Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1902, December 18, 1891, Image 6

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6 THE AMEKLCUS WEEKLY T1MES-REC0RDER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER Is, 1891 “ WORTH A GUINEA A DOE.” Laborers ** 1 and all troubled with Con stipation or Sick Headache will find a prompt, safe and economical cure in a dose of BEECHAM’S PILLS. A for all BHions and Nemos His-1 aofccx arisUf from Impaired Digestion, ] fwMSifatton, Disordered Liver, etc. ] Of *U druggist** Price 2B cents a box. New York Depot, 365 Canal St. MANHOOD! How Lost! How Regained i KNOW THYSELF. Or SELF-PRHHERVATION. A new and only Gold Medal PBIZB ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, ERRORS of YOUTH, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, PRE MATURE DECLINE, and all DISEASES and WEAKNESSES of MAN. 800pages, cloth, gilt; 125 invalnablo prescriptions. Only $1.00 by mail, doable sealed. Descriptive Prospect us with endorsements mi*r" I QFWn of the Press and voluntary hKI-H I Sfstli testimonials of the cured ■ 11 Lib I NOW. Consoltation in person or by mail. Expert treat ment. INVIOLABLE SECRECY and CER- Boston, Mam. The Peabody Medical Institute has many Iml. tutors, but no equal. — Herald. The Science of Life, or Self-Preeervation, Is a treasure more valuable than gold. Head it now, every WEAK and NERVOUS man, and learn to he STRONG — Medical Review. (Copyrighted.) grateful-comforting EPPSS COCOA. BREAKFAST. “By 11 thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a ear. fid Him tea- lion of the fine pio.,erf e* of well-select ed Cocon, Mr. Kpps has provided our brenkfnRl tables with a delicaf ly flavoured beverage «hieh may save un many heavy doctor’s bills, II Is by file Judicious use i f such articles of diet that <1 coostttuiion in*y be gradually built up until strong enough to legist every to deucy of •lseas>*. Hundreds of subtle nialadbs are tloa ing around 11s ready to attack •« herever there Is a weak point, \/e may es ape many a fata 1 shaft by keeping o rsi Ives well fortUUd with pr re* blood and a pr p*»rly pourshed frame."— civil Service Gazette. Made simply with trailing water or nr k. Hold only in half pound tins by grocers, labelh d thus: JAMES KPI"S & CO., Iloimronathic Chemists, liOndon, Knglaud. PARKER'S. HAIR BALSAM Cltanitf and beautifies the hair, rroiuutra a luxuriant growth. Never Fella to Restore Gray Hair to ita Youthful Color. Curve «c»lp .1 hair falling. WCjamMl^]Oat^)ru£xUt^ U CONSUMPTIVE Weak Lunge, IMilIity, I mi location, Fain, Take In time.Mete! A A SYSTEM OK MAKING STOCK A N I> gram s.ieeulatlon practically hii Invest ment. EroflfH large and almo-t certain: loss Imorobanie.* Explanatory letter mailed by addressing Tub Mutual Hymmuatk. a . 11 in., N. Y. $525 Agents profits per month. Wll prove It or pay forfeit. New por trait* Just out. A $'5.10 sample BY ACCIDENT. An Interest lag Episode I11 the Life of Speaker Crfap. Captain Charlie Furlow of the comp troller-general's office, formerlyjof Amer icas, given the following short sketch of Speaker Crisp in the Atlanta Herald: “It was decidedly an accident that made Charles F. Crisp a Georgian. It happened this way. Ilis father, William II. Crisp was an actor. His mother was an actress. The new congressman and speaker was born in England, where his parents were then tilling a professional engagement. Of course, in his childhood, he could hardly be said to have had a home. His parents were living in Mobile during the earlier part of the war. Young Crisp bad gone to the front at 10, with a Vir ginia regiment. So that he was distinctly not a Georgian up to that time. Before the war ended, however, the old man Crisp bought some property in Schley county, Ga., and after the war— when young Crisp got out of the Federal prison where he had been for sometime a prisoner of war—the son came to Geor gia to look after the Schley county prop erty. That settled him in Kllaville, w here he began the practice of law, and soon afterwards married a daughter of Bob Burton’s. He was left to his re sources—barely twenty-one, poor as a church mouse, without any family in fluencc and with a very limited acquaint ance. He worked himself up from the bottom, but he had the talent and deter mination to go up, and luck was with him. He is pre-eminently a self-made man. “Crisp went to Americus in 1871, forming a partnership with General Phil Cook, the present Secretary of State. The General then had an extensive In fluence and law practice, and went to congress just as soon as democrats were admitted, throwing a lucrative practice to Crisp. Crisp worked for some time with his eye on General Cook’s seat in congress, and finally he got it. The General bears no malice on that account, however, and, is rejoicing to-day in Crisp’s election.’* I)r, L. A. Guild, Atlanta, Ga., writes: Wm. Sealock, living on my place, had an ugly running ulcer on his arm which or dinary remedies failed to control. As a last resort I placed him on a use of B. B. B. and the ulcer began to heal at once, and effected an entire cure. It is a reme dy well worthy of confidence, novl’l-lrn. Men’s, Touths’, Boys’ and Children’s The w oman who cannot keep a secret manages to hold her age all right. For Over FlftyiYears Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. It might be said with propriety that the circus acrobat leads a double life. McELREE’8 WINE OF CAROUI for Weak Nerve*. CUSHIONS- Whisper* heard, Con. here all Remedies rail- 111*. bookA proofs frt* lddresf V. 1IIM UX, 803 Mraadwa/. N«» York. £ A Household Remedy * z FOR all t $BLOODandSKIN< <■ DISEASES * 0 <» 0 B.B, Botanic Blood Balm U r n - oe SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT lures rheum, eczema, «««■> form jt malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be side* being efficacious in toning up the A tystsm and restoring the constitution, \ Impaired from any cause. Its F almost cupernatural healing properties (f justify us In Guaranteeing a cure, it 4 directions are followed. 8FNT FREE BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Ga. jj t IL'X'VX'tLX^ *> •* YOUR rSKix, / BLOOD, V LIVER, KIDNEYS,! [BLADDER W.W.C. Are they diseased ? la a question that affects your life. Through the stomach—hence through the blood —can be cured all discuses of these organs. (Wooldridge’s Wonderful CurtX TVOOLDEIDGE* WONDERFUL CUBE CO. COLUMBUS, GA. FOK BALK BY ALL DRUGCIKTL ••••••••••• • GOOD NEWS • A FOR THE MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS OF ^ • Tut-^s Pills. I •TINY LIVER PILL® • whirh In of ov • v «-ilim;ly »mull tiro, yet _ rr'ainint; till i virtue* of tliu larger A o'tt**. Tiiey arc giiiir.iuU eii purely ^ • v«''geluhir. Until *!/••• of these t>UU am are still issue il. The exact six*: of . V • TVTT'H TINY LIVER FILLS a la shown in the oorrior of this “ail.**™ ••••••••••• Whitman county, Washington, Mo., Ims what is believed to be tlio smallest woman living west of the ltocky Moun tains. She resides three miles from Pine City, is thirty-one years old, Is twenty-nine incites high, and weighs exactly 110} pounds. A GREAT GERMAN PARER'S EDITOR Says editorially: "I received from A. K. Hawkes, of Austin, a pair of bis Crystallzed Lons spectacles, and I must say I was surprised to find thorn so transparent and tine. I considor these spectacles tile best in existence, and can highly recommend thorn to nil those who are obliged to use glasses. I be lieve that these lenses really preserve tlio eyes, and not like so many inforior and badly ground glasses do, injure tho sight. O. Dietzkl, Ed. and Prop. Texas, (German) Post. All eyes fitted and tho lit guaranteed at Drug Store of E J. Eidridge. nov'J.Vsun-wcd-wk. Chineso maidens pluck out their eye brows. F^or 13-u.siness, Dress and Work. AIIIGII GRADE AND A FAIR PRICE IS OUR DID FOR BUSINESS. Our line is large and complete clear through—all sizes, all fabrics, all styles and all prices. We guarantee All-Round Satisfaction to an y man with judgment enough to know a real good thing when he sees it. BOVS’ CLOTHING We make most any parent proud of his or her boy. Nothing can do quite as much toward making a lad look neat, wholsome and manly as oneof ourstylish little suits. No trouble about fits for little and big; we keep them all. ^Men’s - Furnishing = Goods^ Our present line of attractions is certainly a credit to the establishment and a satisfaction to our trade. A larger variety or a finer showing of Choice New Novelties and reliable standard goods would be hard to find anywhere. Careful buying enables us to offer that big, solid value for your money that never fails to please. When needing anything in this line remember our F. F. F. F., which stands for FINE FURNISHINGS AT FAIR FIGURES. 41JOHN R. SHHW,» "The Champion" Clothier and Outfitter of Southwest Georgia, And Proprietor "Eagle" Shoe Store. 117 Forsyih Street, 119 Forsyth Street, Americus, Ga. Notice to AdvertlM'r.. Copy for change of advertisement must he handed In at this cflico before 12 o’clock on day before publication. This applies to all and will he enforced Times Pujii.isiiinu Co. July 2S, 1801, tf. Extenuating Circumstance*.—“Per haps I don't look very cheerful,” re marked tlio coal' hole. “But consider how often I am pitched into.” per WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Silver bracelet make desirable gifts for young girls. A I.ittlt) Experience In a Lighthouse*. Mrs. and Mrs. Loren Trescott arc keepers of the government lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter four years old. Last April she was taken down with measles, fol lowed with a dreadful cough and turn ing into a fever. Doctors at home and in Detroit treated her, but in vain. She grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere “handful of bones.” The she tried Dr, King’s New Discovery and after the use of two and a half tattles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King’s New' Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at E. G. Kldridge’s drug store. o Pierced silver belts span the waists of ladies nowadays. Ask your druggist for Cheatham’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Distinguished from the obi original by the word “tasteless” printed in red on all cartoons and labels. A new departure, but the result of years of careful examination ami study. “No cure no pay.” Take it and be happy. For sale by all druggists. 0 Tiny watches are set in the tops of purses of woven gold. UaJf* BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. There appears to be a call for bead necklaces again. What measures are you taking to stop that cough? Let us suggest I)e Witt’s Cough and Consumption Cure. It is infallible. The Davenport Drug Com pany. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE. One of tho most frequent and insidious causes of bad health is impure blood. This disorder of the system does not always manifest itself outwardly by sores, eruptions, etc., quite often the soredess is altogether internal. The kid neys feel sore, the liver feels sore, the lungs feel sore, and a decay sets it that too often ends fatally. It is much more serious for blood poison to manifest ifc- solf internally than externally. In such cases neglect means death, for tho vital organs once contaminated grow worse unless they grow hotter, and they will never grow better unless the proper rem edy is applied. There is no remedy that equals Dr. John Hull's Sarsaparilla, as a curative agent in cases of blood poi son. When other remedies miserably fail to give relief, this remedy always checks its terrible ravages, even in in stances of scrofula or syphillis, and re stores the blood to a state of absolute purity. Large bottle (102 teaspoonfuls) *1.00. -—A physician of Waco, Texas, writes: “I know a number of instances of severe cases of blood poison being cured by I)r. John Bull’s .Sarsaparilla, no other remedy or trea ment being made use of, l consider that no better blood medicine is manufactured. decl di&wlmo “A stone’s throw” is a distance that depends a good deal on the size of the stouo. Von ’nay cough and cough ami cough and cough and cough but you wiil not, if yon take I)o Witt's Cough and Con sumption Cure. The Davenport Drug Company. If yon shave yourself 'twill pay you to buy ono of those Tower Razors sold at Du. Eldridok’s. Mr. M. Wineburgh of the St. I’aul, Minn , Day writes: “After trying all sorts of preparations, I’ve come to the cor elusion that there is only one prompt and radical cure for a bad cough or cold and that is Dr. Bull’* Cough .Syrup. It lias cured me aud tlio members of my family often, and always works like a charm. It can't be too highly praised.” “The road to fortune is through print ers’ ink.—I’. T. Barnum. Chamberlain’s Eyo and RMn Ointment. A certain core for Chronic Soto Eyes, Tetter, Salt Bhcnm, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairio Scratches, Sore Hippies and Piles. It Is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment bad failed, it Is put up in S5 and 00 cent boxes. We are encouraged with our Wholesale business from the past year’s experience, which has been to some extent experimental for Americus, and henceforth we may be classed as a Wholesale and Retail house, where the public will bo served with the best and most reliable products at the very closest prices, from 5c. worth of salts up to any wholesale quantity. Buying now largely, we are enabled to sell closer. We oner a large stock of the following articles : IIST CHRISTMAS GOODS. Cut Glass Bottles, all sizes ; Plush goods, Leather goods, Toilet Sets in wood, Smoker’s Sets, etc. In Patent and Proprietary Medicines, s. s. s. I*. p. p. 13. 13. 13. c. c. c. vv. w. c. 13. n. (r. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse & Cattle P’d’rs Warner’s Safe Cure, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 2 s’zs King’s Royal Germateur. And many others. In R.u."btoer Goods Fountain Syringes, holding from pint to one gallon. A good family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles, holding from a pint to one gallon. Nipples, Nursing Bottles and Fittings. I]rcr PERFUMERT I.azzell's Odors, 1 Limburg’s Perfumes,'. Persian Bouquet Special, j Edcina, Crab Apple Blossom, 1 Swiss Lilac, Lallclle Cologne, :i sizes, (Goya Lily. A very large assortment of Pear’s, Fel’s and others. THER MOMETERS. Fever Thermometers, Urinometers, Lactometers, “OldJProbabilities.” SEED. Garden, Field and Flower seed, Onion sets. PAINTS. Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powde.s, POCKET KNIVES, SCISSORS, EYE-GLASSES. We bottle very largely colognes, castor oil, turpentine, Batemar. 5 Drops, paregoric, laudanum, spirits camphor, ex tract lemon, extract vanilla (from best beans) and many othei preparations. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully, 322ILamar St. DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY. 1S. £ h iWuccessorsto W. L. Mardre.’ SCHOOL BOOKS for any County in the StatP Blank Books, American Bibles at actnal cost. Oxford Bibles, Teachers’ edition. FINE STATIONERY Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, size or price. Pictures, Easles and Sheet Music. Picture Frames to order and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced Workman- Satisfaction guaranteed 105 FORSYTH STREET TELEPHONE, 106.