothing on her stomach. Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured her per manently. For sale by all druggists. j may-M-im Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory’ will start the Powdered allurn applied to a fever j manufacture of Ice in a short time and will be prepared to sore will prevent it from becoming very f urn j s ii p ure Crystal Ice in any quantityfrom a pound to a unsightly or noticeable. 1 - - — . -- - ■* — - r The Amerious RefrigeratingICo. Men’s •'doctor Th.-'V Ceiel'rat! d E N «MsVl • lACKER’S rill* aro a Positive Cure for Sick; llcadat'hr, lllllouaacM, and! Constipation. *tnall, plcaa.! : PURE •nt and m favorite with the* ladle*. Sold In England for la." j PINK IvL In America for 8.»t*. Got* them from your hrunlitn, orj \ PILLS. •end to W. H. HOOlta A (0, - 4* West Broadway, Hew York. | car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO., Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central B. R. •pril5-3mo DEALER IN Youths,’ Bovs Children's e wu 119 Forsyth St., AMERICUS, GA.