Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, June 12, 1891, Image 6
mat? a long tail (tali’) pliort. A man, after lie has eaten .a good dinner, mar feel extra vagantly joyous; but the next day— oh ! but ho is surly and grim, his stomach and liver aro sluggish, he is morose, despondent and “ out of sorts ” generally. But lie may get a prompt return for his money by purchasing Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. There’s nothing like them. They are tiny Liver Pills, sugar-coated, but thorough in results. One Pellet is laxative, three to four cathartic; For Indigestion, Biliousness, and all derangements of tho Stomach, Liver and Bowels, they work liko a charm, and you get a lasting benefit and a permanent cure. They’re tho cheapest Pill, because safe and surf, while tho manufact urers guarantee they’ll give satisfac tion, or your money is returned ! Ton only pay for tho good you get. Can you ask more ? What’s tho us<?! suffering any more front those dizzy spells, tho headaches and all; make the attack yourself, with one or two of these little, Sugar-coated Pellets, and they will do the rest. They are a perfect vest-pocket remedy. Purely vege table and perfectly harmless. By druggists. 25 cents a vial. WASHINGTON WAITS. ANOTHER SCANDAL CASTS ITS SHAD- j I OW OVER LITTLE BENNIE. j J “KushD-'* Wauls a Grip full uf Pa* 1 Xo .\ ppoiutmen!•• .Announced Wt Truth in the Statement >aya S«*r»-*uary j (•artlner. Wamiixmo.v, June <*.— V not her snn- j tin! lias cast the shadow of its black wings over this immaculately clean and honest administration, Russell Harrison, not satisfied with travelling more than nine thousand miles free, with meals and refreshments in cluded, on tho ‘‘President's Special,” has been writing letters to railroad man agers in all sections of the country beg ging for free passes for himself over their roads. Bah! It is almost a.*# nau seating spectacle as that daily presented by the prince of Wales in a London court room, whe lie appears as a witness agiin-W one of his friends charged with cheating at cards. Since when lias be-' II.WPII.Y M.4TKD. . Charles I'ujaie ami Miss Mitch Made Man ami Wife. VICTIMS OF CATARRH Ayer's Sarsaparilla, through its renovatir A lovely home wedding—: beautiful in it- vc:y ^implicit; at the residence of Ml. J. F. ; Luc -licet, l.u»t evening, wliei 1*. P; mug u i Miss Min diter of Mr it marriage Ih-Uon, on > Mr. Chas. iolton, the catarrh, in its Ls of which his tried various aired of evei id Mrs. J. : made tlu K- xU'srv, M i’-. — I>. P. herr, big Spring. Oh Ayers Sarsaparilla, Made in Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. $1; six bottles, $5. Worth S5 a bottla. lo.picut and b< lug the president’s right to ride free o dinary folks have furnishing the pro equipped special tr of course had a rig otlieial favors, but what c Ifarrisim give them in return furnished hiinh itivedv state*! la- 11 givpu a man the railroads while or- buy tickets? In ■nt with a royally i free, the railroads to expect in return L’umuiht riny oii. iiitiful and all plv impressed. < inly a s:n 1 imate frl- ager «*l the \ buxine**. M of many gra, ulated on ha- the man of h* minister w im diction over i all that they are both adm i Supply :s man- on pa uy’s find and cus. The circle < | A PcSny S.AVI-D is a An-': Ice SAY HI > me: And Ice SA\ HD is I week—has the ad .-ama a constant "bi.U'l of fir ice chamber to tin: ;>:■ > ct refrio-eratino effect : ice. Of course tliey (L and : nny MADE; Ice MAD If ■lies MADE. Si:c H Save Muncy for you at the tiic one whose picture appeared last of the patent ventilator, which keeps nid air a'wavs circulating from the on department, and gives the great- -,ib ! e from the .-mallest quantity of Make Ice—but they do Save Ice— ante time. SUCCESSORS TO (W. L. Mardre and Americus News CV KKKP A I.WAN'S <)N HAND HULL LINE SCHOOL BOOKS Fine Stationery -AND- SHEET MUSIC. HI, Tin -d\j Mr. a ! witli ill all join is the best ami is noteil for its age ami purity, bus ing been made on the same plantation over 123 years without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN on hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co., Yashin Co. PANTHER CREEK, N. C. 2 A Household Remedf 2 t BLOOD and SKIN £ DISEASES let •t Vgrioult lira! vif re tinned esterd.i e every -1 vas not a ’a b&i Botanic Blood Balm If r„roc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SJtt £ IL V*urt;s> RHEUM. ECZEMA, every ^ form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- sides being efficacious in toning up tho ^ system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause, lit almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure directions are followed. SENT FREE ••bJ.TTVASV" ? BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. hi £ ties & ■"# J. W. TYNAN, Engineer and Machinist SAVANNAH, GA. MACHINE, BOILER AND SMITH SHOP, West Broad, Indian and River Streets. Marine Work a Specialty. All kinds of Machinery, Boilers, etc. made and repaired. Steam Pumps, Governors, In jectors and Steam Water Fittings of all kinds on band. wkly-G-13-ly AN ORDINANCE. Be It ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Americus, and It Is hereby or dained by authority of the **n»e, that from and after this data. It shall he unlawful for any pert-on or persons to use yard or street Section 331 of City Code. Any violation this Ordinance, w ill, upon conviction before the Mayor’s Court, subject the offender to a fine not »o exceed loO.U) or imprisonment of not more than sixty da's, or both at the dis cretion of the Mayor. The hours of sprink ling, above referred to are: SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, Llthl-i 8prings, Georgia. Elegance and comfort. Table, service and furnishings above criticism. The la st for the least. Recreation for the pleasure sneker, rest for the invalid. The finest Bath System In the United States. The most valuable natural mineral waters In the world free. High-class accommodations for 5«X) guests, ■kevatlon 1,‘AO feet. Pure pine woods air. malaria. The great Piedmont tMmutuu • qua, with its brilliant attractions; Ask us ton postal card), to send booklet and rates. Once a guest alwu- **— «■-*—» — May 12. * may8-3m. Open 'O., Proprietors. SUFFERERS :0F!—*- Loft Manhood, Early Decay, etc., etc., can secure a home treatise free by addressing a fellow sufferer, C. W. Leek, P. O. Box 316, Koannhe, Virginia. cl oil the medal for or number of conte-tan the youngest of tl prize. Howell .siiinr friends are pleased. >t this it was p* the attorney general that, the judges <» the new land court would be appoints week, but as the week has goru without the umioiin enienr, it; looks ai though there ba*l been a hitch some where in the programme. .Secretary Gardner, of the National .Vs soeialion of Democratic clubs, whom word always “goes body knows him particle of truth in the statement pub lished that the executive committee of which he is a member, had met in New Vork last week for the purpose of boom- ing Senator Dorman for tho presidential Ij/,,;,., will lnnko KCtluine nomination. lie says: "1 Lave no ], aH represented Americas well recollection of that gentleman's name being called, and I know that there wa> nothing said or done that could bo con strued as intended to create a sentiment in favor of Gorman or any other man for the presidency. It is tho object of the association of clubs to work for the men nominated by the party, not to take any part in their nomination. It co-operates with the regular organization of the democratic party in support of demo cratic men and democratic measures. It docs not prescribe platforms, but ratifies them; it does not nominate candidates, hut supports them. Its national con ventions are, in virture of its constitu tion, held after, not before, nominating conventions, and the attempt to make it appear that this little business meet ing was in tho nature of a Gorman boom is unjust and without good reason.” Representative McCreary of Kentucky, spent several days here this week. lie is a close political student, and seldom makes a mistake in his predictions. lie thinks it will not bo very long before United States senators and the president and vice-president will be elected by a direct vote of the people, and he is in favor of both changes. Gov. McCreary says he feels certain that if Mr. Cleve land has the slightest doubt of his abili ty to cairy New York ho will not be a candidate next year. Commissioner Ranm has been absent from his ofliec all this week, and it ap pears to be generally understood that lie is away arranging his private business for tho purpose of having something to do when ho retires from tho pension oflice, as it is thought he will certainly do at or before the close of the present fiscal year. Representative Bynum is hero gather ing facts for an article he proposes wri ting for one of the reviews, showing that tho much talked about reciprocity agreement with Brazil is exactly tho re- verso of beneficial to the United .States. The committee of artists appointed to examine the designs and models submit ted to the director of tho mint for our metal currency, threw them all out— about GOO—because none of them were any improvement on the present design of the coins. Secretary Foster is in New York con sulting his Wall street friends about the announcement lie has made of the ex tension of the 4 1-g per cent, bonds which mature next September at 1 1-2 per cent, interest. ;iit part in the scho..l and bore though lie was cekers after the has that in him Tlie First Melon*. The first car of watermelons of the season of 1801 has gone forward. The car was shipped from Grand Island, Fla., to Cincinnati. It waft routed over the Southwestern road, and was to have passed through Americus early yester day morning, but it was diverted an/1 sent over the Alabama Midland. The first car of melons was five days earlier this year than last. After all this early shipment don’t amount to much for the' watermelon never attains that perfection which makes it so tempting elsewhere than in Georgia. IJO NOT SUFFER ANY LONGER. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the lirst stages of con sumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee I)r. Acker’s English Cough Remedy, and wjll refund the money to all who buy, take it as per direction, and do not find our statement correct. For sale by Fleetwood A: Russell, Americus, Ga. 1 A beautiful night blooming cereus is the sensation at Rome. D1C. ACKER'S ENGLISH FILLS Arc active, effective and pure. For sick headache, disordered stomach, loss of appetite,*bad complexion and bilious ness, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. We understand that the melon ex change will only ship to two houses in New York. Now what if the others get up a boycott, as they did in Chicago last season, and refuse to buy? For Over Fifty Year* Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrluea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. Now let the commission men in the north and west, who have been left out, come down and buy the melons on the track. Purifies tho blood, increases the circu lation, expels poisonous humors anti j builds up the syrttem. What more do j you want a medicine to perform ? Do j Win’s - SarspurUhi reliable. For sale by Davenport Drug Company. j Will recei ve sciDscriptions for any. paper or publication. PICTURE FRAMES .Made’to order | any size or price. Glass'to lit any frame. • I>ig|l°t of Mouldings just received that we will sell as cheap as anybody else. RED OAK. ANTIQUE FINISH. PRICE LIST AND DIMENSIONS. ii ii !; .. t! i 1 ® 1 . « OUTSIDE j s r: ij Price' 1^1 ji 1 DIMENSIONS. j! 2—‘ ! Each.! | g.W = > . *5.5 "5 l|l DOOR SIZES PROVISION COM PART- M KNT. • ■ ■ jj i Long.j Deep.; High. ** ’1 i High.j Wide *24 00 :J7Un. L'J in. 41 in.! 40lbs. 27 (K) 40l “ “ 41A “ j 50 “ ~)h qts.ji'JS} in. 101 in. “ 124 “ l‘J “ ' jj • BUTLER & BER1 Artesian Corner, Lee and Lamar Sts,, BY, Call and see our line. No trouble to show goods or order anything that we haven’t in stock. Don’t forget the old Book Store, 105 FORSYTH STREET. S. A. M. ROUTE. 1‘rof. Young, of Princeton, says the | j.8un is waning. Well, it d<K.*s not ap- j pear to be waning very much in this hit- j itmle.. 11 tullis & McLendon DEALERS IN STOVES AND Best Qualities of Paints, Oils and Builders’ Material Agents for the Celebrated HARVEST STOVES slid GRATES. Ageuts for the Celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. -Bug-gfies and. 'W' ag-ons WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS- SADDLERY AND HARNESS- CROCKERY'A*ND GLASSWARE AND A SPECIAL LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, ETC We *jp«*rially invite the trading public to call and examine our goods and prices. Wo keep the beat, as well as the cheapest goods in this market, and will give our customer* the value of their nifmey. TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 19, 1891. <»<> a in lve BilTiimghnm arrj 7 oo p n oo live.... Chihlendmrg lve 5 05 27 jlvo Sylacatiga lve! 4 4*) 15 p m'lvo ‘Opelika lve! 1 25 25 arr Columbus arr 11 45 an 50 lve Columbus lve 1! 20 54 Iarr Kllaville arrj !» 05 ... .* Ellaville lve! 8 /* .... Americus arrj H 20 .... Americus lve 8 m) .... Cordele lve 6 20 Helena lve 3 .55 (Lyons lve 1 55 5 10 I 40 r oo 8 27 II 00 4 30 l 1 35 5 20 p r 2 15 Betw’n Montgomery and Americus, via Opelika arr] 7 15 pm 8 10 a ni lve Montgomery 2 15 p in live Opelika .arr 1 C5 0 40 arr Americus .....five) 8 20 am Between Montgomery and Amdricqs, via Union Springs and Columbus- 7 40 a m lve Montgomery arr; 7 05 pm 3 50 jlvo Columbus arrll 20 5 40 Iarr Amnricus lve| 8 20 Betw’n Montgomery and Americus, via Kufaida 7 40 urn lve Montgomery arrj 7 05 pm 11 05 lve Kutaula lve 4 07 12 20 p m lve Albany arr 2 50 2 30 |arr Americus.... lve! 1 10 Between Americus and Jacksonville, \ia Helena 17 00 p m lve.......Ameriusc...... a-rj ; C'< am 1 18 a m ire Helena lv! tt am 6 10 arr Brunswick Ive l .W-nm 7 50 arr.... H Jacksonville Ivel 1 ** Close connection made at Montgomery f*»r all points in tho Southwest, and at Americus for Birmtnaham and all points in the Northwest. • Meal Stations. Sleeping cars between Columbus and Savan nah. Another Atlanta Failure. Atlanta, June 3,—[Special.]—The drug store *of Charles A. Smith, 108 Whitehall street, was closed by the sheri If at noon to-day. The closing of the store was caused by tho foreclosure of a mortgage on the stock by Mr. Walter R. Brown as attor ney for Mr. Dan S. Goldsmith. The mortgage amounted to 81,010.98 principal, $J75 interest and $101.99 attor ney's fees. Besides this there aro several other mortgages on the stock recorded at the courthouse. The assets are thought to be about 84,000, but the liabilities are not known as yet, Malaria. This disease yields quickly to the wonderful powers of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root aud Potassium.) Peo ple living in miasmatic countries should never be without P. P. P. A word to :DOCTOR lAGKER’S j PURE PINK The*® Celebrated ENGLISH* j Pill* area Punitive Cure for Sick, lleadutdie, llUlou*ne««» and? Conallputlon. SiiiuII, plea*-; j ant and n favorite with tke- Indie*. Sold in England fori*.* j l‘vL. In America for 2.*»«-, Get* • them from your Pru^-M*. or" ! send to W. II. IIOOKER a CO* • 40 Wr»t »* T,»rk. VAN WINKLE GIN AND MACHINERY GO. ATLANTA, GA., and DALLAS, TEX. tlio wiso is sufficient. Cure Your Corn. By using Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint. For Corns, Bunions and warts it is great. i PILLS. 40 Writ Hro*,|«ay, York. 2 X>ooni.vs M ANt’FACTORED 3 < COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA. E.'-tabliwlitnl over twenty years. Bookkeeping, and Shorthand taught by experienced teacher*. Thousand* of student* in good paying position* Terms moderate. Students received daily end for circulars. jimc4-\vlyv Cotton Gins, Feeders, Condensers and Presses. COTTC’i-SEED SIL MILLS, ICE MACHINERY, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, WIND-MILLS, TANKS, PUMPS, ETC. W. N.MARSHALL, K. f. GOODMAN, Gen. Bass. Agent i, Ga. Gen. Superintendent. America*, Ga. Americus, J. M. CAROLAN, S. K. I’a»8. Agt. Savannah, Ga. E. A. SMITH, Western Pass. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. M. D. ROYER, T. P. A, Americus, Ga. JNO. T. ARGO, C. S. A., Americus, Ga. C. II. SMITH, G. F. A., New York, X. Y. ItTii: East Tennessee, $500 Reward 1 WE will pay the above revytrd for any c.vm ef Liver Complaint, I»y»jwp*ta. Sick Ilc-adAc-bo, ImUK^-Uon. Con stipation or IWLveney *o cannot cur® witn Wert's Vegetable Liver I’ll I*, when the directions are strictly complied with. Th* r arc purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated Large boxes, containing 3D Pill*, 25 cent*. Jl«war« of counterfeits and imitatiwn*. The genuine manufactured only by XUE JO ILK C. WES. COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. Sold THK DAVENPORT DRUG CO. (•b?l-' i «&wlTr Amer<eii» Ga. : DeLoaeh Mill Manufacturing Co. MA*up.OTURERS OF TUX DeLOACH SAWMILLS, GRITS MILLS, WATER WHEELS. ATLANTA, s : s GEORGIA. june3-wlyear Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -IS THE ONLY— Short and Direct Line to the North, East or West. This line is conceded to lie the best equipped and run* the finest Pullman Sleeping Cars in the South. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington, Memphis and New Ytirk, • 9 Philadelphia and New Orleans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any information address B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Agt Knoxville, Tenn. C. W. KNIGHT, Ass’tGen. Pass. Ag A*!?-*-, C^jrgla.